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(Đề thi gồm có 7 trang) Ngày thi: 23/3/2020,
Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi này Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian
phát đề
Họ và tên học sinh: …………………………………… SBD: ………………………Điểm ……………
Giám thị 1: ……………..……..….................. Giám thị 2: ………...….….…..……………..…
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (20 pts)
1. Our father’s sudden illness has ……… doubt on our holiday trip to Egypt.
A. dropped B. borne C. passed D. cast
2. However the strict ……….. we took, we couldn’t eliminate the risk of any further riots in the streets.
A. measures B. control C. discipline D. regulations
3. “What’s the ……... rate for this bungalow?” “It’s ten thousand dollars, sir.”
A.running B. going C. making D. setting
4. Who took part in the celebration?” “Mr Wallace, Mrs Simpson and Frank Cox, to ……… but a few.”
A. name B. say C. call D. state
5. We thanked the host for their generous ….…. and got under way.
A. hostility B. honesty C. hospitality D. hostage
6. They said I’d be on …….. for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out about my skills.
A. testing B. examination C. probation D.inspection
7. If it hadnt been for Simon who …….. our attention to the mistake, the faulty project would have
received our acceptance.
A. drew B. paid C. spent D. gave
8. Rice is the …….. diet in the meals of the Asian.
A. common B. staple C. usual D. obvious
9. ….…. he delivers the report, it will be sent to the headquarters.
A. Immediately B. On the point C. At once D. Soon enough
10. The annoucement of a ……... fire took effect when both two sides recognized its benefits .
A. stop B. end C. break D. cease
11. This is specifically male section, so women are ……... the minority here.
A. in B. of C. on D. for
12. One of the hazards that electronic media like the television, radio or computers ……... these days is the
decline in book reading.
A. denote B. pose C. play D. arise
13. Paul’s been in Alice’s bad ……... ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. records C. books D. treats
14. Jimmy gave up his work in the hotel kitchen and became ……… soldier in the army.
A. a voluntary B. an intentional C. a willing D. a deliberate
15. You ………. that man our phone number. I didn’t trust him at all..
A. should not have given B. must not have given
C. might not have given D. could not have given
16. Jane: “Are you interested in scuba diving?” - Joni: “………”
A. Very. Undersea life is fascinating. B. Very. Undersea life is being strongly contaminated.
C. Not any. Undersea life is too expensive. D. Well, things are much different, now.
17."Well, could you call the airline and reconfirm my flight? I'm kind of busy right now." - " ………"
A. Not at all. B. I'll try. Let me have the details.
C. What are you doing? D. What do you think I should do?
18. The monk insisted that the tourists ………the temple until they had removed their shoes.
A. not entering B. not enter C. not to enter D. don’t enter
19. In 1917, the Russian working classes ……... against their masters.
A. stood up B. handed up C. rose up D. raised up
20. The Olympic games are ……… start tomorrow morning at 8.30 a.m. our time.
A. about to B. due to C. on the point of D. bound to
II. Choose the word which has the opposite meaning to the underlined in each sentence. (5 pts)
1. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more
A. rejected B. sacked C. reviewed D. approved
2.There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and fanners are having trouble.
A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant
3. A temporary office was set up to give support to the local people.
A. permanent B. indispensable C. extra D. supportive
4. The issue of pay rise will loom large at this year’s conference as it is what all the attendees want to
A. become important B. be discussed C. be improved D. be avoided
5. We are now in a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours.
A. an active society B. a working society C. a physical society D. an inactive society
III. Choose the word which has the opposite meaning to the underlined in each sentence. (5 pts)
1.If you are at loose end this weekend, I will show you round the city.
A. confident B. relunctant C. free D. occupied
2. Adverse reviews on the New York press will greatly change the prospect of a new product on the market
and lead to its failure.
A. comfortable B. favorable C. complimentary D. additional
3. Tommy is so feverish about going to the seaside because he has never seen the sea in his life.
A. excited B. concerned C. eager D. indifferent
4. The details you are giving to me are of secondary importance, what I need is something really
A. negligible B. vital C. minor D. trivial
5. Everybody was expecting the orders from the Headquarters and the following action which was to take
A. consequent B. subsequent C. preceding D. advanced
IV. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket. (5 pts)
1. He is the second (pass) ............................ caught by the guards today intruding into the no-entry
2. Only one student was (respond) ............................ to the teacher’s questions, which discouraged him so
3. The researchers hope to (clear) ........................... the mysterious supernatual phenomena.
4. The array of voices is (measure) ........................... as no two are exactly similar.
5-6. I think her (apt) ........................... for foreseeing the future has been ignored for too long. Think about
the (fortune) ........................... that could have been averted if someone had taken notice for her
7. It wasn’t clear who of the neighbors showed so strong determination as to (note) ........................... the
police of the argument the Browns had at home.
8. The distiguished old gentleman says he won’t bring the case to court for having been
(mistake) ........................... imprisoned during the demonstration.
9. The baby was born (form) ........................... due to the deficiency of vitamin during its mother’s
10. The evidence shows that the man is (presume) ........................... a murderer, but the final verdict will
only be given afther the trial.
V. There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and get them right. Write your answers in
the blanks provided. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts)

