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Maurice Merleau- Ponty Check Point: Manifest Truth (MT) or False (F)
1. According to Karl Jaspers, human being is self-
“The body is our general medium for having a world”
regulating will being.
Albert Einstein 2. Jose Rizal affirms that human reason makes a
“A human being is a part of the whole called us universe, person wonder about his/her existence.
a part limited in time and space…” 3. Guilt does not lead human being to a greater
knowledge of himself/herself.
CHAPTER 1: THE SELF IN QUESTION 4. Immanuel Kant believes that human being is lost
Lesson 1: Discovering the Self: “Who Am I?” in total determination.
5. Karl Jaspers claims that human being is more
Karl Jaspers than what she/he can know of himself/herself.
Man is always more than he knows about himself
A. Human Being’s Understanding of Himself/ Herself
B. Human Being’s Encounter with Existential Limit
The question deals with his/her concrete and Situations
specific historicity, a question that encompasses In existence, human being is always in concrete
his/her self-being. situations, and he/she is always confronted with
Jose Rizal various situations.

He believes that because human being is endowed with Karl Jaspers

reason, he/she wonders and questions everything These are boundary situation which are inescapable and
including his/her existing. inevitable breaks of the ordinary patterns of human
Karl Jaspers existence, such death, sufferings, conflicts, tragedy,
sickness, failures, communication, struggles, and guilt.
“Human being is more than what he/she knows about
himself/herself” These situations lead human being to a deeper
consciousness and experience of his/her limitations and
Ordinary and obvious questions do not need critical and finitude.
logical analysis.
Human refection is no longer in the peripheral
Jose Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda level of existence but a greater horizon of human
He claims that disharmony among persons occur when realities.
one does not recognize the light of reason of the other The one who is formulating questions is now the main
person. content of the question. Human being is not only the one
Immanuel Kant questioning, but at the same time, he/she is now the
He claims that human person has the responsibility of
respecting other people in the same way he/ she respects Thus, in this context of limit and search for deeper and
himself/herself. existential answers of his/her fundamental questions
concerning his/her self-being.
Human being cannot just put his/her answers in a
schema or formula, for his/her being goes TOL: “Sickness and pain are opportunities to know more
beyond schemas or formula. about your “self” as a human being.” Do you agree with
the statement?
Karl Jaspers
RZ: We observe in our society that there are many people
He believes that the being of human person is a lost in a who are suffering because of sickness or poverty or
context of a total determination. death. What is your realization every time you encounter
“Who am I?”  leads him/her into the depth of these people in our society?
his/her being. This task summons him/her to
leave the ordinariness of the given time and
context in his/her existence. Lesson 2: Various Ways in Dealing with the Question
“Who Am I?” in the Course of History
Rene Descartes Buildings, however, are but symbols. When people have
forgotten what governments are for, the destruction of a
I am something real and really existing, but what am I? ...
symbol will remind them and give them hope.
a thing which thinks.
Mulan (1998) - The theme song “Reflection” from this
A. Duality of Body and Soul
movie may be related to the mind-body problem in
The soul, though conceived in many ways, is that philosophy.
aspect of our being that is not material. Our body
The distinction of the mental and the bodily, for one,
shows our corporeality but we are more than our
raises the question of how interaction takes place
body because we have a soul or a spirit.
between brain and mind and the body.
The soul or the spirit is philosophically discussed as mind
People who are not born physically complete do not
since mental capabilities and abilities are distributed to it.
necessarily have broken souls, so to speak. Whatever
For dualists, the mind (mental) is not to be mistaken for tragedy happens in your life, your soul and your body will
the brain (physical) since the mental is a unique have their responses and you can count on either of the
phenomenon that cannot be reduced to the non-mental two to help you endure and survive. What a gift is to ve
or physical. human!
Plato is one of those who argued for the dualism of body Check Point: Express Truth (ET) or False (F)
and soul. 1. Mercy and kindness are properties and
The human soul, he theorized, exists prior to the body expressions of the human soul.
and even after the body is long gone. 2. Plato believes that the soul has been existent
long before the existence of the body.
