Folk Herbal Medicines Used by The Meena Community

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Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan

Article  in  Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines · November 2009


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2 authors:

Ajay Kumar Meena Mruthyumjaya Rao Meda

Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha


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Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)


Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in

Ajay Kumar Meena *, M M Rao
National Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Research, CCRAS, Moti Bagh Road, Patiala 147001
(Punjab), India


A floristic survey of ethnomedicinal plants occurring in the tribal area of Rajasthan was conducted to assess the potential of plant
resources for use as modern treatments. The Aravalli hills of Rajasthan are inhabited by many tribes, Meena, Bhil, Grasia, Damor
and Kathodia being the main ones. These tribes use the plants for various purposes in their daily life. Health, vitality and longevity
enjoyed by the tribals peoples have been attributed by them to the use of these wild plants. However, because of environmental
changes and a lack of plant conservation, many of them have become rare, threatened and endangered. The purpose of this
communication is to provide a detailed listing of plant species along with their plant parts used and the mode of administration
reported for the effective control of a variety of ailments as used by the Meena community of Rajasthan.

Key words: medicinal plants; Meena tribe; folk herbal medicine; ethnobotany; Rajasthan

Introduction agents. Herbal medicines have been the main source

Folk medicines today play a key role in the of primary health care in many nations. About 80
developing countries due to a lack of or limited modern % of the world’s populations are still dependent on
health service. From ancient times, plants have been traditional medicines. Chemical principles from
a rich source of effective and safe medicines. Due to natural sources have become much simpler and have
their safe, effective and inexpensive nature, indigenous contributed significantly to the development of new
remedies are popular among the people of both urban drugs from medicinal plants. Biologically active
and rural areas in China and India. Information from compounds from natural sources have always been
ethnic groups about indigenous traditional medicines of great interest to scientists working on infectious
has played a vital role in the discovery of novel diseases. Investigation of the scientific evidence for
products from plants for use as chemotherapeutic claims about plants used for traditional systems of
medicine is a very active area of research. Detailed
research into the chemistry and pharmacology of
products of plant origin is essential and this may
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Address:
National Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Research, CCRAS, eventually lead to the discovery of novel medicines
Moti Bagh Road, Patiala 147001 (Punjab), India; ajaysheera@yahoo. that can be used in the treatment of a variety of
com; [email protected]
Received: 2009-05-04 Accepted: 2009-12-01 Rajasthan is the largest state in the Northeastern

