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Free Intensive Trading Workshop

If you want to learn proven trading techniques

backed by proof of real profits, I invite you to attend my
Intenisve Trading Workshop for free.

In this online workshop you will:

Learn the 7 key tactics that winning day traders at the top
firms are using (rarely ever revealed to retail traders)

Discover the #1 hidden mistake that's most responsible for

your poor trading results (it's not what you think)

See my real broker statements, proving how well the

strategies and techniques I teach you work

This is 2.5 hours of real-world training you won't get

anywhere for free.
Trading Futures carries a high level of risk, and may not be
suitable for everyone. Past performance is not indicative of future
results. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well
as for you. Before getting involved in futures trading you should
carefully consider your personal venture objectives, level of
experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could
sustain a loss of some or all of your initial deposit and therefore
you should not place funds that you cannot afford to lose. You
should be aware of all the risks associated with Futures trading,
and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have
any doubts. The information contained in this report does not
constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any
Futures contract or securities of any type. OpenTrader and Ziad
Masri, the author of this report, will not accept liability for any
loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit,
which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on
such information. Past results as represented in this report are
not necessarily indicative of future results or success. Futures
trading involves significant risk of loss and may not be suitable
for all investors.
There’s one counterintuitive entry technique that unlocks the
keys to the trading kingdom. It’s obvious- but only in hindsight.
It’s simple- but very few traders have discovered it. And it’s so
powerful that it can literally transform your trading results

With this one unique technique you’ll be able to greatly reduce

the number of losses you take, find yourself in winning trades
that move quickly in your favor without taking much heat, have
smaller stops and much bigger reward-to-risk ratios, and get your
profit targets hit a higher percentage of the time. There’s no
other technique that can compare with it.

But how could one simple technique achieve so much?

Because it’s very counterintuitive. It runs against the grain of

conventional trading wisdom and what 99% of trading educators
teach, thereby giving you a unique edge that aligns you with the
true pros at the top professional trading firms.

And in this report, you’re going to learn it in the quickest and

most direct way possible. Zero fluff- just the good stuff you’re
reading this for.

But before I reveal this secret technique to you, let me quickly

tell you how I discovered it.

The Counterintuitive Entry Technique 1

I began my trading journey back in 2005. I wanted to become a
trader more than anything. I loved the idea of combining a
challenging endeavor with complete independence. As a trader
you have no boss to answer to, flexible hours and all the freedom
you can imagine. Second and most importantly, trading offers
nearly unlimited earning potential. That's what attracted me
most: For those who figure this game out, the financial rewards
can be staggering. That's an exciting element most jobs lack-
that possibility of complete financial freedom.

Because I wanted it so bad, I quit my job and decided to become

a full-time trader with no safety net or fallback plan. To learn, I
did what you probably did. I bought every book I could find on
the subject, including classics like Jack Schwager's Market
Wizards books and others. But after I had read several dozen
books, I realized I needed more specifics on methodologies and
more hands-on education. So I decided to do, again, what you've
probably done, which is to join live trading rooms and buy trading
courses from the trading educators and so on. I spent months
going from one educator to the other, spending thousands upon
thousands of dollars, each time being told that what I'm about to
learn is the best proven methodology out there. And since I didn't
know any better at the time, I just trusted that if they have a
fancy-looking website and they say that they're pro traders who
make their living from the markets, then they must be.

I spent months going through one disappointment after the

other. Every time I felt like I’d finally made it, I’d get absolutely

Discovering A Gold Mine 2

crushed by the markets. Every time I felt that I had finally
stumbled onto the winning formula, my hopes would be squashed
and I’d be left feeling utterly dejected. This roller coaster went on
and on, seeming like it would never end. It was truly gut
wrenching and one of the toughest periods of my life.

Then, I couldn't take it anymore. I finally decided, "You know

what? If I'm going to do this, I'm going to have to do it on my
own". And that's when my trading journey really began.

I spent the next several months completely immersed in the

markets. During that time I was literally spending 12 hours a day,
six days a week, studying hundreds upon hundreds of charts,
experimenting with dozens of different methods, while taking
pages upon pages of notes. In fact, I still have my old notebooks
with over 1,000 pages of my own notes about market behavior,
trading methods, and all my experiments. Here’s a picture of

Discovering A Gold Mine 3

After months and months of all this market studying and
experimenting, a crazy realization hit me: whenever I was
making money in the markets, I was doing the exact opposite of
what the trading educators had taught me to do. I couldn't
believe this. I had spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on
trading education, and the only time I was making money was
when I went directly against everything I was taught by the
supposed trading gurus. At first, it shocked me, obviously, but
then it angered me because I realized how misled I had been.
Even putting aside all the money I had wasted on all this bogus
education, the fake gurus also cost me a couple of years of my
life that was spent just spinning my wheels on methods that had
no edge to begin with.

