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A Study on Impact of Online Shopping on buyer behavior in Mumbai

I Ms. Asmatara Khan a research scholar I am carrying out my Doctoral Program to measure “A
Study on Impact of Online Shopping on buyer behavior in Mumbai” to be submitted for the award
of Doctor of Philosophy of Mumbai University. I would be thankful if you could spare some time to
answer these questions with your personal experience. The information you provide will be kept
confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.

( Section A) : Personal information

Name :____________________________________________________________________
Email :____________________________________________________________________
Phone No:_________________________________________________________________
Age (years): ________________________________________________________________
Marital Status (Unmarried; Married; other):________________________________________
Qualification : SSC/HSC/Graduate/PG/Above PG/PhD
Occupation : Corporate Executives/Professionals/Students
Gender (Male/Female)
Designation: ________________________________________________________________
Name of the Origination/College:_______________________________________________

Address :____________________________________________________________________

Family income (Monthly): Up to Rs. 25000/-

Rs. 26000-50000
Rs. 51000-100000
Above Rs 1 lake

(Section B )

1. No. of hours spent on browsing Internet (in a day) :____________________Hrs.

2. What are the activities that you perform using Internet?

Email Face book Gaming Learning Shopping Others (please Specify)

3. How did you come to know about online shopping sites? (Tick any one which is applicable)

Mobile Phone Internet Newspapers Friends/Peers T. V.

Social Media Digital Media

4. Have you ever shopped ‘online’ after viewing an ad on social media?

Yes No

5. Do you use internet to search about products, to get more information about them, or for

products that you are not aware about?”?

Yes No

6. Does the information available on the internet influence you to purchase the product online?

Yes No

Do you purchase product online (give reasons):-

If Yes; why________________________________________________________________

If No; why don’t you purchase online (give reasons) _______________________________


7. Who has influenced you to purchase products online? (Tick any one which is applicable)

Social Media Peer group Family & Relatives E-Company’s outlet

Digital Media

8. Have you ever shopped ‘online’ after viewing an ad on Social media ?

Yes No

9. How often do you use the internet for the following purpose?

Purpose Very often Often Occasionally Never

To search product information
To read news/ articles
Literature Review (academic)
For employment
To purchase ticket (Rly /Air/ Cinema)
Bank transaction
ill payment(electricity/telephone)
To purchase accessories
To purchase home appliances
To purchase foot-wear
To purchase electronic goods
To purchase apparels
To purchase cosmetics
To purchase books
To purchase toys
To purchase gifts
Any other (please specify )
Face book/ Sky ping

10. How long ago did you start using online shopping websites for purchase?

Less than 1 year 1-3 years ago 4-5 years ago More than 5 years

11. Which of the following products you have purchased online during last year. (Jan-2014—


Knowledge Resources: e-books e- journals e-news papers

E-magazine e-novels

Durable Goods: Electronic goods Cosmetics Gift items

Online Services: Banking Insurance Education Hotel

Rly. Ticket Airline Ticket Bus ticket Cinema Ticket

Mobile / Telephone Payment

12. How much you have spent on purchase of the above items.

Up to Rs 2000 Rs 2001-4000 Rs 4001-6000 Rs 6001-8000

Above Rs 8000

13. Do you read written policies before transaction?

Yes No

14. When you shop online, which mode of payment you preferred?

Credit card Bank transfer Cash on delivery DD

Cheque PayPal Debit Card Any other:____________

15. Do you feel secure while shopping online?

Yes No

15. Give your agreement to following reasons for on-line shopping?

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Aspects Nor
5 4 3 2 1

1.Large Choice of brand

and models

2.Time saving

3.Cheaper (price-wise)

4.Enjoy shopping

5.Personalized product

6.Speedy delivery

7.Unique products

8.Negotiable cost

9.Ease of comparing
product And price

10. Consumer reviews are


11.Accept return of

12.Provides detailed

13.Large number of
competing outlet

14.(24*7 shopping) Any

time shopping

15. Up dated content

16. Can easily track my


17.Multiple payment


18.Any other (Please


16. Give your Agreement for e-commerce website features you consider for online shopping.

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

Aspects agree Agree Disagree
Nor Disagree
5 4 3 2 1

1.Company Profile

2. Security
(SSL)Secure Socket
Layer protocol for
payment page

3.After sales service

4.Terms and
conditions of website

5.Cost of delivery

6.Speed of delivery

7.Simplicity in
purchase process

8.Website response

9.Website Interface


11.Customized Home

12.Any other(Please

17. What are main problems have you faced while making online purchase? (We are asking for
actual experience)

Strongly Agree Neither Agree Disagree Strongly

Agree Nor Disagree Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

1.Cost was higher than in

the market

2.Delivery was delayed

3.Information provided

was not honest and full

4.(I lost payment / found

difficult to get it back)

5. I had to reveal personal


6.Could not cancel order

7. Got defective product

8. Stock was not


9.Could not bargain

10. Not able to evaluate

product quality

11.Took longer time than

purchasing in market

12.No facility of clearing

doubts/ queries

18. Rank the following reasons for not shopping online in order of importance.
(Most important-5; Least important- 1 )

Problem with ‘net-payment’

Low reliability of supplier
Possibility of hacking personal information
Lack of resources with me
High price of product

19. Rank the following reasons for to shop online in order of importance.
(Most important-5; Least important- 1 )

Website Product Trade Trust Social/Digital Risk Factor

Features Features Value Media
Conducive Large Value for SSL Consumer Security Risk
User Variety of money. Certificate Views are in net-
interface Product . helpful. payment.

Up dated Quality Negotiable Acceptance Creating Risk of

information Product. Cost. of Returns awareness revealing
goods. about Personal &
Products & financial
Services. information.

24*7 Branded Reasonable Image of E- Easy to Order

Shopping. Product. Price. Company. communicate. Cancellation

Can easily Customized Offers & Safe Toll free Delayed in

track my Product. Discount. Packing. numbers. delivery


Ease of Offers & COD & Reliable & Quick up Risk of

comparing Discount. Multiple Timely dation about getting
Product & payment delivery. Offers. defective
Price. option. products.

20. Have you reduced frequency of traditional shopping due to online shopping?
Yes No
21. How is your past online shopping experience?
Excellent good neither good nor bad bad Worst

22. Have you ever recommended any one to shop online?

Yes No

23. Would you recommend in future others to shop on-line?

Yes No

If yes; why; give reasons:____________________________________________________

If no; why ; give


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