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Flauros week 1

Working with Flauros week 1

As is commonly known, Flauros is essentially the Egyptian Horus, and thus images and statues
of Horus can be used with Flauros quite affectively.

Flauros a strong duke, is seene in the forme of a terrible strong leopard, in humane shape, he
sheweth a terrible countenance, and fierie eies, he answereth trulie and fullie of things present,
past, and to come; if he be in a triangle, he lieth in all things and deceiveth in other things, and
beguileth in other business, he gladlie talketh of the divinitie, and of the creation of the world, and
of the fall; he is constrained by divine vertue, and so are all divels or spirits, to burne and destroie
all the conjurors adversaries. And if he be commanded, he suffereth the conjuror not to be
tempted, and he hath twentie legions under him

Grand-general of hell and commanding 20 legions, Flavros appears as a leopard. In human form,
he had a frightful face with burning eyes. He knows of the past/present/future. The Sixty-fourth
Spirit is Haures, or Hauras, or Havres, or Flauros. He is a Great Duke, and appeareth at first like
a Leopard, Mighty, Terrible, and Strong, but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he
putteth on Human. Shape with Eyes Flaming and Fiery, and a most Terrible Countenance. He
giveth True Answers of all things, Present, Past, and to Come. But if he be not commanded into a
Triangle, he will Lie in all these Things, and deceive and beguile the Exorcist in these things, or in
such and such business. He will, lastly, talk of the Creation of the World, and of Divinity, and of
how he and other Spirits fell. He destroyeth and burneth up those who be the Enemies of the
Exorcist should he so desire it; also he will not suffer him to be tempted by any other Spirit or
otherwise. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen, etc.rn
demons and spirits against the exorcists.

Flauros enjoys offerings of rum, spicy foods, lamb, and resin incenses. Flauros is basically the
demonized form of the Egyptian God Horus. I have discovered through a summoning blooper that
Flauros definitely does *not* like Sutekh, and vice versa! I recommend not calling Flauros with a
Sutekh alter directly behind you. It was also noted during this experienc that Flauros finds the
triangle in an evocation irrelevant. Flauros can help the magician with protection, destroying one's
enemies, chackra work, as well as spiritual consciousness raising. Flauros' colour is red, in which
he appears as quite often to me. He also appears in a hawk headed form regularly. I have yet to
hear of anyone *not* getting along with Flauros. He has great strength, as well as a very intense
energy, yet is often soft spoken when and peaceful when called. I find Flauros to be one of the
most patient of the Daemons. Flauros preffers his seal to be engraved on a ruby, or in gold, he
also likes emeralds. Flauros likes red, gold or black candles

Flauros also has a chthonic aspect that can be worked with. For statues Flauros prefers the
falcon headed Horus statue, preferably in black stone, the hawk headed statue also works
however. Flauros' sacred day is Saturday. Flauros' sacred day of the year is July 15th. Flauros
can also be called on the winter solstice or Christmas as sacred days. Flauros will come during
the day or evening when called, yet evening workings do seem to go better. Wine can be shared
with Flauros as an offering to gain greater understanding of this Daemon. Flauros will often also
appear in a human form wearing black, with long black hair and black eyes. Flauros works well
with other Daemons.

I first started working with Flauros in 2004. I had called him via ore formal summoning methods
(no commanding or rude names of God though), then proceeded to set his seal on an alter with
some rum on it afterwards. I worked with Flauros more and more over time, and now have been
working with him daily for over a year. I also work with many other Daemons, however Flauros is
the primary one that I work with. Flauros enjoys Egyptian symbology, as well as jewellery
depicting the eye of Horus.

If you are going to draw Flauros’ seal, or are going to write any requests or pacts to Flauros you
must make the ink specific to him. It is comprised of: rum, gum Arabic, Opoponax, red ochre and
saffron. After all of this is combined together, create lampblack and add that as well. You will mix
5% of the solid ingredients per amount of rum you have. It is the easiest to just use a rum bottle,
pour a shot glass full out for Flauros (so you have room for the dry ingredients of course), then
add the dry ingredients. You will then shake the bottle daily, and leave it sit for one moon phase.

