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Appendix F: ICSI International Classification

Snow, Weather, for Seasonal Snow on the Ground

and Avalanches

Rounded Polycrystals, Wind Crusts, and Melt-Freeze Crusts

To distinguish between rounded polycrystals (MFpc) and a melt-freeze crust (MFcr), consider the
structural units. If a crust layer is broken apart, the result is lumps of variable size since the crust (of
indeterminate length and width) is the structural unit. If a portion of a layer of frozen rounded
polycrystals is broken apart, the result is quite consistently sized particles (the individual polycrystals).
When formed by freezing rain, rain crusts (IRrc) are often thin, fragile transparent layers that form on
the surface. Rain more commonly forms melt-freeze crust (MFcr), which can vary from thin (several
mm to 1 cm) to thick (>5 cm) layers.
Sun crusts (IFsc) are thin, fragile transparent layers that form on the surface. More commonly, direct sun
causes a melting of the snow that results in a melt-freeze crust (MFcr).
Wind crusts (RGwp) are thin irregular layers of small, broken or abraded, closely packed and well-
sintered particles (usually found on windward slopes). The particles in these layers may be similar in
appearance to those in wind slabs (usually found on lee slopes); however, some authors report that parti-
cle size is more variable in wind crusts than wind slabs.

Surface Hoar
Sub-classes listed in Table F.1 can be used to record different types of surface hoar (SH).

Table F.1 Sub-classes of surface hoar (based on Jamieson and Schweizer, 2000)

Sub-class Description Formation Temperature

Primarily one dimensional, sometimes spike- or

i. Needle Below -21°C

Two-dimensional sector plate; usually wedge shaped

ii. Plate and narrow at base. Usually striated when formed; -10°C to -21°C
however, the striations may disappear while buried in

Two-dimensional form with numerous branches; often

iii. Dendrite -10°C to -21°C
feather-like in appearance; narrow at base

Three-dimensional; these form with narrow base on

surface of the snowpack; once separated from the
iv. Cup or scrolls
snowpack, these forms can be indistinguishable from
depth hoar-cup crystals

Combinations of shapes associated with subclasses

v. Composite forms
i to iv

Refer to Fierz and others (2009) for further explanation of shapes, place of formation, classifications,
physical processes and common effects on strength. The document is online at:

Snow, Weather, and Avalanches


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