Mpls Qos: About This Chapter

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HUAWEI NetEngine40E Universal Service Router

Feature Description - QoS 9 MPLS QoS


About This Chapter

9.1 MPLS QoS Overview

9.2 MPLS DiffServ

9.1 MPLS QoS Overview

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) uses label-based forwarding to replace traditional
route-based forwarding. MPLS has a powerful and flexible routing function and can meet the
requirements of various applications for the network. MPLS can be implemented on various
physical media, such as the Ethernet, PPP, ATM.
Currently MPLS widely applies to large-scale networks. Therefore, quality of service (QoS)
for MPLS networks must be deliberately deployed.
MPLS establishes label switched paths (LSPs) to implement connection-oriented forwarding.
QoS for LSP provides QoS guarantee for data flows transmitted over LSPs. Therefore, the
DiffServ and IntServ models are applied to MPLS networks. The combination of MPLS and
IntServ shapes multiprotocol label switching traffic engineering (MPLS TE), and the
combination of MPLS and DiffServ shapes MPLS DiffServ.

MPLS TE - Combination of MPLS and IntServ

IntServ uses the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) to apply for resources over the entire
network and maintains a forwarding state for each data flow, hindering the extensibility.
Therefore, IntServ does not prevail on networks. Relevant standards, however, extends RSVP
by allowing RSVP PATH messages to carry label requests and RSVP RESV messages to
support label allocation. The extended RSVP is called Resource Reservation Protocol-Traffic
Engineering (RSVP-TE). RSVP-TE allows MPLS to control the path through which traffic
traverses and reserve resources during LSP establishment so that traffic can bypass congestion
nodes. This method of balancing network traffic is called MPLS TE.
MPLS TE controls the path through which traffic traverses but cannot identify services.
Traffic is transmitted along LSPs, regardless of service priorities. Therefore, if the actual

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traffic rate exceeds the specification, requirements for services that are sensitive to QoS are
not satisfied. Therefore, MPLS TE alone cannot provide the QoS guarantee.

MPLS DiffServ - Combination of MPLS and DiffServ

The DiffServ model can distinguish services based on packet contents and allow packets with
high priorities to be forwarded preferentially. Therefore, DiffServ widely applies to MPLS
However, DiffServ reserves resources only on a single node and cannot specify the bandwidth
for each service in advance. When the traffic rate exceeds the allowed bandwidth, high-
priority services are forwarded preferentially at the cost that delays and packet loss of low-
priority services deteriorate. In the case of severe traffic congestion, even high-priority
services are delayed or lost. Therefore, MPLS DiffServ alone can hardly provide the end-to-
end QoS guarantee or allow services to comply with the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

VPN QoS - MPLS QoS Application on MPLS VPNs

VPN QoS combines MPLS QoS and MPLS VPN to serve for networking that bears services
of various priorities. VPN QoS distinguishes services of different priorities and ensures that
high-priority services are forwarded preferentially. This guarantees the QoS for important
services on VPNs.
DiffServ, RSVP-TE, and MPLS VPN can be jointly used based on actual requirements to
isolate services, distinguish services of different priorities, ensure bandwidth resources for
important services or important VPNs, and forwards packets on VPNs or MPLS-TE tunnels
based on packet priorities. This provides a solid technical basis for carriers to develop voice,
video, and SLA-complying VPN services.

9.2 MPLS DiffServ

MPLS DiffServ Traffic Classification
In DiffServ model, traffic classification is implemented at network edges to classify packets
into multiple priorities or service classes. If the IP precedence fields in IP headers are used to
identify packets, the packets can be classified into eight (23) classes. If the DSCP fields in IP
headers are used to identify packets, the packets can be classified into 64 (26) classes. On each
node through which packets pass, the DSCP or IP precedence fields in IP headers are checked
to determine the per-hop behavior (PHB) of the packets.
On an MPLS network, however, the label switching router (LSR) does not check the IP
header information. Therefore, traffic classification cannot be implemented based on the ToS
or DSCP fields of packets. Relevant standards defines two schemes for traffic classification
on an MPLS network.

