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Mission Praise 25 All to Jesus I surrender page 1 of 1

25 All to Jesus I surrender

Words: Judson W Van de Venter (1855–1939)
Music: Winfield Scott Weedon (1847–1908)
arranged Roland Fudge

€V ## 4 Š. D G/D D A7

Še Š Š Š .. Še Š Š Š. Še Š Š Š Š ‰
D G/D D A7 D

1 All
to Je -
f sus
f I sur-ren - der, all to Him I free - ly give;
2 All to Je - sus I sur-ren - der, hum - bly at His feet I bow;
3 All to Je - sus I sur-ren - der, make me, Sav-iour, whol - ly Thine;
4 All to Je - sus I sur-ren - der, Lord, I give my - self to Thee;
5 All to Je - sus I sur-ren - der, now I feel the sac - red flame;

B# # Š
Š . ŠŠe ŠŠ
. ŠŠ Š.Š. ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ Š .. Še ŠŠ ŠŠ ŠŠ ŠŠ ‰
 4 f 4
f f
€V ## Š. Še Š D G/D D A7

Š Š .. Še Š
D G/D D A7 D

Š Š. Še Š Š ŠŠ ‰
f I will ev - er
f f
love and trust Him, in His pres-ence dai - ly live.
world - ly plea-sures all for - sa - ken, take me, Je - sus, take me now.
let me feel the Ho - ly Spi - rit, tru - ly know that Thou art mine.
fill me with Thy love and pow - er, let Thy bless - ing fall on me.
O the joy of full sal - va - tion! Glo - ry, glo - ry to His name!

B# # ŠŠ .. ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ Š.Š. ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ Š .. Še ŠŠ ŠŠ ŠŠ ŠŠ ‰

 f f f
€V ## Š.Š . D

Še Š

Š ‰ .. r
Em A

Š. Še Š Š

f f
I sur-ren - der all, I sur-ren - der all,

B# Š
Š . ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ ‰.‰ ‰ r Š. Še ŠŠ ŠŠ ‰‰ . ‰ r
 # . f f
€V ## Š. D

Še Š

Š ŠŠ.. Šfe Š Š

Š. Še Š Š ‰.
A7 D

to Thee, my bless - èd Sav-iour, I
f sur - ren - der all.

B# Š
Š . ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ ŠŠ .. ŠŠe ŠŠ ŠŠ Š.Š . ŠŠe Š Š ‰ ..
 # . f f fŠ Š r
Words: G HarperCollinsReligious, administered by Copycare
PO Box 77, Hailsham BN27 3EF, UK.
Music arrangement: G 1983 Roland Fudge [email protected]. Used by permission.

Projection or copying of song words and sheet music for church or school use
Song words may be used for projection or in service sheets according to the provisions of the Church or Collective Worship Copyright Licence,
and multiple copies of sheet music may be made under the Music Reproduction Licence. For further information on these licences and to
check which songs are included please contact Christian Copyright Licensing International tel +44 (0) 1323 417711 or email [email protected]

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