Discovering A Gold Mine 4

But instead of staying angry and resentful, I quickly changed my
attitude and spent the next few months in an excited state,
because I was now refining all my insights into a structured
trading methodology. I began trading that method full-time in
December 2007. By that point, I had been on a two-year journey
of discovery; two years with no income, sitting in my parents'
basement, trying to crack the code of the markets.

But now, I finally had a method that went against everything I

had been taught in the trading rooms and the trading courses,
but which, unlike them, was actually making big money in real
market conditions. It was like discovering a gold mine that no one
else knew about. And what I want to give you in this report is one
of the key cornerstones of this method: the counterintuitive entry
technique that blows all others out of the water.

Want to see how I took a $43,000 account to

$175,000 in my very first year of trading?
(with proof)

Click Here to Attend my free trading workshop

Discovering A Gold Mine 5

Let’s talk about the most common application of this entry
technique and how it differs from what is taught out there as
conventional trading wisdom.

Support and Resistance trading is something that nearly all

traders have come across and understand. The basic idea is that
there are price areas in the market that are likely to cause a
reaction or reversal and it makes sense to try to capture these
high probability moves by trading at these areas. But while this
strategy is solid, the execution of it is almost always seriously
flawed. And that’s because of the highly inefficient entry
technique that nearly everyone teaches.

Let me show you what I mean. Below is a chart of a market that

is moving down into a predetermined Support Zone (the area
between the two green lines denotes the support zone). As you
can see, there are no prices, and there’s no time-frame on this
chart. The reason is this technique works on every market and
across every time-frame. It can be applied to anything. So I've
purposefully left out what market and time frame this is, because
it really doesn't matter.

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 6

However, I will tell you that this particular example is intra-day
and I personally am a day trader. There's a common
misconception out there that day trading is risky. In reality, day
trading is probably the safest way to trade because you can
control your risk so well, you have no overnight risk, and you can
use leverage very safely to produce very large returns.

There’s also a common misconception that to day trade you have

to be glued to your monitors all day long. No, that's not how it
has to be. Technically speaking, day trading can produce
phenomenal results even when done part-time. Of course, even if

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 7

you're not a day trader, what I’m about to teach you still works
incredibly well for swing trading or longer-term trading too.

Going back to our example, just assume for now that this market
is coming down into a predetermined support zone that you’ve
identified on your chart. So what are the retail traders taught to
do in this instance by the vast majority of trading educators out
there? They are taught to wait for some kind of strong bullish
candle in order to prove the support zone is working and trigger
their entry, as shown below.

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 8

Well, let's look at what happens next in the vast majority of
cases, based on my many years of market experience.

As you see, right after that big green up-bar shows up off of this
support zone, price chops around for a bit and then tanks right
back down. This is a very bullish looking setup that seems to fail
very quickly. Why?

To grasp this, you have to understand what occurs contextually

as a market comes into a key support zone. What happens is that
there's a temporary equilibrium between buyers and sellers. All

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 9

these sell orders that are coming in and driving price down
suddenly meet a wall of buy orders as this market hits the
support zone, and those buy orders temporarily absorb the sell
orders. The first absorption causes the bounce up, and when that
peters out, the often still-active sellers push it back down. Then
when it hits more attractive lower price levels (from the
perspective of the buyers), they become aggressive again, and
drive it back up. And this kind of back-and-forth tug of war at a
key inflection point creates a sideways choppy market. The
market is essentially balancing and forming a trading range. And
this is by far the most common behavior when price hits a good
support or resistance zone. Instantaneous “V reversals”, while
very prominent on the charts and in our memory, are actually
much more rare.

