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WHEREAS, On Friday, March 13, 2020, Missouri Governor Mike Parson declared a State of Emergency for
the State of Missouri relating to the COVID-19 outbreak; and

WHEREAS, in a short period of time, COVID-19 has rapidly spread, causing sickness and even death, of St.
Louis City residents, thereby necessitating more significant actions; and

WHEREAS, the spread of COVID-19, together with the necessary public health measures taken to limit its
spread, have already imposed and will continue to impose significant costs, financial and otherwise, on St.
Louis City’s workers, their families and businesses; and

WHEREAS, Board of Aldermen Rule 17 allows a Special Committee to be formed by Resolution of the Board
of Aldermen; the Special Committee shall be appointed by the President of the Board of Aldermen; and

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 virus is having and will have a multi-fold impact on our society from economics,
health, development, intergovernmental cooperation, education, transportation, and many other areas; the scope
of this impact is more broad than any existing standing committee’s subject matter; this special committee will
allow discussion on the particular impact of COVID-19 to occur in a centralized setting; and

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 virus has created an immediate and significant threat to the health, safety, and
wellbeing of the people of St. Louis City, the region and our Country; creating a special committee of the Board
of Aldermen will allow the Board to be proactive in addressing the needs of our residents through legislation
and coordination across sectors as the pandemic progresses; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Louis that the Board of
Aldermen authorizes the creation of a special committee for the purpose of addressing the impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic to the City of St. Louis. The committee will look into and address issues that are specific
to workers, businesses, public health, education, the economy, tourism, and the overall well-being of the
residents in the City that are impacted by COVID-19. The committee will work to identify strategies to stabilize
the City’s economy; to find ways to ensure the continued livelihood of workers; to protect the investments of
business owners and entrepreneurs; to reduce unnecessary laws and regulations that might be a barrier to the
rapid recovery of the local economy; to analyze potential policies concerning coordination of state and federal
stimulus and other relief; to recommend other actions or policies that could improve and strengthen the City;
and to perform other duties assigned by the Chairman of the Special Committee. The Committee shall meet for
as long as the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic exists.

Introduced this 21st day of April, 2020 by:

Honorable Lewis E. Reed, President St. Louis City Board of Aldermen

Adopted this 21st day of April, 2020 as attested by:

_______________________ __________________________
Terry Kennedy Lewis E. Reed
Clerk, Board of Aldermen President, Board of Aldermen

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