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War of the Ring (WotR) 2nd Ed, Warriors of Middle-earth (WoMe) (2017-04-27) SP is “Shadow Armies Player”, FP is “Free People’s

SP is “Shadow Armies Player”, FP is “Free People’s Player”, FSP is “Fellowship Party”, C is “Character result”, M is “Muster result”, A is “Army result” [email protected]
Overview Faction Event cards, Faction dice, Faction figures, Call to Battle cards, New Event cards. General points and exceptions
● FP The Dead Men of Dunharrow, The Eagles of the Misty Mountains, The Ents of Fangorn. ● Specifically named decks: Abilities referring to cards from a specific deck e.g. The Witch-king, Chief of the
● SP The Corsairs of Umbar, The Hillmen of Dunland (Dunlendings), The Broods of Shelob (Spiders). Ringwraiths’ Spear of Terror ability, or the Event cards to be discarded to remove the FP Event card A
● The Faction Event cards deck is used alongside the 2 base game decks (Character and Strategy). In Power Too Great do not apply to Faction cards.
addition to drawing 1 Character Event card and 1 Strategy Event card as normal at the start of every turn, ● Faction Recruitment cards: Some Faction Event cards can recruit additional Faction figures. These work
also draw 1 Faction Event card every turn (even on turns when no Factions are in play). ● Unlike the differently from normal Event cards recruiting Army units. ● Playing a Faction Event card on a Faction not
normal Event card decks, Faction Event decks are reshuffled if they run out of cards. ● Faction Event cards yet in play has no effect unless it allows a player to “add figures to the starting setup.” In this case, the
are considered to be Event cards, subject to same rules and effects as any other Event deck, so a normal player places the recruited figures on the Faction card. These figures will enter the game when the Faction
Action die Event result can be used to draw or play cards from the Faction Event card deck and e.g. if is brought in play, together with the figures indicated in the setup of that Faction. The additional figures
Gandalf the Grey is the Guide and a Faction Event card is played, then FP may draw another card from the can be placed in any starting region for that Faction. ● If a player plays a Faction Event card on a Faction
Faction Event card deck using this Guide ability. ● Important: Each Faction card has a Muster, Army or that has been eliminated from play, the card has no effect. ● Certain Faction Event cards allow the owner
Character symbol at the top right; Faction cards can be played either by a Play Faction card (a Faction die to place figures on the card, then recruit figures from the card. Figures on these cards are not considered
result) or by an Event Action result (an Action die result), or by a Muster, Army or Character result (Action to be in play and, if the card is discarded for any reason, they are returned to the reinforcement pool.
die results) depending upon the symbol on the Faction Event card. ● There is a Faction Event card hand ● Actions and Action dice: Use of a Faction die is an action, but Faction dice are not normal Action die (so
limit of 4 per player (discard any excess immediately), not counted against the Event card hand limit of 6. Events requiring “Any Action Die” cannot be achieved using a Faction die, and Faction dice are not
● Faction dice are not in play on the first turn of the game. To obtain each players die, it must be activated influenced by Elven rings). However, the “Pass” rule (use a Faction die but perform no action with it) is
by bringing a Faction into play. If 1 or more Factions are in play, add the Faction die to that players Action valid. Faction die results can only be used on Faction cards and figures; the result cannot be used for any
dice roll at the beginning of the following turn. A players Faction die is rolled along with his other Action other function (with the exception of the “Eye of Sauron” result, which is placed into the Hunt Box in the
dice, and the result is played as an action, or a “Pass” (discarding the Faction die as an action), or, if the SP same way as a normal Action die). If more than one Faction is in play, the player chooses the Faction that
player rolls the “Eye of Sauron”, place that Faction die into the Hunt Box as an additional Eye for the Hunt. will be affected by the action allowed by the Faction die when he uses that die.
● If a player has no Factions in play, remove his Faction die from his Action Dice pool at the beginning of
the following turn. However, the die may be recovered on a later turn if a new Faction for that player Faction Dice Results Note: Play/Draw only apply to Faction Event decks (and not base game decks).
enters play. ● Note that the Recruit result on a Faction dice is very different from the Muster result on an Recruit Recruit Play / Draw Play / Draw Play / Recruit Draw / Recruit
Action die. The Muster result can bring Factions into plays, but cannot recruit additional Faction figures
into play; to do that requires either a Recruit result on a Faction die, or playing a Faction Event card effect FP Die
that causes figures to be recruited (which could be achieved with a normal Event Action die or a normal
Action die that matches the symbol at the top right as in the Faction Event card deck notes above).
SP Die
● Faction figures (note that these are always called “figures” to distinguish them from “units” and other Recruit Recruit / Play / Draw Eye of Sauron Play / Draw Play / Recruit Draw / Recruit
components) are not normal units most of the time (some card effects change that). ● Faction figures have
unique stacking limitations, and enemy Army units can move through them. ● Normal Action dice cannot ● Army units / Faction figures can always move into or through other Faction figures standing alone.
be applied to Faction figures, to recruit or move them (but can be used to draw and play Faction Event ● All FP Faction movement is by Faction Event cards only. SP Faction movement is by Faction Event
cards that may cause a recruit, as described above). ● See Faction Setup rules for the setup of Faction cards and also by moving along with a Shadow Army (see movement/stacking section for details).
figures, how they enter play, how they are recruited, and how they are eliminated from play. ● All FP / SP Faction attacks are only ever initiated by Faction Event cards for that Faction, but Factions
● Call to Battle cards are never put into any decks or discards, keep to one side. If a Faction is in play, and can also be involved in battles by the use of Call to Battle cards played during combat rounds.
its call to battle requirement is met during any combat round, each player takes the cards for each Faction ● Dunlendings / Spiders cannot move through empty enemy unconquered Strongholds.
that apply into their hand, then may play one as a Combat card (instead of an Event cards Combat effect). ● Dunlendings can enter empty enemy unconquered Settlements (City / Town), but Spiders cannot.
Call to Battle cards can be reused in multiple rounds of the same battle if that Factions requirement is still War of the Ring Guild and online games / tournaments:
met on each given round of battle. Put these cards to one side again at the end of any battle.