The Birth of Venus

1. The Florentine master Sandro Botticelli created one of the most grateful and
2. joyful images of the model age, and the single most popular painting in the
3. Uffizi. To see them at its best, you need to pre-book a ticket to timed entry at
4. 8.15 a.m., courtesy of the Firenze Musei booked service; don’t be put off if
5. you can’t get over on the phone first time. Once inside, head straight for the
6. suite of rooms 10-14, where the Botticellis are displaying. Then take in the
7. other highlights of the collects- the Da Vincis in room 15, the Raphaels in
8. room 26, and the Caravaggios in room 43- staying ahead of the hordes
9. because you go. If there are any gaps you need filling in, work backwards
10. towards the entrance: by now, the crowds will be avoided, but you’ll have
11. already had the masters to yourself.

Your answers: 1. Line ... ___________________________________________

2. Line ... ___________________________________________
3. Line ... ___________________________________________
4. Line ... ___________________________________________
5. Line ... ___________________________________________
6. Line ... ___________________________________________
7. Line ... ___________________________________________
8. Line ... ___________________________________________
9. Line ... ___________________________________________
10. Line ... ___________________________________________

VI. Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word (10 pts)
The anxiety of many investigators has been aroused by reports of the Snowman which was
encountered (1) ……………….else in the Himalaya region by an expedition of mountaineers aspiring to
reach the (2) ……………….of Mount Everest. This cautious creature which is also known as the Yeti
made the poor explorer’s hair (3) ……………….on end as it started to howl, grunt and whistle early at
daybreak (4) ………………. they were sleeping soundly in their tents. The petrified man jumped out of
their sleeping bags just to see the monstrous creature rushing (5) ………………. the forest. They had no
doubts that what they had seen was most bizarre and unique. Their amazement grew (6) ……………….
stronger when they examined the monster’s gigantic footprints left in the snow.
Sir Michael Edmondson- a distinguished expert on unexplained phenomenon, who was first to analyze this
intriguing report, considers the occurrence an exceptional opportunity to clear up the Yeti mystery (7)
………………. and for all. He has already devised a scheme to try to capture the Snowman in the place
where it was spotted by (8) ……………….of a system of complicated traps. Not that he intends to do the
apprehensive creature (9) ……………….harm and keep it in captivity for his own good, but his objective
is to prove that disregarding the Yeti story (10) ………………. being a sheer deception has been an
unfortunate misjudgment accepted by too many for too long.
VII. Read the text and choose the answer that best completes each gap (10 pts)
A question of safety
Life involves a certain amount of risk, or at least it did. These days, however, governments seem to
have become (1) ………. with the idea of protecting us from it. As a result, what we actually risk most is
not being allowed to live at all.
(2) ………., take a recent edict which emerged from the British government’s health and safety
department. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so serious. Circus artistes performing on tightropes or the
trapeze are being (3) ………. to wear the type of hard hats more usually (4) ………. with the construction
industry. Under a relatively new law (5) ………. as the “temporary work at heights directive”, such a hat
must be worn for any working activity taking (6) ………. above the height of an “average stepladder”.
Now you might think that sounds (7) ………. reasonable, but the absurd thing is that the rule is being (8)
………. to circus performers as well.
The first to be hit by this rule were baffled members of the Moscow State Circus, who were touring
England at the time. Used to flying through the air without even the (9) ………. of a safety net, they (10)
………. that trapeze artistes often break arms and legs, but rarely heads. This simple fact was apparently
lost on the bureaucrats at the government, however, who insisted that the rule be followed.
1. A. prone B. obsessed C. addicted D. devoted
2. A. In other words B. Such as C. What’s more D. For example
3. A. proposed B. challenged C. required D. demanded
4. A. regarded B. associated C. recognized D. concerned
5. A. referred B. called C. entitled D. known
6. A. place B. forth C. part D. ahead
7. A. fairly B. duly C. widely D. closely
8. A. presided B. enforced C. directed D. applied
9. A. profit B. benefit C. remedy D. welfare
10. A. pointed out B. came forward C. put across D. cleared up
VIII. Read the article about women who do unusual jobs. For these questions below it, choose from
women A-D. The women may be chosen more than once. (15pts)
Jobs for the girls
A. Tracey: Long-distance lorry driver
Loads of women tell me they’d love my job. They’ve just never thought of it and let’s face it, it’s not the
sort of thing you just fall into, is it? But I am a bit of petrol head- always mad about cars and bikes- so I
saved up, did a two-week course and got my license. Now I can drive an articulated lorry pulling 44 tones.
The only thing that put me off at first was the thought that it might mean I never got to see the kids, but to a
large extent it’s never interfered- you can opt for more local runs or early starts which mean you are all
done before school’s out. Delivering cargo can be heavy work, especially if there’s nobody on hand to help
load it up, and it sometimes defeats me. But I just love the freedom of being out on the road. I usually drive
for a total of nine hours a day. People ask me if I don’t get fed up with my own company, but to be honest
I’ve got my talking books, so times passes quickly enough. I might get the odd comment about a woman
driving a truck, and if things go wrong, people are quick to criticize, but I do get a lot of respect, too.
B. Emilia: IT consultant
When I started out, a lot of people were wary of new technology. It made them feel stupid. Strangely