Scheme 1: E-LSP
The EXP-Inferred-PSC LSP (E-LSP) scheme uses the 3-bit EXP value in an MPLS header to
determine the PHB of the packets. Figure 9-1 shows an MPLS header.

Figure 9-1 MPLS header

20bits 3bits 1bits 8bits
Label Exp S TTL

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The EXP value can be copied from the DSCP or IP precedence in an IP packet or be set by
MPLS network carriers.

The label determines the forwarding path, and the EXP determines the PHB.

The E-LSP is applicable to networks that support not more than eight PHBs. The precedence
field in an IP header also has three bits, same as the EXP field length. Therefore, one
precedence value in an IP header exactly corresponds to one precedence value in an MPLS
header. However, the DSCP field in an IP header has six bits, different from the EXP length.
Therefore, more DSCP values correspond to only one EXP value. As the IEEE standard
defines, the three left-most bits in the DSCP field (the CSCP value) correspond to the EXP
value, regardless of what the three right-most bits are.

During traffic classification, the EXP value in an MPLS packet is mapped to the scheduling
precedence and drop precedence. Except traffic classification, QoS operations on an MPLS
network, such as traffic shaping, traffic policing, and congestion avoidance, are implemented
in the same manner as those on an IP network.

Figure 9-2 E-LSP


Exp=5 Exp=0 Exp=0 Exp=5


BE queue
EF queue

When the MPLS packet is leaving the LSR, the scheduling precedence and drop precedence
are mapped back to the EXP value for further EXP-based operations on the network.

For more details about the default mapping between the EXP value, service class, and color on NE40Es,
see 6.3.2 QoS Priority Mapping.

Scheme 2: L-LSP
The Label-Only-Inferred-PSC LSP (L-LSP) scheme uses labels to transmit PHB information.
The EXP field has only three bits, and therefore cannot be used alone to identify more than
eight PHBs. Instead, only the 20-bit label in an MPLS header can be used to identify more
than eight PHBs. The L-LSP is applicable to networks that support more than eight PHBs.

During packet forwarding, the label determines the forwarding path and scheduling behaviors
of the packets; the EXP carries the drop precedence. Therefore, the label and EXP both
determine the PHB. PHB information needs to be transmitted during LSP establishment. The
L-LSPs can transmit single-PHB flow, and also multi-PHB flow that has packets of the same
scheduling behavior but different drop precedences.

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Feature Description - QoS 9 MPLS QoS

Comparison Between the Two Schemes

In the L-LSP scheme, an LSP must be established for each type of services from the ingress
LSR to the egress LSRs. An L-LSP supports only one type of service.
In the E-LSP scheme, only one LSP needs to be established between the ingress and egress
LSRs to support up to eight PHBs.

Table 9-1 Comparison between E-LSPs and L-LSPs


The EXP determines the PHB (including the The label and EXP determine the PHB.
drop precedence).

No additional signals are needed. Signals are needed to establish LSPs.

Not supported on ATM links. Supported on ATM links.

Each LSP supports up to eight behavior Each LSP supports only one BA.
aggregates (BAs).

The principles for selecting L-LSPs or E-LSPs are as follows:

l Link layer: On PPP networks or LANs, E-LSPs, L-LSPs, or both can be used. On ATM
networks, the EXP value is invisible, and therefore only L-LSPs can be used.
l Service type: Up to eight PHBs are supported if only E-LSPs are used. To support more
than eight PHBs, you must use L-LSPs or use both E-LSPs and L-LSPs.
l Network load: Using E-LSPs reduces the LSP quantity, label resource consumption, and
signaling. Using L-LSPs is more resource-consuming.
Generally a network provides a maximum of four types of services, which can be transmitted
using E-LSPs. L-LSPs are used on ATM networks or networks that require the QoS guarantee
for various services with different drop precedences. NE40Es support E-LSPs only.

