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Practice test on Project Integration Management, Scope Management, and

Schedule Management (50 questions with answers)

1. You are the project manager of a $200 million construction project. The project is in the execution stage. In
the last review meeting, several stakeholders looked disappointed and have indicated the need for changes to
the requirements set. They were of the opinion that these elements were missed in the initial requirements
collection process. As a result, change requests were raised to add these elements to the project. In this context,
change requests will be an input to which of the following processes?

A. Control Scope

B. Monitor and Control Project Work

C. Define Scope

D. Perform Integrated Change Control

2. You are appointed as the project manager for a software development project. Your organization follows a
matrix organization structure. You are expected to negotiate and obtain the necessary resources for the project
from the functional managers. However, when you approached a functional manager for a discussion, he was
surprised that such a project exists in the organization. How will you convince him to obtain the necessary
resources for your project?

A. You will try to explain to him why the project was initiated and what are the benefits of the project to the
organization and how functional managers are pivotal to the success of the project.

B. You will ask him to speak to the sponsor, who assigned you the project.

C. You will show him a document that formally authorizes you to apply organizational resources to project

D. Since you are working in a strong matrix organization structure, you will instruct the functional manager to just
comply with your requirements.

3. The following are the key benefits of the Develop Project Charter process EXCEPT:

A. It provides a direct link between the project and the strategic objectives of the organization.

B. It creates a formal record of the project.

C. It defines the product, service or result boundaries, and acceptance criteria.

D. It shows the organizational commitment to the project

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about projects?

A. The project charter establishes a partnership between the performing and requesting organizations.

B. Projects are initiated by an entity internal to the project.

C. Projects are initiated due to internal business needs or external influences.

D. A project charter is not considered to be a Contract.

5. You have recently joined as the project manager for a hotel construction project. During the introduction
meeting with the sponsor, he hands over a document to you. He also warns you that you should not update or
modify the document. The document describes the necessary information from a business standpoint to
determine whether the expected outcomes of the project justify the required investment. Which of the
following documents did the sponsor give you?

A. Agreement

B. Business case

C. Benefits management plan

D. Project charter

6. You are in the process of developing the project charter for an energy project. Which of the following is NOT a
typical element found in the project charter?

A. Acceptance criteria

B. Project approval requirements

C. Project exit criteria

D. Measurable project objectives and related success criteria

7. The project kick-off meeting is usually associated with the end of planning and start of executing. As the
project manager, you will use the kick-off meeting for all of the following outcomes EXCEPT:

A. To communicate the objectives of the project.

B. To gain the commitment of the team for the project.

C. To explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.

D. To formally authorize the existence of the project

8. Which of the following best describes the proper role of the project manager as related to changes?:

A. Make changes as and when it occurs.

B. Estimate the impact of the change on the project objectives.

C. Prevent unnecessary changes.

D. Notify senior management about changes

9. The project charter has been developed, and the project has been formally authorized. A full-time project
manager is appointed for the project. There is clarity about the business needs, high-level project description,
and product requirements that the project is to address. A summary budget has also been approved. Given this
information, what activity should the project manager perform NEXT from the available options?

A. Perform the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the project`s objectives.

B. Define, prepare and coordinate all subsidiary plans and integrate them into a comprehensive project
management plan

C. Monitor and report the progress to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.

D. Define scope and get the project scope statement so that you can understand how much effort is needed for
the project

10. You have recently been assigned to work with another certified PMP on a large project at your company.
You have heard from a colleague that this other project manager’s practices, are often in violation of the PMI
Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. What should you do NEXT?