Flauros incense is Frankincense, Opoponax, Egyptian Lotus flowers and Syrian Rue. To this you
would add some honey and a tiny bit of red wine.

Flauros sacred day is Saturday, and his colour is red.


It is best to paint Flauros’ seal onto pure silk with magical ink, or engrave it into a pure steel or
iron disc. His favourite colour is red, so if possible paint his seal onto red silk, or perhaps using
red magical ink. Silk holds a charge very well and is also a magical material. Also in this fashion
is seal can be folded up and carried with you as it is quite portable in this form. This helps greatly
if you are asking Flauros for help with either healing or protection. In both of these cases it is best
if the silk seal actually touches your skin in some way. However if you are instead working with
Flauros for revenge work on someone else, you will want to instead use a steel or iron disc with
his seal on it, and bury it where the person you wish to affect will walk.

The first step to making one of these special Flauros seals is to call upon Flauros and ask him if
he is OK with the idea and thinks it would be a method which would work well for you. To call
upon Flauros to ask about the silk seal you can draw his seal onto paper for the evocation. Do not
use a printout of his seal, but actually draw it onto the paper. A printout doesn’t work very well at
all. A pen and paper is better, and magical ink is of course the best. You can also use parchment
for his seal, but just starting with paper at first is the best idea. This way you can figure out
Flauros’s preferences and how he would like you to work with him and using which supplies.
When you do draw the actual silk seal, make sure to use the special Flauros ink.

As with each of the Daemons, while they do have favourite items, they will also usually advise
particular items which would work best for your particular situation, or work best for you and them
to work together. This is why different people will sometimes be told to use a different material, or
you may be told to use a different material for different workings. What I don’t recommend is
using a table of correspondences to figure out which items and incense to use with Flauros. The
tables of correspondences for the Goetia Daemons are quite flawed and originally made by
people who barely even worked with these particular entities.

What was done is that someone (Dr. Rudd) noticed there are 72 Daemons in the most popular
(but not best by far) Goetia manuscript, and also 72 names of God for the Shemhamphoresch. So
all they did was line up (in the order of this one particular Goetia manuscript) the Daemon names
beside the Shemhamphoresch names! Well up until that day the Goetia Daemons and the
Shemhamphoresch angels had absolutely nothing in common whatsoever. The names weren’t
even lined up by way of similarity, instead just whatever numbered order they were in. Well since
the Shemhamphoresch Angels had corresponding astrological signs, suddenly so did the Goetia
Daemons. I have even seem people use this exact same list to state when the Goetia Daemon’s
birthdays are! One of the funny things about this particular list is that it does not place Flauros
during his birthday according to any of the Egyptian calendars at all.

So after all this was done, next tree of life (the modern version, not the ancient) tables of
correspondences were cross referenced to figure out which herbs and stones correspond with
each particular astrological sign. These were the herbs chosen for each Daemon, according to
which astrological sign they supposedly corresponded with according to the Shemhamporesch
order. Needless to say these correspondences having nothing to do with the actual Daemons
themselves, nor their natures, whatsoever.

Another method I have seen used is that people will look at the Daemon rank and use the
corresponding planet to that mentioned in some versions of the Goetia, to discern which
particular incense ingredients would be used. When this method is used you have all of the Kings
suddenly with the same ingredients, all the princes with the same ingredients and so forth. While
Flauros does tend to like copper, he much prefers gold or steel.

The best method of all to find out which particular incenses are best for working with the
Daemons is to simply ask them yourself! You can start by just using frankincense, or my Daemon
manifestation incense the go from there. I will also be giving some further recipes for Flauros
incense later on in this course.


To work with Flauros you can go about things in a couple of different ways, you can use the
traditional Goetia methods as laid out in the grimoire, or since he is quite friendly and beneficent
you can also work with him by calling his presence to you.

I will first cover the non-traditional methods simply because they request less preparation and
setup. This is also handy if you need to perform some magical work immediately that cannot wait
for a full ritual setup. For example if you receive a phone call from a client and must get to work
as soon as you can. With most of the Daemons there will be times when they are busy, or you
just are not able to get ahold of them for whatever reason. This is also the case with Flauros, so
do be patient when you call.

