A. J. R. Russell-Wood (Auth.) - Fidalgos and Philanthropists - The Santa Casa Da Misericórdia of Bahia, 1550-1755-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1968) PDF

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The Santa Casa da Misericordia
of Bahia, z55o-z755

Research Fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford

Palgrave Macmillan
© A. J. R. Russell-Wood 1968
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1968
Published hy
Little Essex Street London wc2.
and also at Bomhay Calcutta and Madras
Macmillan South Africa (Publishers) Pty Ltd Johannesburg
The MacmiUan Company of Australia Pty Ltd Melhourne
The Macmillan Company of Canada Ltd Toronto

ISBN 978-1-349-00174-3 ISBN 978-1-349-00172-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-00172-9

Preface ix
Acknowledgements XV
AbbreYiations and orthography xvii

I. The Santa Casada Miseric6rdia in Portugal

2. The Santas Casas da Miseric6rdia in Asia, Africa and Brazil 24

3·The City of the Saviour, I549-I763 43

4· The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia of Bahia
5. The Administration of Charity 96
6. Class, Creed and Colour in Administration I I6
7· Charity in Bahia
8. Dowries I73
9· Burials 20I
ro. Justice and Charity 234
11. The Hospital of Saint Christopher 260
12. The Foundling Wheel 295
I3· The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name of Jesus 320
I4. Conclusion 337

I. a. Monarchs of Portugal and Brcztil, 1Soo-176o
b. Viceroys and GOYernors-General of Brcztil at Bahia,
1549-1760 369
vi Fidalgos and Philanthropists
.2. ProYedors of the Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia of Bahia,
zS6o-z7SS 372
3· a. Currency in circulation in Brcqil, z55o-z75o
i. I 55o-1640
ii. Reigns of Dom Joao IV (r64o-r656), Dom Alfonso VI
(r656-r667) and the Regency of Dom Pedro (r667-r683)
iii. Reign of Dom Pedro II (r68J-I7o6)
iv. Reign of Dom Joao V (r7o6-r750)
b. The price of lahour, z68o-z7So 376
4· Weights and measures 381
i. Weights
ii. Measures of capacity (dry)
iii. Measures of capacity (liquid)
iv. Measures of length
Glossary 383
Bibliography 386
Index 407
Between pages 2o6 and 207

Compromisso of 1516 of the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon

Reproduced from Hist6ria de Portugal (Barcelos, 1928-3:7) ed. Damiiio Peres

A view of Bahia in 1714

Reproducedfrom Amedee Franfois Frerier, Relation du voyage de Ia mer du Sud
(Paris, 1:716)

An ex-voto of the eighteen century

A painting in the church of Mont' Serrat, Bahia

Joao de Mattos de Aguiar

A painting in the Misericordia of Bahia

Francisco F emandes do Sim

A painting in the Misericordia of Bahia

The Miseric6rdia of Bahia taking part in the Maundy Thursday procession

Tiles in the church of the brotherhood in Bahia

The 'procession of the bones'

Tiks in the church of the Misericordia in Bahia

The funeral cortege of a brother of the Miseric6rdia

Tiles in the church of the brotherhood in Bahia

Punishment of a Negro at Feira de Santana

Reproducedfrom Jolio Mauricio Rugendas, Viagem pitoresca atraves do Brasil
(5th ed., Sao Paulo, 19S4)

A foundling wheel
In the convent of Sta Clara do Desterro, Bahia

The Santa Casada Miseric6rdia of Bahia in 1958

Reproduced from Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa de Miseric6rdia da cidade do
Salvador (Rio de Janeiro, 1960)
viii Fidalgos and Philanthropists


Santas Casas da Miseric6rdia founded before 1750 30-31

The Reconcavo of Bahia
Portuguese America in 1750


I. The admissions of brothers to the Miseric6rdia of Bahia,

1665-1755 128
II. Legacies left to the Miseric6rdia for the saying of masses or for
charitable purposes, 16oo-1750 169
III. Legacies left to the Miseric6rdia for charitable purposes,

THE discoveries made by sailors serving under the flags of the Iberian
kingdoms in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries made the most dramatic
impact on western Europe. They had been born, not of a dynamic western
Europe eager forterritorial expansion, but of an inward-looking Europe
only just beginning to emerge from two painful centuries of social transition
and economic and territorial decline. The peripheral outposts of Christen-
dom had been lost in the latter part of the thirteenth century. The fourteenth
century had seen the overthrow of chivalry, and the ideals it embodied, by
a foot-slogging plebeian infantry. The feudal lords had yielded pride of
place to speculators and financiers only for these, in their tum, to be ruined
before the century had drawn to its close. Those cities which had been the
commercial emporia of Europe during the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth
centuries had declined because of the fall in trade in the late fourteenth and
early fifteenth centuries. Agrarian discontent had been rife throughout
Europe. In 1347 and subsequent years the whole of Europe, from the
Peloponnesus to Galway, had been ravaged by the 'Black Death'. It is
against this sombre background of general depression in western Europe
that the so-called 'Expansion' must be seen.
Portugal and Castile had been the leaders in this new age of discovery.
Under the patronage of the somewhat mythical Prince Henry, 'The
Navigator' (1394-146o), Portuguese captains had gradually advanced down
the west coast of Africa. In 1488 Bartholomeu Dias had rounded the Cape
of Good Hope. In 1492 the discoveries made by the Genoese Christopher
Columbus in the service of Castile, had opened up the new world of the
Americas. In 1498 Vasco da Gama had arrived in Calicut. In 1500 Pedro
Alvares Cabral had discovered Brazil. From these tentative, and sometimes
fortuitous landfalls, Spain and Portugal achieved the virtual territorial
monopoly of the Americas and much of the profit to be made in commerce
between Asia and Europe and within Asia itself. Only after 16oo was the
X Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Iberian supremacy in America and Asia to be challenged by the Dutch,
English and French.
It is all too easy to reduce Portuguese participation in this territorial and
commercial expansion of Europe to a calendar of dates of landfalls, naval
engagements, battles and the capture of cities. It is often regarded as a
history of the Sword and the Cross: of cruelty against native peoples,
piracy, arson, unjustified offensives against local potentates and a total
disregard for prevailing social and religious customs; of missionary zeal,
ranging the world from Japan to Brazil, with the Jesuit fathers providing a
spiritual counter-weight to the heavy bloodshed of conquest. Portuguese
chroniclers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries dwelt on these two
aspects. Their example has been followed by modern writers of standard
histories, who censure the alleged cruelty of Affonso de Albuquerque or wax
lyrical over the achievements of St Francis Xavier or Father Jose de Anchieta.
The vital factor in this great epic - the Portuguese themselves - has been
largely ignored. The reader will learn much from such chronicles and
histories about the viceroys, governors, marshals, admirals, saints and
bishops of the Portuguese overseas empire. He will have gained no insight
into the ways of life of the common soldier, sailor, merchant, lawyer, small-
holder, priest and artisan who formed small pockets of Portuguese through-
out Africa, Asia and Brazil.
As he wearily turns the final page of his chronicle or history he will
doubtless feel relief at an end to tales of bloodshed and sanctity which have
aroused feelings of revulsion and admiration in him. But many of his
questions will remain unanswered. Who were these Portuguese who left
kith and kin for the Orient or Brazil? What did they hope to achieve by so
doing? What lure did Asia hold for the storekeeper of Viana do Castelo or
Brazil for the peasant of the Minho? How did they react to their new
environments? What stresses and strains did they have to endure? What
were their prejudices? What legacies of Portuguese culture and administra-
tion did they preserve? These are the questions which must be posed and
answered before any understanding can be reached of the true nature of the
Portuguese expansion. The researcher will be led into many a historical
cul-de-sac in his quest, but the results will prove infinitely more rewarding
than those endless roll-calls of infamy and glory.
Viceroys, governors, chief justices and bishops were posted to Asia,
Preface xi
Africa and Brazil by the Portuguese Crown, served their terms of office and
were then recalled to Portugal. Their influence on the subjects under their
jurisdiction was slight and they contributed little (with some notable excep-
tions) to the social way of life of the various Portuguese settlements. It was
the common people who transposed to the East and to Brazil a community
structure such as had existed in the villages and towns which they had left in
Portugal. The Camara, or town council, and the lay brotherhoods were
social institutions common to every town in Portugal. The Portuguese who
travelled overseas took these institutions with them. Town councils were
established in very different circumstances, hut all were modelled on their
continental counterparts in Lisbon, Evora or Oporto. Lay brotherhoods
were founded in the overseas settlements and followed the statutes of the
parent bodies in Portugal. The social significance of such institutions has
not been sufficiently recognised by historians. Only recently has there come
from the pen of Professor C. R. Boxer a comparative study of the municipal
councils of Goa, Macao, Bahia and Luanda in which emphasis is laid on their
social importance. For their part the brotherhoods have been largely
ignored by historians, yet the answers to many of the questions posed
above are to he found in their archives.
The most important of these brotherhoods was the Brotherhood of Our
Lady, Mother of God, Virgin Mary of Mercy, which had been founded in
Lisbon in 1498. This brotherhood, commonly known as the Miseric6rdia,
had fallen under the royal patronage and had received many privileges. It
had grown rapidly in Portugal and branches had been founded overseas.
By the end of the sixteenth century practically every settlement of Portu-
guese, from Nagasaki to Bahia, had boasted its branch of the Miseric6rdia.
In view of the obvious importance of the Miseric6rdia it is curious that, of
the overseas branches of the brotherhood, book-length histories have only
been written of the branches in Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Goa and Macao.
Numerous articles deal with the artistic and religious aspects of the Miseri-
c6rdia. In all cases these histories and articles have dwelt on the Miseric6rdia
as an institution, hut serious studies of the social significance of the various
branches still have to he made.
My object in this book has been threefold. The first has been to describe
in detail Portuguese society as it existed in one part of her far-flung empire.
The society which I have chosen is that of Salvador, capital of the Captaincy
xii Fidalgos and Philanthropists

of Bahia and capital of Brazil from I 549 to I 763. The name of the city founded
in I549 was Salvador, but king and viceroy alike referred to it as Bahia.
This practice has persisted to the present day, and I have followed it except
in those cases where there could be ambiguity between Bahia (city) and
Bahia (captaincy). Bahia was one of the centres of the Brazilian sugar
industry during the colonial period. The patriarchal society of the sugar
plantations has been exhaustively described by historians, anthropologists
and novelists. The importance of the city as an urban centre has been largely
disregarded. This book is intended to remedy this deficiency to some degree
by describing the society of the capital. Whereas on the plantations the
social structure was limited to a slave-master relationship, in the city the
interaction of economic, religious and racial factors contributed to a social
structure of great complexity and flexibility.
My second object has been to describe an institution which was common
to both Portugal and Brazil. The Misericordia flourished in Portugal and
the branch in Bahia was the most important in colonial Brazil. The private
archives of the brotherhood in Bahia serve as an index to the economic and
social changes which occurred in Bahia during the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries. The brotherhood drew its members from the more eloquent
citizens, be these landed aristocrats, merchants, or prominent artisans. The
minutes of the boards of guardians record not only decisions on the policy
of the brotherhood but reflect the ideology of the colonial era in Brazil.
My third object has been to place the conclusions concerning Bahia and
the Misericordia within the wider context of Iberian expansion. This has
led to comparisons with the Spanish empire in America and with the
Portuguese settlements in Africa and Asia. Experts in these fields may well
disagree with some of my conclusions, but it seems important that they
should be made and that the society described should not be regarded as
peculiar to colonial Bahia.
This history is based primarily on unpublished archival materials. The
archives of Bahia are rich in manuscript collections for the eighteenth
century, but less so for the seventeenth century. All records of the sixteenth
century were destroyed by the Dutch during their occupation of Bahia
(I624-5). The registers in the archives of the Misericordia comprise some
IOO volumes for the period under discussion. These registers are more or
less complete from I66o, but there are occasional gaps in some of the less
Preface xiii
important series when a volume has been lost or destroyed. Thus some-
times one aspect of the activities of the Miseric6rdia can be more fully
documented than another. The municipal archives of Bahia are rich in
material dealing with local government. The most important series are the
minutes of the city council, which are complete from 1625, and the cor-
respondence between the city councillors and the Crown. These two
archival sources have been complemented by the manuscript collections in
the archives of the State of Bahia. These include copies of the correspond-
ence between the Crown or the Overseas Council in Lisbon and the governor-
general or viceroy in Bahia. This series is almost complete for the later
seventeenth century and the eighteenth century. In all cases the manu-
scripts in these archives have been generally classified and bound and are in
quite readable condition.
The printed material for this study has been sparse. The National
Library in Rio de Janeiro has performed a valuable service in publishing
documents of supreme importance for an understanding of the colonial
period in Brazil in its series entitled Documentos historicos da Biblioteca
Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. The city council of Bahia has published the
minutes of the city council for the period r625-1700 and some of the letters
from the city council to the Crown in the late seventeenth century. Other
printed sources include the writings of the early Jesuits and the contempo-
rary histories of Gabriel Soares de Sousa, friar Vicente do Salvador and
Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta. In the case of Bahia we are fortunate enough to
have the colourful, and on the whole accurate, descriptions of the city by
European visitors such as Froger, Dampier and Frezier.
While writing this book I have been made uncomfortably aware of how I
have wandered from the broad roads of history on to the narrow footpaths
of disciplines such as medicine, sociology, anthropology, ethnology and
economics. Each of these demands a formal training which I lack. Never-
theless I have pressed on over stiles and fences in the belief that such a study
cannot be made within the narrow confines of any single discipline. The
archives of Bahia contain much of interest for specialists in these disciplines-
mortality rates, prevalent diseases, immigration, miscegenation, genealogies,
slavery, demography and the economic history of Bahia. It was essential
that reference should be made to these issues and that hypotheses should be
advanced. Into one field alone have I not trespassed, the artistic. This has
xiv Fidalgos and Philanthropists
received excellent and exhaustive treatment in the monographs of Dr
Carlos Ott.
The Miseric6rdia was only one of innumerable brotherhoods in colonial
Bahia. These ranged from the white elites of the Miseric6rdia and the
Third Orders to the slave brotherhoods dedicated to St Benedict and Our
Lady of the Rosary. Their members formed a broad spectrum of Bahian
society. No definitive social history of Brazil can be written until the private
archives of these brotherhoods have been examined. The first step is to
overcome the strong 'falta de confianc;a ', or distrust, of historical researchers
felt by guardians of these archives (sometimes with justification). The
second step is to catalogue the manuscripts in these archives and, if possible,
publish the fruits of these researches. Only after such preliminary investiga-
tions have been made can monographs be written on individual brotherhoods,
and only then will it be possible to write a truly representative social history
of Brazil.
This book is not addressed to any particular class of readers. Students
of colonial history will doubtless find items of interest and will establish
comparisons which have escaped the writer. Specialists in the disciplines
mentioned above may find information on subjects within their own fields,
which are here treated in a different perspective. But it may also appeal to
the general reader whose interests lie in the broader themes of the influence
of economic factors on social change, or the conflicts of race and society.
Some may even be persuaded to follow the writer in the courses of the
caravels through those (in the words of the Portuguese poet Luis de Camoes)
'mares nunca d'antes navegados'.
A. J. R. RussELL-W oon
Isle of Anglesey
October 1967

THis book has been made possible by the generous assistance I have
received from governments, staffs of archives, and individual scholars.
The British and Brazilian governments, through their respective Ministries
of Education and Culture, provided funds which enabled me to spend
eighteen months in Brazil in 1964-5. St Antony's College, Oxford, gave me
a pied-a-terre during the period of writing and more recently elected me to
a Research Fellowship. Directors of libraries and archives on both sides of
the Atlantic have gone out of their way to procure obscure books or to
facilitate the consultation of manuscripts. In England I wish to record my
gratitude to the following: the staffs of the Bodleian Library and of the
Taylor Institution, Oxford; the staffs of the British Museum, of the Institute
of Historical Research and of King's College of the University of London.
The welcome accorded me and the friendly co-operation I received in
Brazilian archives and libraries could not have been surpassed. Dr Darcy
Damasceno of the manuscript section of the Biblioteca Nacional, and Dr
Jose Hon6rio Rodrigues and Dr Jose Gabriel Calmon da Costa Pinto in the
Arquivo Nacional, made my stay in Rio de Janeiro most profitable. In
Bahia the staff of the Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia, under the Provedors Dr
Joao da Costa Pinto Dantas Junior and Mr Erwin Morgenroth, afforded me
every facility during the many months I worked in the archives of the
brotherhood. Dr Lufs Henrique Dias Tavares, director of the Arquivo
PUblico, and Dr Affonso Rui, director of the Arquivo Municipal, cut away
much bureaucratic red tape and permitted me to consult their manuscript
collections freely. The nuns of the convent of Sta Clara do Desterro were
extremely gracious in allowing me to study in their archives. The officers
of the lnstituto Geogcifico e Hist6rico da Bahia gave me full facilities to use
their library and did me the honour of electing me as a corresponding
member towards the end of my stay in Bahia.
My gratitude is due to many people who have contributed to this book
xvi Fidalgos and Philanthropists
in various ways. I am particularly grateful to Professor C. R. Boxer, who
awoke my interest in Brazil initially and whose enthusiasm has spurred me
on during the period of research and writing. At all times he has shared his
deep knowledge of the Portuguese seaborne empire and has allowed me to
consult books in his library, which are otherwise virtually unobtainable on
this side of the Atlantic. My thanks are also due to Professor H. R. Trevor-
Roper, whose illuminating comments have suggested comparisons and
encouraged me to view the Bahian situation within a wider context. I
should also like to record my gratitude to the following Bahianos: Dr Thales
de Azevedo, whose own researches have contributed to our knowledge of
Bahian society; Dr Frederico Edelweiss, for much stimulating conversation
on the foundation of the city of Salvador and for permission to roam freely
around his magnificent library; Dr Carlos Ott, who suggested archival
sources; Dona Marieta Alves, who facilitated my entry into the archives of
the Third Order ofSt Francis. Mrs Agnes Neeser contributed much towards
making my stay in Bahia so happy and Mr Erik Loeff's kindness enabled me
to visit the Reconcavo and see many of the places described in this book.
Father Michael Cooper, S.J., and Dr D. A. G. Waddell put me on the track
of references to Japan and New Mexico respectively. Professor Raymond
Carr made helpful editorial suggestions. While acknowledging my grati-
tude to these people for their assistance and encouragement, I must make it
clear that they are in no way responsible for the opinions expressed in this
book, nor for any errors of fact or interpretation which it may contain.
Miss Georgina Best and Miss Rosemary Hunt placed their technical skills
at my disposal, the former in typing the manuscript, and the latter in devoting
many hours to the drawing of the maps. My greatest debt is to my parents
who meticulously checked the manuscript and made many valuable sugges-
tions for improvements: this book is dedicated to them.
A. J. R. R.-W.
Abbreviations and Orthography

THE following abbreviations have been used in the footnotes to refer to

archives which have been consulted.
ACDB Archives of the Convent of Sta Clara do Desterro, Salvador,
AMB Archives of the Municipality of Salvador, Bahia.
APB Public Archives of the State of Bahia.
ASCMB Archives of the Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia, Salvador, Bahia.
ANRJ National Archives, Rio de Janeiro.
BNRJ National Library, Rio de Janeiro.
The Portuguese language over the last 500 years has been characterised
by its conservatism in morphology and syntax, but presents problems of
orthography. In the transcription of documents of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries I have preserved the original spelling and punctuation.
This accounts for scribal inconsistencies such as Sousa-Souza, Sa-Saa,
F emandes-F emandez, Crasto-Castro, esquiffe-esquife, cidade-sidade,
sanctos-santos. Orthographic reforms have done little to solve incon-
sistencies of accentuation and transliteration in modem Portuguese and
Brazilian. Common variants are annaes-anais, historia-hist6ria, geo-
graphico-geografico and archivo-arquivo. Proper names and place names
are similarly inconsistent, e.g. Antonio-Ant6nio-Antonio, Vasconcellos-
Vasconcelos, Macao-Macau, Loanda-Luanda and Bafa-Bahia. In general I
have used the English forms of place names where these are in common
usage, e.g. Oporto not Porto, Lisbon not Lisboa, and Mozambique not
Mo¥ambique. In other cases I have employed the Portuguese forms to
avoid possible ambiguities.


The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia zn Portugal

THE Brotherhood of Our Lady, Mother of God, Virgin Mary of Mercy was
dedicated on 1; August 1498 in a chapel of the cathedral of Lisbon. The
traditional founders were a group of laymen and a Trinitarian friar. The
new brotherhood was approved by the Regent Dona Leonor and confirmed
by her brother, the King Dom Manuel I. Statutes were drawn up, and the
initial membership was limited to fifty nobles and fifty plebeians. The
avowed object of the brotherhood was to afford spiritual and material aid to
all in need. From this modest origin the brotherhood, popularly known as
the Santa Casa da Misericordia or simply the Santa Casa, spread throughout
the Portuguese-speaking world. Branches ranged from Nagasaki in Japan
to Ouro Preto in the interior of Brazil. The story of the Misericordia is
comprehensible only against the background of the older story of charitable
assistance in Europe.
Poverty is the result of many related factors - physical, economic and
social. The Middle Ages in Europe was a period of physical hardship for
the lower classes. Famine was frequent, because of inadequate reserves of
food supplies. An agrarian economy supported communities at subsistence
level. Failure of a crop meant hunger. Deficient communications and
transport made the movement of foodstuffs from one area to another
impossible. Marginal wage-earners lacked financial resources to sustain
physical set-backs. Cyclical poverty resulting from a single disaster often
became endemic poverty. Malnutrition and hardship made whole com-
munities ready victims of the other scourge of the Middle Ages - plague.
Despite the great mortality resulting from famine and plague, there was an
increase in the population of western Europe between the tenth and four-
teenth centuries. This brought its own problems. An increase in the labour
2. Fidalgos and Philanthropists
force did not imply an increase in productivity. In fact, the opposite was the
case and in some areas the disruption of the ecological equilibrium resulted
in impoverishment. 1
Economic and social changes in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries also
disrupted the life of the lower classes. The gradual decline of feudalism
from the late twelfth century placed greater onus on the individual. Al-
though the manorial system had resulted in much exploitation, it had also
afforded a degree of protection to the serf. The decline of feudalism was
hastened by the increasing importance of the cities and the development of
international trade. Venice was the wealthiest city in Europe in the eleventh
century because of its commercial links with Constantinople. Capital
gained by trade was invested in light industries such as weaving and spinning.
This professional attitude towards industry ousted 'cottage' crafts in the
rural areas. Migration to the cities resulted in highly competitive labour
and forced wages down to the minimum. For the first time Europe faced
the problem of urban poverty.
Societies were formed to protect the interests of artisans and to provide
social relief. From the outset a distinction must be made between the
artisan groups, which multiplied in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and
the confraternities whose prime function was to afford mutual assistance.
The former -known variously as jurls, scuole or Ziinfte - were designed
to protect the interests of a professional group. Religious observance was a
prominent characteristic of these corporations. Members were obliged to
attend mass in the corporation's church and the annual celebrations in
honour of the patron saint. Social services for members and their de-
pendents took the form of dowries or outright alms. Some corporations
even maintained their own hospitals. 2 The confraternities shared the
characteristic of religious observance. Unlike the corporations, their
I G. Duby, La societe aux XI• et XII• siecles dans la region maconnaise (Paris,

19;3), p. 64. For a general study of the relationship between population increase
and productivity see David Herlihy, 'The Agrarian Revolution in Southern
France and Italy, 8or-1150' in Speculum, vol. 33 (1958), pp. 23-41, which modifies
the over-optimistic portrayal given by H. Pirenne, MediaeYal Cities: their origins
and the reYiYal of trade (Princeton, 1946), p. 81.
2 For a study of these artisan groups in France see E. Martin Saint-Leon,

Hi'stoire des corporations de mlftiers depuis leurs origines jusqu' leur suppression en
1:791 (4th ed., Paris, 1941), especially pp. 171-4 on mutual assistance.
The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia in Portugal 3
membership was not taken from one class of society. It was composed of
lay men and women who wished to perform works of Christian charity
towards their neighbours. Administration was in the hands of a governing
body with a term of office up to one year. The governing body allocated
duties to members who fulfilled different charitable services in rotation. A
factor common to all these brotherhoods was provision for the social well-
being of brothers and their families. This consisted of dowries, alms, prison
aid, hospital treatment and burial. In some brotherhoods one aspect
predominated: for example the Confraternity of St Leonard at Viterbo,
famous for its hospital in the twelfth century, and the fifteenth-century
Confraternity of S. Giovanni Decollato of Florence, specialised in the
accompanying of the condemned to the scaffold and the subsequent burial
of their bodies. 1
Nowhere did brotherhoods founded for charitable ends multiply so
profusely as in northern and central Italy. Venice, Milan and Florence
counted such societies by the hundred. All social classes reacted to the stoic
doctrines of St Francis and St Dominic. Some lay men and women chose
the spiritual essence of renunciation and formed secular groups of tertiaries
allied to the mendicant orders. Others chose a more worldly vocation and
established brotherhoods specifically to assist the urban poor. The circum-
stances surrounding the foundation of one of the oldest brotherhoods of
Florence, the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy (Confraternita di Santa
Maria della Misericordia), illustrate how social preoccupations were felt by
all classes and contribute to our knowledge of the foundation of its namesake
in Lisbon.
In the thirteenth century Florence was famous for its manufacture of
woollen goods and a trade fair was held twice a year. A large number of
porters were employed on such occasions and passed their free time in a
cellar on the south side of the present Piazza del Duomo. In 1244, one
Piero Borsi, shocked by the blasphemies of his fellows, instituted a swear box
to which all offenders contributed a cra'{_ia (about a halfpenny). All fines
went towards the purchase and upkeep of six litters, kept in different parts of
the city, for the transportation of the sick to hospital and the removal of the
1 For a complete study of the Italian brotherhoods see G. M. Monti, Le con-

fraternite medievali dell'Alta e Media ltalia (2 vols., Venezia, 1927), especially

vol. I, chapters 4--?·
4 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
bodies of victims of sudden death from the streets. This was the origin of
the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mercy. 1
The brotherhood grew in prestige and wealth. A private oratory was
built on land over the cellar, given to the Misericordia by the governor in
1248 in recognition of its valuable services to the community. The humani-
tarian activities of the brothers in the great plague of 1325, in which some
xoo,ooo Florentines died, brought much credit to the Misericordia. The
number of brothers, originally limited to seventy-two porters, was increased.
Nobles were also admitted for the first time on payment of the usual sub-
scription. The only conditions were that they should be of the Catholic
faith and of good repute. With this larger membership the Misericordia was
able to expand its social services. Seven groups, each of fifteen brothers,
visited all parts of the city twice daily to care for the needy. There was also
an increase in the governing body to seventy-two members, known as the
Capi di Guardia. These were chosen from different social strata - ten
prelates, fourteen nobles, twenty priests and twenty-eight labourers. Each
member had equal voting powers. The governing body elected a Prov-
veditore to serve as President for four months. He was assisted by a Vice-
President and a Chancellor.
The success of the Misericordia aroused the jealousy of other brother-
hoods. In 1425, when the Misericordia was at its apogee, Cosima de Medici,
a powerful voice in Florence and a member of the governing body of the
Compagnia Maggiore di Santa Maria del Bigallo, suggested the amalgamation
of this ailing brotherhood with the prosperous Misericordia. The protests
of the Misericordia were over-ruled and the union took place. The results
were fatal for the Misericordia which suffered loss of prestige and had to
reduce its charitable activities because of lack of co-operation from its
unwelcome partner. Only in 1475, after a body had been left in the street
for several hours, were measures taken by the municipal authorities to
revive the Misericordia. The prominent role played by the brotherhood
during the plague of 1494 firmly re-established its reputation.
The need for social assistance, which had given rise to the foundation of
1 The outline history which follows is based on Placido Landini, lstoria del-

l'Oratorio e della Venerahile Arciconfraternita di Santa Maria della Misericordia

della citta di Firenr_e (Firenze, 1843) and Maria Zucchi, 'The Misericordia of
Florence' in The Dublin Review, no. 229 (1894), vol. 114, pp. 333-45.
The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia in Portugal 5
charitable brotherhoods in Italy in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, was no less present in Portugal. Nor was the response less great,
although generally there were fewer financial resources available for charity
than in the commercial emporia of Italy. The need can be reduced to the
trilogy of plague, famine and war. To these may be added agrarian
depopulation as a result of the overseas expansion in the sixteenth
There were twenty-two recorded outbreaks of plague in Portugal be-
tween n88 and I496. Many more local outbreaks probably went un-
recorded or were not recognised as such. The 'great pestilence' of I 3 1o was
so devastating that burial of the dead was a physical problem. The grim
story was repeated in I 333; even mass burials in communal graves could not
clear the streets of corpses. 1 Although serious, these local outbreaks were
insignificant in comparison with the great tragedy of the Middle Ages:
the Black Death. This bubonic plague had originated in Crimean Tartary
and had been brought to Europe by Genoese ships in early 1347· It had
spread rapidly throughout Europe and reached Portugal in September
IJ48, causing widespread mortality.z During the fifteenth century there
were further intermittent outbreaks affecting both the countryside and
the cities. An account of the visit of the Bohemian Baron, Leo of Rozmital,
to Portugal in the 1460s was written by a member of his suite and described
the havoc wrought by plague on the villages of northern Portugal:
We left the Counts and rode through a great mortality from plague,
such as I have never heard of. We rode through a market or village
which was quite deserted and desolated. Not another soul was to be
seen. What wretched experiences we had there no one would believe.
We had to buy wine and bread from people who lay ill, or had sick
people in the house, and lodge with them. But for the most part as
long as we rode through that country I lay with my horses in the open.

1 F. da Silva Correia gives a full list of outbreaks in Portugal sanitdrio (Lisboa,

1937), chapter 37·

2 Estimates of the extent of the mortality vary between 90 per cent (Jose F. de

Macedo Pinto, Medicina administrativa e legislativa apud F. da Silva Correia,

Estudos s8hre a hist6ria da Assistencia. Origens e formcz;iio das Miseric6rdias
portuguesas (Lisboa, 1944), p. 245 and from 35 to 50 per cent (Marcello Caetano,
A administrafiiO municipal de Lishoa durante a!" dinastia, 1179-1383 (Lisboa, 195 r),
p. So.
6 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
In many places as we rode through the world, we saw nothing but sky,
water and heath. 1
In the cities the situation was equally bad. Plague prevailed in Lisbon
from I477 to I497, despite sanitary measures ordered by Dom Joao. 11.2
A contributory factor was the large number of Jews who had sought refuge
in Lisbon after having been expelled from Spain in I492 and had been
carriers of plague.J The courts of Dom Manuel I (I495-IPI) and Dom
Joao III (I pi-57) moved constantly between Lisbon, Almeirim, Sintra and
Evora in an attempt to escape outbreaks of plague.
Plague and famine were constant fellows. Portugal suffered at least five
outbreaks of famine within the first four centuries of its nationhood. The
earliest recorded famine was in I I 22 and extended from the Minho to the
Tagus, lands only recently conquered from the Moors.4 An outbreak in
1202 was common to all western Europe and was especially severe in
Portugal, killing man and beast alike. The years 1267, I333 and I356 were
years of famine, often linked to plague. Local outbreaks of famine could not
easily be remedied. This was largely because of the excessive number of
privileges granted to municipalities, villages, castles, churches and private
owners of bridges and roads for the levying of crippling taxes on all food-
stuffs passing through the area of their jurisdiction. Many municipalities
imposed sumptuary laws, and refused to permit the export of foodstuffs or
the import from other regions of any commodity produced locally. The
difficulty of finding suitable transportation also made it virtually impossible
for prosperous areas to send help to their neighbours stricken by
To these natural misfortunes must be added the devastating effects of war,
a constant factor in Portuguese life from the twelfth to the fourteenth
1 The Travels of Leo of Rormital through Germany, Flanders, England, France,

Spain, Portugal and Italy 146S-z46:J, edited by Malcolm Letts for the Hakluyt
Society (Cambridge, I957), p. I IO.
z Eduardo Freire de Oliveira, Elementos para a historia do municipio de Lisboa
(I9 vols., Lisboa, I882-I94J), vol. I, p. 363; cf. vol. I, p. 318 for municipal
measures as early as 1437·
3 Rui de Pina, Cr6nica de El-Rei D. foiio II (Coimbra, 1950), chapter lxv.
4 Henrique da Gama Barros, Historia da administrafiio publica em Portugal nos
seculos XII a XV (I I vols., 2nd ed., Lisboa, 1945-54), vol. 5, p. 125.
5 Henrique da Gama Barros, op. cit., vol. 5, p. IJO.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal 7
centuries. Agriculture was disrupted and villages destroyed. The re-
conquest of Portugal lasted over a century before the national territory was
finally established by the conquest of the Algarve in 1249. The reigns of
Dom Diniz (1279-1325), Dom Affonso IV (1325-57) and Dom Joao II
( 1481-95) were troubled by civil wars. Castile was a constant threat until
the battle of Aljubarrota (1385) ended the pretensions of Juan I to the
Portuguese throne. F ernao Lopes, the chronicler of the siege of Lisbon by
the Castilian troops in April 1384, provided an insight into the miseries of
war for the common person, accompanied by the abandonment of agri-
culture and the ravages of plague and famine. He described the peasants
flocking into Lisbon from the neighbouring countryside, parents with their
children in their arms and their worldly possessions on a mule. This sudden
influx resulted in a chronic shortage of food and water, despite heavy
provisioning by John of Aviz. All those unable to serve in the defence of the
city were expelled, but even this measure could not avoid exorbitant prices
for food and wine. Many resorted to scavenging and eating roots. From
famine to plague was but a short step. Ironically enough, the Castilian
army succumbed first to this evil. In March 1384, when leaving Santarem,
Juan had been advised against besieging Lisbon because of plague victims in
his ranks. The static and cramped living conditions in the encampments
around the walls of Lisbon aggravated the situation and the deaths of some
200 soldiers daily finally compelled Juan to withdraw. 1
In addition to plagues of continental origin, there were those born of the
African campaigns. The first Portuguese overseas offensive against Ceuta
in r4r5 had resulted in the transmission of plague to the Algarve by the
returning soldiers. The fifteenth-century chronicler, Zurara, referred
briefly to this negative aspect of the conquest and listed the names of noble-
men who had died from plague. 2 The overseas conquests were later, and
especially after r 5oo, to disturb the ecological equilibrium of the rural areas
of Portugal. At first, they provided a safety valve for rural overpopulation
but excessive migration of peasants to Lisbon and overseas finally resulted
in the depopulation of large areas of northern Portugal. The ludicrous
1 Femao Lopes, Cr6nica de D. joao I (2 vols., Porto, 1945-9), vol. r, chapters
lxx, lxxxvi, cxxxvi, cxlviii and cxlix.
2 Gomes Eannes de Zurara, Cr6nica da tomada de Ceuta por El Rei D. joao I

(Lisboa, 1915), chapter ciii.