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

part of India, geographically it lies between 23º3’ to However, this knowledge of traditional healing
30º12’N longitude and 69º30’ to 78º17’S latitude. practices using wild herbal plants is now rapidly
The rich biological diversity of the area is managed disappearing due to modernization and the tendency
and exploited by the Meena community in areas to discard their traditional lifestyle. There is an urgent
of Rajasthan like Jaipur, Dausa, Alwar, Karoli, need to study and document this precious knowledge
Swaimadhopur, Baroun, Udaipur, Tonk and Kota in for posterity. The traditional uses of plants as herbal
a variety of ways. Wild edible and medicinal plants remedies has further declined due to a scarcity of
are commonly used by this tribe. For these people, species, which is caused by adverse human effects on
the surrounding plants form an integral part of their climate like droughts and over grazing by domestic
culture and the information about these traditionally animals in the state thus threatening the diversity of
useful plants is passed on orally from generation the herbal medicines available. It is in this context
to generation although in many cases it is kept that the conservation and scientific verification of rare
secret. In the case of sicknesses, the same route is and lesser known medicinal plants assume greater
followed, based on referrals and advice from relatives, significance.
neighbours and practitioners. This seems to be related Ethnobotany has been defined as the study of the
to extreme anxiety over the apparent mounting direct interaction between human and plants [1]. Ethno-
seriousness of an illness when a person is sick, and botanical studies in the tribal dominated area of the
he/she or the family members are primarily interested Aravalli hills of Rajasthan have been carried out by a
in restoring the patient’s health, and a variety of number of investigators [2-4]. A perusal of the literature
different treatments are combined regardless of reveals that, although a lot of ethnomedicinal work has
their ontological , epistemic, ethical and aesthetic been done in the Aravalli hills of Mewar region, some
foundation. ethnobotanical gaps in knowledge exist in this region
When one therapy fails to restore health, the [5-8]
. In Rajasthan a lot of work has been carried out
patient goes to another therapist, the choice being on ethnomedicinal plants used for various ailments by
entirely that of the family members. In fact, it is tribal communities [9 -10], folk herbal medicine used in
customary among the Meena to discuss diseases birth control and sexual diseases by tribal of southern
symptoms among relatives and friends and then Rajasthan [11-12] studies of the nutritive value of wild
decide on the course of action. Self or home edible fruits berries, nuts, roots and spices consumed
treatment consisting primarily of decoctions of herbs, by the Khasi tribes of India and there use of traditional
barks, flowers, roots, leaves, seeds, rhizomes and medicines among tribe of Rajasthan [13-15].
change in diet is usually the first step in medical A perusal of the literature reveals that, although
care. Traditional medical knowledge is coded into a lot of ethnomedicinal work has been published
a series of beliefs and routines involving house hold on the southern region of Rajasthan, there is still
practices, home remedies, ill health prevention and a gap as far as the North-East region of Rajasthan
health maintenance and routines, most of which are is concerned [16 -17] . The present communication
commonly known. Most of this materia medica is an attempt to fill this gap. In India, traditional
grows wild in the area, in the home gardens or is communities like tribal and rural populations
bought from the market. frequently use the crude extract of locally available
The traditional healers of Rajasthan have a plants for medicinal and other purposes. A large
detailed knowledge of the medicinal virtues of number of plants and plant products are used for folk
the herbal plants that are grown all around them. herbal medicines. The information about medicinal

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

plants along with the family, botanical and local listed in Table 1.
names and their specific medicinal properties are

Table 1. Ethnomedicinal plants from Meena tribe dominated region of Rajasthan [11, 12]

No. Botanical name Family Local Name Part(s) used Ailments Ethno medicinal uses

1  Abrus precatorius Leguminosae Chirmi, Gunja Whole plant Wounds, polyurea, Used in healing, ear, abortifacient,
Linn. arthritis, fever polyurea and antifertility.

2  Abutilon indicum Malvaceae Jhumka Leaf, seeds Syphilis The leaves and seeds are used to cure
Linn. syphilis.

3  Acacia catechu Leguminosae Khair Whole plant Dental pain, Abortifacient, toothache and
(L.f.) Willd. gonorrhoea.

4  Acacia ferruginea Leguminosae Ker leaf, fruit Hypertension Used for ear disorders and otorrhaea.
5  Acacia leucophloea Leguminosae Safed kikar Leaves, bark Urinary tract To increase sexual potency, as a
Willd. bleeding contraceptive and for menstrual
6  Acacia nilotica Leguminosae Babul Whole plant Sexual, burning Used for burning sensations, in the
Willd. eyes and asthma.

7 Achyranthes aspera Amaranthaceae Aandhi jhara Whole plant, Pneumonia, For headache, and ear-ache.
Linn. headache, earache

8  Actiniopteris Polypodiaceae Morpankhi Whole plant Fever Use to control typhoid and fever.
dichotoma Bedd.

9  Adiantum Polypodiaceae Hansraj Leaf Leucorrhoea Paste of leaves is used in sweta pradar.
10   Aegle marmelos Rutaceae Bel Fruit Pain, diarrhoea, For sexual debility, diarrhoea and
(Linn.) Corr. constipation.

11   Alangium Alangiaceae Aankol Root Abortificiet Root extract and juice is an

salvifolium (L. f.) abortifaicient.

