Game Components: Explore The World of Catan Online

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Game Components ™

• 6 resource dice
• 1 pad with 60 sheets,
each showing the game map
• 1 rules booklet
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5 4 3
Give each player 1 sheet with 3 6

the game map. You need a pencil 1 ?

or pen for each player. Place the


6 dice so that they are ready for 7


play. The youngest player is the 1

“starting player.”

20 30

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The Basics
The game map depicts the Island of Catan, with special symbols for settlements,
cities, roads, and knights. During the course of the game, you and your fellow
players each try to build as many roads, settlements, cities, and knights as possible
on the island depicted on your game map.

Building means: You mark the respective symbol either with a circle, a cross
(“X”), or by filling in the symbol.
Building costs resources: 6 dice are used to roll for resources. Each die has
6 sides, and each side depicts a different resource: wool, grain, brick, ore,
lumber, or gold. For example, building a road costs 1 lumber and 1 brick,
so you can build a road only after having rolled these two resources.

Brick Lumber Wool Grain Ore Gold

Once you have built and marked the corresponding symbol, you credit yourself
with the points indicated by the number on that symbol. If you have the most
accumulated points at the end of the game, you win!
Game Play
The starting player begins the game. During your turn, you roll the dice up to
three times. Afterwards, you use the resources rolled to build, writing down the
points you have obtained. Then the next player in clockwise direction takes a turn.
1. Rolling the dice
When it is your turn, you may roll the dice up to three times. After the first roll,
you set any number of dice aside and roll the remaining dice once again. After
the second roll, you may set aside more dice, but you may also pick up dice that
were set aside previously and use them for your last roll. You may also choose to
“stand pat” with the result obtained after the first or second dice roll.
After the third dice roll, your result can only be changed by playing a Resource
Joker (see page 5) or via Gold Trading (see page 5).
2. Building
The Building Overview indicates
which resources are required to build
a road, knight, settlement, or city. For
example, if you build a knight, set
aside one die with ore, one with wool,
and one with grain—then mark a
knight symbol on your game map. The
procedure is the same as for building a
road, settlement, or city (with different Building Overview
resources of course).
You may build multiple times during your turn,
if you have rolled enough of the appropriate resources.
After building, enter the points for the just marked
symbol in the next empty box of your Scoring Track
(make the first entry in the upper left box of your
Scoring Track).
If you build multiple times during your turn, enter
the sum of the points for the marked symbols.
Scoring Track
Important: Should you not build anything during your turn, you must
enter an “X,” which counts as minus 2 points.
Example: You built a settlement on your first turn and entered 3 points for
it. On your second turn, you built 2 roads and entered 2 points for them.
You marked each of the symbols of the roads and the settlement with a
circle. On your third turn, you roll the resources depicted. You set lumber
and brick aside and mark the road symbol with a circle. Then you set aside
one wool, one ore, and one grain, marking the knight symbol. The knight
and the road are each worth 1 point—you enter 2 points in the third box
of your Scoring Track.

Building Rules: What Can Be Built, and Where?

Road: A road costs 1 brick + 1 lumber and is always worth 1 point. The first road
(starting road) is already built and doesn’t cost any resources. Roads are built in a
sequence, meaning that a new road must be built next to a road that has already
been built. A city or settlement next to a road does not obstruct subsequent road
building—this also applies if the settlement or city hasn’t yet been built.
Settlement: A settlement costs 1 lumber, 1 brick, 1 grain, and 1 wool.
A settlement can only be built if an already built road is next to it. Furthermore,
settlements must be built following the sequence of their points: first the settlement
with 3 points must be built, then the settlement with 4 points, and so on.

City: A city costs 3 ore and 2 grain. The procedure is the same as for building a
settlement. A city can only be built if it is next to an already built road. Cities must
also be built following the sequence of their points.
Knight: A knight costs 1 grain, 1 wool, and 1 ore. The knights must also be built
following the sequence of their points. Each knight that you build has a resource
below it—you may use each such resource once as a Resource Joker (see next
Resource Joker
For each knight you build, you may use (once during the game) the resource
below this knight (i.e., the Resource Joker) in place of another resource of your
choice. To use a Resource Joker:
• After you roll the dice, turn one of the dice so that the resource
corresponding to the Resource Joker is face up.
• Then mark the symbol of the Resource Joker on your game map,
indicating that it has been used.
When you have build your last knight (with the number 6), you may use a
resource of your choice as the Resource Joker. Since there are six knights on your
game map, you can use up to six Resource Jokers during a game—provided you
build all of your knights.
You may use two or more Jokers during the same turn. You may build a knight
and use the corresponding Resource Joker on the same turn.
Gold Trade
If you have 2 gold results after you finish rolling the dice, you may use those
2 gold to substitute (i.e., trade) for another resource of your choice. Thus you can
trade 2 gold for 1 ore, 1 brick, or any other resource. To use 2 gold in a trade:
• After you roll the dice, turn 1 die with a gold result so that a resource of
your choice is face up.
• Then place the other die with a gold result to the side—it is no longer
available this turn.
Gold itself cannot be used to build anything; it can only be traded for other
resources. Therefore, if you roll only one gold, it is useless.
If you have enough gold resources (i.e., 4 or 6), you may trade gold 2 or
even 3 times during the same turn.

End of the Game
The game ends after each player has finished 15 turns. At this point, you have
filled in all 15 boxes of your Scoring Track. Add up your points, subtracting 2
points for each “X” in your Scoring Track. The player with the highest score wins.
Design: Klaus Teuber (
Art: Tanja Donner (Dice), Harald Lieske (Map),
Volkan Baga (Box Art).
Translation of German Rules: Gavin Allister.
Production: Coleman Charlton, Pete Fenlon.
Special Thanks: Alex Yeager, Guido Teuber, Larry Roznai, Robert T. Carty Jr.,
Peter Bromley, Dan Decker, Susan Hepler, Nick Johnson, Marty McDonnell,
Bridget Roznai, Loren Roznai, Bill Wordelmann, Elaine Wordelmann.
Copyright © 2008 Catan GmbH and Mayfair Games, Inc. Published under license from Catan GmbH
( Published in cooperation with Kosmos Verlag ( Catan, The Settlers of Catan,
Catan Dice Game, and all other product titles and marks listed herein are
trademarks of Catan GmbH. All rights reserved.

The World of Catan®

Now that you’ve tried the Catan Dice Game, check out these ®

other fine titles from the world of Catan. All are designed by Klaus Teuber, the creator of
Catan. (Find out more about these and other Catan products at
Core Catan Games
• The Settlers of Catan® • The Settlers of Catan Travel Edition®
• Catan Card Game® • The Starfarers of Catan®
• Starship Catan® • The Kids of Catan®
Game Expansions*
• Catan: Seafarers® • Catan: Cities & Knights®
• Catan Card Game Expansion Set® • Catan: Traders & Barbarians®
5-6 Player Extensions*
• The Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension • Catan: Seafarers 5-6 Player Extension
• Catan: Cities & Knights 5-6 Player Extension • Starfarers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension
Catan Histories™
• The Settlers of the Stone Age™ • Struggle for Rome™
Catan Adventures ™

• Candamir: The First Settlers™ • Elasund: The First City™

* Requires core game.

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