Another interesting thing about working with Flauros is that you can actually work with him when
you are ill, and you do not feel worse. Oftentimes if you have a cold or flu, or some other sickness
performing magic can actually worsen your condition, or at least make it last longer, or leave you
feeling weak. I have never found this with Flauros, and found that you always feel better after
calling him. If you are ill however, do not talk with him too long, or spend too long with the setup,
just do a light calling and have a quick chat. This will work just fine and most of the time will
accomplish just as much as a full calling.

The first thing you want to do is try some dreamwork with Flauros. Since Flauros will sometimes
just naturally work magic with you, or perhaps it is just his energy which affects us beneficially,
you will want to keep a journal to chart your luck and general life circumstances when working
with Flauros. To perform the Flauros dreamwork, take out the Flauros seal I recommended you
make out of silk earlier. Of course paper will also work in a pinch, but won’t be nearly as
comfortable to work with! You will want to light a candle, while stating that the candle is for
Flauros. Set a bowl of clean water beside the candle, also stating it is for Flauros. You may wish
to light some incense for Flauros as well, frankincense will work quite well since it is a good all
purpose incense and has many healing properties in Oriental medicine. You would also state that
the incense is for Flauros.
Next take the silk Flauros seal in both hands and call upon Flauros (out loud) several times until
you feel his presence, or feel the candles flicker, or feel the seal change. Once he is there ask
him to bless his seal for you to be able to work with him in dreams, as well as work with him for
whichever purpose you have in mind (state one specific one). Hold the Flauros seal near the
candle and water, and bring it through the incense a few times. Also be sure to hold it still for a
time so that Flauros can work his magic on it. Most likely your silk Flauros seal will have a lot
more “feel” to it now, and feel quite relaxing to touch. You can have him recharge this silk seal
anytime you like, but it should actually increase in power and Flauros presence the more you use
it when working with Flauros. It will lose power and presence if you just leave it and don’t work
with it for a couple of months. To keep it strong just work with Flauros regularly and you will start
to notice quite a bit of oddness around it.

That evening when you go to sleep light a candle for Flauros and put it near your bed, preferably
on your nighttable or a similar location. Next you will hold the seal and ask Flauros to please
teach you in your dreams, to teach you about magic, of his nature, and how to better work with
him. Then you would place the Flauros seal either right on top of your pillow, or just inside of your
pillow case facing where you will rest your head. If you are too restless during the night, or start to
feel uncomfortable you can remove the Flauros seal while thanking him, and then put out the
candle. If on the otherhand you feel comfortable and are enjoying the dreams and Flauros’
presence, perform this for three nights in a row. Of course you will want to record as much detail
as possible about each of your dreams during this time. If you can, recording each dream
throughout the night is best. Perhaps you can perform this on a weekend or on days you don’t
have to get up for work in the morning so that the waking up enough to record the dreams doesn’t
make you too tired all day long the next day.

I don’t recommend doing this for longer than three days in a row since Flauros’ energy is quite a
bit different than ours and can cause some imbalances if you spend too much time connecting
with him this strongly. It is best to do this the first time just to get to know Flauros and for general
information, however in the future you may wish to perform another dream working with Flauros
for information and insights about a particular problem you or another is having. You may find the
answer in a dream, find out the problem is suddenly solved, dream of yourself working a
particular type of magic, or suddenly during waking time know something which will help. Other
options are that you or the person may suddenly find the perfect book which has the information
you need, or perhaps suddenly find the job which fits all of your requirements. When this sort of
thing happens you know you are on the right track, and be sure to put out a shot of rum for

The other option is to work with Flauros the full Goetia style. To perform the working this way you
will need to engrave Flauros’ seal into a metal disc first. The Goetia recommends copper to work
with Flauros.. However I have found through much experience working with Flauros that he much
prefers steel or gold. If you do plan on engraving Flauros’ seal into gold, I recommend practicing
on copper or brass first as it is much more affordable. You will also need the proper Goetia circle
and triangle. The circle can be painted onto canvas or silk, and should be in Hebrew or Egyptian
lettering for the best affect. The triangle should be painted onto a triangular piece of wood using
English or Greek lettering, since they are Greek words afterall.

Also recommended is a white linen or silk robe, four 7 day glass candles to sit in the pentagrams
around the circle and some hyssop to perform the hyssop bath.