12   Allium cepa Linn. Liliaceae Pyaj Bulb Cholera Used for cholera.

13   Allium Sativum Liliaceae Lahasun Bulb Ringworm Applied to the affected part.

14   Aloe barbadensis Liliaceae Gawarpata Leaves Indigestion, Fresh pulp is used for indigestion,
Mill. rheumatism burns, Rheumatism, liver diseases and
15   Amaranthus Amaranthaceae Chandalai Leaf Urinary disorder Leaves are used orally as a diuretic.
spinosus Linn.

16   Amorphophallus Araceae Jamikand Rhizome Hyper acidity Paste of rhizomes is used orally with
paconifolius water.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

17  Ampelocissus Vitaceae Tita Tuber Fractured, To cure bone fractures, dyspepsia,
latifolia (Roxb.) Tuberculosis indigestion and tuberculosis orally.
18   Anethum graveolens Umbelliferae Swa Seed Lactogogues To digest food and secretion of milk.

19   Anogeissus latifolia Combretaceae Dhokada Gum Back pain Used to cure the damaged tissue
Bedd. during delivery.

20   Argemone Mexicana Papaveraceae Dhaturi Stem, latex Rheumatism, Eye Applied to affected parts, poultice for
Linn. the eyes.

21   Arisaema tortuosum Aracaceae Halida, Tuber Snake bite Snake bite, bone fracture in animals.
(Wall.) Schott

22   Aristolochia Aristolchiaceae Kalipad Whole plant Boils, Stiff hair Applied for boils and snake bite.
bracteata Retz.

23   Asparagus Liliaceae Satawari Root Debility, Increased lactation, diabetes, muscle

racemosus Wild. Impotency pain, muscular disorders, leucorrhoea,

24  Atylosia Leguminosae Valoli Root Diarehoea Juice of the root is used orally for
scarabaeoides diarrhoea.

25   Azadirachta indica Miliaceae Neem Seeds, leaf Malaria, Worm Used for excessive bleeding, as a
A. Juss. contraceptive.

26   Balanites aegyptiaca Simarubaceae Hingora Whole plant Carbuncles, Toothache and worms in teeth and
Linn. cough.

27  Bauhinia racemosa Leguminosae Kanchan Leaf Dysurea Leaves used in burning sensation of
Lamk. urine.

28   Boerhaavia diffusa Nyctaginaceae Sathi whole plant Eye, diarrehea, Used in urinary disorder, eyes.

29   Bombax ceiba Linn. Bombacaceae Semal Flower, root Burning sensation, Sexual diseases, burning sensation and
leucorrhoea sweta pradara.

30   Borassus flabelifer Palmae Tad Root Contraceptive To develop sterility and contraceptive.

31   Boswellia serrata Burseraceae Salar Gum Skin eruptions Fragrant ointment and for impotency.

32   Bridelia retusa Euphorbiaceae Lapano Bark Contraceptive Bark is given orally to women
(Linn.) Spreng. to develop sterility and act as

33   Butea monosperma Leguminosae Dhok, Whole plant Leucorrhoea, cuts, In leucorrhoioea, excessive bleeding,
(Lam.) Taub. Khakhra dysentry sun stroke, pain delivery, Diarrohea
and hernia.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

34   Calotropis gigantea Asclepiadaceae Aak Whole plant Diarehoea, malaria Latex used in Diarrhoea and burns.

35   Calotropis procera Asclepiadaceae Akarda Leaf Abdominal pain Tied on abdomen in abdominal pain.
R. Br.

36  Capparis decidua Capparidaceae Kareera, Leaf, root Eye disease In eyes in corneal opacity, headache.

37  Capparis sepiaria Capparidaceae Himsra Root Cough Powder of root is used in cough.

38  Cassia auriculata Leguminosae Alori Leaf Tuberculosis Leaf extract is used in tuberculosis

39   Cassia fistula Linn. Leguminosae Garmala Seed, fruit Menstrual disorder Used in rakta pradar and diarrhoea.

40   Cassia tora Linn. Leguminosae Panvada Leaf, seed Dispepsia, Used in night blindness & skin

41   Cayratia trifolia Vitaceae Khhata nimba Root Abdominal Applied on snake bite and carencules,
Domin. disorders diabetic, fractured and abdominal

42   Celosia argentea Amaranthaceae Kukidi Seeds Uterus diseases Crushed seed is taken orally

43   Ceropegia bulbosa Asclepiadaceae Khadula, Seed, tuber Stone, deafness, To cure deafness, urinary bladder
Roxb., Ceropegia Khadia animal bite stone, scorpion bite, fertility and
tuberosa Roxb. vitality.

