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Information Technology Risk Assessment

Assessment External Threat Assessment

Name: Anthony
Type: Only
Demo - Sample Report -
E-mail: [email protected] External Threats - Company
Position/Title: Director Date Started: 02-Feb-2014 21:23
Telephone: 0431 221006 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company: Company XYZ Period From: 27-Feb-2014

Sector: Banking and Finance Period To: 28-Feb-2014

This is a sample of the IT Risk Assessment


The contents contained within the Online Information Technology Risk Assessment Tool are provided for general information only and does
not constitute the provision of professional advice.

The content of the risk assessment tool contains information that will assist organisations to assess their information technology risks and
has been designed to inform areas of vulnerabilities that should be the focus of the Information Technology Programme.

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Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Overall - Inherent Risk Rating - Matrix
The Overall Inherent Risk Rating Matrix contains two dimensions - likelihood (meaning the likelihood of a risk occurring based
on previous experiences) and the impact (meaning the impact that the risk would have, in terms of operational, risk,
compliance, financial, reputation or other risk factors). The Overall Inherent Risk Rating Matrix simply plots the answers
provided during the risk assessment into the appropriate cells in the matrix, to highlight the concentration of risks across the
entire model. Organisations can use this to understand the number of inherent risk factors that exist within each of the
dimensions and identify the areas which have the highest need for effective mitigating controls. If the concentration of risks
appear in the top right, then it is recommended that the Organisation focuses efforts in these areas to implement mitigating
controls which will have the effect of reducing overall risks.

Ratings 0 - Not Applicable 1 - Insignificant 2 - Low 3 - Moderate 4 - High 5 - Extreme

Not Applicable Medium Risk High Risk High Risk Very High Risk Extreme Risk
5 - Guaranteed
0 0 0 0 0 1
Not Applicable Medium Risk Medium Risk High Risk Very High Risk Very High Risk
4 - Very Likely
0 0 0 0 2 0
Not Applicable Low Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk High Risk Very High Risk
3 - Likely
0 0 1 2 1 2
Not Applicable Low Risk Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk High Risk
2 - Unlikely
0 0 3 4 1 1
Not Applicable Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
1 - Rare
0 0 0 0 0 0
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0 - Not Applicable
0 0 0 0 0 0

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Ke y


Score Rating Description

0 Not Applicable The risk factor is not relevant to the inherent risk rating matrix
1 Rare The risk event is very unlikely to occur but may occur on rare occurrences.
2 Unlikely The risk event is unlikely to occur based on previous experiences.

3 Likely The risk event may occur based on previous experiences.

4 Very Likely The risk event is very likely to occur based on previous experiences.
5 Guaranteed The risk event Is either guaranteed or almost certain to occur.


Score Rating Description

0 Not Applicable The risk factor is not relevant to inherent risk rating matrix
1 Insignificant The risk event would have very insignificant or no impact on the business.
2 Low The risk event would have a low impact on the business.
3 Moderate The risk event would have a moderate impact on the business.
4 High The risk event would have a major impact on the business.
5 Extreme The risk event would have a catastrophic effect on the business.

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Overall Inherent Risk Rating

Score Rating Description

0 Not Applicable The risk factor is not relevant to inherent risk rating matrix
1 Low Risk No regulatory impact, no client or staff impact, no financial loss, no impact on targets
Minor regulatory impact (i.e. updates to regulators), medium customer and staff impacts,
moderate financial loss (i.e. hundreds of thousands), some effect on business operations
2 Medium Risk
(i.e. minor disruptions to service), significant amounts of negative press, business remains
viable and sales targets impacted by >5%
Moderate regulatory impact (i.e. close monitoring but no regulatory action for breaches),
medium customer and staff impacts, moderate financial loss (i.e. hundreds of thousands),
3 High Risk
some effect on business operations (i.e. minor disruptions to service), significant amounts
of negative press, business remains viable and sales targets impacted by >10%
High regulatory impact (i.e. enforceable undertaking or remedial action), medium
customer impact (i.e. some loss of customers), medium staff impact (i.e. some staff
leave), high financial losses (i.e. multi-million), major effect on business operations (i.e.
closure or suspension of business operations, management attention diverted to managing
4 Very High Risk
regulatory oversight) and on-going viability (i.e. regulators may seek closure of business,
becomes unprofitable), adverse media attention (i.e. negative press), continuation of
business jeopardised (i.e. business continuity threatened) and sales targets impacted by
High regulatory impact (i.e. enforceable undertaking or remedial action), high customer
impact (i.e. law suits, loss of customers), high staff impact (i.e. high staff turnover), high
financial losses (i.e. multi-million), major effect on business operations (i.e. closure or
suspension of business operations, management attention diverted to managing
5 Extreme Risk
regulatory oversight) and on-going viability (i.e. regulators may seek closure of business,
becomes unprofitable), adverse media attention (i.e. negative press), continuation of
business jeopardised (i.e. business continuity threatened) and sales targets impacted by

