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Ghubaya College of Pharmacy 9485500085 Health Education and Community Pharmacy


Vitamins are complex organic chemical substances which are very essential for normal growth and
development of the body.
Vitamins are classified into two major groups:
1. Water soluble vitamins
2. Fat soluble Vitamins


S. no. Nutrient Deficiency Diseases

1. Protein Kwashiorkor and marasmus.
Protein calorie malnutrition Kwashiorkor results due to very low consumption of proteins
(PCM) in the diet.
Protein energy malnutrition Marasmus results due to deficiency of proteins, carbohydrates
(PEM) and fats in the diet of infants especially the infants.
2 Vitamin A Xerophtbalmia, night blindness and keratomalacia
3 Vitamin D Rickets and osteomalacia
4 Vitamin E Sterility.
5 Vitamin K Hypoprothrombinaemia (deficiency of clotting factor,
prothrombin in the blood resulting in delayed clotting of
blood) which further leads to haemorrhages
6 Vitamin B1(Thiamine) Beri-beri
7 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) Angular stomatitis (cracking of the skin at the corners of the

Ghubaya College of Pharmacy 9485500085 Health Education and Community Pharmacy
mouth), soreness and inflammation of the mouth and tongue
8 P-P factor (Nicotinic acid) Pellagra with diarrhoea, dermatitis, insomnia and mental
9 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Muscular dystrophy, rigidity and dermatitis in rats
11 Vitamin B12 Pernicious anaemia (defective production of red blood cells)
12 Vitamin M (Folic acid) Megaloblastic anaemia (disturbance in the synthesis of DNA)
13 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) Scurvy, anaemia; bad teeth, offensive breath,
14 Calcium Poor development of bones and teeth, rickets, osteomalacia
and delayed blood coagulation
15 Phosphorus Softening of bones, dental caries, stunted growth and
depression of vital organs
16 Iron Anaemia
17 Iodine Goitre
18 Sodium chloride Cramps, marked general weakness, mental lassitude
(uninterested to do work) and feel exhausted

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