44   Chlorophytum Liliaceae Dholi musali Tubers. Enemic, fractured To cure fractured bone, leucorrhea and
borivilianum Baker. & leucorrhea for male as tonic.

45   Chrozophora rottleri Euphorbiaceae Suballi Leaves Sun burn Applied on the affected portion of
A. Juss. body.

46   Cicer arietinum Leguminosae Chana Seed Rejuvenator, Bread prepared of chana is taken in
Linn. asthma.

47   Citrullus colocynthis Cucurbitaceae Ingalboli Fruit, seed Abortificiet Used for abortion and dental worm.

48   Citrus Medica Linn. Rutaceae Bifora Fruit Dyspepsia Fruit powder is used orally in
49   Cleome viscose Capparidaceae Kagiker Whole plant Fever Juice of plant is dropped in the ear.

50   Clerodendrum Verbenaceae Arani Leaves Joint pain Applied on joints, in joint pain.
phlomidis Linn. f.

51   Clitoria ternatea Leguminosae Vardia Leaf Eye disease To cure swelling due to syphilis and
Linn. eyes.

52   Cocculus hrsutus Menispermacea Jalimani Leaf Leucorrhoea To sterility in man and sweta pradar.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

53   Cocos nucifera Palmae Nariyal Fruit, fibre Leucorrhoea Used as abortificiet and rakta pradar.

54   Colocasia esculenta Araceae Arbi Tuber Growth of hairs Juice is use for good growth of hairs.

55   Commiphora wighti Burseraceae Gugal Resin, latex Urinary, wounds, Applied as an antiseptic, Infusion and
Linn. pyorrhoea on wounds.

56   Convolvulus Convolvulaceae Bhumari Whole plant Constipation Dried powder is taken orally with
microphyllus Linn. water.

57   Corallocarpus Cucurbitaceae Mirchia Kand Root Diarrhoea, Used in stomach tumor or

epigaeus (Rottl. & stomachache stomachache, typhoid and diarrhoea.
Willd) Hook.

58   Corchorus depressus Tiliaceae Baphuli Whole plant Menstrual, To gain sexual vitality, menstrual
(Linn.) Stocks. polyurea disorder and swapan dosh.

59   Cordia gharaf Boraginaceae Gundi Bark, leaf Toothache Leaf is used in abortificiet.

60   Costus specious Zingiberaceae Maha lakdi Root/ Asthma, earache To cure asthma, rheumatism and ear
(Koen.) JESmith ache.

61   Crateva magna Capparidaceae Vaivana Stem bark Dysurea To use orally in kidney stone and
(Lour.) D.C. abortion.

62   Crinum asiaticum Amaryllidaceae Kanda’ Tuber, leaf Ear ache, wound Used for wound and in earache.

63   Curculigo orchioides Amaryllidaceae Kali musli Root Diarrhoea, syphilis Used in gonorrhoea, syphilis, scorpion
Gaertn. bite, leucorrhoea and Diarrhoea.

64   Curcuma amada Zingiberaceae Amba haldi Rhizome Dropsy, snake bite, To cure dropsy, asthma in cattle and
Roxb. asthma snake bite, fractured bone.

65   Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae Haldi Rhizome Antifertility, Used menstruation, Arthritis and
Linn. elephantiasis.

66 Cuscuta hyalina Convolvlulacea Amarbel Whole plant Abortificiet Used orally for abortion and chest
Roth. pain.

67 Cyamopsis Leguminosae Ganwar Leaf, seeds Asthma swellings Used in asthma and Swellings.
68   Datura innoxia Mill. Solanaceae Dhatura Leaf, seed Asthma, malaria Used in asthma, wound and malaria.

