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FLSP 1010


Course Description and Learning Outcomes

¡Bienvenidos! You have probably heard multiple times that being fluent in a second language, such as
Spanish, is very important, but do you know why? First, research has shown that acquiring a second language
improves your memory and increases your attention span. Second, it significantly increases your chances of
getting a job. If your CV reports fluency in a second language, your chances of employment are much greater
for you than those that only speak one language. Finally, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the
world and, as such, fluency in this language allows you to gain access to diverse communities and establish
long-lasting relationships.

FLSP 1010 is an extensive Elementary Spanish course. This is the first course in a two-course sequence of
Spanish language and culture. By the end of FLSP 1010, you should be able to:
 Communicate in full sentences, orally and in written form, about familiar and everyday contexts
using a variety of practiced or memorized phrases.
 Understand familiar and everyday contexts and general topics, as well as some basic information.
 Show awareness of the culture and cultural practices of the Spanish-speaking world.
Contact Information for your instructor is located on the Canvas Homepage.

Specific Course Objectives

Listening objectives Reading objectives

Students will: Students will:
 Identify cognates  Identify cognates and infer meaning
 Identify general and specific information  Anticipate and infer topics
 Take notes of key information  Guess content of specific texts
 Focus on specific information  Locate specific information in a text
 Guess meaning of new words through
Speaking objectives Writing objectives
Students will: Students will:
 Speak in full sentences  Write short paragraphs (150 words)
 Understand and learn the basics of Spanish  Use cognates to help their writing
pronunciation  Identify appropriate reference works
 Introduce themselves and others  Write formal and informal correspondence
 Use greetings and goodbyes  Use punctuation in Spanish
 Identify and locate people and objects  Narrate chronologically
 Tell time and dates and talk about daily  Report information
 Use classroom expressions
 Become familiar with the uses of ser and
estar Cultural objectives
 Ask questions in Spanish Students will learn the following about the
 Produce sentences in the present tense Spanish-speaking world:
 Ask about and describe persons, animals,  Social media
places and things  Addressing formally and informally
 Become familiar with the uses of saber and  Explore daily routines and campus life
conocer  Explore identities and gender roles
 Express possession  Food and eating habits
 Produce informal commands
 Express likes and dislikes
 Talk about past events

Instructional Method

This course uses a “flipped” classroom approach. In a flipped Spanish classroom, you are expected to access
the lecture content outside the class through the textbook’s extensive grammar explanations, presentations of
vocabulary, grammar tutorials and recommended websites. This prepares you for the class and allows you to
engage in communicative activities with the instructor and other classmates three days a week to solidify
vocabulary, grammar and culture. The instructor acts a facilitator who creates appropriate learning situations
for you to communicate and experience the Spanish language and culture. This is a demanding class which
requires you to work consistently at home and participate in classroom activities. Remember that this course
consists of a total of 4 credit hours, but meetings take place only three times per week. This means that one
credit hour is earned through work outside of the classroom in preparation for classroom meetings.

Use of Spanish

Class is conducted in Spanish through natural language that is adapted to the student’s proficiency and
specific needs. This allows you to further develop and practice your language skills in a safe environment.
You are strongly encouraged to speak Spanish in the classroom from day one with your instructor and other
classmates. English will be used minimally by your instructor for clarification and specific explanations
related to the course content.

Course Materials

TEXTBOOK: Contraseña: Your Password to Foundational Spanish, ISBN: 978-0-9994487-4-8.

Codes for the textbook can be purchased directly through the AU bookstore or via
Single semester price: $75.

This textbook is mandatory for all students taking FLSP 1010 in the Fall of 2019. Your access code is not
transferable and cannot be shared with anyone else. Your code is valid for one semester, but you should have
access to past course materials that you can use in the second course of the sequence.