Now if you follow the common advice or wisdom and buy that
seemingly bullish candle in a vacuum, without understanding this
context, what usually happens is that you buy it at the top of the
candle with your stop below it, and you take a loss faster than
you can realize what just happened. I'm sure you've experienced
this yourself. You think you’re in a great long off support because
everything is looking so bullish, and next thing you know you’re
sitting with a loss, wondering what just happened. Then you're
watching the price action, and you're thinking, "I can’t believe I
just took a loss after this super bullish candle triggered my entry.
This market is super weak- it’s probably going to break support".
So you do the seemingly logical thing and short it on the next
small bounce up, placing your stop above the last high where you
had previously entered. But instead of having a weak bounce like
you expect, it does this:

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 10

So now you’re sitting with another loss and you're thinking, "Oh,
man. I just got faked out again! But now it’s obvious that this
market has bottomed and I was right the first time around. So let
me jump in before I miss the big reversal move.” So you jump
back into another long as the current bullish candle gives you a
nice entry trigger, which you’ve been taught is a safe way to
enter. And then, as you’ve experienced far too often, something
like this happens:

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 11

Just as this trade is starting to work out and give you a decent
profit, it suddenly starts plummeting down on heavy selling
candles and either stops you out or outright scares you out of the
trade. And then you sit and watch it do this, without you being on

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 12

Right where you panic exit or are stopped out is often the low of
the bearish move, and you end up sitting on the sidelines
watching the move you expected in the first place playing out
without you. And to make matters worse you’ve taken several
losses, even though you were ultimately right about the direction.

I don’t know any independent trader who hasn’t experienced this

countless times. It’s one of the most frustrating things you can go
through, and it’s unfortunately the all-too-common gut-wrenching
reality for the vast majority of traders.

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 13


Because nearly everything we’re ever taught about the markets is

wrong, and the true pros at the top trading firms and hedge
funds are on the opposite side of our trades, happily taking the
money from all the independent amateurs who are given such
wrong trading education.

If you're enjoying this eBook, you'll absolutely

love what you'll learn in my free trading
workshop. It's packed with real-world
strategies and techniques.

Click here to claim your free spot now

What You’re Being Taught Is (Very) Wrong 14

Now what if there were an ultra-simple technique that solved all
these frustrating and highly costly mistakes? What if, with one
simple change, you could not only avoid getting chopped up, but
you could also capture more winners, with better risk/reward and
higher accuracy?

It seems too good to be true that one simple technique can do all
this, but you’re about to see how and why that’s possible.

First, let me reveal the simple but counterintuitive technique:

Instead of waiting for price confirmation (like a bullish up

bar before entering long), you place your entry order right
at the support (or resistance) zone without having any
proof that it will hold or not.

That’s it.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 15

Now, you might be scratching your head and wondering how this
ridiculously simple technique could produce all those benefits, or
you may be thinking that it doesn’t make sense to just put your
order at support/resistance and “fight” a strong directional move
before it’s shown signs of beginning to reverse. Many people may
actually think, “That’s crazy. How could you just risk money like
that without waiting for the price action to confirm that the zone
is even likely to hold?”

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I discovered the power of this simple

entry technique through many months of complete market
immersion. I had a willingness to experiment with trades in a

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 16

very different way that’s against commonly taught conventional
wisdom. I wanted to see what would happen if I went against the
grain and disregarded all the advice of the so called trading
gurus. And when I found things that worked incredibly well, I
reverse engineered the market logic and figured out the deeper
contextual reasons behind their success.

And here is the main reason why it’s not crazy- and in fact it’s
quite logical- to just place your order at the support/resistance
zone without waiting for any confirmation that the market is
holding and price is beginning to reverse: The bullish candle (or
bearish one in the case of resistance) that you’re taught to wait
for doesn’t actually prove anything. It doesn’t prove that the zone
is holding. And it doesn’t imply that price is beginning to reverse
and it’s now safer to enter the market. In reality, it’s a
meaningless piece of data.


Well, let me repeat what I wrote previously: as a market comes

into a key support zone (same thing applies in reverse to a
resistance zone), what happens is that there's a temporary
equilibrium between buyers and sellers. All these sell orders that
are coming in and driving price down suddenly meet a wall of buy
orders as this market hits the support zone, and those buy orders
temporarily absorb the sell orders. The first absorption causes the
bounce up, and when that peters out, the often still-active sellers
push it back down. Then when it hits more attractive lower price
levels (from the perspective of the buyers), they become
aggressive again and drive it back up. And this kind of back-and-
forth tug of war at a key inflection point creates a sideways

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 17

choppy market. The market is essentially balancing and forming a
trading range. And this is by far the most common behavior when
price hits a good support or resistance zone. Instantaneous “V
reversals”, while very prominent on the charts and in our
memory, are actually much more rare.