A. Report him to PMI as this forms part of your professional ethics and responsibility

B. Report this to the project sponsor as you should inform the organization before approaching PMI

C. Do nothing since the project manager is not doing anything contrary to the company’s policies

D. Evaluate the credibility of your colleague’s statements before taking any action

11: The latest change request you received does not impact the project cost. As a Project Manager, what should
be your next step?
A. Speak to your Manager about the Change Request
B. Send the Change Request to the Change Control Board (CCB)
C. Evaluate the impact on other project constraints
D. Go ahead and make the change

12: As a Project Manager, you know you need to manage the stakeholders. Your new project is with a customer
who is famous for requesting changes. Grapevine has it that the previous Project Manager was totally frustrated
with this customer and moved to a different department. With this new project kicking off, what would you do
to manage this customer?
A. Send the customer a copy of the organization’s change control process
B. Speak with the manager of this customer and discuss how the previous Project Manager has left after getting
frustrated from the requested changes
C. Involve the customer as early in the project as possible
D. Deny a couple of changes firmly

13: Which of the following is most important when it comes to change from Project Manager’s perspective?
A. Inform the sponsor about the change
B. Record and track the progress of the change
C. Avoid the change
D. Prevent uncontrolled change
14: During the course of the project, you are informed that a key resource promised earlier has been engaged in
another critical project. What should be your first step?
A. Negotiate with the Project Manager of the critical project for the resource
B. Turn the project ‘Red’ or atleast ‘Yellow’ and add this as a Risk
C. Move forward without the resource and inform the key stakeholders that some of the milestones might be
D. Evaluate the impact of not having the key resource

15: You are assigned to a project which is already half complete. You go over the Project Management Plan and
reports and realize that the project is well within baselines. Next day, you meet the customer who isn’t happy
with the absenteeism on the team meetings. What should be your next step?
A. Ask the previous Project Manager to sort out the customer issues as part of the knowledge transfer
B. Explain to the customer how projects are managed and being within baselines implies everything is on track
C. Escalate the issue
D. Call a meeting with your project team to come up with possible solutions

16. “Product scope” is best defined as which of the following:

A. The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result
B. The work performed to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions
C. The scope baseline
D. The plan to manage the changes to a product.

17. You are a new project manager that is replacing a previous project manager. You want to know more about
the scope baseline of the project. Which three documents will be most useful to you?
A. Project Management Plan, Scope Management Plan, WBS
B. Scope Management Plan, WBS, WBS Dictionary
C. Project scope statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary
D. Project scope statement, Scope Management Plan, WBS

18. You as the project manager are in the planning phase of your project. In order to collect all of the scope
requirements, you want to use a systematic approach to evaluate and rank many ideas that are generated by
your team. Which group creativity technique should you use?
A. Brainstorming
B. Idea/mind mapping
C. Facilitated workshops
D. Multicriteria decision analysis
19. Which of the following is contained in the project charter but not the project scope statement?
A. Progressively elaborated project description
B. Project purpose or justification
C. Acceptance criteria
D. Project deliverables

20. In a meeting, a team member describes the project scope statement as the decomposition of all of the work
to be carried by the project team to accomplish the project and create the required documents. What is wrong
with this team member’s statement?
A. The team member is actually describing the WBS.
B. The team member is actually describing work packages.
C. The team member is actually describing the scope management plan.
D. The team member is not wrong.

21. Which of the following individuals in most crucial in validating scope?

A. Program manager
B. Project manager
C. Project sponsor or customer
D. Quality assurance manager

22. What tool or technique would a project manager use to control scope?
A. Variance analysis
B. Inspection
C. Expert judgment
D. Product analysis

23. You’ve been put in-charge of a project that is in its first release. Which document should you read to identify
the project constraints and the acceptance criteria?
a) Scope Statement
b) Project Charter
c) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
d) Stakeholder Analysis

24. You are in a workshop with the client. The objective of the workshop is to prioritize scope for the first
release. Since this is a prestigious project, each client stakeholder wants his/her scope items to be included in
the first release. What advice would you give the client stakeholders?

a) Prioritize based on business value

b) Prioritize based on business value and risk
c) Prioritize based on probability of completion
d) Prioritize based on risk and probability of completion
25. What is the correct order of the Scope Management processes?

