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3D Printing Technology Comparison:

FDM vs. SLA vs. SLS

Written by: Formlabs
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, lowers costs, saves time, and
transcends the limits of fabrication processes for product development. From
concept models and functional prototypes in rapid prototyping to jigs, fixtures, or
even end-use parts in manufacturing, 3D printing technologies offer versatile
solutions in a wide variety of applications.

Over the last few years, high-resolution 3D printers have become more
affordable, easier to use, and more reliable. As a result, the technology is now
accessible to more businesses, but choosing between the various competing
3D printing solutions can be difficult.

Which technology is suitable for your particular application? What materials are
available? What equipment and training do you need to get started? How about
costs and return on investment?

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the three most established technologies
for 3D printing plastics today: fused deposition modeling (FDM),
stereolithography (SLA), and selective laser sintering (SLS).
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
Fused Deposition Modeling is the most widely used form of 3D printing at the
consumer level, fueled by the emergence of hobbyist 3D printers. FDM 3D
printers build parts by melting and extruding thermoplastic filament, which a
print nozzle deposits layer by layer in the build area.

FDM works with a range of standard thermoplastics, such as ABS, PLA, and
their various blends. The technique is well-suited for basic proof-of-concept
models, as well as quick and low-cost prototyping of simple parts, such as parts
that might typically be machined.

FDM parts tend to have visible layer lines and might show inaccuracies around
complex features. This example was printed on a Stratasys uPrint industrial
FDM 3D printer with soluble supports (machine starting at $15,900).

FDM has the lowest resolution and accuracy when compared to SLA or SLS
and is not the best option for printing complex designs or parts with intricate
features. Higher-quality finishes may be obtained through chemical and
mechanical polishing processes. Industrial FDM 3D printers use soluble
supports to mitigate some of these issues and offer a wider range of
engineering thermoplastics, but they also come at a steep price.
Stereolithography (SLA)
Stereolithography was the world’s first 3D printing technology, invented in the
1980s, and is still one of the most popular technologies for professionals. SLA
uses a laser to cure liquid resin into hardened plastic in a process called

See how stereolithography works.

SLA parts have the highest resolution and accuracy, the clearest details, and
the smoothest surface finish of all plastic 3D printing technologies, but the main
benefit of SLA lies in its versatility. Material manufacturers have created
innovative SLA resin formulations with a wide range of optical, mechanical, and
thermal properties to match those of standard, engineering, and industrial

SLA parts have sharp edges, a smooth surface finish, and minimal visible layer
lines. This example part was printed on a Formlabs Form 2 desktop SLA 3D

SLA is a great option for highly detailed prototypes requiring tight

tolerances and smooth surfaces, such as molds, patterns, and functional parts.
SLA is widely used in a range of industries from engineering and product design
to manufacturing, dentistry, jewelry, model making, and education.
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Selective laser sintering is the most common additive manufacturing technology
for industrial applications.

SLS 3D printers use a high-powered laser to fuse small particles of polymer

powder. The unfused powder supports the part during printing and eliminates
the need for dedicated support structures. This makes SLS ideal for complex
geometries, including interior features, undercuts, thin walls, and negative
features. Parts produced with SLS printing have excellent mechanical
characteristics, with strength resembling that of injection-molded parts.

SLS parts have a slightly rough surface finish, but almost no visible layer lines.
This example part was printed on a Formlabs Fuse 1 benchtop SLS 3D printer

The most common material for selective laser sintering is nylon, a popular
engineering thermoplastic with excellent mechanical properties. Nylon is
lightweight, strong, and flexible, as well as stable against impact, chemicals,
heat, UV light, water, and dirt.

The combination of low cost per part, high productivity, and established
materials make SLS a popular choice among engineers for functional
prototyping, and a cost-effective alternative to injection molding for limited-run
or bridge manufacturing.
Compare FDM, SLA, and SLS
Each 3D printing technology has its own strengths, weaknesses, and
requirements, and is suitable for different applications and businesses. The
following table summarizes some key characteristics and considerations.

