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Equation 1:

q1 = (design density) x (area per sprinkler)

In this example, this gives:
          q1 = 7.50 mm/min x 10.20 m2 = 76.50 L/min
The second step is to calculate the minimum flow from the sprinkler given the K-Factor
and the minimum head pressure by using the standard K-Factor formula:
Equation 2:

q = kp 0.5

p = the required pressure
q = the required flow from the first sprinkler
k = the discharge coefficient of the sprinkler (k-factor)
By comparing the two calculations above we can see that the minimum flow required
from the sprinkler head will be 76.50 L/min as this is the highest flow rate from the two
calculations and is required to meet the 7.50 mm/min design density.  We can also see
that the minimum sprinkler pressure of 0.5 bar is not sufficient to produce the required
flow rate so the next step will be to determine what pressure will be required to produce
the required flow of 76.50 L/min at the first sprinkler head at node [130] we can do this
by using equation 3.
Equation 3
                p = (q/k)2
In the example, this gives:
                p = (76.50 / 70)0.5 = 1.194 bar
We have now determined the minimum pressure and flow for the first sprinkler at node
[130] which will be 76.50 L/min @ 1.19 bar the next step is to calculate the pressure
drop in the pipe between node [130] and [120] and for this we will use the Hazen-
Williams pressure loss formula.
Equation 4

p = pressure loss in bar per meter
Q = flow through the pipe in L/min
C = friction loss coefficient
d = internal diameter of the pipe in mm
We know that the flow rate from the sprinkler at node [130] is 76.50 L/min and this will
be the flow rate in the first pipe between nodes [130]-[120]. As the pipe has an internal
diameter of 27.30 mm and has a C value of 120 this will give us:

The pressure loss in the first pipe is 0.027 Bar/m and the total pressure loss in the pipe
is 0.086 bar. 
We now need to add the pressure loss in the pipe to the start pressure at the sprinkler
head at node [130] which was 1.19 bar to find to pressure at node [120] and at the
seconded sprinkler head at node [120] this gives us 1.194 + 0.086 = 1.28 bar. 
The next step is to find the flow from the seconded sprinkler head at node [120] to do
this we will use the K-Factor formula
Equation 5

This gives 70 x 1.2800.5 = 79.20 L/min from the sprinkler head at node [120] which we
now add to the flow in the first pipe node [130]-[120] to find the total flow in the second
pipe [120]-[110] to find the total flow in the seconded pipe which is 155.70 L/min.
Having found the total flow in the seconded pipe [120]-[110] we can now find the
pressure loss in, to do this we will use the Hazen-Williams pressure loss, formula 4
which we used above this gives us:   
Friction losses:
Head Loss in a Pipe
A large amount of research has been carried out over many years to establish various formulae that
can calculate head loss in a pipe. Most of this work has been developed based on experimental

Overall head loss in a pipe is affected by a number of factors which include the viscosity of the fluid,
the size of the internal pipe diameter, the internal roughness of the inner surface of the pipe, the
change in elevation between the ends of the pipe and the length of the pipe along which the fluid

Valves and fittings on a pipe also contribute to the overall head loss that occurs, however these
must be calculated separately to the pipe wall friction loss, using a method of modeling pipe fitting
losses with k factors.

Darcy Weisbach Formula

The Darcy formula or the Darcy-Weisbach equation as it tends to be referred to, is now accepted as
the most accurate pipe friction loss formula, and although more difficult to calculate and use than
other friction loss formula, with the introduction of computers, it has now become the standard
equation for hydraulic engineers.

Weisbach first proposed the relationship that we now know as the Darcy-Weisbach equation or the
Darcy-Weisbach formula, for calculating friction loss in a pipe.

Darcy-Weisbach equation:

hf = f (L/D) x (v^2/2g)

hf = head loss (m)
f = friction factor
L = length of pipe work (m)
d = inner diameter of pipe work (m)
v = velocity of fluid (m/s)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)
Pipe Fittings Loss Calculations with K Factors
Pipe fittings, valves and bends usually have some associated K factor or local loss coefficient, which
allows the calculation of the pressure loss through the fitting for a particular fluid flowing at a specified
velocity. Manufacturers of pipe work fittings and valves often publish a fitting's associated 'K' factor.

Pipe Fitting Loss Formula

Fluid head loss through a fitting can be calculated by the following equation:

h = K x v² / 2g

h = pressure loss in terms of fluid head, i.e. fluid head loss
K = manufacturer's published 'K' factor for the fitting
v = velocity of fluid
g = acceleration due to gravity

Where the length of the pipe is relatively long, the effect of the fitting losses are usually considered
as minor losses, and are often ignored during initial analysis of the pipe system.

If the piping design contains a partially open valve then the effect and head loss through the valve
should always be included since the valve head loss may turn out to be significant.

Pipe Fittings and K factors database

Our Pipe Flow Expert software has a database that contains the K factors for many different types
of valves and fittings. It also has special wizard helpers that can calculate the K factor for special
types of fittings such as:

 gradual enlargements
 gradual contractions
 sudden enlargements
 sudden contractions
 rounded entrances
 long pipe bends
Addition information about losses through pipe fittings is published in 'Flow of Fluids through valves,
fittings and pipe' - Crane Technical Paper No. 410.
Hazen-Williams Formula
Before the advent of personal computers the Hazen-Williams formula was extremely popular with
piping engineers because of its relatively simple calculation properties.

However the Hazen-Williams results rely upon the value of the friction factor, C hw, which is used in
the formula, and the C value can vary significantly, from around 80 up to 130 and higher,
depending on the pipe material, pipe size and the fluid velocity.

Also the Hazen-Williams equation only really gives good results when the fluid is Water and can
produce large inaccuracies when this is not the case.

The imperial form of the Hazen-Williams formula is:

hf = 0.002083 x L x (100/C)^1.85 x (gpm^1.85 / d^4.8655)

hf = head loss in feet of water
L = length of pipe in feet
C = friction coefficient
gpm = gallons per minute (USA gallons not imperial gallons)
d = inside diameter of the pipe in inches

notes: Water at 60° F (15.5° C) has a kinematic viscosity of 1.13 centistokes.

Common Friction Factor Values of C hw used for design purposes are:

Asbestos Cement 140

Brass tube 130
Cast-Iron tube 100
Concrete tube 110
Copper tube 130
Corrugated steel tube 60
Galvanized tubing 120
Glass tube 130
Lead piping 130
Plastic pipe 140
PVC pipe 150
General smooth pipes 140
Steel pipe 120
Steel riveted pipes 100
Tar coated cast iron tube 100
Tin tubing130
Wood Stave 110

These C hw values provide some allowance for changes to the roughness of internal pipe surface,
due to pitting of the pipe wall during long periods of use and the build up of other deposits.

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