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_______ / 100 points

A [Track 14] Listen to the conversation between Nick and Rachel.

Match the two parts of each sentence.
1. Carmen ____ a. works at the mall.
2. Emily ____ b. studies English.
3. Carlos ____ c. can speak French.
4. Nick ____ d. is a pilot.
A _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

B [Track 15] Listen to the conversation between Joan and Bill.

Check () the correct answer to complete each sentence.
1. In his office, Peter speaks ________. 3. Joan and her brother ________ chat online.
a.  Chinese a.  never
b.  English b.  hardly ever
c.  French c.  usually
2. Peter’s wife is ________. 4. Bill’s sister Sarah ________ checks email.
a.  an accountant a.  never
b.  a flight attendant b.  always
c.  a receptionist c.  hardly ever
B _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

C Cross out the word that doesn’t belong in each list.

1. jacket car coat dress
2. waiter actor daughter electrician
3. Spain Greek British Saudi
4. key bag chef umbrella
5. bicycle subway cab sweater
6. club suit park restaurant
C _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

D Complete the yes / no questions and short answers. Use the correct
present form of be and contractions where possible.
1. A: ________________ her mother from Japan? B: Yes, ________________________.
1 2
2. A: ________________ Dan and Pat at the mall? B: No, ________________________.
3 4
3. A: ________________ this book yours? B: Yes, ________________________.
5 6
4. A: ________________ you and Betty in my class? B: No, ________________________.
7 8
5. A: ________________ you a receptionist? B: Yes, ________________________.
9 10

D _______ / 10 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 1 Units 1-6 Test 1

E Look at the pictures and the example. Write sentences with This, That,
These, or Those, is or are, and the words from the box. Use a or an and
plurals where needed.

alarm clock bicycle coin hairbrush scarf

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. These are coins .

2. _________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________.
E _______ / 8 points (2 points each)

F Complete the paragraphs with the correct simple present form of the
verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

My name’s Josh, and I’m 15 years old. On weekdays, my brother

Sammy and I _____________________ (get up) at 6:45 a.m.


After breakfast, I usually _____________________ (take) the bus to school.


Sammy _____________________ (not / take) the bus. He’s 20 years old,


and he _____________________ (drive) to school in the next town.


After school, my friends and I _____________________ (play) soccer.


Sammy _____________________ (not / play) soccer on school days.


He _____________________ (study) at the library. On weekends, my friends


and I _____________________ (hang out) at the park or the mall,


but Sammy _____________________ (not / hang out) with us.


He _____________________ (work) at the mall. He _____________________ (have)

10 11

a job in a computer store. Sammy is tired on Sunday evenings, so

he _____________________ (go) to bed early.

F _______ / 12 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 1 Units 1-6 Test 2

G Complete the conversations with the correct words and phrases from
the box. Use capital letters where needed.

do doesn’t how does where do

does don’t when do who does

1. A: _____________________ you exercise?


B: In the park.

2. A: _____________________ she study with?


B: Her sisters.

3. A: _____________________ he take a taxi to school?


B: No, he _____________________.

4. A: _____________________ Kelly and Sally go to bed early?


B: No, they _____________________.


5. A: _____________________ we have English class?


B: At 9:15.

6. A: _____________________ she get to the club?


B: She takes the train.

G _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

H Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence with can or can’t and the
correct word or phrase from the box.

dance fix computers read the news swim

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Mary’s son ______________ _____________________. He’s 10 months old!

1 2

2. The boys ______________ ______________________. They’re good!

3 4

3. The women ______________ ____________________.

5 6

4. The man ______________ ______________________.

7 8
H _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 1 Units 1-6 Test 3

I Circle the correct word to complete each conversation.
1. A: Are these your son’s keys? B: No, they’re my / mine / his.
2. A: Is this your wife’s jacket? B: Yes, it’s yours / ours / hers.
3. A: Are these the students’ books? B: Yes, they’re his / theirs / hers.
4. A: Is this your car? B: No, it isn’t our / your / mine car.
5. A: Are those Bob’s bags? B: Yes, they’re theirs / his / my.
6. A: Is that my eraser? B: Yes, it's your / yours / my eraser.
I _______ / 6 points (1 point each)

J Match the questions and the answers.

1. What’s your email address? ____ a. It’s an umbrella.
2. What’s this called in English? ____ b. Sorry, she’s in a meeting.
3. Can I help you? ____ c. No, thanks. I’m just looking.
4. Can I speak to Ms. Jones, please? ____ d. It’s 913-555-4111.
5. What’s your phone number? ____ e. It’s [email protected].
J _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

K Complete the conversation with the questions from the box.

How old are you?

What’s the time?
How do you spell your first name?
What time is my English class?
How do you spell your last name?

A: Hello. My name is Alan Becker.

B: __________________________________________
A: B-E-C-K-E-R.
B: OK, thanks. __________________________________________
A: A-L-A-N.
B: __________________________________________
A: I’m 24.
B: Do you have any questions?
A: Yes. __________________________________________
B: It’s at 8:30.
A: OK. And one last question. __________________________________________
B: It’s 8:00.
A: Oh, good. I’m early for class.
K _______ / 5 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 1 Units 1-6 Test 4

L Read the email. Write T (true) or F (false).

1. Jim is Nadia’s husband. ____

2. Jim works in an Italian restaurant. ____
3. Lisa can’t cook. ____
4. Nadia and her parents never eat out. ____
5. On Saturdays and Sundays, Nadia sometimes goes shopping. ____
6. On Thursdays, Nadia plays games online with Pinky110. ____
7. Pinky110 is from Australia. ____
8. Nadia never chats online with Pinky110. ____
L _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

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M Read the webpage. Check () the correct answer for each question.

Who . . . ? Amy Sue Tina

1. likes to shop online for clothes   
2. likes to download music   
3. does her favorite online activity every day   
4. doesn’t do her favorite activity on weekdays   
5. has a Thai scarf   
6. does her favorite online activity at school   
7. does her favorite activity on her sister’s computer   
8. sometimes does her favorite activity on a cell phone   
M _______ / 8 points (1 point each)

© Cambridge University Press photocopiable Four Corners 1 Units 1-6 Test 6

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