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MOJ Food Processing & Technology

Review Article Open Access

Future of meat industry

Abstract Volume 5 Issue 1 - 2017

Meat industry was influenced by the technological developments. However, the

technology has to be accepted by consumers and it should be feasible. In addition Caglar Gokirmakli, Mustafa BayramPark Ave,
Department of Food Engineering, University of Gaziantep,
to all, meat industry was faced some other problems, which were also in general
problems for humankind such as, global warming and its effects on livestock, stress on
them and pastures. Moreover, due to increasing of human population and urbanization, Correspondence: Mustafa Bayram, University of Gaziantep,
agricultural areas stressed and prices of them increased. For this reason, feeding price Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering-27310,
of animals increased and as a result price of animal products increased. There is a Turkey, Tel +90-342-317-2304, 0342-360-11-05,
little study about status of meat industry in the future. Also, these studies were not Email [email protected]
comprehensive and not including enough perspective for future of this industry. In this
study, recent developments about the industry mentioned and also future perspectives Received: November 21, 2016 | Published: October 09,
were given except how climate change will effect of this industry. It was realized that, 2017
nanotechnology and genetic engineering applications could change our experiences on
this industry completely.

Keywords: future of meat, meat industry, trends in meat industry

Abbreviations: CLAs, conjugated linoleic acids; RF, radio all these negative factors about meat seem to have a limited effect
frequency; FDA, food and drug administration; GMO, genetically of consuming meat, it may possible as a result of low consumer
modified organisms; GM, genetically modified knowledge.6

Introduction Consumption trends of meat around the world, its

past, today and the expected future
Meat can be defined as “the muscle tissue of slaughter animals”.1 It
is one of the most important feeding source for humans because it has Around the world, pork is consumed the most (15.8kg/capita/year),
high amount valuable protein and important micronutrients essential followed by poultry (13.6kg/capita/year), beef (9.6kg/capita/year)
to provide good health for people,2 briefly. Some studies are available and finally sheep and goat meat (1.9kg/capita/year).6 Consumption
on meat industry, but not so much. For example, Tarrant3 illustrate of meat per capita is 80 kg in the developed countries and 27.9 in
some of scientific search priority areas for the meat industry in product the developing countries, for a world average of 38.7kg.7 In Figure
safety, product quality and product development.4 Meat industry was 2, meat consumption around the World was shown. It is easily to see
affected by technological developments. The technologies that have that major differences are existed about consumption of meat in both
key importance for meat industry was shown in Figure 1.5 In a study its quantity and type.
carried out by Kristensen L et al.,5 from 1950s to today, important
technological developments of meat industry was given in detailed.
For this reason, it is not mentioned again in this study.

Figure 2 Consumption (kg/capita/year) in 2009 of bovine meat (B), sheep

and goat meat (M), pig meat (Pk), poultry meat (Py), and other meats (O) by

Global patterns about consumption of meat were changed over

time. In 1950, pork and beef were totally dominated, and poultry
Figure 1 The main technological steps for meat industry from 1950s to
was the third one.8 From 1950until 1980, beef and pork production
increased more or less apace. Then, in 1990, beef production amount
For meat industry, consumer preferences are one of the most around the World was increased from 19 million tons in 1950 to
important factors. Behaviours of consumers and their beliefs on meat 53million but were not expanded much after that time.8 Moreover,
and meat products rely on product itself and on the characteristics due to high conversion efficiency of grain for chicken meat than
of the individual. Generally speaking and regardless of its traditional beef meat, World poultry production was increased over time then
character and established social status, meat has a negative image overtaking beef in the year 1997.8 In 2005, 245million tonnes of meat
generally, because it is relation of living animal, handling practices was produced around the world, of which 30.8% was ruminant meat,
and slaughter conditions, the presence of blood, environmental issues mainly beef.9
and religious, ideological, ethical or moral concerns. Paradoxically,

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Future of meat industry ©2017 Gokirmakli et al. 233

