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Animal testing is necessary

Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation is the use of animals in experiments that
seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. This is
usually conducted in universities, medical school, pharmaceutical companies that provide
animal-testing services to industry. The focus is on developing fundamental knowledge of an
organism, to applied research, which may focus on answering some question of great practical
importance, such as finding a cure for a disease. Examples of applied research include testing
disease treatments, breeding, defense research and toxicology, including cosmetics testing. In
education, animal testing is sometimes a component of biology or psychology courses.

Firstly, I think that animal testing is crucial to ensure that vaccines are safe. For scientists to
develop a vaccine for coronavirus during this year global pandemic, they need to test on
genetically modified mice to ensure that the vaccine doesn’t make the virus worse. Researchers
have to test extensively to prevent the situation in which a vaccine actually makes the disease
worse in some people. In addition, no matter how much I love animals, they must be used in
cases when ethical considerations prevent the use of human. It would be unethical to perform
experimental procedures on human beings before the methods have been tested on animals.
Another advantage is that animals themselves benefit from the results of animal testing.
Vaccines tested on animals have saved millions of animals that would otherwise have died from
rabies, tetanus, distemper.

On the other hand, animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Animals used in experiments are
commonly subjected to force feeding, food and water deprivation, the infliction of pain to study
its effects and remedies and even the infliction of burns or other wounds. Also, alternative testing
methods now exist that can replace the need for animals. Technological advancements in 3D
printing allow the possibility for tissue bioprinting and artificial human skin can be made from
sheets of human skin cells grown in test tubes. Another disadvantage is that animals are very
different from human beings and therefore make poor test subjects. The anatomic and metabolic
differences between animals and people make animals poor models for human beings. Some
chemicals that are harmful to animals prove valuable when use by humans and vice versa.

To sum up, I think that although animals often make better research subjects than human
beings because of many reasons, they aren’t treated properly during these tests and also animal
tests don’t reliably predict results in human beings.

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