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In this assignment, the company that I have chosen is FashionValet. This assignment
consists of the company’s background, vision and mission of the company. The company’s
background is beneficial to be understood and well researched in order to get the whole idea
about the company. Furthermore, this assignment will also explain about the marketing
environment which is micro and macro environment on how it impacts the company
marketing strategy and how they respond to it.

FashionValet is the famous Southeast Asia’s premier online destination for Asian
brands selling wide selection of ready-to-wear garments from modest and contemporary for
women, men and kids. It is a multi-label online site carrying over 500 Southeast Asian
designer labels, and the Duck Group, a lifestyle brand of headscarves and stationery.
FahionValet is founded in 2010 by Datin Vivy Yusof, a Malaysia’s popular blogger and her
husband Datuk Fadzarudin Anuar, in which their offices are set up in Malaysia and

FashionValet aim is to bring the latest fashion trends to the customer doorstep. Their
vision is to grow FashionValet into a multi-million dollar company that champions the local
designers in Asia while the mission is to elevate the local fashion scene to an international
stage. Now FashionValet is not only operating online, they had spread their wings and
expanding their market by open physical stores.

The company

In a company, marketing managers should work intimately with every department because
each of them gives impact to the company’s marketing department plans and actions. They
should not work in their own department only. Top management are responsible to make
decision, to set the company’s objectives and plans.

FashionValet is the idea generated by a husband and wife tag team, Datuk Fadzarudin Anuar
and Datin Vivy Yusof. When they were in London, online shopping was their routine.
However, after they returned to Malaysia in 2010 they realized that Malaysia still has not
developed the e-commerce industry. Today, FashionValet now has a 200-strong staff
including warehouse and store. In order to serve their customers better by making sure the
brands give value, FashionValet minimize the number of brands from 250 to 150. The strong
connection between the top managements, purchasing, operations, human resources,
accounting, as well as the local designers under FashionValet has make these company as a
Southeast Asia’s premier online destination.


Suppliers play an important role in the company’s overall customer value delivery system.
They supply raw materials and stock to the company in order to produce the product and
services that the company sell. Despite of being a supplier, they also can be a partner with a
company in the customer value delivery system. Marketing managers are accountable to
check the supply availability and costs.

FashionValet is a fashion e-commerce platform where designers can showcase all their
products. The platform stocks products from 500 Southeast Asian designers and ships all
around the world. FashionValet has collaborated with major Malaysian designers such as
Mimpikita, Alia B., and Bella Ammar. Moreover, they even collaborated with Malaysian
celebrity such as Dynas Mokhtar and Shalma Aina. With this many successful collaborations
under their belt, FashionValet has taken up another challenge by making their very first
international collaboration with Noona, a popular brand in Indonesia in 2015.

Competitors give an impact to a company’s actions. Competitors are the companies who sell
similar goods and services, as well as compete for the same customers. Hence, in order for a
marketing to be successful, a company must provide higher customer value and satisfaction
than their competitors. Other than that, it is important for a company to analyse threats from
its competitors such as strengths and weaknesses.

FashionValet competes in the fashion industry. Their main competitors at the moment are
companies that produce products fairly similar to theirs like Zalora and PopLook. These
competitors affect how FashionValet operates in several different ways such as price,
advertisement, sales promotion programs and others. FashionValet has unique identities that
differentiate them with their competitors. They focus only on the local brand, and did not
want to carry any big or international brands unlike Zalora. However, FashionValet are not
competing with the fashion brand because they are the one who carry the fashion brands.
Thus, FashionValet is actually the platform that promotes and sells different fashion brands
that complements, enhancing, and creating more selling channels for the brands.


Customers are people who buy products and services from an organization. Without
customers an organization cannot survive. Consumer markets are those people who consume
the product for their personal consumption without resell it any further. Business markets buy
goods and services to be resold or use to make other item or services for sale. Next, reseller
markets purchase products and services to resell in order to gain profit. Government markets
involve government agencies that buy goods and services to serve the publics. Lastly,
international markets made up of buyers in other countries.

FashionValet is a well-known online shopping platform that carries a lot of Asian designer
labels with products’ price range from medium to high. Therefore they are targeting the more
premium customers. FashionValet focuses on trendy women, younger people especially who
are active on the internet between the ages of 18 to 45 years old such as housewife, college
students, urban women and others. Mostly FashionValet targets women who have an income
of RM4000 and above. Furthermore, FashionValet has expanded their brands to menswear,
therefore it also targeted to men with the age range from 18 to 45 years old. Currently,
FashionValet has reached the international markets where 40 per cent of their customers are
from Singapore, Brunei, Malaysians living in the United Kingdom and United States. They
offer a worldwide express delivery so that the international customers can purchase their


Marketing intermediaries are businesses that help a company to promote, sell, and distribute
their products and services to the customers. Resellers are firms that assist the company to
find customers. Physical distribution firms help the company to stocks and transfer goods
from starting points to final destination whereas marketing services agencies involve
marketing research firms, media firms an others that help the company to find and target their
customers. Financial intermediaries help a company to conduct financial transaction or insure
against the risks associated with the buying and selling of products.

FashionValet plays a role as an intermediary between the fashion buyers and local brands.
They help to promotes, sell local brands’ products as well as distribute the products to the
customers. The founder of FashionValet also has builds her own brand which is dUCk, the
purple-coloured cult brand that started as a scarf label and now stocks cosmetics, stationery,
accessories and body care. FashionValet is an intermediary for dUCk online platform. Instead
of walk-in to their physical stores, the customers can purchase dUCk products directly from
the FashionValet website.


On March 2018, FashionValet has received an undisclosed amount Series C funding from
Khazanah Nasional Berhad. These funding is used to strengthen FashionValet presence in the
market, expand their company to other countries as well as increase the number of the
physical store. Additionally, FashionValet carry out a good relationship with the media
publics. For instance, FashionValet used media releases to broadcast news about their
business progress and gain publicity in the media. Besides that, FashionValet used their
social media accounts such as Instagram to engage with their customers in order to get
valuable feedbacks and update the events that are going on.

To create a positive environment as well as fostering positive working relationship with the
internal publics, FashionValet encouraged all employees, managers along with the board
directors to express gratitude to each other. They typically use memos, company meetings
and post-it-notes to motivate and educate their internal publics.

FashionValet are constantly getting feedbacks from their customers on what are needs to be
in the online shopping platform. Customers prefer to do online shopping where they can
purchase everything in one platform rather than going in and out from one shop to another.
Therefore, FashionValet offers variety of things such as clothes, shoes, handbags, scarves,
accessories as well as make up. In accordance with their motto which is ‘click to your door’,
customers just need one click then they will get the product, the next day, right in front of
their door.

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