8 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
character of the ratinho, or country bumpkin, of the plays of Gil Vicente
typified the hopes of rapid social advancement which induced peasant lads
to go to Lisbon and supplied makeshift seamen for the Indiamen.
Social philanthropy in Portugal, in its most primitive form, had originated
in albergarias, or inns, situated on the pilgrim routes as early as the eleventh
century. Local shrines were common in the Douro and Minho and the cult
of St James brought pilgrims from all over Europe to Santiago de Com-
postela. I Hostelries had been established on royal or monastic foundations,
or simply by individuals for commercial gain. Essentially these hostelries
offered shelter for pilgrims, but sometimes provision was made for the poor
and there was even a rudimentary medical service. In fact, some of these
inns later became hospitals. The famous Albergaria dos Mirleus in Coimbra
became a leper house and an enquiry by Dom Diniz in IJ2I revealed that the
inn at Pampilhosa housed nine lepers. 2 The word hospital was often used as
a synonym for albergaria but did not always imply medical assistance, the
degree of social philanthropy varying from one inn to the next.
The line of distinction between the different types of hostelries is not
clear, but the following brief description will indicate their form and
functions. The hostelries gave a roof and a bed for three days and a small
ration of food and water. In the larger inns there were special quarters for
the gentry. In the small isolated hostelries of the Beira Alta and Alto
Douro, which rang bells to guide weary travellers through the mountains,
the accommodation was no more than a straw mattress and a heavy blanket.
The majority of these inns were situated along the old Roman roads between
Lisbon, Coimbra, Oporto and Braga, with a heavy concentration in the
mountainous regions of the Minho and Alto Douro. South of Lisbon there
were only twenty-seven inns, of which half were in the district ofEvora, out
of a total for the country calculated at r86.3 Not all these inns were situated
on the highways and byways. Two of the most famous were the Albergaria
de Payo Delgado in Lisbon and the Albergaria de Rocamador in Oporto, both

I For a general description of these pilgrimages see Mario Martins, S.J., Pere-

grina;oes e livros de milagres na nossa !dade Media (2nd ed., Lisboa, 1957).
2 Hist6ria de Portugal. Edi;ao monumental (8 vols., Barcelos, 1928-37, ed.
Damiao Peres), vol. 4, p. 532.
3 F. da Silva Correia, Escudos sohre a hist6ria da Assistencia, pp. 406-2o and
figure 76.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal 9
dating from the twelfth century. A reconstruction of the latter illustrates
the ambivalent nature of these establishments. Annexed to the main
hostelry was a hospital with eighteen beds for the poor and five private
rooms for 'distinguished gentlemen'. There was also a kitchen, an orchard,
a private chapel and a cemetery. 1 Although only one inn in four was in a
city, over half of the 21 I hospitals were in the cities of Lisbon, Oporto,
Guimariies, Coimbra, Evora and Santan!m. Lisbon itself counted some
fifty hospitals providing for its citizenry and foreign travellers, many of these
hospitals being linked to hostelries.
Allied to the hostelry-hospital complex were the leper houses, about
which there is more information because they were under royal or municipal
jurisdiction. The Moorish invasions and the return to Portugal of infected
crusaders had led to an increase in leprosy in the eleventh and twelfth
centuries. Since it was regarded as incurable, the authorities made no attempt
to provide any medical care. It was up to the individual to seek alleviation
in the sulphur baths, of which those at Lafoes were the most famous. Nor
was there any law forbidding lepers from circulating freely in the cities and
along the roads. The number ofleper houses in Portugal has been calculated
at seventy-five, a conservative estimate considering the prevalence of this
disease in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.z
Leper houses fell into three administrative groups. First there were
those under royal jurisdiction, where the warden was nominated by the
Crown. Such was the leper house of St Lazarus in Coimbra, whose first
director had been appointed by Dam Diniz and which received numerous
privileges from other kings. Secondly, came those leper houses under the
jurisdiction of municipal councils, such as the leper house of St Lazarus in
Lisbon. A third group were those houses run by the lepers themselves, who
had formed an association and built their own leper house. One of the
oldest leper houses in Portugal was of this type, having been founded in
Santarem possibly in the time of Dam Affonso Henriques. The earliest
extant statutes date from 1217 and were drawn up by the lepers themselves
who elected their own director and board of guardians. The Crown en-
couraged such initiative by concessions of land well outside the municipal
1 Magalhaes Basto, Historia da Santa Casa da Misericordia do Porto (Porto,
1934), P· 327.
z F. da Silva Correia, Estudos sabre a historia da Assisdncia, pp. 435-42.
10 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
limits to prevent any risk of contagion. 1 A typical leper community
consisted of a chapel and some seven to ten small houses for the lepers within
a walled patio. It was self-supporting with garden and orchard, and relied
on alms for financial support. In the larger establishments there was a
resident warden, cellars, a wood-burning stove, a wine or olive press and a
dispensary. A leper colony in Coimbra in 1452 even included a prison!
The rules for admittance to such colonies were rigid. An entrant contri-
buted a part of his possessions to the community and was only allowed to
leave with the permission of the warden, granted only for begging or
pilgrimage. Usually leper houses catered for both sexes, single and married,
hut heavy penalties were enforced for concubinage. The lepers received a
daily ration of food and wine, with special allowances on saints' days and
religious festivals. The lepers guarded their privileges jealously, examining
all new applications to ensure that no healthy person, or a cured leper,
should benefit without justification. 2
The philanthropic stimulus for the foundation and maintenance of these
inns, hospitals or leper houses came from a variety of sources, individual and
collective, ecclesiastical and lay. The monastic orders played an important
role in assisting the indigent and infirm on a national scale. Pride of place
must go to the Cistercian monastery at Alcoha~a, founded in the second half
of the twelfth century. This maintained a hostelry and a hospital with wards
where not only monks hut poor people were cured free of charge. From the
fifteenth century it possessed the first regular pharmacy in Portugal with a
resident pharmacist. The monastery was aided in this social welfare by royal
privileges to defray expenses. Such privileges included the right to a
portion of the corn crop and to fish from the nearby village of Pederneira.
The smaller Orders of St Antao, Saint Mary of Rocamadour and the
Trinitarians followed this example. The first was dedicated to the care of
victims of ergotism, a disease produced by eating bread made with diseased
rye, and present in Portugal from the twelfth century. By the fourteenth
century the Order had five main monasteries and several small monasteries,
with wards for the sick. The origin of the Order of Our Lady of Rocama-

Damiao Peres, op. cit., vol. 4, pp. 548-56.


F. da Silva Correia, Estudos sohre a historia da Assistencia, pp. 369-'74, pub-

lishes summaries of the statutes of the leper houses ofSantarem (1261) and Coimbra
The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia in Portugal II
dour is obscure. It appears that the charitable brotherhood which main-
tained a hospital for pilgrims to Rocamadour was brought to Portugal by
the crusaders. The Order established its seat at Sousa-a-Velha on land
endowed by Dom Sancho I (n8;-12n). Other royal favours followed and
the Order established hospitals in Lisbon, Oporto, Coimbra, Santarem,
Leiria, Braga, Torres Vedras and Guimaraes. The Trinitarians catered for a
different charitable purpose - the ransom of Christians captive in Moorish
hands. In addition to collecting alms with which to pay the ransom, the
Order maintained hospitals in Lisbon and Santarem for the ransomed and
for the poor.
In comparison with the monastic orders, the charitable role played by the
Templars and the Hospitallers in Portugal was small. The Templars had
their main sphere of activity in the region between the Mondego and the
Tagus, founding some hostelries and hospitals and endowing others. The
action of the Hospitallers was insignificant, despite encouragement from the
first king of Portugal, Dom Affonso Henriques (II39-85), who had handed
over to them the administration of a hospital he had founded in Evora. 1
Portuguese royalty vied with the monastic orders in founding hostelries,
hospitals and leper houses. In his will Dom Diniz provided for lepers, the
ransom of captives, the clothing of the poor and dowries, and made grants
towards the upkeep of inns and leper houses. The most famous royal
benefactors were Dona Isabel, Queen of Dom Diniz, and Dona Leonor,
Queen of Dom Joao II. The generosity of Dona Isabel in the distribution
of alms led to accusations of extravagance by king and courtiers. The
common people attributed miraculous powers to her. In Lent she washed
the feet of lepers and fallen women and on one occasion she healed the foot
of a crippled woman. Contemporary chroniclers praised her Christian
humility and charity, whatever the criticism levelled against her at court. 2
Dona Leonor was more practical, founding a hospital at Caldas in I48;.
A resident medical staff of physician, surgeon, 'barber' (for bleeding),
pharmacist and nurses cared for a hundred sick. This foundation was

I For a survey of the monastic and military orders and the social action of the
clergy in Portugal see Fortunato de Almeida, His toria da igreja em Portugal
(4 vols., Coimbra, 191o-24), val. 1, pp. 264-340 and pp. 541-9, vol. 2, pp. 103-85
and pp. 439-43, val. 3 (2nd part), pp. 467-88.
2 Cronica de D. Dinis (Coimbra, 1947), chapters 3-4.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

the first step towards the reform of hospital conditions in Portugal.

Charity towards the needy and infirm on the part of the laity was not
limited to royalty. As had been the case in other European countries,
groups of laymen were formed for mutual assistance and charitable acts.
Once again the distinction must be made between associations of a pro-
fessional nature and lay brotherhoods. Some historians have considered
that the professional associations presented two fronts; the civil, consisting
of economic interests and the protection of these interests, and the religious,
corresponding to the brotherhood. I This is too narrow an interpretation,
implying a connection between the association and the brotherhood which
does not exist. The Portuguese historian, Marcello Caetano, gave two
definitions for associations of artisans: first 'a grouping of those exercising
the same trade', and secondly 'a corporation, formed of more than one
profession'. 2 While true for groups of artisans such unions would have
been extremely rare between brotherhoods, who were jealously proud of
their independence. The distinction between the association and the
brotherhood is clear from the respective statutes. The associations of
artisans followed a regimento, or set of rules, approved by the municipal
council or the Crown, whereas the brotherhoods enjoyed the flexibility of a
compromisso, or statutes, based on mutual trust.
The charitable activities of the associations were limited to their own
members. Many had their own hospitals, such as that of the carpenters of
the Ribeira of Lisbon, that of the cobblers ofT6rres Vedras and that of the
weavers ofLeiria. 3 As for brotherhoods, their presence in Portugal from an
early date is as indubitable as it is undocumented. Brief consideration of the
functions of two early brotherhoods will provide the historical context of
social philanthropy in which it is essential to view the Miseric6rdia.
The Confraria dos Homens Eons ('Brotherhood of the Worthy Men') was
founded in Beja in 1297 and authorised by Dom Diniz on condition that its
I Paul Viollet, Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de !a France

(3 vols., Paris, 189o--1903), vol. 3, pp. 143-76, and especially pp. 164-5; L. Lalle-
mand, Histoire de !a chariuf (4 vols., Paris, 1902-12), vol. 3, p. 333, n. 1 and p.
334, n. 7·
2 Marcello Caetano, 'A antiga organizac;ao dos mesteres da cidade de Lisboa' in

Franz-Paul Langhans, As corporaf6es dos oflcios mecanicos-subsidios para a sua

hist6ria (2 vols., Lisboa, 1943-6), pp. xi-lxxiv.
3 Damiao Peres, op. cit., vol. 4, pp. 542-3.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal IJ
wealth and property remained in lay hands. Essentially aristocratic, it is
reminiscent of Germanic guilds for mutual defence in battle. The statutes
provided for the replacement of a dead horse in battle, mutual assistance for
brothers in the king's service, and ordered that the fifth part of all booty be
given to the communal coffers. If these clauses are not typical of Portuguese
brotherhoods, those dealing with medical assistance, financial aid and the
saying of masses were common to more plebeian brotherhoods. 1 The
Brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception of Sintra (I 346) was such a
brotherhood. The statutes included clauses on the weekly mass of the
brotherhood, the annual dinner, visits to the sick, the reconciliation of dis-
cordant elements, funeral arrangements and the saying of masses for the souls
of dead brothers and their families. 2 These two brotherhoods and the
Third Order of St Francis (I 289) are the oldest lay brotherhoods in Portugal
for which there are details. There are vague accounts of the existence of a
brotherhood dedicated to Our Lady of Mercy in the cathedral of Lisbon
before I2JO. Its functions were to bury the dead, visit and console the sick,
assist prisoners, and accompany to the scaffold criminals sentenced to death.
By the fifteenth century there existed in Portugal not only a social
conscience but the charitable mechanism to satisfy this feeling. Indeed,
there was such a profusion of leper houses, hospitals and charitable brother-
hoods, that considerable overlapping of activities was inevitable. This was
especially so in Lisbon and resulted in much abuse in the application of alms.
In the I42os, Dom Pedro had written to his brother Dom Duarte suggesting
royal intervention in the administration of inns. The 1446legal code known
as the Ordena;oes Affonsinas had advocated that lawsuits over legacies to
brotherhoods should be heard in civil and not ecclesiastical courts. By the
end of the fifteenth century two attitudes towards social philanthropy were
apparent: first, the necessity for an official policy on social welfare; secondly
the desire on the part of the Crown to lessen ecclesiastical jurisdiction over
charitable lay brotherhoods.
The first positive action was in I479, when the future Dom Joao II, while
still a prince, secured a papal bull authorising the fusion of all the small
hospitals of Lisbon into a single building. This centralising policy was
I F. da Silva Correia, Estudos sohre a hist6ria da Assistencia, PP· 288--9.
z A. Braamcamp Freire, 'Compromisso de confraria em IJ46' in Archivo
Historico Portuguer_, vol. I, no. IO (Lisboa, 1903), pp. 349-55·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
extended to all cities in Portugal by a bull of Pope Innocent VIII in 1485.
The first result of this policy was the Hospital of All Saints, founded in
Lisbon in 1492. This building incorporated forty-three small hospitals of
the city and environs. When it was finished some ten years later, it had five
main wards with a hundred beds, subsidiary wards outside the main building,
a foundling home and a hostelry. 1 Dom Manuel followed the policy of
his predecessor and secured a papal bull in 1499 for the amalgamation of
hospitals in Coimbra, Evora and Santarem. By the time of his death in 1521
this was standard practice throughout Portugal.
There is no concrete evidence that the foundation of the Santa Casa da
Miseric6rdia in Lisbon in 1498 constituted another aspect of this official
centralisation of social assistance. The fact that the brotherhood later came
to fulfil this role was the result of its immediate success and royal patronage.
Nor is there any evidence to support the view that the Miseric6rdia of
Lisbon was influenced by charitable brotherhoods in Italy. This assertion
is based on two facts: first, the similarity of name and function of the
Miseric6rdia in Lisbon and the Misericordia in Florence; secondly, a clause
in the will of Dom Joao II commending the administration of the hospital
of Florence as a model for the new Hospital of All Saints in Lisbon. 2 Cer-
tainly there were close links between Portugal and Italy. The relationship
had been established by the marriage (I 146) of the first King of Portugal,
Dom Affonso Henriques, to Mafalda, daughter of Amadeus III, Count of
Maurienne and Savoy; had been fostered by the European contacts of
Dom Diniz and his appointment of the Genoese Manuel Pe<;anha as High
Admiral to reform the Portuguese navy; and had been confirmed by Dom
Affonso IV (1325-57) and Dom Pedro I (1357-67) who granted charters
giving freedom of trade and movement to many Italian families in Lisbon.
Nevertheless, certain facts must be borne in mind. Brotherhoods dedicated
to Our Lady of Mercy existed all over Europe. Moreover, a tradition of
charitable brotherhoods had been firmly established in Portugal before 1498.

1 The date of completion varies between I50I and I504 and estimates of the

number of beds available between I03 and I50, Eduardo Freire de Oliveira,
Elementos, vol. I, p. 379, n. 2; Damiao Peres, Hist6ria, vol. 4, p. 558; F. da Silva
Correia, Estudos, p. 524·
2 Damiao de G6is, Cr6nica do Feliclssimo Rei D. Manuel (4 vols., Coimbra,
1949-55), part I, chapter i.
The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia in Portugal
Comparisons between hospitals and brotherhoods are not valid as there was
not a parallel development between these two forms of social aid. Finally, it
is extremely doubtful if Italian interests in Portugal went beyond the purely
commercial, centred on the strategic position of Lisbon on the long sea
route between Italy and the ports of northern Europe. In short, the
Misericordia of Lisbon continued a Portuguese tradition of charitable brother-
hoods which was already in existence within the wider framework of social
philanthropy in Europe.
The basic facts of the foundation of the Misericordia of Lisbon have
already been presented. Lack of contemporary evidence leaves many
questions unanswered. Principal among these is the personality of the
founder or founders. The initiative for the foundation has been variously
attributed to Dona Leonor, the widow ofDom Joao II, the Trinitarian friar
Miguel Contreiras, and a group of six laymen. My purpose here will be to
present the evidence briefly and discuss the views advanced by different
The mysterious figure of friar Miguel Contreiras is the central character
in all discussions on the foundation. A native of Valencia (or Segovia
according to some sources), he had come to Portugal in 1481 at the age of
fifty and settled in Lisbon. He soon became famous for his charitable works
and was popularly known as 'the father of the poor'. He toured the city
daily collecting alms in the saddlebags of a donkey driven by a dwarf. At the
end of the day he returned to the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy in the
cathedral, where the alms were distributed to the poor. He founded a
primitive hospital for the poor in a house near to the cathedral given to him
by the city council. He also became famous as a preacher. It was inevitable
that his charitable acts should commend him to Dona Leonor, herself a
notable philanthropist, and she chose him as her confessor in 1498.
Historians are divided as to the precise role played by Contreiras in the
foundation of the Misericordia. There are two broad schools of thought.
The first supports the theory that Contreiras suggested the foundation to
Dona Leonor; that she established the brotherhood and that Contreiras
drew up the statutes and was the first Provedor, or President of the board of
guardians. The bulk of the evidence for this theory is supplied by the
enquiry of r 574 made by the Trinitarians precisely in order to gain official
recognition for Contreiras as the prime motivator of the foundation.
I6 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Although the Miseric6rdia agreed in I 575 that all banners of the branches of
the brotherhood should carry the letters F.M.I., signifying 'F rei Miguel
Instituidor', this was diplomatic rather than historical recognition. The
second school of thought plays down the importance of Contreiras and Dona
Leonor, reducing the former to the position of priest to the brotherhood and
the latter to that of royal sponsor. The evidence for this view is the pro-
logue of the first extant Compromisso, or statutes, which refers to 'some good
and faithful Christians' as the founders. The Estatistica de Lishoa of I 552
suggests that a group of laymen were encouraged to found the brotherhood
by Dona Leonor. These were: Mestre Miguel, possibly a doctor; Goncralo
Fernandes, a bookseller; Joao Rodrigues, a waxchandler; Joao Rodrigues
Ronca; a Fleming, Contim do Pacro, and a Valencian embroiderer. The two
schools of thought are born of differences of interpretation; whereas the first
regards the foundation of the Miseric6rdia as a unique event, the second
places it in the historical context of lay social philanthropy in Portugal. 1
Discussion of the identity of the founder has been centred on the re-
spective roles of the queen and the friar. The part played by the king, Dom
Manuel I, has been neglected, although it was in his jurisdiction that the final
authorisation of the brotherhood lay. Certainly he was not the direct
instigator of the new brotherhood. In 1498 he was absent from Lisbon
between 29 March and 9 October, the inauguration of the Miseric6rdia
occurring on 15 August. 2 There is no reason for attributing significance to
the fact that the Miseric6rdia was founded during the king's absence- if
anything, it reinforces the spontaneous nature of the foundation by the group
of laymen. There can be no doubt that within the first year of the existence
of the Misericordia, Dom Manuel recognised its possibilities as furthering the
policy of centralisation of charitable services. On I4 March 1499 he wrote
to the city elders of Oporto commending to them the foundation of a
Misericordia. At about the same time he petitioned the Pope for authorisa-
tion to merge small hospitals in Coimbra, Evora and Santarem into single

I The first view is held by Costa Godolphim, As Misericordias (Lisboa, 1897)

and Vitor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa da Misericordia de Lisboa (subsidios para a sua
historia) 1498-z8g8 (His to ria e memorias da Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa,
Nova Serie, 23 Classe. Torno ix, parte ii, Lisboa, 1902). Protagonists of the
second are Magalhaes Basto, op. cit., and F. da Silva Correia, Estudos.
2 Damiao de G6is, op. cit., part I, chapters xxvi and xxxii.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal 17
large hospitals. The papal bull Cum sit carissimus sanctioning this was
granted on 23 September 1499· On 12 September I5oo, Dom Manuel wrote
to the elders of Coimbra suggesting the foundation of a Miseric6rdia in that
city. 1 In the mind of Dom Manuel, the policy of centralising hospital
services came to include the fusion of other forms of social philanthropy into
a single body- the Miseric6rdia. To further this policy he granted
numerous privileges to the Miseric6rdia in its early years as a brotherhood.
During his lifetime Dom Manuel granted some thirty privileges to the
Miseric6rdia, of which half were in the first three years of the brotherhood's
existence. Prominent among the early privileges were those dealing with
prison welfare. The mordomos, or stewards, of the Miseric6rdia had
freedom of access to prisoners (IJ September I498) and were responsible for
the cleanliness of the prisons in the city of Lisbon (I5 April 1499). The
brotherhood's duties also included the general assistance and sustenance of
poor prisoners (Io September I 50 I). The course of Portuguese justice was
sluggish. Prisoners spent long periods in jail before being brought to trial.
This was especially the case of poor prisoners who could not meet the
financial demands of petty officials, each determined to take his 'cut' of the
legal costs. The true victim was the Miseric6rdia which had to feed such
prisoners, and privileges were granted to the brotherhood to lessen this
These privileges fell into two groups- legal and financial. To expedite
the course of justice, court sessions to hear prisoners' cases were held weekly
in the actual jail by the criminal judges, and fortnightly by the corregidor
(10 October I5oo). Legal costs of criminals exiled to S. Tome, Principe or
further afield were waived if a ship was available for their immediate trans-
portation (I6 October I50I). Also abolished were the rights of petty
officials to claim gratuities before presenting a prisoner's case to the judge
(22 January I512) or for accompanying exiles from prison to the ships
(29 February 1499). Special provision was made for slaves imprisoned in
the Limoeiro, the principal jail of Lisbon. In cases where the owners re-
fused to feed them, these were fed by the jailer from a daily allowance of I 5 rs.
In the event of the death of a slave, all costs were met by the master; if he
were acquitted all costs had to be paid by the master before he was freed
(27 February 1520). The Miseric6rdia was helped by the concession of
1 F. da Silva Correia, Estudos, pp. 557 and 579-80.
I8 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
rations of free meat supplied daily by the municipal officials for the im-
prisoned and sick assisted by the brotherhood (25 June IPJ). Legal
privileges were granted to the brotherhood. The escrivao, or scribe, had
the status of a public notary during his year of office (Io October I5oo). The
attorney of the brotherhood had the privilege of speaking first in all court
sessions (24 July I499). It is easy to reduce the role of the Miseric6rdia to
that of an association for prison aid. Possibly the king himself regarded this
activity as the most important for he stressed this aspect in his letter of I499
to the elders of Oporto. If so, the immediate success of the brotherhood led
the king to modify his attitude and to cast the Miseric6rdia in a more general
role. After I 500, privileges covering a wide range of charitable fields were
granted to the brotherhood, thereby establishing the Miseric6rdia as the
leading charitable brotherhood of Portugal.I
Indicative of this change of attitude by Dom Manuel were privileges which
virtually gave the Miseric6rdia the monopoly of collecting alms in Lisbon,
thereby sounding the death knell for the multitude of small brotherhoods
in the capital. Only the Miseric6rdia was permitted to circulate collecting
boxes in Lisbon (I 5 February I499), and this privilege was extended in I 50 I
to the Ribatejo as far as the town of Alenquer. 2 In I5JJ, the Miseric6rdia
was authorised to have fourteen assistants within the urban confines and
fourteen in the neighbouring districts for the collection of alms for the
charitable activities of the brotherhood. Infringement of these privileges by
other brotherhoods resulted in fines payable to the Miseric6rdia (5 July I 5I7).
At a time when Lisbon was teeming with collectors for papal bulls, the
ransom of captives, dowries, orphans and the poor, the importance of these
privileges granted to the Miseric6rdia cannot be overestimated.
Portuguese bureaucracy never has been notable for inter-departmental
co-operation. Authorities resented the expanding activities of the Miseri-
c6rdia and ignored its privileges. The Miseric6rdia complained to the king
that legacies made to the brotherhood by Portuguese soldiers dying in
Guinea and India were never received but remained in the hands of the
Treasurers of the Captives. This was remedied by a royal privilege of
3 September I 507 ordering payment of such legacies to be made to the
1 These privileges are recorded in the archives of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia

(henceforth abbreviated to ASCMB), vols. 206, 207 and 209.

z DamHio Peres, op. cit., vol. 4, p. 567.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal
Misericordia. Even in continental Portugal, civil judges were remiss in
informing the Misericordia of legacies due to the brotherhood. Dom
Manuel ordered that such lapses be punished and that public notaries be
fined for such negligence (27 October I514 and I7 April Ip8). Privileges
were granted to the officers of the brotherhood. During their year of office
they could not be compelled to give lodging to soldiers in the king's service,
nor were their houses, clothing or horses subject to confiscation. They
were also exempt from municipal duties and taxes (3 May I 502). The
Misericordia enjoyed total autonomy and its brothers could not be ordered
to take part in processions organised by the associations of artisans (I 5
February 1499). The privileges granted by Dam Manuel were confirmed
by his successors. With the foundation of branches of the Misericordia
overseas, they were extended to provide for these new branches and fre-
quently brought the brotherhood into conflict with the municipal, juridical
and ecclesiastical authorities.
If the privileged position of the Misericordia made it exceptional among
Portuguese brotherhoods, the same cannot be said of its Compromisso, or
statutes. The Compromisso was entirely traditional, both in concept and
application. The loss of the original Compromisso of Lisbon makes it
impossible to reconstruct the scope of the brotherhood as it was initially
conceived. The earliest extant Compromissos are of the Misericordias of
Evora and Oporto and show only minor variations from the first printed
Compromisso of Lisbon (rp6). 1 This Compromisso and later reforms were
followed by all branches of the Misericordia both in continental Portugal
and overseas.
The Compromisso of Lisbon of I5I6 contained nineteen chapters. It
opened with a summary of the seven spiritual and seven corporal works of
charity to be practised by all brothers. These were:
I. Teach the ignorant.
2. Give good counsel.
3· Punish transgressors with understanding.
1 The Compromisso of Evora differed from the 1516 Compromisso of Lisbon in

having two additional chapters, the first nineteen coinciding in both sets of statutes.
The earliest Compromisso of Evora is printed in Costa Godolphim, op. cit., pp.
20 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

4· Console the sorrowful.

5. Pardon injuries received.
6. Suffer· our neighbours' shortcomings.
7· Pray to God for the living and the dead.

1. Ransom captives and visit prisoners.
2. Cure the sick.
3· Clothe the naked.
4· Give food to the hungry.
5. Give drink to the thirsty.
6. Shelter travellers and the poor.
7· Bury the dead.

The brotherhood consisted of 100 members initially. 1 These were

divided into two classes, numerically equal. The first was of irmiios nobres
('noble brothers'), sometimes known as irmiios de maior condi;iio ('brothers
of higher standing'). Nobility in this case did not necessarily imply
nobility of blood, but included members of the gentry, the professional
classes and ecclesiastics. The second was of plebeians, known as oficiais
mecanicos ('members of the mechanical trades') or irmiios de menor condi;iio
('brothers oflower standing'). 2 All had to be of good repute, God fearing,
serve the brotherhood without question, and congregate when summoned
by the bell of the Misericordia. Attendance at the Misericordia was obliga-
tory on three occasions during the year: the election of the Mesa, or board
of guardians, on the day of the Visitation; the Maundy Thursday procession
of penitents; the All Saints' day procession to the scaffold at St Barbara to
collect the bones of the hanged and give them decent burial in the private
cemetery of the Misericordia. Expulsion from the brotherhood - except
in blatant cases - could only be enforced after three admonitions by the

1 The 1618 Compromisso fixed the number of brothers at 6oo and some historians

have taken this to apply to the initial membership, Ant6nio da Silva Rego, Hist6ria
das Missoes do Padroado Portugu~s do Oriente. India. zSoo-zS42 (Lisboa, 1949),
pp. 237-8.
2 For further discussion of the finer distinctions between the two classes in

Bahia see pp. 124-6.

The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal 21

Provedor. In return for his allegiance, the brother and his family received
financial and medical aid if they were in need and a funeral attended by the
The Mesa, or board of guardians, consisted of thirteen brothers, six from
each class. The Provedor, or President, was always chosen from the upper
class. The election was indirect, viz. by an electoral committee of ten
brothers chosen by the body of the brotherhood. In addition to the
Provedor, the board of guardians consisted of the escrivao, or scribe, nine
counsellors and two mordomos or stewards. All were elected for a yearly
term of office, except the stewards who were elected monthly because of their
heavy duties. The results of the election were announced on 3 July when
the new Mesa took the oath.
The Provedor was always a person of good social standing and of
financial means. He defended the Miseric6rdia against the incursions of civil
and ecclesiastical authorities on the privileges of the brotherhood. He also
delegated duties to the brothers, but only in minor decisions did he have
independence of action. He was obliged to convene the Mesa on all matters
of policy, the dispatching of petitions and financial transactions. To keep
in touch with the brotherhood's activities, he was obliged by statute to make
monthly visits to the prison, the hospital and the needy maintained by the
Miseric6rdia, to ensure that the alms were being properly applied.
The scribe was responsible for the supervision of the ledgers of the
brotherhood and the minutes of the Mesa. He and the remaining nine
guardians formed five pairs, each composed of one noble and one plebeian,
to each of which was allocated a specific duty. The first visited the sick at
home and in hospital, providing food, medicine and bed-clothing where
necessary. The second also visited the sick in their homes and in prison,
distributing medicine and clothes, but devoting more attention to the
spiritual welfare of the sick. The third provided for the material welfare of
prisoners: on Sundays they distributed to the most needy a meat chop, a pint
of wine and bread; on Wednesdays the ration consisted of bread and wine.
The fourth pair, the scribe and one guardian, gave alms to people who had
fallen on evil days and had been recommended to the Miseric6rdia by parish
priests. The fifth dealt with financial matters, collecting alms, rents and
legacies. The duties of the stewards were distinct. The mordomo da capela
was responsible for the fabric of the chapel, alms, burials and masses. The
22 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

mordomo de fora provided legal aid for prisoners and paid any fees necessary
before they could be released.
All the brothers assisted in the activities of the brotherhood, but the
Misericordia also employed a small staff. A chaplain and two assistant
chaplains officiated at mass, gave the sacraments to the dying and con-
ducted funeral services. Other employees included servants to clean the
chapel and for general duties. The brothers were helped by volunteers in the
collection of alms and bread for the prisoners after Sunday mass. The fabric
of the brotherhood consisted of the chapel silver and vestments, the banner
of the Misericordia, the bell to call the brothers, two coffers for money and
clothes, a bier for the funerals of brothers and a litter for the funerals of poor
people. The brotherhood had two more litters to carry the bodies of the
hanged or the remains of criminals who had been quartered and placed on
the city gates, back to the Misericordia cemetery for burial.
The Compromisso of I 5I6 was modified by later reforms. In some cases
the functions became out of date; in others the Misericordia took on new
obligations. Administrative experience also dictated amendments. The
historian of the Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro, Felix Ferreira, proposed
numerous reforms within the first century of the brotherhood's existence.
He suggested the first reform as occurring between the date of foundation
and the date of the printed Compromisso of Ip6. Basing his suppositions
on royal decrees designating new duties to the Misericordia, for example, the
administration of the Hospital of All Saints in I 564, he indicated further
reforms in I564, I577, I582 and I6oo. These decrees did extend the activi-
ties of the Misericordia but it is rather exaggerated to regard them as reforms.
The greatest single reform of the brotherhood was in I6I8. A new Com-
promisso was formulated, modifying not only the administration but the
spirit in which the Misericordia had been conceived. I
The rapid growth of branches of the Misericordia was the result of the
happy coincidence of royal aspirations and popular sentiment. It is difficult
to estimate accurately the date of foundation of many branches, in part
because of the common usage of the title Misericordia, and in part because
many brotherhoods tried to benefit from the popularity of the Santa Casa
and adopted this name. Within the year I498, ten branches were founded
in addition to the Misericordia of Lisbon. Of these, eight were in Portugal
I For a discussion of conflicting opinions see Vitor Ribeiro, op. cit., pp. 53-4.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia in Portugal 23
and two in Madeira. By 1 524, when Dona Leonor died, every town and
many villages of Portugal had a Santa Casa da Misericordia, making a total
of sixty-one following the Compromisso of the parent house in Lisbon.I
This rapid growth of the brotherhood was not limited to Portugal. The
development of commercial routes to India and the Far East and the oppor-
tunities offered by the lucrative interport trade based on Nagasaki-Macao-
Malacca-Goa led to the establishment of Portuguese colonies in all these
cities. When the glitter of the golden East was waning, royal interest
turned to Brazil, where the founding of Misericordias often coincided with
the establishment of the first townships.
1 F. da Silva Correia, Estudos, pp. 581-2 corrects some of the dates given by

Costa Godolphim, op. cit., pp. 85-423.


