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Infection Control in Dental Practice

Merging of ‘Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Other Blood Borne Infections
(2000)’, ‘Infection Control in Dentistry’ (2007), and ‘Sterilization and Cross Infection Control
in the Dental Practice’ (2005)
Revised version adopted by the General Assembly: 4th September 2009, Singapore

Current epidemiological data clearly indicate that the risk of oral health care professionals
contracting diseases through the provision of dental treatment is minimised when recommended
infection control procedures are routinely followed.

A key element of infection control is the concept of ‘standard precautions’, as a means to reduce
the risk of disease transmission (e.g. the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis viruses and
others) in healthcare settings. The primary precept underpinning this concept is the consideration
that all patients are potentially infectious.

‘Standard Precautions’
The FDI World Dental Federation (‘The FDI’) urges all oral health care professionals to adhere to
‘standard precautions’ as set forth by the local or regional authorities, as appropriate.

General measures
Members of the oral health care team are obliged to take adequate measures to protect
themselves and their patients against blood-borne infections, including to:
• exercise special care when using cutting instruments and needles; remove them from the
work area immediately after use. Use safety needles and scalpels when possible, and
consider safer types of sharp devices when they become available.
• follow protocols accepted and/or recommended by local authorities for the cleaning,
disinfection, sterilization and disposal of used instruments and equipment
• make sure that sterile instruments are protected from contamination by the use of
appropriate barrier packaging, and are sterile when used
• where possible, implement tracking, tracing and biological indicator monitoring systems for
• use single-use instruments if sterilization is not possible
• adopt the principles of cleanliness, and disinfect all exposed surfaces in the work
• adopt disinfecting principles for devices, prostheses, impressions, instruments and
applicable items transported to and from the prosthetic laboratory and within the laboratory
• use disposable covers to protect documents, suction tubes and any other handling areas.
Change the covers after each patient
• handle biopsy specimens with care and place in leak-proof containers labelled with the
biohazard symbol.
Specific measures for clinic attendance
• Carefully wash hands with neutral pH liquid soap or use alcoholic hand gels prior to donning
and after removal of gloves.
• Wear appropriate gloves and mask
• Change gloves between patients, and masks when wet
• Use protective eyewear with side-shields
Wear appropriate protective clinical attire

The FDI urges oral health care professionals who may be exposed to infectious risks to be
appropriately vaccinated according to current guidelines issued by the local authorities, and to take
advantage of other vaccines as and when they become available.

Exposure Incidents
The FDI recommends that all oral health care professionals should be familiar with post-exposure
protocols for the management of occupational exposures to blood-borne pathogens, and
proprietors of oral health care clinics should institute policies in the work place to ensure
appropriate and efficient management of such incidents.

Mandatory Testing
The FDI opposes any legislation that mandates testing of oral health care professionals to
determine their blood-borne pathogen status. However, oral health care professionals must
recognise signs and symptoms in themselves which indicate the possibility of blood-borne and
other infectious diseases and undergo the necessary diagnostic tests.. An oral health care
professional with a diagnosed blood-borne infection should comply with medical advice regarding
continuation of practice.

Referral for Medical Evaluation

The FDI urges all oral health care professionals to be alert for signs and symptoms related to
blood-borne and other infectious diseases in their patients. Patients with medical histories or
conditions suggestive of infection should be advised to undergo appropriate investigations. Such
advice should be given in a supportive environment with due regard to privacy and sensitivity.

Patient Disclosure And Confidentiality

The FDI believes that all patients infected with blood-borne pathogens should disclose their status
as part of their medical history. The oral health care professional has to be cognisant of the
complete medical history in order to make appropriate treatment decisions that are in the best
interests of the patient.

The FDI urges oral health care professionals to have an appropriate protocol, in accordance with
applicable local laws, for the confidential handling of information on patients with infections. This
should not prevent oral health care professionals sharing information pertaining to the patient’s
medical condition with other health care workers in the same practice/setting, as permitted by local
regulations and with the patient’s consent.

Patients should be made aware of the Privacy Policy of the facility.

Public Information and Education

The FDI recommends that local/regional dental associations should educate the public on both the
efficacy of ‘standard precautions’ and the absence of a significant risk of contracting blood-borne
diseases through the provision of dental care, when recommended infection control procedures
are followed.

Professional Education
The FDI recommends that all oral health care professionals keep their knowledge and skills current
with regard to the diagnosis and management of those infectious diseases that may be
transmissible in the clinical setting.

The FDI recommends the development/updating of local and national educational programmes for
the dental team that: address infection control recommendations in health care settings; address
the management of the oral and systemic implications of blood-borne diseases; address the role of
medical practitioners in treatment.

The FDI recommends that dental educators comprehensively address and incorporate current
infection control recommendations in health care settings in curriculum content and clinical

Access to Dental Care

The FDI believes it is unethical for patients to be denied oral health care solely because of their
blood-borne disease status.

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental
Health-Care Settings – 2003. December 19, 2003 / 52 (RR17);1-61. (Accessed 3 August 2009)
2 World Health Organisation. Practical Guidelines for Infection Control in Health Care
Facilities. 2004. South-East Asian Regional Organisation Regional Publication No. 41. (Accessed 3
August 2009)

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