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Employee remote Work Policy

Policy brief and purpose

Employee remote work policy outlines our guidelines for employees

who work from a location other than our offices. We want to ensure
that both employees and our company will benefit from these

Policy Elements

Remote working is a temporary agreement between employees and

managers to work from a non-office location due to Covid19
lockdown until further notice.

Remote Work Agreement

Employees may work remotely on a temporary basis.

Employees should indicate their primary working address in a

remote working agreement. This contract will outline their
responsibilities as remote employees.

Work from home is allowed due to Covid 19 lockdown.

Remote Working

To ensure that employee performance will not suffer in remote work

arrangements, we advise our remote employees to:

● Choose a quiet and distraction-free working space.

● Have an internet connection that’s adequate for their job.
● Dedicate their full attention to their job duties during working
● Adhere to break and attendance schedules agreed upon with
their manager.
● Ensure their schedules overlap with those of their team
members for as long as is necessary to complete their job
duties effectively.
● To be in touch with their supervisors/Managers
● Employee have to report their work status on daily basis.

Compliances with Policy

Employees must follow our company’s policies like their office-

based colleagues. Examples of policies that all employees should
abide by are:

● Attendance.
● Social media.
● Confidentiality.
● Data protection.
● Employee Code of Conduct.
● Anti-discrimination/Equal opportunity.


We will provide our remote employees with equipment that is

essential to their job duties, like laptops, headsets and Internet
(when applicable.) We will install VPN and company-required
software when employees receive their equipment. We will not
provide secondary equipment (e.g. printers and screens.)

Equipment that we provide is company property. Employees must

keep it safe and avoid any misuse. Specifically, employees must:

● Keep their equipment password protected.

● Store equipment in a safe and clean space when not in use.
● Follow all data encryption, protection standards and settings.
● Refrain from downloading suspicious, unauthorized or illegal

Employee Name

Emp ID


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