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1. In your opinion, what constitutes a good life?

For me the thing that constitutes a good life are your religion/ your spiritually, it helps to form the
foundation of the family that builds the nation. Don’t be careless about the spiritual part of your nature, it’s
what makes us who we are, different from animal. Second is family and the inner circle, invest in them and
they’ll invest in you. Inspire them and they’ll inspire you. There is no greater value than love. One person cares
for another, that’s one of life’s greatest expressions. Next that constitutes a good life is our culture. Your
language, your music, the ceremonies, the traditions, the dress. All of that is so vitally important that we must
keep it alive. In fact it is the uniqueness of all of us that when blended together brings vitality, energy, power,
influence, uniqueness and rightness to the world. Also a good friends. Friendship is probably the greatest
support system in the world. riends are those wonderful people who know all about you and still like you. 

2. What does Aristotle say about the good life? Does it still stand in the contemporary world?

According the Aristotle, happiness and having a good life is about virtue. He considers the end of humans
to be the good life. According to him, having a good life is having happiness or prosperity which can be
accomplished by living a life according to virtue which is achieved by continually living in a virtuous manner
or living with high moral standards.
This must still stand in the contemporary world because most people are being obsessed with material
things. For most people, having a good life is being rich with material possessions. They miss to remember that
happiness and having a good life is living a life that is consistent with having high moral standards.

3. How is the progress of science and technology a movement towards the good life?

It leads to a good life and it doesn’t lead to a good life either at the same time.  It entirely depends on how
an individual defines a good life. Progress of Science and Technology leads us to good life because it allows us
to have the Easy Access to Information, Faster Resolution to Problems and Better and More Options to Choose
From. Easy Access to Information because there is continuous development in the field of science especially to
technology, information can now be easily accessed. With just a click, tons of information is shown to you. You
need not go to a library to search for the book or read a lot of resources just to get the information that you
need. The internet will provide you almost all the things you need. You just need to be careful because not all in
the internet are credible information. Faster Resolution to Problems, a good example of this is in the field of
healthcare. There are diseases that were categorized as dreaded before but can now be easily treated. Medical
professionals as well as specialists from the field of research made is possible. They never stopped looking for
solutions especially to those fatal diseases. With science and technology being improved progressively, the
trend of improved treatment will surely continue. Better and More Options to Choose From before, we are left
to the option we get used to, the improvement in science and technology empowered people to search and
discover to better options. Options are presented for people to choose, whichever will be convenient to them.
This also gives people the liberty to choose.
However, there are also some people that define a good life in different way such as living in mountains
in harmony with nature, and bhla bhla, and some people think that people are becoming extremely lazy and that
laziness is causing many health problems in society. As the coin has two sides, every single thing in the world
has pros and cons.



1. How does science and technology affect contemporary life and vice versa?

  Several new, more powerful technologies have made their way into households and offices as we
approach the twenty-first century.  Mobile phones and the Internet allow for faster communication. Looking
around you, you see that technology has evolved so rapidly over the years that the effects are quite daunting.
Technology and science work hand in hand to improve the quality of human life. Science creation has made
numerous discoveries and innovations that are giving us both positive and negative effects. There are many
advantages and disadvantages that science and technology can bring to humans and their world.
         Science and technology simplify the way we live. Works can be carried out easier with high-tech
machines and equipment. It's giving people less hours and our jobs can be done faster. Nowadays computer is
every person's most useful and popular invention. Some might say there's nothing they can do without a
computer. Some think, it's a kind of enjoyment.
            Science and technology not only show us the positive side, but also its drawbacks, which have a
significant impact on human life. If we look around the surroundings, it's so crowded, polluted and damaged
that it's mostly caused by the existence of invented technologies worldwide. Our mother earth is totally
influenced by its life and our natural environment is replaced by new large buildings and factories run by
technology-based owners. Science and technology also impact our lifestyles and our well being. Technology-
generated chemicals are dangerous to our health which is likely to result in death and diseases.

2. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological advancement and ethical dilemmas?

We can protect our human rights in the face of technological advancements and ethical dilemmas by being
a responsible citizen. If we are a responsible citizen we are disciplined enough in using different social media
platforms. There is a wide range of the usage of this social media it can be use positively and negatively. We
should be responsible enough on what to post and to say on different social media sites. When it comes to
ethical dilemma we should be a child of God to follow things that is according to the will of God. Avoid things
and people that will bring you to evil doings.

3. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite atleast three examples to support your assertion,
For me Google doesn’t make people stupid. It’s a tool. If you know how to use a tool it makes you more
efficient. I actually do think that it can make people stupid if they think they don't need to memorize or learn
things because they can just look it up online. Google helps us gain knowledge quickly and easily. Automobiles
were invented. People can get around long distances fast. Now most people don’t know how to care for or ride
a horse and would probably die if they had to walk 100 miles or more. Lighters/matches were invented. People
can make fire more easily. But now few people know how to start a fire without a lighter or match.

4. Read the entirety of Joy’s article. Why doesn’t the future need us?

“Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us,” arguing that human beings face the realistic possibility of extinction
because of competition from intelligent robots, which are made possible by technological advancements in
artificial intelligence. Joy argues that developing technologies provide a much greater danger to humanity than
any technology before has ever presented. In particular, he focuses
on engineering, nanotechnology and robotics. He argues that 20th-century technologies of destruction such as
the nuclear bomb were limited to large governments, due to the complexity and cost of such devices, as well as
the difficulty in acquiring the required materials.

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