69   Daucus carota Linn. Umbelliferae Gajar Seed Eye sight, sterility To cure sterility in males, eyesight,
to regularize menstruation and

70   Dendrocalamus Gramineae Bans Root Dysurea Paste of root is orally is used in

strictus (Roxb.) dysurea.

71   Desmostachiya Gramineae Dabha Whole plant Fistula-in-anoe Ash of dhaba used in fistula-in-anoe.
bipinnata Stapf.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

72  Dioscorea bulbifera Dioscoreaceae Jatashankari Tuber Contraceptive, Used as contraceptive, abdominal
Linn. abdominal pain pain, in asthma or cough and bone

73   Dolichandrone Bignoniaceae Milodi Leaf Throat disease Leaves are tried on affected part.
falcate Seem.

74   Dolichos biflorus Leguminosae Kulthi Whole plant Kidney stone The plant is taken orally in kidney
Linn. stone.

75   Annona squamosa Annonaceae Sitaphal Root Dyspepsia Used orally with mother’s milk.

76   Eclipta Prostrata Compositae Bhanghra Leaf Wound The leaf is locally applied over the
Linn. skin.

77   Eulophia ochreata Orchidaceae Mishri Bulb Diarrhoea Crushed bulb used in diarrhoea.

78   Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Thor Latex Body ache Used as an abortifacient and body
caducifolia Haines ache.

79   Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae mooli Tuber Rheumatic pain Paste of root applied in rheumatic
fusiformis Don. pain.

80   Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae Gudani Whole plant Diarrhoeal Juice of whole plant is used in
Linn. diarrehea.

81   Evolvulus alsinoides Convolvulaceae Bhumari Whole plant Fever Powder is taken orally with water.

82   Fagonia cretica Zygophyllaceae Dhamaso Leaves, Antifertility Used in Diarrhoea and antifertility.

83   Ficus benghalensis Moraceae Bargad Latex, stem Carbuncles, dental Used in eye pain, semen thickness,
Linn. pain to regain sexual potentiality, and in

84  Ficus racemosa Moraceae Gular Latex, stem Antifertility Antifertility by male and female and
Linn. asthma.

85   Gloriosa superba Liliaceae Kalgari Tubers Wounds, throat Used as abortifacient, volvo–vaginal-
Linn. disease uterine prolapsed,infection of skin and
throat diseases.

86   Grewia orientalis Tiliaceae Gengchi Root Sterility To develop sterility in women.


87   Grewia tenax Forsk Tiliaceae Dandi Fruit Dyspepsia Fruits are eaten to increase appetite.

88   Helicteres isora Sterculiaceae Marodphal Fruit, seed Dysentery Taken orally with water.

89  Hemidesmus indicus Asclepiadaceae Jara minti, Root Headache, skin Applied on forehead in fever, headache,
R. Br. Dudhali diseases skin diseases, in ear and in teeth pain.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

90   Hibiscus cannabinus Malvaceae Bhang Leaves Constipation Unriped fruits in polyurea, dhatu
Linn. kshaya.

91  Holoptelea Ulmaceae Kanach Leaf Skin diseases Applied in burning sensation.
integrifolia Planch

92   Ichnocarpus Apocynaceae Gunosai Leaf Tuberculosis Leaves are given to patient in T.B.
frutescens Linn.

93   Indigofera tinctoria Leguminosae Nai Whole plant Diarrhoea Juice of whole plant used in diarrhoea.

94  Jasminum Oleaceae Chameli leaf Eye disease Juice of leaf applied in the eye disease.
arborescens Roxb.

95   Jatropha Euphorbiaceae Ratanjot Latex Burns, eye disease Used in uterus diseases, burns for
gossypifolia Linn. increase eye sight and corneal opacity.

96   Justicia adhatoda Acanthaceae Adusa Leaf Artritis, headache L e a v e s u s e d i n a m a v a t i k - s u l a ,

Linn. headache.