The Contraseña is an immersive course experience available only online. Therefore, there is no required
printed textbook. However, you are able to print grammar and vocabulary explanation pages for free. If you
wish to purchase Contraseña directly from LingroLearning you may follow the steps below:

1. Go to
2. On the top navigation bar, click on “STUDENTS” and select “REGISTER FOR A COURSE”.
3. This will take you to the Registration Page. Click on “STUDENT REGISTER”.
4. Click on “REGISTER WITH LINGROHUB”. You can sign-in with your Google account or register a
new account with LingroHub, but you will need to use the same credentials every time you log-in.
5. Provide the requested information and click “REGISTER”.
6. Check your email for a welcome email from [email protected].
7. Click on the link in the welcome email and follow instructions to validate your email.
8. Click the “+ ENROLL IN A COURSE” button and enter the Course Code provided by your instructor
which is located under their contact information on the Canvas site.
9. You should now be registered in the course and have full access to Contraseña.

Elementary Spanish Canvas Site

Every Elementary Spanish course has a corresponding Canvas site where you will find the Syllabus, the
Calendar, helpful web link resources (including access to Contraseña), and extra study materials. To access
this site, go to the Auburn University web page ( and select “Students” from the links at the
top of the page. Select “Canvas” and log in using your Auburn University user ID and password. The first time
you log in to Canvas, you may need to activate your password by going to and
following the instructions. If you experience any difficulties using the Canvas site, ask your instructor.

Course Evaluation

 4 Exams - 40%
 4 Proyectos - 10%
 Participation and Attendance - 15%
 2 Compositions - 10%
 Oral Assignments - 10%
 Online homework - 15%

Grading Scale

A: 90% - 100% B: 80% - 89% C: 70% - 79% D: 60% - 69% F: 0% - 59%


Exams: Proyectos:
Exam 1 – February 3, 2020 Proyecto Unidad 1 – January 16, 2020
Exam 2 – February 28, 2020 (Comentar y Reflexionar) – January 21, 2020
Exam 3 – March 30, 2020 Proyecto Unidad 3 – February 11, 2020
Final Exam – April 28, 2020 (Comentar y Reflexionar) – February 13, 2020
Proyecto Unidad 5 – March 15, 2020
(Comentar y Reflexionar) – March 17, 2020
Proyecto Unidad 7 – April 7, 2020
(Comentar y Reflexionar) – April 9, 2020

Oral Assignments:
Oral Project 1 – Proyecto Unidad 4 – February 23, 2020
(Comentar y Reflexionar) – February 25, 2020
Oral Project 2 – Proyecto Unidad 6 – March 24, 2020
(Comentar y Reflexionar) – March 26, 2020
Final Oral Exam – April 22, 2020

Composition 1: In class writing (Draft): February 14, 2020
(Final Version): February 26, 2020
Composition 2: In class writing (Draft): April 10, 2020
(Final Version): April 17, 2020

Participation Policy

Each day your instructor will evaluate your class participation and record a score. Participation is an important
component of your final grade and an asset to your learning. If you miss class, no participation points can be
awarded for that day, therefore you will receive a zero. You cannot make up class participation. Daily
participation is scored in the following manner. You should use this information during any discussion with
your instructor regarding your classroom performance.

All of the following: arrives on time, attends entire class period, has textbook (and printed any extra
material), is prepared for class, participates in activities, speaks Spanish in class, works well with
POINTS others
Any one of the following: arrives late, leaves early, does not have textbook (or did not print
necessary extra material), does not participate in activities as instructed, speaks English in class,
POINT doesn’t work with others
0 More than one of anything listed in the 1 point description and/or any one of the following: is
POINTS absent or disruptive (does homework for other classes, checks cell phone, sleeps, etc.)

Attendance Policy

Absences: A student may miss class with a University Approved Excuse (e.g., medical hospitalization or
illness, jury duty, military duty, death or serious illness of an immediate family member, university approved
trips and participation in intercollegiate athletic events) without losing participation points. It is the student’s
responsibility to provide documentation in order for the absence to be considered excused. Beginning with
the first unexcused absence, you will lose participation points for the day. You cannot participate if you
are not present in class. Participation points cannot be made up. Each day you are absent you miss important
information, so it is to your advantage to attend class every day. Use your absences (excused and unexcused)

Students will receive a grade of FA (failure for excessive absences) regardless of the student
performance on exams and other assignments, beginning with the tenth absence (excused and
unexcused), or any combination of tardiness and absences adding up to 10 or more.