● New Event cards: Remove the following Event cards from the base game Event card decks: Add the new following new cards from this expansion into the appropriate Event card decks:
FP Character Event deck: Gwaihir the Windlord (#15), The Eagles are Coming! (#18), The Ents Awake: FP 6x new cards The Western Way C (Daring Defiance), Premonition of Danger C (Heroic Death), Swift
Treebeard (#19), The Ents Awake: Huorns (#20), The Ents Awake: Entmoot (#21), Dead Men of Boats C (Orderly Withdrawal), Majesty and Glory C (Huorn-Dark), Take Someone You Can Trust C
Dunharrow (#22). (Mighty Attack), Long Battle C (Sudden Strike).
SP Character Event deck: Shelob’s Lair (#1). SP 3x new cards Not on Anybody's Side C (Devilry of Orthanc), Strongly Guarded A (Deadly Strife),
SP Strategy Event deck: Corsairs of Umbar (#10), Rage of the Dunlendings (#11).
Great Winged Creatures M (Relentless Assault).
Faction Setup, Call to Battle, Stacking and Movement Note: Faction figures do not give control of regions to a player or affect the Political Track at all (Factions may cross borders without effect).
FACTION SETUP / ELIMINATION Put the setup figures indicated for each Faction onto their Faction cards.
● Eliminated FP Faction figures are permanently removed and may not be Recruited again later. ● Eliminated SP Faction figures are put back into the Force Pool and they may be Recruited again later.
Dead Men Setup is 2 figures. If Strider/Aragorn is adjacent to or in Erech (even under siege and Corsairs Setup is 3 figures. If Southrons and Easterlings are “At War” Muster or Recruit result  move
including regions across the Mountains), Muster or Recruit result  move Faction to Erech and move Faction to Umbar. Once in play: Recruit result  +1 figure to Umbar. Eliminate Faction if FP controls
Strider/Aragorn there (and any number of Companions with him as wanted). Once in play: Recruit result Umbar at any time (only this Faction is not eliminated if all figures off board; Umbar must be occupied).
 +1 figure to current location of Dead Men. ● Eliminate Faction if all Dead Men are eliminated or if Dunlendings Setup is 4 figures. If Saruman is in play, Muster or Recruit result  move 2 figures to North
Strider/Aragorn leaves. Strider/Aragorn + Companions may join with FP Army if one is in that region. Dunland and 2 figures to South Dunland. Once in play: Recruit result  +1 figure in each free Shadow
Eagles Setup is 2 figures. If FSP last known position is not Rivendell or Gandalf the White is in play, controlled Dunland settlement, or +1 figure to a Shadow Army in an Isengard or Rohan region (except if
Muster or Recruit result  move Faction to Eagles’ Eyrie. Once in play: Recruit result  +1 figure to under siege). ● Eliminate Faction if no Spiders are on the board.
Eagle's Eyrie. ● Eliminate Faction if no Eagles are on the board. Spiders Setup is 2 figures. If FSP last known position is not Rivendell, Muster or Recruit result  move 1
Ents Setup is 2 figures. If Saruman in play and a Companion or FSP in Fangorn, Muster or Recruit resul  figure to Dol Guldur and 1 figure to Minas Morgul. Once in play: Recruit result  +1 figure to Dol Guldur
move Faction to Fangorn Entwood. Once in play: Recruit result  +1 figure to an Entwood (see Father of and +1 figure to Minas Morgul, even if each is conquered. ● Eliminate Faction if no Spiders on the board.
Trees Faction Event card). ● Eliminate Faction if no Ents in Fangorn or if no Companions/FSP there. Note: 3@4 in the below means “roll 3 dice, and score a hit on each result of 4 or higher”