This doctrine is connected to his theory of Forms where 3. Rene Descartes claims that thinking is not the
the material realm (the world where we know) is expression of our existence, but only the
separate from the eternal realm of forms or essences (the existence of the soul.
world of ideas). 4. The mind or soul can be easily reduced to
 Knowledge is to be found in the realm of ideas or material thing.
essences which are eternal and true. 5. Plato is the father of modern philosophy.
 The soul that humans possess preexisted in the
world of forms and ideas.
 This is why the soul is immortal and learning is mere B. Unity of Body and Soul
remembering or recollecting what the soul once Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
knew when it was in the realm of forms.
He gives five proofs for God’s existence as well as an
Rene Descartes also recognized dualism and expressed explication of His attributes. He argues for actuality and
this in his Meditations. He arrived at the conclusion incorporeality of God as the unmoved mover and
(second meditation) that he exists because doubt describes how God moves through his thinking and
requires a doubter. willing.
He that exists is a thing that thinks – a mind or a He claimed that body and soul are not two identities that
reasoning being. By “thinking being”, Descartes claims is interact with each other but are one being made up of
that which doubts, which understands, which conceives, matter and form.
which affirms, which denies, which wills, which rejects,
which imagines also, and which perceives. Being cannot remain a being if matter and form
are not united.
When we ask “Who am I?” we reflect or introspect. We
are looking within or deep inside ourselves (at our soul or This kind of thinking is like saying that the whole is the
mind). sum total of its parts. Remove a part and it is no longer
Our selves is not just who we are on the outside but is
much more about who we are inside. Christians believe that human created a body and soul by
God. Human is an embodied soul. We have a body but we
V for Vendetta (2005) are more than our body.
This movie can help you make sense of Plato’s theory of
forms for it presents the power of ideas cannot be killed.
Christians speak of the salvation of souls and at the same However, the rationalists discover truths by sitting and
time look forward to Judgement Day when souls will be thinking while the empiricist discover truth using their
united again with their bodies. senses or by observing the world.
C. Human Consciousness and Existence The rationalists seek knowledge by grasping necessary
truth and necessary connections—truths that do not
A special branch of philosophy called Philosophy of Mind
depend on man.
deals with the puzzle about the mind-body problem.
Humans naturally engage in thought as they interact with The empiricists also seek for truths outside of man by
the world. Nonetheless, the complexities of thought looking at sense data.
could not be explained by nature.
There are also skeptics in between.
John Locke
Reason contrasted by some from faith; while others
His notion of inner sense that was better understood as would claim the reason includes the heart.
the reflection or introspection, Locke was the first to
TOL: Do you agree or not agree with the thought that
point out that all thoughts are conscious. Moreover, our
“When the body dies, the soul also dies with the body”
consciousness is the criterion for personal identity.
RZ: What is the importance of the union between body
Immanuel Kant
and soul in making choices for your future existence?
He is also interpreted by philosophers of mind as
providing the basis for rationalist approach. The self is a
rational agent who can know their own thoughts and Chapter 2: Human Being: A Limited Being
attitudes, and be responsible for them.
Lesson 3: Reflection on “My Body”
The phenomenologist expounds on intentionality of Karl Jaspers
consciousness while the existentialist explores the
feelings that are awakened by consciousness. We see man’s body in its comparable expression. It
belongs to man himself has its own unique specificity, its
It is clear that our mind presents phenomena that are
nobility and beauty.
distinct from those experienced by our body.
A. The Relation Of I And The Body
We have reasons to believe that who we are cannot
simply be reduced to our corporeality and yet we do not The capacity of human being to think or even to feel is
fully know or even understand the workings of our the very basis of consciousness of the “I” of its existential
mind/soul. existence; that is tangibly exists as a thinking substance.