In order for an absence to be considered excused, it must be approved by the Coordinator. ALL
medical excuses will need to be verified by the coordinator. If the clinic does not release the information,
the student will be asked to contact the clinic directly and ask them to fax the excuse. Otherwise, the excuse
will not be accepted and the student will receive a grade of 0 on any missed assignments.

Make-up Policy

Homework, compositions, and other assignments will not be accepted late without a university approved excuse
such as documented serious illnesses, family emergencies, or official university activities. If the absence is
excused, missed work must be completed within one week of returning to class. It is always the student’s
responsibility to inquire about missed work.

A departmental make-up exam will be scheduled approximately one week after each major exam on a
Tuesday or Thursday afternoon (your instructor will inform you of the specific date and time via email).
In order to receive permission to take this make-up exam, you must present a university approved excuse
to your instructor within one week of the missed exam. If you miss the make-up exam, you must have
another university approved excuse in order to reschedule.

Please note that make-up assignments are drastically different from the original so it is recommended
that a student attends class on the days when major assignments are scheduled.

ALL medical excuses will need to be verified by the coordinator. If the clinic does not release the
information, the student will be asked to contact the clinic directly and ask them to fax the excuse. Otherwise,
the excuse will not be accepted and the student will receive a grade of 0 on any missed assignments.

Exams and Quizzes

Exams: There are 4 (four) written exams in this course. The exams will be administered every two units and
will concentrate primarily on the material covered on those units and in class. Keep in mind that due to the
cumulative nature of the language-learning process, all exams have some comprehensive element. If you miss
an exam, you must provide a university approved excuse in order to make it up.

The final Exam will be administered on April 28, 2020 from 7:00 until 9:30pm. The final exam cannot be
changed, except through a special petition approved by the Dean’s Office. The final exam can only be made
up with the presentation of a valid and verifiable university excuse. If you are to miss the final exam, it
is your responsibility to contact your instructor either before or on the date of the final exam. Your
instructor will then contact the program coordinator Mr. Ari S. Gutman ([email protected]) to
schedule a make-up for the final exam. Please note that the make-up for the final exam will only be
administered after the presentation of a valid and verifiable university excuse.

Proyectos: There are 4 (four) projects in this course. These projects will be completed at the end of every odd
unit (1, 3, 5, 7) and will put into practice the grammar and vocabulary skills learned in the unit. These projects
will be completed entirely on the Contraseña website and will consist of the following components: Preparar,
Publicar, Comentar/Reflexionar. While the Preparar section is not compulsory, we strongly encourage you to
complete it since it will provide you with the necessary skills and requirements to successfully complete the
project. Please note that in order to receive full credit for the project, you must also complete the
Comentar/Reflexionar sections. Failure to complete these sections in their entirety will automatically
deduct 10 points from the final grade for that project.

Please note that if you are using grammar structures and tenses not yet covered in class, it will be
assumed that you are using an online translator and will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment.

Tardiness: If you arrive late to an exam or quiz, you will only be given the remaining exam/quiz time to
complete it. No oral comprehension sections will be repeated due to tardiness. If the tardiness is the result of
an excusable situation, the student must see his/her instructor immediately after the exam.

Oral Assignments

Oral Projects: There will be 2 (two) oral projects to complete on the Contraseña website throughout the
semester. These assignments will become available to you one week before they are due so that you have
enough time to prepare. To complete these assignments, you will be provided a written prompt with
information about the topic. You will need a computer equipped with a video camera and a microphone
in order to complete these assignments. There will be no exceptions for technical difficulties (make sure to
contact your instructor or Mr. Ari S. Gutman if you experience any technical issues with the Oral Projects).
You have a week to complete each assignment, plan ahead so that you have enough time to make alternate
arrangements if your experience any issue or technical difficulties.