CALL TO BATTLE If requirement is met, may play as Combat Card effect instead of Event card Combat effect. ● Events Corsairs Call to Battle if Corsairs in the same region as the Shadow Army and not under siege.
that prevent Combat cards (e.g. Swarm of Bats) also prevent Call to Battle cards. ● The Witch-King’s Sorcerer ability does 7 Bourne up on the Wind After casualties applied, may eliminate 1 Corsairs to transport up to 2 Shadow
not apply to Call to Battle cards. ● Can reuse Call to Battle cards every round if requirements are still fulfilled. units from adjacent regions to the region with the Shadow Army. These reinforcements cannot absorb hits
Dead Men Call to Battle if Dead Men in the same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army. for the current round. However, if all units in the Shadow Army were eliminated, the battle may continue
2 The King of the Dead Eliminate 1 Dead Men. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4. thanks to these newly arrived units, and any Minions or Nazgûl in the Army are not eliminated.
8 The Terror of the Dead At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Dead Men to end the battle. 8 The Last Stroke of Doom Only play if Shadow Army with Corsairs is currently besieging a Stronghold.
Eagles Call to Battle if Eagles within 4 regions of the defending Army (also across impassable borders). At end of round, may eliminate 1 Corsairs to extend a siege without reducing an Elite.
1 Out of the High Airs Move any or all within range to the defending Army. Eliminate 1 Eagle with Dunlendings Call to Battle if Dunlendings in the same region as the Shadow Army and not under siege.
defending Army to cancel all Nazgûl Leadership for this Combat round. ● If Armed by Saruman is in play and a Dunlendings Call to Battle is used  +1 Combat Strength for the
7 Speeding on a Gathering Wind May not be used against a Shadow Army under siege. Move any or all Shadow Army per Dunlendings Faction figure in it for this combat round.
Eagles within range to the defending Army. After removing casualties, you may roll 1 die per Eagle that is 6 Fierce Folk Before removing casualties, may eliminate 1+ Dunlendings and cancel 1 hit for each.
with the defending Army (up to 5). On each 1, eliminate 1 Eagle. On each 6, score 1 hit. 2 Old Hatred Pre-Combat, roll 1 die per Dunlendings. Each 1, eliminate 1 Dunlendings. Each 6, score 1 hit.
Ents Call to Battle if Ents in the same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army. Spiders Call to Battle if Spiders in the same region as the Shadow Army (including if under siege).
2 With Doom We Come Eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4. ● If Huge and Horrible is in play and a Spiders Call to Battle is used  +1 Combat Strength for the
8 The Forest is Rising At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood to end the battle. Shadow Army per Spiders Faction figure in it for this combat round.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Webs of Shadow If, after the Leader re-roll, you scored more hits (including from any pre-combat
STACKING FP No stacking limits for Dead Men / Eagles / Ents Factions and are never considered an Army attacks), you may eliminate 1 Spiders to score 1 additional hit.
or part of an FP Army for any purpose. FP Corsairs stack up to 5, and Dunlendings stack up to 3 with Army 2 Hideous Speed Pre-Combat, roll 1 die per Spider. On a 1-2, eliminate 1 Spiders. On a 5-6, eliminate 1 FP
units. Spiders have no stacking limit unless Huge and Horrible in play (stack like normal Army units if so). Leader or a Level 1 Companion in the battle (card suggests SP choice of Leader/Companion to remove).