97   Lagenandra Araceae Khariya Tuber Tuberculosis Infusion is used in tuberculosis and

toxicaria Dalz. tumor.
98   Lawsonia inermis Lythraceae Mehndi Leaf Burning sensation Burning sensation.

99   Leea indica (N. Vitaceae Hastipalas Tuber Chest pain For chest pain, allergy from obnoxious
Burn.) Merrill. weed.

100   Leea microphylla Vitaceae Lalpatta Leaves, tuber Cancer To anti-cancerous, sexual debility in
Roxb. Ex. Horenem. male and dysentery in animal.

101   Lepidagathis Acanthaceae Paniru Whole plant Leucorrhoea Used in sweta pradar and fever.
trinervis Nees.

102   Leptadenia Asclepiadaceae Jiwanti Leaf Mouth disease Leaves used in stomatitis.
reticulata W&A.

103   Leptadenia Asclepiadaceae Khinpani Latex Eczema Latex is applied on affected part in
pyrotechnica W. eczema.
104   Leucas aspera Labiatae Kubi Leaf Eye disease Juice of leaves is applied in eye
Spreng. disease.

105   Lippia nodiflora Verbenaceae Jalpippali Whole plant Leucorrhoea Juice is used in rakta pradar.

106   Luffa acutangula Cucurbitaceae Turai Seeds, fruit Stone, headache Used in headache.
Var. amara

107   Madhuca longifolia Sapotaceae Mahua Leaf Stomach ache In case of pneumonia and stomach
Linn. ache.

108   Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Aam Stem bark Abortificiet Stem bark of is used as Abortificiet.

109   Mimosa hamata Leguminosae Amado, Flower, root Leucorrhoea, Used in leucorrhoea, menorrhagia,
Willd. Chiyal stomach pain stomach pain and in diarrhoea.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

110.   Mirabilis jalapa Nyctaginaceae Gulabbas Root Tumor To check growth of old tumor.

111   Momordica dioica Cucurbitaceae Kinkoda Leaf, root Hair tonic Infertility in female, growth of hairs
Roxb. Willd. and burns.
112   Moringa olleifera Moringaceae Sahajana Leaf, fruit Arthritis Used arthritis, Diarrhoea and vata
Lam. roga.

113.   Musa paradisiacal Musaceae Kela Root Antifertility Juice of root is used orally to stop
Linn. conception.
114   Nyctanthes Oleaceae Tamath Root Fracture of bone Paste of root is applied in fracture of
arbortristis Linn. bone.

115   Nymphaea nauchalii Nymphaceae Kamal Fruit Dysentery, Used in Dyspepsia and dysentery.

116   Ocimum Labiatae Tulsi Seeds Diarrhoea, asthma Mucilaginous, sexual potency, and
americanum Linn. asthma.

117   Ocimum Labiatae Bavachi Leaf Fever The leaves mixed with the tea used in
americanum Linn. fever.

118   Opuntia dillem Cactaceae Nagphani Seed Cough Seeds are used in cough.

119   Ougeinia oogeinsis Leguminosae Sandan Stem bark Diarrhoea Used in Diarrhoea, fertility and in
(Roxb.) Hochr. pregnancy,

120   Paederia foetida Rubiaceae Khipara Latex Ringworm Latex is applied on affected part.

121   Pedalium murex Pedaliaceae Gokharu Leaf, fruit Rheumatic Fresh leaf juice used orally to cure
Linn. gonorrhoea.
122   Pennisetum glaucum Gramineae Bazra Seed Asthma Used orally with sugar in asthma.

123   Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae Amla Fruit Constipation Dried powder is taken orally with
Linn. water.

124   Phyllanthus Euphorbiaceae Hefardani Whole plant Malaria Used orally in malaria.
fracternus Linn.

125   Physalis Mimima Solanaceae Cherpotan Whole plant Jaundice, titanus Used in jaundice after delivery and
Linn. Titanus.