enough, it was other women who seemed to have more of a problem working in IT than men. I remember
one female client saying to me that it must be good being a woman in IT because when you turn up, no one
thinks you will be up solving the problem. I was astonished and it made me wonder whether other people
shared her attitude. And I have had people ask to speak to men who are my junior because they reckoned I
wouldn’t be capable of getting to the bottom of whatever their problem was. So my professional pride
means that I’ve got to prove them wrong. But the industrial has changed a lot since I’ve been working in it.
The spread of broadband and computers at school means that there’s now a much higher level of general
understanding thee days. It’s taken time, but we’re getting there. Nonetheless, people frequently tell me I
don’t look geeky enough to work in IT. Some things have changed.
C. Karen: Footballer
“Women should be in the kitchen, not on a football pitch,” is one of comments I’ve had to put up with in
the past. But they’ve tended to come from other guys who see football as a man’s game. And people’s
perceptions are changing. I started playing football aged 11 and I was lucky growing up because my school
had a team I could join. I know that not all girls have that. People did think I was a bit of a tomboy but my
parents were great, always sticking up for me, telling me to take no notice of what people said, so it didn’t
get me down. Football is quite a physical game, and in that respect male players have the edge over us, but
on a tactical and technical level we’re more than a match for them. Boys grow up living and breathing
football, so it seems natural for them to get involved, but now it’s becoming much easier for girls, too.
Suddenly, there are lots more teams because women’s football’s really taking off in a big way, and so it’s
now more acceptable for girls to play.
D. Barbara: Plumber
I was in my late twenties when I decided to change from a career in retailing and go into plumbing. I
enrolled for a two-year course. Then I was taken on for an apprenticeship. There are five women where I
work out of a hundred, but at the time I joined I was the pioneer- a pretty daunting prospect. There was
nothing to stop women doing it- they just didn’t. But, on the whole, my experiences have been really
positive. Anything heavy is supposed to be a two-person job, so a lot of guys can’t lift things by themselves
either, which came as a pleasant surprise. Customer feedback is encouraging, particularly from other
women; some of whom prefer us because it makes them feel more comfortable in their homes and they
trust us. There are always going to be people who are skeptical and believe that, as a woman, you are not
up to the job but I think it’s a generational thing. Attitudes are changing in the industry and, more often
than not, nobody bats an eyelid when a woman turns up to mend a leak or whatever.
Which woman…
1. _________: felt relieved to find she was not expected to do hard physical work alone?
2. _________: was surprised that some people had low expectations of her initially?
3. _________: remembers being concerned about combining the work with other commitments?
4. _________: is grateful to those who were supportive of her early in her career?
5. _________: feels that the majority of people who are no longer surprised to see a woman in her
6. _________:mentions how quickly things are changing for women in her occupation?
7. _________: admits that she finds her work too physically demanding on occasion ?
8. _________: remembers being the first woman employee in her company?
9. _________: finds that some beliefs about people in her line of work remain unaltered?
10. _________: mentions how her training was financed?
11. _________:mentions the positive reaction of some clients to her gender?
12. _________: denies the suggestion that hers is a lonely job?
13. _________: feels a need to correct certain wrong assumptions about her ability?
14. _________: identifies one area where men are at an advantage in her job?
15. _________: realizes that she had opportunities which others lacked?
IX. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
Self defence
Picture the scene: a young woman is walking to her car in a multi-storey car park late at night.
Suddenly, a man jumps out at her from behind a column. She performs some fancy moves, kicks him
where it hurts and while he’s on the floor, she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed.
Well, that’s how they do it in a film. Unfortunately, the reality might be something quite different.
When the girl tries to kick the bad guy, he grabs her off balance and now she is on the floor, defenseless,
with nowhere to run.
This little scenario should serve to teach you three very important things: real life is nothing like in
films; never walk alone at night, whether you are a man or a woman; and, most important, use your brain
and not you body to defend against an attacker.
Staying safe is all about not putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. Avoid a potential
attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means don’t go out alone at night, stay in well-
lit areas, make sure someone’s always knows where you are, be aware of your surroundings at all times,
walk with confidence and carry a mobile phone with you at all times. Basically, don’t make yourself a
target. Attackers look for people who are vulnerable.
If you don’t find yourself in a dangerous situation, where you are being threatened, try and diffuse it.
That is try not to make the situation worse by getting angry or trying to fight. The best defense is to remove
yourself completely from the situation. Calmly walk away if you can, but if you feel you have to run away,
then that’s what you should do, as fast as you can.
If all else fails and physical force is your only choice, then you must fight back. However, the only
way to do this effectively is to use the moves you have learnt in a self-defense class. A good self-denfence
instructor will teach you how to escape an attacker’s grasp and how to disable or distract him long enough
for you to escape.
Ask your local police station, community centre or YMCA centre for details of your nearest class.