Please note that it is completely forbidden for you to read from a script or use notes in these
assignments. It is possible that the oral projects might need to be completed between you and a classmate. If
so, your instructor will make an announcement and hand out a sign-up sheet in class so that you can pair up
with a classmate ahead of time. Then, it will be your own responsibility to find a convenient time to complete
the assignment before the due date. If your class has an uneven number of students and you are left without a
partner, please contact your instructor for details on how to proceed.

Final Oral Exam: Towards the end of the semester, you will have a Final Oral Exam that will consist of an
informal chat in Spanish between you and your instructor. In this exam, your instructor will assess your oral
skills and overall fluency based on the expectations for this level and course objectives. It is completely
forbidden to read or use notes in the Final Oral Exam. The exam will take place outside of class on April
22, 2020 during your instructor’s office hours.

Homework is designed to help you prepare for in-class activities, exams and quizzes and should be completed
individually to reflect your progress. Homework assignments will be completed on the Contraseña site. Please
see the schedule for homework assignment due dates. Please note that any work submitted that is not your
own is considered academic dishonesty. Furthermore, cheating on your homework is not only detrimental to
your learning, but also will result in you getting a 0 (zero) on that assignment and any other assignments
completed on that day.

Please note that if you are using grammar structures and tenses not yet covered in class, it will be
assumed that you are using an online translator and will receive a grade of 0 on the assignment.

Elementary Spanish courses are four-credit courses, divided into three lecture credits and one lab credit. The
university views a lab credit as equivalent to at least two hours of homework per week. Because of space
shortage, we could not schedule homework assignments as a regular part of the course work. You will be
required to do the lab work at any time that is convenient to you, but you are expected to keep up with the
assignments since follow-up activities may be conducted in class. Your instructor may also take up individual
assignments or give pop quizzes to spot check student progress.

Each unit in Contraseña is associated with a series of online exercises available in a learning and assessment
system available at The online homework is the heart of the course.
Your daily interaction with the exercises will have a strong influence on your course performance, including
compositions, quizzes, exams, and oral proficiency.

Homework assignments and activities will be due on days that we do not have class (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and
Sundays) by 11:59pm. Activities submitted after that time (e.g., 12:00am) are considered late and will not be
accepted by your instructor.

Exercises that are machine-gradable will produce an automatic score and instant feedback (correct vs.
incorrect). Accent marks count! If a response should be “esté” and instead you write “este”, your answer is
considered entirely incorrect. Review your work before submission! To give you a chance to improve your lab
work, you will have a total of three attempts to do each exercise. After your third attempt, you will be given the
answers, but will not be able to resubmit the exercise. If you submit the exercise multiple times, the gradebook
will take the highest score.

Exercises that are not machine-gradable (those that induce oral and more extensive written production) will be
graded by your instructor. As a class, you will receive global feedback on all, or almost all, nonmachine-
gradable activities. Please compare your instructor’s global feedback with your own work to identify where you
may need improvement.


Students will complete two in class compositions during the semester. Each composition is worth 5% of your
final grade and consists of the following: a draft version (3%) and a final version (2%). You may not write
any portion of this before class, but it might be required to complete some research at home. Your instructor
will go into more detail regarding the topic and themes of each Composition.

Composition draft version (3%): The draft version of the composition will be 100 words for the first and 150
words for the second one. Both compositions will be written in its entirety in class. At the end of the class
period, the instructor will collect the compositions to grade them and give you specific feedback for
improvement. You will then revise and resubmit this composition (including all your instructor’s comments and
suggestions) for final evaluation.

Composition final version (2%): The final version of the composition must be submitted to your instructor on
the day in which it is due. The final version should be typed at home and should be attached to the draft version
that was graded by your instructor.

Please see page 3 on this syllabus for the composition due dates. If you fail to attend class on the in-class
draft writing day, and do not have a university approved excuse, you will receive a 0 (zero) for the whole
assignment. You will not be allowed to turn in a final version of the composition if you have not written the
draft version.

