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10 Facility: Location: Date:

Section A: (Tasks information) Team Composition: E & I and Rigging
TASK: Electrical/ Instrument Panels Removal Crew
OIDC associated with above task: Y/N OIDC No: Additional OIDC/ Precautions attached: Y/N
Section B: JHA Detail Description
Step Descriptions of Hazard Task Hazards Threats Top Event Risk Control Measures Recovery Action/
No. task step Prompt 10 (L/M/ Measures Responsible
+1 H) Party
1 Isolate incoming Electric Live electrical Careless/ Major burn/ L - PTW - First Aid E&I
power supply (if power/ current negligence shock/ - Wear proper PPE (safety boot, hand - First Aider Foreman and
any) for panels to electrocuted glove) - DFA Crew
be removed - Warning Signs - Medevac
- Barricade the area - Medic
- Check insulation and earthing
- Housekeeping
2 Disconnect & Electric Live electrical Careless/ Major burn/ L - PTW - First Aid E&I
remove all power/ current negligence shock/ - Wear proper PPE (safety boot, hand - First Aider Foreman and
incoming and electrocuted glove) - DFA Crew
outgoing cables - Warning Signs - Medevac
associated with - Barricade the area - Medic
the panels to be - Check insulation and earthing
removed - Housekeeping
- Chemical Entering and - Inhaling toxic - Suffocation/ L - PTW - First Aid E&I
- Gravity Exiting gases asphyxiated - Competent personnel (authorized - First Aider Foreman and
- Motion Confined - O2 deficiency - Fatality/ entrant, stand-by person and entry - DFA Crew
- Body space - Hit by falling death supervisor) - Medevac
Mechanics object - Head injuries - Confined Space Entry Permit - Medic
- Falling - Minor - Continuous Gas/ Atmosphere
wound, sprain, testing
bone fractures - Proper ventilation (air blowers)
- Full body harness, safety belt
- Make use of tripods, hoist and
- Barricade the area
- Warning signs
- Tailboard briefing/ meeting
- Close Communication
- Wear proper PPE
- Housekeeping
3 Unbolt, dismantle Body Manual Improper manual Back injury, L - Change the object – for example, - First Aid E&I
and remove Mechanic handling handling ankle sprain repack a heavy load into smaller, - First Aider Foreman and
redundant panels technique/ and muscle more manageable parcels - DFA Crew
Incorrect body pain - Use mechanical aids- like - Medevac
posture (musculoskelet wheelbarrows, trolleys, conveyor - Medic
al disorder) belts, cranes or forklifts.
- Change the nature of work- offer
frequent breaks or multi task.
- Proper training
- Work shift/ Work rotation
- Buddy system
- Wear proper PPE
- Housekeeping
Body Rigging Improper rigging Hand and L - Wear proper PPE (hand glove) - First Aid E&I
Mechanics technique/ finger injury - Competent Personnel - First Aider Foreman and
Careless/ - Close Communication - DFA Crew
negligence - Rigging & Slinging Course - Medevac
- Housekeeping - Medic
- Chemical Entering and - Inhaling toxic - Suffocation/ L - PTW - First Aid E&I
- Gravity Exiting gases asphyxiated - Competent personnel (authorized - First Aider Foreman and
- Motion Confined - O2 deficiency - Fatality/ entrant, stand-by person and entry - DFA Crew
- Body space - Hit by falling death supervisor) - Medevac
Mechanics object - Head injuries - Confined Space Entry Permit - Medic
- Falling - Minor - Continuous Gas/ Atmosphere
wound, sprain, testing
bone fractures - Proper ventilation (air blowers)
- Full body harness, safety belt
- Make use of tripods, hoist and
- Barricade the area
- Warning signs
- Tailboard briefing/ meeting
- Close Communication
- Wear proper PPE
- Housekeeping
4 Material handling Pressure Sling under Sling failure Minor body L - Competent personnel - First Aid E&I
and transfer tension injuries, finger - Banksman - First Aider Foreman and
injuries, - Barricade the area - DFA Crew,
property - Use slings & shackles with stamped - Medevac Riggers
damages SWL marking and valid certificates - Medic
- Conduct visual inspection on slings
& connections prior to lifting
- Regular sling inspection
- Wear proper PPE
- Housekeeping
Body Manual Improper manual Back injury, L - Change the object – for example, - First Aid E&I
Mechanic handling handling ankle sprain repack a heavy load into smaller, - First Aider Foreman and
technique/ and muscle more manageable parcels - DFA Crew,
Incorrect body pain - Use mechanical aids- like - Medevac Riggers
posture (musculoskelet wheelbarrows, trolleys, conveyor - Medic
al disorder) belts, cranes or forklifts.
- Change the nature of work- offer
frequent breaks or multi task.
- Proper training
- Work shift/ Work rotation
- Buddy system
- Wear proper PPE
- Housekeeping
Body Rigging Improper rigging Hand and L - Wear proper PPE (hand glove) - First Aid E&I
Mechanics technique/ finger injury - Competent Personnel - First Aider Foreman and
Careless/ - Close Communication - DFA Crew,
negligence - Rigging & Slinging Course - Medevac Riggers
- Housekeeping - Medic


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Date : Date : Date :

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