Curriculum Vitae (CV) PDF

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Andi Alfriadi, ST.

St. Cakalang Baru
WaraTimur District, Palopo City
Sulawesi Selatan Province (91921)
0852 5524 2188 (Mobile Phone)
Email :[email protected]

Personal Date
Place, Date of Birth : Palopo, Desember20th 1993
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Single
Height / Weight : 153cms / 58kgs
Religion : Moeslem
Nasionalty : Indonesian
Other : Susceptible (easy to learn), hard worker, responsible
and creative.

Educational Background
2012 – 2018 : Geology Departement, Engineering Faculty of
Hasanuddin University, Makassar ( S1 Program )

Academic Records
 GPA = 3.10 (Scale 0.00 – 4.00) with thesis under the title “Mikrofasies dan
Lingkungan Pengendapan Batugamping Daerah Malimongan
Kecamatan Anggeraja Kabupaten Enrekang Provinsi Sulawesi
Selatan. “
 Field Geology Gel. XXXVIII at Barru South Sulawesi (On July 2015).
 Geological mapping at Bulu Sirua Area, Kec. Bontocani, Kab. Bone, Prov.
Sulawesi Selatan (on Juni 2017).

Organization Experience

2012 - 2018  Member of Engineering Faculty Students Organization of

Hasanuddin University (OKFT-UH).
2012 - 2018  Member of Geological Student Association Engineering Faculty
of Hasanuddin University (HMG FT-UH).

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2014 - 2015  Coordinator of UPT Mushollah Jabal Nur HMG FT-UH.
2015 - 2016  Member of the cadre and organizational development (HMG FT-

Working Experience

 Surveyor from PT. Genta Prima Pertiwi :

 Survey of Road, Slope and Bridge Condition Project, Balai Pelaksanaan
Jalan Nasional XVII (BPJN) Manokwari (2019).
 Survey of Road, Slope and Bridge Condition Project, Balai Pelaksanaan
Jalan Nasional XXI (BPJN) Kendari (2019)


 Surface geological mapping

 Aerial Mapping and data analysis using drone

Computers Skills

 Microsoft Office
 Arcgis
 Agisoft
 Corel Draw

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