126   Piper longum Linn. Piperaceae Piplamul Fruit Fever Fruits are boiled in milk and given in
127   Piper nigrum Linn. Piperaceae Kali mirch Fruit Epilepsy Fruit is used in Epilepsy.

128   Pluchea lanceolata Compositae Temruna Root Joint pain Root is crushed and tied on the knee
CB joints.
129  Pongamia pinnata Leguminosae Karonja Seed Muscular disorder Used in Artava dosaand Menstrual
Linn. disorder.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

130   Porana paniculata Convolvulaceae Hirohiravl Leaf, bark Jaundice Used in jaundice just after delivery.

131   Portulaca oleracea Portulacaceae Khursa Leucorrhoea Used in rakta pradar.


132   Prosopis cinearia Mimosaceae Khejri, Fruit, root Ring worm, Used for sterility, abortion and arthritis.
(Linn.) Druce

133   Pureria tuberosa Fabaceae Ghora bel Tuber Antinematodal Used for expulsion of guinea-worm.

134   Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Arandi Leaf, seeds Rheumatism, Used in menstrual period and
Linn. antifertility.

135   Ruellia tuberosa Acanthaceae Tuber Abdominal pain Used in abdominal pain after delivery.

136   Saccharum (Poaceae Munj Leaf Menstrual Menstrual complaint and remedy for
bengalense Retz. abortion.

137   Salvadora persica Salvadoraceae Pilu Whole plant Constipation Used in constipation, teeth and
Linn. obesity.

138   Salvia aegyptiaca Lamiaceae Hingot Seeds Diarrhoea Dried powder is taken orally with
Linn. water.

139   Sauromatum Araceae Halida Tuber Snake bite, Used in snake bite and protuberance.
venosum (Ait)
140   Sesamum indicum Pedaliaceae Til Oil Burns In burns and in anus burning
Linn. sensation.

141   Sida cordata Linn. Malvaceae Rukri Leaves Cuts, bruises Paste of dried powder is applied in

142   Sida cordifolia Linn. Malvaceae Khironti Root Abdominal pain Used in Abdominal disorder.

143   Solanum Solanaceae Mako Leaf Arthritis Used as vegetable in arthritis.

americanum Mill.

144   Solanum ferrox. Solanaceae Ringani Root Cough Paste of root used in cough.

145   Solanum incanum Solanaceae Bhui Root Kidney stone Juice of root is used orally with water.

146   Solanum nigrum Solanaceae Makoe Whole plant Fever Decoction is taken orally in fever.

147   Solanum surattense Solanaceae Safed kateli Whole plant Piles, cough, Used for abortion and menstrual
Burm. f. diarrhoea, asthma disorders, germ, bleeding, asthma,
teeth, diarrhoea.
148   Soyamida febrifuga Meliaceae Doyam, Stem bark Menstrual disorder Used in Menstrual disorder.
(Roxb.) A.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

149   Stachytarpheta Verbenaceae Murayala Root, leaf Haemorrhagea Used in haemorrhagea and kidney
indica Vahl. stone.

150  Stachytarpheta Verbenaceae - Root Asthma. Juice of root is used orally in the
urticarfolia Vahl. morning.

151  Sterculia urens Sterculiaceae Kadaya Root, gum Facture, burning To regularize menstruation, bone
Roxb. sensation fractures, gum and in burning
152  Stereospermum Bignoniaceae Pad Root Increase fertility To menstrual disorder and increase
suaveolens(Roxb) fertility.

153   Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Jambu Leaf Diarehoea Decoction of leaves is used in
Linn. diarehoea.