The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia,

Africa and B rar_il

PoRTuGuEsE chroniclers went to great lengths to stress the divine nature

of the expansion. But even they became confused by the increasing presence
of Mammon. The crusading zeal, not to say obsession, which had led to the
capture of Ceuta in I4I 5, became blended with the realisation of the profits
in gold and slaves to be gained from the regions of the Niger and Senegal
rivers. Although the sixteenth-century chronicler, Joao de Barros, affirmed
that the fort of S. Jorge da Mina (started in q82) was the 'foundation stone
of the Church in the Orient', in reality it was never more than a trading post. 1
Exploratory probings along the west African coast and the psychological
as well as physical passage beyond Cape Nun, culminated in the rounding
of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartholomeu Dias in q88. This maritime
achievement had its terrestrial counterpart. Pero de Covilha left Lisbon in
q87 and travelled overland to the coast of Malabar, returning via the
Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the east coast of Africa where he was possibly
the first European to visit Sofala. While in Cairo he managed to send to
Dom J oao II a report containing details of the spice trade. He then went on
to Abyssinia where he was held by the legendary Prester John. It is not
certain if Dom J oao II ever saw this report; if he did the details of the spice
trade must have weighed as heavily on the mind of the king, if not more so,
as the physical achievement of the rounding of the Cape.
1 Joao de Barros squared his conscience by saying that the Negroes found most

alert in trade would be most suitable for conversion, Asia. Dos feitos que os
portugueses fi1.eram no descohrimento e conquista dos mares e terras do Oriente.
4 Decadas (4 vols., 6th ed., Lisboa, 1945-6), primeira decada, livro 3, capitulo r.
For a description of this fort see A. W. Lawrence, Trade Castles and Forts of West
Africa (London, 1963), pp. IOJ-I).
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and BrQ{il 2.5
The preparations made by Dom Joao II were to result in the voyage of
Vasco da Gama to India in the reign of Dom Manuel I, 'The Fortunate'.
What Vasco da Gama had discovered, Affonso de Albuquerque consolidated
by the capture of Goa (I 5I o), the chief port of the India trade, and Malacca
(I51I), the key port of the spice trade. The Portuguese built a fort on
Socotra in I 5o6 but this had little effect in reducing trade through the
Red Sea. 1 The decline of the Levant only started after the capture of
Hormuz in the Persian Gulf by Albuquerque in I 5I 5. In addition to these
key centres the Portuguese maintained trading 'factories' at Calicut (I5oo),
Cochin (I5oo), Cannanore (I502) and Kilwa (I503). These were often
threatened by attack and a fort had been built in Cochin in I 503; in I 506 the
Viceroy, Dom Francisco de Almeida, replaced this by a stone structure.
Forts were built in the other trading centres and, with the sense of protection
they offered, small Portuguese settlements formed in and around them. In
I 508 Cannanore boasted a fort, a hospital, two churches, warehouses and a
powder factory. These fortified settlements were complemented on the east
African coast by the fortresses at Mozambique, Sofala and, in the last decade
of the sixteenth century, Fort Jesus at Mombasa. Beyond Malacca the
Portuguese never enjoyed the monopoly of trade they achieved in the Indian
Ocean. They profited from the Sino-Japanese trade embargo by acting as
carriers for Chinese gold and silk and Japanese silver and copper. The
granting of extra-territorial rights at Macao (I 55 5-7) and the trading centre
at Nagasaki completed a commercial cycle of inter-complementary wares
reaching from Sofala to the Moluccas, with the accompanying colonies or
pockets of Portuguese.
Portugal faced a chronic shortage of manpower in the East. The Viceroy,
Dom Francisco de Almeida (I505-9), tried to solve this by encouraging his
soldiers to marry respectable local girls. The response on the part of the
women, willing to embrace Christianity wholeheartedly in return for the
perquisites offered by the viceroy, was so overwhelming that Almeida was
compelled to abandon this policy. Affonso de Albuquerque (Governor,
I 509-I 5), faced by a lack of soldiers and trained artisans, advocated marriage
as a means of stabilising the floating Portuguese population. He offered
1 G. W. F. Stripling, The Ottoman Turks and the Arahs, I5II-I574 (Illinois

Studies in the Social Sciences, vol. 2.6, no. 4; Urbana, Illinois, 1942.), overstates the im-
portance of the Portuguese capture of Socotra in hastening the decline of the Levant.
:2.6 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

privileges and financial rewards to soldiers marrying the daughters and

widows of Brahmins or Muslims converted to Christianity. The results were
disappointing. 1 Albuquerque failed to understand the caste system and
was opposed by the Portuguese clergy. Moreover, most Portuguese
soldiers preferred casual sexual alliances with Kaffir imports and the local
dancing girls. 2 The motives of Albuquerque were misinterpreted at court
and Dom Manuel ordered such marriages to cease. Later governors and
viceroys followed a modified marriage policy and small colonies of married
Portuguese were formed in the major ports and trading posts.
These men followed the traditional way of life of communities in Portugal.
Brotherhoods had played an important role in community life in the villages
and towns of Portugal. Portuguese soldiers and artisans who had gone to
the East founded new branches of these brotherhoods with statutes modelled
on the parent bodies in Portugal. Miseric6rdias were established throughout
the East and followed the Compromisso of Lisbon with minor amendments
dictated by local conditions. The activities of these brotherhoods and of the
Jesuit missionaries counteract the unedifying picture of the Portuguese
expansion which can all too easily, and even often justifiably, be reduced to
a struggle for trading supremacy west of Malacca and brazen piracy in the
South China Sea and beyond.
Portuguese chroniclers and historians themselves have done little to
correct this impression of rapine and bloodshed. The only two histories of
Miseric6rdias in the East are of the branches at Goa and Macao. In Africa
only the Misericordia of Luanda has been described in a small monograph.J
An outline of these branches of the Misericordia in Asia and Africa will
place their Brazilian counterparts in greater perspective.

1 By April 1512 there had been 200 marriages in G6a and roo in Cochin and

Cannanore. Marriages were suspended in the latter part of the year because oflack
of money for dowries, Affonso de Albuquerque, Cartas (7 vols., Lisboa, 1884-193 5),
voI. r, cartas ix and xi.
z C. R. Boxer, 'Fidalgos portugueses e bailadeiras indianas (seculos xvii e xviii),
in Revista de Hist6ria, no. 45 (Sao Paulo, 196r), pp. 83-105.
3 J. F. Ferreira Martins, Historia da Misericordia de Goa (zS2o-zgzo) (3 vols.,
Nova Goa, 19ro-r4); Jose Caetano Soares, Macau e a Assistencia (Programa
medico-social) (Lisboa, 1950); Pe. Antonio Bnisio, 'As Miseric6rdias de Angola' in
Studia, vol. 4 Quly 1959, Centro de Estudos Hist6ricos Ultramarinos, Lisboa),
PP· 106-49·
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brazil 27
The Miseric6rdia of Goa was probably founded during the governorship
of Lopo Soares (rp5-18), although the first documents, referring to fines
being allocated to the brotherhood, only date from I5J9· 1 The Miseric6rdia
of Goa followed the Compromisso of Lisbon. This had been so modified to
provide for local conditions that in I 595 three equally valid Compromissos
governed the brotherhood, giving rise to much administrative confusion.
The Mesa of I 595 formulated yet another Compromisso, which was a com-
pilation of its predecessors. This remained in force until the adoption by
Goa of the I6I8 Compromisso of Lisbon. The privileges enjoyed by the
Miseric6rdia of Lisbon were extended to the branch in Goa by a royal
decree of JI January 1605.
The brotherhood developed rapidly from IOO members initially to some
6oo in I6o9. The brothers were divided into the two classes of nobles and
plebeians, as in Lisbon. This balance was not always maintained with
harmony because of the dearth of artisans. Different Provedors tried to
restore the balance in various ways. The Count of Alvor (Provedor, 1686)
simply elected brothers of the upper class in excess of the number stipulated
by the Compromisso to serve on the board of guardians. Thome Freire
(Provedor, I685-6), who completed the term of office of the Count of Alvor
after his recall to Portugal, arbitrarily transferred some brothers from among
the gentry to the lower class of the plebeians. This aroused great opposition
and many brothers of higher standing were expelled from the Miseric6rdia
because of their refusal to accept this indignity.
The Miseric6rdia of Goa was to the East what that of Bahia was to Brazil.
Positions on its Mesa were strongly contested. The frequency of 'rigged'
elections led the Archbishop, Dom Aleixo de Meneses, in r6o8 to threaten
to excommunicate any brothers of the Mesa found guilty of electoral dis-
honesty.2 Here, as in Bahia, threats of excommunication were disregarded
and in I742 the governor ordered the imprisonment of Pedro da Silva Alva
after he had been elected Provedor by dubious means. Membership of the
1 J. F. Ferreira Martins (op. cit., vol. I, pp. IOO et seq.) attempts to credit
Affonso de Albuquerque with the foundation, but the documented arguments for a
later foundation presented by Ant6nio da Silva Rego, Hist6ria, pp. 237-42 are
more convincing in the absence of definite proof of the date of foundation.
z The alert soldier-chronicler Diogo do Couto remarked on the rigged elections
of the Miseric6rdia, 0 so/dado prcitico (Lisboa, I937) ed. Rodrigues Lapa, Ja parte,
cena x, pp. u8-I9·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Mesa ranked with a post on the C&mara, or city council, as a testimonial of

integrity and ability. Viceroys and governors often chose the incumbents of
these positions for higher offices such as the command of a fortress or the
controllership of a 'factory'.
The prestige of the Miseric6rdia was such that governors, viceroys,
archbishops, inquisitors and ministers of justice served as Provedors. A
governor as Provedor was a boon and a bane for the brotherhood. He
defended the interests of the Miseric6rdia, but it was to the coffers of the
brotherhood that he turned when those of the Treasury were empty. The
defence of Malacca against the Dutch was a case in point. Indifferent
success by the Viceroy, Dom Martim Affonso de Castro, turned to despair
with the Dutch attack on the fleet ofNuno Pereira. The viceroy sent to Goa
for money to rebuild the armada. The coffers of the Treasury were empty
and the acting governor, the Archbishop Dom Aleixo de Meneses, made a
compulsory loan from the Miseric6rdia of 25,026 xerafines in 1607, pledging
the archiepiscopal crosier and cathedral silver as securities. This enforced
loan was made in direct defiance of a royal decree forbidding the Miseri-
c6rdia to place on loan money left to the brotherhood by soldiers who had
died in India for transmission to relatives in Portugal. Despite the royal
indignation at the action of the archbishop, the funds of the Miseric6rdia
were to be further depleted by loans for defence and trade. In 1621 the city
council borrowed IOo,ooo xerafines from the Miseric6rdia to fit out galleons
for the relief ofHormuz. In 1653 another loan of 15,ooo xerafines was made
by the Miseric6rdia to the city council for the relief of Colombo. Nor did
the Crown ignore this source of finance. In 1642 Dom Joao IV wrote to the
board of guardians of the Miseric6rdia of Goa requesting the loan of 22o,ooo
xerafines to buy pepper for the homeward-bound fleet. This loan was to
be repaid to the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon as trustees of soldiers who had died
in the Orient. 1 The policy of the Miseric6rdia on the granting of such loans
was ambivalent. Boards of guardians usually complied in cases where the
national interest was at stake, such as the defence of Ceylon, Goa or Mom-
basa. They were more reluctant to grant loans for unspecified purposes.
In the final analysis, such loans depended on the Provedor. Fernao de
Albuquerque, who as Provedor in 1007 had resisted the compulsory loan
for the defence of Malacca, later tried to browbeat the Miseric6rdia
1 J. F. Ferreira Martins, op. cit., vol. 1, pp. 312-16 and vol. 2, pp. 41, 48 and 72.
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brar_il 29
into lending money for the help of Hormuz when he was viceroy.
Goa was of vital importance to the Portuguese as the final port of the
carreira da India, or India run, and as a wayport for the Far East. A hospital
had existed in Goa from shortly after the conquest in 1po, but it is not clear
if this was administered by the Miseric6rdia or the municipality at this early
date. Later these two bodies were to have their own hospitals. The
Miseric6rdia maintained the Hospital of All Saints and the municipality the
Hospital of Our Lady of Mercy (Nossa Senhora da Piedade). Until the
Jesuits founded a hospital in 1630, the Hospital of All Saints was the only
hospital in Goa to cater for all, irrespective of race or creed. Increasingly
heavy expenditure on the hospital in the seventeenth century placed the
Miseric6rdia in severe financial difficulties. In 168o agreement was reached
with the city council for the amalgamation of the Hospital of All Saints with
the Hospital of Our Lady of Mercy. The Miseric6rdia received a small
grant from the municipality towards the expenses of running the combined
hospital. The complete amalgamation was only realised in 1706 and from
this date the hospital was known as the Hospital of the Poor. 1 A sub-
sidiary of the hospital was the leper house, maintained by the Miseric6rdia
from its own funds. Independent of these hospitals was the Royal Hospital
of the Holy Spirit, a state institution for the treatment of Portuguese on the
royal service. In 1542 the administration of this hospital was handed to the
Miseric6rdia. The financial terms were extremely favourable to the brother-
hood, and the Miseric6rdia was exempt from all civil or ecclesiastical inter-
ference in the administration of this hospital. This transfer of the administra-
tion from state authorities to a private body is indicative of the prestige of
the Miseric6rdia. In 1591 the Viceroy, Mathias de Albuquerque, handed
over the administration to the Jesuits. Whether this action was born of
personal antipathy towards the Miseric6rdia or was the result of administra-
tive deficiencies by the brotherhood, is not clear. In 1608 the French
traveller, Fran~ois Pyard de Laval, was lavish in his praise of the hospital
while still under Jesuit jurisdiction. 2 Another Frenchman, Jean-Baptiste

1 J. F. Ferreira Martins, op. cit., vol. 2, pp. 69 and 338-41.

z He described it as 'un Hospital, vrayement Royal, excellent et magnifique',
Voyage de Fran;ois Pyrard de Laval, contenant sa navegation aux lndes Orientales,
Maldives, Moluques, Bresil (2 vols., 3rd ed., Paris, 1619), vol. 1, chapter xxix and
vol. 2, chapter i.







60' 30' 0'
1 o•



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32 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Tavernier, who visited Goa for the second time in 1648, commented that
the hospital at Goa had formerly been famous throughout India for its
excellence, 'but, since this hospital has changed its managers, patients are
badly treated, and many Europeans who enter it do not leave it save to go
to the tomb'.r
The Miseric6rdia of Goa also administered two retirement houses, the
Retirement House of Our Lady of the Mountain and the Retirement House
of Mary Magdalene. These had been founded in 1598 and 1610 respectively
by the Archbishop Dom Aleixo de Meneses. Orphan girls were always a
problem for the local authorities. The situation was aggravated by the
orfiis del Rei, or' orphans of the king'; these were orphans of marriageable
age sent from Lisbon to India to be married. The Crown paid all expenses
and provided dowries. The Miseric6rdia arranged lodging with a Portu-
guese family, the city council found a suitable partner and the viceroy
arranged a dowry usually consisting of a minor bureaucratic post. The
Crown persisted in sending these girls despite protests from the viceroy and
city councillors that nobody could be found to marry them. The promise of
a post in some isolated 'factory' or fortress in the distant future was not
sufficient inducement to woo the soldiers away from their doxies. Moreover,
the orphan girls prejudiced the chances of the daughters of Portuguese
soldiers who had died in India on the king's service, although the king later
granted the latter equal rights to receive dowries. The Retirement House of
Our Lady of the Mountain provided for such girls. The conditions were
that they should be white, Catholic and of good birth. The last stipulation
was often ignored and viceroys and governors exerted pressure on the
Miseric6rdia to admit women of dubious virtue. After the foundation of
this retirement house the practice of giving offices as dowries was abolished
and all dowries were in money, and paid by the Treasury. Respectable

1 Travels in India hy Jean Baptiste Tavernier (2 vols., London, r889; trans. by

V. Ball), vol. 1, p. 198. In 1675 John Fryer praised the treatment of the sick in the
Royal Hospital, but observed that 'The Physicians here are great Bleeders, inso-
much that they exceed often Galen's advice, ad deliquium, in Fevers; hardly leaving
enough to feed the Currents for Circulation; of which Cruelty some complain
invidiously after Recovery', John Fryer, A new account of East India and Persia
being nine years' travels z672-z68z (3 vols., Hakluyt Society, London, 1909-15),
vol. 2, p. 14·
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brazil 33
widows and wives abandoned by their husbands were also admitted as
paying lodgers.
The morality of Indo-Portuguese womanhood left much to be desired.
The Dutch navigator Linschoten (I56J-I6u) commented on the diffi-
culties facing a chaste woman and the prevalence of adultery in Goa. The
Retirement House of Mary Magdalene was intended for 'women who have
repented and been converted from their evil way of life'. Only white
women were admitted and the regulations were strict. By offering a place
of refuge the Misericordia provided an alternative to flight into Moslem
territory and conversion to Islam. The brotherhood contributed to the
national marriage policy by contacting branches in Malacca, Macao,
Angola and even Brazil. Women were sent from Goa to these branches,
travelling under the supervision of a guardian and with their expenses
paid by the Treasury which also supplied a dowry in the event of
The ransom of captives and care of prisoners were included in the obliga-
tions of all brothers of the Misericordia. Branches of the Misericordia co-
operated in the ransom of Portuguese who had fallen into enemy hands, be
these in Arabia or India. Priority was given to white captives and to women
and children because they were more likely to be converted to Islam. In
1623 the Misericordia of Goa contacted the branch inS. Tome de Meliapor
on the Coromandel coast to arrange for the ransom of captives of the Pegu
war. On many occasions Jesuit missionaries were used as interrr,ediaries.
The care of prisoners by the Misericordia evoked the praise of F ran(_fois
Pyrard de Laval and will be fully treated in Chapter 10. The French
traveller was also favourably impressed by the action of the Misericordia of
Goa as trustees for Portuguese who died in India or the Far East. There
can be no doubt that the Misericordia of Goa fulfilled the obligations of the
Compromisso to the full and was the most powerful branch of the brotherhood
in the Orient.
Frequently it is easier to establish the date of extinction of a Misericordia
than the date of foundation. This is the case of the branches at Colombo,
taken by the Dutch in 1656, and Jaffna which suffered a similar fate in 1658.
The money and jewels of both branches were sent to Goa. The treasure of
the latter was captured by the Dutch while in transit but representations by
the Misericordia of Goa led to complete restitution by the Dutch. Certainly
34 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
by x6oo, Misericordias had been established at Cochin, Chaul, Diu, Malacca,
Bassein, Hormuz, Cannanore, S. Tome and Mannar. 1
The Misericordia of Macao was the most important branch in the Far
East. It was founded with a hospital in about 1569 by the Bishop, Dom
Belchior Carneiro, so horrified was he by the brutal manner in which the
Chinese treated their sick. 2 At a later date the Misericordia refused to
admit heathen Chinese to the hospital, in part because of the large numbers
needing medical aid, and in part because if a Chinese died in the hospital the
mandarins would sue the brotherhood for compensation to be made to the
family. One eighteenth-century Provedor, Francisco Rangel, went to jail
rather than accede to the demands of the Governor Francisco de Melo e
Castro for the admission of a seriously sick heathen Chinese. The brother-
hood also maintained a leper house with regulations reminiscent of similar
houses in Portugal in the thirteenth century.
Macao also had its female problem. Kaffir girls, Malayans and Chinese
bichas scrounged alms from the Misericordia by such subterfuges as holding
animals under their robes to appear pregnant, or sending their transvestite
lovers to collect the alms. There was much illegitimacy. The Misericordia
paid for the upkeep of foundlings for seven years and then stopped further
aid. In some cases wet-nurses, who had relied on this source of income, had
no alternative to prostitution once the foundling was raised. During the
seventeenth century the brotherhood made casual provision for older female
orphans and even offered dowries valid for four years. Only in 1727 was an
orphanage established by the Misericordia. This catered for twenty orphans
and accepted some widows as paying lodgers. Within ten years the brother-
hood was compelled to close this orphanage because of financial straits.
The Misericordia of Macao made its own Compromisso in 1627. In 1639
the privileges of the Misericordia of Lisbon were extended to the branch in
1 J. F. Ferreira Martins, op. cit., vol. x, p. 174 lists the following additional

branches of the Misericordia as sixteenth-century foundations - Calicut, Bengal,

Damao, Mahim, Mangalore, Manila, Muscat, Tarapur, Negapattinam and Sena.
A more comprehensive list of branches in the Orient is in Aetas do IV Congresso
das Miseric6rdias (3 vols., Lisboa, 1959), vol. 1, p. 173·
2 Jose Caetano Soares, op. cit., p. 12. This contrasts with the praise of Galeote
Pereira and Gaspar da Cruz for the hospitals of mainland China about the same
time, C. R. Boxer, South China in the Sixteenth Century (London, 1953), pp. 3o-1
and p. 123.
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Bra:r.il 35
Macao 'in view of its extreme remoteness and its situation among un-
believers'.r As had been the case in Goa, elections were 'rigged' and capital
was lent on poor securities. Money to finance the Japan voyages was often
borrowed from funds earmarked for the care of orphans. 2 Little is known
of the Misericordias beyond Macao. In the annual Jesuit letter of 1585,
Padre Luis Frois referred to the foundation of a Misericordia at Nagasaki,
with roo brothers and following the Compromisso of Macao.J There may
also have been branches at Bungo and other places in Japan where there
were small nuclei of Portuguese. There are similarly vague references to
branches at Amboina and Tidor in the Moluccas. The Spanish Brotherhood
of Mercy (Hermandad de Ia Misericordia) at Manila in the Philippines, which
financed the Acapulco galleons, was closely related to its PortYguese name-
On the east coast of Africa the strategic position of Mozambique as a
waystation for Indiamen and later as a trading centre for the Monomotapa
gold mines, had demanded a hospital for the care of soldiers. This evoked
the praise of successive generations of Jesuit visitors, but it appears that the
Misericordia did no more than administer it on behalf of the Crown. The
brotherhood mmt have enjoyed a position of importance because it pos-
sessed the same municipal administrative privilege as the branch in Diu in
the election of the almotaces, or weights and measures inspectors.s Else-
where on the Swahili coast the pockets of Portuguese at the 'factories' of
Kilwa, Mafia, Pemba, Zanzibar and Patta were never sufficiently numerous
to form brotherhoods. Mombasa was the exception, being the commercial
1 Royal letter of I) January I639 in Arquivos de Macau (Macau, I929 in pro-

gress), 3a Serie, vol. 2, no. 2, August I964, p. I27.

2 C. R. Boxer, The Great Ship from Amacon, Annals of Macao and the Old japan

Trade, zSSS-z64o (Lisboa, I963, reprint of work first published in I959), p. 5 I.

3 Cartas que os padres e irmO.os da Companhia de Jesus escreverao dos reynos de
I apao e China aos da mesma Companhia da India, e Europa, des de anno de zS49 ate ode
z58o (2 parts, Evora, I)98), part 2, ff. I29-30 apud C. R. Boxer, The Great Ship,
p. 48. Joao Rodrigues Giram,S.J., referred to I)oo cruzados received in alms by the
Nagasaki Misericordia in his Carta anua da vice-provincia do ]apao do anode z6o4
(ed. Antonio Baiao, Coimbra, I933), p. 43·
4 For details of the financial dealings of this branch of the Misericordia, see
W. L. Schurz, The Manila Galleon (New York, I9)9, new edition of work first
published in I939), pp. I67-72.
s J. F. Ferreira Martins, op. cit., vol. 3, pp. 446-7 and pp. 46o-I.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
centre for the coast. After the building of Fort Jesus in 1593, enough
Portuguese settled there to form a Miseric6rdia. 1
On the west coast of Africa Portuguese interest was directed to Angola.
Initially, Portuguese activity was limited to illegal slave trading and a futile
expedition to report on mineral sources. In 1557 an ambassador from the
Ngola arrived in Lisbon and the Portuguese became aware of the possibilities
of the country. A commercial attitude gave way to the desire for conquest.
A charter of 1571 divided Angola into two parts under the administration
of Paulo Dias de Novais in the dual capacity of governor and hereditary
ruler. He arrived in Luanda in 1575 and moved the city from the island to
the continent in the following year, founding a Miseric6rdia on the advice
of the Jesuit priest Garcia Simoes. The Miseric6rdia achieved its greatest
prominence in the seventeenth century. The brotherhood found a powerful
ally and protector in the Bishop and Governor (1621-4), Dom Frei Simao
Mascarenhas, who reformed the hospital. Another Bishop of the Congo
and Angola, Dom Francisco do Soveral, was a benefactor to the brother-
hood. He donated money for alms and his generosity enabled work to he
finished on the four wards of the hospital. In 1679 a new church was built.
By the 168os the Miseric6rdia counted some seventy brothers, was financially
prosperous with alms from private donors and grants from the Treasury and
cured some 400 sick each year in the hospital. This prosperity did not last.
The cost of treating soldiers, prison visits and distributing alms reduced the
brotherhood to dire straits. In 1695 the Miseric6rdia was granted the
preference in the sale of 500 slaves annually- an unusual concession to a
charitable body! But even this measure failed to restore the brotherhood
and by 1750 the Miseric6rdia of Luanda was totally decadent.
A continuous thorn in the flesh of the Luanda Miseric6rdia was the
branch established at Massangano about 166o. The principal bone of con-
tention was the hospital run by the Miseric6rdia of Massangano, serving
the garrisons of Muxima, Camhemhe and Amhaca. The Miseric6rdia in
Luanda alleged it was suffering a severe loss of income from fees normally
received for the treatment of these soldiers. Moreover, the branch at
Massangano received alms previously given to the Miseric6rdia in Luanda
and by its very presence reduced the authority of the parent body. These
1 Ant6nio da Silva Rego, Documenta;ao para a hist6ria das Missoes do Padroado

Portugues do Oriente. India (12 vols., Lisboa, 1947-58), vol. 12, no. 2, capo 33·
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Bratil 37
complaints were hom of self interest and the Misericordia survived in
Massangano because of the immediate medical treatment it offered to soldiers
wounded in the campaigns.
On the other side of the Atlantic the discovery of Brazil (1 soo) had made
little initial impact on Dom Manuel. The reports of Cabral and V espucci
had not been sufficiently attractive to woo the king away from his obsession
with the Golden East. Dom Manuel had committed himself to the task of
justifying the title he had assumed of 'Lord of the Conquest, Navigation,
and Commerce of India, Ethiopia, Arabia and Persia'. Nor, indeed, had
the small population of Portugal permitted the deployment of manpower in
the Americas as well as throughout Africa and Asia. The Portuguese
Crown had simply leased parts of Brazil to individual speculators on a
contract basis. The first such concession had been granted to a group of
New Christian businessmen under Femao de Noronha. This group had
agreed to send six ships annually to Brazil, undertake exploration and pro-
vide for the defence of the newly discovered territories. In return they had
been granted the monopoly on all exports, including Brazil wood. If Dom
Manuel, blinded by the glitter of the Orient, had ignored his new discovery,
other European nations had not dismissed its importance so summarily.
Breton and French corsairs who had attacked Portuguese shipping in the
North Atlantic had now turned their attentions south of the equator. They
had established friendly relations with the Tupinamba Indians in Brazil and
soon the illegal French trade in Brazil wood had showed a larger turnover
than that of the official Portuguese contractors. Free of the restrictions and
taxes imposed by the terms of contract, the French had out-bid their
Portuguese rivals in the purchase of Brazil wood. They had been able to
offer this commodity at lower prices on the European market, especially in
Flanders where the dye was important in the textile industry. Despite
diplomatic representations by the Portuguese Crown, these traders had
continued their activities mainly in Pernambuco and Bahia. In this piracy
they had received the semi-official support of the French Crown which
challenged the validity of the Treaty ofTordesillas (1494) dividing the new-
found world between Spain and Portugal with papal sanction.
The continued incursions by French traders along the Brazilian coast had
led to a deterioration in diplomatic relations between France and Portugal.
In 1 526 a fleet of six ships had left Lisbon under the command of Crist6vao
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Jacques with the specific object of attacking and destroying any French
pirates in Brazilian waters. After establishing a 'factory' in Pernambuco
opposite the Island ofltamaraca, Crist6vao Jacques had sailed south with a
squadron of four ships and had entered the Bay of All Saints in I 527· He
had surprised and captured three French ships loading wood in the interior
of the bay near the mouth of the River Paragua~u and had taken some 300
prisoners. In I 530 Dom J oao III had dispatched a fleet of five sail under
Martim Affonso de Sousa to dispel the French raiders and re-establish
Portuguese superiority. Martim Affonso de Sousa had captured three
French vessels at Pernambuco and then patrolled the coast southwards,
stopping at the Bay of All Saints, and the bays of Guanabara and Cananeia.
His plans to reconnoitre the River Plate were frustrated by shipwreck, and
he returned to the Island of Sao Vicente. He established two townships, one
on the island itself and the other some leagues inland on the edge of the
plateau of Piratininga. Before the report of Martim Affonso de Sousa on his
successful colonisation had reached Portugal, a single incident had brought
home to Dom Joao III the need for a definite policy towards Brazil. This
incident had been the capture of the French vessel La Pelerine by a Portu-
guese squadron in the Straits of Gibraltar in I 532. Investigation had re-
vealed that La Pelerine was carrying a cargo of Brazil wood and had landed
some seventy men in Pernambuco with a view to colonisation. The
Portuguese 'factory' there had been destroyed. On the safe arrival of
La Pelerine at Marseilles, a fleet of between ten and thirty vessels would be
dispatched to Brazil. This episode had compelled Dom J oao III to con-
sider the colonisation of Brazil.
In I5J2 Dom Joao III decided to grant hereditary captaincies in Brazil
to anyone capable of raising sufficient capital and who would guarantee to
defend the area under his jurisdiction. In the years I534-5 captaincies were
allocated to twelve donatories. Each donatory had wide jurisdiction. He
could establish townships, levy taxes, appoint municipal officers and allocate
grants of land for cultivation. The Crown reserved for itself only the right
to impose export taxes and the monopoly on Brazil wood. The criteria for
selection of the donatories favoured men brought up in the cut and thrust
atmosphere of Portuguese India. One notable exception was the historian
Joao de Barros, a partner in the captaincy of Rio Grande. This form of
colonisation failed. Soldiers seldom made good civilian administrators and
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brazil 39
many donatories never even visited their captaincies. The only successful
donatories were Martim Affonso de Sousa in Sao Vicente and Duarte Coelho
in Pernambuco, both of whom established sugar cane plantations.
The overall failure of the donatory system and renewed French interest
led Dom Joao III to appoint Tome de Sousa as Governor-General of Brazil
in 1549. He had served with distinction in the campaigns in Morocco and
India. His Regimento, or brief, was comprehensive. Clauses dealt with the
broad issues of defence, colonisation, the propagation of Catholicism and
commerce. A fortified administrative centre was to be established in Bahia
and the Tupinambas subjugated. Grants of land in the Reconcavo were to
be made to suitable settlers for cultivation and the building of sugar mills
was to be encouraged. Once this had been done, Tome de Sousa was to
make a visit of inspection to the other captaincies. He was to ensure that the
law was enforced and enact measures designed to help commerce. He was
also to assure himself of the adequacy of the defences against attack from the
land by Indians and from the sea by pirates. Every effort was to be made to
convert the Indians to catholicism. Once a degree of public order had been
established in the coastal areas, expeditions were to be sent to explore the
interior. Dom Joao III had reminded his governor-general that his overall
aim should be 'the exaltation of our Holy Faith and profit of my Realms and
Dominions and the subjects thereof'. 1 The measure of success achieved by
Tome de Sousa and following governors was readily apparent in the rapid
establishment of towns along the Brazilian littoral and increasing colonisa-
tion of the interior.
The honour of the first Miseric6rdia to be founded in Brazil is disputed
by the Captaincies of Sao Vicente and Pernambuco. Historians are generally
agreed that pride of place should go to the brotherhood in Santos, founded
by Bras Cubas in 1543.z This foundation was confirmed by royal alvara, or
charter, of April 15 51. In many cases the foundation of a Miseric6rdia ~as
I This Regimento is published in I. Accioli-B. Amaral, Memorias historicas e

politicas da provincia da Bahia (6 vols., Bahia, 19I9-40), vol. I, pp. 263-74.

