The Epoch - Making Skill - Attitude

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“The greatest discovery of generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering
their attitudes of mind.”
– William James of Harvard University.

Every sphere of life, professional or personal, one can achieve success in all endeavors, if one
possesses good and positive attitude.

Have a look at this story-

There was a man whose business was to sell balloons. He loitered through streets walking up and down
to make his living out of selling balloons. Whenever he felt that his balloons were not sold, he released
the helium-filled balloons into the air. When the children saw the balloons go up, they wanted to own
one. Like this he made his selling go up. One fine evening he thought of having the business in the beach
which would be very much crowded. He waited for some time in the beach and then started doing his
selling tactic of releasing the balloons of different colors – red, green, blue & yellow into the air. After
seeing the balloons high up in the air, many children came to buy it. When he was busy with the work, a
child came and stood in front of him and posed this – “If you release the black color balloon, would that
also fly?” Moved by his question, the man replied, “It is not the color of the balloon, it is what is inside
that makes it go up”

That is the way of our lives. What’s is inside us make us to achieve success is ATTITUDE. Our
attitude resolves how we look at an impede. It all depends on one’s perception. For an optimist it
is a stepping stone to success. For a pessimist it is a stumbling block. One should be able to
identify one’s attitude and stream it in such a way as a stepping stone to success. We have all
resources, talents and positive attitudes, but we all will be waiting for the opportunity to be
dropped on our hand. The fact is, opportunities never come in hand. We should grab it when it
knocks the door. Even grabbing it, ATTITUDE matters a lot. To a negative attitude person who
cannot recognize the opportunities, will complain of noise when it knocks.
One cannot be called a complete human being if one has arms & legs, eyes & ears, a heart and a
brain. Those who can take right decision at the right time with a positive attitude can be called
so. That is why it is so crucial for many of us to take right decision. A right decision at the wrong
time becomes the wrong decision any way.

What frames our attitude?

3 E’s – Environment, Experience and Education. These 3 E’s may vary from person to person
but the positive approach towards these three will surely fetch the 3 E’s – Employability,
Efficacy & Estimation.

People with positive attitudes have certain personality traits that are easy to recognize.
They are caring, confident, patient and humble. They have high expectations of themselves and
others. They anticipate positive outcomes. A person with a positive attitude is like a fruit of all
seasons. He is always welcome. Hence friends, identify your attitude, make it positive and step
ahead to achieve success in all accomplishments

Khushboo Jariwala.
MBA,M.Com, Ph.d (Pursuing)


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