Consumption of meat is projected to experience some deceleration in the future world due to consumer behaviours and maybe political
following increases in per capita consumption in China and Brazil.10 reasons.
Meat demand in developing world is projected to rise from 65million
tons in 1995 to 170-200million tons in the year 2020.11 Also, Consumer ideas about meat products for today and
according to a World Bank report,12 demand for meat around the globe future
is projected to increase by 56% between 1997 and 2020.13 According Behaviours and ideas of consumers about meat products are
to FAO,14 consumption of meat in the year 2030 could be as high critically important subject for the meat industry since it has direct
as 100kg per person per year in developed countries.15 As Fiala16 effect on industrial profitability. A lot of studies have resulted that
projected that total amount of meat consumption around the world perceptions of consumers on meat products are complex, dynamic
may be 72% higher in 2030 than consumed in 2000 following current and difficult to define. By the aid of scientific developments the
consumption patterns.17 In Table 1, consumption trends of meat in profile of meat industry for meat and meat-derived products was
aspect of per capita around the World was shown. There has been a improved for people in aspect of safety, quality and product stability.
significant rise for the meat consumption in some countries as Brazil Unfortunately, meat industry has some important problems in aspect
and China, even though the levels are still below the consumption of consumer perception especially in the areas of health (nutrition),
levels of developed countries.18 animal welfare and convenience.4 Harrington23 was listed concerns
Table 1 Per capita consumption of livestock products.18 of consumers: ethical, food safety, nutrition and fat, animal welfare,
‘‘third world’’, the environment and genetic engineering, still remains
Meat (kg/year) valid.24 In addition, in a study carried out by Vinnari13 possible things
1964-1966 1997-1999 2030 that may have impact on future consumption of meat was studied. The
World 24.2 36.4 45.3 most important attributes that consumers give to meat are taste, value
Developing countries 10.2 25.5 36.7
for money and health.13 Consumers desire to consume healthy meat
products that obtained from sustainably raised animals. Also, they are
Near East and North Africa 11.9 21.2 35 desired to trust that food is manufactured by obeying their own ethical
Sub-Saharan Africaa 9.9 9.4 13.4 standards.5 Debates on “natural” and “organic” products in aspect
of their quality and safety is estimated to be maintained among the
Latin America and the Caribbean 31.7 53.8 76.6
consumers.25 However, behaviours about genetically modified meat
East Asia 8.7 37.7 58.5 are clear. For example, in survey carried out in EU opinion formers by
South Asia 3.9 5.3 11.7 Grunert15 suggests that no one can think for consumption of transgenic
Industrialized countries 61.1 88.2 100.1
Recently, consumers desired to consume healthier meat products
Transition countries 42.5 46.2 60.7
that have some special characteristics such as decreased level of fat,
a: excludes South Africa. cholesterol, reduced contents of sodium chloride and nitrite, improved
composition of fatty acid profile and incorporated health enhancing
Consumption of meat per capita in developed countries is expected ingredients are quickly raising trend around the globe. These
to increase by 14% during next year’s up to 2050, but this includes all demands are able to provide big opportunities for meat industry.26
the countries with relatively still low consumption such as countries In principle, production of in vitro meat could be carried out with
of the former Soviet Union. For this reason, total demand on meat is stem cells from various species including animals not presently used
estimated to grow at 1.3% p.a. until the year 2050.7 In addition, it is for meat production.27 The future of cultured meat highly depend
expected that, in 2050, meat consumption will increase moderately, on consumers’ opinion of the product.28 Vinnari13 was demonstrated
and this will take place largely increases in pork and particularly effects of some factors that possibly attract consumption of meat in
poultry19 because they have more efficient and short reproduction the future. Consumers are more likely to accept a new application or
cycles than ruminants.20 According to IFPRI, annual per capita meat technology if they have an option to accept or reject to it.29 For this
consumption is projected to increase, on average, from 90kg/person reason, not only for today but also for the future, companies should
per year to over 100kg between 2000–2050 in high-income countries, be careful about informations of labels on packaging. For example,
and from around 25 to nearly 45kg/person per year in low-income companies should add not only nutritional values of meat but also
countries during the same term.20 Yearly, around the globe, meat add if the meat was produced by using a novel technology or method
production is estimated to double from 229million tonnes in 1999- (e.g., genetically modified, man-made etc.) on label. Use of correct
2001 to 465million tonnes in 2050 unless policy induced changes informations on labels are not just an ethical situation, it is also one
of trend. Most of this increase is expected to take place in middle of the keys to solve for safety concerns of consumers. In this aspect,
or low income countries.21 According to N Alexandratos et al.,22 it is companies should be clear for providing informations about their
expected to increase of 72%, 110% in bovine meat and ovine meat products for today and future.
respectively, by 2050 compared with 2000.9 Even large environmental
and ethical implications, consumption of meat is projected to increase Changing with life conditions eating habits are also changed.
in the future. However, some of researches have opposite idea from For example, people are preferred to consume ready to use
this because growing numbers of vegetarians around the globe and products, e.g., more convenient products to prepare for eating.30 It
other factors in industrialized countries.13 Most of studies about meat is possible to increase consumption of meat by aid of technology
consumption projections based on a simple logic that when earnings such as development of less energy intensive meat products and the
rise consumption of meat also rise because it is usually considered a development some products that have shorter cooking times. On the
normal good.13 However, the vice-versa situation could be taken place other hand, some of technological developments may have negative
effect on consumption of meat. For instance, development of cultured