z F. A. de Varnhagen, Hist6ria geral do Brasil (2 vols., Rio de Janeiro, 1854-7),
vol. I, p. 303; Robert Southey, History ofBrQ{il (3 vols., London I8IO--I9), vol. 3,
p. 85o; Ernesto de Sousa Campos, Santa Casada Miseric6rdia de Santos (Sao Paulo,
1943); Serafim Leite S.J ., Hist6ria da Companhia de Jesus no Brasil ( ro vols., Rio de
Janeiro-Lisboa, I938-5o), vol. I, p. 262, agrees with the date of foundation but
doubts the existence of a hospital before 1549·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

contemporary with, or shortly after, the establishment of towns. The date

of foundation of the Misericordia of Espirito Santo is uncertain but it was in
existence by 1551 when it moved to the new city ofVitoria. 1 Olinda and
Ilheus boasted Misericordias in the 156os.z The Misericordia of Rio de
Janeiro was functioning in 1582 when the fleet of Diogo Flores V aides
arrived in the bay of Guanabara with many sick aboard. Felix Ferreira in
his history of the Misericordia of Rio de Janeiro attempted to sustain the
argument for a foundation before the arrival of Est<icio de Sa in 1565, but
this is unconvincing. Other historians have attributed the foundation to the
Jesuit priest, Jose de Anchieta. From the evidence it appears more likely
that Anchieta's participation was limited to providing additional hospital
accommodation, consisting of pau-a-pique huts built by the Indians, for the
sick of the Castilian fleet.l By the end of the sixteenth century there were
also Misericordias in Sao Paulo4 and Porto Seguro.s
In the early seventeenth century Misericordias were founded in many
parts of Brazil- Sergipe,Paraiba (16o4),ltamaraca (16n),Belem(I6I9)and
1 Lycurgo Santos Filho, Hist6ria da medicina no Brasil (2 vols., Sao Paulo,

I947), vol. r, p. 350.

z The staunch defender of the primacy of the Miseric6rdia of Olinda was F. A.
Pereira da Costa, Anais pernambucanos (7 vols., Recife, I95J-8), vol. I, pp. 2IJ-I5,
but this is doubtful.
J In addition to Felix Ferreira, A Santa Casada Misericordia Fluminense (Rio
de Janeiro, I898), see Duarte Nunes, 'Norlcia da fundaciio da Santa Casa da
Miseric6rdia' in Revista do lnstituto Hist6rico e Geogrdfico Brasileiro, tomo 2I (Rio
de Janeiro, I858), pp. I58-6o for a I567 foundation. Joze Vieira Fazenda, 'A
Santa Casada Miseric6rdia do Rio de Janeiro', idem, tomo 69 (I9o8), pp. 7-5I,
attributes the foundation to Anchieta. For a review of the evidence and the
publication of a letter of Anchieta of I 584 which clarifies his role, see Serafim Leite,
op. cit., vol. 2, pp. 577-8; his assertion that the Misericordia existed since the
foundation of the city, based on the dubious premise that this was the case else-
where, must be qualified (op. cit., vol. 2, p. 578, n. 2).
4 Emesto de Sousa Campos, 'Santa Casa da Misericordia de Sao Paulo' in
Revista do lnstituto Hist6rico e Geogrdfico de Sao Paulo, vol. 64, 26 parte (Sao Paulo,
I949), P· 25.
s The only evidence for an earlier foundation is a letter from Dom J oao V dated
17 March I718 granting financial aid towards the cost of finishing the church and
hospital of the Miseric6rdia, 'a primeira e mais antiga que houve, e ha naquelle
Brazil', cited by Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa de Misericordia da cidade do Salvador
(Rio de Janeiro, I96o), p. 124, n. 14.
The Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brat_il 41

Igarassu (1629). The date of foundation of the Misericordia at Sao Lu:fs de

Maranhao is unknown, but the Jesuit missionary Antonio Vieira referred to
it ina letter of 1653. Here, as elsewhere, the Jesuits stimulated the Portuguese
settlers to establish a hospital. Vieira exhorted the local Miseric6rdia to
build a hospital, but a change of Mesa and the accompanying change of
policy delayed the foundation. Finally, in 1654 Vieira had the satisfaction
of accompanying the officers of the Misericordia when they chose a site for
the hospital. 1
The importance of the Misericordias in Asia, Africa and Brazil was
recognised by ecclesiastical and lay authorities. The Jesuits, who worked
with the brothers of the Misericordia in many hospitals, praised the activities
of the brotherhood in the field of social welfare. Francis Xavier, the founder
of the Japan mission, wrote enthusiastically about the Misericordia in his
letters to Jesuit Colleges in Portugal. The Crown acknowledged the role
played by the brotherhood. Privileges granted by Dom Manuel I were
confirmed by his successors, who added new concessions. Dom Pedro II,
while Prince-Regent, in his instructions to Roque Barreto on assuming the
Governorship of Brazil in 1678, reminded him specifically to give special
protection to the Santas Casas da Misericordia. The most important branch
of the Miseric6rdia in Brazil was in Bahia and the time has come to study its
history within the wider context of the establishment and development of
the City of the Saviour.
1 Cartas do Padre Ant6nio Vieira (3 vols., Coimbra, 1925-8), vol. 1, carta lxiv
of 22 May 1653 and carta lxvi of 1654.


o 10 10 30 ~o so 60 7o so 90 1~mometres

The Reconcavo of Bahia

The City of the Saviour, zS49-1763

THE Bay of All Saints is on the Atlantic seaboard of Brazil, I 3° south of the
equator. A promontory separates the bay, a deep natural harbour twenty-
eight miles wide and twenty-two miles long, from the ocean. Entrance to
the bay is from the south. Although the mouth of the bay is some twenty-
five miles wide, access is reduced to two channels, one on either side of the
Island of Itaparica. This fertile and hilly island extends across much of the
mouth of the bay and projects into the bay itself. In conjunction with the
promontory to the east, it affords protection for ships within the bay from
south-easterly gales. The passage for deep-water vessels is some five miles
wide between Itaparica and the promontory on the eastern extremity of the
bay. In colonial times considerable care was necessary because sandbanks
reduced the width of this channel to some two miles. Visitors to colonial
Bahia agreed unanimously that this 'little Mediterranean' was one of the best
anchorages in the world, with a firm bottom and protection from the pre-
vailing winds. The inner part of the bay is considerably shallower than
the roadstead and there are numerous islands. The largest of these are the
Ilha da Mare ('the Island of the Tide'), the Ilha dos Frades ('the Island of
Friars') and the Ilha da Madre de Deus ('Island of the Mother of God'). In
colonial times galleons running too far to the north risked grounding on the
numerous shoals in this part of the bay or of being caught in the treacherous
crosswinds between the islands. The French traveller, Fram;ois Pyrard de
Laval, homeward bound from India, had been marooned in Salvador for
two months when his ship had foundered on a sandbank. 1 Although today
the first hazard has been largely eliminated by constant dredging, even
experienced yachtsmen often find themselves in difficulties in the interior
part of the bay.

I Fran~ois Pyrard de Laval, op. cit., vol. .z, chapter xxv.

44 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The territory behind the Bay of All Saints falls into three distinct geo-
graphical regions. The coastal plain, or Reconcavo, is characterised by a
semi-tropical rain forest with high humidity and luxuriant vegetation. The
fertile soil favours the extensive cultivation of crops, especially of sugar cane
and tobacco. This fertile region is some fifty miles wide and is crossed by
numerous navigable rivers which were of vital importance, in colonial times,
for communication and transportation. The largest is the River Paragua<;U.
which rises in the Serra do Espinha<;o and was widely used by the plantation
owners of Cachoeira for shipping their crates of sugar to the city of Salvador.
Beyond the Reconcavo is a zone of rising broken lands which extend for a
further fifty miles inland. Beyond this is the sertao, a semi-barren plateau
about 3,ooo feet above sea-level. The monotony of this desert region is
broken by granite rocks rearing out of the plain in weird shapes and totally
devoid of vegetation. This is the region of the caatinga, or scrubland, with
cacti and other xerophilous plants hardy enough to survive the scorching
summer which kills vegetation and cattle. This plateau comprises much of
the interior of the state of Bahia. Some 325 miles from the coast it is
traversed by the River Sao Francisco. This river, navigable for much of its
course, rises in Minas Gerais and descends through the sertao from the
south-west to the north-east, before turning abruptly to the east and forming
the boundary of Bahia with Pernambuco. In the early seventeenth century
cattle ranches had been established along its banks, and with the discovery of
gold the River Sao Francisco was one of the principal routes to the mining
At the time of the discovery of Brazil the indigenous inhabitants were the
Tupi Indians who occupied the coastal region from the mouth of the
Amazon to Sao Vicente. Although speaking a common tongue, the Tupis
were divided into several nations, often at war with each other. In Bahia
there were two principal tribes, the Tupinambas and the Tupiniquins. The
Tupinambas occupied the Reconcavo and the territory to the north as far as
the River Sao Francisco. The Tupiniquins lived in the area extending
southwards from the Bay of All Saints to Porto Seguro. The latter group
had been described in glowing terms by Pedro Vaz de Caminha, chronicler
of the fleet of Cabral, in his letter of I May I 5oo to Dom Manuel relating the
discovery of Brazil and the customs of the people. Most of the Indians
living in the interior of the captaincy of Bahia were known as the Tapuyas, a
The City of the SaYiour, zS49-17G3 45
generic term for some seventy tribes inhabiting this region at the time of
Cabral had not visited the Bay of All Saints on his voyage of discovery,
but it is likely that the supply vessel which was dispatched to Portugal
announcing the discovery had done so. This vessel had followed the
Brazilian coastline northwards from Porto Seguro to Cabo de Sao Roque,
making soundings and charting the coast. It is almost inconceivable that
the captain had failed to note the largest bay on this part of the coast at a
point where the Brazilian coastline turns sharply towards the north-east.
The first European fleet to anchor in the bay had probably been that carrying
the Florentine cosmographer Amerigo Vespucci, commissioned by Dom
Manuel to make astronomical observations and charts. This squadron of
three ships had entered the bay on All Saints' Day I 50 I and historians are
generally agreed that the name of the bay derives from the date of landfall.
On this occasion the fleet had remained less than a week, but Vespucci
may have revisited the bay in I 503 and made several trips into the
The Bay of All Saints had been one of the main centres for Gallo-Portu-
guese commercial rivalry. The first recorded visit of a French ship to the
bay had been in I504. The French traders had not established 'factories', as
had been current Portuguese practice. They had preferred to leave an
agent who had gone native and had encouraged the Indians to trade with the
French. This had been in marked contrast to the Portuguese who had
lorded it over the Indians and had attempted to establish small trading posts,
as stipulated in their terms of contract. Whereas the French had become
assimilated, the Portuguese had remained objects of suspicion. There had
been one notable exception, concerning one Diogo Alvares Correia. Little
is known of his antecedents but it appears that he had been shipwrecked on
the reefs of Rio Vermelho about I 510. He had been named Caramuru
(moray) by the Indians and had taken a native wife, Catharina de Paragua15u.
With his numerous offspring, both legitimate and illegitimate, Diogo
Alvares had lived in a small settlement composed of Europeans and Indians
on the south-eastern promontory of the bay. Such had been the general
disregard shown by the Portuguese Crown towards Brazil that when Dom
Joao III had decided in I532 to divide his new territories into captaincies, he
had been totally unaware of how Diogo Alvares had been living in harmony
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
with the Indians for the previous twenty years and had acquired considerable
The Captaincy of Bahia had reached initially from the right bank of the
River Sao Francisco to the Ponta do Padrao at the entry of the Bay of All
Saints. Later it was extended to the Morro de Sao Paulo, thereby including
the bay itself. This captaincy had been granted to Francisco Pereira
Coutinho. He had had a good military record in Asia, had been with
Affonso de Albuquerque at the taking of Goa in 1 510, and had had the
curious distinction of bringing back to Europe a rhinoceros sent by the
King of Cambay to Dom Manuel as a present. Francisco Pereira had
equipped seven ships and had arrived in Bahia in I 536. His first act had
been to build a fort of wattle and daub with a surrounding palisade to afford
protection to the Portuguese who had accompanied him. This settlement
had been known as the Vila Velha and had been on the hill overlooking the
earlier settlement of Diogo Alvares. Diogo Alvares had been confirmed
in the possession of the lands he already owned. Other sesmarias, or
concessions of land, had been made in the Reconcavo to suitable settlers for
cultivation. Francisco Pereira had also started to build two sugar mills for
the grinding of the cane.
This promising start had soon been marred by discord. The advanced
age and uncertain temper of Francisco Pereira Coutinho had made him
unsuitable as the civil administrator of a new colony. Discord had been
sown among the Portuguese by a priest claiming that he had received orders
from the Portuguese Crown to imprison Fran cisco Pereira. French pirates
had renewed their activities in the Bay of All Saints, encouraged by F rands I
who in 1540 had revoked his order of I5J8 forbidding French ships from
trading in Brazilian waters. The French had also contributed to unrest
among the Indians. In I545 Francisco Pereira Coutinho and the other
Portuguese had been compelled to flee from Bahia and seek refuge in Porto
Seguro. When returning to Bahia in 1547, Francisco Pereira had been
shipwrecked on the Island of ltaparica and killed by Indians. Diogo
Alvares had been saved because of his ability to make himself understood
to the natives. During the absence of the donatory a French corsair had
stripped the fort of its cannons. The Bay of All Saints had seen considerable
discord and bloodshed in the years preceding the appointment of Tome de
Sousa as Governor-General of Brazil in I 549·
The City of the Saviour, 1549-1763 47
T orne de Sousa had landed on 29 March I 549 in the sheltered cove on the
south-eastern shore of the Bay of All Saints with orders to establish a capital.
His fleet had consisted of six vessels- three ships, two caravels and a small
two-masted barque. This expedition had represented a triumph of organisa-
tion by Dom J oao III and his advisers, and the careful planning had been in
marked contrast to that of the fleets leaving the Tagus annually for India.
The detailed Regimento had been backed by some I,ooo men who had been
carefully selected for the building of the new city and, once this had been
done, the establishment of civil government. The defence of Bahia had
been entrusted to some 320 soldiers- a mixed bag of nationalities on
mercenary service. A handful of qualified bombardiers, pikemen, crossbow-
men and musketeers made up the military contingent. The civilian popula-
tion consisted of carpenters, stone-masons, tile-makers, whitewashers, and
workers in wattle and daub. Unskilled manual labour had been provided
by some 6oo degredados, or exiles. The construction of the new capital had
been in the hands of these men under the authority of the well-known
architect and engineer Luis Dias. The health of the expedition had been
cared for by the doctor Jorge de Valadares and the apothecary Diogo de
Castro. A small party of six Jesuits under Manoell da N6brega had been
charged with the propagation of Catholicism and the conversion of the
Indians. Dom Joao III had also provided the new capital with a body of
bureaucrats to establish public law and order. The most important had been
Dr Pedro Borges, the chief justice, and Ant6nio Cardoso de Barros, the
commissioner of the Treasury. These officials had staffs to deal with all
aspects of administration-commerce, law cases, the collection of taxes and
customs' dues, and the formulating of rules for coastal shipping. 1
Tome de Sousa had been ordered to find a site more suitable for the
building of a fortress and future capital than that chosen by Francisco
Pereira Coutinho. The new site was to afford a safe anchorage, good
defensive possibilities and a healthy position. During the month of April
1549 Tome de Sousa concentrated on strengthening the stockade of the Vila
Velha and examining possible sites for the new city. The site finally chosen
had also been on the south-eastern shore, but further within the bay than
1 Inventories of men on this expedition are in Theodoro Sampaio, Historia da

fundafaO da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1949), pp. I78-81, and Pedro Calmon,
Hist6ria dafundafao da Bahia (Bahia, 1949) pp. I2J-3I.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the Vila Velha. Uneven ground at the top of steep cliffs with a narrow
waterfront had made this an ideal location for the new city. The Jesuit,
Manoel da N 6brega, had described this site as being in a 'very good position
on the beach in the vicinity of many springs, between the land and the sea' . 1
Here was to be founded the City of the Saviour (Cidade do Salvador),
capital of Brazil from 1549 to 1763. 2
The tools and many of the building materials for the new city had been
brought from Europe. Tome de Sousa had gained the confidence of the
Indians and they had helped to construct a warehouse on the seashore. A
small settlement of at least temporary houses for artisans had grown up
around the warehouse and had been known casually as the 'povoa~ao da
praia' ('settlement on the beach'). 3 One of the first buildings to be con-
structed by Tome de Sousa had been a small chapel, dedicated to Our Lady
of the Immaculate Conception, situated probably on the site of the present
church of the same name at the foot of the cliff. This shanty town on the
shore had meant that the workmen had no longer been obliged to commute
daily from the Vila Velha.
With the king's orders in mind, Tome de Sousa had set to work clearing
the scrub from the area on the top of the cliff and building mud walls as
a defence against possible Indian attacks. These had been the primitive
defences of what was still little more than an encampment for the troops who
had been moved from their temporary billets in the Vila Velha. During this
period of construction the two medical men had been kept constantly on the
alert. Sudden changes of climate had resulted in numerous cases of dysentery.
1 'muito born sitio sabre a praia em local de muitas fontes, entre mar e terra',

Manoel da Nobrega, Cartas do Brasil (zS4,9-zS6o) (Rio de Janeiro, 1931), carta iv

of 1549.
2 The name of the city founded by T orne de Sousa was Salvador and the cap-

taincy was known as the Captaincy of Bahia. In their correspondence viceroys and
kings referred to the city as Bahia, as is also common practice today. I have
followed this practice using the designation Salvador only when there could be
ambiguity between the terms Bahia (city) and Bahia (captaincy). The whole
question is discussed by Frederico Edelweiss, 'Estudos Bahianos' in the Revista do
lnstituto Geografico e Hist6rico da Bahia, no. 73 (1946), pp. 283-9•
3 A payment cheque for the freight of building materials was made out to
Francisco Pinto, 'morador na povoa~ao da praia ', Documentos historicos da
Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, 1928, in progress), val. 37,
p. 237, doc. 593·
The City of the SaYiour, zS49-176.3 49
Many of the exiles had been in poor physical condition and practically
naked, making them highly susceptible to insect and snake bites incurred
while clearing the area for the upper city. 1 Once the primitive defensive
walls had been finished there had been a move of population from the
settlement on the beach to the cleared area at the top of the cliff.
The choice of site for the new city had been dictated by the topography of
the area at the top of the cliff. The builders of the walls had taken advantage
of the natural strategic benefits. The triangular encampment had been
bordered on the west by an escarpment some sixty metres high, separated
from the sea by a narrow strip of beach. On the north and south sides there
had been natural depressions and on the land side (the east) the ground had
fallen away to a valley along which flowed a river. Four gates in the walls
covered access from the cardinal points. The primitive defences had been
replaced by stronger walls reinforced with bastions, two facing the sea and
four facing towards the land. By the beginning of I 55 I the walls and
defences of the city had been more or less completed.
Although Tome de Sousa had been primarily concerned with defence,
he had not ignored the administration of the new city. A municipal council
had been in operation by June I549 and the Treasury slightly earlier. 2 In
August I 551 the works foreman had reported with justifiable pride: 'And
thus we built a very good and well finished prison with a court room and
municipal offices over it, and on the waterfront at the place known as the
Ribeira de Goes we built the Treasury, Customs house, warehouses and
smithies; all these buildings were of stone and clay, whitewashed and with tiled
roofs' .3 By this date the city had also boasted many houses, three churches,
a hospital and a Jesuit College, the last situated just beyond the north wall.
1 On 22 June 1549 a payment order was made to clothe men working on the

construction of the walls, Documentos historicos, vol. 13, p. 284, doc. 33·
2 Documentos historicos, vol. 37, p. 2, doc. 4 and vol. 13, p. 283, doc. 30. For

further discussion of the date of the foundation of the new capital see 'A funda9Io da
cidade do Salvador' in ReYista do lnstituto Geogrdfico e Historico da Bahia, no.
72 (1945), pp. 295-312, and 29 de Marfo, data simh6lica dafunda;iio da cidade do
SalYador (Bahia, 1952).
3 'E asy fezemos cadeya muito boa e bern acabada com casa daudiencia e camara
em syma e na ribeyra de Goes casa da fazenda e alfandegas e almazens e ferarias,
tudo de pedra e baro revocadas de cal e telhados com telha' (Hist6ria da coloni{afiio
portuguesa do Brasil (3 vols., Porto, 1921-4, ed. Malheiro Dias), vol. 3, p. 363.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
A papal bull of 2; February I;p had instituted the Bishopric of Salvador
and the Church of the Saviour had been raised to the status of a cathedral.
During the next half-century the City of the Saviour had grown in
importance, size and prosperity. Brazil had been largely a self-governing
colony. The governors of the various captaincies had reported in the first
instance to the governor-general in Bahia. In many cases he had acted on
his own authority without referring the matter to the Crown. This authority
of the governor-general and the prestige of Bahia as the seat of government
had not been reduced by the union of the Spanish and Portuguese Crowns
in I ; 8o. As the first bishopric to be created in Brazil, Bahia had been of
supreme importance in ecclesiastical administration. Although the Jesuits
remained the most powerful religious order in Brazil, the Benedictines,
Carmelites and Franciscans had all established houses in Bahia in the late
sixteenth century. Increased immigration had also contributed to the
growth of the new city. The city had expanded beyond the limits of the
walls of T orne de Sousa and new districts had been established.
The ethnic composition of the population of Bahia had changed drasti-
cally in the half century following the establishment of the capital. In I; 84,
the Jesuit Fernao Cardim had estimated the population of the city at 3,ooo
Portuguese, 8,ooo Indians converted to Christianity and from 3,ooo to
4,ooo slaves from Guinea. 1 The number of white immigrants had increased
significantly. Although in the early years there had been a predominance of
bachelors, towards the end of the century whole families were emigrating
to Brazil from the over-crowded Atlantic islands and from the north of
Portugal. The Iberian union had resulted in the emigration of many New
Christians or crypto-Jews to Brazil, where no branch of the Inquisition had
been formally established. These had contributed much to the commercial
importance of Bahia by their enterprise and initiative. The number of
Indians in the urban area had decreased and had been limited to indios mansos,
or 'tame Indians'.
The greatest influx had been of Negro slaves brought from west Africa for
work on the sugar plantations or in domestic service. Initially these slaves
had mostly been bought on the Guinea coast and the islands of S. Tome and
Principe. These slaves had been of Sudanese descent. The foundation of

I Femao Cardim, Tratados da terrae genre do Brasil (Rio, 1925), p. 288.

The City of the Saviour, zS49-Z:J6J
Luanda in 1575 had offered a much shorter sea-passage to Bahia for the
slavers and there had been a shift from Sudanese slaves to Bantu slaves from
Angola. The relative merits of the two types of slave were much disputed.
It was generally accepted that whereas the Sudanese were stronger and more
hardworking, they were also more rebellious. On the other hand the Bantu
were more susceptible to disease, less intelligent and more suited to domestic
duties than the sweated labour of the plantations. Bantu slaves predomi-
nated in Bahia throughout the seventeenth century. 1
The position of the City of the Saviour divided it naturally into two parts,
the upper and the lower. Each developed its own atmosphere. The upper
city was the residential area. Here were the governor's palace, the college
of the Jesuits, the Benedictine, Carmelite and Franciscan monasteries, the
cathedral, the Miseric6rdia, the bishop's palace and the city houses of the
sugar planters or the more prominent civil servants and noblemen. Here
too were the municipal offices and the Treasury. The lower city was the
commercial zone with warehouses and loading wharves. The steepness of
the cliff made communication between the two cities difficult. Four steep
ladeiras, or paths, were suitable for pedestrians or lightly loaded carts, but
all heavy merchandise had to be hauled up on a windlass operated on a
counter-poise system.
One of the few descriptions of Bahia at the beginning of the seventeenth
century made by a foreign visitor is that of Fran~ois Pyrard de Laval,
stranded there for two months in 1610. The French traveller had been
returning from Golden Goa, then at the height of its prosperity. Neverthe-
less he had been well impressed by the City of the Saviour and described it
in the following terms:

The city of St. Salvador is high-pitched on the summit of a mountain

of difficult ascent, which on the seaside is sheer. Everything brought to
the town or exported in gross has to be raised or lowered by a certain
engine. No waggons are used, because it were too troublesome and
expensive, whereas by this machine the cost is slight.
At the foot of this mountain, for more than a quarter of a league, are

I General surveys of the slave trade in Bahia are Luiz Vianna Filho, 0 negro na

Bahia (Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paulo, 1946) and the more closely documented mono-
graph of Pierre Verger, Bahia and the West Coast Trade (zS49-z8Sz) (lbadan
University Press, 1964).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
well-built houses on both hands, forming a long and handsome street,
well crowded with all manner of merchants, craftsmen, and artisans.
There also are the cellars and warehouses for the receipt and despatch of
merchandise, whether of the king or of private persons. And by this
engine whereof! have spoken the merchandise is raised up into the town,
according as it is sold for distribution. To lift a cask of wine costs
20 sols, and the same to lower it; that is 40 sols a turn; for every time a
cask or other weighty thing is raised, another of the same weight is
lowered. It is like the two weights that ascend and descend a well, and
is in the fashion of a crane.
The city is walled and well built; it is a bishopric, and contains one
college of Jesuits (besides others in the country), a monastery of
Franciscans, another of Benedictines, another of Carmelites: all these
have handsomely built churches. Great numbers are continually con-
verted to the Christian religion, albeit they are not so firm in their faith
as are the East Indians after their baptism, but remain as fickle and
hare-brained as before.
There is a hospital in the town, ordered after the manner of Spain
and F ranee. Also a Misericordia and a very fine cathedral church or
Assee, with a dean and canons, but no Inquisition, for which cause there
are there great numbers of Christianos nuevas that is, Jews, or Jews turned
Christian. It was said the King of Spain desired to establish it, whereat
all these Jews took great fright. For the rest, the Portuguese in Brazil
conduct themselves in all respects as in Portugal, and not as in the East
Indies. The King of Spain maintains in the town of St. Salvador three
companies of infantry of Ioo men each, whereof one is on guard every
day at the residence of the viceroy, or Governor of Brazil. 1
Sugar had replaced Brazil wood as the major product of the new colony.
During the fifteenth century sugar had been successfully cultivated on
Madeira and S. T orne. Dam Manuel and Dam J oao III had encouraged the
transplantation of sugar canes to Brazil. Sao Vicente, Pernambuco and
Bahia had been the areas most suitable for their cultivation. Brazil had
rapidly ousted the Atlantic islands as the leading supplier of sugar to
western Europe. In I 550 there had been five sugar mills in Brazil. In
I 584 there had been about I I 8 in the whole of Brazil, of which thirty-six had

been in the Reconcavo of Bahia. 2 The annual output of these mills had
1 I have used here the translation by Albert Gray in The Voyage of Franyois

Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil (Hakluyt
Society, 2 vols., London, I887-90), vol. 2, pp. JID-II.
z Fernao Cardim, op. cit., p. 288.
The City of the SaYiour, z549-Z76.J 53
been about 12o,ooo arrohas. During the next forty years the number of
sugar mills and the annual output had doubled and in 1623, on the eve of the
Dutch invasion, there had been some 350 sugar mills in Brazil. 1
Sugar had been the life's blood of Bahia in the sixteenth and early seven-
teenth centuries, and its cultivation and processing deserve a more detailed
description. The senhor de engenho, or plantation owner, leased much of his
land to smallholders in exchange for part of their crop. These smallholders
cultivated their lands at their own expense but all the sugar cane was brought
to the central mill for grinding and for a division of the profits with the
plantation owner. The cultivation and processing were succinctly described
in an anthology dealing with the New World compiled in 1671 by John
Ogilby, the cosmographer of Charles II of England, and dedicated to His
The Sugar-Canes, by the Brasilians call'd Viha or Tacomaree, grow
better in a clayie and fat Soil, over which the Rivers flowing leave their
Mud, than on High-Lands, Hills, or Mountains; they are Planted after
this manner: They first plough their Fields, weed them, and make
Holes at an exact distance one from the other, into which they plant
their Canes in such a manner, that the tops touch one another. The
Holes before mention'd require more Earth to fill them in Summer
than in Winter, that the violent Heat of the Sun may not dry up the
Root, and that the Rain may the freelier come at them to moisten them,
for the more moisture they have, the better they grow; they attain to
their full ripeness in ten, or at most in twelve Moneths; Fehruary and
March being the two last Winter Moneths, are accounted the best to
Plant in, because the Earth softened by Rains, suffers the Root to shoot
forth the better. The ripe Canes being cut off, are left in the Field till
the following Year; during which time new Canes growing, are often
ground in the Mill with the old ones; but if they stand two years, then
the sweet Liquor dries up, and the Cane withers. The young Plants
carefully planted in good Ground may last forty, nay fifty years; but
in a barren Soil they set new every five years. Sometimes in great
Droughts and extraordinary hot Seasons, the Canes are scorcht to
nothing, which being burnt in the Winter, the Ashes serve to Dung
the Ground; and so in like manner when the Water, overflowing the
Fields, drowns the young Plants. In moist Grounds the black-wing'd
Worm, call'd Guirapeacopa, (by the Portuguese nam'd Pao de Galeuha)
gnaws the Roots in such a manner, that the Canes die, and sometimes it

1 C. R. Boxer, The Dutch in Braril, z624-z6S4 (Oxford, 1957), p. 18.

54 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
happens also that the Weeds choak the young Plants; wherefore the
Ground is to be weeded four times a year, till such time as the Canes are
strong enough to bear against the Weeds: they cut off the ripe Canes at
the lowermost Joynt, and, all the Leaves being first pull'd off, tie them
up in Bundles, and bring them to the Mills, which consist of three great
Iron Bars, between which the Canes are squeez'd. The Water-Mills are
tum'd by the force of the Water, which in great Gutters led from high
Mountains falls with exceeding force into Pools made for that purpose;
after which manner, though they wind the Canes much faster, yet they
get not so much Sugar as when they grind them in the Mills tum' d by
Cattel: The places through which the Juice runs must be cleans'd twice
in twenty four hours; the Canes put in behind between the first Bar,
are tum'd into the second, and thence into the third, which successively
squeezes out all the remaining Juice: The Canes thus press'd, serve for
Fewel to burn; but they constantly keep such a great Fire both Night
and Day, that besides those press'd Canes, they burn forty Fathom of
Wood in twenty four hours, insomuch that whole Woods are consum' d
in a short time: The Liquor, nam' d Caldo, runs along woodden Gutters
into great Kettles, in which it is boyl'd, but if it happen to be over-
boyl'd they put Water amongst it, whereby it becomes excellent Food
for Horses; then they put the Liquor into a second Kettle, where it is
hoyl'd afresh, and also scumm'd; and for the better cleansing of it,
Lime-Juyce and other things are put amongst it; then they strein it
through Clothes, and give the Dross which remains in the same to the
Slaves, which work for half a year together Night and Day like Horses.
The Dross mix' d with Water makes also good Wine. Out of the great
Kettles, by the Portuguese call'd Caldera de Mellar, the Caldo runs into
the lesser nam'd Tachas, where it is boyl'd a third time, and continually
stirr'd till it comes to he thick like a Syrrup, and at last to the consistence
of Sugar: It may he accounted amongst the Mysteries of Nature, that
while the Sugar hoyls in the Tachas, which are the little Kettles, they
must drop Oyl amongst the Liquor, which if they should do whilest it is
in the great Kettel, the Liquor would not turn to the consistence of
Sugar; as on the contrary, if they should put their Lye into the little
Kettles as they do into the great, the Liquor would be quite spoil' d. In
their Boyling-houses stand several hundreds of Earthen Pots one by
another on Planks full of Holes; which Pots they cover with moist clay,
and after fourteen days knocking it out of the Pots, they separate the
brown Sugar from the white, both which are laid to dry in the Sun, and
put into Chests. 1
1 America, being the latest and most accurate description of the New World con-

taining the Original of the Inhabitants, and the Remarkable Voyages thither. The
Tke City of tke Saviour, zS49-Z76.3
Other European nations had tried to hom in on the prosperity of Brazil.
Holland had been the most prominent. The seven northern provinces of
the Netherlands had been joined by the Union of Utrecht (1579). In 1581
they had seceded from Spain and in 1588 the Republic had been declared.
By the tum of the seventeenth century Holland had emerged as the major
commercial power in the world, with trading interests from the Baltic to
the Philippines. Jews who had emigrated from Spain and Portugal to
Amsterdam, where they enjoyed religious freedom, had contributed
significantly to this prosperity. They had maintained cultural and com-
mercial ties with relatives and acquaintances throughout Europe, Asia
and South America. Ships from Amsterdam had traded along the north
Brazilian coast and the west African ports in Guinea, Angola and S. Tome.
This trading had not been affected by a twelve-year truce made between
Philip III of Spain and the Republic in r6o9. Dutch ships with false
papers had continued to trade directly between Angola and Brazil with
cargoes of ivory, cotton and slaves which they sold for tobacco and other
The evident success of these freelance pirateers had encouraged the
foundation of the East India and West India Companies in r6o2 and 1621
respectively. These companies had received state support in the form of
troops, but had been responsible for raising their own capital. The West
India Company had been founded primarily for colonisation and commerce.
Its board of directors, known as the Heeren XIX, had chosen Brazil as their
first objective. As a military exercise this had presented few difficulties and
it had been assumed that once Pernambuco and Bahia had been captured
the whole country would fall into Dutch hands. The operation had been
economically attractive because of the flourishing sugar industry. The
proceeds would not only be sufficient to enrich the company but would
also finance the upkeep of the new colony. The invasion of Brazil by

