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What is the balance between online and offline investment for customer


Ans-Currently e-commerce is presented as a way to succeed in the business

world. The mutation of sellers and buyers have led to the creation of a new
strategic online marketing.

To attract visitors to an online site, companies must integrate efficient mixing

of different communication techniques based either on the Internet or through
traditional means. The main internet-based communication techniques
(online) are: search engines (SEO), Search, display and networking (SEM), social
networks (Social ADS and Profile/Fanpages), e-mail partnerships, sponsorship,
interactive advertising and digital media.

The main techniques of traditional media (offline) are: mass media (TV, radio),
sponsorship, direct mail, merchandising, communication, word of mouth,
magazines, events, outdoor advertising, mobile advertising and QR codes.

Different communication techniques offer very diverse opportunities in terms

of interactivity with customers and prospects, versus mass individualization of
messages versus continuous attraction point / specific campaigns, among
others. While there is talk of online techniques, it is important for
organizations to integrate and combine traditional and new tools according to
the advantages of each, seeking to minimize the cost of customer acquisition.

One of the advantages of marketing on the web is the low cost involved and
the limitless possibilities. By creating a good strategy, one can arouse great
interest among the public so that the content is discussed widely online and
offline, generating greater brand presence. Typically, to succeed in a campaign
of this nature, companies must develop some non-conventional
communication strategies.
Three strategies are recognized In online marketing:
 Customer Acquisition: This type of marketing is aimed at attracting
visitors to the website or promoting a brand. It is channeled  through
search engines or advertising on other sites and even other online tools.
 Conversion: Consists on achieving the objectives sought to attract
visitors including, selling, register of users, requesting a recommendation,
sharing the page of the site (social networking), adding to favorites, or
adding to wish list.
 Retention: Aims to promote retention and repeat usage of digital
channels and, in the case of transactional sites, repeat sales from
advertising efforts to understand patterns derived from user behavior and
site metrics.

2)What technologies can be used to build and maintain the online


Ans-Survey Your Customers and Get Their Opinions

Giving your customer exactly what they want is probably the best way to make
sales, build trust and gain repeat customers. It’s pretty much the ideal situation
for any business. Creating customer personas is building strategy 101 but how
granular can we get with our customer that way? How exactly do you figure
out what your customers’ needs and wants are? The answer is simple. Send
them surveys. Before marketers ventured online, market research was
conducted by old fashion questionnaires. The whole, “How much do you agree
with this statement?” question – I always picked “Strongly Disagree” kind of
like how I always chose “C” on multiple choice tests. Regardless of those
standard of error metrics that bore most normal people, we can get real good
insight from our customers by surveying them. Customer surveys and feedback
can be done through email, on the website or through social media channels.
SurveyMonkey is one of the survey platforms available that allows you to send
targeted surveys to customers through different platforms such as email and
social media networks. Qualoroo is another way to get valuable insight from
your customers right when they land on your site. Click here for case studies
on how surveys help companies gain valuable insight about their customers.

2. Communication Through Email

Building an email list is probably one of the most important ways a company
can stay in contact with their customers, build rapport and make sales – unless
you come across as a spammer. If every email that you send out is salesy then
you’re doing it wrong. Emails should be able to provide valuable content for
the consumer to share. When you provide content that addresses the need
and provides a solution to your customer’s problem then you build rapport and
foster the digital relationship that you company needs to be successful.

3. Real Time Video Chat for Customer Support

Real time video chat is a real hot topic with companies that are looking to build
better connections with their online users. Late last year, Amazon introduced
their “Mayday Button.” This new feature on the Kindle Fire allowed a user to
receive a video connection with a customer support representative. Never
before has an online consumer been able to communicate with a company in
such an innovative way and at such a scale. Today, Amazon boasts that a user
can live video chat with a customer support representative in under ten
seconds. That sure beats waiting on the phone and listening to such wretched
music while on hold.

It’s obvious that the way we do business has changed and one of the funniest
and most common phrases in business today is, “It’s nice to finally put a face to
that voice.” The accuracy of that phrase is astonishing because it actually is
quite nice to put a face to that voice especially since meeting someone in
person allows you to more easily build rapport and form a better working
relationship. As a company that does most, if not all, of their business online
this isn't the easiest thing to do. Real time video chat, or video calling, is the
closest way that we can create a “physical” connection online with our
customer and it is reported that 75% of all customer contact from the Amazon
Fire HDX now come via the Mayday Button. As you can see, adoption of such a
technology is evident.