Students are encouraged to only use the “web links” provided on the Canvas site; for example, online
dictionaries to look up individual vocabulary words, but keep in mind that using electronic translators is a
form of academic dishonesty. Please note that if you are using grammar structures and tenses not yet
covered in class, it will be assumed that you are using an online translator and will receive a grade of 0
on the assignment. Be aware that your instructor will give you a grade of 0 on any Composition that is
identical (in organization or vocabulary) to any other.

Final Exam Make-up Policy

If you are to miss the Final Exam, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor either before or on
the date of the final exam. Your instructor will then contact the program coordinator Mr. Ari S. Gutman
([email protected]) to schedule a make-up for the final exam. Please note that the make-up for the final
exam will only be administered after the presentation of a valid and verifiable university excuse.

Academic Honesty

Auburn University expects students to pursue their academic work with honesty and integrity. Please read and
familiarize yourself with the Auburn University Students Academic Honesty Code:
It is our responsibility to uphold the Academic Honesty Code.
These are NOT the only examples of academic dishonesty: if you are ever in doubt if something is
plagiarism or cheating, please ask your instructor before submitting any assignment.
 Using electronic translators.
 Seeking out help from other students or native speakers for homework that needs to be completed
 Working with one or more other students on homework that is to be turned in for a grade, unless
specifically directed to work in groups by the professor.
 Copying another student’s homework, copying homework from other resources like the internet.
 Any source of cheating during an exam
 Passing information about the content of an exam to another student.
 Using an author’s intellectual property without proper citation (plagiarism)

While we encourage you to study with others, we strongly advise against producing any work submitted
for a grade under the direction of others (including internet resources or resources of any other kind). If a
student’s work is found to fit any of the academic dishonesty cases, the assignment or exam submitted
will automatically receive a grade of zero. Please note that if you use grammar structures not
covered yet in the course, it will be assumed that a translator was used and a zero will be assigned.

Early Alert Grade Syllabus Statement

You will receive an Early Alert Grade one week prior to mid semester (31st class day). The Early Alert
Grade represents your current performance on class work graded at that point in the semester. Check the
grading scale for this course so that you are aware of what percentage of the total points is represented by
your Early Alert Grade. If your Early Alert Grade is a "D", "F", or "FA" you will receive an email from the
Retention Coordinator. 
Early Alert Grades can be viewed by logging into AU Access and opening the tiger tab. Select "Student
Records" and open the "Midterm Grades" window from the drop-down box. If the grade seems inaccurate,
please contact the instructor.

Switching Levels or Sections

We will not be adding new students to Elementary Spanish courses or switching levels or sections after the
4th day of classes, January 15, 2020.


There are two official forms of tutoring offered on campus:

a. The first year Graduate Teaching Assistants are available throughout the week for help in our
Multimedia Center (HC 3234). The availability of the GTAs is posted online on Canvas under Course
Information and Resources. Please have specific questions related to the subject before your visit.

b. Study Partners is a FREE one-on-one and small-group tutoring service with fellow students who
have taken and succeeded (earned an “A”) in FLSP1010. Appointments can be made online
(, at the front desk (2nd Floor RBD, The Learning Commons), or by
calling (334)-844-5972. Walk-ins are also permitted. For current hours to schedule an appointment,
please see their website.

Please note that anyone that helps you, which includes private tutors, CANNOT do your work for you.
This includes any homework or other assignments that are calculated towards your final average.

Special Accommodations

Students needing accommodations should arrange a meeting the first week of class with the instructor and
Coordinator Ari Gutman ([email protected]). Come during office hours or email for an alternate time
and bring the Accommodation Memo and Instructor Verification Form. Discuss items needed in this class.
If you do not have an Accommodation Memo but need special accommodations, make an appointment
with the Office of Accessibility, 1244 Haley Center, 844-2096 (V/TT) or email: [email protected].

Contact Information for Elementary Spanish Program Coordinator

If you have any concerns that you are unable to resolve with your instructor, please feel free to contact the
Mr. Ari S. Gutman, M.H.S.
Elementary Spanish Program, Coordinator
6007 Haley Center
(334) 844-6364
[email protected]

If circumstances require any modifications to this syllabus, you will be notified through your official
Auburn University Tigermail account.