So you see, the bullish candles that you're being told improve
your accuracy, because they prove that the support zone is
working, are nothing more than normal chop or balancing action
at a support zone. They are not bullish in any larger sense. A
single candlestick bar means nothing without taking what's
happening around it into account. So this thing that you're
waiting for actually doesn't buy you anything. It does NOT
improve the accuracy of the zone working and it does NOT
make your entry safer or higher odds. The zone is either
going to work, or it's not, and the initial price action that occurs
as the zone is hit holds very little weight with respect to it
eventually working or not.

This is of utmost importance to understand. It’s the key

contextual and logical point that is missed by 99% of the trading
gurus out there teaching candlestick patterns and entry
techniques based on price triggers. From my experience, the
market will slice right through a good support/resistance
zone very rarely, maybe 10% or 15% of the time. At the
very least, it will, at first, balance and give some sort of a nice
reaction to the upside, even if it's going to eventually break
through (the same thing works in reverse for resistance zones).
And the majority of the time, if you’re trading off the right zone in
the right context, it won't even break.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 18

And so knowing that; knowing that if you’ve located a solid zone
of support/resistance, then putting your order right there ahead
of time and trusting that the zone will hold more often than not,
is actually the thing that makes the most sense and will produce
the best results! [Note: l teach the step-by-step process of
how to locate such zones with uncanny accuracy in my free
online trading workshop, so click here to register for that
now]. If the initial strong up candle doesn’t actually mean that
the zone is more likely to hold, then waiting for it is giving you
zero benefit, and in fact costing you a lot, like I discussed in the
earlier section. But what are the incredible benefits of not waiting
for confirmation and just “fading the zone” by placing your order
right against it?

Well, if your long order is down at support and your stop is down
below the support zone, the first huge benefit is that when the
market fills you and then has a quick upward reaction as the
sellers hit a wall of buy orders (any good support zone will
already have professional traders and institutions with their
orders already in the book waiting there) you get instant price
movement in your direction, which makes it much easier
psychologically to hold the trade and not miss out on the eventual
big move. Compare that to waiting for the up bar and entering
after it closes, and then most often instantly sitting through price
retracement against you, which either makes you panic out of the
trade or hits your stop loss which is usually right below the big
bullish bar you entered on. When you enter at the
support/resistance zone without waiting for confirmation, when
the market comes back down and looks so bearish, you're still at
break-even because your entry was much lower. And most often

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 19

the zone's still holding and you can still hold on to the trade and
not get faked out- especially because you now understanding that
choppy balancing action at a zone is normal and the bearish
looking bars don’t mean much in and of themselves. And then
when the market shoots back up even stronger, you’re in a nice
profitable trade and your stop could even be moved to break-
even at that point, thereby reducing risk quicker. This is so much
more efficient than waiting to buy at the top of the seemingly
bullish candle, because in that case you instantly take a loss or
panic out when it comes back down, instead of comfortably
sitting in a break-even trade and soon after a nice winner.

You see, entering right at support without waiting for bullish

confirmation gives you what's called great trade location, which
comes with many more benefits. The first, like I just explained, is
that it makes it psychologically much easier to hold the trade. It's
much easier to hold through the chop because while you're
holding, most often, at worst you have a break-even trade or a
small winner or small loser, which is quite different from holding
when it's a instant big losing trade or outright getting stopped out
while the support zone is still holding. The second benefit is that
it’s not only easier to sit through the trade and eventually capture
big moves but it allows you to sidestep all the chop and avoid
needless losses because you're in at such a good price and your
stop is much further away behind the zone so you’re not sweating
over every little move.

Now a lot of people at this point might say, "Yeah, but isn't this
buying a falling knife? Isn't this something that we shouldn't
do?". This is where we have another huge misconception. Not all

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 20

down moves are big trending down moves in which the
institutions are actually in control. That's the key differentiating
factor. Yes, you definitely want to avoid these big thrusts down if,
truly, the institutions are in control. Again, there are ways to tell
if they are in control and I’ll be teaching you some of that via
email in the coming days. But most other down moves are
created by the retail crowd or just by momentary intraday
movement, and then they just suddenly end when they hit a wall
of demand. Look at your charts and see just how many seemingly
sharp down moves ended rather quickly and completely reversed
to see what I mean.

