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IB Business Management – Marketing

4.5H: The 4Ps - Promotion: Activity

IB Business Management:


Read the case study information below and answer the questions that follow.


Penang Golf Kit Ltd produces

golfing equipment. The
product range includes clubs,
bags, golfing shoes and other
clothing. Sales have grown
steadily in recent years, but
no more rapidly than the
overall market expansion of
golf and golfing equipment.
The firm’s products are well
known for their quality and
relatively high prices.
Promotion is based around
sponsorship of one major
championship each year and
three famous golfers. This
helps provide some public
relations exposure when golf is being televised.
A limited amount of advertising is paid for in the country’s best-known golfing magazine. The
firm has recently started designing a new range of golfing equipment and clothing aimed at
the youth market (less than 21 years). The number of young people playing golf has increased
by 50 per cent over the last ten years compared to an overall growth of twenty per cent in
the total number of players. The business has yet to decide how the new range of goods
should be promoted. A total marketing budget of $1 million has been allocated for this
purpose. The aim is not to lower the image of the brand name with these new products. The
IB Business Management – Marketing
4.5H: The 4Ps - Promotion: Activity

following data have been gathered – use them to advise the firm on an appropriate
promotional strategy.
TV advertising - $0.5 million is the minimum promotion budget required for buying TV time. This
purchases five minutes of TV time in 10-30 second slots. Two times are suggested:
 During the interval of the Saturday evening football match on TV. The audience is forecast
to be 5 million, of which 25 per cent are likely to be under 21. The average income of
viewers is around $40,000 per year.
 Friday evenings after a popular sports quiz show. Audience figures suggest an average of
6 million viewers, 25 per cent of which will be under 21. The average income of viewers is
around $30,000.
The cost of producing the advertisement for TV will be a further $400,000.
National newspaper advertising - One popular paper will offer ten full-page adverts for $0.5
million. This paper has a circulation of 2 million and, on average, three people read each
edition. Another paper, a quality daily usually bought by high-income groups, offers six pages
for the same price. The readership is 1 million but four people on average read this paper. The
cost of producing a newspaper advert will be $20,000, but a colour magazine advert will cost
A monthly golfing magazine - Aimed at all ages it will offer one full page in the next ten
additions for $300,000. Circulation is only 30,000 but an estimated ten people read each
Other options include radio advertising and street posters.


1. Define: i. Above-the-line promotion

ii. Below-the-line promotion [2 marks]

2. Explain two ways in which the company could have decided on the size of the total
marketing budget of $1 million. [5 marks]

3. Using all of the data, prepare a cost-benefit analysis of the promotional choices.
[4 marks]

4. Explain two other pieces of information you would like to review that would help you in
coming to a recommendation regarding the promotional mix for Penang Golf Kit Ltd.
[6 marks]

5. Evaluate the decision of Penang Golf Kit Ltd to pursue a promotional strategy based almost
exclusively on one of the TV advertising options outlined in the case study. [8 marks]

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