Identify the concept or person being which each Gabriel Marcel
statement describes. The possibility of such encounters unfolds through “my
_______________ 1. One of the philosophers who body”
subscribed to dualism following Plato’s notion of form “My body” is the main basis for reflection and self-
and body. consciousness.
_______________ 2. They believe that human being is “My body” senses the “I”-existence and the existence
created body and soul by the Creator outside of itself. This principle basis of reflection is a
_______________ 3. The first philosopher who points communicative manifestation of an essential relationship
out that all thoughts are conscious. between “My body” and existence or the world.
_______________ 4. A special branch of Philosophy that “My body” is the manifestation of my existentiality, of
deals with the complexities of thought. who I am.
_______________ 5. A mental activity that focuses on The two ways or levels of experience in reflecting on “my
human existence which may bring terror and despair. body”:
First level of reflection, the body is seen as a separate
entity from the self. In other words, my body is just a
D. Human Faculty of Reason mere body, as a mere object apart and outside of myself
The rationalists and empiricists discovers both agree that (Gabriel Marcel on primary reflection)
there is a human faculty called reason. “My body” possesses an aspect of mystery.
Another way or level of reflection on “my body” is when I My body becomes more intermediary with another
considered it as a “mystery”. subjectivity or with the other I.
My body is intertwined with my subjectivity, of what I am In my relationship with Trancendence, I can only relate
and of who I am. My body becomes the manifestation of with this Being through my body . I only encounter the
uniqueness, my self-identity and my self-being. As I Transcendence because my body encounters it.
express my self-being through my body, the body also
E. Myself And The World
expresses its being through my self-being.
My existence is existential.
B. I Have My Body
My constatnt realtion with the world through my body,
I Have a Body versus I Am My Body
the world becomes my world. World is present to me, I
In existentialist though, Marcel popularized this two ways am present in the world through my body in a particular
of looking at once body: as an object of possession and as and unique way.
a subject of unity. It is the I made flesh. A meaningful
I isolate or widraw myself or my personal presence
existence cannot discard the view of “I am my body”.
engaging my body with my personal activities. And the
The claim “I have my body” implies possession. This does world is also concealed from me through my body in a
not only show authority, but also great responsibility. particular milieu in a particular way,
Since my body is not a separate entity from my self-being
TOL: Some people claim that they can do whatever they
and it manifests my self-being, my response to my body is
want to with their bodies. Such claim becomes a basis of
not manipulation but active concern and care.
some women to commit abortion. What is your position
C. I Am My Body about this issue?
The union between my body and I is not just a mere RZ: Since the body cannot be separated from your self-
relationship of two organisms or entities. For Marcel, this being, how do you take care and respect it?
union means existential existence to my body and to
Lesson 4: Finitude and Historicity of the Human Being
My body cannot exist alone apart from me; and that I
cannot exist apart from my body. Wilhelm Dilthey
My relationship with my body is not the same with my It is a characteristic of the expression of lived experiences
relationship with other things that I own or possess. For that its realtion to the spiritual or human content
Marcel, all these are channels to manifest myself, my expressed in it can only be made available to
capacity, my power, or even my faculty of thinking, but understanding within limits.
they are all apart from me. The human being always attempts to overcome
My body as a material reality acts and does things with his/her experience of finitude, his/her finiteness.
inherent power. A. Human Being in Time
Check Point: Manifest truth (MT) or False (F) Human being is constituted by his/her past, present and
1. Gabriel Marcel claims that the body has its own his/her future. His/her present was, is and will be part of
uniqueness, nobility, and beauty. his/her historicity. The past was once his/her
2. Karl Jaspers believes that my encounter with the present;his/her present was once his/her future.
world happens through my body. These three expressions of presence unveil the
3. Gabriel Marcel was the one who said that the temporality of human being.
central basis for reflection on I-existence
relationship is my body. B. Historicity of Human Being
4. “I have a bod” unveils the true union between I The human being is a historical being. He/she is the
and my body. matrix himself/herself of the realities of the past, present,
5. John Locke upholds that my body is like other and the future,
things that can be manipulated.
