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Lesson Plan & Implementation:

Level 1 Video Reflection and Analysis

College of Education

Reflection is a critical process for supporting your growth and development as a

professional. At the end of each lesson, you should watch the video of your lesson to reflect
on the experience and analyze its effectiveness. You will need to watch your video,
complete this analysis and upload this form to Canvas prior to your post-observation

While watching your video, use the chart to collect times in your video that represent
celebrations, struggles or questions that arise for you. In the final column, connect this to a
concept you are learning in one of your courses, a claim that you can make about teaching
and/or a FEAP that you demonstrated in this moment. You may add additional rows as
Time Celebration/Struggle/Question:       Connection to coursework,
Claim about teaching and/or
FEAP demonstrated

0:20-1:07 The teacher has a student come up This connects to FEAP 2c

and say the rules with the class because she is making sure the
instead of telling them the rules students know the rules by
herself. having them tell her what they
are. Doing so, they will know
how the teacher expects them
to behave.

1:45-1:50 The teacher tells the students that This connects to FEAP 2c
they need to make sure they because she is letting the
participate. She then tells the students know that she expects
students what to say to one each of them to participate.
another so they all remember to

2:11-3:11 The teacher has the students all This relates to FEAP 2a
shout and dance to a beat to help because the teacher needed to
the students learn the sounds of pay attention to the space on
each letter. the carpet for each student to
be able to move around and
jump within a safe space.

3:50-4:25 The teacher is teaching the This connects to my RED 4312

students the letter P by using hand course. In that course, we have
signals to “write” it out in the air been learning the effective
and a hand signals for sounding it ways to teach students the
out. The students are following sounds of letters by using hand
along with her. signals for writing it and
sounding it out. This is an
effective literacy strategy for
students to remember the
letter and its phoneme.

5:45 The teachers attention getters are The first two connect to FEAP
different throughout the video but 2a by managing their attention
she has the class repeat what she skills and making sure they are
says for their attention. She said focused on her at all times.
“Ooooh class?” and they repeated
“Ooooh yes?”

The teachers attention getter that
she uses most frequently is “Hands
and Eyes” and the students repeat
it while putting their hands
together on their lap.

6:00-6:55 Has the students go to their seats This relates to FEAP 2e

by calling their table name and because the teacher is
telling them to stand and line up communicating with the
and then saying “hands and eyes” students what they have to do
the students repeat it and say (line up and go to their seats)
“seats seats seats seats” while and how they have to do it (by
walking to their seats and starting repeating after her and saying
their work. seats seats seats).

1) What classroom management procedures does the teacher teach to the students?
The teacher teaches the students that they need to listen and focus on her at all times. The
teacher manages the students by having them follow her modeling and do everything as she
does. She also manages the class by letting the students tell each other what the rules and
expectations are by having them shout them out as a class together. She teaches them the
procedure of lining up table by table to go to their seats, she has a specific way she does this
by using an attention getter and having them chant where they have to go.

2) Provide 3 examples of specific expectations that the teacher has set (and that the students
clearly understand) for the classroom's procedures and activities.
1. The teacher expects the students to know and remember the rules. She does this by
calling a student to go to the front of the class and lead the class in shouting out the
rules in number order.

2. The teacher tells the students the way to get stars and smiley faces is to participate. She
repeats it many times and then has the students tell her they need to participate. She
also has them turn to a partner and tell them they need to participate as well.

3. The teacher expects the students to follow her attention getters and to repeat what she
says. When the students are going to shout the sounds of the alphabet the teacher say’s
“Body’s up!”, the students stand up and repeat “Body’s up!”. Then the teacher say’s “a
bubble in your mouth!” and all the students know to not repeat it but instead to put a
bubble in their mouth and stay quiet so they can shout out the sounds of the letters in
the alphabet.

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