1.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To explain how to defend yourself B. to say why people are attacked
C. to teach people how to fight D. to describe something that happens
2. What would a reader learn about films from the text?
A. You shouldn’t watch them on your own
B. They can make some people very violent
C. They can be a useful way to learn about self denfence
D. They don’t give a realistic message about self denfence
3. What does the writer say about attackers?
A. They like to attack people with mobile phones B. They look for easy targets
C. They prefer to attack confident people D. They are aware of their surroundings
4. What does the writer say about physical force?
A. You should learn how to use it beforehand B. You should use it as fast as you can
C. You must always fight back D. You should use it only is you are very angry
5. Which of the following is the best description of the writer?
A. Someone who watches too many violent films B. Someone who is learning how to fight criminals
C. Someone who is trying to make people safer D. Someone who is worried about the causes of crime
X. You are going to read an article about digital photography. 5 sentences have been removed from
the article Choose the sentence A-G the one which fits each gap (1-5) There are 2 extra sentences
which you do not need. (5 pts)
Everything you should know about digital photography
What is a digital photograph?
A digital photograph is a photo, produced with computer techniques, made up of hundreds of thousands or
millions of tiny squares of color. (1) _______. If you look at a digital photograph through a magnifying
glass you can see the separate dots of color. The quality of any digital photo depends on the number of
pixels per square centimeter- the more pixels, the better the photo, which is why you should always try to
buy the best digital camera you can afford.
Why should I “go digital”?
There are many reasons why people ought to consider changing from ordinary cameras to digital
photography. (2) _______. You don’t waste time going to the shops for your films or photos, and you don’t
have to spend money on films. There is also the advantage that digital photography is instant. You can
view your pictures immediately allowing you to decide which photos you want to keep and which you
don’t. No more wondering if you should have taken a photo or not- with digital cameras you can take the
picture first and decide later whether or not you want it. Of course, with digital technology you are able to
change your picture so that it looks great anyway- that’s another huge plus when it comes to digital
cameras. Lastly, and something we all ought to think about, is the fact that digital photography doesn’t use
toxic chemicals that often end up in our rivers and lakes.
How does it work?
You don’t need to be a computer wizard to use digital camera. Put simply, what happens is that the camera
produces your picture in digital format- i.e., made up of pixels- so that it can then be “read” by your
computer. (3) _______. They can be saved until you want to use them, included in letters you’ve written on
your computer or sent to friends and family in an email.
Which type of digital camera should buy?

First of all, when you are looking at digital cameras and thinking “which one shall I buy?”, bear in mind
that nobody yet knows what a digital camera ought to look like, so there are lots of strange shapes and
sizes. (4 ) _______
Secondly, there is the cost. At the cheaper end of the market, there are the “point and shoot” cameras.
These cameras are fully automatic and anybody just starting digital photography should begin with one of
these. They are so simple that after only a couple of weeks, you should have learnt all you need to know
about how to use the camera. (5) _______. Some of these are a bit too complicated for everyday use. At the
top of the price scale are professional cameras and digital video cameras- very expensive and only
necessary for the serious photographer.

A. Once your photos are stored on your computer, you can decide what you want to do with them.
B. You can change these pictures with your digital camera if you follow the instructions.
C. However, the design doesn’t make any difference to the camera’s performance and you shouldn’t be
too influenced by this.
D. The technical name for these squares is picture-elements or pixels.
E. For more money you can buy one of the mega pixel cameras, which, as their name suggests, produce
better quality photos by using more pixels.
F. Do you want to take pictures of things close up or far away?
G. For a start, digital cameras save you both time and money.
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the
words given. (5 pts)
1. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
ð Never ___________________________________________________________________.
2. Can the conflict only be solved by force?
ð Isn’t there ________________________________________________________________?
3. Isn’t it high time you greased the hinges?
ð Don’t ____________________________________________________________________.
4. It’s a shame you didn’t keep your promise to Helen.
ð You ought _________________________________________________________________.
5. We’ve been thinking the matter over and have finally come to a decision.
ð We’ve given_____________________________________________________________.
XII. Combine the pair of sentences in each of the following sentences, using the words given. (5 pts)
1. Take into account all the possible hardships. (provisions)
ð _________________________________________________________________________.
2. Someone has proposed revising the case (that)
ð It _______________________________________________________________________.
3. It is possible that he will put through very soon. (chance)
ð There ____________________________________________________________________.
4. Everyone was in deep sleep when the fire started. (sound)
ð Everyone _____________________________________________________broke out.
5. Each new generation is given the family jewels (down)
ð The ________________________________________________________generation.