MOVEMENT FP move via Faction cards, never with Army units. SP move via cards and with Army units as below. ● Transport: Corsairs can carry up to 2 Army units (plus unlimited Minions and Nazgûl) per Corsairs figure,
Dead Men ● Must all be in 1 region. ● Must be accompanied by Strider/Aragorn. ● Companions with the and can move them up to 4 regions, or 2 regions if attacking. Transport movement must end in a free
Dead Men are not considered to be with a FP Army in the same region. ● Companions may not join/leave region or unoccupied enemy-controlled Settlement but cannot move into or through an enemy Army
the Army of the Dead without Strider/Aragorn leaving/joining at the same time. ● Strider can still be (Corsairs alone can move through occupied enemy occupied regions, but transporting must also observe
crowned Aragorn without leaving the Dead Men (at Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth or Pelargir, if that region is normal Army movement rules). The Shadow Army may merge with the destination Army before attacking.
unconquered). ● Wraiths of Fear cannot move to a region containing SP Army units (though may attack). Dunlendings/Spiders ● Move alone (by cards) up to 2 regions, individually or together. ● May be moved
Eagles ● May be split up anywhere on map. ● May stand in any region with no restrictions. or advanced along with a Shadow Army in the same region. ● Cannot cross impassable borders. ● If a
Ents ● March of the Ents cannot move to a region containing SP Army units (though may attack). Shadow Army containing Dunlendings / Spiders retreats, these Faction figures must also retreat with that
Corsairs ● Allowed regions: any coastal, any Gondor excluding Erech, and Osgiliath. ● Move alone (by Shadow Army. ● If a Shadow Army containing Dunlendings / Spiders is eliminated, any figures of these
cards) up to 4 regions, individually or together; can move through and stop at regions that contain enemy Factions that were with that Army are also eliminated (Corsairs would not be eliminated in this situation).
Army units. ● May move or advanced along with a Shadow Army in the same region and may (optionally) ● Neither Faction can move through regions with empty unconquered enemy Strongholds. ● However
advance or retreat with a Shadow Army to any Allowed region. ● Cannot cross impassable borders, (specific difference), Dunlendings can move through empty unconquered enemy Settlements (City /
including Forlindon / North Ered Luin. ● Corsairs are never considered to be inside a besieged Stronghold. Town), but Spiders cannot.
Faction Event Cards Play Faction Event cards by a) Faction die “Play card” result, b) an Action die “Event” result, or c) an Action die result matching top right of the Faction card (marked as C M A here)
Dead Men C Wraiths of Fear 2x cards First Move then Attack. Move: Eliminate 1 or more Dead Men and Corsairs C Black Sails [on table, if Corsairs are in play]. You may use any Faction die result to either recruit
move remaining Dead Men an equal number of regions (always as a single group, with Strider/Aragorn and 1 Corsairs in Umbar, or move all Corsairs up to 4 regions. Then, if the FSP is “At Sea” or revealed in a
Companions that joined also, and never to region containing SP Army units). Attack: Eliminate 1 Dead Men Gondor region, West Harondor, or Osgiliath, you may discard 1 Corsairs to inflict 1 point of Hunt Damage,
to attack adjacent or same region rolling 3@4. May repeat this attack multiple times. After last attack, SP following the rules for a successful Hunt.
Army must retreat, if possible, to a different region than attack came from. If a retreat happened, the Dead M A Great Fleet 2x cards Recruit 1 Corsairs in Umbar (or add it to the starting setup). Then, if the Corsairs
Men may then advance into the region the Shadow Army left without eliminating a Dead Men figure to are in play, move all Corsairs up to 4 regions.
make this move. If all Dead Men eliminated and an FP Army is there, Strider/Aragorn+Companions join it. A Ships of Great Draught 2x cards Transport (each Corsairs can carry up to 2 Shadow units, and unlimited
M Paths of the Dead If Strider/Aragorn in Rohan/Gondor (including under siege) move him (and any Minions + Nazgûl). Either transport up to 2 Armies, up to 4 regions; or transport 1 Shadow Army up to 2
Companions with him) to Erech. The Dead Men Faction is now in play. Recruit 1 Dead Men. Reshuffle all regions and then attack an adjacent region (may merge with Army in destination region before attacking).
Dead Men Faction Event cards (including this one) from the discard pile into the deck. Dunlendings C Wild Hillmen 2x cards Recruit 1 Dunlendings in each free Dunland Settlement (or add them
M Stone of Erech [on table] Place 3 Dead Men on this card. Whenever using a Muster to advance a Nation, to the starting setup). Then, if the Dunlendings are in play, move all Dunlendings up to 2 regions.
place 1 of these Dead Men in the Army of the Dead (or add to starting setup), or use any Faction die result C Armed by Saruman [on table, if Isengard is “At War”]. When in play, Dunlendings in a region with the
to recruit 1 of these Dead Men normally. Discard when there are no more Dead Men on this card. FSP are considered Shadow Army units only for the purpose of the Hunt. Also, Dunlendings in the same