So for everyone that says, "You can't just buy it right at the zone
without confirmation because what if it just slices right through,"
I say fine, it slices right through 15% of the time and I take a
loss that I would have avoided if I had been waiting for price
confirmation which never materializes. But what about the other
85% of the time where it gives a nice initial reaction? If you
bought after the market had already put in a reaction, you're
getting in at a much worse price and you're getting chopped up,
while I’m getting a great price with a correspondingly further stop
and avoiding the chop. That also makes it easier for me to stay in
the trade and eventually take advantage of the big move that
you’re being faked out of. So given that, I’m more than willing to
take a loss a small minority of the time that you would avoid, and
in return get a better price and avoid the chop the large majority
of the time which you would get stuck in. The difference that this
simple technique can have on your results is greater than you
could ever imagine.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 21

Now let's assume the other scenario is that maybe you buy the
top of the bullish candle, and you're told to put your stop not
below the candle, but completely below the support zone so you
don't get chopped up. Okay, that's valid. But even if you did that,
think about how large your stop and therefore your risk would be
compared to buying right at the support zone. Often your risk is
about twice as much when buying after the price confirmation
triggers. So yes, sometimes when you buy down at support the
market will still slice through, and if you had instead waited for
the bullish candle to get in, you would have avoided the stop out
because the bullish signal never triggered. However, that
happens the vast minority of the time based on my experience.
The majority of the time, the market creates a brief pop at the
support zone because of the inevitable latent demand sitting
there in the order book, and you get to already be in the trade
with half the risk because you're in from such a better price. This
gives you a much larger reward-to-risk ratio, which is a big key in
profitable trading, and is the third big benefit to this entry
technique. As can be seen in the chart below, If your stop was
only 2 points (because you entered right at the zone) and your
target 12 points (assuming you’re trading the Emini S&P
Futures), then you’re getting a 6:1 reward-to-risk ratio. But if you
got in after the bullish candle, your stop is now likely to be 4
points, and instead of a 12 points target, you’re now looking at
only 10 points because some of the move had already occurred
by the time you jumped in. So you're now only getting about
2.5:1 reward-to-risk instead of 6:1! That is a vastly inferior
way to trade.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 22

So despite the fact that, once in a while, waiting to buy after
seeing a bullish candle will save you a loss in case the market
just slices right through without giving a bullish candle, the vast
majority of the time you’ll end up entering but only getting less
than half the reward-to-risk multiple. So it's a lot less
profitable of a strategy even when it does work, and so
much of the time it doesn't even work because you get
chopped up due to much worse trade location!

If that wasn't enough, yet another benefit is that not waiting for
this pop to get in actually improves your accuracy. Now how do I

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 23

think that it could possibly do that?? Well, most traders don't
understand that accuracy is just as much a function of your exit
as it is of your entry. What do I mean by that? Let me give you a
very easy example so you can better understand it.

Let's assume your strategy is just buying at the support zones,

and instead of looking for some kind of contextual target, you
just take an absolute number of points. Now if you're a stock
trader, this will be cents or dollars. If you're a Forex trader, this
will be pips. In Futures, it's points, but it's all the same. So let's
assume that you're looking for eight points in a Futures trade,
and you’ll just get out when you have an eight-point profit.

Well, if you buy up at the top of the bullish candle, to get eight
points the market will need to travel further to hit your profit
target than if you had gotten in right at the support without
waiting for a bullish move to start, since you would have gotten a
better price and can capture your 8 points earlier. In a lot of
other cases, what's going to happen if you wait for price
confirmation is that the market will go up, and before it reaches
your target, it'll hit a high, and then turn around and come back
down. I’m sure you’ve experienced this before. Whereas if you
were in from a better price, and your target was closer, the
market will hit that target a higher percentage of the time. Any
closer target is going to be hit a higher percentage of the time
than a farther target.

But what does that mean? What does hitting a target a higher
percentage of the time mean? It means higher accuracy.
Accuracy, by definition, means that your trades get closed as
winners. Well, if you get winners more often because the targets

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 24

are closer, since you got a better price to begin with on the entry,
you will have more winners, and consequently higher accuracy.
So as you can see, counterintuitively, accuracy has as much to do
with with your exits as your entries. The closer your targets can
be, the better your accuracy. But you get that by having better
entries that can give you the luxury of having a closer target.

So as you see, there's just massive benefits to entering directly

at support or resistance without waiting for any price confirmation
to trigger your entry. In essence, just trusting the zone and
entering there (again I’ll be teaching you how to identify the best
ones in the coming days, so keep an eye on your inbox). The
word "fading" means "going against". So if the market is
dropping, you're fading it by going long at a support zone. You're
leaning against the wall of demand where there are usually a lot
of hidden big buy orders from larger time-frame players that
overwhelms the short-term sellers. You have your order there,
and you're using that support at your back to just trust that it'll
work a significant majority of the time. And in trading, all that
matters is what happens the majority of the time.