D. Transcendence And My Body Tanging Yaman

The relationship between my body and I reveals an The role of family relationship is crucial in forming a self-
encounter with other subjectivity or I. image and character of a person.
It is an exoerience of remembering; but in the act of A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity,
remembering, the past becomes alive in the present. stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong
when it tends otherwise.
Human being is the vessel of encounters among the
kinds, levels, and dimensions of realities in human A. Human Being’s Perspectives on Environment
Human being sees and considers the environment as an
The interpersonal events and experiences of the past, erratic and disorderly thing that needs to be analyzed,
present, and future are harmonized in human being. reformed and reshape through the cultural tools of
science and technology in the service of the human self.
For Marcel, such situations help human being establish
his/her unique being. B. Human Being’s Approaches on Environment
The society possesses system of categories or structure This kind of relationship between the human self and the
categories like language, beliefs, worldviews, and even environment has led the emergence and development of
collective character or consciousness that aid human the various approaches to Nature such as instrumental
being in creating and actualizing his/her self-identity and approach, axiological approach, anthropological
personhood. approach, utilitarianism, natural law ethics, virtue ethics,
and Buberian approaches.
 List three vital expression of presence that affect a
human being’s decision and historicity Instrumental Approach
 Enumerate two boundary situations that a human In this approach to environment, human being affirms the
being encounters in existence. protection of environment as long as it possesses value or
importance for human being. The problem with this
approach is that when a human being can no longer
Chapter 3: Harmony with Nature
recognize the value of environment.
Aldo Leopold
Axiological Approach
“We abuse land because we see it as a commodity
In this approach to environment, human being recognizes
belonging to us. When we see our land as a community to
the intrinsic value of the environment. Beauty can be
which we belong. We begin to use it with love and
seen the external expression of such intrinsic value.
Anthropological Approach
The human being and the evolution of his/her
consciousness as a thinking being have been unfolding in The primary concern of human being is to unveil his/her
a concrete context, the environment: our physical being as human or what being human ought to be.
community. Human being does not recognize that the environment
has its own consciousness and inherent system.
The environment enables human being “to exist and act
together with others” (Karol Wojtyla 1979, 276) Utilitarianism
Human action reveals the inward being of human being. This approach focuses on the consequences of human
action, whether it is wrong or right. Our action is ethically
Karol Wojtyla believes that human action “ought to be
right when it produces greatest happiness for the greater
helpful in the cognitive actualization of the potentiality”
number of people, otherwise the action is ethically
of human being
As human beings acts, it affects the movements and
Natural Law Ethics
activities including the consciousness of the environment.
There is goodness in human nature to do good in which is
Karol Wojtyla
rooted in the goodness of God; the God who created
He believes that man is a dynamic subject, who is able to everything according to His Divine plan. This goodness of
fulfill himself by fulfilling acts God in human being can be seen and manifested through
the expression of the human intellect and reason.
Lesson 5: Human Being’s Encounter with the
Environment TOL: Craft your stand about this claim: “Since we,
humans, are the apex of creation, we have all the right to
Aldo Leopold
control and manipulate the environment for human and
economic development?”
RZ: You observed that almost all people in your country is created after the image and likeness of the Divine
are lacking in awareness on how to manage their waste. Creator (Gen 1:6)
There are no waste containers on the main streets, and Emmanuel Levinas
people throw their waste into the river. What will you do
to make the people become aware of their responsibility He believes that human beings action is for the good for
to respect and take care of the environment? the “other”, and not for his/her own good.
St. Augustine
Virtue Ethics Perspective Also known as Augustine of Hippo, he is considered as
one of the most important figures in the development of
The development of our virtue of care and respect for the Christianity.
environment habitual performance of caring and
respecting non-human beings. Emmanuel Levinas
C. Sacredness of Environment He is an existentialist who puts morality a “Human Face”.
It means that human face is more primordial than any
The recognition of the sacredness of environment is claims to philosophical arguments and doctrines, and that
based on the creation of all things. The environment as before we hear the voice of any reason and
part of creation poses an affirmation of a Creator, who is commandment, we see the other person when we
the uncaused and cause, who caused everything that encounter his/her human face, and we see mutuality in it.
exists (Buenaflor 2006).