I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (20 pts)
1. Our father’s sudden illness has ………… doubt on our holiday trip to Egypt.
A. dropped B. borne C. passed D. cast
2. However the strict ………..we took, we couldn’t eliminate the risk of any further riots in the streets.
A. measures B. control C. discipline D. regulations
3. “What’s the ………... rate for this bungalow?” “It’s ten thousand dollars, sir.”
A. running B. going C. making D. setting
4. Who took part in the celebration?” “Mr. Wallace, Mrs. Simpson and Frank Cox, to ……… but a few.”
A. name B. say C. call D. state
5. We thanked the host for their generous……….and got under way.
A. hostility B. honesty C. hospitality D. hostage
6. They said I’d be on ……..for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out about my skills.
A. testing B. examination C. probation D. inspection
7. If it hadn’t been for Simon who …….. our attention to the mistake, the faulty project would have
received our acceptance.
A. drew B. paid C. spent D. gave
8. Rice is the …………..diet in the meals of the Asian.
A. common B. staple C. usual D. obvious
9. …………. he delivers the report, it will be sent to the headquarters.
A. Immediately B. On the point C. At once D. Soon enough
10. The announcement of a ………... fire took effect when both two sides recognized its benefits .
A. stop B. end C. break D. cease
11. This is specifically male section, so women are ………... the minority here.
A. in B. of C. on D. for
12. One of the hazards that electronic media like the television, radio or computers ………...these days is
the decline in book reading.
A. denote B. pose C. play D. arise
13. Paul’s been in Alice’s bad ………... ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. records C. books D. treats
14. Jimmy gave up his work in the hotel kitchen and became ………….soldier in the army.
A. a voluntary B. an intentional C. a willing D. a deliberate
15. You ………...that man our phone number. I didn’t trust him at all..
A. should not have given B. must not have given
C. might not have given D. could not have given
16. Jane: “Are you interested in scuba diving?” Janet: “______”
A. Very. Undersea life is fascinating. B. Very. Undersea life is being strongly contaminated.
C. Not any. Undersea life is too expensive. D. Well, things are much different, now.
17."Well, could you call the airline and reconfirm my flight? I'm kind of busy right now." - " ______ "
A. Not at all. B. I'll try. Let me have the details.
C. What are you doing? D. What do you think I should do?
18. The monk insisted that the tourists ______ the temple until they had removed their shoes.
A. not entering B. not enter C. not to enter D. don’t enter
19. In 1917, the Russian working classes ……. against their masters.
A. stood up B. handed up C. rose up D. raised up
20. The Olympic games are ………..start tomorrow morning at 8.30 a.m. our time.
A. about to B. due to C. on the point of D. bound to
II. Choose the word which has the opposite meaning to the underlined in each sentence. (5 pts)
1. Not until all their demands had been turned down did the workers decide to go on strike for more
A. rejected B. sacked C. reviewed D. approved
2.There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and fanners are having trouble.
A. adequate B. unsatisfactory C. abundant D. dominant
3. A temporary office was set up to give support to the local people.
A. permanent B. indispensable C. extra D. supportive
4. The issue of pay rise will loom large at this year’s conference as it is what all the attendees want to
A. become important B. be discussed C. be improved D. be avoided
5. We are now in a 24/7 society where shops and services must be available all hours.
A. an active society B. a working society C. a physical society D. an inactive society

III. Choose the word which has the opposite meaning to the underlined in each sentence. (5 pts)
1.If you are at loose end this weekend, I will show you round the city.
A. confident B. relunctant C. free D. occupied
2. Adverse reviews on the New York press will greatly change the prospect of a new product on the market
and lead to its failure.
A. comfortable B. favorable C. complimentary D. additional
3. Tommy is so feverish about going to the seaside because he has never seen the sea in his life.
A. excited B. concerned C. eager D. indifferent
4. The details you are giving to me are of secondary importance, what I need is something really
A. negligible B. vital C. minor D. trivial
5. Everybody was expecting the orders from the Headquarters and the following action which was to take
A. consequent B. subsequent C. preceding D. advanced

IV. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket. (10 pts)
1. He is the second (pass) ............................ caught by the guards today intruding into the no-entry
2. Only one student was (respond) ............................ to the teacher’s questions, which discouraged him so
3. The researchers hope to (clear) ........................... the mysterious supernatual phenomena.
4. The array of voices is (measure) ........................... as no two are exactly similar.
5-6. I think her (apt) ........................... for foreseeing the future has been ignored for too long. Think about
the (fortune) ........................... that could have been averted if someone had taken notice for her predictions.
7. It wasn’t clear who of the neighbors showed so strong determination as to (note) ........................... the
police of the argument the Browns had at home.
8. The distiguished old gentleman says he won’t bring the case to court for having been
(mistake) ........................... imprisoned during the demonstration.
9. The baby was born (form) ...........................due to the deficiency of vitamin during its mother’s
10. The evidence shows that the man is (presume) ...........................a murderer, but the final verdict will
only be given afther the trial.
1. tresspasser 2. Responsive 3. clarify 4. Immeasurable 5. Aptitude
6. misfortunes 7. Notify 8. Mistakenly 9. Deformed 10. presumably

V. There are 10 mistakes in the following passage. Find and get them right. Write your answers in
the blanks provided. Number 0 is an example. (10 pts)
Line 1
The Birth of Venus
The Florentine master Sandra Botticelli created one of the most grateful and joyful images of the model
age, and the single most popular painting in the Uffizi. To see them at its best, you need to pre-book a
ticket to timed entry at 8.15 a.m., courtesy of the Firenze Musei booked service; don’t be put off if you
can’t get over on the phone first time. Once inside, head straight for the suite of rooms 10-14, where the
Botticellis are displaying. Then take in the other highlights of the collects- the Da Vincis in room 15, the
Raphaels in room 26, and the Caravaggios in room 43- staying ahead of the hordes because you go. If there
are any gaps you need filling in, work backwards towards the entrance: by now, the crowds will be
avoided, but you’ll have already had the masters to yourself

Your answers:
11. Line ...