FLSP 1010 – PRIMAVERA 2020

Semana Día Fecha Antes de clase En clase

Introducción al curso
1 m 1/8
¡Bienvenidos! Antes de comenzar
Unidad Preliminar
Submit readiness quiz
Unidad 1 ¿Quién soy yo?
j 1/9
Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Leer 1-1

Contraseña: Texto
Los perfiles sociales de John Debow y
María León
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 1-1

Vocabulario 1 y 2
Preparar: Los perfiles sociales
Preparar: Los números
Aplicar: 1-1 through 1-11
Comprobar: 1-14
Unidad 1 ¿Quién soy yo?
v 1/10
Vocab Presentation

Contraseña: Texto
Los perfiles sociales de John Debow y María

Conversar – Texto y Vocabulario

Conversar 1-2, 1-3, 1-5, 1-4
Gramática 1
d 1/12
Ser and estar: singular forms and uses
Aplicar: 1-1 through 1-8
Comprobar: 1-11

Grammar Presentation
2 l 1/13
Conversar – Vocab y Gramática I
Conversar 1-7, 1-8, 1-10, 1-6
Gramática 2
ma 1/14
Gender agreement w/nouns and
Aplicar: 1-12 through 1-14
Comprobar: 1-15
Conversar – Vocab y Gram
m 1/15
Conversar 1-11, 1-13, 1-14
Exploración cultural
j 1/16
Aplicar: Exploración 1-1 through 1-3

Estrategia de producción: escribir

Aplicar: Ortografía 1-1

Proyecto: Create your profile in

Conversar – Vocab, Gram I/II y Cultura
v 1/17
Conversar 1-15, 1-16, 1-18, 1-17
d 1/19
MLK-No hay clases
3 l 1/20
Unidad 2 ¿Quién eres tú?
ma 1/21
Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Escuchar 2-1 and 2-2

Contraseña: Texto
Conversaciones en la universidad
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: Texto 2-1 and 2-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar: Saludos y despedidas
Preparar: Los cursos y las
Aplicar: (Vocab 1) 2-1 and 2-2
Aplicar: (Vocab 2) 2-1 through 2-8
Comprobar: (Vocab 2) 2-11

Contraseña: Proyecto
* Comentar: Proyecto 1-2
* Reflexionar: Proyecto 1-3 to 1-5
Due by 11:59pm
Contraseña: Texto
m 1/22
Vocab Presentation

Conversaciones en la universidad

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 2-1, 2-2, 2-4, 2-3
Gramática 1
j 1/23
Ser and estar: plural forms and uses
Aplicar: 2-1 through 2-6
Comprobar: 2-7
Grammar Presentation
v 1/24
Conversar – Vocab
Conversar 2-5, 2-7, 2-8
Gramática 2
d 1/26
Asking questions in Spanish
Aplicar: 2-8 through 2-11
Comprobar: 2-13

Exploración cultural
Aplicar: Exploración 2-1 through 2-3
Grammar Presentation
4 l 1/27
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II

Conversar 2-10, 2-13, 2-15, 2-14

Estrategia de producción: hablar
ma 1/28
Aplicar: Pronunciación 2-1
Aplicar: Destreza: 2-2

Conversar – Vocab, Gram II y Cultura

m 1/29
Conversar 2-11, 2-16, 2-17, 2-18
j 1/30
1/31 Repaso Examen 1 (Unidades 1 y 2)
2/3 EXAMEN 1
5 l
2/4 Unidad 3 ¿Qué tengo que hacer esta

Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Leer 3-1

Contraseña: Texto
Los planes de Ana y David
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: Texto 3-1 and 3-2
Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar: Los días de la semana, meses y
Preparar: Las actividades diarias
Aplicar: 3-1 through 3-13
Comprobar: 3-15
2/5 Vocab Presentation
Contraseña: Texto
Los planes de Ana y David

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-1
2/6 Gramática 1
Telling time

