Homework Some, Any, Every and No

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Some, any, every and no
1. Check your grammar: grouping – some, any, every and no


There was nobody at the door.

You won’t find anywhere like this.

There was nothing he could do.


I really don’t like some of his songs.

I’d like some advice.


Anyone can answer that question.

She can go anywhere she wants.

Anything is better than this!

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – some, any, every and no Complete the gaps with
a word. 1. I think the house was empty because __________________ one
answered the door. 2. Could I have __________________ grapes, please? Just a
few. 3. A: “__________________ else, sir?” B: “No, thank you, that’s everything.”
4. I wish I knew __________________ who could help me with this.


1. I think the house was empty because no one answered the door.

2. Could I have some grapes, please? Just a few.


A: “anything else, sir?”

B: “No, thank you, that’s everything.”

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4. I wish I knew someone/somebody who could help me with this.

5. There isn’t anywhere that sells sunglasses in the shopping centre. Try the High


A: “Where would you like to go on holiday?”

B: “somewhere with sun and a beach. I want a tan!”

7. Has anybody/anyone seen my purse?

8. Mum! There’s someone/somebody on the phone for you!

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – some, any, every and no Complete the gaps with
a word from the box. anyone nothing None anywhere some Nobody somewhere
any 1. A: “Can I have a biscuit?” B: “Sorry, there aren’t ____________________
left.” 2. She has an allergy which means she can’t eat ____________________
types of cheese, but there are a few kinds that are OK. 3. I’ve never met
____________________ like her before. 4. ____________________ of us knew
the answer. We didn’t have a clue! 5. Can we sit ____________________ quieter,
please? It’s very noisy in here. 6. You can’t buy real pizza ____________________
in this town! 7. ____________________ knows the exact date this planet was
created. 8. There’s ____________________ good on TV tonight, so we’re going to
the cinema.


1. A: “Can I have a biscuit?” B: “Sorry, there aren’t any left.”

2. She has an allergy which means she can’t eat some types of cheese, but there
are a few kinds

that are OK.

3. I’ve never met anyone like her before.

4. None of us knew the answer. We didn’t have a clue!

5. Can we sit somewhere quieter, please? It’s very noisy in here.

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6. You can’t buy real pizza anywhere in this town!

7. Nobody knows the exact date this planet was created.

8. There’s nothing good on TV tonight, so we’re going to the cinema.

Mykchailo Horblianskyi 1b

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