Citation: Gokirmakli C, Bayram M. Future of meat industry. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2017;5(1):232‒238. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00117
Future of meat industry ©2017 Gokirmakli et al. 234

meat, development of novel protein sources other than meat and the example, products that are both convenient and provide less visibility
development of processing and packaging (lessening the amount of of the meat ingredient which seeing of meat may cause avoidance, it
unusable meat).13 Even though level of meat consumption in industrial is a trend restricted to certain consumer groups to consume meat and
countries may approached its saturation level, people in these such meat products.15
countries have some different demands such as meat with no additives
In the next years some applications like electrolyzed oxidizing
or chemical residues, exposed to minimal processing; convenient and
water, high pressure in combination with antimicrobials, irradiation
needing little preparation; safe; and economic.25 For these reasons
and light pulses, and surface sanitizers such as chlorine dioxide,
technological developments for meat industry are expected to meet
cetylpyridinium chloride, and lactic acid may more commonly
these kinds of demands in the future. On the other hand, different
available and possibly improve the shelf life of meats and meat-
products are available in the market as reduced fat, consumers are
derived products.31
desired to prefer healthier products, but they are not desired to pay
money for products whose flavour or taste changed significantly.30 Study carried out by Kristensen L et al.5 explain the possible
For this reason, it should be careful about that during a product applications of Radio Frequency (RF) and Volumetric Assisted
development for meat industry, flavour and aroma properties have to Heating Processes technologies in the meat industry. To drive the
be protected. Some other market trends not related with health and material forward through the process, vacuum fillers may be used.
nutrition are welfare of animals and traceability of products.30 Systems More recently, high vacuum filling machines have been developed.31
for optimal animal welfare is expected to be even more important Novel technological developments include high hydrostatic pressure,
and sustainability is also expected to be no longer just a consumer electroporation with pulsed electric fields, ultrasonic waves,
trend but also a license to operate.5 Briefly, the future battlefield in oscillating magnetic fields, cell lysis with bacteriophages or enzymes,
meat industry is expected to be an arena consisting of environmental smart antimicrobial packaging or edible antimicrobial films, and
efficiency, optimal utilization of raw materials, production efficiency various combinations of such treatments or processes (e.g., mano
and healthy meat products.5 thermo sonication involving ultrasonic radiation, pressure and heat;
irradiation and heat; pressure and heat) are also have chance to use
Present and future developments for meat science & in meat industry.25 The combination of meat quality management
technology and sophisticated measuring technologies is able to revolutionize
Today, much more amount of meat has to be produced with the the slaughterhouses other than we know them today. The number of
same input sources, that is, production efficiency should be increased possible stock keeping units is expected to be unlimited, and even
and production should sustainable for environment. In practical terms customer adapted products can be produced as specifications are
this means a minimum level of emission of climate gasses, land usage being conceived. The trend is going to toward higher flexibility due
as well as energy and water consumption. These are probably the most to smaller production series and more product variant.5 The high
important standards for the future industrial production of meat.5 On level of automation and many interconnected sensors may provide
the other hand, people are expected to healthier meat products from information piece-by-piece that will be compiled for online holistic
industry. For example, lower the salt content of meat products. There information. Further integration in the value chain is possible, and
are three possible way to decrease salt amount of meat products. relevant information from the farm, the transporter, the slaughter
Firstly, sodium chloride may be replaced by potassium chloride. house, the processing, retail and so forth opens up for completely new
Secondly, flavour enhancer may be added to the meat product. possibilities in a globalized meat industry.5 Also, more off-the-shelf
Thirdly, the physical structure of sodium chloride could be altered.31 automation sub-systems is projected to be available, decreasing the
Moreover, in the medium term, using of conjugated linoleic acids cost of technology.33 The ideal meat products that maybe available in
(CLAs) for meat products offers some important opportunities for the future are summarized as follows:
meat industry such as lower drip loss and better lean colour but above As far as Food Safety is concerned no concession is probably be
all, a large potential effect on human health.24 A proteome is defined accepted by the consumer. Novel technologies such as Pascalisation,
as the protein complementary part of a genome.32 Presently, usage of use of protective bacteria and use of specific pages are expected to
proteomics in meat sciences is not common since it is in an early introduce. On the other hand, if industries can not a find solution
stage, and only a few studies are available. However, proteome studies for reducing level of sodium and fat in meat products without major
may provide valuable information when implementing proteome differences in taste and flavour, substitutes may obtain a chance.30
technologies to muscle- and meat studies of livestock species.32 As According to Vandendriessche F et al.,30 meat products in the future
proteome technologies develops, useful methods to control of niche should have perfect shelf-life, that is, much more longer than today’s
products, e.g. related to religious regulations are also become easier. shelf-life, have no food safety risk, also have optimum taste, aroma
For instance, to control of kosher-food to be sure that mixing of any and flavour which is ideal for your health and without diet restrictions.
pork tissue or part into food products are not present. Proteomics may The product that is closest to this is probably the winner of the meat
also useful to understand authenticity of food products, such as the industry. However, quality, especially the sensorial quality, is not
confirmation of animal’s origin.32 expected to change significantly in the close future.30
Meat industry is forced to develop new products with altered
Future prospects of genetic researches in meat
and novel formulations. This requires also flexible production lines.
Innovative microbial, plant or animal enzymes maybe used for meat
industry to modify texture of meats and meat products.31 Unfortunately, Food demand is increasing because of population increase, for this
up to today no real commercial success has been noticed in adding reason, production of cheap but nutritive foods for huge population,
nutrients to meat products.30 Also, in the future, there may be more and also the need to increase sustainability of farm animals might
room for in retail channels for specialized meat products. For motivate food production from genetically modified animals in the