154   Terminalia chebula Leguminosae Badi harad Young fruit Diarehoea Used in vidagdhajeerna and fístula-in-
Retz. ano.

155   Tacca Taccaceaea Jadi Tuber Headache To cure severe headache.


156   Tamarindus indica Leguminosae Imali Fruit, seed Sunstroke, ear Used in sun stroke and in ear disease.

157   Tecomella undulata Bignoniaceae Roheda Seeds, bark, Allergies Used as abortificient, Vata roga.
(Sm.) Seem.

158   Tectona grandis Verbenaceae Sagwan Bark Burning, dysentry Leucorrhoea, burning sensation and
Linn. f. dysentery.

159   Tephrosia purpurea Leguminosae Sharpunka Root Skin, ear diseases Skin diseases and in ear ache.

160   Terminalia catappa Leguminosae Badam Fruit Asthma. Used in asthma.


161   Tinospora cordifolia Manispermacea Giloi Root, leaf Fever Decoction taken in fever, leucorrhoea.
(Willd) Miers.

162   Trachyspermum Apiaceae Ajawayan Seed Menstrual disorder Used in menstrual disorder.
ammi (Linn.)

163   Tribulus terrestris Zygophyllaceae Chota gokharu Fruit, root Impotency, To increase sperms, renal disorder,
Linn. headache leucorrhoea, impotency, vitality and
164   Trichisanthes Cucurbitaceae Nagfani Tuber Snake bite Snake bite, volvo-vaginal-uterine
cucumerina Linn. prolapsed.

165   Tricholepis Compositae Runkhadi Leaf Menstrual disorder leaves is used with milk in menstrual
procumbens Wight. disorder.

166   Triticum aestivum Gramineae Gentu Seed Rejuvenator Seeds are used in rejuvenator.

167   Typha angustata Typhaceae Era Inflorescenc Wounds Inflorescence is tied over wound as
Bory& Chaub. dressing.

Folk herbal medicines used by the Meena community in Rajasthan / Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2010, 5 (1)

Continued Table 1

168   Urginea indica Liliaceae Koli kanda Tuber Bronchical Used in leucorrhoea and respiratory
(Roxb.) Kunth trouble.

169   Vitex negundo Linn. Verbenaceae Nirgundi Leaf Joint pain Decoction of leaves is used as

170   Vitis vitiginea Vitaceae Jangli Angoor Tuber Leucorrhoea In sexual diseases, in men to increases
Haines. potency, leucorrhoea and menorrhagia.

171   Withania somnifera Solanaceae Ashvagandha Leaves, root Fever, painful Rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis and
(L.) Dunal swellings abortifacient, pain, sexual potency and
172   Wrightia tinctoria Apocynaceae Khirni Whole plant Stomach, asthma Applied externally on vagina for easy
(Roxb.) delivery.

173   Xanthium Compositae Adhashishi Fruit Headache Fruits are tied on the ear in headache.
Strumarium Linn.

174   Zingiber officinale Zinziberaceae Adrak Tuber Vomiting Used in abdominal pain and vomiting.

175   Ziziphus Rhamnaceae Jhari ber Stem fruit, root Allergies, anti- Used in diarrhoea, leucorrhoea,
nummularia W. & bark fertility disinfectant, dental pain, in prasavottar
A. and antiseptic.

176   Ziziphus xylopyrus Rhamnaceae Ghat-bor Root Pyorrhoea, bristles Used in pyorrhoea and to check
(Retz.) Willd. oogenesis.

Results and discussion community and the future prospects for their further
India has been identified as one of the top scientific investigation. Research on pharmacognosy,
twelve largest biodiversity centers in the world. chemistry, pharmacology and clinical studies has
This is because India occupies a vast area with great been carried out on many traditional folk medicinal
variations in climate, soil, altitude and latitude and plants. The development of these traditional systems
it is the biggest repository of medicinal plants in of medicines with proper studies will help to preserve
the world. The traditional knowledge system in this traditional heritage and rationalize the use of
India is rapidly eroding and there is an urgent need natural products in health care without serious side
to record all ethnobotanical information from the effects.
diverse ethnic communities before the traditional
culture is completely lost. Often, tribe is exploited Acknowledgement
by modern societies and they are forbidden to use The authors are very grateful to Director General,
the forest resources. The traditional knowledge with CCRAS, New Delhi and for providing encouragement
its holistic and systems approach supported by an anto Ms. Rekha for her assistance in this work.
experimental base can serve as an innovative and
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