A The Dark Door [on table, if Helm’s Deep or Edoras unconquered] Erech is considered adjacent to Helm’s region with a Shadow Army each add +1 Combat Strength only when a Dunlendings Call to Battle effect is
Deep, Westemnet, Edoras for Dead Men and Companions. Discard if Helms Deep + Edoras are conquered. used. Also, they can be taken as casualties against Ents attacks (but not normal battle attacks). The FP can
Eagles C Upon the Nazgûl They Bore Move all, then choose 1 region containing both Eagles and Nazgûl, roll force “Armed by Saruman” to be discarded by using a Will of the West Action Die result.
1 die for each Eagle (up to 5): for each roll of 4+ eliminate 1 Eagle and 1 Nazgûl (Witch-king is unaffected). A Death to the Forgoil 2x cards Attack FP Army including Rohan and/or Gondor units with a Shadow Army
If a Nazgûl is eliminated, move all others to an unconquered Sauron Stronghold (including Witch-king). in the same region with Dunlendings. Dunlendings are also considered to be Isengard Regular units until
C We Need Only Wings Move all, then eliminate 1 Eagle to move, or separate from the FSP, 1 Companion the end of battle. Note: Dunlendings cannot cause The Fighting Uruk-hai Event card to activate, but if
or group of Companions as if they were Level 4. This movement can end in a Stronghold under siege. Death to the Forgoil has been played the Combat card Devilry of Orthanc would be usable in that battle.
C Lifted up and Borne Far Away If FSP not on Mordor Track, move all, then eliminate 1 Eagle to move the Spiders C The Craft of Shelob Move all Spiders up to 2 regions. If the “Shelob’s Lair” special Hunt Tile has
FSP following normal movement rules. ● Do not add the die used to play this card to the Hunt Pool. not entered play, it is now in play. Add it to the Hunt Pool when the Fellowship is on the Mordor Track.
M Speed Greater than any Wind Recruit 1 Eagle to Eagles’ Eyrie (or add to starting setup). Then play 1 C Evil Things Play if the Fellowship is not in a region containing a Free Peoples Settlement. Move all
Faction Event card or reshuffle all Eagle Faction Event cards (including this one) from discard pile into deck. Spiders up to 2 regions. Then, if at least 1 Spiders is in the region with the FSP, discard 1 of them to draw a
A In Long Swift Lines [on table, if Eagles are in play] Place 3 Eagles on this card. Whenever you play a Hunt tile. If the tile shows an Eye, discard it without effect. Otherwise, follow the rules for a successful Hunt.
Faction Event card, resolve its effects then either recruit 1 Eagle from this card to Eagles’ Eyrie, or move all C Children of Ungoliant Play if the Fellowship is not in a region containing a Free Peoples Settlement.
Eagles. Discard when there are no more Eagles on this card. Move all Spiders up to 2 regions. Then, you may discard 1 Spiders in the region with the FSP to inflict 1
Ents C March of the Ents 2x cards Can March and Attack multiple times in any order. March: Take 1 Ent point of Hunt Damage, following the rules for a successful Hunt. If the FSP is hidden, the Free Peoples
from the Entwood and place in a region (that is free of enemy units) adjacent to one already containing an player may choose to reveal it to prevent this damage.
Ent. Attack: Eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood to attack a Shadow Army in the same or an adjacent region M Her Own Offspring Recruit 1 Spiders in Dol Guldur and 1 Spiders in Minas Morgul (or add to starting
to an Ent rolling 3@4. If all units eliminated, then any Nazgûl or Minions present are also eliminated. Then, setup). Then, if the Spiders are in play, move all Spiders up to 2 regions.
Ents may continue to March and Attack. If the last Ent in The Old Forest is eliminated eliminate that A Huge and Horrible [on table, if Sauron is “At War”]. When in play, Spiders in a region with the FSP are
Entwood; if the last Ent in Fangorn is eliminated, eliminate the entire Ent Faction. considered Shadow Army units only for the Hunt. Spiders in the same region with a Shadow Army count as
M The Ents Awaken Recruit 1 Ent to an Entwood (or add to starting setup). Then play 1 Faction Event card, Army units for stacking limits, and each adds +1 Combat Strength only when a Spiders Call to Battle is
or reshuffle all Ent Faction Event cards (including this one) from discard pile into deck. used. The FP can force “Huge and Horrible” to be discarded by using a Will of the West Action die result.
M Saruman is a Neighbour [on table, if Saruman is in play] Place 3 Ents on this card. Whenever the SP uses
the Voice of Saruman ability, recruit 1 Ent from this card to the Fangorn Entwood (or add to starting setup), Note: 3@4 in the above means “roll 3 dice, and score a hit on each result of 4 or higher”
or you may use any Faction die result to recruit 1 of these Ents normally. Discard this card when there are
no more Ents on it. [on table] means that card can be Played on the table if the condition is met. See the Faction Recruitment
A Father of Trees Move all Ents to Fangorn, then recruit 1 Ent there. Optionally move 1 Ent to The Old cards note on first page for more information about the cards that place 3 Faction figures on them.
Forest to form a second Entwood (no Companion is required there, and may now optionally recruit there).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