Overall - Residual Risk Rating - Matrix

The Overall Residual Risk Rating Matrix contains two dimensions - inherent risk rating (which is derived from the likelihood x

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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the risk impact) and the effectiveness of any mitigating controls. The Overall Residual Risk Rating Matrix simply plots the
resulting risk profile once the effectiveness of any mitigating control factors have been taken into consideration, which often
reduces the overall risk score and highlights the concentration of risks across the entire model. Organisations can use this to
understand the impact of implementing highly effective controls to reduce the overall inherent risks and to determine the
number of risk factors that remain to focus resources on improving mitigating controls in these areas. If the concentration of
risks appear in the top left (excluding risk factors that are not applicable), then it is recommended that the Organisation
focuses efforts in these areas to implement more effective mitigating controls.

3 - Fair /
2 - Poor / 4 - Good / 5 - Excellent /
Ratings 0 - Not Applicable 1 - None Moderately
Ineffective Effective Highly Effective
Not Applicable Extreme Risk Extreme Risk Very High Risk High Risk Medium Risk
5 - Extreme Risk
0 0 0 0 0 1
4 - Very High Not Applicable Extreme Risk Very High Risk High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk
Risk 0 0 2 1 1 0
Not Applicable Very High Risk Very High Risk High Risk Low Risk Low Risk
3 - High Risk
0 2 0 0 0 1
Not Applicable High Risk Medium Risk Medium Risk Low Risk Low Risk
2 - Medium Risk
0 3 0 1 1 2
Not Applicable Medium Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk Low Risk
1 - Low Risk
0 0 2 0 1 0
Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
0 - Not Applicable
0 0 0 0 0 0
Effectiveness Of Control

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Ke y
Effectiveness of existing controls

Score Rating Description

0 Not Applicable The existence or not of mitigating controls is not applicable for this risk factor.
1 None There are no mitigating controls currently in existence.
There are ad-hoc controls currently in place which are ineffective at mitigating
the identified risks and are incomplete with a major amount of improvement
required. Systems have not been implemented or if they have are poorly
executed, poorly documented policies and procedures are defined and
2 Poor / Ineffective sometimes followed but there are many occurrences where they are not, some
staff have been trained but not all, controls have not been independently tested
and a major amount of improvement has been identified. Roles and
responsibilities for managing and overseeing the mitigating controls is poorly
documented and largely not understood.
There are some controls currently in place which are moderately effective at
mitigating the identified risks but are incomplete with a fair amount of
improvement required. Systems to some extent are in-place, policies and
procedures are defined and sometimes followed but there are occurrences
3 Fair / Moderately Effective
where they are not, some staff have been trained but not all, controls have not
been independently tested and a moderate amount of improvement has been
identified. Roles and responsibilities for managing and overseeing the
mitigating controls may be documented and may be understood.
There are good controls currently in place which are effective at mitigating the
identified risks but there is room for improvement. Systems to a large extent
are in-place, policies and procedures are fairly well defined and mostly
4 Good / Effective followed, most staff have been trained, controls may have been independently
tested and areas for improvement identified. Roles and responsibilities for
managing and overseeing the mitigating controls are fairly well documented
and more or less understood.

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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There are excellent controls currently in place which are highly effective at
mitigating the identified risks. Systems are in-place, policies and procedures
are defined and followed, staff have been trained, controls have been
5 Excellent / Highly Effective
independently tested and continuous improvement monitored. Roles and
responsibilities for managing and overseeing the mitigating controls are well
documented and understood.