12. Line ...


13. Line ...


14. Line ...


15. Line ...

16. Line ...


17. Line ...


18. Line ...


19. Line ...


20. Line ...



1. model
1. displaying
2. them
2. collects
3. to
3. because
4. booked
4. filling
to fill
5. over
5. avoided

VI. Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word (10 pts)
The anxiety of many investigators has been aroused by reports of the Snowman which was
encountered (1)___________ else in the Himalaya region by an expedition of mountaineers aspiring to
reach the (2)___________ of Mount Everest. This cautious creature which is also known as the Yeti made
the poor explorers’s hair (3)___________ on end as it started to howl, grunt and whistle early at daybreak
(4)___________ they were sleeping soundly in their tents. The petrified man jumped out of their sleepin g
bags just to see the montrous creature rushing (5)___________ the forest. They had no doubts that what
they had seen was most bizarre and unique. Their amazement grew (6)___________ stronger when they
examined the monster’s gigantic footprints left in the snow.
Sir Michael Admundson- a distinguished expert on unexplained phenomemon, who was first to analyse
this intriguing report, considers the occurrence an exceptional opportunity to clear up the Yeti mystery
(7)___________ and for all. He has already devised a scheme to try to capture the Snowman in the place
where it was spotted by (8)___________ of a system of complicated traps. Not that he intends to do the
apprehensive creature (9)___________ harm and keep it in captivity for his own good, but his objective is
to prove that disregarding the Yeti story (10)___________ being a sheer deception has been an unfortunate
misjudgement accepted by too many for too long.

The anxiety of many investigators has been aroused by reports of the Snowman which was
encountered somewhere else in the Himalaya region by an expedition of mountaineers aspiring to reach the
peak ot Mount Everest. This cautious creature which is also known as the Yeti made the poor explorers’s
hair stand on end as it started to howl, grunt and whistle early at daybreak while they were sleeping
soundly in their tents. The petrified man jumped out of their sleepin g bags just to see the montrous
creature rushing towards the forest. They had no doubts that what they had seen was most bizarre and
unique. Their amazement grew even stronger when they examined the monster’s gigantic footprints left in
the snow.
Sir Michael Admundson- a distinguished expert on unexplained phenomemon, who was first to analyse
this intriguing report, considers the occurrence an exceptional opportunity to clear up the Yeti mystery
once and for all. He has already devised a scheme to try to capture the Snowman in the place where it was
spotted by use of a system of complicated traps. Not that he intends to do the apprehensive creature any
harm and keep it in captivity for his own good, but his objective is to prove that disregarding the Yeti story
as being a sheer deception has been an unfortunate misjudgement accepted by too many for too long.

VII. Read the text and choose the answer that best completes each gap (10 pts)
A question of safety
Life involves a certain amount of risk, or at least it did. These days, however, governments seem to
have become (1) ………. with the idea of protecting us from it. As a result, what we actually risk most is
not being allowed to live at all.

(2) ………., take a recent edict which emerged from the British governmemt’s health and safety
department. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so serious. Circus artistes performing on tightropes or the
trapeze are being (3) ………. to wear the type of hard hats more usually (4) ………. with the construction
industry. Under a relatively new law (5) ………. as the “temporary work at heights directive”, such a hat
must be worn for any working activity taking (6) ………. above the height of an “average stepladder”.
Now you might think that sounds (7) ……….reasonable, but the absurd thing is that the rule is being (8)
………. to circus performers as well.
The first to be hit by this rule were baffled members of the Moscow State Circus, who were touring
England at the time. Used to flying through the air without even the (9) ………. of a safety net, they (10)
………. that trapeze artistes often break arms and legs, but rarely heads. This simple fact was apparently
lost on the bureaucrats at the government, however, who insisted that the rule be followed.
11. A. prone B. obsessed C. addicted D. devoted
12. A. In other words B. Such as C. What’s more D. For example
13. A. proposed B. challenged C. required D. demanded
14. A. regarded B. associated C. recognized D. concerned
15. A. referred B. called C. entitled D. known
16. A. place B. forth C. part D. ahead
17. A. fairly B. duly C. widely D. closely
18. A. presided B. enforced C. directed D. applied
19. A. profit B. benefit C. remedy D. welfare
20. A. pointed out B. came forward C. put across D. cleared up