C By Chance or by Foresight 3x cards Draw 3 cards from the Faction Event deck. Add 1 to your hand, then C Servants of Sauron 3x cards Draw 3 cards from the Faction Event deck. Add 1 card to your hand, then
place the other 2 cards on either the top or bottom of the deck in the order you prefer. reshuffle the remaining 2 cards into the deck, together with the Faction Event cards in your discard pile
M The Union of All Our Strength 2x cards Discard an Ent, Eagle, or Dead Men Faction Event card from your (including this one).
hand to choose 1 Faction Event card of a different Faction from the discard pile and add that to your hand, M His Will and his Malice 2x cards Choose 1 Faction Event card in your discard pile and add it to your hand.
or draw an Event card from any of your decks (Character, Strategy, or Faction).
Warriors of Middle-earth New Event Cards + “Tidings not Burdens” Mini-Expansion Faction Event Cards + Treebeard (Warriors of Middle-earth variant)
C THE WESTERN WAY Play on the table. For the purpose of Fellowship movement and C LONG BATTLE Choose a region with a Free Peoples Army with Leadership. All Shadow
separating Companions, this card is considered a region adjacent to Grey Havens and to Faction figures (Corsairs, Dunlendings, Spiders only) in that region are eliminated. Draw 1 Event card.
all Gondor coastal regions. If the Fellowship is in Grey Havens or on this card, and the SUDDEN STRIKE Play if a Free Peoples Leader or a Companion is in the battle. Before the
Fellowship Track is at 0 or 1, the Fellowship is considered “At Sea” and the Shadow Combat roll, roll an additional attack using a number of dice equal to your Leadership
player cannot draw Hunt tiles for any reason. This card cannot be discarded for any (up to a maximum of 5) and apply the result immediately. 2
reason when it is in play. C NOT ON ANYBODY’S SIDE Play on the Table if any Free Peoples Faction is in play. No
DARING DEFIANCE Play if a Companion is in the battle. Forfeit the Leadership of all the Faction Event card or Call to Battle card of the Ent or Eagle Factions can be played. The
Companions participating in the battle to cancel the effects of the Combat card played Free Peoples player can force “Not on Anybody’s Side” to be discarded by using a Will of
by the Shadow player. 0 the West Action Die result, or any Action die if Gandalf the White is in play.
C PREMONITION OF DANGER Draw 3 Hunt tiles. Discard permanently 1 of them for the DEVILRY OF ORTHANC Play if an Isengard Army unit is in the battle and the defending
remainder of the game, and put the other 2 tiles back into the Hunt Pool, without any Army is in a Stronghold. Add 1 to all dice on your Combat roll. 3
effect. A STRONGLY GUARDED Play on the Table. No Free Peoples Faction (Dead Men, Eagles, Ents only)
HEROIC DEATH Play if a Free Peoples Leader or a Companion is in the battle. Before you may move into a region containing a Stronghold (SP or FP) controlled by the Shadow
remove casualties inflicted by your opponent’s Combat roll and Leader re–roll, you may player or attack a Shadow Army in such a region, and their Call to Battle effects may
eliminate a Leader to cancel 1 hit, or eliminate 1 Companion to cancel a number of hits not be used in such battles. The Free Peoples player can force “Strongly Guarded” to be
equal to or less than the Companion’s Level. 6 discarded by using a Will of the West Action result, or any Action die and one Elven Ring.
C SWIFT BOATS Play if the Fellowship is in an unconquered Free Peoples Settlement. DEADLY STRIFE Both Armies add 2 to all dice on their Combat roll and Leader re–roll. 3
Move the Fellowship without rolling for the Hunt (used die does not go to Hunt Box). M GREAT WINGED CREATURES Play if all Shadow Nations are “At War”. Recruit a Nazgûl in
ORDERLY WITHDRAWAL Play if a Free Peoples Leader or a Companion is in a field battle each Shadow Army containing at least one Nazgûl (excluding the Witch–king).
or sortie. Before you remove casualties inflicted by your opponent's Combat roll and RELENTLESS ASSAULT Before the Combat roll, you may inflict and apply up to two hits
Leader re–roll, you may cancel 1 hit. If you do, at the end of the round you must cease against your units. Add 1 to all dice on your Combat roll for each hit you inflicted. 3
the attack (if attacking) or retreat (if defending), if possible. 6 C FLY, YOU FOOLS! Play if there is an Eagle Figure in the same region as the Fellowship, and the Fellowship is .

