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CEE 4651

Transportation Engineering
Traffic Design

Moinul Hossain

Week 1
Design objectives and
constrains/control and criteria
What is Transportation Engineering?
Transportation engineering is the application of
technology and scientific principles to the
planning, functional design, operation, and
management of facilities for any mode of
transportation in order to provide for the safe,
rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and
environmentally compatible movement of
people and goods.

What is Traffic Engineering?

Traffic engineering is that phase of

transportation engineering which deals with the
planning, geometric design and traffic
operations of roads, streets, and highways, their
networks, terminals, abutting lands, and
relationships with other modes of

What are our objectives as
Road Designers? (1)

•Increase in aggressive driving

•Increase in disrespect for traffic
control devices
•In-vehicle driving distractions
•Poor driving skills
•Increase in use of SUV and
vehicles with low ranking of

Monday 11 September, 2001

On 11 September 2001, the twin towers of the

World Trade Center were destroyed

About 3,000 persons were killed as

about the same number of those who
died on the roads every day in the world

Road Traffic Fatality Rate
in Several Countries in 1998
Fatality Rate
(per 100,000 population)

Thailand Japan France German Sweden Britain Canada USA



14.4 15.4

8.6 9.5 10.0

10 6.1

What are our objectives as
Road Designers? (2)
• Speed
• Comfort
• Convenience
• Economy
• Environmental Compatibility
(All transportation systems have some negative
impacts on the environment. All produce air
and noise pollution in some forms, and all
utilize valuable land resources.)
Transportation Engineers
• Relationship with General Public
– More than any other engineer.
• Relationship with Elected Official
– A wide range of officials
• Professional Ethics
– According to outcomes it produces great

- CLIP 1, 2 -
The Burning Questions…
• Why do they fail on daily basis?
• Are we the transportation engineers just
• Or is something more fundamental going on?

By understanding the systems as citizens, you

can work toward their improvement.

Elements of Transportation System

• Facilities
• Vehicles
• Control systems
• Users
• Environment
Elements of Traffic Engineering
• Traffic studies and characteristics
• Performance evaluation
• Facility design
• Traffic control
• Traffic operations
• Transportation systems management
• Integration of intelligent transportation
system technologies (ITS)

Elements of Traffic Engineering (1)
• Traffic studies and characteristics
– involve measuring and quantifying various
aspect of highway traffic. Studies focus on data
collection and analysis that is used to
characterize traffic, including (but not limited
to) traffic volumes and demands, speed and
travel time, delay, accidents, origins and
destinations, modal use, and other variables.

Elements of Traffic Engineering (2)
• Performance evaluation
– is a means by which traffic engineers can rate
the operating characteristics of individual
sections of facilities and facilities as a whole in
relative terms. Such evaluation relies on
measures of performance quality and is often
stated in terms of “levels of service.”

Elements of Traffic Engineering (3)
• Facility design
– involves traffic engineers in the functional and
geometric design of highways and other traffic
facilities. Traffic engineers, per se, are not
involved in the structural design of highway
facilities but should have some appreciation for
structural characteristics of their facilities.

Elements of Traffic Engineering (4)
• Traffic control
– is a central function of traffic engineers and
involves the establishment of traffic regulations
and their communication to the driver through
the use of traffic control devices, such as signs,
markings, and signals.

Elements of Traffic Engineering (5)
• Traffic operations
– involves measures that influence overall operation
of traffic facilities, such as one-way street systems,
transit operations, curb management, and
surveillance and network control systems.

Elements of Traffic Engineering (6)
• Transportation systems management (TSM)
– Involves virtually all aspects of traffic engineering
in a focus on optimizing system capacity and
operations. Specific aspects of TSM include high-
occupancy vehicle priority systems, car-pooling
programs, pricing strategies to manage demand,
and similar functions.

- CLIP 4 -
Elements of Traffic Engineering (7)
• Intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
– refers to the application of modern
telecommunications technology to the operation
and control of transportation systems. Such
systems include automated highways, automated
toll-collection systems, vehicle-tracking systems,
in-vehicle GPS and mapping systems, automated
enforcement of traffic lights and speed laws,
smart control devices, and others.
- CLIP 5 -
The Nature of Transportation Demand (1)

 Transportation demand is directly related to land-

use patterns and to available transportation systems
and facilities.

 Transportation planners and traffic engineers

attempt to provide capacity for observed or predicted
travel demand by building transportation systems.

The Nature of Transportation Demand (2)

 The improvement of transportation systems makes the

adjacent and nearby lands more accessible (more attractive for

 Building new transportation facilities leads to further increases

in land-use development, which (in turn) results in even higher
transportation demands.