Citation: Gokirmakli C, Bayram M. Future of meat industry. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2017;5(1):232‒238. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00117
Future of meat industry ©2017 Gokirmakli et al. 235

future.34 The vast majority of animals that are genetically modified as efficiency of food production in terms of feedstock.40 According to
to produce food and feed are presently just in research stage, and few Tuomisto HL et al.41 IMPS might reduce land usage by 99%, water
are close to final approval but none of them is available on market usage by 90% and energy consumption by 40%. If realized, these
yet.34 Garnier JP et al.24 explain that expected developments of meat reductions lead to a large reduction in GHG emission.42 However, it is
industry and meat products in the future by aid of genetic engineering suspected that myocyte culturing would have a reduced water, energy
applications with details. Biotechnology in animals (cloning, and land requirement because a) solely muscle tissue is cultivated,
transgenesis or transgenesis followed by cloning) has big potential bypassing the development of by-products and non-skeletal muscle
to improve the quality, yield and safety of food products by direct tissues; b) for the same mass of meat, tissue cultivation is anticipated
genetic manipulation.35 In addition of all, a study that is genetically to be faster than growth to a slaughter ready age and c) in vitro meat
modified fish has been under evaluation by different authorities as production systems are capable of increasing in volume vertically,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other US agencies for more making deforestation to create pasture unnecessary.17 Up to now, only
than 15years. Presently, it is close to final evaluation; this product some basic developments were happened for artificial meat production
maybe available on the US market in the near future.34 system. That is, only embryonic stem cell lines originating from
several model species and humans have been isolated and cultured
Advances in food biotechnology and in the production of
successfully.40 At present, dimensions of cultured meat are nearly
genetically modified organisms (GMO) is projected to be continuing
1.5cm in length and 0.5cm in width.40 There are many articles and
as a controversial topic, but potentially less so than in the past.25 In the
discussion on media about man-made meat technology. There was a
future, the developing countries is expected to play an critical role in
specific study about this, e.g.28 As a result of research by Goodwin J
searching, developing and marketing of genetically modified (GM)
et al.28 presently, man-made meat technology is supported by printed
animals and fish for food productions. However, it is important to note
media. For this reason, it is likely that consumers are expected to
that even science of GM animals applications have great successful
develop favourability for the man-made meat products if media
in the future, the real success or failure of GM technology in the food
support continues to the product.
production industry will be determined by consumer attitudes by
accepting or rejecting of this technology.34 Economically, global cost savings of replacing traditional meat
with that produced in vitro could be more than $130billion per year.27
Nanotechnology in meat industry, future prospects By taking the appropriate stem cells, proliferating them under the
Packaging applications by using nanotechnology are presently the right conditions to reach sufficient numbers and providing them with
most promising area of nanotechnology for using in meat and meat the right stimulatory signals in a 3D environment, industrial meat
products. Some application examples are available such as gold nano production seems feasible.40 Unfortunately, there are some technical
particle incorporated enzymes for microbe’s detection, gas sensing problems to obtain efficient cultivation of muscle cells. First of all,