The circle and triangle design are given in the Goetia. I strongly recommend the Joseph Peterson
edition as that is the only version which is truly accurate. The prayers and conjurations are also
given in the book, however with Flauros there is no need to be rude or threatening since you are
calling him in for positive works, so the change of a few words would be in order. I have yet to
hear of Flauros giving any magician trouble, or causing problems at all. If you personally are not
Christian or Jewish and prefer to use different Deity names, feel free to do so. If however you are
calling upon Flauros for help with cursework, I recommend first getting to know him by talking with
him a few times and perhaps helping you with other goals first. This helps him to know you and
know that it is someone else who needs the cursework on them, and not you yourself.

To work with the Goetia, it is best to read it over several times first and make a list of the steps in
order of when you would perform them. This helps so that you do not forget any steps and so that
you have your working well organized. If you still have trouble figuring out the Goetia (many do)
you can either stick with the first method for working with Flauros, or take my Goetia course. I
also recommend a few trial runs where no Daemon is actually called, so that you get a feel for the
working and to have the steps better memorized.

After using either of these methods you may wish to give the license to depart. Actually I highly
recommend the license to depart, however it is best if you actually allow Flauros to stay around if
you have requested his help for yourself. You may not to wish to do this at first, as you may prefer
to build trust and see how your workings with Flauros go. Just do keep in mind that if you ask
Flauros for help with something, then tell him to leave the area, he will have much more difficulty
with working for you. The form of the license to depart that I do recommend giving is to have any
and all extraneous spirits which may have been attracted by the ceremony to leave. The largest
danger of evocation is not usually the Daemon you are calling, but the others that you attract

Here is an example of a license to depart you may use: “In the name of the divine and most high,
I give the license to depart to any and all spirits which may have been attracted to this ceremony
but which were not invited. Go back to your own abodes or habitations. So be it.”

If you have opted for Flauros to stay around, you and him can discuss how many days, and so
forth. For example I will ask him to please never be visible to my roommates as it tends to scare
them. You may wish to see or sense Flauros when he is around, or you may prefer him to work
without you noticing him. He can do this either way, usually. You may also only wish him to be
around when you are sleeping for example, or not be around at all when you sleep. These are
things you would specify when asking Flauros for the magical help. If you are performing the
working for someone else, you would take them into account since it will be them Flauros would
be around. If you feel that his presence would make them uncomfortable you can ask him to
remain unnoticed. I don’t recommend asking Flauros to be visible just for the sake of being able
to see him though since that would take a lot of unneeded effort on his part.

It is important to note that if Flauros’ presence suddenly scares you, it is not appropriate nor polite
behaviour to suddenly start yelling at him, telling him rudely to leave, or to threaten to burn his
seal if he doesn’t leave. If his presence is bothering you, just politely ask him to leave and he will.
Far too many magicians fear the Daemons and tend to panic and not think through things when
trying to get rid of the Daemon suddenly. You can see how this sudden reaction after a polite
working can be quite confusing for the Daemon. Fortunately they are used to such reactions from

Be sure when working with Flauros that your requests do not come off as commanding or rude,
since while he will likely still follow through with the request it is most likely that he won’t do nearly
as good of a job. Think of this as the same way you would when communicating with any sort of
being. If you ask another human to do something and you ask politely they are most likely to do it,
but if you are commanding or insulting, they likely will not perform the task for you, or may screw
it up just to prove a point.

Your homework for this week is to make your silk or cotton Flauros seal (or paper if you don’t
have any unused new cloth), and have Flauros consecrate it. Also perform at least one night, or
even a short nap with Flauros for the dreamwork. Write down all the dreams AND impressions
you get from this. Also if you have not read the Goetia, or have not read the Goetia in quite some
time give it a read through. You can find versions online if you don’t yet have the Peterson

It is most likely that you do not yet have the Flauros ink, and it does take some time to make, so
in the meantime I would recommend using dragons blood ink (from a reputable source), or
Chinese ink (from an art store).

I will cover more information needed for actually working with Flauros in the next lesson, so just
stick to the dreamwork for now, unless you really need some magical work done before the next
class. I will post the next class in one week’s time.

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