This entry technique therefore helps you avoid taking

needless losses in the chop, and makes it psychologically
easier to hold the trade because of great trade location
and safer stop placement, and you often end up with less
than half the risk that you would have to take to get a safe
stop by buying after the pop up, and you also get better
accuracy on your exits since your targets now have higher
odds of being reached.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 25

When you do this in the right context, at the right zone, which
again I teach you how to do in the free intensive trading
workshop that I’m currently running, you get this incredible
combination of high accuracy and high reward-to-risk. And while
there's no such thing as a holy grail, combining high accuracy and
high reward-to-risk is the closest it gets to it. Most strategies
either have high accuracy and terrible reward-to-risk, or high
reward-to-risk and terrible accuracy, but this one has both, which
is what makes it so powerful and profitable to your bottom line.

The Counterintuitive Solution to Your Trade Entry Problems 26

There’s a reason why this way of entering trades has a huge edge
and so many benefits: You’re trading directly against the vast
majority of traders.

Think about it. If 95% of traders lose, and all those traders are
being taught to wait for confirmation and price triggers before
entering their trades, wouldn’t it make sense that you could get
on the winning side by doing the exact opposite of what they do?

Of course it does. And that’s what I discovered when I threw

away what the false gurus taught me and spent hundreds of
hours immersed in the charts and testing out different strategies.
I realized that the true pros at the top firms must be trading in a
different way, and I had to align myself with them if I wanted to
be consistently profitable.

And what is it that the pros really do?

They take advantage of your fear.

When the market is tanking into a support area, they take

advantage of the panic of the retail crowd and scoop up great
prices while everyone else is waiting for price to show a rebound
before they enter. And when the market is slamming into
resistance they do the same in reverse.

Aligning Your Trades With The Pros 27

Everyone is waiting for the certainty that price confirmation and
price-based triggers seem to buy them (it’s an illusion), while the
pros are going against the crowd and fading precisely at the
moment of maximum fear (or greed, which is just another form
of fear: the fear of missing out). And by doing that, they have a
consistent edge that most traders don’t.

And why don’t most traders have this edge? Well, the first reason
is that they’re taught very wrong and ineffective information by
the trading education industry, most of which is run by educators
who were never profitable traders. And the second reason is that
psychologically, it’s not the easiest thing to go against the crowd.
So the mind has to be trained to do that, and most traders never
take the time to train their mind to do it. I’ll be emailing you a
simple but powerful method of training your mind to do just that,
so definitely be on the lookout for that.

Okay, let’s summarize the benefits of the counterintuitive entry

technique that beats all other ones I’ve ever tried:

1. You are much less likely to get chopped up and take

needless losses because you’re in at such a good price
and your stop is consequently further away from the
choppy price action at a safer location.

2. You get instant price movement in your direction a

large percentage of the time. You're in, and price very
quickly moves in your favor, instead of very quickly
against you, which is likely your current reality, and
that makes the trade psychologically easier to hold to
your target. It's actually an easier way to trade,

Aligning Your Trades With The Pros 28

emotionally and psychologically, despite it seeming
counterintuitively scary when you're just jumping in
without waiting for that price confirmation.

3. You have a smaller but safer stop (i.e. a stop placed

correctly behind the zone instead of merely behind
your entry bar), which drastically decreases your risk
on the trade and actually gives you a better reward-
to-risk ratio. A lot of the times, you’ll get literally
twice as much reward-to-risk because you are getting
in at that better trade location.

4. Your accuracy actually improves if you have fixed

profit targets, because those targets are closer and
they get hit a higher percentage of the time.

All of this leads to a killer combo of higher accuracy and higher

reward-to-risk, which is an unstoppable force in trading. By now,
I hope you see that this is a game-changer. It places you against
95% of the losing crowd and puts you in line with the pros. This
is how a lot of the professionals at trading firms are trading.
They're on the opposite side of your trades, and now you have
one simple way of changing that dynamic.

And if you want to learn more ways of aligning your trading with
the pros, be sure to sign up for and attend my 2.5 hour free
online trading workshop.

To Your Trading Success,

Ziad Masri

Aligning Your Trades With The Pros 29

P.S. Feel free to send this report to any trader you know who
could benefit from this information.

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Aligning Your Trades With The Pros 30

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