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Override Switch
• Purpose: Manually locks luminaires in white mode.
Signal Wires
• Electric connection: Connected to IC100 at any open bay. Ultrasonic Sensor
• Purpose: Sends control signal from • Mode: When switch shorts IC10 0 bay, fixtures will remain in white mode regardless • Purpose: Sensing Occupancy
IC100 to luminaires to switch between of sensor’s occupancy state. • Electric connection: 24V power is achieved by connection to IC100 controller
white and Indigo-Clean mode. • Switch: Customer supplied • Mode: If sensor detects occupancy, it sends a signal to IC100 controller and
• Electric connection: Connected to Indigo-Clean Luminaire goes into white mode. No occupancy detected at all
IC100 to luminaire using yellow and sensors, Indigo-Clean luminaires go into Indigo-Clean mode.
brown wires. • Setting: Sensors have a time delay of up to 30 minutes that will lock the
• Mode: 10 VDC = White mode, less than luminaires in white mode after occupancy is detected. Factory setting 30
5VDC = Indigo-Clean mode. minutes. Field adjustment at each sensor to reduce delay.
• Wires: Customer supplied. • Wires: Customer supplied

0-10V Dimming Wires

• Purpose: Dimming signal
• Electric connection: Connected to
0-10V Dimmer to luminaire using
violet and gray wires. IC100 Controller
• Wires: customer supplied. • Purpose: Provides power to sensors and
takes sensor’s detection signal along with
optional override switch and provides
control signal to fixture.
• Electric connection: Input - 120/277VAC;
Output - 24VDC to all sensors and
override switch.
• Mode: If one sensor detects occupancy,
0-10V Dimmer the IC100 controller sends a signal to the
• Purpose: Dimming luminaire in white luminaires to go into white mode. No
mode or turns fixtures off (Dim to off). occupancy detected at all sensors,
• Electric connection: Connected to gray PIR Sensor (Passive Inferred Sensors) luminaires go into Indigo mode.
and violet of the luminaires • Purpose: Sensing Occupancy
• Mode: Luminaires will still go into full • Electric connection: 24V power is achieved by connection to IC100 controller
Indigo-Clean mode regardless of • Mode: If one sensor detect occupancy, it sends a signal to IC100 and Indigo-Clean luminaires go into
dimmer setting. white mode. No occupancy detected at all sensors, Indigo-Clean luminaires go into Indigo clean
• Dimmer: 0-10V dimmer, (Line voltage mode.
not required at dimmer) – Customer • Setting: Sensors have a time delay up to 30 minutes that will lock the luminaires in white mode after
supplied occupancy is detected. Factory setting 30 minutes. Field adjustment at each sensor to reduce delay.
• Wiring: Customer supplied | P: 800-4-Kenall | F: 262-891-9701 | 10200 55th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin 53144, USA
This product complies with the Buy American Act: manufactured in the United States with more than 50% of the component cost of US origin. It may be covered by patents
found at of specification sheets is subject to change; please consult for current product details. ©2019 Kenall Mfg. Co.


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