Conquest of the Vast Empires of Mexico and Peru, and other Large Provinces and
Territories, with the several European Plantations in those Parts (London, 1671),
pp. 503-5. The most extensive description of all aspects of the sugar industry in
Bahia is by the Jesuit priest Andre Joao Antonil, pseud (i.e. Giovanni Antonio
Andreoni, S.J.), Cultura e Opulencia do Brasil,por suas Drogas, e Minas, com varias
noticias curiosas do modo de fa;_er o Assucar; plantar e heneficiar o Tahaco; tirar Ouro
das Minas e descuhrir as da Prata (Lisboa, 1711), parte i.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

the Dutch has been described in detail elsewhere and here I will limit
myself to an appreciation of its effect on Bahia. I
As the capital of Brazil, Bahia had been chosen as the first point to be
attacked. An expedition of twenty-six ships, carrying 3,300 men and 450
guns, had arrived in the Bay of All Saints on 8 May 1624. This had been
commanded by Admiral Jacob Willekens and Vice-Admiral Piet Heyn, with
Jan van Dorth in charge of the troops. Under cover of a naval barrage,
troops had been landed and had taken the city virtually unopposed. Despite
theexhortationsofthe governor-general, Diogo de Mendon~a Furtado, most
of the populace fled the city with the bishop, Dom Marcos Teixeira, in the
van. The governor-general and his supporters who had remained in the city
had been sent to Holland as prisoners. The news of the fall ofBahiahad caused
great alarm in Lisbon and Madrid. The Portuguese had feared that the capture
of Bahia heralded the fall ofBrazil. The main worry of the Spaniards had been
that the Dutch might advance westwards and reach the silver mines of Peru.
For once the authorities in Lisbon and Madrid had acted in concert. A
liberating force of fifty-two warships with r,r85 guns and a complement of
12,566 men under the Spanish naval Commander-in-Chief Don Fadrique
de Toledo y Osorio had been dispatched post-haste to Brazil and had landed
on the Bahian coast on 29 March 1625. The task of the expeditionary force
had been made easier because the Dutch had depleted their troops by sending
Willekens to Holland with eleven ships and Piet Heyn to Angola with a
further seven ships. The remaining Dutch force had lacked effective
leadership after the death of van Dorth in an ambush soon after arrival.
The command of the garrison had fallen to the Schouten brothers, one of
whom had drunk himself to death while the other had been totally incom-
petent. Moreover the initial demoralisation of the Portuguese had worn off
and been replaced by effective guerrilla tactics. After a siege lasting one
month the Dutch had capitulated on 30 April and the victorious expedi-
tionary force had entered the city on I May. The terms of surrender had
compelled the Dutch to hand over all arms and supplies, ships, prisoners,
slaves and booty such as gold, silver and jewels. They had then been packed

I Two authoritative studies in English using Dutch, Portuguese and Brazilian

sources are C. R. Boxer, The Dutch in Brazil and, for the Bahian campaign,
Salvador de Sa and the Struggle for Brazil and Angola, z6o2-z686 (London, 1952)
by the same author, pp. 47-63.
The City of the SaYiour, 1549-1763 57
off to Holland with provisions for the journey and weapons for their defence.
The occupation of Bahia by the Dutch had lasted eleven and a half months.
Although failing to hold Bahia, the Dutch expedition against Pernambuco
in I63o had been successful. Olinda and Recife had been taken on I6
February I63o. Then had begun a slow war of attrition throughout the
north-east of Brazil with bush fighting and guerrilla skirmishes. The
plantations of Pernambuco, Paraiba, Goiana and Rio Grande had been fired.
The tedium of this war had been largely due to division of leadership, both
in civilian and in military administration. In I6J6 the Heeren XIX had
appointed Johan Maurits van Nassau as Governor-General of Brazil. During
his term of office (I637-44) Dutch Brazil had come to include the Maranhao,
Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, ltamaraca, Pernambuco and Sergipe.
His capital had been at Mauritsstad on an island off Recife.
The Dutch had realised that their influence in Brazil would be limited
as long as there remained in Bahia the Portuguese seat of government.
In I6J8 Johan Maurits had besieged the city unsuccessfully and had only
narrowly failed in a frontal assault. He had returned to Recife without
making further offensives. More serious to Bahia had been the attacks on
the Reconcavo during the later period when Dutch supremacy had been
severely challenged. In I64o Admiral Lichthart had destroyed twenty-seven
sugar mills in the Reconcavo. In I647 General Sigismund von Schoppe
had driven the Portuguese garrison from ltaparica. He had made several
sallies against the Reconcavo, but had not succeeded in dominating the sea-
going channel giving access to the bay. Nevertheless his presence had
constituted a threat to the city. Dom J oao IV had sent a fleet to retake the
island under the command of Antonio Telles de Meneses (Count of Villa-
Pouca de Aguiar) who had been nominated as the new governor-general.
He had arrived in Bahia on 22 December I647, only to find that the Dutch
had evacuated the island a week earlier. The final act of aggression of the
Dutch against Bahia had been in December I 648 and January I 649. A fleet
under Michie! van Goch and Colonels van den Brande and Haulthain had
raided the Reconcavo and had fired twenty-three sugar mills and made off
with considerable booty in sugar and valuables. This had been the last
assault on the Bay of All Saints by a foreign force during the colonial period.
With the proclamation of Dom Joao IV as King of Portugal and the
removal of the threat of further invasions, Bahia had settled down to an era
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
of peace and prosperity. Bahia had become the most important city in the
Portuguese overseas empire in the seventeenth century and was to enjoy its
Golden Age from 1650 to 1700. As the administrative capital of Portuguese
America, it was the seat of the governors-general and viceroys. A papal bull
of 1676 had raised the bishopric to the standing of a metropolitanate, the
only archbishopric in Brazil. I Bahia was also the seat of the only Relafiio,
or High Court, in Brazil for much of the colonial period. This had been
established in 1609, suppressed because of the Dutch invasion, and re-
established in 16p. 2 In military terms Bahia was of considerable strategic
importance. Although the garrison was rarely up to strength, soldiers from
Bahia were employed in the defence of Sacramento against the Spaniards and
in replenishing the garrisons of S. Tome and other forts in Africa and Asia.
In 1699 the English adventurer William Dampier described Bahia as
'the most considerable Town in Bra?_il, whether in respect of the Beauty of
its Buildings, its Bulk, or its Trade and Revenue'. The prosperity of Bahia
was reflected in the number of new buildings erected during the second
half of the seventeenth century. Like most visitors to colonial Bahia,
Dampier was impressed by the number of churches which he placed at
thirteen. Many of these were recent constructions at the time of his visit.
The religious orders had also benefited from the city's prosperity. The
Jesuits, Franciscans, Benedictines, Carmelites and Dominicans were all in
the process of building, or rebuilding, their churches. The convent of the
Desterro also dated from this era. Civilian reconstructions included the
governor's residence, the archbishop's palace, the city council's offices and
the Miseric6rdia. The rebuilding of the fortresses of Sto Ant6nio da Barra,
S. Diogo, and Sta Maria had been due to the drive and enthusiasm of Dom
Joao de Lencastre during his governor-generalship from 1694 to 1702. He
had also constructed the mint and the High Court and rebuilt the municipal
prison. Dampier commented favourably on the well-built houses in the
city and the wide paved streets.3

I Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, Historia da America Portugueza desde o anna MD

do seu descohrimento auf ode MDCCXXIV (2nd ed., Lisboa, 188o), livro vi, §99·
2 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, op. cit., livro v, § iii.

3 William Dampier, A Voyage to New Holland &c. In the year 1699. Wherein
are descrihed the Canary-Islands, the Isles ofMayo and St.jago,the Bay ofAll Saints,
with the Forts and Town of Bahia in Brazil (London, 1703), pp. p-2.
The City of the Saviour, zS49-17G3 59
Commerce was the key to this prosperity. There was a flourishing
triangular trade of inter-complementary wares between Portugal, the west
coast of Africa and Brazil. This was a trade of supply and demand. Portugal
relied for its economic survival on the agricultural products of Brazil and
the gold and ivory of Africa. Luanda and Bahia needed manufactured goods
of all sorts, foodstuffs unobtainable in the tropics, and certain luxury i terns.
The sugar mills and plantations of Bahia depended on African slaves from
Guinea and Angola for their man-power. The cargoes of ships outward
bound from Portugal included linens, woollens, baize, serge and domestic
utensils such as iron tools, pewter vessels, dishes, plates and spoons. Where-
as ships bound for Luanda tended to carry goods suitable for barter such as
mirrors, beads and trinkets, those bound for Bahia carried more luxury items
such as silks, brocade and china. Wines, olive oil, butter, cheese, salt beef
and pork were greatly in demand, whether in Bahia or Luanda. In Luanda
the proceeds from the sale of these goods bought gold, ivory and slaves. In
Bahia they bought sugar, tobacco, cattle hides, dye woods, whale oil, and
such curiosities as monkeys and parrots. The slave ships leaving Bahia for
Luanda carried tobacco, rum or brandy. This trade worked in both direc-
tions or between two of the three terminals. The latter was especially true
of the slave traders whose boats plied between Bahia and Luanda without
touching a European port. On the other hand a Lisbon businessman might
dispatch a boat to Angola, sell or barter the cargo for slaves which he would
transport to Brazil, and then invest the proceeds derived from their sale in
the purchase of sugar or tobacco for sale in Lisbon.
Sugar remained the largest Bahian export throughout the seventeenth
century. The industry had recovered rapidly after the Dutch invasions and
reached the height of its prosperity between 1650 and 168o. Brazilian sugar
was more highly regarded in Europe than its counterpart from the West
Indies because of its finer quality. The planters of the Barbados simply left
their sugar in the unrefined state as brown sugar cakes, known as mascavado.
The Brazilian sugar was refined by mixing it with very white clay and water
and leaving the concoction to stand for ten to twelve days. The hard clay was
then removed from the top and the sugar underneath was found to have been
whitened by the liquid passing through it. 1 Secondary products of the sugar
industry were rum and brandy, much of which were exported to west Africa.
I Dampier, op. cit., PP· 5s-6.
6o Fidalgos and Philanthropists

The cultivation of sugar was not an independent, self-supporting industry.

The plantation owner relied on horses to work his sugar mill and on oxen
for the transportation of the boxes of sugar from the mill to the nearest river.
Cattle corrals were an essential part of any large plantation. Whereas the
establishment of a sugar plantation and mill demanded capital, the rearing of
cattle demanded hard work and a willingness to forsake the pleasures of the
city or the casa grande for the scrub and cactus of the inhospitable caatinga
region of the interior.
Cattle raising was not a seventeenth-century development in Bahia. A
minor nobleman, Garcia d'Avila, who had been in the fleet of Tome de Sousa,
had established cattle corrals in Itapoan and in the valley of the River
Joanes. He had built a fortified manor house at Tatuapara to be able the
better to defend his cattle against Indian attacks. But it was only in the
seventeenth century that cattle raising became a major factor in the Bahian
economy, and was recognised as a financially rewarding alternative to sugar.
Intrepid bandeirantes, or pioneers, had pushed inland by land and water
from the sugar centres of Pernambuco, Bahia and Sao Vicente. The
development of the hinterland of Maranhao, Piaui, Paraiba, Rio Grande do
Norte and Ceara had been undertaken from Pernambuco. The bandeirantes
from Bahia had advanced northwards to the River Sao Francisco and had
then turned inland to Goias and Mato Grosso. From Sao Vicente in the
south they had penetrated the hilly regions of Minas Gerais and had joined
up with their counterparts from Bahia. Ambition, independence of spirit
and hard work had been rewarded by success. In the early eighteenth
century the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Antonio Andreoni (writing under the
pseudonym of Andre Joao Antoni!) described herds of up to 300 head of
cattle arriving at Capoame, the cattle mart eight leagues from the city of
Bahia, every day during certain seasons of the year. Here the cattle were
sold as draught animals for the plantations, or slaughtered for their meat and
hides. These hides were exported to Lisbon as wrappings for the rolls of
tobacco and for shoe leather. In 171 I Bahia headed Brazilian leather exports
to Portugal with some 5o,ooo hides annually, valued at 99,ooo$ooo. 1
Tobacco had only been grown in commercial quantities in Bahia in the
early seventeenth century. Peasants from the north of Portugal or the
Atlantic islands had emigrated to Brazil with few assets apart from the know-
1 Antoni!, op. cit., parte iv, capitulo iv.
The City of the Saviour, 1S49-1763 61

ledge gained from tilling crops. The cultivation of tobacco, which de-
manded small capital outlay and few slaves, had been especially suitable for
such settlers. Cachoeira had become the centre of the Bahian tobacco
industry. Royal decrees ordered that the best quality tobacco should be
sent to Portugal and the worst to west Africa. In fact, there was a good deal
of smuggling and agents in Lisbon frequently complained of the deplorable
quality of the tobacco they received. This industry boomed in the seven-
teenth century. By the end of the century tobacco rivalled sugar as the
major agricultural export from Bahia. In 1711 Antoni! noted that 'If sugar
has made Brazil known in all the kingdoms and provinces of Europe,
tobacco has made it more famous in the four corners of the world.'
The cultivation of sugar and the raising of cattle had been the foundation
of the Bahian economy in the seventeenth century. There had been many
differences between the two cultures. Generally speaking, the sugar
planters were often descended from families of the minor nobility who had
emigrated from Portugal to Brazil in the sixteenth century, and had been
granted lands in the Reconcavo. Less frequently did the cattle owners come
from noble stock, although there were some notable exceptions. Geographi-
cally too, there had been a split between the two cultures. The one had been
linked to the fertile littoral region of the Reconcavo - essentially a static
culture. The other had been characterised by its mobility, as shown by the
penetration of the interior. Naturally there had been exceptions in both
cases. In the early eighteenth century many plantation owners spent most
of the year in their city houses rather than on the plantations. Similarly,
whereas some cattle owners were preoccupied with extending their lands in
the interior and never visited the capital, other families rarely stirred from
their houses in the city and left the supervision of their estates in the hands
of an overseer.
Whatever their differences, these cattle barons and sugar planters con-
stituted the landed aristocracy of colonial Bahia. A sugar plantation was far
more than a centre of commercial activity with cane fields, crushing machines,
coppers, vats and stills. It was a community with its own chapel, resident
chaplain and a social hierarchy at once staunchly rigid yet curiously flexible.
Slave labour was the basis of this community, be it outdoors as cultivators
of the cane, herdsmen, shepherds, fishermen and boatmen, or in the domestic
duties of the house. The carnivalesque festivity of the senzala, or slave
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
quarters, was rivalled by the traditional hospitality of the casa grande (lit.
'big house'), the residence of the plantation owner. All administrative
decisions concerning the commercial and social life of the community were
the responsibility of a single man, the senhor de engenho, or plantation owner.
His authority was absolute. Antoni! described the prestige of such a figure in
these words: 'To be a plantation owner is an honour to which many aspire
because such a title demands servitude, obedience and respect from many
people. And if he should be, as he must be, a man of wealth and admini-
strative ability, the esteem accorded to a plantation owner in Brazil can be
equated to the honour in which a titled nobleman is held in Portugal. 'I
The dominance exercised by the cattle barons was no less great. In the
seventeenth century the Crown had attempted to limit the extent of the vast
tracts of land owned by a few families. Royal edicts and threats of ex-
propriation had been totally ineffective. The interior of Bahia was largely
owned by two families, the Guedes de Brito of the House of Ponte and the
Dias d' Avila of the House ofTorre. These poderosos do sertiio ('powerful
men of the backlands') abused their power and were frequently accused of
oppressive measures against subjects too frightened to protest. Religious
orders, who had inherited lands in wills, often found on laying claim to
such properties that they had been surreptitiously incorporated into larger
This landed aristocracy dominated the administrative and social life of
Bahia in the seventeenth century and, to a lesser degree, in the eighteenth
century. Inter-married to a high degree, the leading landowning families
constituted the most powerful pressure group in national and local politics.
Governors-general and viceroys took good care to placate such families as
far as possible, well aware of the influence they could exert at court. Self-
appointed advisers to governor-general and viceroy alike, these landed
aristocrats had no qualms about addressing themselves directly to the Crown
when opposing royal decrees running counter to their own interests. The
members of the city council of Bahia were chosen almost exclusively from
this class. Although positions on the city council did not pass from father
to son and the annual elections resulted in a rapid tum-over of personnel, in
fact this was no more than an illusion of representative democracy because

I Antoni!, op. cit., parte i, livro i, capitulo i.

The City of the Saviour, zS4,9-Z763
of the high degree of inter-marriage and coincidence of interests. 1 This
was also the case among the socially prestigious brotherhoods and Third
Orders of Bahia. We shall have occasion to discuss this matter again with
reference to the Miseric6rdia. Suffice it to say here that the governing bodies
of the Miseric6rdia and the Third Orders of St Francis and the Carmelites
were virtually monopolised by the landed aristocracy.
In 1699 William Dampier commented on the active business community
of Bahia. He distinguished between merchants engaged in trade by sea
from Bahia to west Africa and Portugal on the one hand, and on the other
those craftsmen and tradesmen who had achieved considerable wealth by
their industry. A third class were businessmen engaged solely in financial
dealings. There was always a demand for capital in Bahia, were it to finance
the sugar crop, the purchase of slaves, the purchase of cattle, or simply a
house in the city. This capital was lent at an interest rate of per cent and
the guarantee was usually the sugar crop, slave cargo, cattle or house whose
purchase it was financing. Bahia offered great possibilities for young
bachelors who had emigrated from Portugal, married local girls, made some
capital by acting as middle-men and then placed this capital on loan.
The most successful story of financial speculation concerned J oao de
Mattos de Aguiar, the financial leviathan of colonial Bahia. Little is known
about his life. Born in Ponte de Lima in the north of Portugal, he had
emigrated to Bahia where he had married but had no offspring. Possibly he
had originally come out to Bahia to help his uncle, J oao de Mattos, in the
administration of his sugar plantations in Patatiba. Whether this had been
the case or not, J oao de Mattos de Aguiar was already a rich man in his own
right at the time of the death of his uncle in 1685 because the latter's will
offered his nephew the option on the purchase of these plantations for
JO,ooo crutados.z Joao de Mattos de Aguiar died in 17oo, leaving enormous
bequests to be administered by the Miseric6rdia. The manner in which J oao
de Mattos de Aguiar acquired his fortune was described by the contemporary
chronicler Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta:
From humble and poor estate he rose to become a man of very great
wealth. This wealth had been acquired by much application and was
1 A more or less complete list of councillors is published by Affonso Ruy,

Historia da Camara municipal da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1953), pp. 347-'74·

z ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 239v-244.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
preserved by his carefulness in the employment of money. He was very
austere in his way of life, both in his diet and his dress. All his wealth
(with the exception of two houses, and a few cattle corrals) was placed
on loan and so great were the returns that not even he himself knew the
exact amount of his fortune. 1
The success story of J oao de Mattos de Aguiar was exceptional, but
there is every indication that in the eighteenth century considerable wealth
could be acquired without possessing cattle or sugar plantations. Business-
men first appeared as such among the brothers of the Miseric6rdia about 1700
and we shall have occasion to analyse in detail the increasingly important
role they played in the social life of Bahia during the next fifty years. The
consolidation achieved by this class was indicated by the foundation of a
brotherhood, that of St Anthony of the Barra, for businessmen. Its' coming
of age' as a class was recognised by a royal order of 1740. Dom Joao V told
the viceroy to solve the problem of finding suitable people to serve as city
councillors by entering the names of businessmen on the electoral rolls, since
this class was now firmly established and fit to hold public office. 2 The
economic change from the real estate tradition of the seventeenth century to
commerce and financial speculation was recognised by the Count of Galveas
who wrote to Dom Joao V in 1744: 'There are few people (I am not refer-
ring to the vulgar populace) who fail to recognise and acknowledge that
commerce is the very soul of the state, and the treasury on which ruling
princes rely in the event of a national crisis. 'J
The prosperity of Bahia declined in the x68os. Sugar had been the basis
of the Bahian economy. A fall in the demand for Brazilian sugar meant the
decline of Bahia. Brazil had been able to maintain its lead in the world
sugar market up to about 1650. After this date it had come under in-
creasingly severe pressure from the Dutch, French and English planters in
the West Indies. By the 168os the increased production from the West
Indies had reduced the demand for Brazilian sugar and had lowered the price
1 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, op. cit., livro x, § 17.
2 Royal letter of 6 May 1740, APB, Ordens regias, vol. 36, doc. 6o.
3 'Sam poucos os que deixao de conhecer, e advertir (nao falo com a gente
popular) que o Comercio he Alma dos Estados, eo Erario em que depozitam os
Princepes que os dominao as esperan<;as de poderem acudir ao reparo de qual quer
urgencia publicae repentina' (letter of 9 March 1744, APB, Ordens regias, vol. 41,
doc. 6a).
The City of the Saviour, zS49-176.3

of this commodity on the European market. 1 A contributory factor in

favour of sugar from the West Indies had been the regularity of the fleets,
whereas those to Brazil were notoriously unreliable. In some years no fleet
at all called at Bahia. The advantage of the superior quality of Brazilian
sugar noted by Dampier was out-weighed by its deterioration in damp
warehouses for two years. In I687 the municipal councillors of Bahia had
informed the Crown that firms in Portugal had ordered their representatives
in Brazil to send money and not sugar because of the decline in the market
for sugar. 2 Five years later the councillors wrote to the Crown that Brazil,
'the finest jewel in the royal crown', could only be saved from economic
ruin by swift official action.3
This blow to the Bahian economy from external sources had come at a
time of internal crisis. A smallpox epidemic from I 68o-4 had coincided with
a drought lasting three years. Slaves had died, cattle had starved, crops had
been ruined.4 The elements had not been the only factors in the depressed
economy. The citizenry of Bahia had laboured under the burden of
excessive taxation. Sugar had been taxed at the rate of seven vintens the
arroba and tobacco at one vintem the pound. In I687 the city council had
complained with justification that these taxes had been levied in the period
I645-55 to meet war requirements and that the price of sugar had then been
at 3$500 the arroba.s In addition to taxes on commodities, Bahia was paying
off its share of an indemnity to the Dutch and a contribution to the dowry
of Catherine of Braganza who had married Charles II of England. In I69 I
the total bill for taxes and donations to be met by the city council had come
to more than Ioo,ooo crrq_ados. Reminders to the Crown that Bahia had
contributed generously to the conquest of Angola, the retention of Rio de
Janeiro and the defence of Pernambuco in the seventeenth century fell on
deaf ears. In I69I the councillors commented bitterly that the king only
paid any attention to Bahia when he was about to levy new taxes, 'all to the
damnation and ruination of this state which will be bled white as was India

1 Roberto C. Simonsen, Hist6ria econ.Omica do Brasil (z5oof z82o) (4th ed., Sao

Paulo, 1962), p. II4· 2 Letter of 12 August 1687 (AMB, vol. 174, f. 79).

3 Letter of 18 July I692 (AMB, vol. 174, f. 104).

4 Letter of 2 July 1685 (AMB, vol. 174, f. 59).
s An arroba at this period was slightly more than the English quarter. Letter of
I2 August 1687 (AMB, vol. 174, f. 79).
66 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

on the pretext of the alleged desire for the increase in the power of the
Crown'. 1 In the following year the councillors of Bahia, who did not mince
words in their correspondence with the Crown, told the king bluntly that
he and his ministers were following a policy of' taking blood from the arms
to give relief to the head'. 2
These complaints by the city council to the Crown continued throughout
the eighteenth century. It is possible that the councillors (many of whom
were plantation owners) were guilty of exaggeration in their estimate of the
seriousness of the situation. More than once their correspondence has a note
of panic. This may well have been the case on some occasions, but other
reliable sources draw a similarly depressing picture. William Dampier noted
the decline of the sugar industry in 1699, although praising the quality of
the refined sugar: 'When I was here this Sugar was sold for 5os. per 100 lb.
and the Bottoms of the Pots, which is very coarse Sugar, for about 20s. per
100 lb. both sorts being then scarce; for here was not enough to lade the
Ships, and therefore some of them were to lie here till the next Season. '3
In the eighteenth century the level-headed Count of Sabugosa and the
Count of Galveas repeatedly wrote to the king about the critical economic
situation in Bahia. Three internal factors contributed to this - a series of
bad harvests, a dearth of slaves and a shortage of ready cash.
The Bahian winter lasts from about mid-March to mid-August. Sugar
canes and tobacco plants depend on equal amounts of rain and sunshine for
their successful cultivation. Sugar cane is less susceptible to minor climatic
variations than tobacco plants, which can be ruined by a heavy dew or rain
at a crucial period of growth. The eighteenth century was characterised by
a series of irregular seasons with unusually long winters and short summers.
The viceroyal correspondence to the Crown on the state of the colony was
a chronicle of prolonged droughts, heavy downpours and laments on the
'desigualdade dos tempos'. By 1724 a long drought had reduced the
populace to a state of total dejection. An earth tremor on 4 January pro-
duced panic and wild speculation. Prayers for rain were said in the churches.

I 'tudo em damno e Ruina deste Estado, que se pertende atenuar como o da

India como pretexto do fingido zello do aumento da Coroa' (letter of 14 July 1691,
AMB, vol. 174, ff. Ioov-Ioi).
2 'pretendem tirar o sangue dos bra~os para come elle se acudir a cabessa'

(letter of 18 July 1692 in AMB, vol. 174, f. 104). 3 Dampier, op. cit., p. 56.
The City of the Saviour, 1S49-1763

In March a procession carrying the statue of the patron saint of Bahia,

St Francis Xavier, paraded the streets with the same intent. These supplica-
tions were ineffective and the crops were totally ruined by the continuing
drought. Other regions of Brazil were similarly affected. In Pernambuco
lack of flour made the price soar to eight patacas for an alqueire. In Para!ba,
sickness and death resulted from the starving populace eating unknown
roots. Two years later torrential rains plunged Bahia into despair again.
The sugar plantation owners chose Balthazar de Vasconcellos Cavalcante as
their spokesman to present a petition to the viceroy asking that the sailing
of the fleet be postponed. They alleged that there had only been three full
working days in the whole winter because of deluges which had brought
the sugar mills to a halt and killed oxen and horses. The task of drying
the sugar was hopeless. Rains had washed out roads and made the rivers
impassable for the transportation of the crates of sugar to the city. Very
small quantities of sugar in bags had been carried by horses and slaves for
boxing at the ports, but as many of the plantations were five to six leagues
inland such an expedient had been impracticable for the majority of plantation
owners. Large amounts of sugar had been reduced to pulp in the ware-
houses on the plantations. 1 This story of misfortune was repeated in 1728,
1733, 1736, 1739, 1742 and 1746 when immoderate rains or prolonged
droughts disrupted all forms of agriculture.
Slaves were the mG.os de obra ('working hands') of the plantation owners.
Epidemics had killed many slaves in the 168os. The plantation owners
could not compete with the prices offered by the miners from Minas Gerais
who came to Bahia to buy their slaves. In June of 1710 the city councillors
of Bahia took the extraordinary step of asking the king to close down the
gold mines because the cultivation of crops in Bahia was being neglected
for want of manpower. In vain did the councillors remind Dom J oao V of
the example of his predecessors, Dom Sancho and Dom Diniz, in the pro-
tection of agriculture as the basis of a stable economy. 2 By 1723 shortage
of slave labour had caused the closure of twenty-four sugar mills in the

r The departure date for the fleet had been fixed for 20 July 1726. The planters
were successful in their petition of r July because the letter from the viceroy to the
king explaining the reason for the delay was only written on 22 August (APB,
OrdenJ regias, val. 20, doc. IOJ and accompanying documents).
z Letter of 14 June 1710 (AMB, val. 176, f. 8r).
6g Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Reconcavo. A slave who had formerly cost 4o$ooo to 6o$ooo now fetched
2oo$ooo. Only the miners could afford the prices demanded by slave
traders who exploited the financial situation. I A second reason for the high
cost of slaves was a change in slave fashions. In 1 700 the slaves from the
Mina coast were held in low repute and plantation owners refused to buy
any but Angolan slaves. In the I7JOS the opposite was the case and slaves
from the Mina coast were preferred to those of Angolan origin. 2 In Africa
the attacks by the King of Dahomey on neighbouring rulers had disrupted
trade. In the I7JOS ships from Bahia frequently remained in African ports
long beyond their scheduled sailing dates in the hope of achieving a reason-
able cargo of slaves. Nevertheless, they often returned half empty to Bahia.3
Plans were proposed by the city council of Bahia for the purchase of slaves
from beyond the Cape of Good Hope. The Count of Galveas, who had
assumed the office of viceroy in 1735, effectively put an end to these pro-
posals. He pointed out to the councillors supporting the measure that if the
ten to twelve ships already engaged in trade with west African ports were
straining the resources of the slavers to the utmost, there could be no hope
of their financing the construction of the stronger vessels necessary to round
the Cape of Good Hope and trade in east African ports. 4

I Letter from the city councillors to the king, I) November 1723 (AMB, vol.
176, ff. 142V-I43V).
2 This change was mentioned by the viceroy in a letter to the secretary of state,
probably written in 1738. Referring to the discovery of the gold deposits, the
Count of Galveas wrote: ' Quando elias se comessariio a descobrir que havera
trinta e sete para trinta e oito annos, heriio muito poucos os escravos que vinhao
da Costa da Mina, e esses tao mal reputados, que os Senhores de Engenho, os
Lavradores de tabaco, e todos os mais que se empregavao na cultura da Companhia,
lhes preferiao os de Angolla, de tal sorte que comprando estes por cincoenta mil
rs pouco mais, ou menos, nao queriao os da Costa por nenhii pre~o; mas o tempo
que tudo altera, e tudo muda, trocou as couzas de maneyra que hoje regeitao
totalmente os de Angolla, pello mesmo vallor q' entao os compravao, e compriio os
da Costa por cento e vinte, e cento e cincoenta mil reis, e dahy para sima; desta
altera~ao de pre~os com o excesso de quazi duas partes mais do seu antigo vallor,
foi a primeira origem da decadencia em que ao prezente se achao as Lavouras do
Brazil' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 34, doc. x;).
3 Letters from the viceroy to the king of 22 April 1733 and 18 April 1736 (APB,
Ordens regias, vol. 29, doc. 74 and vol. 32, doc. 126).
4 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 34, doc. I).
The City of the Saviour, z54!rl76.3
A shortage of ready cash was the third reason for the decline in the
prosperity of Bahia in the eighteenth century. In 1694 a mint had been
established in Bahia to coin money of a value lower than that existing in
Portugal in order to discourage the practice of Bahian merchants sending
currency to Lisbon. This measure was ineffective because, once the de-
mand for Brazilian sugar diminished, companies in Lisbon ordered their
agents in Bahia to send currency rather than sugar. This money, although
of a lower value than the continental coinage, still offered a better return than
sugar. The result was a shortage of currency in Bahia. In addition, the
more mobile way of life of the cattle ranchers and gold diggers meant that
these sought payment in cash rather than in kind. Much of the provincial
money which had been coined in Bahia was taken by the miners to Minas
Gerais and Jacobina, or by the ranchers to Maranhao or Piaui. In 1712 the
city council estimated that the total amount of currency circulating in Bahia
did not exceed soo,ooo cruzados. 1 Thirty years later the councillors of Bahia
informed Dom Joao V that the silver coins minted fifty years previously were
extinct and requested authorisation for the minting of a new issue to provide
the means of commerce.z
This lack of currency ruined the possibility of good relations existing
between the merchants and sugar planters. In the eighteenth century, the
price of sugar was settled each year at a meeting between two representatives
of the sugar planters and two representatives of the mercantile community.
If they failed to agree on prices for refined and unrefined sugar within the
statutory period of three days, the matter was referred to the viceroy, who
made the final decision. Increasingly frequently in the eighteenth century
the merchants offered rates which the planters refused, alleging that the price
would not even cover their rising production costs. The year 1743 was one
of crisis for both sides. A drought lasting three and a half years had ruined
the soil and made the harvests so small that the produce of two years was
sent by a single fleet.J The merchants had been unable to sell in Lisbon
even a tenth of the crop they had bought in Bahia for the previous fleet of
1741. Thus they had been unable to pay off outstanding debts. Many
1 Letter of 22 June 1712 (AMB, vol. 176, f. 88).
2 Letter of 30 September 1743 (AMB, vol. 182, If. 2v-3).
3 Letters from the viceroy to the secretary of state in Lisbon dated Bahia
4 March 1743 and 30 September 1743 in APB, Ordens regias, vol. 39, docs. 7 and 47·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
sought refuge in monasteries rather than face their creditors. Others were
refused loans even at the exorbitant interest rates of 20 to 24 per cent in
addition to the usual securities in kind, and were compelled to pawn their
wives' jewels to the brotherhoods and Third Orders in return for loans. 1
A contributory factor to the decline of Bahia had been the discovery of
gold in Minas Gerais in the 169os. This ended what little official interest
there had been in the agriculture of Bahia. The Crown's attention was
directed to the collection of the quintos, or royal fifths, on this gold. Within
the frontiers of the captaincy of Bahia, gold strikes had been made at
Jacobina and Rio de Contas at the beginning of the eighteenth century and
in 1727 further deposits were found at Arassuahy and Fanado. 2 These
strikes were not sufficiently rich to reawaken the interest of the Crown in
Bahia. While searching for gold in the rivers of Minas Gerais, the early
speculators had found sparkling stones in large quantities. These were
identified as diamonds by the Governor of Minas Gerais, Dom Lourenc;o de
Almeida, in 1726. This new development in the Brazilian economy benefited
Bahia no more than had the discovery of gold. The smuggling of diamonds
was even easier than that of gold. Dom Joao V was only interested in Bahia
as one of the ports for a large illegal traffic in precious stones between Brazil
and Portugal.
All branches of the Bahian economy were adversely affected by these
factors. The plantation owners were the most severely hit. Their wealth
lay in their cane crop, slaves, houses and sugar mills. In many cases they
lacked sufficient reserves to replenish their stock, once this had been de-
stroyed. The Bahian sugar economy was to a large extent self-contained.
The planters sold directly to the merchants who exported the sugar to
Lisbon. The price was settled in Bahia and the outcome of negotiations did
not depend on the proceeds the sale realised in Portugal. This contrasted
with the West Indies where the factor in Bristol or Holland sold the sugar

1 In his letter to the secretary of state, written from Bahia on 30 September 1743,

the viceroy noted that there had been a delay of a month and a half in the departure
of the fleet, but that nevertheless so little cargo had been loaded 'advertindo
tambem ao mao conceyto que formariao as Na'<oes Estrangeiras das nossas frotas,
perdendo totalmente a opiniao em que athe agora estiveram das riquezas do
Brazil' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 39, doc. 55).
2 C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age, p. 1 52·
The City of the Saviour, zS49-17G3 71
at the best price he could obtain and placed any profit to the credit of the
planter after deducting his commission for making the sale. Moreover,
slave breeding was more common in the West Indies than in Brazil. In the
case of Brazil, no capital was drawn out of the metropolitan economy to
finance the sugar planters. During the eighteenth century sugar did pick up,
but for many plantation owners the crisis of the r68os had been decisive. 1
Cattle ranchers and tobacco planters likewise suffered a set-back but speedily
recovered. Least affected were the businessmen and merchants whose
capital was not invested in real estate. Despite the diminished demand for
Brazilian sugar, they could continue trading in other commodities. More-
over, many of them had salted away their profits in Lisbon.
Culture came a poor second to commerce in colonial Bahia. Throughout
the colonial period the Crown refused all the petitions of the city council of
Bahia for a foundation of a university in the Brazilian capital. The intel-
lectual life of the city was centred on the Jesuit College, until the expulsion
of the Order from Brazil in I759· Already in the sixteenth century the
college had offered a primary education and a degree course in arts. The
curriculum had consisted of three courses: Letters (Latin, grammar, rhetoric,
poetry and history) for three years; Arts (philosophy and science) for
another three years. Students intending to enter the Church took a further
course in theology. The first degrees had been awarded in 1575.
Early writings on Brazil and Bahia had tried to answer the demand for
information about the new continent. The Jesuits Manoel da Nobrega and
Jose de Anchieta had written letters to the colleges in Portugal describing
the new capital and the flora and fauna of Brazil. Another Jesuit, Fernao
Cardim, who had come to Bahia in I 583 and was to be the Provincial of the
Order, had written treatises on the climate and land of Brazil and on the
Indians. The honour of being the first native Bahian historian goes to the
Franciscan friar, Vicente do Salvador. He had been born in Matoim in 1564
and published a history of Brazil in 1627. This had consisted of five books
and traced the history of the colony from 1500 up to the governorship of
Diogo Luis de Oliveira (1627-35). The most important description of
1 In the absence of a complete set of bills of lading for each fleet leaving Bahia at

this time, it is difficult to verify the extent of this improvement in the sugar industry.
For the situation in 1758 in Bahia and the Reconcavo see Anais da Biblioteca
Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, vol. 31 (1909-13), no. 3924.