Fused Deposition Stereolithography Selective Laser

Modeling (FDM) (SLA) Sintering (SLS)
Resolution ★★☆☆☆ ★★★★★ ★★★★☆
Accuracy ★★★★☆ ★★★★★ ★★★★★
★★☆☆☆ ★★★★★ ★★★★☆
Throughput ★★★★☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Ease of Use ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★☆
Great value
Strong functional
Fast High accuracy
Low-cost consumer Smooth surface
Pros Design freedom
machines and finish
No need for support
materials Range of functional
Low accuracy Average build Rough surface
Low details volume finish
Limited design Sensitive to long Limited material
compatibility exposure to UV light options
Low-cost rapid prototyping
prototyping Dental applications
Applications Short-run, bridge, or
Basic proof-of- Jewelry prototyping
concept models and casting
Up to ~200 x 200 x Up to 145 x 145 x Up to 165 x 165 x
Print Volume 300 mm (desktop 175 mm (desktop 320 mm (benchtop
3D printers) 3D printers) 3D printers)
Varieties of resin
(thermosetting Engineering
plastics). Standard, thermoplastics.
thermoplastics, such
Materials engineering (ABS- Nylon 11, Nylon 12,
as ABS, PLA, and
like, PP-like, flexible, and their
their various blends.
heat-resistant), composites.
castable, dental,
Fused Deposition Stereolithography Selective Laser
Modeling (FDM) (SLA) Sintering (SLS)
and medical
Minor training on
Plug and play. Minor Moderate training
build setup,
training on build on build setup,
machine operation,
Training setup, maintenance, maintenance,
and finishing;
machine operation, machine operation,
moderate training
and finishing. and finishing.
on maintenance.
Air-conditioned Workshop
environment or Desktop machines environment with
preferably custom are suitable for an moderate space
ventilation for office environment. requirements for
desktop machines. benchtop systems.
Support removal
system for Post-curing station,
machines with washing station
Ancillary station for part
soluble supports (optionally
Equipment cleaning and
(optionally automated),
material recovery.
automated), finishing tools.
finishing tools.

Watch our webinar for a detailed comparison of FDM, SLA, and SLS
technologies and applications

Costs and Return on Investment

Ultimately, you should choose the technology that makes the most sense for
your business. Prices have dropped significantly in recent years, and today, all
three technologies are available in compact, affordable systems.

Calculating costs does not end with upfront equipment costs. Material and labor
costs have a significant influence on cost per part, depending on the application
and your production needs.
Here’s a detailed breakdown by technology:

Fused Deposition Stereolithography Selective Laser

Modeling (FDM) (SLA) Sintering (SLS)
Professional desktop
Mid-range desktop printers start at Benchtop systems
printers start at $3,500, and large- start at $10,000, and
$2,000, and industrial scale industrial industrial printers are
systems are available machines are available from
from $15,000. available from $100,000.
$100/kg for nylon.
$50-$150/kg for most
SLS requires no
standard and
$149-$200/L for most support structures,
Material engineering
standard and and unfused powder
Costs filaments, and $100-
engineering resins. can be reused, which
200/kg for support
lowers material
Manual support
removal (can be
Washing and post-
mostly automated for
curing (both can be
industrial systems Simple cleaning to
Labor mostly automated).
with soluble remove excess
Needs Simple post-
supports). Lengthy powder.
processing to remove
post-processing is
support marks.
required for a high-
quality finish.

Try our simple, interactive tool to calculate cost per part and lead time when
3D printing on the Form 2, and to compare time and cost savings to other
production methods.
Learn More About 3D Printing

Prototypes of a ski goggles' frame printed with FDM, SLA and SLS technology
(from left to right).

We hope this article has helped you focus your search for the best 3D printing
technology for your application.

Explore our additional resources to master the intricacies of 3D printing, and

dive deeper into each technology to learn more about specific 3D printing

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