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NO. MATRIKS : P99386





 Television programme and movies (Independent Variable)

 English language (Dependant Variable)

Research Instruments

The research will implement two questionnaires which is the pre-test and post-
test.Questionnaires will be preferred in this study because all the students who will be
participating in this study were literate and therefore will be capable of answering the items


Face validity

Face validity: a try out will be valid in term of face validity because with superficial
inspection of the test format. This test will be an English test for the form and form five
students. The validity of test is important, a test has good validity if most of the testee will be
encouraged to try harder and do the test as the outcome the test seems to be effective;

Content validity

Content validity is a kind of validity which depends on careful analysis of the language being
tested and particular test. Trying out test of this study will have content validity because the
items will be taken from higher secondary Esl students.

Reliability is a necessary characteristic of any good test for it to be valid at all and a test must
be reliable as measuring instruments. A test was given for 30 students to know the reliability
of test.

Measures and Scores

Statistical test using the t-test and One-Way Anova formula will guarantee the effectiveness
of audio visual media on students’ language acquisition.


Research Design

The research conducted will be using quasi experimental method. The questionnaire
instrument was introduced to access the ESL learners ' views and perceptions. 30 students
will be used as the experimental group. The questionnaire was composed of open-ended,
closed-ended questions and rating scales. The study will employ a 5-point Likert Scale
questionnaire to find out to what extent the students believed watching movies could help
them improve their language skills. This will serve as a baseline survey, where information
was used in the experimental component

Population and Sampling

The research will be piloted on the form 4 and form 5 students of a Chinese independent
school in Klang. From the number of 200 hundred students, 30 will be picked through
purposive sampling. The sample size will be restricted to 30 as the research project is of
limited size.

Data Collection

All 30 students will be pre-tested using one set of the English Language test to determine
their pre-test condition for competencies in English Language. The experimental groups will
be then exposed to movies and Television programmes for 12 weeks after which, the
students will be post-tested using the second set of the English test. The results of the two sets
of English test will be tested to determine whether there was an effect or no effect of movies
and television programmes on students language learning.
Data Analysis

The t-test statistics and One-Way Anova will be used to test the hypotheses –differences
between the pre-test and post-test achievement mean score of students in the two English
tests. The mean and standard deviation will be used to answer the research questions of the


Rahila P.Gowon (January 2009).An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal, Ethiopia Vol. 3

ISSN 1994-9057 (Print) ISSN 2070-0083

Smaldino, E.Sharon, et al. (2002). Instructional Technology and Media for

Learning, USA: Pearson.

Lemish, D. (1984). Viewers in diapers: The early development of television watching. In T.

R.Lindlof (ed.), Natural Audiences: Qualitative Research of Media Uses and
Effects.Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

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