CoS Processing in MPLS DiffServ

The DiffServ model allows transit nodes in a DS domain to check and modify the IP
precedence, DSCP, or EXP value, which is called the class of service (CoS). Therefore, the
CoS value may vary during packet transmission.

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Figure 9-3 CoS Processing in MPLS DiffServ

Trust EXP or IP
Trust IP DSCP?

IP network MPLS IP network


MPLS Exp=2
IP packet IP over MPLS

Carriers need to determine whether to trust the CoS information in an IP or MPLS packet that
is entering an MPLS network or is leaving an MPLS network for an IP network. Relevant
standards defines three modes for processing the CoS: Uniform, Pipe, and Short Pipe.

Uniform Mode
When carriers determine to trust the CoS value (IP precedence or DSCP) in a packet from an
IP network, the Uniform mode can be used. The MPLS ingress LSR copies the CoS value in
the packet to the EXP field in the MPLS outer header to ensure the same QoS on the MPLS
network. When the packet is leaving the MPLS network, the egress LSR copies the EXP
value back to the IP precedence or DSCP in the IP packet.

Figure 9-4 Uniform mode

MPLS Network
IP Network
IP Network
Ingress Penultimate Egress
node node node
MPLS->MPLS swap Outer label
Outer label MPLS Exp=5 MPLS->IP pop
MPLS->MPLS push Outer label
MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=5 Inner label
Inner label MPLS Exp=5
Inner label Inner label
IP->MPLS push MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=5

As its name implies, Uniform mode ensures the same priority of packets on the IP and MPLS
networks. Priority mapping is performed for packets when they are entering or leaving an
MPLS network. Uniform mode has disadvantages. If the EXP value in a packet changes on an

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Feature Description - QoS 9 MPLS QoS

MPLS network, the PHB for the packet that is leaving the MPLS network changes
accordingly. In this case, the original CoS of the packet does not take effect.

Figure 9-5 CoS change in Uniform mode

MPLS Network
IP Network
IP Network
Ingress Penultimate Egress
node node node
MPLS->MPLS swap Outer label
Outer label MPLS Exp=6 MPLS->IP pop
MPLS->MPLS push Outer label
MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=6 Inner label
Inner label MPLS Exp=6
Inner label Inner label
IP->MPLS push MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=5 MPLS Exp=6

Pipe Mode
When carriers determine not to trust the CoS value in a packet from an IP network, the Pipe
mode can be used. The MPLS ingress delivers a new EXP value to the MPLS outer header,
and the QoS guarantee is provided based on the newly-set EXP value from the MPLS ingress
to the egress. The CoS value is used only after the packet leaves the MPLS network.

Figure 9-6 Pipe mode

Performs PHB
before the pop

MPLS Network
IP Network
IP Network
Ingress Penultimate
node node
Outer label
MPLS->MPLS swap MPLS->MPLS swap MPLS Exp=1
MPLS->MPLS push Outer label Outer label Outer label
MPLS Exp=1
MPLS->IP pop
MPLS Exp=1 MPLS Exp=1
Inner label
IP->MPLS push Inner label Inner label Inner label MPLS Exp=1
MPLS Exp=1 MPLS Exp=1 MPLS Exp=1

In Pipe mode, the MPLS ingress does not copy the IP precedence or DSCP to the EXP field
for a packet that enters an MPLS network. Similarly, the egress does not copy the EXP value

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to the IP precedence or DSCP for a packet that leaves an MPLS network. If the EXP value in
a packet changes on an MPLS network, the change takes effect only on the MPLS network.
When a packet leaves an MPLS network, the original CoS continues to take effect.

In Pipe mode, the egress implements QoS scheduling for packets based on the CoS value defined by
carriers. The CoS value defined by carriers is relayed to the egress using the outer MPLS header.