a) Define Scope, Plan Scope, Verify Scope, Create WBS

b) Collect Requirements, Define Scope, Create WBS, Verify Scope
c) Plan Scope, Define Scope, Verify Scope, Create WBS
d) Scope Planning, Collect Requirements, Scope Definition, Create WBS

26. Your project has eight tracks. Each track has a Track Lead, who engages with a client stakeholder. The Track
Leads have weekly checkpoints with their respective client stakeholders. Since the start of Release 2, you’ve
noticed that the client stakeholders ask for scope changes. The Track Leads, consider the changes to be minor,
and incorporate the requests. Though most of the time, the Track Leads are correct in assuming that the scope is
minor, sometimes the change requires significant effort. You want to track the requests that are major. What
will you do to achieve this?

a) Train the Track Leads to identify the requests that lead to significant effort.
b) Add an item in the daily team meeting agenda to include scope change requests.
c) Review the project charter.
d) Change the scope statement.

27. You’ve just delivered your second release. For both releases so far, the client stakeholders have applauded
your efforts. However, the client stakeholders mention that the business needs are not being met as per their
expectations. What can you do to ensure that expectations are understood in the same way by each

a) Create a Project Charter for each release.

b) Create a Scope Statement for each release.
c) Document SMART objectives for each release.
d) Train the client stakeholders on the methodology your project is following.

28. After delivering a release, the client is adamant that certain features of the software do not provide any
business value. Which document can you share with the client to show how the features directly correspond to
business needs and requirements stated at the being of the project?

a) Requirements Traceability Matrix

b) Project Charter
c) Scope Statement
d) Scope Baseline

29. You conducted several brainstorming sessions with client stakeholders and used the Delphi technique. You
also intend to conduct focus groups. Which process are you most probably doing?
a) Plan Scope
b) Stakeholder Analysis
c) Collect Requirements
d) Develop Project Charter

30. You’ve just completed the Collect Requirements process. Which Scope Management process would you
implement next?
a) Plan Scope
b) Define Scope
c) Create WBS
d) Scope Planning
31: You are the Project Manager on a construction project. You have worked with your team to define the
dependencies and estimated their durations and resource requirements. Now you are creating the project
schedule. Which of the following tools and techniques is of no use at this time?
A. Resource leveling
B. Schedule Compression
C. Critical Chain Method
D. Reserve Analysis

32: The customer is looking for the project to be complete 10 days earlier than planned due to marketing
constraints. You work with your project team and figure out that this can be achieved if a couple of activities can
overlap. This approach is known as?
A. Fast Tracking
B. Crashing
C. Resource Leveling
D. Concurrent Engineering

33: Your project team is working on the network diagram to calculate the float. Which of the following is the
formula they should be using,
A. Late Finish – Late Start or Early Finish – Early Start
B. Late Start – Late Finish
C. Early Start – Early Finish
D. Late Finish – Early Finish or Late Start – Early Start

34: You are the Project Manager of a flyover construction project. While planning you realized that you would
need approval from Indian Railways for construction on a certain part of land owned by the railways. These kind
of dependencies that originate outside the project are known as?
A. Mandatory Dependency
B. Internal Dependency
C. Discretionary Dependency
D. External Dependency

35: You are the project manager for a software project. You have worked with the team to create the project
schedule, perform critical path analysis and calculated the values of Early and Late Start, Early and Late Finish as
well as Float. Which activities in the project cannot slip without making the project late?
A. Activities with biggest difference between ES and LF
B. The activity with most lag
C. All the activities on the critical path
D. Every activity that slips delays the project

36. During project execution, a work item has taken twice as long as the estimation. The estimates were
provided for by the Project Architect and an external consultant. The client has asked if the deadline can be
brought forward by a week. Which of the following actions can you take?