... u


c:o. :v
2.00 400 600 800 1000

Portuguese America in z7So

The City of the SaYiour, zS49-Z76.3 73
Bahia in the sixteenth century had come from the pen of a layman, Gabriel
Soares de Sousa. Born in Portugal about I)40 he had emigrated to Bahia in
the late I ;6os. During a residence of eighteen years in Bahia he became a
successful sugar plantation owner and had served on the city council in I 58o.
His brother, Joao Coelho de Sousa, had discovered mineral deposits in the
interior of the captaincy. He had died before being able to exploit these
deposits but had left to Gabriel a map indicating their whereabouts. In I 584
Gabriel had gone to the court in Lisbon to petition for the concession of
these and any further strikes. This had been granted in I)90 and he had
been given the patent of Governor and Captain-Major of the Conquest and
Mines of the River Sao Francisco. Returning to Bahia with 360 followers
he had led an expedition to the upper valley of the River Salitre seeking the
headwaters of the River Sao Francisco. He had died on the return journey
and had been buried in the Benedictine monastery in Bahia under a tomb-
stone with the inscription 'Here lies a sinner'. He had taken with him to
Lisbon a detailed description of Brazil divided into two parts. The first was
a' General Itinerary' of the Brazilian coastline, treated captaincy by captaincy.
The second was a 'Memorial on the greatnesses of Bahia' and described the
city and captaincy in detail. This work is of the greatest value because of the
wealth of its descriptions at a time for which many of the official records
have been destroyed. 1
The Bahian literary scene in the seventeenth century had been dominated
by two dynamic, headstrong, but totally dissimilar figures. The first had
been the Jesuit missionary and preacher Ant6nio Vieira. The second had
been the satirical poet Greg6rio de Mattos. Ant6nio Vieira had been born
in Lisbon in x6o8, but had studied in Bahia and had been ordained there in
1634. He soon revealed himself as a formidable scholar and a most eloquent
preacher. Some of his more forceful sermons on the Dutch war and slave
1 Femao Cardim, S.J., Tratados da terra e gente do Brasil. lntroduc;oes e notas

de Baptista Caetano, Capistrano de Abreu e Rodolpho Garcia (Rio de Janeiro,

1925); Vicente (Rodrigues Palha) do Salvador, Hist6ria do Brasil, zSoo-z627.
Revista por Capistrano de Abreu e Rodolfo Garcia (4th ed., Sao Paulo, 1954);
Gabriel Soares de Sousa, Notlcia do Brasil. lntroduc;ao, comentarios e notas pelo
Professor Piraja da Silva (2 vols., 8th ed., Sao Paulo, 1949). For bio-biblio-
graphical details of Gabriel Soares see Rubens Borba de Moraes, Bihliographia
hrasiliana (2 vols., Rio de Janeiro-Amsterdam, 1959) and Accioli-Amaral,
Memorias, vol. 1, pp. 452-6.
74 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
conditions were preached in Bahia. For his sermon in the church of St
Anthony in Bahia on this saint's day in 1638, on the occasion of the failure
of the Dutch in their siege of the city, Vieira took as his text the verse from
the Book of Kings, 'For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake,
and for my servant David's sake'. By a play of concepts in which he
compared Bahia to Jerusalem, Vieira attributed the salvation of the city to
divine intervention. He went further in the analogy, comparing the high
ground where the church of St Anthony was to Mount Zion, the city of
David, and making St Anthony a second David and servant of Our Lord in
the defence of the City of the Saviour and the Bay of All Saints. 1 Vieira
was also a champion of human rights and preached against the exploitation
of the Negro and the Indian to the intense annoyance of the white colonists.
In 1633 in a sermon to a Negro brotherhood on a Bahian plantation, Vieira
told his audience:
In a sugar mill you are re-living the crucifixion of Christ- lmitatori-
hus Christi crucifixi- because your suffering is very similar to the
suffering of Our Lord on the cross and with the same passion. His
cross was formed of two beams of wood, and yours in a sugar mill has
three. In the same way as the two cane crops bring you tribulation, so
did he too suffer the double agony: once on account of the crown of
thorns and a second time on account of the sponge with which they gave
him vinegar to drink mixed with gall. The passion of Christ embraced
a night without slumber and a day without rest, and so are your nights
and your days. Christ naked, and you naked; Christ without food, and
you famished; Christ illtreated in everything, and you illtreated in
everything. The irons, the imprisonment, the lashes of the whip, the
scores, the abusive names -in all these constitutes your imitation,
which if it were accompanied by patience would also be deserving of
martyrdom. All that is lacking for a complete and perfect comparison
to the cross is the name of the mill; but Christ himself provided this,
not with another word, but the very word itself. Your mill or your
cross is called Torcular, and Christ himself by his very lips called his own
cross Torcular: Torcular calcaYi solus. 2
The power of the hard-hitting rhetoric of Antonio Vieira was rivalled by
the bitter satire of Gregorio de Mattos. He had been born in Bahia in 1633,
1 Ant6nio Vieira, Obras (4 vols., Lisboa, 1940, with a biographical study by

Hernani Cidade), vol. 2, pp. 5-37.

2 Ant6nio Vieira, op. cit., vol. 3, pp. 3o-1.
The City of the Saviour, zS49-Z763 75
had attended the Jesuit College in Bahia and had then gone to the University
of Coimbra. After graduating in law he practised in Lisbon and was a
magistrate. He had found a protector in Dom Pedro who had promised him
an office in the Supreme Court of Appeals in Lisbon, the Casa da Suplicaftio.
This had been on condition he should go to Rio de Janeiro and make the
official enquiry into the governorship of Salvador de Sa, who had been
recalled in 1661. Gregorio de Mattos had refused to accept this condition
and had lost the royal favour. In 1678 he had returned to Bahia. He
had been appointed judge in the ecclesiastical Court of Appeals, but his
loose living brought about his dismissal. During his days at Coimbra the
violence of his satire had earned Gregorio de Mattos the name of 'Boca do
inferno' and he now turned the full power of his invective against the
authorities. The governors Antonio de Sousa de Meneses (1682-4) and
Antonio Lufs Gon~alves da Camara Coutinho (169o-4) were targets of his
verses as, too, were the ecclesiastical dignitaries. In view of his constant
needling of authority it was rather surprising that he should have been
elected to the Misericordia in 1691 as a brother of higher standing. 1 Although
the new governor-general in 1694, Dom Joao de Lencastre, had been
favourably inclined to the poet initially, he was later compelled to deport
him to Angola because of the bitterness of his pen. When the poet returned
to Brazil, he sought refuge in Recife where he died in poverty in 1696. The
poetry of Gregorio de Mattos remained unpublished for a long time after his
death, but is of great importance as providing a picture of Bahian society in
the late seventeenth century. 2
In the eighteenth century the arts in Bahia received considerable incentive
from the dynamic Count of Sabugosa, Vasco Fernandes Cesar de Meneses.
The son of Lufs Cesar de Meneses, Governor-General of Brazil from 1705
to 1710, Vasco Fernandes had served as Viceroy of Portuguese India (1712-
1717) before his appointment as Viceroy of Brazil in 1720. During the next
fifteen years he gave every stimulus to the arts in Bahia. He encouraged the
foundation of a literary academy in Bahia. The first meeting was in 1724

1 The term recording his admission is dated 8 April 1691 at the beginning and
10 April 1691 at the end. The autograph signature of Gregorio de Mattos is
almost entirely destroyed (ASCMB, vol. 2, f. 324.)
2 Gregorio de Mattos, Obras completas (6 vols., Rio de Janeiro, 1923-33, edited

by the Academia Brasileira).

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
and the members called themselves 'The Forgotten'. The historian
Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta referred to 'the most erudite people' who presided
over the meetings, the 'serious and learned subjects' there discussed, and
'the verses full of elegance and wit' produced by its members. 1 In fact the
Academy's activities produced many lengthy eulogies, perorations, euphuistic
poetry and the discussion of trivia. The only work of importance to be
produced by any of its forty-four members was Rocha Pitta's Historia da
America Portugue'{_a. Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta was a product of the Jesuit
College in Bahia and then studied at Coimbra. Returning to Bahia he wrote
a considerable amount of poetry but concentrated on a study of Brazilian
history. In 1720 Dom Joao V founded the Royal Academy of History in
Lisbon and asked the Count of Sabugosa to acquire all information relative
to Brazil. Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta's work was already near to completion
and he was charged with the task of accumulating details of the history of the
colony.2 His History covered the period from the discovery of Brazil up to
1724 and was published in Lisbon in 1730. The Count of Sabugosa com-
missioned selected authors to write volumes on natural history, ecclesiastical
history and military history. These either remained in manuscript or were
published long after the short-lived academy had foundered.
An 'Academy of the Re-born' was founded in Bahia in 1759 by Jose
Mascarenhas Pacheco Pereira Coelho de Melo. His harsh persecution of the
Jesuits in Oporto had brought him to the notice of the Marquis of Pombal
and he had been sent to Brazil to carry out the expulsion of the order from
Bahia: During the voyage a storm threatened to destroy the ship in which
Jose Mascarenhas was travelling and he had solemnly vowed not to persecute
the Jesuits in Bahia if he should be saved. The vessel survived the storm
and Jose Mascarenhas arrived safely in Bahia. He fulfilled his vow. Al-
though ostensibly continuing to harass the Jesuits in fact he did not do so
and turned his interests to the arts. Revealing an unexpected literary streak
he established the Academia dos Renascidos which counted forty full mem-
bers and eighty supernumerary members. It was not long before the
changed attitude of Jose Mascarenhas was reported to the court in Lisbon.
The Marquis of Pombal immediately ordered his arrest and Jose Mascarenhas
1 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, op. cit., livro x, § II2.
2Secretary of state to viceroy, 14 May 1723, and the reply of the Count of
Sabugosa in APB, Ordens rlgias, vol. 17, docs. 93 and 93a.
The City of the SaYiour, Z549-ZJ6.3 77
was sent in chains to the fortress of Sta Catharina where he remained for
seventeen years. The Academy did not survive the disgrace of its founder
and was dissolved on 10 November 1759 after an active life of only six
months. The literary production of the Academy was limited to the
Historia militar do Brasil (z549-ZJ52) of Jose de Mirales, the Culto metrico
of Jose Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque and some minor poetic works.
Publications by former members after the dissolution of the Academy
included the Nobiliarquia paulista of Pedro Taques and the chronicle of the
Franciscan order entitled NoYo Orbe Serafico Brasileiro of friar Ant6nio de
S. Maria Jaboatao. Another academician was Jose Ant6nio Caldas, author
of a Noticia geral desta capitania da Bahia. He was a student and later
a teacher at the Military School founded at Bahia on the royal order in 1699·
His descriptions and drawings of Bahia are of high quality and complement
the largely statistical survey entitled Estatistica da Bahia (1757) carried out
by his colleague at the Military School, Manuel de Oliveira Mendes. It was
ironical that the year of the foundation of the 'Academy of the Re-born'
should also be the year of the expulsion of the Jesuits from Bahia. The
closing of the Jesuit College marked the end of an era in the cultural and
intellectual life of Bahia. 1
Drama and music in colonial Bahia also owed much to the Jesuits. The
early Jesuits had written short plays of a moralising content and the Jesuit
College had put on tragicomedies on saints' days and holy days. The Count
of Sabugosa had established a secular theatre in Bahia and the municipality
had presented plays commemorating royal anniversaries and celebrations.
This had been short lived. 2 From the early days of colonisation the Jesuits
had used music to convert and teach the Indians. Sacred operas were pre-
sented in the Jesuit College and possessed considerable dramatic qualities.
Secular music in Brazil was scarcely influenced by the musical tradition of the
Indian which was primarily ritualistic. More important was the transference
1 A survey of Bahian literature in this period is contained in Pedro Calmon,

Hist6ria da literatura hahiana (Bahia, 1949), pp. 13--'73· For details of the Academia
dos Renascidos see Arthur Viegas, 0 poeta Santa Rita Durao. Revelafoes hist6ricas
da sua vida e do seu seculo (Brussels-Paris, 1914) and Alberto Lamego, A Academia
Brarfleira dos Renascidos. Suafundaflio e trahalhos ineditos (Brussels-Paris, 1923).
z An account of the theatre in Bahia is contained in the article by Alfonso Ruy in
the volume Hist6ria das artes na cidade do Salvador (Salvador, 1967). See also
Anais do Arquivo Publico da Bahia, vol. 32 (Bahia, 1952), pp. 303-10.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
of the Negro music from west Africa to Bahia with the slaves. This was
characterised by the use of percussion instruments of wood or metal and the
all-pervading rhythm. During the eighteenth century the dance known as
the lundu of entirely African origin and the Brazilian modinha enjoyed great
popularity and contributed to the creation of the fado in Portugal.
Bahia was the leading city in Portuguese America during the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. Here was the seat of government, the only
archbishopric in Brazil and the only High Court of Appeals. The city was a
flourishing commercial centre for imports and exports. In the eighteenth
century Rio de Janeiro gradually ousted Bahia from its position of supremacy.
The discovery of gold in Minas Gerais had heralded the decline of Bahia.
The increasing exploitation of mineral resources resulted in the shift of the
economic centre of the colony from the north-east to the south. Bahia had
been one of the original outlets for this new found wealth but rapidly Rio de
Janeiro became the major export centre for gold and diamonds. Rio de
Janeiro grew in prosperity and importance in the eighteenth century. Its
public buildings and richly decorated churches evoked the admiration of
foreign visitors. Dom J oao V recognised the increasing prestige of Rio by
giving additional administrative responsibilities to the governor. In 1750
the jurisdiction of the Governor of Rio, Gomes Freire de Andrada, extended
over the captaincies of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Gohis,
Mato Grosso, Santa Catharina, Rio Grande do Sul and the colony of Sacra-
mento in the River Plate. He was more powerful than the viceroy in Bahia
and his authority was felt throughout a larger part of Brazil. The inadequacy
of the High Court of Appeals at Bahia to deal with law and order throughout
Brazil was recognised by the foundation of a High Court of Appeals in Rio
in 1751, totally independent of the judiciary in Bahia. The final blow to the
supremacy of Bahia was fortuitous. In 1761 France drew Spain into the
Seven Years War and it was readily apparent that both countries would
invade Portugal. Pombal invoked the English Alliance but in April 1762
Spanish troops invaded the north of Portugal. This had repercussions in
Brazil. In September 1762 the Colony of Sacramento in the River Plate was
invaded by a Spanish force under Don Pedro de Ceballos and surrendered
the following month. English intervention was late and ineffective.
Ceballos then invaded Rio Grande do Sul but was held in check. This
military challenge on the southern frontiers of Brazil enhanced the strategic
The City of the SaYiour, z549-17G3 79
importance of Rio de Janeiro. This was fully appreciated in Lisbon. By a
royal letter of 27 June 1763 Dom Jose I sounded the death knell of Bahia by
ordering the transfer of the capital of Brazil from the City of the Saviour on
the Bay of All Saints to the City of St Sebastian on the River of January. It
is against this background of the rise and decline of the first capital of
colonial Brazil that we must view the history of the Brotherhood of Our
Lady of Mercy in Bahia.

The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia


THE earliest reference to the existence of a branch of the Misericordia at

Bahia is in I552· Writing from Bahia in late August, the Jesuit Manoel da
Nobrega referred to the difficulty of maintaining an orphanage which 'I gave
to the Misericordia of this city so that the brothers could look after the
children, but neither they nor anyone else were willing to accept this
responsibility'. 1 The destruction of the archives of the Misericordia by the
Dutch and the ravages of time and ants have removed the possibility of
stating precisely the date of foundation of the brotherhood in Bahia. The
nineteenth-century auditor and historian of the Miseric6rdia, Ant6nio
Joaquim Damazio, cautiously placed the foundation as occurring between
the arrival of Tome de Sousa in I 549 and the death of the third governor,
Mem de Sa, in I 572. The subsequent publication of documents in the
National Library in Rio de Janeiro dealing with the early history of Bahia
and of letters written by the first Jesuits in Brazil to the colleges in Portugal
has enabled modern historians to reduce this span. In the light of the new
material scholars such as Theodoro Sampaio, Ernesto de Sousa Campos,
Serafim Leite, Pedro Calmon and Carlos Ott have moved back the date of
the foundation of the Misericordia in Bahia.2 The Bahian historians Pedro
I ' ••• da casa, a qual eu dava a Misericordia desta cidade, e que tivessem cuidado

dos meninos, o que nem elles, nem ninguem quizeram acceitar'. Although un-
dated, internal evidence shows that the letter was written after 1 5 August, Manoel
da Nobrega, Cartas, p. I40.
z Antonio Joaquim Damazio, Tombamento dos hens immoveis da Santa Casada
Misericordia da Bahia em z862 (Bahia, 1865), part 3: Emesto de Sousa Campos,
'Santa Casa de Miseric6rdia da Bahia. Origem e aspectos de seu funcionamento ',
Revista do lnstituto Geogrdfico e Hist6rico da Bahia, no. 69 (1943), pp. 213-52;
The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia of Bahia 81
Calmon and Carlos Ott have even asserted that as early as I549 a branch of
the Miseric6rdia was functioning in Bahia. We may commence our history
of the brotherhood by examining the evidence, albeit fragmentary, relating
to the foundation.
The advocates of the foundation in I 549 base their assertions on three
documents. Two of these are orders for fines incurred by sailors to be paid
to the hospital. The first is dated 5 October I 549 and orders payment of
900 rs. in merchandise to be made to the 'Provedor of the Hospital of the
City of the Saviour ... for the works of the aforesaid Hospital'. The
second is of6 November I549 and orders payment of two fines to 'Diogo
Moniz, Provedor of the Hospital of this City of the Saviour ... for the
aforesaid Hospital'. 1 The third document is dated I4 December I549
and is an order for payment to be made to ' ... Diogo Moniz, Provedor of
the Hospital of this City of the Saviour, as executor ofEstevao Fernandes de
Tavora, a sailor of the caravel Leoa who died in this City, 1$8oo rs. in
merchandise due to the aforesaid dead man for the months of June and
July at the rate of 900 rs. monthly'. 2 These documents have given substance
to the belief that a hospital of the Miseric6rdia existed as early as July I 549
and that the brotherhood was fully organised with a Provedor and board
of guardians. Carlos Ott even suggests that a brotherhood was formed,
under the direction of Manoel da N6brega, in April or May at the latest.
This is based on the assumption, unsupported by documentary evidence,
that a hospital was built before the May rains (cause of much illness) and was
administered by the Miseric6rdia. When the sailor Estevao F emandes de
Tavora died after treatment in this primitive hospital he left the wages due
to him for June and July to the Miseric6rdia for improvements to be made to
the hospital.
This thesis embodies a series of misconceptions of the administrative
structure of the Miseric6rdia and its social functions. The first is the
assumption that the presence of a hospital, ipso facto, infers a Miseric6rdia.
This was not the case. In Goa, Cochin and Cannanore, hospitals had

Theodora Sampaio attributes the foundation to Mem de Sa, Historia da fundafao,

p. 255, n. 3; Pedro Calmon, Hist6ria dafundafao, pp. 169-7o; Carlos Ott, A Santa
Casa, pp. 17-19.
1 Documentos historicos, vol. 37, doc. 269, pp. 96--7 and doc. 281, pp. IOcr-1.
2 Documentos historicos, vol. 37, doc. 146, p. 6o.
82 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
existed since the earliest days of the Portuguese settlements and long before
the foundation of the respective branches of the Miseric6rdia. It must also
be remembered that although the Compromisso catered for the care of the
sick, it made no provision for the administration of a hospital. When such
responsibility was given to, or forced on, the Miseric6rdia the brotherhood
usually stipulated that it should incur no financial loss in fulfilling this
obligation, or that a liberal grant should be made to the brotherhood by
the Crown. The second misconception concerns the spirit in which the
Miseric6rdia was founded in Lisbon. Although Catholic in religion, the
Miseric6rdia was entirely secular. Members of the religious orders were not
admitted to the brotherhood and the Miseric6rdia jealously defended its
autonomy from any form of interference by the secular clergy or ecclesiasti-
cal authorities. Manoel da N6brega may have encouraged the formation of
a branch in Bahia but it is extremely unlikely that he was the founder. The
third misconception concerns the title- 'Provedor'. This title was an
inherent part of the Miseric6rdia, but was not limited to the Miseric6rdia.
It was a general administrative title applied to Crown and municipal officials,
or simply to individuals in charge of institutions. 1 It is easy to be led astray
bythenobilitydemanded of the Provedor of the Miseric6rdia and the aristoc-
racy of Diogo Moniz Barreto. Of noble family, he was appointed alcaide-
m6r of Bahia in I 554 and acted for Mem de Sa as governor during the latter's
absence in Rio de Janeiro in I56o. Pedro Calmon suggests that Diogo
Moniz Barreto passed from the post of Provedor of the hospital (and there-
fore of the Miseric6rdia) to that of alcaide-m6r.z This suggestion does not
take into account that the Provedor was elected annually and that the
Misericordia was never a bureaucratic institution under civil jurisdiction.
A solution to the problem of the date of foundation of the Miseric6rdia
can be reached by using different documentation. This clarifies the erroneous
equation of hospital-Miseric6rdia, examines the true relationship of the one
to the other, and establishes the topographical position of the Miseric6rdia.

I Pedro Calmon quotes the title of' Provedor' of the hospital of Caldas founded

by Dona Leon or and of the Hospital of All Saints in Lisbon founded by Dom J oao
II to justify the equating of hospitai-Miseric6rdia in Bahia. This is a totally false
equation (Historia dafondafiio, p. I69, n. 8).
2 Calmon, Historia da fundafiio, p. I 28, n. 3I. He only took the oath on 22 June

I556, Documentos historicos, vol. 35, pp. 353-5.

The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia of Bahia
There can be no doubt that a Miseric6rdia did not exist before the arrival of
T orne de Sousa on 29 March I 549· The activities of the dona tory Francisco
Pereira Coutinho had been limited to allocating some sesmarias, or grants of
land, and the building of a stockade round the encampment. After landing,
the first concern of Tome de Sousa had been the choice of a site for the new
city. Thus it is safe to say that the Miseric6rdia of Bahia was founded
between April I549 and August I552·
The problem of the hospital can only be understood within the wider
context of the foundation of the city. The Vila Velha served as a base for
the expedition, at least during the month of April. It is probable that a
make-shift hospital was built there to cater for those still sick after the sea
journey. Once the site of the city had been chosen it was essential to have a
doctor readily available to deal with accidents while unloading, dysentery
and snake and insect bites. 1 It was not practicable for him to travel daily
from the Vila Velha, nor for the sick to be transported there. A mud and
wattle shack on the beach was converted into a primitive hospital. This was
where Jorge de Valadares worked initially under the general supervision of
Diogo Moniz Barreto. Here it was that Estevao Fernandes de Tavora died
at the end of July or beginning of August, leaving the wages due to him to
Diogo Moniz whom he nominated as his executor. There is no basis for the
assertion that Estevao Fernandes made a legacy to the hospital. It was
perfectly natural that a dying man should nominate as his executor the
director of the hospital, whom he could trust to forward his small bequest
to relatives in Portugal. When the stockade of the upper city had been
built there was a shift of population from the cramped quarters on the
beach to the defended area of the upper city.
A hospital was built just outside the north wall of the upper city, to
prevent possible contagion. Building lasted from October I 549 to January
I550 and the final structure was solid and permanent. 2 By mid-February all
interior work and whitewashing was complete. On 25 February Tome de

1 The first wage-packets for work on clearing the site date from I May I549,
11, inter alia, pp. 4-5.
Documentos historicos, vol. 37, docs. 8, 9, 10 and
2 Orders for fines to be paid 'for the works of the hospital' cover the period

5 October 1549 (Documentos historicos, vol. 37, doc. 269, pp. 96-7) to 12 January
1550 (vol. 37, doc. 408, pp. 149-50). This is a later date for the conclusion of the
works than that suggested by Caiman, Hist6ria da fundafiio, p. 169, n. 7·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Sousa ordered some thirty-five metres of hemp cloth to be given to the

hospital for draw curtains. 1 Whether the cloth was used for protection
against the sun or for partitioning off a dispensary or surgery is immaterial.
The important point is that for such an order to have been made all building
works must have been finished.
At first sight this does not advance our conclusions as to the presence of a
Misericordia, were it not for an alteration in the phrasing of this last grant.
The two orders for payment of fines to the hospital specified that payment
be made to the Provedor, be he Diogo Moniz Barreto by name or not. The
order of Tome de Sousa for cloth to be given to the hospital stated expressly
that this be handed to the' Stewards (Mordomos) of the Hospital of the City
of the Saviour'. The order also stated that the cost of this cloth was 'to
the account of the 100 cru'{_ados, given by His Majesty as alms for the expenses
of the aforesaid Hospital'. This order of 1550 was followed by further
payments in 1552. 2 These orders referred to the stewards and the royal gift
but omitted any mention of a Provedor. This seems conclusive evidence
that there was at least a change of administration once the hospital had been
A strong case can be made for the existence of a Misericordia in Bahia in
1550. It was common Portuguese administrative practice to pass the
obligation for the provision of social welfare from the Crown or municipal
authorities to private organisations such as brotherhoods or religious orders.
It appears that this happened in Bahia because if the hospital had been
administered by the Crown all costs would have been met by the Treasury
and there would be no reference to alms. There were numerous examples
elsewhere of the Portuguese authorities building a hospital and then entrust-
ing the administration to the Misericordia, e.g. the Hospital of All Saints in
Lisbon and the Royal Hospital of the Holy Spirit in Goa. When the
administration of a hospital was accepted by the Misericordia it was on the
condition that the brotherhood should incur no financial loss thereby.
Possibly the 100 cru'{_ados was a sum agreed on by the Crown and the

1 'trinta, e cinco varas, e ten;a de panno de Canhama<_<o de pre<_<o de oitenta reis

vara para umas corredit;as para o dito Hospital', (Documentos historicos, vol. 37,
doc. 469, pp. 178-9).
2 Documentos historicos, vol. 38, doc. 1134, pp. 56-7, and doc. 1222, p. 97, of

15 July and 5 November 1552 respectively.

The Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia of Bahia
Misericordia for the costs of administration of the hospital of Bahia. Finally,
the I 5I6 Compromisso of Lisbon had made provision for two conselheiros to
visit the hospitals. These were members of the board of guardians and
frequently known as mordomos. The brotherhood in Bahia was governed
by these statutes.
The case for the Devil's advocate is simple- the total absence of any
reference to the Misericordia in the reports of T orne de Sousa or in the
Jesuit correspondence, before the letter of Manoel da Nobrega in August
I 55 2. The fact that individual orders for payments were made suggests
that the total sum of IOO cruzados was not handed to the treasurer of the
brotherhood as was the usual practice in such cases. It would have been
interesting to know if this grant was made annually or on a single occasion,
but this is not stated. Gabriel Soares de Sousa in his Noticia do Brasil
referred to the poverty of the brotherhood and the small hospital wards in
I 584. He added that this was because the Misericordia received no royal

grant towards the upkeep of the hospital. 1 In the absence of any conclusive
evidence on the date of foundation of the Misericordia of Bahia all that can
be said is that there are strong grounds for the belief that it existed in early
The hospital was known as the Hospital of the City of the Saviour at least
until the end of I552· But three years later the governor, Dom Duarte da
Costa, referred to the Hospital of Our Lady of Candles in a letter to Dom
Joao III. The governor suggested to the king that sentences of exile be
commuted to financial penalties and the proceeds allocated to this hospital. 2
There can be no doubt that there was still only one hospital in Bahia because
Dom Duarte da Costa stated that all the sick, both from the ships and the
city, were treated there. The only possible conclusion is that the hospital
was renamed after completion. The name is significant. It indicates that
the hospital was not administered by the Crown as it would then have been
known as the Royal Hospital or Hospital of the King, as was the case
elsewhere. It is also sufficient indication that the Misericordia did not
include the hospital within its own patrimony in I 55 5, as it would then have
been referred to as the hospital of the Misericordia. If the stewards mentioned
in I 5;o were brothers of the Misericordia, then the relationship of the
1 Gabriel Soares de Sousa, Notlcia, vol. 1, pp. 256--7.
2 Letter of 3 April 1555 (Hist6ria da colonisa;ao do Brasil, vol. 3, pp. 371-2).
86 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Miseric6rdia to the hospital at that date can only have been purely nominal
consisting of general supervision. The Miseric6rdia only came to possess a
hospital at a much later date, possibly during the governorship ofMem de Sa
(1558-'72), Provedor and benefactor of the brotherhood.