As a being with intelligence and reason, human being
Human being should recognize its sacredness; it is a must use environmental resources with love and care.
manifestation of the Creator’s goodness, divinity, and This is a responsibility, and it shall be infinite.
TOL: Do you agree with the statement, “Ang basurang
Leonardo Mercado itinapon mo ay ibabalik sa ‘yo” or not? Explain.
Mercado asserts that human being can encounter the RZ: As you are walking around your community, you
Divine in the environment. observe that there are many young people throwing
Lesson 6: The Influence and Effects of Human Activity garbage along the road. You are convinced that this
toward Environment practice of the young people would have a negative result
on the environment, what would you do to help stop
David Abram
such practice of young today?
A human community that lives in a mutually beneficial
relation with the surrounding earth is a community, we
might say, that lives in truth. Lesson 7: The Complementarity between Human Being
and Environment
A. The Spirit of Stewardship
Marcus Aurelius
Human being is part of creation. According to Timbreza,
human being has the responsibility to take care, protect, What is good and just for man is to live in harmony with
and cultivate his/her potentialities faculties, and nature.
A. The Spirit of Noncoexistence
As part of creation, human being’s choice and action the
The noncoexistence between human being and the
unfolding of phenomena in the environment. The
environment when one is being objectified by the other
potentialities of the environment may be realized
one makes the other as an object.
through human action.
A human being does not recognize the consciousness and
The Lorax
systems that set natural movements and occurrences in
Human being must take care of the environment so that the environment.
the environment will take care of him/her.
The problem with noncoexistence between human
B. Human Being as the Summit of Creation beings and environment is not coming from the
environment, but from the human being.
Rationality makes human being different from other
created things. The capacity to think unveils the inherent Another source of the problem of noncoexistence
nature of human being as the peak of creation for he/she between human beings and environment is when a
human being focuses on development and progress at Human being in the I-Thou relation treats the
the expense of the environment. environment as a Thou, as a subject and not a mere
object, in its wholeness.
B. The Spirit of Coexistence
The “basic word I-Thou can be spoken with one’s whole
The spirit of coexistence between human being and the
being” (Bubber 1970, 54)
environment is shown every time human being
recognizes his/her dependence upon the latter. Human relates with a Thou (You) to attain self-realization.
Human being should recognize the inherent In this relation, human being touches the Thou of the
consciousness and wisdom that pervade the whole environment which leads to the touch of “breath of the
creation. human life” (Bubber I-Thou)
CP: Moreover, for Bubber, in this kind relationship between
human and the environment, characterize by a genuine
1. What happens when man does not consider the
dialog, human existence is fully realized.
environment as a community?
2. According to Fr. Mercado, what consequence of C. Human Being’s Ethical Responsibility toward the
seeing forests or rivers as brothers or sisters? Environment
TOL: What is your opinion concerning the conversion of The relationship between the self and the other depends
agricultural lands into subdivisions, recreational parks, on how human interprets the other. If the other
malls, high rise buildings and condominiums, and the interprets the other as an it, the relationship between the
like? self and the other will be an I-It relationship; and if the
self-interprets the other as Thou, the relationship
RZ: The life of indigenous people depends on the richness
between self and the other will be an I-Thou relationship.
of their agricultural lands. If you were the leader of the
country, how would you help them protect and sustain I-It and I-Thou relationships come into being when the
their agricultural lands without depriving them of the human interprets and sees the environment either as it (a
advantages of technological development? thing) or as a Thou.
Lesson 8: Dialogical Relation between Human Being and In the I-It attitude, the human being does not interpret
Environment the other as having any possibilities beyond those which
he/she has determined for it.