Overall Residual Risk Rating

Score Rating Description

0 Not Applicable The risk factor is not relevant to inherent risk rating matrix
Low inherent risk rating with excellent or highly effective mitigating controls where
1 Low Risk
actions require minimal or no management oversight
Medium inherent risk rating with good or effective mitigating controls where actions
2 Medium Risk
require a moderate priority and some degree of ongoing active management and support
High inherent risk rating, with fair or moderate mitigating controls where actions require
3 High Risk
a high priority and fair amount of ongoing active management and support
Very high inherent risk rating, with poor or ineffective mitigating controls where actions
4 Very High Risk
require very high priority and a high-level of ongoing active management and support
Extreme inherent risk rating, with non-existent mitigating controls where actions require
5 Extreme Risk
immediate priority and significant amounts of management oversight and support.

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Model Assessment Rating Scores

Group Categorization Sub-Categorization % Weighting Normalized Maximum Actual Low Medium High

Score Score Score

External 100 % 8
External Threat Assessment 100 % 8
External Organisational Level 30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Operational / Business Process Level 30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Information / System Level 30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Technical Threats -> Hardware and
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Software Usage
External Technical Threats -> Electronic Data -
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Accidental damage, destruction or misuse of data
External Technical Threats -> Electronic Data -
30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
Deliberate (Interference)
External Technical Threats -> Electronic Data -
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Deliberate (Interception)
External Technical Threats -> Electronic Data -
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Deliberate (Impersonation)
External Technical Threats -> Electronic Data -
30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
Deliberate damage, destruction or misuse of data
External Physical Threats -> Loss from theft,
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
vandalism or sabotage or accidental damage
External Physical Threats -> Unauthorised access 30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Physical Threats -> Other 30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Environmental Threats -> Natural Disasters 30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Environmental Threats -> Other 30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Support Infrastructure Threats -> Power
30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19
External Support Infrastructure Threats ->
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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External Support Infrastructure Threats -> Support
30 0 <9 9 to 19 >19
Other Threats -> Third Party 30 30 <9 9 to 19 >19

Maximum Score
This is the maximum score possible and is calculated from the individual risk factor weights.
Actual Score
This is the actual score for the risk assessment based on answering questions as being relevant to the organisation or
Score Range (Low-Medium-High)
This is the score range bands of risk score for each Sub-Categorization.

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Model Assessment Chart

8 Normalized Score

Normalized Score

External - External Threat Assessment


Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
Company XYZ
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014

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Model Assessment

External Threat Assessment
External Organisational Level
Is the network of external vendors or third party IT service providers likely to be the target of any external denial of service threats from 'hacktivists' based on the organisations actions (e.g. industrial action, sabotage, rogue employees. political
support, controversial positions taken)?
Organisations that use the services of external vendors or third parties that are likely to be the target of threats due to other business actions face higher risks than Organisations that do not rely on external vendors or third parties that do
have a history of IT disruption undertaken because of the organisations positions on certain issues.
External - Threat Assessment - Organisational
Category Weight 3 Value 0
Answer Yes

Inherent Risk Rating

Likelihood Very Likely Impact High Overall Inherent Risk Rating Very High Risk

Risk Assessment Comments Insert comments

Residual Risk Rating

Is there a mitigating control? Yes Effectiveness of control Poor / Ineffective Overall Residual Risk Rating Very High Risk

Describe the control Insert comments

General Comments Insert comments

External Threat Assessment
External Operational / Business Process Level
Does the external vendor or IT service provider have appropriate documentation and training for foreseeable events to ensure that operational risks associated with inadequate procedures in respect of managing IT outsourced services (i.e.
hosting, development, support) is mitigated?
Organisations that employ external vendors or third party IT service providers that have appropriate documentation and staff training in how to respond to credible threats are more likely to reduce the impact of a credible threat on both
External - Threat Assessment - Operational /
Category Weight 3 Value 10
Business Process Level
Answer No

Inherent Risk Rating

Likelihood Likely Impact Moderate Overall Inherent Risk Rating Medium Risk

Risk Assessment Comments Insert comments

Residual Risk Rating

Is there a mitigating control? Yes Effectiveness of control Excellent / Highly Effective Overall Residual Risk Rating Low Risk

Describe the control Insert comments

General Comments Insert comments

External Threat Assessment
External Information / System Level

Name: Anthony Assessment Name: Demo - Sample Report - External Threats - Company XYZ Date Completed: 02-Feb-2014 21:29
E-mail: [email protected] Assessment Type: External Threat Assessment Only Period From: 27-Feb-2014
Company: Company XYZ Sector: Banking and Finance Period To: 28-Feb-2014

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