Short Pipe Mode

The Short Pipe mode is an enhancement of the Pipe mode. Packet processing on the MPLS
ingress in Short Pipe mode is the same as that in Pipe mode. On the egress, however, the
egress pops the label and then implements QoS scheduling. The packets are scheduled based
on the CoS value that carriers define from the MPLS ingress to the penultimate hop, and are
scheduled based on the original CoS value by the MPLS egress.

Figure 9-7 Short Pipe mode

Performs PHB
after the pop

MPLS Network
IP Network
IP Network
Ingress Penultimate Egress
node node node
MPLS->MPLS swap Outer label
MPLS->MPLS push Outer label MPLS Exp=1 MPLS->IP pop
Outer label
New EXP value MPLS Exp=1 MPLS Exp=1 Inner label
IP->MPLS push Inner label MPLS Exp=2
Inner label Inner label
New EXP value MPLS Exp=2 MPLS Exp=2 MPLS Exp=2

In Pipe or Short Pipe mode, carriers can define a desired CoS value for QoS implementation
on the carriers' own network, without changing the original CoS value of packets.
The difference between Pipe mode and Short Pipe mode lies in the QoS marking for the
outgoing traffic from a PE to a CE. In Pipe mode, outgoing traffic is scheduled based on a
CoS value defined by carriers, whereas outgoing traffic uses the original CoS value in Short
Pipe mode, as shown in Figure 9-8.

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Figure 9-8 Difference between Pipe and Short Pipe

ff Pipe: uses carrier-defined CoS

for packets from PE to CE.
ff Short Pipe: uses user-defined
CoS for packets from PE to CE

network network

Flow direction


9.3.1 Implementation Principle

QoS Resource Verification After the PW Bandwidth Is Configured (L2VPN)

The tunnel to which a PW is to be iterated must meet specific requirements. The tunnel
bandwidth must be higher than the PW bandwidth. In addition, the SQ resources of the tunnel
must meet the HQoS hardware resource requirements.

The tunnel to which a PW is to be iterated may vary after the PW bandwidth is configured. If
the PW bandwidth does not meet specific requirements or the SQ resources are insufficient,
the PW may fail to be iterate to the tunnel and becomes Down.

Implementing HQoS (L2VPN) at the Public Network Side Based on VPN + Peer
In the MPLS VPN, bandwidth agreement may need to be reached between PE devices of an
operator, so that traffic between two PEs is restricted or guaranteed according to the
bandwidth agreement. To achieve this end, HQoS at the public network side that is based on
VPN + Peer PE can be adopted.

As shown in Figure 9-9, bandwidth and class of service are specified for traffic between PEs
at the MPLS VPN side. For example, in VLL1, the specified bandwidth for traffic between
PE1 and PE2 is 30 Mbit/s, and higher priority services are given bandwidth ahead of lower
priority services.


If, however, you need to implement bandwidth restriction rather than bandwidth guarantee at the
network side, you can simply specify the CIR to be 0, and the PIR to the desired bandwidth.

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Figure 9-9 Implementing HQoS at the public network side based on VLL + peer PE



flow4 port

Base t


d on
Base t


d on


PW1 Traffic:30M CE3
PW2 Traffic:20M

The preceding traffic model is described as follows:

1. In this scenario, the LDP tunnel or the TE tunnel that is not allocated bandwidth is
QoS is configured based on VLL + peer PE to implement bandwidth restriction at the
network side.
As shown in Figure 9-10, at the egress PE, traffic is mapped to eight flow queues in the
service queue (SQ) according to the preference information carried by the traffic. Flow
queues belonging to the same VLL + peer PE are mapped to the same SQ (namely, for
traffic destination PE from VLLs is PE2, one queue among the eight queues is mapped;
for traffic destination PE from VLLs is PE3, the other queue is mapped).
Based on the user's requirements, multiple VLLs + peer PEs can be configured to be in
one user group, and undergo group queue (GQ) scheduling.
On the outbound interface, traffic first undergoes port queue scheduling, and is then

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Figure 9-10 Model of hierarchical traffic scheduling