A. Use the Triangle of Constraints to understand and explain to the client that if the deadline is brought forward
the scope and/or cost will increase.
B. Analyze the risk and add it to the Risk Breakdown Structure.
C. Use the Delphi Method to determine if this request can be accommodated.
D.Provide the client with the new schedule and communicate the risk of bringing forward the deadline.
37. Which of the following techniques can you use to estimate the duration of an activity?
A. Arrow Diagramming Method
B. Precedence Diagramming Method
C. Three-point Estimation
D. Crashing

38. After you’ve baked a cake, you want to serve it cold. Therefore, before serving it to the guests you will need
to put the cake into a fridge and wait for it to cool. The activity “Serve Guests Cake” will not start right after the
“Bake Cake” activity. This is an example of _________.

39. Analyze the Precedence Diagram shown below.

Which of the following activities will delay the entire project, if the activity is completed late?
A. Purchase Wood
B. Purchase Paint
C. Hire Workers
D. None of the above

40. Which of the following is a risk associated both with crashing and compressing schedules?

A. Inaccuracies in Activity Duration estimates

B. Increase in scope
C. Increase in cost
D. Increase in communication challenges

41. To determine the estimates of your project, you have surveyed the Project Architect, an external Consultant
and the project team members. What type of estimation technique does this closely resemble?

A. Delphi Method
C. Three-Point
D. Planning Poker
42. Analyze the following Precedence Diagram.

By how many days can the “Purchase Paint” activity be delayed before the project is delayed?
A. 0
B. 19
C. 21
D. 38

43. Which of the following planning techniques or methodologies DOES NOT allow you to estimate and plan as
the project unfolds?

A. Agile
C. Rolling Wave Planning
D. Waterfall

44. During project executing, a team member comes to project manager because he is not sure of what work
needs to be accomplished on the project. Which of the following documents contains the detailed description of
work packages?
A. WBS dictionary.
B. Activity List.
C. Project scope statement.
D. Scope management plan.

45. During a meeting with some of the project stakeholders, the project manager is asked to add work to the
project scope. The project manager had access to correspondence about the project before the project charter
was signed and remembers that the project sponsor specifically denied funding for the scope mentioned by the
stakeholders’. The BEST thing for the project manager to do is to :
A. Let the sponsor know of the stake holder’s request.
B. Evaluate the impact of adding the scope.
C. Tell the stakeholder the scope cannot be added.
D. Add the work if the time is available in the project schedule.
46. The Work Breakdown Structure can BEST be thought of as an effective aid for __________ communications.
A. Team
B. Project manager
C. Customer
D. Stakeholder.

47. Which of the following is the KEY output of Verify Scope process?
A. A more complete Scope management plan.
B. Customer acceptance of project deliverables.
C. Improved Schedule estimates.
D. An improved Project management information system.

48. A detailed project schedule can be created only after creating the:
A. Project budget.
B. Work breakdown structure.
C. Project management plan.
D. Detailed risk assessment.

49. In situations involving a large number of ideas on requirements provided by various stakeholders, a project
manager must sort, review and analyze those ideas. Which of the following tools can be utilized to accomplish

A. Affinity diagram
B. Mind mapping
C. Pareto chart
D. Brainstorming

50. On a project schedule network diagram, leads and lags are used to define the relationships between
activities. These leads and lags indicate either acceleration or delay, respectively, of the successor activity. If a
team member on your project indicates FF+3 on the network diagram, what does that notation indicate?

A. Activities with a Finish-to-finish relationship and 3 days of lag time

B. The activity has 3 days of final float
C. Activity with a finish-to-finish relationship and 3 days of lead time
D. None of the above


1 D. Change Requests can be an input to only one process, which is Perform Integrated Change Control. Change
Request, wherever generated in the project, has to be an input to this process. Please remember that only Perform
Integrated Change Control process can review and approve/ reject the change requests.

2. C. Project Charter is the document that authorizes the existence of a project and empowers the project manager
to obtain resources for the project. So, the project manager should show the project charter, which should
convince the functional manager.

