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Edited by A. I.




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A collection of articles
E dited by A . I . S nezhin


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Compiled and designed by A. I. Snezhin

A. I. Snezhin
Poetic Screenplay. A collection of articles / Edited by
A. I. Snezhin – M.: Angel, 2012. – 56 pages.
This collection contains articles by academicians and
researchers who have been studying a new genre in
the Russian cinedramatic art – the poetic screenplay.

ISBN © Compiled and designed by

A. I. Snezhin, 2012.
UDC 82.12+791.43


The development of the cinematographic art is often

associated with the emergence of new genre forms with
particular substantive features. “Genres always arise
in time” [14, page 93], sensitively responding to the
essential needs of society. Ample evidence of this can
be seen in our modern cinedramatic art.
In this article, we will analyze the notion of the
screenplay, define its basic elements and types, and
examine a new genre – the poetic screenplay – which
has sprung up relatively recently in cinematographic
Key words: poetic screenplay, new genre, Russian
cinedramatic art, substantive features.
In The New Explanatory Dictionary of Word
Structure in the Russian Language by T. F. Yefremova,
the word screenplay is defined as follows:
Screenplay – a literary and dramatic work written as
a basis for producing a motion picture or a television
movie [5, page 251].
At this stage, we can single out the four main
elements that make up a screenplay:
• the descriptive part (screenplay prose)
• the dialogue
• the voice-over
• captions
The descriptive part (or screenplay prose) describes
the outward appearance of the characters and
their actions, providing a precise description of the
environment in which they live.
The dialogue describes the psychological features of
the characters, using the exchange of remarks as the
main method by which the characters are artistically
The voice-over is the voice of an actor providing
comments which may be necessary on the action
unfolding in a movie.
Finally, captions are explanatory text contained in
the frames of a film, describing the place and time
in which the action of a movie is set and conveying
its characters’ words and remarks.
In cinematography, there are several types of
• A literary screenplay is a screenplay written in the
same language that is used in fiction. This type of
screenplay is not always an adaptation of a literary
work; it may well be an original work in its own
• A publicistic screenplay, in contrast to a literary
screenplay, is written in the “broken” language
used in newspaper articles and does not contain the
aesthetic component found in the literary and artistic
Screenplays can be both original and derivative.
• An original screenplay is written as an independent
work of art, featuring an original plot and original
• A derivative screenplay is an adaptation of an
existing literary work for the screen.
• A director’s screenplay is a screenplay, the
descriptive part of which is numbered or has the
boundaries between shots indicated on it (wide shot,
close-up shot, etc.).
• An explication is a plan for the production of a
motion picture, including the filming techniques and
methods and a complete list of the filming equipment
that is necessary in order to implement the creative
concept. There are two types of explication: a director’s
explication and a cameraman’s explication (however,
the latter is not classified as a separate category
of screenplay). Explications are often mistaken as
synopses, but on closer inspection one sees that they
have nothing whatsoever in common. A synopsis is
an outline of the plot of a movie, as set out in the
screenplay, described in a succinct and entertaining
manner. A synopsis is usually no more than several
pages in length.
The descriptive part of a screenplay can be either
poetic or prosaic. In this regard, screenplays can be
divided into those that are poetic and those that are
• A poetic screenplay is a literary and dramatic
work whose descriptive part is divided into rhythmically
commensurable segments, or poems. This remarkable
feature makes the poetic screenplay very distinct from
the other types of screenplays, endowing it with a
special form of artistic expression.
• In a prosaic screenplay, the descriptive part is
We can now identify the three main features of the
poetic screenplay:
• Figurativeness – colourful expressiveness of
portrayal that is only found in poetry. The main
method of making words figurative is to use them in
a figurative sense. At this point it is worth mentioning
the particular means of artistic expression – tropes
(metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole, and
litotes) and figures of speech (simile, epithet and
oxymoron) that are used in poetic works.
• Succinctness – brevity and conciseness of
narration. In the poetic screenplay, the characters’
environment, appearance and actions are described
in a relatively concise form, using as few words
as possible. However, this specific feature does
not prevent the author from creating a precise

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