Dilemma: Transportation capacity → Increased Travel

Demand 20
The Nature of Transportation Demand

The Nature of Transportation Demand
 Some Solutions
Public transit and car-pooling
Improve quality of highway
Eliminate bottleneck
Staggered work-hours and work-days
Satellite centers outside the Central Business
District (CBD)
Restrict various growth rates
Providing additional capacity (build new roads / widen
existing ones) is no longer a SOLUTION!!! 22
The Nature of Transportation Demand (5)
 More Obstacles
A 10-year traffic demand forecast that comes
within approximately 20% of the actual value is
considered a significant success!!!

Increase in demand is hastened by development

occurring simply as a result of the planning of a
new facility.

Mobility vs. Accessibility (1)

 Mobility
Mobility refers to the ability to travel to
many different destinations
 Accessibility
Accessibility refers to the ability to gain
entry to a particular site or area (e.g., land,
road, parking area, public transit stops,

Mobility vs. Accessibility (2)
 Mobility
 Mobility gives travelers a wide range of choices as to where to go to
satisfy particular needs, e.g., it allows shoppers to choose from
among many competing shopping centers and stores, travelers with
all kinds of available destinations, routes and modes, etc.

 The range of available choices is enabled by having an effective

transportation network that connects to many alternative trip
destinations within a reasonable time, with relative ease, and at
reasonable cost.

Mobility vs. Accessibility (3)
 Accessibility
Accessibility is a major factor in the value of land.
When land can be accessed by many travelers
from many potential origins, it is more desirable
for development and, therefore, more valuable.
Proximity of land to major highways and public
transport facilities is a major factor determining its

Mobility vs. Accessibility (4)
 The Overlaps
Mobility and accessibility may refer to different
portions of a typical trip.
Mobility focuses on the through portion of trips and is
most affected by the effectiveness of through facilities
that take a traveler from one general area to another.
Accessibility requires the ability to make a transfer
from the transportation system to the particular land
parcel on which the desired activity is taking place.

Mobility vs. Accessibility (5)
 The Conflict
 Most transportation systems are structured to separate
mobility and access functions, as the two functions often
compete and are not necessarily compatible.
 Think about elevated expressways and local street
 Conclusion
 A good transportation system must provide for both
mobility and accessibility and should be designed to
separate the functions to the extent possible to ensure
both safety and efficiency.

People and Goods or Vehicles??? (1)

 The most common unit used by the traffic

engineer is “vehicles”.
 Highway systems are planned, designed, and
operated to move vehicles safely and efficiently
from place to place.
 Yet the movement of vehicles is not the
objective; the goal is the movement of the
people and goods that occupy vehicles.

People and Goods or Vehicles??? (2)
 1 lane of freeway carries 2200 pcph
 1 lane of a street arterial carries 800 pcph
 Auto occupancy of 1.1 pass/vehicle
 3 lane freeway may carry up to7260 pass/hour
 1 bus lane handles 100 buses/hour
 3 bus lanes may carry up to 3(50)(100)=15,000pass/hour
 Light rail transit capacity = 20,000pass/hour
 Heavy rail transit headway @ 2 minutes
 HRT capacity can be 30(2,000) = 60,000pass/hour
So What is the best mode of transport???

It depends on our mobility and accessibility demand

Transportation Modes (1)
 Road




Transportation Modes (2)
 Urban People Transportation System
 Automobile
 Taxi/For-Hire Vehicle
 Local Bus Transit
 Express Bus Transit
 Para-transit
 Light Rail
 Heavy Rail
 Ferry
Intercity People-Transportation System
Urban and Intercity Freight Transportation
Transportation Modes (3)

 Urban People Transportation System

 Intercity People-Transportation System
 Automobile
 Intercity Bus
 Railroad
 Air
 Water
 Urban and Intercity Freight Transportation

Transportation Modes (4)
Urban People Transportation System
Intercity People-Transportation System
Urban and Intercity Freight Transportation
 Long-Haul Trucks
 Local Trucks
 Railroad
 Water
 Air Freight
 Pipelines

Modern Problems for the Traffic Engineers (1)
 It is not always possible to solve congestion problems through
expansion of capacity
 Real question is NOT “how much capacity is needed to handle
demand?” but rather, “how many vehicles and/or people can be
allowed to enter congested areas within designated time
 Reconstruction of existing highway facilities also causes
unique problems.
 Issue of long-term and short-term construction detours as well
as the diversion of traffic to alternate routes require major
planning by traffic engineers.
 Security in transportation has become a new concern

Modern Problems for the Traffic Engineers (2)

 Where development will cause substantial deterioration in the

quality of traffic service, either such development will be
disallowed or the developer will be responsible for general
highway and traffic improvements that mitigate these negative

 When economy is sluggish, the issue will often be a clash

between the desire to reduce congestion and the desire to
encourage development as a means of increasing the tax base.

Concluding Remarks

“The profession of traffic engineering

is a broad and complex one.
Nevertheless, it relies on key concepts
and analyses and basic principles that
do not change greatly over time.”


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