C MAJESTY AND GLORY Play on the table. If a Companion is in a battle, discard “Majesty hidden. Discard the Eagle Figure in the same region as the Fellowship, and immediately move the .

and Glory” at the start of the battle to prevent the Shadow player from playing a Fellowship to the Crack of Doom step on the Mordor track. The Free Peoples player wins the game unless .

the Shadow player can provide a good argument against it. [ TIDINGS NOT BURDENS - FACTION EVENT CARDS ]
Combat Card or calling to battle a Faction for the duration of the battle. The Shadow .

C I WAS SENT TO BEAR TIDINGS, NOT BURDENS Look at the cards in the hand of the Free Peoples player. You may
player can force “Majesty and Glory” to be discarded by using a Character Action Die

discard 1 card with the word "Eagle" or "Eagles" on it, removing it permanently from the game. Give the . .

result and discarding any 2 Shadow Event cards from his hand. remaining cards to the Free Peoples player. If you discard "Fly, You Fools!" In this way, you win the game. .

HUORN–DARK Play if the defending Army is in a Rohan region, Fangorn or Orthanc. The
TREEBEARD TREE–HERD. If Gandalf the White is in play and a Companion is in Fangorn,
Shadow player rolls a maximum of 2 dice in the Combat roll. 3
you may use a Muster or Recruit Faction die result to play Treebeard in Fangorn.
C TAKE SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST Play on the table if both Meriadoc and Peregrin are in
Fangorn is my name. Treebeard counts as a Companion for all Event and Combat
the Fellowship. After the Shadow player draws a Hunt tile with a “Reveal” icon, you
Cards purposes if he is in Fangorn or in a Rohan region. 0 Leadership
may discard “Take Someone You Can Trust” to ignore the effects of the “Reveal” icon.
You must immediately discard this card from the table if either Meriadoc or Peregrin Earthborn. If Treebeard is in a battle, and the defending Army is in Fangorn or in a
leaves the Fellowship. Rohan region, add one to the Combat strength of the Free Peoples Army (you can still
MIGHTY ATTACK Play if a Companion is in the battle. Before rolling the dice for your roll a maximum of 5 Combat dice).
Leader re–roll, forfeit the Leadership of 1 Companion participating in the battle to — Treebeard is Level 2 after you use any “March of the Ents” Event card, or a Call to
automatically change 1 missed die roll to a hit. 4 Battle effect for the Ents. Treebeard does not act as a Companion for bringing/keeping Ents in play nor
is he part of the Ents Faction for any Ents Faction rules.
Warriors of Middle-earth Movement and Call to Combat Reference Sheet