If the circumstances surrounding the foundation of the Misericordia are
clouded in mystery, no less so is the history of the brotherhood in the next
decade. In I 556 we find the brothers collecting alms for the many sick of
the Indiaman Siio Paulo, which had put into Bahia after being blown off
course. I Nine years later there is a further reference to the Misericordia
performing one of the more picturesque duties ordered by the Compromisso
-the accompanying of the condemned to the scaffold. In I 565 the fleet
of Francisco Barreto, former Governor oflndia, arrived in Bahia on its way
to the conquest of Monomotapa. A sailor, Medeiros by name, had been
condemned to death for murder. The sentence was carried out in Bahia but
on three occasions he fell from the gallows because friends had tampered with
the ropes. After the third occasion the Misericordia appealed to the chief
justice for his acquittal on the grounds that his escape was the will of God.
This appeal was rejected and Mem de Sa secretly ordered the unfortunate
wretch to be hanged in the early morning outside the prison. This time
the rope did not break! 2
By the I 56os the Misericordia had achieved a position of social importance
in Bahia. Mem de Sa served as Provedor and assisted the brotherhood
financially. He built, or completed, the first church of the Miseric6rdia,
made of stone and whitewashed. Towards the end of his term of office he
listed this among the more notable achievements of his governorship. This
was confirmed by an independent witness who also referred to wards and
care of the sick.3 It seems likely that Mem de Sa made improvements to the
hospital which by this time was administered by the Misericordia.
I Pedro Calmon, Hist6ria dafundafiio, p. 212.
2 Vicente do Salvador, Hist6ria, pp. 182-3.
3 Documentos relatiYos a Mem de Sa (Rio de Janeiro, 1906; extract from Anais da
Bihlioteca Nacional, vol. 27), pp. 4 and I 1.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia ofBahia

A travelling companion of Medeiros had been Gabriel Soares de Sousa.

From his account of Bahia it is evident that in I 584 the administrative offices,
church and hospital of the Miseric6rdia existed in the same place as the
present Santa Casa. This is the first description of the Miseric6rdia and is of
sufficient interest to be quoted:
A fine street, known as the Rua dos Mercadores, runs northwards
from the principal square to the cathedral. At the end of this street, on
the sea side, is the Casa da Misericordia with its hospital. Its church is
not big but very well finished and decorated; and if this Casa does not
have large offices and wards, it is because it is very poor and receives no
income from the Crown nor from private people. It is maintained only
by those alms given by local people. Although these are plentiful the
need is even greater because of the many sailors and exiles who leave
these kingdoms very poor and have no other help in their plight than
that of this Casa. The alms amount to some 3,ooo crU?_ados annually
and this sum is spent meticulously in the treatment of the sick and aid
for the needy. 1
In I 587 the Provedor, Crist6vao de Barros, himself sought to remedy the
dire financial straits of the brotherhood by personally visiting the sugar
plantations of the Reconcavo to ask for alms. 2
Information on the Miseric6rdia in the early seventeenth century is
equally scarce. Pyrard de Laval passed through Bahia in I6IO on his return
from India. He made casual reference to the Miseric6rdia and its hospital
but this failed to arouse in him the enthusiasm he had felt for its counterpart
in Goa.3 The Miseric6rdia featured prominently in the Dutch occupation of
Bahia in 1624-5. During the eleven and a half months that the Dutch held
the city they used the churches as powder stores and shops. The church of
the Jesuit College was used as a wine cellar and, when the wines were
exhausted, as an infirmary. When the relieving expedition, under Don
Fadrique de Toledo y Osorio, established its two forward batteries in the
Carmelite and Benedictine monasteries, the Dutch were using the wards of
the Misericordia as their main hospital post. Although the Misericordia had
escaped damage during the capture of the city by the Dutch, a freak shot
from the Portuguese battery in the Carmelite monastery ricocheted off the
I Gabriel Soares de Sousa, Noticia, vol. I, pp. 256-7.
2 Vicente do Salvador, Hist6ria, p. 273·
3 Franc;ois Pyrard de Laval, Voyage, vol. 2, p. 330.
88 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

ground near the Dutch battery at the door of the cathedral and smashed the
hospital wall, killing two surgeons at work. I The most serious loss to the
Misericordia resulting from the Dutch invasion was the destruction of its
After the restoration there was a wave of civic enthusiasm. The local
governor, Dom Francisco de Moura Rolim (1625-7), was Provedor of the
Misericordia for the year 1625-6 and encouraged membership. By 1629
there were no vacancies in the brotherhood and potential candidates were
refused admission. 2 This same enthusiasm led the scribe, Jorge de Araujo de
Gois, to compile a list of brothers in 1625 to replace the records destroyed
by the Dutch. This first book of brothers was lost in 1897 while being
copied and the first extant membership register only dates from 1663. 3
Records of property owned by the Misericordia had also been lost during
the Dutch occupation. In r6p the scribe, Gon~alo Pinto de Freitas, took
testimonies from the former scribes Jorge de Araujo de Gois, Captain
Francisco de Barbuda and Francisco de Castro in an attempt to establish legal
rights to this patrimony. He calculated this at some twenty-six properties
in the immediate vicinity of the Misericordia, five shops and a butcher's shop,
giving an annual income of 757$ooo to the brotherhood. There was also a
group of shops and houses in front of the cathedral which were rented for
9o$ooo annually. 4 The documentary material for a history of the Miseri-
cordia between 1625 and 1650 is limited to two registers dealing with
administration and one account ledger.s These records provide a one-sided
picture of the Misericordia's activities but do permit an insight to be obtained
into its administration.
The Misericordia derived its main source of income from legacies, either
outright or with conditions attached to a property. Legacies were made to
the Misericordia with the obligation to say a stipulated number of masses
over the year in the brotherhood's church. The after-life was a constant

I Vicente do Salvador, Hist6ria, p. 434· 2 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 3·

3 This register was consulted by Damazio, Tomhamento, n. 54· In the catalogue

of the archives of the Misericordia made in 1940 there is the note: '0 1° Livro
desta coleqao nao foi encontrado desde r897, conforme consta do antigo Indice,
parecendo que foi extraviado par ocasiao de ser copiado '. The first index was also
lost or destroyed because it is no longer in the archives.
4 ASCMB, val. 40, ff. 230-234V. s ASCMB, vols. 13, 40 and 843.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia
preoccupation with the Bahian gentry, whose wealth was often gained
unscrupulously and at the cost of exploiting their slaves. The first purchase
by any white person was a slave. During his lifetime the master abused
his slave. On his death-bed the master provided for his own salvation by
leaving the slave to the Miseric6rdia so that the proceeds derived from the
sale could be applied to masses for the soul of the dead master. 1 Even a
humble music teacher, faced with the problem of exacting payment for
lessons to the children of a wealthy citizen, satisfied his own conscience and
benefited the Miseric6rdia by leaving the debt to the brotherhood which
could enforce payment, by legal means if necessary.z
Such monetary legacies were pittances compared with those leaving houses
and property to the brotherhood. By the seventeenth century the Miseri-
c6rdia possessed properties not only in the city itself, but also in the Recon-
cavo. Mecia Rodrigues, the New Christian wife of the wealthy land-owner
Garcia d' Avila, left substantial properties to the Miseric6rdia in the city near
the Benedictine monastery, and in the Reconcavo lands in Itapagipe and
Itapoan.3 The latter were left to the Miseric6rdia and the Benedictines. An
amicable solution was reached and the brotherhood paid compensation to
the Order in the final division of property.4 In his enquiry Gon~alo Pinto
de Freitas discovered that the legacy of Mecia Rodrigues had financed the
building of some houses on lands left to the brotherhood by another bene-
factor, Simao da Gama de Andrade.s In the city the Miseric6rdia had to
compete with the Jesuits and Franciscans as recipients of legacies. When
Jorge Ferreira, wealthy owner of a sugar plantation in Sergipe and a produce
farm in the Serra, died in 1641, the Franciscans were the main beneficiaries
receiving six houses in the main square where property values were high.
The Miseric6rdia had to content itself with three houses and the shared
administration of dowries, with an additional obligation to say masses. 6
I ASCMB, vol. 40, If. 142v-143 and f. 193, inter alia.
z ASCMB, vol. 40, f. 141.
3 The lands in the city were of a leasehold value of 6oo$ooo, Pedro Calmon,
Historia da Casada Torre (2nd ed., Rio de Janeiro, 1958), p. 26, n. 16.
4 The Miseric6rdia kept the lands in ltapagipe and the Benedictines those in
ltapoan. The Miseric6rdia paid xoo$ooo in compensation because of the lower
value of the lands in ltapoan, Livro velho do tomho do mosteiro de Sao Bento da
cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1945), pp. 23o-3 and pp. J28-JI.
5 ASCMB, vol. 40, f. 230v. 6 ASCMB, vol. 40, If. 14JV-I5J.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The prosperity of Bahia in the early seventeenth century meant that the
plantation owners and cattle ranchers endowed the religious orders and
brotherhoods liberally. In 1637 the Misericordia took possession of houses in
the main square of Bahia, the legacy of Pedro Viegas Giraldes, a brother and
owner of a ranch in Pitinga with seventy head of cattle and sixty sheep. This
legacy carried the obligation of saying two masses weekly in the Miseri-
cordia's church. 1 The largest legacy of property received by the Miseri-
cordia was from a priest, Fran cisco de Araujo, in 16 5o. Reference will be made
to this legacy later; suffice it to say here that it comprised four corrals of cattle
and a flock of sheep in Saboara as well as smallholdings of tobacco and cotton.
The brotherhood supplemented its income from legacies by investing in
houses in the belief that these would not depreciate in value and that the
legacy would be safe from loss by maladministration. The Misericordia
could drive a hard business deal. A prominent Bahian in the early seven-
teenth century, Captain Gon<_;alo de Morgade, and his wife were induced to
part with two houses valued at 38o$ooo for a mere 2oo$ooo, the extent of
a legacy received by the brotherhood. 2 The Misericordia also exacted
transfer fees, known as laudemios, from the sale of property on lands of
which it was the owner.
The administration of properties and lands brought the Misericordia into
contact with other land-owning bodies. The most prominent and wealthiest
were the Jesuits and the Benedictines. The Misericordia enjoyed good
business relations with the latter, but the Jesuits were more rapacious.
Francisco de Araujo had inherited rich estates but had fallen foul of Jesuit
demands. He had left his extensive properties to the Misericordia on condi-
tion that the brotherhood would fight, without quarter or compromise,
Jesuit claims to his lands. He had maintained that such claims were based
on faulty land measurements. Failure to fulfil this condition on the part of
the Misericordia meant that the legacy would pass automatically to the
Benedictines on the same terms. The Misericordia took possession of the
lands in 1652, which indicates that it was successful in this instance. The
brotherhood administered the property with varying degrees of success until
the nineteenth century.J
These lands were part of a larger property which involved the Misericordia
1 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 97V-IO)V and ff. II)V-II8.
z ASCMB 1 vol, 40, f. 35 and ff. 36v-4o. 3 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 245-25Jv.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia
in a legal cause celehre lasting almost a century. In his will (I569) Mem de Sa
had stated that if his children, Francisco and Felippa, died without offspring,
his lands in Sergipe should be divided into three parts between the Miseri-
cordia, the Jesuit College in Bahia and the provision of alms and dowries.
Francisco had died, unmarried. Felippa had married the Count of Linhares
but there had been no children. A widow, she had founded the church of the
Jesuit College of St Antao in Lisbon in I6IJ. In her will she had ordered
that the lands in Sergipe should be sold arid the proceeds directed to finishing
this church. The share of the Misericordia by the will of Mem de Sa had been
valued at 8o,ooo crzqados. The brotherhood had challenged the will of
Felippa in I622, but without success. The legal question was whether
F elippa had inherited from her father or from her brother, since in the latter
case she would not be bound by the terms of her father's will. A three-
cornered legal battle had developed between the Misericordia and the two
Jesuit Colleges. In I644 the Misericordia had refused an offer by the
College of St An tao of I 2,ooo crzqados as final settlement. The brotherhood
had insisted on 2o,ooo cru1_ados in cash in addition to adequate compensation
for one Pedro Gonc;ralves de Mattos to whom the Misericordia had sold its
share for I5,ooo crzqados in I6J8.
There were several rumours that the Misericordia of Bahia had won its
case. In I632 the board of guardians of the Misericordia in Bahia, under the
Provedor Diogo Luis de Oliveira (Governor-General, I627-35), voted
the sums of I ,ooo cru?_ados to the Misericordia of Lisbon and 300 crzqados to
each of the two lawyers handling the case, if the outcome were successful.
In October I6J8 the money for the Misericordia of Lisbon was paid to
the retiring governor-general, Pedro da Silva, for delivery on his arrival in
Portugal. 1 This generosity by the Misericordia of Bahia can only have been
born of a total misunderstanding or some partial settlement between the
brotherhood and the Jesuit College of St Antao. On I2 June I6p the
brotherhood in Bahia was convoked by the .ringing of handbells in the
streets to hear the Provedor, the Count of Castelo Melhor, make an official
announcement of the successful outcome of the case. This too was a false
alarm and the legal wrangling continued. 2
I Minute of 29 October I632 (ASCMB, vol. 40, f. 36). Pedro da Silva signed a

receipt for payment on I2 October 1638 (ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. IJ4V-IJ5)·
z ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 23-4.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Initially the Jesuit College in Bahia had supported the Misericordia, whose
prestige had lent weight to its own claim. In 1655, under pressure from the
General of the Order, the two Jesuit Colleges agreed to co-operate in the
interests of the Order.' The Misericordia recognised that the Jesuits could
exert more influence in Lisbon and Bahia than it could. The accuracy of this
assessment was shown by the Jesuit choice of spokesman to present their
proposals to the Misericordia - Salvador de Sa, Member of the Overseas
Council in Lisbon, former Governor of Angola, former Governor of Rio de
Janeiro and now Captain-General of the three southern captaincies of
Brazil known as the Repartifao do Sul. On 12 October 1659 the Mesa
discussed his proposals and decided to accept any reasonable solution. 2 On
13 October 1659 representatives of the Misericordia met those of the Jesuits
and the heirs of Pedro Gon<;alves de Mattos. The final outcome was that
the Misericordia received a paltry 13,500 cruzados and the heirs of Pedro
Gon<;alves de Mattos received full compensation.J
The dispute over the legacy ofMem de Sa was exceptional, but not unique.
The Misericordia found that legal disputes and the expense of maintaining
properties made such legacies of doubtful value. Often the brotherhood
was co-legatory with a religious order. The wealthy Jorge Ferreira left a
fine property in the main square to the Misericordia, but the Jesuits received
part of the rents. The brotherhood found that it was a better economic
proposition to sell its own holding for 25o$ooo and place this sum on loan
at 6! per cent rate of interest than to rent the house for a mere 12$ooo
annually. 4 Monetary legacies which would have been profitable if placed on
loan were squandered on repairs to property. Even estates outside the city
proved a liability because careless tenants allowed the lands to deteriorate
and were negligent in paying the rents. The Misericordia was severely hit
I Documentos historicos, vol. 62, pp. 141-9.

z 'os Rdos pes da Companhia de Jesus assim os do Colegio desta cidade como
os de Santo Antao da cidade de Lisboa mandarao aesta Santa Casa pella general
Salvador Correa de Saa e Benavides tratar de consertar sabre a demanda q' a tantos
anos corria com os ditos padres sobre o legado q' aesta Sta Caza deixou o Gdor Mem
de Saa sabre o eng0 de Sergipe do Conde e suas terras o coal general Salvador
Correa de Saa e Benavides vieira a este Consist6rio tratar do ditto conserto'
(ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. r r8-r 19v.) Salvador de Sa enjoyed an amicable relationship
with the Jesuits, C. R. Boxer, Salvador de Sa, pp. 125-7, 133, 154,287,369.
3 Documentos historicos, vol. 62, pp. 159-88. 4 ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 21.
The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia 93
by a fall in property values in the mid-seventeenth century. The brother-
hood was often in debt to its own treasurers who generously paid the
Miseric6rdia's debts from their own pockets in the belief that they would be
reimbursed at the end of the financial year. Matters came to a head in r6p.
The treasurer informed the Mesa that there were not enough funds to meet
hospital expenses and he had already committed himself heavily from
private means. 1 Faced by financial collapse the Mesa of r6p-3 decided to
petition the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon for the granting of the privilege, enjoyed
by the parent body, permitting the sale of houses and lands left uncondition-
ally to the brotherhood. All proceeds were to be placed on loan with
adequate securities.z This petition was authorised by the Crown in 1657.3
This change of policy did not mean that the Miseric6rdia was entering
upon an unknown field. Many of the cash legacies it received for charitable
purposes were placed on loan and only the interest used. The brotherhood
stipulated that all potential borrowers must supply suitable guarantors and
pledge property within the city limits. Although later this service of the
Miseric6rdia as a primitive banking agencywas to beabusedbytheborrowers
and even the boards of guardians themselves, it appears that in the mid-
seventeenth century the conditions were fulfilled. Small business men and
plantation owners were regular borrowers and even the Secretary of State,
Bernardo Vieira Ravasco, featured in the register of borrowers.
The Miseric6rdia always enjoyed the royal patronage. Privileges granted
to the Miseric6rdia in Lisbon were extended to Bahia by Philip III of
Portugal (IV of Spain) in 1622.4 These enabled the Miseric6rdia to 'lord it
over' lesser brotherhoods. Its only possible rivals - the Third Orders of
St Francis and the Carmelites- possessed no royal privileges. One such
privilege gave the Miseric6rdia the monopoly of burying the dead in Bahia.
This was a lucrative source of income and the Miseric6rdia guarded this
privilege jealously. Before another brotherhood could possess a bier the
permission of the Miseric6rdia had to be obtained. The whole subject of
burials will be treated in Chapter 9 and I will limit myself here to a brief
reference to the first occasion on which this permission was sought. In r649

I ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 31.

z The actual date of this minute is destroyed (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 37V-J8v).
3 Royal decree of I 1 December 1657 (ASCMB, vol. 209, f. 48).
4 Royal decree of 23 September 1622 (ASCMB, vol. 209, f. 36).
94 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the slave brotherhood dedicated to Our Lady of Succour petitioned the
Misericordia for the use of a bier. This was granted by the Mesa; the slave
brotherhood was permitted to have an esquife (little more than a bare board).
Only slaves were to be carried on this esquife and the board of guardians of
the Misericordia was to be informed each time it was used. I
There are few details of the social activities of the Misericordia during this
early period. The hospital was functioning successfully. The first reference
to medical staff was in 1645, and concerned the appointment of a surgeon.
The actual nursing was superficial and rough. A male nurse was dismissed
in 1650 for having abandoned his patients for games of chance with the
soldiers of the garrison. 2 The spiritual needs of the sick were cared for by a
resident priest appointed solely for this purpose.
The Misericordia performed other social services. Legal assistance was
provided for poor prisoners recommended to the Misericordia. Perhaps
the most remarkable of these was one Maria Ramos jailed for the murder of
her fourth husband! She died in jail in 1645 but the Misericordia cared for
her child for a short time before entrusting it to a person nominated by the
mother.J The Misericordia also granted dowries to deserving girls. Test-
ators such as Jorge Ferreira, Felippe Correia and Joanna Fernandes left
legacies to the Misericordia to finance the allocation of a certain number of
dowries annually. At first the brotherhood allocated these dowries in
advance before the money was available. A stricter administration was
introduced in 1653 and a regulation was imposed compelling recipients of
dowries to marry within the year or forfeit the dowry.4
By the mid-seventeenth century the Misericordia had achieved a position
of prestige in Bahia, and was fulfilling the terms of the Lisbon Compromisso.
This eminent standing of the brotherhood was not reflected in its buildings.
An organisation whose Provedors had included the governors Mem de Sa,
Diogo Luis de Oliveira, the Count of Castelo Melhor and the bishop Dam
Pedro Lei tao, was not content to remain with the church and hospital of the
156os. Once the fear of Dutch aggression had passed a desire for reform and
the feeling of civic pride induced brothers to give generously for the renova-
tion of the hospital and the reconstruction of the church. The cost of
I Minute of 25 July 1649 (ASCMB, vol IJ, ff. 9-10).
2 ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 15v. 3 ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 6.
4 Minute of 1 November 1653 (ASCMB, vol. IJ, f. 42).
The Santa Casa da Misericordia of Bahia 95
re-beaming the hospital in 1649 was home by a brother, Captain Francisco
Gil de Arau.jo. 1 A new church was built on the same site as the earlier
church, but considerably larger. When the Provedor, Ant6nio da Silva
Pimentel, had suggested to the brotherhood that some unspent legacies
should be allocated to ·improvements on the old church, he had been over-
ruled and the general feeling was that a new church should be built. The
legacy of the landowner Ant6nio Dias de Ottoes provided the means and the
plan was drawn up by friar Macirio de Sao Joao. The feeling of the age was
shown in the phrasing of the minute approving the new construction which
noted that this 'was in keeping with the authority of this Holy House'.z
These reforms were intended to impress on the Bahian populace the dual
purpose of the Miseric6rdia, as an exponent of social philanthropy and a
congregation of the faithful. They also reveal the pride, hom of a feeling
of ethnic and social superiority, which was to be the boon and the bane of
the Miseric6rdia in the coming century. The brotherhood was to be led into
embarking on grandiose plans and accepting new responsibilities in the field
of social philanthropy without counting the cost in hard financial terms.
The archives of the Miseric6rdia are more or less complete from this date
and enable a clear picture to be drawn of the activities of the Miseric6rdia
in Bahia during the 'Golden Age of Brazil'.
1 ASCMB, vol. IJ, f. IJ.
2 Minute of 1 November 1653 (ASCMB, vol. IJ, f. 41). For a well-documented
and detailed study of the construction of the church and its artistic aspects, see
Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa, pp. 32-45.
The Administration of Charity

THE Santas Casas da Misericordia in Asia, Africa and Brazil were governed
by the Compromisso of Lisbon and shared the privileges granted to the parent
house. The Miseric6rdia of Bahia had followed the 1516 Compromisso of
Lisbon. This had been incorporated into the definitive statutes of 1618 with
modifications and the introduction of twenty-two new chapters. A century
of use had shown that the terms of reference of the 1516 Compromisso had
been too general. The 1618 Compromisso had been characterised by its
detail and lack of ambiguity, especially in the conditions of entry, the
electoral procedure, and the responsibilities of brothers. It had catered for
the expanding role of the brotherhood in Lisbon by appointing stewards for
poor aid, legal affairs, the administration of legacies, the chapel and the
dispensary. Additional commitments such as the administration of the
Hospital of All Saints and the retirement house had also demanded special
regulations. If the 1 516 Compromisso had been a model of its kind, its
successor had been no less so, as testified by its adoption until the nineteenth
The Crown favoured the foundation of brotherhoods in the overseas
provinces but maintained strict control by insisting that the statutes be sent
to Lisbon for approval. In most cases this was readily granted with slight
amendments. A new branch of a brotherhood already existing in Portugal
followed the statutes of the parent body. Thus the Brotherhood of the
Most Holy Sacrament of the cathedral of Bahia followed the statutes of its
counterpart in the cathedral of Lisbon until 1746, when a new Compromisso
suited to local conditions was made. 1 For its part the Bahia Miseric6rdia
her I am indebted to the Bahian historian Marieta Alves for allowing me to examine
1 copy of this Compromisso.
The Administration of Charity 97
had adopted the 1618 reform, whose terms it followed until 1896. 1 Although
the 1618 Compromisso was frequently reprinted in Lisbon, it seems doubtful
if it was ever printed in Bahia.2 As late as 1870 the scribe made a copy by
hand for the Miseric6rdia archives. The earlier copies which existed in
Bahia (and judging from the general ignorance of the terms of the Com-
promisso, these were few) were brought from Lisbon and sold to brothers
sufficiently interested to buy them.J
There were only two major attempts at reform during the 278 years that
the 1618 Compromisso was followed in Bahia. Both of these failed. Major
reforms were mooted in 1737 and 1832 but neither of these altered the
administrative structure. In 1737 the controversial alcaide-m6r Anselmo
Dias, who had survived expulsion in 1732 and was then enjoying the first of
his three terms as Provedor, proposed drastic reforms of the Compromisso.
So notorious had the Miseric6rdia become for the 'rigging' of elections
that many citizens suitable to serve on the board of guardians refused to be
associated with the brotherhood. Loss of confidence in the administration
of the Miseric6rdia had led many potential benefactors to leave legacies to
other brotherhoods or the religious orders rather than to the Miseric6rdia.
Anselmo Dias sought to remedy these abuses. He proposed that the in-
direct election of the Mesa by an electoral committee should be replaced by
the direct election of its successors by the outgoing Mesa. He also wished to
reduce the authority of the subsidiary governing body, known as the Junta.
To eliminate petty discord he suggested the reduction of its members from
twenty to twelve and that the Junta should no longer be concerned with the
election of brothers. Finally, he proposed that the term of office of the
Junta, which started on 10 August, should coincide with that of the Mesa
beginning 3 July. In view of the radical nature of these proposals and the
inadequacy of the 1618 Compromisso to provide for Bahian conditions, he
suggested that a committee be set up to formulate a new Compromisso.
Although Anselmo Dias received the unanimous support of his Mesa and
Junta, these proposals were never implemented.4 A further attempt in 1832
1 The new Compromisso was approved on 31 May 1896 and printed in Bahia in
that year.
2 Vi tor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa, pp. 86-7, lists further editions published in Lisbon.

3 In 1748 two copies were sold for 320 rs. each (ASCMB, vol. 861, f. rv and f. r6).
4 Minute of 14 August 1737 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 237--9).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

to establish a local Compromisso was only slightly more successful. A

revised Compromisso was submitted to the Mesa by a committee of three
brothers, only to die a silent death. 1
The absence of major reform does not imply dogged adherence to the 1618
Compromisso. New responsibilities demanded new administration, for
example, the legacy of the philanthropist Joao de Mattos de Aguiar in 1700,
or the turning wheel for foundlings established in 1726. Peculiarly Brazilian
conditions such as the burial of slaves, or the acceptance of sugar in lieu of
interest on a loan required special provision. Sometimes experience dictated
modifications to the Compromisso. This was especially so in the administra-
tion of the financial affairs of the brotherhood.
The Miseric6rdia relied on private charity and legacies left in mortmain
for its income. These legacies were made to the brotherhood on the under-
standing that they would be placed on loan and the interest used for charit-
able purposes. With the severe shortage of currency in Bahia in the late
seventeenth century, it became increasingly common for debtors to fall into
arrears in their payment of interest or to make payment in sugar rather than
cash. Sometimes the financial crash of a plantation owner led to the loss of
the capital he had borrowed from the Miseric6rdia. As the result of experi-
ence gained at heavy cost, the brotherhood took a series of measures in the
169os aimed at avoiding such losses and ensuring regular payment of interest.
The practice of transferring loans from one debtor to another was prohibited,
unless total repayment of all capital and interest had been made to the
Miseric6rdia. 2 The maximum sum for any loan was limited to 5,ooo
cru'{_ados.3 Book-keeping methods were more closely scrutinised. Decrees
prevented treasurers from spending money out of bequests made to the
brotherhood to be placed on loan. There were monthly checks of the
accounts and the authorisation of the Mesa and Junta was required for all
expenditure of capital.4 In all cases the decrees were written into the
Compromisso and approved by the king.
The Compromisso was the written law of the Miseric6rdia, but differed

1 The committee reported in 1834 (ASCMB, vol. 16, ff. 226-229v and f. 283v).
2 Minute of 28 May 1691 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 2ov-21).
3 Minute of 22 March 1692 (ASCMB, vol. q, ff. 24v-25).
4 Minutes of 19 August 1682 and 30 April 1735 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 7V-8v and
ff. 2II-12).
The Administration of Charity 99
from the statutes of other brotherhoods only in its excellence. The Miseri-
c6rdia owed its unique position among Portuguese brotherhoods to royal
patronage. The example of Dom Manuel I in the granting of privileges had
been followed by his successors. During the Spanish domination (I 58o-
164o) the Miseric6rdia had benefited by the confirmation of old and the
concession of new privileges. With his usual prudence and desire to render
himself acceptable to his Portuguese subjects, Philip I of Portugal (II of
Spain) had been prolific in granting favours to the powerful brotherhood.
Some privileges had had no application beyond Lisbon, e.g. the exemption
of the butcher supplying meat to the Miseric6rdia from a tax on meat
payable to the health authorities for the cost of bringing water to the Rocio.
Other privileges had been equally applicable to the overseas Miseric6rdias
and were constantly cited by them.
The privileges of the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon had been extended to the
brotherhood in Bahia by Philip III in 1622. This right was frequently
challenged by the local authorities. Throughout the first half of the
eighteenth century the correspondence of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia with its
counterpart in Lisbon and its own attorney constantly asserted the need for
the confirmation of these privileges by the Crown. The Lisbon authorities
ignored these appeals of the Miseric6rdia. The Overseas Council, founded
to relieve the Crown of the mass of paper work from verbose overseas
bureaucrats, was tardy in transacting business. The complaints of the Count
of Sabugosa echoed those of the Miseric6rdia. On one occasion a petition
was delayed because the letter of enquiry had been sent to Maranhao instead
of Bahia. On another the secretary of the Overseas Council denied all
knowledge of appeals by the Miseric6rdia of Bahia - although these were
repeated annually P
In the course of its history the Miseric6rdia of Bahia suffered continual
opposition, because of the failure to observe its privileges. The opposition
came from the judiciary, the city council and the ecclesiastical authorities.
If this opposition is examined in some detail it is to illustrate that the charit-
able works of the brotherhood were performed despite the local authorities.
The increasingly critical state of the brotherhood during the first half of the
eighteenth century can be attributed, in part, to the lack of co-operation, let
alone encouragement, it received from official circles.
1 ASCMB, vol. )2, ff. 39-40 and f. 123.
100 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

The judiciary challenged the privileges of the Misericordia in the courts

and in financial matters. The mordomos dos presos, two brothers in charge
of the welfare of prisoners, enjoyed a privileged position in the court room.
In the early eighteenth century the Mesa complained to the king that this
privilege was being ignored. Dom Pedro II ordered recognition of their
privileged position and that in future these officials should sit immediately
below and to the right of the desemhargadores, or Crown judges, taking
precedence over the district judge (ouvidor da comarca) and district magistrate
(juq de fora). Since it was not customary for the last two to attend court,
considerable bitterness developed between them and the two brothers until
the king relieved them of this duty. 1 The representative of the Misericordia
also had the privilege of speaking first in the Court of Appeals. This
privilege was likewise ignored. Often prisoners defended by the Miseri-
cordia never received a hearing simply because the representative of the
brotherhood could not appeal on their behalf. 2
The Misericordia had been granted legal privileges in financial matters.
These were also challenged by the judiciary. The greatest bone of conten-
tion was the right of the brotherhood to enforce payment of outstanding
debts of capital or interest by the compulsory sale of property. This
privilege was common to the Treasury and some religious orders. A legal
loophole had been found whereby appeal could be made against orders for
compulsory sale. The ensuing dilatory proceedings meant that it was no
longer practicable for the brotherhood to contemplate legal action against
its debtors.3 These debtors were aided and abetted in their refusal to pay
by local magistrates in the villages of the Reconcavo who chose not to
enforce letters of subpoena rather than risk the ill will of powerful plantation
owners. The Misericordia tried to overcome these delays by asking Lisbon
to authorise the appointment of a private judge, whose sole duties would be
to examine pending law suits and institute legal proceedings against debtors.
These petitions were ignored, but the justice of them was recognised by the
1755 report on the Misericordia undertaken on the king's orders by the

I Royal letters of 27 February 1702 and 8 February 1704 (APB, Ordens regias,

vol. 7, docs. 86 and 250). 2 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 1pv-154.

