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1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

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This category consists of android projects list, android projects with source code which can be downloaded by
nal year students. Here we listed out collection of android projects.

D EC E M B E R 2 , 2 0 1 9

Android Mobile Application for Metro Rail


This system is a combination of websites and apps for Android, which the controller will
use for Android, while administrators and parents use web applications. The system is
primarily designed to keep track of the underground railroad where the user travels to
non-real users to monitor the driver and obtain information on working hours. A system
that allows the administrator to add users to use the keyword is produced by the system
which is then sent via SMS to his father so that his father can access the metro train
schedule. Systems that allow schedulers add distance and metro trains to the database.
Metro Train drivers must log into your account, where credentials are a phone number and
your admin will give you a password. You can get an application when you have your work.

The metro train driver will have Android installed on your Android phone, the driver will
enter the application, the GPS location and will be transported and stored in the database,
so the application will automatically track the GPS controller’s location and place the GPS
device in the database every ve minutes. drivers, GPS location saved when the driver
recorded from the application 1/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

Existing System:

In the existing system that is already there, the user does not have any application for the
Android metro train schedule or changes to the daily train schedule. They should ask
about the timings on the phone. Users can interfere with the management because the
issue is a minor complaint about the timing schedule or route the driver

Proposed System:

This system allows the administrator to add the train driver and set the metro train
timings to the database, where the parent can know the subway schedule or information
on the metro train schedule every day or when sleep, when it returns and can comment to
the administrator when work starts, the metro train driver should log into your account,
where the trust will be a phone number and your admin will give you a password


 Hardware Requirements

Processor: Intel i3
Ram:  1 GB Ram
Monitor: 15 VGA Color
System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHZ

Software Requirements

Operating System Server: Windows 7

Coding Language: PHP, JAVA
IDE: Eclipse ADT, Android SDK
Database: MySQL5.1
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JAVA, SCRIPT
Android Version: Kit-Kat

Functional Requirements

Schedule Module
Track Module
Status Module 2/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

Monitoring Module
Response Module

Non Functional Requirements

Performance: This metro train app provides good performance. Information can be
retrieved from any android mobile easily.

Usability: In this metro train app degree of usability is very high

Reliability: In this metro train app we can ensure that it will give information about metro
train timings.

Security: The metro train app provides high security. It helps the parents to know about
the status of the metro train.

System Design Documents:

Class Diagram:

Use Case Diagram 3/14
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Sequence Diagram 4/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

AU G U S T 2 9 , 2 0 1 9

Drug Addicts Counseling System Android App


Introduction: 5/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

Many are young people with drug addiction, in fact, many young people cannot afford
psychological treatment, some of whom are afraid to describe themselves as drug addicts
in society to nd a solution so that they do not receive adequate treatment because they
remain con dential. It is leading to crime. The parties do not exist, there are so many
young people who can solve drugs that so we have the idea of creating an open space for
young people where they can talk, share experiences and alternatives from friends who
can solve drug addiction and get them to talk to a psychologist.

Problem Statement:

Drug abuse among adolescents is a common problem and many of them still do not have
medical assistance during public offenses. Young drug addicts are scared to be seen as a
drug addict in society, some of whom are scared to discuss adulthood as much as
possible, that it is not an improvement after rehabilitation and lack of personal access to
the internet where they can get help from professionals as psychologists as well. a place
where they can talk, share experiences, in other words, get help from other caregivers.

Project Objectives

General Objectives:

The overall aim of this Drug Addicts Counseling System study is to develop Android apps
that will create online environments for those who know about drugs that help a couple of
drug-free people who also allow adolescents to be led by a psychologist.

Speci c objectives:

design and implement Android applications addicts, drug addicts, and psychologists.
Maintain online community support for drug addicts when they recover.
Issued a discussion forum.
Chat rooms offer participants sign up.
provide instant messaging between users.
provide online guidance between the psychologist and the use of the instant messaging
provide personal blog in which we can share everyday experiences.

Overview of the proposed Drug Addicts Counseling System: 6/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

 Functional Requirements:

1. Each member must be a registered user on the use of the name and password.
2. The system must allow the user to create a new account with the rst name, last name,
email, username, and password.
3. Each member of the user’s address must have a name that is unique and emails are
4. Each member has registered must have the ability to choose.
5. The administrator must register a psychologist and rst name, last name, email,
username, and password.
6. Each member has registered must have access to a private space (my position).
7. Each member must have a personal page and a blog
8. The system must have normal tissue.
9. The community room system should have a discussion forum is ready for users who are
not registered and should give the opportunity to give a response to registered users.
10. Community room systems also have chat rooms and instant messages for registered
11. Psychologists do not have the opportunity to speak.
12. Each member must be a registered member to view the list.
13. The system will provide conditional.
14. Users must accept the terms before clicking on the registration key.
15. The system will allow all members who signed up to inform the board.
16. System Manager must be able to remove one’s members. 7/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

Technologies and tools to be used:

Android Studio


Terms and Conditions specify that insults, selling drugs and any other bad behavior
towards users are prohibited.



J U LY 1 6 , 2 0 1 9

Create a health application to monitor a user’s

The main aim of developing this project is to create a health application to monitor a user’s
health. This is an android based app.