related to condition of food products: nano fibrils of perylene-based appropriate cells capable of proliferation and differentiation must be
fluorophores indicates fish and meat spoilage by detecting gaseous selected and cost-effective growth media developed. Secondly, food-
amines.36 On the other hand, it is possible to use nano sensors to detect compatible and edible substrates necessary for muscle cell attachment,
small organic or inorganic molecules such as melamine, pesticide, growth and maturation must be developed and should also contribute
some protein-based bacterial toxins, etc. that are harmful for meat to the texture of in vitro meat. Thirdly, production must be scalable for
products.37 By using nanotechnology some differences are probably industrial production. Fourthly, high nutritional value and consumer
take place in the future of meat processing as mentioned followings: acceptance of novel products containing in vitro meat must be
meat derived bioactive peptides, pro-and pre-biotics inclusion in attained.27 Furthermore, taste is arguably the most difficult to imitate,
processed meat products, fat based nano emulsions for antioxidant because, over the 1000 different components that are water soluble
delivery, nano sensors and nano tracers for meat bio security tracing and fat derived are necessary to obtain strain specific taste of meat.42
and nanostructured meat products with defined functions. New The future of artificial meat is mostly depending on consumers’
horizons for nanotechnology in meat science may be achieved by ideas and behaviours about the products.28 Also, although clearly
further research on nanoscale structures and methods to control this will have been an illegal activity the development of such
interactions between single molecules.38 Furthermore, by aid of technological capability might motivate some people with malicious
nanotechnology fibrillar protein aggregates can be developed as meat intent to consider producing in vitro human flesh for consumption.43
replacers, and by this way fibrillar protein to be constructed to imitate For this reason, politicians should care about this topic before
meat.37 If its taste and other organoleptic properties are sufficiently acceptance marketing of man-made meat.
similar to meat consumers will probably like it.39
Probiotic products of meat and developments; future
Man-made meat and its expected future prospects
Globally meat consumption is projected to double throughout the
A food can be regarded as functional if it is satisfactorily
next several decades. Without important advancements in meat science
illustrated to have useful effect on one or more target functions in
and technology, with increasing of demand of meat, meat prices are
the body.44 Meat is possibly considered as a functional food even if
possibly increased and this cause becoming of meat unaffordable to
no addition of any nutritional component into it since it has lots of
a large population.28 For this reason, there should be a novel solution
healthy components.35 As the economy develops, people are expected
to supply meat for people to future terms, the idea of man-made meat
to consume healthier and functional meat products. These demands
could be a solution for this problem. Langelaan ML et al.40 explain the
provide great opportunities for meat industry.26 For example, the
past developments of man-made meat technology, briefly. There are
consumer demands products have some important properties such
some reasons to promote IMPS such as animal welfare, controlled and
as decreased level of fat, cholesterol, reduced contents of sodium
hygienic production conditions, environmental considerations as well

Citation: Gokirmakli C, Bayram M. Future of meat industry. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2017;5(1):232‒238. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00117
Future of meat industry ©2017 Gokirmakli et al. 236