3. C. Describing the product, service or result boundaries, and acceptance criteria is the benefit of Define Scope
Process. The remaining are all the benefits of Develop Project Charter process.
Ref: PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, Page 75 & 150
4. B. Projects are initiated by an entity external to the project such as a sponsor, program or project management
office (PMO), or a portfolio governing body chairperson or authorized representative.
Ref: PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, Page 77

5. B. The business case describes the necessary information from a business standpoint to determine whether the
expected outcomes of the project justify the required investment.
Ref: PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, Page 77

6. A. Acceptance criteria is included as part of Project Scope Statement, while the other three are typically seen in
Project Charter.
Ref: PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, Page 155

7. D. Formal authorization of a project happens at the time of project charter, not at the kick-off meeting.
Ref: PMBOK Guide, Sixth Edition, Page 86

8. C. While you might be carrying out all the other choices with regards to change requests, the most important
role of project manager is to work towards preventing unnecessary changes in the project.

9. B. From the question, you can understand that the Project Charter has already been developed. Next step is to
develop the project management plan.

10. D. As per the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, you should bring violations of the code to the
attention of senior management at the company and possibly PMI. However, you should get the facts together and
gather evidence before taking either of those steps.
11: C
12: C
13: D
14: D
15: D

16. A. The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result. – For this problem, you need to
know and identify the differences between product and project scope. Product scope refers more narrowly to the
features of what is being produced, while the project scope refers to all of the work done to complete the project
and may include product scope (PMBOK, 105).

17. C. Project scope statement, WBS, WBS Dictionary. – This question tests your knowledge about baselines. If you
don’t know the definitions for all of the baselines in a project, put them on your brain dump or study them until
you do. PMBOK defines the scope baseline as these three documents (105).

18. D. Multicriteria decision analysis. Use the context of this problem to determine that you are collecting
requirements to plan scope. Facilitated workshops are not a group creativity technique, so eliminate it. Out of the
three remaining group creativity techniques, choose the best fit, which is multicriteria decision analysis.

19. B. Project purpose or justification. The PMBOK Guide makes a point to describe how the project charter and
project scope statement are sometimes subtly different. Review the PMBOK Guide on pages 123-124 if you got this
question wrong and perhaps even if you got it right to ensure that you know the difference. If you get caught by
not being 100% sure, think about the documents. Cue words like “high-level” and “preliminary” make it likely that
you are dealing with the project charter, while words like “progressive elaboration” typically refer to project scope.
If you don’t know, B was a well-educated guess!

20. A. The team member is actually describing the WBS. PMBOK defines the WBS as “a hierarchical decomposition
of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create
the required deliverables” (126). Knowing that “hierarchical” and “decomposition” are keyword for the WBS is
important here, as well as knowing the definition for WBS. It’s likely that you’ll learn the definition for WBS in the
course of studying because you will encounter it so often.

21. C. Project sponsor or customer. – In the Validate Scope phases, the project sponsor or customer provides
formal acceptance of the project deliverables. This process is closely related to Control Quality, and you’ll
encounter many questions in your studies asking you to delineate between Control Quality and Validate Scope.
The key difference is that an internal team works on Control Quality, while an external source (the customer or
sponsor) must Validate Scope.

22. A. Variance analysis – Although all of these choices are tools and techniques in the project scope management
knowledge area, variance analysis is the only tool and technique for the control scope process. If you don’t
remember this — and remember, we don’t recommend memorizing — use context clues to help you figure it out.
First, determine which process group you are in — because you are controlling scope, you are of course monitoring
and controlling. When you are in the monitoring and controlling process group, you know that you are comparing
what actually happened in the project to the project baseline. The only answer that makes sense, then, is variance

23. A; the Scope Statement contains scope descriptions, deliverables, acceptance criteria, project exclusions, and
project constraints. The Project Charter includes business needs, high-level risks, and a summary budget. The Work
Break Down Structure is an outcome of the Create WBS process. It contains a detailed account of the work that
needs to be performed. Stakeholder Analysis is a technique that has nothing to do with acceptance criteria.