Based on PW + Based on Based on

peer PE user queue outbound interface
Flow queue 1
(Service flow 1)
User queue 1 User group
Port queue 1
(VLL1 + PE1) queue 1

Flow queue 8
(Service flow 8) User queue 2 User group
(VLL2 + PE2) queue 2

In this scenario, priority scheduling of flow queues is supported, bandwidth restriction

and bandwidth guarantee of SQs are supported, whereas only traffic shaping is supported
for GQs.
2. In this scenario, the TE tunnel that is allocated bandwidth is adopted.
Scenario 2 differs from scenario 1 in the following aspects.
– After traffic undergoes the SQ scheduling, by default, traffic undergoes GQ
scheduling that is based on the TE tunnel. That is, by default, all traffic in one TE
tunnel is regarded as being in one GQ. GQ scheduling, however, can also be
configured to be based on VLL + peer PE according to the user's requirements. In
this case, the default GQ scheduling that is based on the TE tunnel is no longer
– PE-to-PE bandwidth guarantee for traffic is supported. This is because in this
scenario, bandwidth resources are reserved for the TE tunnel.

Figure 9-11 Model of hierarchical traffic scheduling

Based on Based on
Based on PW
user queue outbound
Flow queue 1 interface
(Service flow 1) User queue 1 User group
queue 1 Port queue 1
(VLL1 + PE1)

Flow queue 8 User queue 2 User group

(Service flow 8) (VLL2 + PE2) queue 2

If traffic is load-balanced among TE tunnels on peer PEs, all traffic that is load-balanced
undergoes priority scheduling and bandwidth restriction according to the traffic
scheduling procedure as shown in Figure 9-11.

In this scenario, it is recommended that the TE tunnel that is configured with bandwidth resources be
adopted to achieve PE-to-PE bandwidth guarantee for traffic.

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Implementing VPN-based Traffic Statistics

In a VPLS or VPWS network, the PE device supports statistics on both the incoming and
outgoing traffic at the AC or PW side (at the AC side, traffic statistics are based on the
interface, whereas at the PW side, traffic statistics are based on the PW table). After MPLS
HQoS is configured, traffic statistics can be produced on packets at the PW side that are sent
based on their priorities.
In a L3VPN, the PE device supports statistics on both the incoming and outgoing traffic of the
VPN user (based on interfaces at the VPN side). After MPLS HQoS is configured, traffic
statistics can be produced on packets at the public network side of the ingress PE that are sent
based on their priorities.
In a VLL or VSI, the PE device supports statistics on both the incoming and outgoing traffic
of the VLL or VSI user (based on interfaces at the VPN side). After MPLS HQoS is
configured, traffic statistics can be produced on packets at the public network side of the
ingress PE that are sent based on their priorities.

9.3.2 Application
End-to-End MPLS HQoS Solution
Figure 9-12shows the procedures of implementing end-to-end MPLS HQoS.

Figure 9-12 Implementing end-to-end QoS in L2VPN

Configuring interface- Configuring interface-

based QoS attributes of based or tunnel-based QoS
incoming/outgoing attributes of
packets incoming/outgoing packets

CE1 PW1 P2


PW2 P3 CE4

Configuring interface-
based QoS attributes
of incoming/outgoing

On the CE-side interfaces of PEs, interface-based QoS policies are configured to implement
QoS enforcement on packets that are received from CEs or sent to CEs.

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On the ingress PE that is, PE1, QoS policies are configured based on VLL/VLL instance +
peer PE for packets that are sent to the public network side. Besides, to deliver end-to-end
QoS guarantee for traffic, the TE tunnel that is allocated bandwidth can be adopted to carry
VLL traffic. In addition, on PEs, QPPB can be configured to propagate QoS policies, and the
MPLS DiffServ model can be configured so that in MPLS VPN services, both the private
network and the public network that are configured with the DiffServ QoS model can
On the P node, QoS policies are enforced based on interface/TE tunnel without distinguishing
between VLL services and non-VLL services.

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