Faction figures Moves and Attacks ● FP Factions are only ever moved by Faction Event cards and never move along
with Army units. ● All SP Factions may move with Army units in addition to Faction Event cards. ● Faction figures do not
give control of regions to any player, and do not affect the Political Track in any way (can cross borders without effect).
● Regular Army units can move into or through any regions containing Faction figures standing alone. ● FP/SP Faction
specific attacks are only ever initiated by Faction Event cards for that Faction, but Factions can also be involved in
battles by the use of Call to Battle cards played during combat rounds.
Move Move into/through Retreat with Advance with Eliminated Stacking Move into/through empty enemy
with Army? enemy Army? Army? Army? with Army? Limit unconquered Settlements?
Dead Men No No No No No No limit Yes ..
Eagles No Yes No No No No limit Yes
Ents No No No No No No limit Yes . .
Corsairs Yes Only if alone Optional Optional No 5 Yes
Dunlendings Yes No Must Optional Yes 3 Stronghold No, Other Yes. .
Spiders Yes No Must Optional Yes No limit or as Army units No
● Green highlights are favourable conditions for that Faction. Red highlights are restrictions.
● Stacking limits are in addition to the normal Army unit stacking limits (except for Spiders under Huge and Horrible).
● Spiders have no stacking limit except when Huge and Horrible is in play (they stack like normal Army units if so).
● Eagles have no movement restrictions. Only Eagles and Nazgûl can cross impassable borders.
● Moving Corsairs can move up to 4 regions anywhere within their Allowed regions (any coastal, any Gondor except
Erech, and Osgiliath), including moving through or stopping at regions containing Free Peoples Armies.
● Transporting Corsairs (using Ships of Great Draught) may a) carry up to 2 Armies up to 4 regions each, or b) carry 1
Army up to 2 regions and attack an adjacent region (may merge with Shadow Army there before attacking). When
transporting, each Corsairs figure may carry up to 2 normal Army units and unlimited Minions/Nazgûl.
● Dead Men always move as a single group, and Strider/Aragorn must always be with them.
● Dunlendings (on their own) can enter empty unconquered FP Town or City regions, but not Stronghold regions.
● Spiders (on their own) cannot enter empty unconquered FP Town or City or Stronghold regions.

Call to Battle cards ● Keep Call to Battle cards to one side (never put into any deck or discard pile). At the start of every
combat round, take just the Call to Battle cards for those Factions whose call to battle requirements are met into your
hand. You may then play a Call to Battle card in that round in place of an Event card Combat effect. ● Events that
prevent Combat cards (e.g. Swarm of Bats or Denethor’s Folly) also prevent Call to Battle cards. ● The Witch-King’s
Sorcerer ability does not apply to Call to Battle cards. ● May reuse in every round in which requirements are still met.
Dead Men Call to Battle if a Dead Men is in same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army.
2 The King of the Dead Eliminate 1 Dead Men. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4.
8 The Terror of the Dead At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Dead Men to end the battle.
Eagles Call to Battle if an Eagle is within 4 regions of the defending Army (ignore impassable regions).
1 Out of the High Airs Move 1+ in range to defender. May eliminate 1 Eagle to cancel all Nazgûl Leadership.
7 Speeding on a Gathering Wind Move 1+ in range to defender. After casualties, roll 1 die per Eagle. 1=kill 1 Eagle. 6=1 hit.
Ents Call to Battle if an Ent is in same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army.
2 With Doom We Come Eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4.
8 The Forest is Rising At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood to end the battle.
Corsairs Call to Battle if a Corsair is in same region as the Shadow Army (and not under siege).
7 Bourne up on the Wind After casualties, eliminate 1 Corsair, bring up to 2 Army units from adjacent regions.
8 The Last Stroke of Doom Only if Shadow + Corsairs are besieging. May eliminate 1 Corsair to extend siege.
Dunlendings Call to Battle if a Dunlending is in same region as the Shadow Army (and not under siege).
● If Armed by Saruman is in play and a Dunlending Call to Battle card is used  +1 Combat Strength per Dunlending for this round.
6 Fierce Folk Before removing casualties, may eliminate 1+ Dunlending and cancel 1 hit for each.
2 Old Hatred Pre-Combat, roll 1 die per Dunlending. 1=kill 1 Dunlending. 6=1 hit.
Spiders Call to Battle if a Spider is in same region as the Shadow Army (including if under siege).
● If Huge and Horrible is in play and a Spider Call to Battle card is used  +1 Combat Strength per Spider for this round.
7 Webs of Shadow After Leader re-roll, if you hit more (incl Pre-Combat hits), eliminate 1 Spider  1 hit.
2 Hideous Speed Pre-Combat, roll 1 die per Spider. 1-2=kill 1 Spider. 5-6=kill 1 FP Leader/Level 1 Companion.
Each Call to Battle / Combat card is prefixed with its combat initiative. Lower initiative is resolved first. If both are same, defender resolves first.
e.g. SP attacked with The Last Stroke of Doom vs The Terror of the Dead. Both have initiative 8, so FP (defender) resolves his card first in this case.

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