4. Rewarding Your Best Customers

It is human nature to want to be liked so acknowledging your most loyal

customers is a great way to continue to strengthen your relationship - do it
in front of others and it works exponentially. We all know the 80/20 rule
where 20% of your customers make up 80% of your sales so here are so
more accurate statistics about how important your most loyal customers are
from Entrepreneur.com, “According to global management consulting firm
Bain and Co., a 5 percent increase in retention yields profit increases of 25
to 100 percent. And on average, repeat customers spend 67 percent more
than new customers. There are many ways to reward your customers
through social media. Whether you’re using gamification, running contests
and giving away free prizes or simply saying thanks there are many ways to
show your loyal customers that you care. Read here for more ways to
engage your loyal customers via social media. As our society turns to more
digital communication and commerce, building strong relationships with
your customers isn't easy. Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, said “All businesses
need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you're
Woolworth's.” The meaning behind that message is to stay adaptive to your
business environment and to the ever changing business landscape. We
need to understand that doing business online is the new norm and building
quality relationships with your customers online is not only a great business
idea, it’s a necessary one.

3)How do we deliver superior service quality to build and maintain

Ans-Spare Customer’s Time

No one likes to queue, especially in a digitized era that bears a strong promise
of delivering fast and advanced solutions. It’s unacceptable, then, to keep
customers waiting on hold for hours if there’re many modern communication
channels that allow for a quick query resolution in just one contact. 

Give Each Customer Individual Treatment

How do you make customers feel valued and special? By giving them VIP

Quality products are no longer the only factor that contributes to high
customer satisfaction as it’s the user experience that will overtake the price and
product of every brand as a key differentiator by 2020. 

Don’t treat your customers like academic projects that must be completed by
the end of the day, but look at them as individuals and deliver a personalized

 Call them by names. A study has pointed out to enhanced brain activity

in people when they hear their names. This means, getting on first-name terms
with customers will bring you both closer and make visitors feel appreciated.

 Keep order history. Whether they’re first-time visitors or regular clients,

it’s always good to track order history and offer personalized

 Go the extra mile. If you want customers to stand behind your store,
you need to show a genuine interest in their lives. How? With a simple gesture
of caring, like sending a letter or a thank you card (What does customer service
mean to you).
No.3 Stay Positive Throughout The Whole Interaction

Customer service is not a department. It’s an attitude.

Throughout your customer service career, you’ll encounter many people. They
will either inspire you to achieve better results or feed on your positivity and
steal motivation.  
But, you should always remember that customer service is about helping
people and your performance shouldn’t be determined by someone’s bad
mood. Instead, set the positive state of mind by following these two simple

 Use positive language. Resort to affirmative words (e.g. excellent,

surely, exactly) and empathy statements (e.g. Let me look into it) to create a
positive environment for yourself and customers.

 Smile 😊 It’s been scientifically proven that smiling releases endorphins to

our bodies that make us feel overly happy and motivated enough to deliver an
excellent service to all types of customers.
No.4 Always Exceed Customer’s Expectations In A Positive Way

How would you feel if a customer service agent promised you to call you back
with a solution within the next thirty minutes but in fact, they didn’t? Would
you feel deceived, frustrated, let-down? 

This is why you don’t promise gifts that you can’t afford. Instead, set clear and
reasonable expectations that will be resolved throughout the
conversation and will confirm your credibility.

Honesty and clear communication are the two customer service skills that will
help you avoid humiliation and save your face. 

Improve Communication With Live Chat

No.5 Show Appreciation To Clients By Introducing Loyalty Programs 

Did you know that returning customers spend 67% more than new customers?
This means, targeting customers with special programs could act as an
incentive to revisit the store and encourage a product repurchase. 

So, if you’re looking for new ideas to benefit customers and keep them
close, try introducing one of the loyalty programs that offer a different type of
user engagement:

 gift cards, 
 birthday cards, 
 the points program (points for rewards),
 the game program (rewards for completing game levels),
 the tiered program (rewards based on the membership level)
No.6 Handle Negative Feedback Well

Since we’ve already discussed the importance of measuring customer

satisfaction, why don’t we focus on the importance of handling negative

If you think that receiving negative comments will tarnish your company’s
reputation permanently, you’re very wrong. 

The key to receiving negative feedback is that the customer’s opinion

(flattering or not) gives valuable insight into the company management
system. There is always room for improvement whether you work for a startup
or a well-established company. Collect feedback, admit your mistakes and turn
failure into success. 

Tip: Collecting feedback is necessary if you want to satisfy the needs of all

customers. A quick chatbot message will help you learn customers’ opinions in
less than three seconds.

No.7 Always Look For Contact With Customers

If you want to stay in touch with customers, don’t count on them. It’s your
responsibility as a business owner to look for constant contact with clients –
before, during and after the sales process. 

Here are some ideas on how to take better care of your clients and strengthen
the client relationship:

 send personalized emails,

 send newsletters,
 offer small gifts,
 invite them to follow a company blog,
 share their posts on social media platforms.,
 include them in your PR outreach.

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