The application must have a tabbed layout

a) The application shall have a signup/information collection page. Once the user creates a
pro le the following elds must be stored permanently and must be displayed in the
“personal” tab. User must have the ability to update at any time.

Weight 8/14
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b) The second tab should contain links to common health topics. There must be a list view
and each link should open in a details view. (at least 30 different links to get information
about health/diet/diseases etc.

c) The third tab should allow the user to enter his/her details about health on a daily basis.

The app must store the data day-wise and must present the trend in increase/decrease on
these three levels on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis. (i.e. Average of the week, month
and year). You can add the option to add a date or you can pick a date from system.

Blood pressure level

Blood sugar level
Calorie intake

d) Based on the information provided and result calculated from the third tab the fourth
tab should display further information. The information should be category wise stored
links to health websites.

If the BP level is not in range for week or month; then the suggestion to improve the BP
If the Blood sugar level is not in range for week or month, the suggestion to improve Blood
sugar levels
If calorie intake is not consistent then the suggestion to normalize the calorie intake.

J U LY 1 6 , 2 0 1 9

Real-Time Assistance to Farmers and Health

Sector Android App

Our objective is to provide real-time assistance to Indian farmers and common people,
who are not getting the proper timely treatment.

Existing System: 9/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

In the traditional system, every farmer should collect disease plant samples and take to
agriculture specialists to explain plant symptoms. This is a big problem for rural area
former and new to agriculture. It takes too much time delay and every zone needs at least
one agriculture specialist to attend farmer problems.


Too much time Delay.

Need at least one agriculture specialist to attending farmer problems.


Instant Diagnosis
Easy to understand Plant disease
Could take between 1 minute to 48 hours


1. User Registration
2. In store-and-forward
3. Instant Diagnosis
4. HealthCare service provider

User Registration:

In these modules, the user must register their credentials to use this application. The
users are of two types, farmer and patients. The User should enter the details like First
name, Last Name, Username, password, Location, contact no and etc… So user using this
registration details to get a sign in that HealthCare application. This authentication
process to avoid someone malpractice as this application was paired with agriculture
Specialists centralized server.

In store-and-forward:

In store-and-forward HealthCare, digital images, video, audio, observations of daily living

(ODLs), and clinical data are captured and “stored” on Android mobile device; then are at
the convenient time they transmitted securely (“forwarded”) to Agriculture specialists
Server. 10/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

The opinion of the specialist is transmitting back based on the requirements of the
participating healthcare entities. The patients forward the symptoms of the disease so
that they can get back the specialist opinion and comments regarding their details.

Instant Diagnosis:

In this module using the centralized server give instant responses to the farmer and
patients. The responses are based on farmer’s queries and the patients who entered their
symptoms. The specialists will be there to respond to the queries and symptoms.
Common problems or diseases, the Specialists already provided or upload some
Diagnosis method or comments for the regular problem and emergency problem.

HealthCareTelehealth Service Provider:

In this module, the HealthCare service provider can able to access the information post
about the patient detail and also the farmer details. Now the authorized person will
suggest the treatment for the disease after receiving the symptoms and more related
information regarding the disease. Also for the plant diseases queries which are posted by
the farmers.

JUNE 29, 2019

Football Prediction Android App Project

Project Statement:

To design and develop a Football Prediction Android mobile app for Android / IOS
platforms which will provide betting tips for football matches.

The option will be there to buy credits and look out for suggested Gold Boom tips and VIP
tips. Free daily tips will also be provided to any player who has installed the app. Bet tips
will be loaded from back end Admin panel.

The option will be provided for checking the match analysis and understand the tips, and
then form a strategy.  It will load games that are about to start or already running and we
can also sort it as per preferences. And provide tips for related games. 11/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

User Types:


The app will have the following features:

Home Grid
App Icon design
Boom Gold Tips
Free Daily Tips
Top Match Analysis
Super Bonus Tips
Noti cations
Rate Us
Betting Strategy
About Us
Privacy Policy
Contact us
Customer Login / Account
Credits payment gateway integration
Admin Panel

Module Details:
Task / Modules Page

1 Initial Planning and Design

2 Primary Database Design 12/14
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Admin Panel
Back end designs for below modules
Tips → Boom Gold tips, Free daily tips, Super Bonus Tips all these three will be
managed dynamically from admin panel
Customer mgmt →  will handle customer registrations who will pay for getting the
Gold and Bonus tips.
3 Payment gateway and credits
Transactions → will be for managing the transactions done by the customer for
paying and getting credits
Credits to manage credits in a customer account

Match Analysis mgmt

Membership plans

Noti cations
Rate Us
Betting Strategy
About Us
Privacy Policy
Contact us
Login / Logout

Match Analysis

5 Web Services & DB architecture management with deployment 

Choice of Technology:
Dot net MVC with ASP and SQL Server as server-side programming language and
database or Php side programming and MySQL 13/14
1/13/2020 Android projects – 1000 Projects

Android: Java  (Android v 6.1 and higher)
iOS: Swift 6.0.1 (Native and supporting iOS 11 and above)

We need to purchase API related to all football leagues that are happening, which we will
integrate. 14/14

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