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Atomic structure and Transformation of Matter

• Research of Great Indian Scientist Maharishi Kannada:

If you traverse into the terrains of ancient India through manuscript, you will be enthralled

to be a part of rich heritage that introduced countless discoveries and theories and
concepts that are practically factual. Unfortunately, credit of these invention and
discoveries goes to foreigners.

Maharishi Kannada was an ancient Indian sage, scientist and philosopher propounded a
theory of atoms to explain the creation and existence of the universe.

The smallest particle, i.e. atom pervades the entire universe. It cannot be destroyed and
retains its original form under all situations. Our Rishis discovered the concept on a
spiritual context. While Kannada was the first to give clear picture about this concept.

Maharishi Kannada penned his explanations on the atomic theory of matter in his book in
Sanskrit called Vaisheshika Sutra. He propounded the atomic theory in the lines of the
concept of ‘atman’(soul) and ‘moksha’.

Kannada was the founder of Vaisheshika, one of the six major schools of Vedic philosophy
from ancient India. The other five school include Nyaya, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and
Vedanta. These school believed in one of the following criteria: i) Vedas ii) Brahman and
Atman iii) Afterlife and Devas.

Kannada’s Vaisheshika School explained about the creation and existence of the universe
by proposing an atomistic theory. He was propounded six categories (padarthas) which are
sufficient to describe everything in the universe. These include:

1. Dravya (substance)
2. Guna (quality)
3. Karman (motion)
4. Samanya (universal)
5. Visesa (particular)
6. Samavaya (inherence)

Maharishi Kannada was also known by alternate names such as Kahyapa, Ulka, Kanad and
Main postulates of Maharishi Kannada’s atomic theory:

1. Everything can sub divided.

2. Over time subdivision leads to creation of parmanu (atom), which are the smallest
3. Parmanu is indivisible; it cannot be further divided.
4. Thus, subdivision of everything cannot happen forever; it has an end.
5. Atom is eternal, i.e. indestructible.
6. It is basis for all material existence.
7. Paramanu has unique identity with a specific property. This property is same as the
class of substance to which it belongs to.
8. It is invisble to naked eye.
9. Through a process that involves heat or other factors atoms could be combined in
various ways to produce chemical changes.
10. Parmanu or atom can have two states-
I) State of motion
II) Absolute rest.
According to Dalton’s atomic theory:
1. All matter is made of extremely small particles called atoms.
2. Atoms are indivisible.
3. It is indestructible.
4. In the terms of mass and properties, all atoms of a given element are identical in
all its aspects.
5. Two or more different kind of atoms can form a compound.
6. A chemical reaction is rearrangement of atoms.
What Dalton has propounded in 18th-19th century through chemical experiments is similar
to what Kannada proposed in 600 B.C. While Maharishi Kannada’s explanations are
enmeshed in philosophy, Dalton’s in Chemistry. But the results are same. So who
discovered the concept of atomic theory? Kannada or Dalton? It is upon the readers to
decide based on the aforementioned facts.

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