VIII. Read the article about women who do unusual jobs. For these questions below it, choose from
women A-D. The women may be chosen more than once. (15pts) p60, Cam Advanced PT plus
Jobs for the girls
A. Tracey: Long-distance lorry driver
Loads of wome tell me they’d love my job. They’ve just never thought of it and let’s face it, it’s not the
sort of thing you just fall into, is it? But I am a bit of petrol head- always mad about cars and bikes- so I
saved up, did a two-week course and got my licence. Now I can drive an articulated lorry pulling 44 tones.
The only thing that put me off at first was the thought that it might mean I never got to see the kids, but to a
large extent it’s never interfered- you can opt for more local runs or early starts which mean you are all
done before school’s out. Delivering cargo can be heavy work, especially if there’s nobody on hand to help
load it up, and it sometimes defeats me. But I just love the freedom of being out on the road. I usually drive
for a total of nine hours a day. People ask me if I don’t get fed up with my own company, but to be honest
I’ve got my talking books, so times passes quickly enough. I might get the odd comment about a woman
driving a truck, and if things go wrong, people are quick to criticize, but I do get a lot of respect, too.
B. Emilia: IT consultant
When I started out, a lot of people were wary of new technology. It made them feel stupid. Strangely
enough, it was other women who seemed to have more of a problem working in IT than men. I remember
one female client saying to me that it must be good being a woman in IT because when you turn up, no one
thinks you will be up solving the problem. I was astonished and it made me wonder whether other people
shared her attitude. And I have had people ask to speak to men who are my junior because they reckoned I
wouldn’t be capable of getting to the bottom of whatever their problem was. So my professional pride
means that I’ve got to prove them wrong. But the industrial has changed a lot since I’ve been working in it.
The spread of broadband and computers at school means that there’s now a much higher level of general
understanding thee days. It’s taken time, but we’re getting there. Nonetheless, people frequently tell me I
don’t look geeky enough to work in IT. Some things have changed.
C. Keren: Footballer
“Women should be in the kitchen, not on a football pitch,” is one of comments I’ve had to put up with in
the past. But they’ve tended to come from other guys who see football as a man’s game. And people’s
perceptions are changing. I started playing football aged 11 and I was lucky growing up because my school
had a team I could join. I know that not all girls have that. People did think I was a bit of a tomboy but my
parents were great, always sticking up for me, telling me to take no notice of what people said, so it didn’t
get me down. Football is quite a physical game, and in that respect male players have the edge over us, but
on a tactical and technical level we’re more than a match for them. Boys grow up living and breathing
football, so it seems natural for them to get involved, but now it’s becoming much easier for girls, too.
Suddenly, there are lots more teams because women’s football’s really taking off in a big way, and so it’s
now more acceptable for girls to play.
D. Barbara: Plumber
I was in my late twenties when I decided to change from a career in retailing and go into plumbing. I
enrolled for a two-year course. Then I was taken on for an apprenticeship. There are five women where I
work out of a hundred, but at the time I joined I was the pioneer- a pretty daunting prospect. There was
nothing to stop women doing it- they just didn’t. But, on the whole, my experiences have been really
positive. Anything heavy is supposed to be a two-person job, so a lot of guys can’t lift things by themselves
either, which came as a pleasant surprise. Customer feedback is encouraging, particularly from other
women; some of whom prefer us because it makes them feel more comfortable in their homes and they
trust us. There are always going to be people who are sceptical and believe that, as a woman, you are not
up to the job but I think it’s a generational thing. Attitudes are changing in the industry and, more often
than not, nobody bats an eyelid when a woman turns up to mend a leak or whatever.
Which woman…
16. _________: felt relieved to find she was not expected to do hard physical work alone? D
17. _________: was surprised that some people had low expectations of her initially?B
18. _________: remembers being concerned about combining the work with other commiments?A
19. _________: is grateful to those who were supportive of her early in her career?C
20. _________: feels that the majority of people who are no longer surprised to see a woman in her
21. _________:mentions how quickly things are changing for women in her occupation?C
22. _________: admits that she finds her work too physically demanding on occasion ?A
23. _________: remembers being the first woman employee in her company?D
24. _________: finds that some beliefs about people in her line of work remain unaltered?B
25. _________: mentions how her training was financed?A
26. _________:mentions the positive reaction of some clients to her gender?D
27. _________: denies the suggestion that hers is a lonely job?A
28. _________: feels a need to correct certain wrong assumptions about her ability?B
29. _________: identifies one area where men are at an advantage in her job?C
30. _________: realises that she had opportunities which others lacked?C

*IX. Read the passage below and choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
Self defence
Picture the scene: a young woman is walking to her car in a multi-storey car park late at night.
Suddenly, a man jumps out at her from behind a column. She performs some fancy moves, kicks him
where it hurts and while he’s on the floor, she jumps into her car and drives away unharmed.
Well, that’s how they do it in a film. Unfortunately, the reality might be something quite different.
When the girl tries to kick the bad guy, he grabs her off balance and now she is on the floor, defenseless,
with nowhere to run.
This little scenario should serve to teach you three very important things: real life is nothing like in
films; never walk alone at night, whether you are a man or a woman; and, most important, use your brain
and not you body to defend against an attacker.
Staying safe is all about not putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. Avoid a potential
attack before it happens by using your common sense. This means don’t go out alone at night, stay in well-
lit areas, make sure someone’s always knows where you are, be aware of your surroundings at all times,
walk with confidence and carry a mobile phone with you at all times. Basically, don’t make yourself a
target. Attackers look for people who are vulnerable.
If you don’t find yourself in a dangerous situation, where you are being threatened, try and diffuse it.
That is try not to make the situation worse by getting angry or trying to fight. The best defence is to remove