24. B; Two factors dictate scope prioritization. These factors are risk and business value. Probability of completion
is very rarely, if ever, used as a parameter for prioritizing scope.

25. B; If you got this wrong then you should go back and make sure you read the Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and
Outputs (ITTOs) in the PMBOK v4.

26. B; Ideally no change should be implemented without making it go through the Change Control Board. In this
case, the question states that the PM wants to track the changes closely. Option B is the only tracking option.

27 C; Documenting SMART objectives is the only way to ensure that the requirements are not vague.

28. A; The Requirements Traceability Matrix is critical to ensure that the features that will be developed are
directly linked to the requirements. It ensures that whatever is built is directly related to the requirements and
business needs. The Traceability Matrix is commonly used in Six-Sigma processes

29. C; It is critical for you to know what sort of Tools and Techniques are used in each process. This is an example
of a question that indirectly targets your knowledge of the ITTOs

30. B; Sequence of processes is another common area that is asked in the exam. Though you wont find too many
questions like this, if you do get a few in the exam, they should be easy pickings.

31: D. Reserve Analysis

32: A. Fast Tracking
33: D. Late Finish – Early Finish or Late Start – Early Start
34: D. External Dependency
35: C. All the activities on the critical path

36. A. Option B is invalid because you would analyze the risk, but you would add it to a Risk Register and not
the Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS). Option C is invalid because the Delphi Method is not used for converging
expert thought. In project management, the Delphi Method is used for areas, such as Estimation. Option D is
totally wrong. You can’t take in each and every client request. Option A is the only valid answer. The Triangle of
Constraints is very useful when negotiating with clients.

37. C. This a recall question. You need to know the Inputs, Tools and Techniques, and Outputs (ITTO) as per the
version 4 of the PMBOK.
38. A. As there is a delay between the ending of a predecessor and a successor, this is an example of a Lag.

39. C. Hire Workers–activities that lie on the longest path will delay the entire project.
40. D. Crashing and Compressing has risks. Option D is one of the risks.
41. A. This is an example of using the Delphi Method in Estimation.
42. C. This question is targeting the slack or float concept.

43. D. You should read on common planning techniques and methodologies. Waterfall is one of the first
methodologies that was created for software development.

44: A. Activity List (choice B) may list the work package they relate to, but they do not contain detailed description
of the work packages. The project scope statements (choice C) defines the project scope, but it doesn’t describe
the work a team member is assigned. The Scope management plan (choice D) describes how scope will be
planned, managed and controlled. It doesn’t include a description of each work package. The WBS dictionary
defines each element in the WBS. Therefore descriptions of the work packages are in the WBS.

45: C. Based on the information presented, there is no reason to try to convince the sponsor to add the work
(choice B and choice D). Though one could let the sponsor know (choice A) the best choice would be to say no. A
better choice would be to find the root cause of the problem, but that choice is not listed

46: D. WBS can be used as a communication tool for all the stakeholders to “see” what is included in the project.

47: B. The output of Verify Scope process is customer acceptance of the project deliverables. The other choices all
happen during project planning, well before the time Verify Scope process takes place.

48: B. In the Project management process, the project budget (Choice A), project management plan (choice C) and
the detailed risk assessment (choice D) come after schedule. The only answer that could be an input is the WBS.

49. A. Affinity diagrams can be used to sort and group idea for additional review and analysis. Mind mapping
allows ideas to be grouped based on their similarities and differences. A Pareto chart is not used to gather
requirements but to identify the 80/20 relationships of problems in the quality area. Brainstorming is a
requirement gathering technique but used primarily in the idea generation stage rather than the review and
analysis aspect.

50. A. When sequencing activities, there are four types of relationships: finish-to-finish, start-to-finish, finish-to-
start, and start-to-start. Finish-to-finish are indicated as "FF." Leads are shown with a negative sign (-) and lags are
indicated with a positive sign (+). The correct answer is a finish-to-finish relationship with 3 days of lag time.

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