David Abram
In I-Thou attitude, a human being recognizes that the
We experience the sensuous world only by rendering
environment has the possibilities of its own beyond those
ourselves vulnerable to that world.
which he/she expects or imposes on it.
A. Environment as an Object of Human Being’s
The main focus of this I-Thou relation, between human
In I-it relation human beings sees the environment
being and the environment, is not deed of posture of an
through the lens of his/her own needs and perception.
individual being but the reciprocity of being itself – a
Human being alone is active and the environment is
reciprocity that has nothing except being.
considered as a mere object to be experience and used;
the environment is seen as mere commodity. TOL: Some people believe that urbanization is inevitable.
Indeed, it is inevitable and continues to unfold because
Human being does not recognize an experience
human beings allow it to happen. But in the name of
environment as a bio-community where he/she belongs,
urbanization, trees are being cut for subdivision and
lives, and where his/her character is built. The progress of
malls, hill and ridges are converted into recreational
modern technology has contributed to the widespread of
parks. What is your stand concerning such situations?
the I-it attitude towards the environment. The
relationship between human being and environment RZ: You observed that your place is lacking of trees, and
becomes superficial and manipulative. every time heavy rains come, it flood the whole area. As a
young and concerned citizen, what would you do to
B. Environment as an Subject of Human Being’s
address such concerns of the community?

*Please study The Unit in Review

UNIT III Being-with-others: Life in Society and human’s “sense of good and evil, of just and unjust,” and
Intersubjectivity a being with the sense according to Aristotle, “makes a
family and a state”
Florentino T. Timberza
Humans, therefore, are political by nature because they
Love begets love and violence begets violence. If others
have the natural capacity for speech. The argument may
hate you love them in return, i.e., if you want to
be stated in syllogistic form.
overcome their hatred. If somebody gets mad at you,
repay with affection. C. The Third Argument
Homo Socius “…The state is by nature clearly prior to the existence of
the family of the individual…,” states Aristotle (1920,29).
Human Socius- humans are social beings. As social beings,
This statement seems to contradict Aristotle’s first claim
humans are necessarily political. They do not only relate
that the state is the end of the natural growth of human
with one another in communities, but they need to enter
communities. As a logician, however, Aristotle is not
into a political association for their own preservation,
talking literally, but paradoxically.
common protection, and good life.
Humans, according to Aristotle, are rational beings. They
Karl jaspers
are rational because they have the capacity to reason
“Man is always more than what he knows about himself” out.
Human are political by nature. They have a natural desire Reason dictates that humans should live together and
to live in communities for the sake of self-preservation, form a society. It is the rational nature of humans that
common protection, and good life. Political society (also requires them to form and live in the society.
called state) is formed out of the natural evolution of
Gods are said to be perfect beings (and hence self-
communities, not a product of human conventions.
sufficient) and do not need a society to survive and live a
Aristotle gives three reasons why he considers human as good life. Beasts, on the other hand, being irrational
political beings by nature. creatures cannot be educated and perfected. As humans
1. Political society is a completion of the natural are definitely not gods, they would be uneducated and
development of human communities. unperfected outside the state. Hence, for Aristotle,
2. Only humans have the capacity for speech humans need to form and live in a political society in
3. The political society comes before the individuals order to develop and to realize their rational nature, and
in order for them to live in a good life, which is their
A. The First Argument ultimate purpose.

Men and women have both the natural desires to TOL: Are humans really political by nature? Explain.
propagate their species for they “have a natural desire to
leave behind them an image of themselves,” (Aristotle
1920, 26)
The first human community, therefore, is marriage
between a man and a woman. From this natural
relationship is born the family, which “is the association
established by nature for the supply of men’s every-day
wants,” (Aristotle 1920, 27)
A state or political society, may therefore, be defines as a
self-sufficing community of people existing for the sake of
good life of all its members.
It is the self-sufficing community of people existing for
the sake of good life.
B. The Second Argument
Aristotle (1920) states that humans have the capacity for
speech. This capacity does not exist in vain. It implied

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