yourself completely from the situation. Calmly walk away if you can, but if you feel you have to run away,
then that’s what you should do, as fast as you can.
If all else fails and physical force is your only choice, then you must fight back. However, the only
way to do this effectively is to use the moves you have learnt in a self-defence class. A good self-denfence
instructor will teach you how to escape an attacker’s grasp and how to disable or distract him long enough
for you to escape.
Ask your local police station, community centre or YMCA centre for details of your nearest class.
1.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the text?
A. To explain how to defend yourself B. to say why people are attacked
C. to teach people how to fight D. to describe something that happens
2. What would a reader learn about films from the text?
A. You shouldn’t watch them on your own
B. They can make some people very violent
C. They can be a useful way to learn about self denfence
D. They don’t give a realistic message about self denfence
3. What does the writer say about attackers?
A. They like to attack people with mobile phones B. They look for easy targets
C. They prefer to attack confident people D. They are aware of their surroundings
4. What does the writer say about physical force?
A. You should learn how to use it beforehand B. You should use it as fast as you can
C. You must always fight back D. You should use it only is you are very angry
5. Which of the following is the best description of the writer?
A. Someone who watches too many violent films B. Someone who is learning how to fight criminals
C. Someone who is trying to make people safer D. Someone who is worried about the causes of crime

X. You are going to read an article about digital photography. 5 sentences have been removed from
the article Choose the sentence A-G the one which fits each gap (1-5) There are 2 extra sentences
which you do not need. (5 pts)

Everything you should know about digital photography

What is a digital photograph?

A digital photograph is a photo, produced with computer techniques, made up of hundreds of thousands or
millions of tiny squares of color. (1) _______. If you look at a digital photograph through a magnifying
glass you can see the separate dots of color. The quality of any digital photo depends on the number of
pixels per square centimetre- the more pixels, the better the photo, which is why you should always try to
buy the best digital camera you can afford.

Why should I “go digital”?

There are many reasons why people ought to consider changing from ordinary cameras to digital
photography. (2) _______. You don’t waste time going to the shops for your films ot photos, and you don’t
have to spend money on films. There is also thr advantage that digital photography is instant. You can view
your pictures immediately allowing you to decide which photos you want to keep and which you don’t. No
more wondering if you should have taken a photo or not- with digital cameras you can take the picture first
and decide later whether or not you want it. Of course, with digital technology you are able to change your
picture so that it looks great anyway- that’s another huge plus when it comes to digital cameras. Lastly, and
something we all ought to think about, is the fact that digital photography doesn’t use toxic chemicals that
often end up in our rivers and lakes.

How does it work?

You don’t need to be a computer wizard to use digital camera. Put simply, what happens is that the camera
produces your picture in digital format- i.e., made up of pixels- so that it can then be “read” by your

computer. (3) _______. They can be saved until you want to use them, included in letters you’ve written on
your computer or sent to friends and family in an email.
Which type of digital camera should buy?
First of all, when you are looking at digital cameras and thinking “which one shall I buy?”, bear in mind
that nobody yet knows what a digital camera ought to look llike, so there are lots of strange shapes ans
sizes. (4 ) _______
Secondly, there is the cost. At the cheaper end of the market, there are the “point and shoot” cameras.
These cameras are fully automatic and anybody just starting digital photography should begin with one of
these. They are so simple that after only a couple of weeks, you should have learnt all you need to know
about how to use the camera. (5) _______. Some of these are a bit too complicated for everyday use. At the
top of the price scale are professional cameras and digital video cameras- very expensive and only
necessary for the serious photographer.

H. Once your photos are stored on your computer, you can decide what you want to do with them.
I. You can change these pictures with your digital camera if you follow the instructions.
J. However, the design doesn’t make any difference to the camera’s performance and you shouldn’t be
too influenced by this.
K. The technical name for these squares is picture-elements or pixels.
L. For more money you can buy one of the mega pixel cameras, which, as their name suggests, produce
better quality photos by using more pixels.
M. Do you want to take pictures of things close up or far away?
N. For a start, digital cameras save you both time and money.
1D 2G 3A 4C 5E
XI. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the
words given. (5 pts)
1. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
ð Never ___________________________________________________________________.
Never accept cheques withour proof of identity.
2. Can the conflict only be solved by force?
ð Isn’t there ________________________________________________________________?
Isn’t there any other solution to the conflict than by force?/
Isn’t there any other way of solving the conflict than by force?
3. Isn’t it high time you greased the hinges?
ð Don’t ____________________________________________________________________.
Don’t the hinges need greasing/ to be greased?
4. It’s a shem you didn’t keep your promise to Helen.
ð You ought _________________________________________________________________.
You ought to have kept your promise to Helen.
5. We’ve been thinking the matter over and have finally come to a decision.
ð We’ve given_____________________________________________________________.
We’ve given the matter a lot of thought and finally ………………
XII. Combine the pair of sentences in each of the following sentences, using the words given. (5 pts)
1. Take into account all the possible hardships. (provisions)
ð _________________________________________________________________________.
Make provisions for all the possible hardships
2. Someone has proposed revising the case (that)
ð It _______________________________________________________________________.
It has been proposed that the case be revised.
3. It is possible that he will put through very soon. (chance)
ð There ____________________________________________________________________.
There is a chance that he will ………………….
4. Everyone was in deep sleep when the fire started. (sound)
ð Everyone _____________________________________________________broke out.
Everyone was sound asleep when the fire….
5. Each new generation is given the family jewels (down)
ð The ________________________________________________________generation.
The family jewels are handed down to each new generation.


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