chloride and nitrite, improved composition of fatty acid profile and Main nutritional component of insects is proteins. Fat is second
incorporated health enhancing ingredients are rapidly increasing important nutritional component of insects.50 Furthermore, insects
worldwide.26 Functional foods have a great potential for the meat have not only large amount of proteins but also high quality of
industry, to improve the quality and image of meat by aid to develop proteins implies that it contains different types of amino acids in
products have useful health features.35 adequate proportions and that it is highly digestible by the organisms
that consume it.48 In addition, except pork, energy value of insects
It is possible to develop health beneficial meat products, containing
is competitive with meat energy value averagely (on a fresh weight
functional foods with many different methods. Strategies suggested
basis).50 Insects are required to ten times less feed than cattle for
by Jiménez Colmenero F et al.,45 were listed below:46
obtaining of 1kg biomass.51 Moreover, insects emit fifty times less
a) Alteration of carcass composition emissions than traditional livestock and ten times less ammonia.
Also, less risk of animal diseases being transmitted to humans is
b) Alteration of meat raw materials present.52 As a result, insects are required less energy and so cause
c) Reformulation of meat products smaller environmental foot prints to obtain protein, especially if
closed systems can be developed at the village or farm level.48 The
i. Decreasing of fat content other advantages of using insects as an alternative protein source
ii. Alteration of the fatty acid profile that they may aid economic developments for rural areas, i.e., small
scale, women-orientated mini-farms of edible insects operating in the
iii. Decreasing of cholesterol villages which surround national parks can provide a boost of local
family income.53 It is expected that insects may have a $350million
iv. Decreasing of calories
value market in 10years as an everyday food source.54
v. Decreasing of sodium content
Although insects have many beneficial properties, they have also
vi. Decreasing of nitrites some harmful properties that should also be considered. Some of these
harmful properties and effects were mentioned in the study carried out
vii. Incorporation of functional ingredients
by Pal P et al.,49 Rumpold BA et al.50 Before fully commercializing of
The items of functional modification in meat and meat products insects, such important issues should be solved. More importantly,
listed below have recently been reviewed by Fernández Ginés JM et consumer awareness and opinions should be positively developed for
al.47 & Arihara K:46 consumption of insects as an alternative protein source. To overcome
consumer opposition at the first time some new processing methods
i. Alteration of fatty acid and cholesterol levels in meat such as grinding the insects or extracting their proteins could be used.52
ii. Addition of vegetal oils to meat products
iii. Addition of soy
Human population increased almost exponentially and rate of
iv. Addition of natural extracts with antioxidant properties urbanization increased in a short time interval. In addition, global
warming is threatening livestock with different affects. Future of meat
v. Sodium chloride control
industry is affected from all these factors and more. Increasing of
vi. Addition of fish oils human population will have increased demand on foods, especially
for meat products. However, if a more sustainable and economic
vii. Addition of vegetal products way to produce these products will not have found, it could possible
viii. Addition of fibre that increase in price of the products in the future. For this reason,
today scientists should be performed to find alternative ways to obtain
Future for insects as an alternative protein source livestock products. For example, man-made meat was produced
Rising pressure on agricultural areas is caused that meat production nowadays and this technology is seemed as so promising for the future.
by livestock to be less sustainable than ever before.48 It is because That is not all, also some other technological developments took
that raising of livestock, including feed crop production, occupies place to produce more value added, better textured and taste, faster
70% of the world’s agricultural land (or 30% of the earth’s land), production lines for livestock products. Even all these technologies
and consumes 77million tonnes of plant or animal protein to produce are not applied in industry today, for the future, they are so promising.
just 58million tonnes of protein for human consumption annually.42 According to today trends it is clear that, in the future, functional
For these reasons, nowadays insects are noticed as, again, alternative foods will have been more and more important than today for livestock
protein source for humankind. The practice of eating insects is known product industries. In addition, due to personal products could be more
as entomophagy.49 It is an age-old phenomenon. By all accounts, common, also more flexible production lines and more different kind
which include archaeological evidence as well as analysis of of products could be available in the future. Moreover, in the future,
fossilized feces, mankind has evolved as an entomophagous species.48 some other products maybe more popular than today as edible insects.
It is estimated that number of people that consume insects regularly is Even they are irritating for most of people, maybe in the future not
at least 2billion around the World. In addition, more than 1900 insect directly consumed but their proteins could be isolated and used as a
species have been documented in literature as edible.49 Mainly some source for specific products, so people could be more easily adapted to
tropical and sub-tropical regions and countries like as Zimbabwe, these kind of products. More importantly, due to women were entered
Mexico, Thailand and also in more temperate regions such as Japan to working life more than past, and similar trend will have observed
and some parts of China insects are being eaten.49 in the future, more convenient, easy to use products could be common

Citation: Gokirmakli C, Bayram M. Future of meat industry. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2017;5(1):232‒238. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00117
Future of meat industry ©2017 Gokirmakli et al. 237

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Citation: Gokirmakli C, Bayram M. Future of meat industry. MOJ Food Process Technol. 2017;5(1):232‒238. DOI: 10.15406/mojfpt.2017.05.00117

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