Aplicar: 3-1 through 3-3
Comprobar: 3-5
2/7 Grammar Presentation
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 3-5, 3-6, 3-8, 3-7
2/9 Gramática 2
The present tense of verbs ir and tener
Aplicar: 3-6 through 3-10
Comprobar: 3-12
2/10 Grammar Presentation
6 l
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II
Conversar 3-10, 3-11, 3-12
2/11 Exploración cultural
Aplicar: Exploración 3-1 through 3-3

Estrategia de producción: escribir

Aplicar: Ortografía 3-1

Proyecto: Create your weekly calendar

and summarize your own schedule
2/12 Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II
Conversar 3-16, 3-18, 3-19, 3-17
Proyecto: Comentar y Reflexionar
j 2/13
Create your weekly calendar and
summarize your own schedule.
Due by 11:59pm
Composición 1 (Draft in Class)
v 2/14
2/16 Unidad 4
¿Cómo es mi universidad?

Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Escuchar 4-1 and 4-2

Contraseña: Texto
Mi universidad: un selfi recorrido
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 4-1 and 4-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar: La vida en el campus
Preparar: Me gusta y no me gusta
Aplicar: 4-1 through 4-11
Comprobar: 4-14
2/17 Vocab Presentation
7 l
Contraseña: Texto
Mi universidad: un selficorrido

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 4-1, 4-2, 4-4, 4-3

2/18 Gramática 1
The verb haber in contrast with ser and
Aplicar: 4-1 through 4-3
Comprobar: 4-5
2/19 Grammar Presentation
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 4-7, 4-8, 4-10, 4-9
Gramática 2
j 2/20
Present tense of -ar verbs.
Aplicar: 4-6 through 4-12
Comprobar: 4-14
Grammar Presentation
v 2/21
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II
Conversar 4-13, 4-14, 4-15, 4-12
2/23 Exploración cultural
Aplicar: Exploración 4-1 through 4-3

Estrategia de producción Pronunciación


Proyecto (Oral Project 1)

Create a video describing your favorite
spot on campus
2/24 Composición 1 (Final Version Due)
8 l
Conversar – Vocab, Gram I/II y Cultura
Conversar 4-16, 4-17, 4-18
2/25 Proyecto: Comentar y Reflexionar
Create a video describing your favorite
spot on campus.
Due at 11:59pm
2/26 Repaso Examen 2 (Unidades 3 y 4)
2/28 EXAMEN 2
3/1 Unidad 5 ¿A quién admiro?
Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Leer 5-1

Contraseña: Texto
Una nominación
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 5-1 and 5-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar Las cualidades personales
Preparar ¿Qué hacen las persona
Aplicar: 5-1 through 5-10
Comprobar: 5-13
3/2 Vocab Presentation
9 l
Contraseña: Texto
Una nominación
Conversar – Texto y Vocab
Conversar 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-1
Gramática 1
ma 3/3
Use -er and -ir verbs
Aplicar: 5-1 through 5-7
Comprobar: 5-9
Grammar Presentation
m 3/4
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 5-5, 5-8, 5-6
Gramática 2
j 3/5
Talking about what you know and what
you are familiar with using saber and
Aplicar: 5-10 through 5-12
Comprobar: 5-13

Grammar Presentation
v 3/6
Conversar - Vocab y Gram I/II
Conversar 5-11, 5-12, 5-13, 5-10
No hay clases
10 l-v 3/9-
Exploración cultural
d 3/15
Aplicar: Exploración 5-1 through 5-3
Estrategia de producción: escribir
Aplicar: Ortografía 5-1

Write a letter about someone you
3/16 Conversar – Vocab, Gram I/II, Cultura y
11 l
Conversar 5-14, 5-15, 5-16, 5-18
3/17 Unidad 6
¿Quién es mi familia?

Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Escuchar 6-1

Contraseña: Texto
La familia de Teresa
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 6-1 and 6-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar La familia
Preparar Las características físicas

Aplicar: 6-1 through 6-10

Comprobar: 6-12

Proyecto: Comentar y reflexionar

Write a letter about someone you
Due at 11:59pm
3/18 Vocab Presentation
Contraseña: Texto
La familia de Teresa

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 6-1, 6-2, 6-4, 6-3
3/19 Gramática 1
Possessive Adjectives

Aplicar: 6-1 through 6-4

Comprobar: 6-6

3/20 Grammar Presentation

Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 6-5, 6-6, 6-8
3/22 Gramática 2
Stem-Changing present tense verbs

Aplicar: 6-7 through 6-13

Comprobar: 6-15
3/23 Grammar Presentation
12 l
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II
Conversar 6-9, 6-11, 6-12, 6-13
3/24 Exploración cultural
Aplicar: Exploración 6-1 through 6-3

Estrategia de producción Pronunciación

Proyecto (Oral Project 2): Describe your
own family
3/25 Conversar – Vocab, Gram I/II, Cultura y
Conversar 6-14, 6-16, 6-17, 6-15
3/26 Proyecto: Comentar y reflexionar
Describe your own family
Due at 11:59pm
3/27 Repaso Examen 3 (Unidades 5 y 6)
3/30 EXAMEN 3
13 l

3/31 Unidad 7
¿Cómo mantener la buena salud?

Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Leer 7-1 y 7-2

Contraseña: Texto
La LASO juega
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 7-1 and 7-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar Los deportes y las actividades
Preparar ¿Por qué participar en los

Aplicar: 7-1 through 7-10

Comprobar: 7-12
4/1 Vocab Presentation
Contraseña: Texto
La LASO juega

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-5
4/2 Gramática 1
Irregular verbs in the present tense
Aplicar: 7-1 through 7-5
Comprobar: 7-7
4/3 Grammar Presentation
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 7-6, 7-7, 7-10, 7-8
4/5 Gramática 2
Affirmative informal commands
Aplicar: 7-8 through 7-11
Comprobar: 7-13

4/6 Grammar Presentation

14 l
Conversar – Vocab, Gram I/II y Cultura
Conversar 7-11, 7-12, 7-14, 7-15
4/7 Exploración cultural
Aplicar: Exploración 7-1 through 7-3

Estrategia de producción: escribir

Aplicar: 7-1 through 7-4

Proyecto: Create an ad for a club

dedicated to fitness and sports
4/8 Conversar – Cultura y Escribir
Conversar 7-17, 7-18, 7-16, 7-20

4/9 Proyecto: Comentar y reflexionar
Create an ad for a club dedicated to
fitness and sports
Due at 11:59pm
4/10 Composición 2 (Draft in Class)
4/12 Unidad 8
¿Qué comiste ayer?

Estrategia de comprensión
Aplicar: Escuchar 8-1

Contraseña: Texto
Un servicio de comida a domicilio
Texto: Preparar
Aplicar: 8-1 and 8-2

Vocabulario 1 y Vocabulario 2
Preparar Los alimentos
Preparar Las comidas

Aplicar: 8-1 through 8-9

Comprobar: 8-13
4/13 Vocab Presentation
15 l
Contraseña: Texto
Un servicio de comida a domicilio

Conversar – Texto y Vocab

Conversar 8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-5
4/14 Gramática 1
Gustar and Similar verbs
Aplicar: 8-1 through 8-8
Comprobar: 8-10
4/15 Grammar Presentation
Conversar – Vocab y Gram I
Conversar 8-6, 8-7, 8-10
4/16 Gramática 2
Preterite of regular verbs
Aplicar: 8-11 through 8-15
Comprobar: 8-18
4/17 Composición 2 (Final Version Due)
Grammar Presentation

Conversar – Vocab y Gram I/II

Conversar 8-11, 8-13, 8-15, 8-12
Exploración cultural
d 4/19
Aplicar: Exploración 8-1 through 8-3

Estrategia de producción: pronunciación


4/20 Conversar – Cultura y Hablar
16 l
Conversar 8-17, 8-18, 8-16, 8-19
m Final Oral Assessment
v Repaso Examen 4 (Unidades 7 y 8)

EXAMEN FINAL: Tuesday, April 28, 2020, 7:00-9:30pm


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