3 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 178-81. In 1824 there was a test case in Rio de Janeiro to
establish if this privilege of the Misericordia was applicable to liquid debts only, or
also to legacies left to the brotherhood (ANRJ, Caixa 129, doc. 28).
The Administration of Charity 101
visiting Crown judge, Ant6nio Jose de Affonseca Lemos. He advocated
such an appointment for the protection of the brotherhood's interests in the
Court of Appeals and the enforcement of regulations dealing with regular
examinations of the accounts of the Miseric6rdia. 1
Despite the truth of the Alentejan proverb 'Quem nao esta na Camara,
esta na Miseric6rdia' ('He who is not a city councillor is a brother of the
Miseric6rdia ') relations between the two bodies were often acrimonious.
The city council impeded the Miseric6rdia at every tum, unless it were to its
own immediate advantage. Indeed, when the Miseric6rdia was in a critical
financial position in 1736, its chances of recovery were ruined by the city
council pressing through legal action for the payment of 11,500 cru?_ados by
the brotherhood.z The most severe dispute was over the debts of sugar
planters to the brotherhood. By numerous decrees from 1663 onwards the
Crown had protected the sugar industry, forbidding creditors from taking
legal action against the buildings and equipment of plantations and ruling
that they must be satisfied from the proceeds derived from the sale of the
crop. The king had also forbidden the compulsory sale of the crop out of
season for the payment of debts. Any valuation should be made only in
the fortnight preceding the arrival of the fleet by two representatives of the
municipal council. In the last two decades of the seventeenth century the
sugar industry had been hit by falling prices, slave mortality and a succession
of bad harvests. When the Miseric6rdia in 1715 secured the privilege of
taking legal action against its debtors and enforcing the compulsory sale of
the sugar crop out of season, the city councillors challenged this privilege. 3
The councillors brought embargoes against the Miseric6rdia in the Bahian
judiciary but they were rejected. The municipal council appealed to Lisbon.
In 1717 the rumour reached Brazil that the council had been successful in
1 Chapter i of report, (BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 4S, doc. 10).

z The Mesa 'borrowed' this sum from the legacy of J oao de Mattos de Aguiar by
a minute of 14 November 1736 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 231).
3 There is doubt as to whether this privilege was granted in 1715 or 1716. In a
letter of 3 August 1715 the Mesa in Bahia congratulated its counterpart in Lisbon
on its success in obtaining a royal provisi'io allowing the Misericordia of Bahia to
enforce the compulsory sale of pledged sugar, despite municipal opposition. But
in a letter of 22 August 1717 the Mesa in Bahia asked the board of guardians of the
Lisbon branch to intervene officially to ensure that the provisi'io of 1716 be respected
(ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 73--76v and ff. 88--9).
102 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
quashing the privilege of the Miseric6rdia. 1 The brotherhood fought the
decision on the grounds that the royal decrees had been intended for the
business community and not for a charitable concern whose income was
derived from interest on loans. 2 The outcome of the dispute is uncertain.
Certainly infringements of the royal decrees continued. In 1729 the Count of
Sabugosa, replying to a plaintive letter from Dom Joao Von the collapse of
the Bahian economy, informed the king that the compulsory sales of property
to satisfy creditors meant that many plantations were being sold at three to
four times less than their market value. So severe was the shortage of ready
money in Brazil that sometimes there were even no bidders at all for good
In its relations with the Church the Miseric6rdia met with mixed success.
A distinction must be drawn between the local clergy and the papal authori-
ties. Encounters with the local clergy over matters of protocol often resulted
in bad feeling and even led to excommunication. But such 'tiffs' were
infrequent and more than compensated for by the success of the brotherhood
in obtaining papal bulls. Friction with the Bahian ecclesiastical authorities
was caused by the infringement of the privileges of the Miseric6rdia. One
privilege exempted the Miseric6rdia from the jurisdiction of the diocesan
bishop. Although Dom Joao III had haggled over the concession of this
privilege it had been confirmed by the Council of Trent. When the
Miseric6rdia of Bahia had rebuilt its church in the 165os the Ordinary had
infringed this privilege by visiting the new building. On the grounds that
he had not been consulted about the construction and that the altars were
not in the same position as the old altars, he had threatened the Miseric6rdia
with excommunication should mass be celebrated. The brotherhood had
ignored this threat and incurred excommunication.4 Whether or not this
excommunication was later lifted is not stated, but the brotherhood continued
to celebrate masses in its new church.
Even if a compromise were reached on this occasion, it did not mean that
the contenders were willing to forgive and forget. Eleven years later (1669),
on the occasion of the Maundy Thursday procession, the vicar-general
1 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 88--9. 2 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 91V--9J·

3 Letter of 25 August 1729 by the viceroy (APB, Ortkns regias, vol. 25, doc. 6a).
4 The decree of excommunication had been published on 12 March 1658
(ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 107-108v).
The Administration of Charity IOJ

ordered the musicians not to perform unless accompanied by the Brother-

hood of the Chapel of the Cathedral, or another brotherhood nominated by
the chapter of the cathedral. This order directly opposed the papal bull
whereby the Misericordia could elect a master of ceremonies from among its
own clergy, and not from those of the cathedral. The board of guardians of
1669 decided to settle the question of exemption once and for all by pursuing
the matter through legal channels until a final ruling was obtained. 1 In
1702 the Bahia Appeals Court published an order authorising the Visitor of
the archbishop to enter the sacrarium only of the Misericordia, but no
mention was made of the more general issue. 2 Certainly in the next half
century there were no further controversies.
The local clergy did not challenge the Misericordia's privileges when
these did not deal with protocol. Pope Alexander VIII had issued a bull
giving plenary indulgence to any condemned man who went to the scaffold
kissing an image of Christ held by a priest of the Misericordia. This
privilege was first applied in Bahia in 1690 and was respected on this and
subsequent occasions by the ecclesiastical authorities.3 So also was the
papal bull providing for a privileged altar in the church of the Miseric6rdia.
Terms of legacies were governed by canon law. Charitable works were
assisted by the concession to the Misericordia of all bequests not paid to the
legatees within the time stipulated by the testator. The administration of
legacies applied to prison welfare was co-ordinated by all such legacies being
handed to the brothers in charge of prisoners. We shall have occasion to
return later to the privilege of the Misericordia to possess biers which brought
the brotherhood into conflict with local parish priests.
The most valuable papal concession to the Misericordia of Bahia was the
reduction in the number of masses to be said by the brotherhood for the souls
of benefactors. Over the years these masses had accumulated to the point
where it was simply a physical impossibility for the chaplains of the Miseri-
cordia to say them all on the three altars of the church. Moreover the
original legacies had declined in value, or been squandered by the maladmini-

1 Minute of 2 June 1669 (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 15'7V-157Av).

2 The governor-general had hesitated to publish the verdict, passed in 1701, and
referred the matter to the king who ordered its publication in a letter of 23 January
1702 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 7, docs. 68 and 69).
3 ASCMB, vol. 207, ff. 23-4.
104 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

stration of the brotherhood's treasurers. The normal number of masses had

been swollen by the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar in 1700 providing
for u,ooo masses to be said for his own soul and those of his relations. In
1729 the total commitment was some 2,ooo masses to be said monthly. The
Provedor and precentor in the cathedral, J oao Calmon, took steps to reduce
this number. 1 Another ecclesiastic, Canon Francisco Martins Pereira,
Provedor 173 r-5, calculated the obligation of the Misericordia in unsaid
masses at 77,583 up to the end of 1734· Pope Clement 'wrote off' this
backlog of masses once it was shown that the Misericordia could not be
accused of intent to defraud. In return for this favour, the Misericordia
made a contribution to the fabric of StPeter's in Rome, prayed for the Pope
and promised to say an office every month for fifteen months in the Miseri-
cordia church for the souls of benefactors. 2 Even this comparatively slight
burden proved too much for the brotherhood. In 1739 all masses, for
which the Misericordia still had funds from the original legacies, were
reduced by two-thirds in the majority of cases, e.g. two weekly masses were
reduced to thirty-four annually. The extent of the reduction depended on
how much of the original bequest still remained, or on the cost of the masses
stipulated by the testator. In this manner I 3, 53 r masses were reduced to
6,763 masses, costing r,644$ooo. 3 This papal action removed the guilt
complex which had troubled a generation of Provedors, but it could not
avert the financial decline of the brotherhood.
The Misericordia of Bahia adhered strictly to the Compromisso of Lisbon
and was careful in the use of privileges. Mesas were well aware that any
deviation from the letter of the Compromisso or the exploitation of a privilege
would be pounced on by the local authorities. Thus the executive admini-
stration of the Misericordia in Bahia was closely modelled on its European
counterpart. The Mesa was the prime administrative body. Its composition
and terms of reference have already been discussed (pp. 21-2) and had not
been radically altered by the r6r8 reform. An innovation of the r6r8
Compromisso had been the introduction of an advisory body of twenty
brothers, known as the Junta. The brothers were drawn equally from each
class, and usually would have served on the Mesa or have comparable
1 Minute of 10 April 1729 (ASCMB, vol. 35, ff. 9v-1ov).
2 Papal decree of 5 March 1735 copied in ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 225-6.
3 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 251-2.
The Administration of Charity

administrative experience. The first recorded instance of a formal election

of a Junta in Bahia had been in 1679 to decide on the admission of a brother
of dubious qualifications. 1 From this date there was an annual election of
what amounted to a secondary governing body. Previously the custom had
been for the Provedor to invite the opinions of brothers of known admini-
strative ability, for example to discuss the rumour of the successful outcome
of the lawsuit with the Jesuits of St Antao in 1651.
Although elected annually, the Junta provided administrative continuum
during the first month of the term of office of the new Mesa, between the
elections of the Mesa on 3 July and those of the Junta on 10 August. The
Junta also acted as a brake on a Mesa which could all too easily be swayed
by the oratory of one powerful member. This happened over the siting of
the retirement house when the selfish projects of the Secretary of State,
Gonc;alo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque, were defeated by the Junta.
In financial matters the restraining influence of the Junta was all-important.
A decree of 173 5 ruled that any expenditure from capital must be authorised
by the Junta, on pain of the culprits reimbursing the brotherhood from their
own pockets. 2
Despite the excellence of the Junta in theory, experience showed that it
was subject to the same abuses as the Mesa. The absence of suitable candi-
dates for the Mesa meant that the clause of the 1618 Compromisso forbidding
re-election within three years of holding office was ignored in Bahia.3
A member of the board of guardians one year often served on the Junta in
the following year and regained his position on the Mesa in the third year.
This reduced the representative power of the mass of the brotherhood
because of the presence of the same individuals on one or the other of the
governing bodies. Anselmo Dias had hoped to remedy this situation by his
proposed reforms in 1737.
The Mesa was elected on the day of the Visitation, the main festival of the
brotherhood. Previously a list of eligible brothers had been posted on the

1 The Junta met on 1 March 1679 to debate the application for membership of

Domingos Rodrigues Correia discussed on p. 137 (ASCMB, vol. 34, ff.qv-1;v).

2 Minute of 3 April 1735. This was approved by the Count of Sabugosa on
2 May 1735, who ordered its inclusion in the book of statutes governing the
brotherhood (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 2o6v-2o7v and ff. 211-12).
3 Compromisso of Lisbon of 1618, chapter 5, §6.
106 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
church door. On 2 July the brotherhood was summoned to the church.
In the church were a round table, at which were seated the members of the
outgoing Mesa, and two tables for the taking of votes. At one were the
scribe in office, the treasurer of the previous Mesa and the president of the
chapel. At the other were the treasurer in office, the scribe of the previous
Mesa, and the master of the chapel. The clauses of the Compromisso dealing
with the election were then read and the outgoing Mesa, followed by the
brotherhood, cast votes for the ten members of the electoral panel. These
votes were locked away for the night and on 3 July the names of the electors
were announced. After mass these ten electors, five from each class, took
the oath to put aside prejudices of' relationship, friendship or hatred' in the
choice of the board of guardians. They were then divided into groups of
one 'noble' and one plebeian, each group voting for the most suitable
candidates for each position to be filled on the Mesa. The results were
announced the same day and the new Mesa was sworn into office.
A position on the board of guardians carried social prestige and could be
personally profitable to the incumbent. Thus it was scarcely surprising that
the electors should forget their oath, allowing their exalted ideals of im-
partiality to be tempered by more mundane considerations. 'Rigged'
elections were frequent during the first half of the eighteenth century. In
part, these were born of the economic situation in Bahia. There was a
chronic shortage of ready money and loans were made on the dubious
security of the coming sugar crop. Although the brotherhoods of Bahia
never rivalled those of Manila in high finance, they did provide rudimentary
banking services by making loans at an interest rate of 6t
per cent. I The
Misericordia was prominent in this field, the interest, in theory, being
applied to social assistance. In fact, not only did the brotherhood often not
receive the interest but lost the capital investment also. Strict regulations
on the securities for loans were relaxed. Many debtors found that the easiest
way of concealing their own short-comings in the payment of debts was to be
elected to the Mesa. Popularly known as 'castanhetadas ', self-interested
cliques imperilled the financial position of the Misericordia and lowered its
prestige. 2 Such were the administrative irregularities of the Misericordia
I W. L. Schurz, The Manila Galleon, pp. I67-'J2.
2 ' ••• hum e dois mezes antes das Eleysoens todos os annos se faziao parcialides
a que a vulgaride tinha posto o nome de castanhetada' (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 237-9).
The Administration of Charity 107
that they could no longer be ignored by the Count of Sabugosa. During
his viceroyalty in India he had chided the Miseric6rdia of Goa for its failure
to make loans without adequate securities. 1 In 1723 he notified the king of
similar irregularities in the branch of the brotherhood in Bahia. He sug-
gested an immediate enquiry into the Miseric6rdia' s finances by a Crown
judge and that brothers responsible for making loans on poor securities be
compelled to reimburse the Miseric6rdia. Dom Joao's V reply was half-
hearted, simply commending to the brotherhood the practice of electing to
the board of guardians God-fearing men of integrity. The viceroy tartly
retorted that moral recommendations would be totally ineffective - and
so they were.z It must have been with considerable satisfaction that the
Count of Sabugosa, embittered by the reluctance of the king to relieve him
of his post, could report to Dom Joao V in 1729 that administrative abuses
in the Miseric6rdia had led to losses of 6 I ,428:$240 from capital and 72,876$130
in interest which could not be collected. Moreover, almost all the capital of
4,432$96o left by testators to finance the saying of some 24,311 masses had
been misappropriated and sent to Portugal. 3
The election of the Mesa in 1729 caused a public scandal. The clergy
played an active part in canvassing for votes, and even threatened members
of opposing factions with violence. Complete strangers to the Miseric6rdia
were enlisted to record their votes. The canvassing and threats produced the
desired result. Cosme Rolim de Moura, in debt to the Miseric6rdia and
reluctant to leave his plantation twelve leagues from the city, was elected
Provedor. His lack of interest in the appointment could be gauged from
the fact that it was only in September that he came into the city to take
office. 4 His Mesa included the chief officer of the Court of Appeals, a
Treasury official, and the clerk in charge of the welfare of orphans. All
had full-time jobs in public administration and could not possibly fulfil
their obligations as members of the board of guardians. Once again the
I J. F. Ferreira Martins, Historia da Misericordia de Goa, vol. 2, p. 93·
z King to viceroy, 28 June 1724. In his reply of 7 June 1725, the Count of
Sabugosa said he had carried out the king' s orders 'mas receyo que este remedio por
brando nao aproveyte a achaque tao inveterado' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 19,
docs. 62 and 62a).
3 Letter of 6 August 1729 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 24, doc. 55).
4 The election of the Junta which was usually on 10 August was postponed until
4 September so that he could be present (ASCMB, vol. 35, ff. 15-16).
108 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

viceroy called for strong action but a decade passed before the king acted. 1
In 1740 Dom Joao V ordered that a minister, or high-ranking judge,
should attend the election of the board of guardians and take legal action
against brothers found guilty of electoral canvassing. A list of debtors to
the brotherhood was to be posted publicly before election day and those
named were not to be considered eligible. 2 In the first decree Dom Joao V
was merely giving royal approval to an already existing practice. As early
as 1730 the viceroy had ordered the judge for civil affairs to attend the
elections.3 It was ironical that Anselmo Dias, the ardent proposer of reforms
to curb electoral 'rigging', should be the first to fall foul of these measures
when he tried for a third term of office as Provedor in 1739. Legal action
was taken against him and his colleague in crime, Mathias Torres. This
example led many possible candidates for the post of Provedor in future
years to refrain from presenting themselves for election for fear of similar
punishment. The embargo on debtors serving on the board of guardians
was also a mixed blessing. So low was the repute of the brotherhood at that
period that potential candidates incurred small debts expressly in order to
become ineligible.4
These measures were ineffective. They did not end 'rigged' elections
and they did not save the Misericordia from financial decline. Dom J oao V
was the victim of his own acute intelligence and width of interests, well
illustrated by his requests for detailed reports on Brazilian flora and fauna.
He was also the victim of the bureaucratic backlash of his policy of running
an empire from Lisbon without delegating responsibility to local authorities.
This policy was partly born of the fear that if local authorities were allowed
to act on their own initiative, it would be the Crown who would have to bail
them out of any financial crisis. For this reason the Crown demanded
detailed reports and rigorously checked all petitions made to it. This
plethora of paper resulted in frequent misunderstandings, delays and
ineffective action. The Misericordia was a case in point. Royal measures
failed to stop dubious elections occurring. During the next fifteen years

I APB, Ordens regias, vol. 24, doc. 55·

z The king rejected outright the proposal of direct election by the outgoing
board of guardians in his letter to the viceroy of26 March 1740 (BNRJ, zz-33, 24,
45, doc. 2). 3 Viceroy to king, I4 August 1730 (BNRJ, zz-33, 24, 45, doc.8).
4 Mesa to king, 10 September 1744 (ASCMB, vol. )2, ff. 208-9).
The Administration of Charity
the Misericordia was to become notorious for the number of Provedors
who resigned. Between 1740 and 1754 the office ofProvedor changed hands
twenty times. But so scarce were candidates that· in this same period
Domingos Lucas de Aguiar and Domingos Borges de Barros each served
three terms as Provedor and Salvador Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque,
Antonio Rodrigues Lima and Antonio Gon~alves Pereira each served twice.
In 1741 the Count of Galveas ordered a second election; such was the
reluctance to serve as Provedor that the only person willing to hold office
was Jeronimo Velho de Araujo, captain of an infantry company and a well-
known agitator on the governing bodies of various Bahian brotherhoods. 1
In 1746 the viceroy again suspended the elections and forbade the election of
the priest Antonio de Brito as Provedor.z In 1750 the newly elected viceroy,
the Count of Atouguia ( r 749-5 5), reminded the electors that they should
elect secular members of the brotherhood to the posts of Provedor and
scribe 'because experience in this city has shown the inconveniences and dis-
orders which result from ecclesiastics holding administrative office in
secular brotherhoods and confraternities'.J This ruling was not enforced.
The final blow to any lingering pretence of social prestige came with the
resignation of Dr Luis da Costae Faria in 1754, forced on him by an unruly
Mesa. No successor could be found and the desperate brothers even asked
a fisherman at his nets, who was not a brother, to serve nominally as Provedor.
He refused! 4 Only under viceregal pressure was Domingos Borges de
1 He resigned on 28 June 1742 (ASCMB, vol. 35, f. 65). For complaints about

his ill-treatment of soldiers see the letter of the Count of Sabugosa to the king of
15 May 1729 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 24, doc. 2~).
z The viceroy ordered the Mesa of 1745--<l to continue in office (ASCMB, vol. 35,
f. 84). The king approved this action in a letter of 17 June 1749 (APB, Ordens
regias, vol. 47, f. 90).
3 'Porquanto tern mostrado a experiencia nesta sidade os emconvenientes e
dezordens q' se tern seguido de se emcarregar a prec;idencia e govemo das Irman-
dades e Confrarias seculares a pessoas ecclesiasticas •. .' Viceroyal brief of 3 July
1750 (ASCMB, vol. 35, ff. 103V-104).
4 ' ••• o ultimo remedio era chamarem os Electores pa lhes darem Prov<>r tendo
alias a certeza de que ja naquelles tr<>8 nao achariam facilmte Irmao que quizesse
servir com elles se resolveram alguns ja como dezemganados em hir fallar pa o sera
hum tal, qual homem que alem de nao ser Irmao ainda cuida nas suas redes de
pescar e o peor he q' nem este ainda hem se resolvia a fazer aceitac;ao do convite'
(APB, Ordens rlgias, vol. 73, doc. 49).
110 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Barros induced to assume the reins of office for the third time in four years. 1
There are several possible reasons for this reluctance on the part of
Bahians to accept the post ofProvedor. In their correspondence to the king,
Mesas put it down to the financial burden which accompanied this office.
In a letter of 10 September 1744 to Dom Joao V, the Mesa wrote that' there
is nobody who wishes to be Provedor or treasurer because the incumbents
of these posts must be sufficiently well off to be able to meet the exorbitant
expenses of the aforesaid Casa and be prepared to receive payment afterwards
in boxes of sugar which comprise the income of the brotherhood'. 2 There
was some truth in this assertion, because the decline in the prices of sugar
and tobacco in the eighteenth century had hit the landed gentry. The case
of the plantation owner Antonio da Rocha Pitta provided a chastening
example. While Provedor (1700), he had ostentatiously ordered a marble
staircase to be sent from Portugal for the Misericordia of Bahia at his own
expense. When it arrived he was forced to ask the brotherhood to pay for
the erection because of his own financial straits. Many potential candidates
preferred to forgo the honour of being Provedor rather than risk exposure
of their financial skeletons to the public eye. Anselmo Dias, who served the
Misericordia well inahigh-handed manner, was obliged to resign as Provedor
in 175 I to attend to his personal affairs and ward off impending ruin. 3 But
financial difficulties explain only half the story of this reluctance. When
somebody of the social standing of Francisco Dias d' Avila (the third of this
name), heir to a tradition of family service on the municipal council and
board of guardians of the Misericordia, repeatedly asked for exemption from
municipal duties and displayed no interest in the Misericordia, it seems to
indicate a contributory motive for this disinterest in public service. 4
This lackofinterestwas not limited to service in the Misericordia. Shortly
before the letter of the Mesa in 1744 to Dom Joao V telling him of the
difficulty of filling the post of Provedor, the viceroy had written a similar
letter. He reported how people suitable for municipal service as councillors

I ASCMB, vol. 35, ff. 12JV-I24·

2 ' ••• nem ha quem qra ser Provedor e ThezourO porqe ha de ser pessoa q'
tenha cabedal com q' suprir as exorbitantes despezas da da Caza, para o depois se
hir pagando pelos Rendimt08 della que sam caixas de assucar' (ASCMB, vol. p,
ff. 208-9). 3 21 September 1751 (ASCMB, vol. 35, f. 109v).
4 Pedro Calmon, Hist6ria da Casada Torre, pp. 158-9.
The Administration of Charity III

sought to avoid such public duties, and that as a result the municipal council
was often composed of individuals unsuited for public office. 1 This
reluctance represented not just a natural reaction against the possibility of
financial risk, but a complete change of spirit. The Bahian economy had
been built on sugar. Sugar had created the landowning aristocracy and
sugar had brought the Dutch to Bahia and Pernambuco in the early seven-
teenth century. Success against the invaders had given rise to a feeling of
optimism and desire for positive action. This enthusiasm pervaded the
seventeenth century. However the last decades brought financial crisis.
The discovery of gold in Minas Gerais was the final blow to the prosperity
of Bahia. Apathy set in. During the first years of the eighteenth century,
Bahian society was in limbo, both spiritually and economically. The
plantation families felt their position of dominance being undermined. The
commercial community of the city was insufficiently consolidated to have
produced a class of self-reliant business men. Gradually there was a transfer
of power from the plantation owners to the business men and a shift in the
centre of importance from the Renconcavo to the city. This change was
reflected in the incumbents of the post of Provedor of the Miseric6rdia, and
even in the membership of the brotherhood.
The office ofProvedor maintained its prestige throughout the seventeenth
century and the first two decades of the eighteenth century. During this
period elections were strongly contested. In 1715 the Marquis of Angeja
(Viceroy, I714-18) complained to Dom Joao V that Crown judges were
monopolising the office of Provedor. The election of yet another, Dionisio
de Azevedo Arvelos, the fifth in five years, had caused doubts to be cast on
the probity of the election. The viceroy strongly urged that the holding of
the offices of Provedor and Crown judge simultaneously should be for-
bidden. The Overseas Council in Lisbon adopted the attitude that experi-
ence gained in public service was beneficial to the Miseric6rdia. For once
the king supported the viceroy, well aware of the opportunities for jobbery
which could arise by the same individual holding two positions of influence
in a society as small as was that of Bahia. Dom Joao V ordered that a
1 Viceroy to king, 16 February I739· In his reply of 6 May 1740 Dom Joao V

commented on the difficulties of finding suitable candidates, 'por cons tar que os
homens bons dessa cidade da Bahia procuravao izentarse de servir na Camera della,
e de ocuparem os cargos de Almotaces' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 36, doc. 6o).
112 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
judge's participation in the affairs of the Miseric6rdia should be limited to
serving on the board of guardians during his period of holding public office. 1
The greatest clash of personalities for the post of Provedor was in the
early eighteenth century and involved the lieutenant-general Ant6nio
Ferrao Castelo Branco and Gon!t'llo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque.
The former was the son of Pedro de Unhao Castelo Branco, Provedor in
I693, and served in the Bahia garrison. He was related to the Master of the
Field, Pedro Gomes, who had served as provisional Governor of Rio de
Janeiro, and was a Knight of the Order of Christ. Gon~alo Ravasco was of
noble lineage, of a family which had moved from Pernambuco to Bahia in
the seventeenth century. He was the nephew of the Jesuit missionary,
Ant6nio Vieira, whose intelligence and impetuosity he shared, and the son
of the secretary of state, Bernardo Vieira Ravasco, whose office he had
inherited.z The struggle for power between these two influential citizens
scandalised Bahian society, brought sharp rebuke from the king, and a vice-
royal enquiry. The judiciary and the garrison were involved. Ant6nio
Ferrao threatened his subordinates with demotion unless they favoured his
cause. Gon~alo Ravasco canvassed for votes among the legal officers. Justice
triumphed in I7I7 and 1720, the sword in I7I8. The last of these affrays came
to the notice of Dom J oao V who ordered stern rebuke for Ant6nio Ferrao
but merely a light reprimand for the secretary of state.3 Such was contem-
porary feeling, that in neither case was the honesty and integrity of the
offenders questioned. Gon~alo Ravasco remained as secretary of state until his
death in I725. Ant6nio Ferrao was chosen to go to Lisbon to report on the
mutiny of the Bahia garrison in I 728 and became Governor ofS. T orne in I 739· 4

1 Viceroy to king, 12 July 1715; decision of king in consultation with Overseas

Council dated 10 September 1716 and communicated to the viceroy in a letter of

26 September 1716 (APB, Ordens regias, val. 10, doc. 63 and Documentos historicos,
vol. 96, doc. 124, pp. 25 1-4).
z For genealogical details see Fr. Ant6nio de S. Maria Jaboatao, Catalogo
geneal6gico das principaes familias (Bahia, 1950; reprint from vols. 1-4 (1945-8) of
the Revista do lnstituto Geneal6gico da Bahia).
3 King to viceroy, 17 April 1720 and 19 April 1723 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 62,
doc. 53 and val. 17, doc. 30).
4 He also carried samples of gold and silver from new strikes in the interior of
Balria. For his involvement in a scandal over dowries see pp. I8~o (APB, Ordens
regias, vol. 23, doc. u6).
The Administration of Charity IIJ
Corruption in elections was not limited to the Miseric6rdia, nor to Bahia.
Even the conventual peace was not immune to these disturbances. The
abbess of the Convent of Sta Clara do Desterro of Bahia complained to the
king on several occasions in the early eighteenth century of secular inter-
ference in elections. An extreme case was the election of a new abbess in
September 1723. A group of laymen canvassed for votes; this group
included a Crown judge, a sergeant-major in the garrison, a Benedictine
friar and Gon!_falo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque! I The Third Order
of St Francis was also subject to electoral disturbances. Ever since the
contract in 1701 between the Third Order and the friars for the tertiaries to
build a church, sacristy and cemetery on a plot of land known as the Geni-
papeiro in return for an annual rent of 30$000, the tertiaries had struggled to
exempt themselves from the jurisdiction of the prelate. Matters came to a
head when the tertiaries began the construction of a bell-tower, a status
symbol among the brotherhoods who could then summon the people for
processions and the brothers for funerals of their late colleagues. Work
was halted in 1743, pending enquiry. Investigation revealed that the chief
treasurer and canon of the cathedral, Jose Ferreira de Mattos, was the cause
of these disputes during his second term of office as minister of the Third
Order. During a similar disagreement in Rio between the tertiaries and the
friars, the governor, Luis Vahia Monteiro (1725-32), had been indecisive and
been reprimanded severely by the king for failing to support the prelate. 2
Mindful of this, the Count of Galveas (Viceroy, 1735-49) laid the blame
squarely on the dubious electoral methods employed by the tertiaries in
Bahia.J An attempt by Jose Ferreira and his colleagues to appeal to the
Roman Curia through their Lisbon attorney was frustrated by Dom Joao V.

I Gon<;alo Ravasco's struggle for power on the city council and his pernicious

influence in the administration of several brotherhoods had been censured by the

king in 1720. In 1718 he had been expelled from the Third Order of the Carmelites
(APB, Ordens rigias, vol. 62, doc. 53). In a letter of 6 February 1725 the king
ordered the viceroy to forbid further secular interference in conventual elections
(APB, Ordens regias, vo!. 19, doc. 91).
z The dispute was over the building of a hospital and chapel by the Third Order
and the persistence of a clique of tertiaries in using these buildings despite orders to
the contrary,ANRJ, C6dicegS2, vol. 22 (2nd part), ff. 273, 551, 582, 591,and vol. 23,
ff. 112, 144, 316, and vol. 24, f. 248.
3 Viceroy to king, 17 March 1744 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 41, doc. 9a).
114 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The canon resigned in 1745 protesting loyal allegiance to his Lord and
Sovereign! 1 The outcome was a royal order forbidding re-election within
three years of holding office. 2 The 1618 Compromisso of Lisbon had con-
tained an identical clause. In neither case was this ruling enforced or
respected by tertiaries or brothers.
The municipal councils of Rio de Janeiro and Bahia echoed the Miseri-
cordia in protests of impecuniosity, when faced by requests for the payment
of debts. They too were subject to 'rigged' elections. In the very year
(1746) that the Count of Galveas suspended the elections of the Misericordia
in Bahia, the city council of Rio was accused of filling its offices with the sons
and relatives of councillors. In Bahia, the malpractices of the municipal
council rivalled those of the Misericordia in their frequency. In 1737 Dom
Joao V ordered that the three city councillors and the attorney of the city
council who had served in 1736 should be imprisoned because of their
malpractices during their term of office. 3 When the king sent out from
Lisbon a Crown judge to take stock of the Misericordia of Bahia in 1754,
his terms of reference also included a full enquiry into the city council.4
The administration of charity in colonial Bahia left much to be desired.
This was not because the administrative machinery did not exist - it did.
It was because Brazilian administration at that period was dominated (and
still is to some extent) by a minority of highly influential men. These men
had received no formal training for public office, but belonged to an 'in'
group formed of certain families who had intermarried. For them, admini-
strative office was a family tradition and social duty. The actual every-day
business was left to incompetent underlings. This lack of direct supervision
resulted in poor decisions and negligent book-keeping, be it in the Miseri-
cordia, city council or Treasury. A report on the Treasury in 1757 com-
1 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 42, docs. 1 and I a and vol. 43 docs. 55 and 55 a.
2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 42, doc. 4 and accompanying documents.
3 ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. 33, ff. 315, 36o and 362-3, and APB, Ordens regias,
vol. 33, doc. 22.
4 'Fuy servido man dar que o Dezembargador Antonio Joze da Fonseca Lemos,
fosse a essa cidade, e tirasse huma particular, e distincta devassa dos mesmos
descaminhos, em cada huma das reparti<;oens da Fazenda, fazendo a esse respeito,
todos os exames, e averigua<;oens necessarias, e que da mesma forma, tomasse contas
aCamara, e Mizericordia dessa cidade, para se descobrirem os excessos, que nessas
duas cazas me consta se tern comettido' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. p, f. 130).
The Administration of Charity 115
mented that 'the world has never seen such a Babel of confusion and disorder
as among the books, papers and records of the Treasury of Bahia'. 1 This
was equally applicable to private and municipal archives, and the Miseric6rdia
was simply at one with the age in this respect. A more detailed examination
of the attitude to public service, as shown in the key posts of the Miseric6rdia
- the posts of Provedor and treasurer - will reveal the extent to which an
apparently administrative phenomenon was governed by social change.
1'nao tendo visto o mundo BaM! mais confuza nem mais desordenada do q' sao
OS livros, papeis e estylos da Casada Fazenda da B6 ' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 56,
f. 449)·
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration

THE Compromissos of the Misericordia of Lisbon were followed by the over-

seas branches of the brotherhood. The living conditions in the settlements
of Portuguese in Asia, Mrica and Brazil differed markedly from those in the
mother country. The social structure of these communities and the relations
of the Portuguese with other ethnic groups and followers of other creeds,
varied from country to country. The branches of the Misericordia in Goa
and Macao made their own Compromissos to cater for local conditions. It
has been seen that the Misericordia of Bahia did not formulate its own
Compromisso, but boards of guardians often found it necessary to interpret,
rather than follow blindly, the clauses of the statutes of Lisbon. In this
respect the archives of the Misericordia afford a fascinating insight into the
more elusive and least tangible aspects of Brazilian history - the infra-
structure of society and the ethnic and religious stresses and strains present
in colonial Bahia.
The Provedor of the Misericordia was, by definition, 'a gentleman, of
authority, prudence and virtue, of good repute and of such an age that the
other brothers can recognise him as their head and can obey him the more
easily'. 1 In Goa the Misericordia had sought the maximum degree of pro-
tection by the frequent election of the governor or viceroy to this office. In
Bahia there had been some half a dozen such elections in the seventeenth
century, but generally the Misericordia preferred not to court official
intervention. 2 In the eighteenth century the election of the viceroy to be
1 Compromisso of x6x8, chapter 8, §I.
2 The Provedors of the Misericordia of Goa are listed in J. F. Ferreira Martins,

Historia da Misericordia de Goa, val. I, pp. 385-400. In Bahia the records of

Provedors are incomplete for the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, but the
following governors-general served as Provedors: Mem de Sa (I 56os?); Luis de
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 117
Provedor was only contemplated as an expedient to enforce payment of
debts, hut a motion proposing this in 1751 was defeated. 1 Even the Count
of Sahugosa, who had served the Goa Miseric6rdia admirably as Provedor in
1713 during his viceroyalty in India, was not asked to occupy the correspond-
ing post in Bahia during his fifteen years as viceroy of Brazil.
There were three reasons for this difference of attitude between the
Miseric6rdias of Goa and Bahia. First, the membership of the Miseric6rdia
of Bahia was drawn from a more highly-developed corporate social body than
that existing in Goa. Secondly, there had been established in Bahia a land-
owning aristocracy of plantation owners and cattle ranchers, the like of
which never existed in the narrow confines of Goa. Thirdly, the nationalistic
spirit, which was to achieve Brazilian independence in the nineteenth century,
was strongly in evidence a century earlier. The Count of Sahugosa was
prominent in fostering this independence movement. He supported the
Bahian business community in its efforts to maintain the monopoly of the
slave trade to the west coast of Africa and the Gulf of Benin, against over-
tures from Dom Joao V and the merchants of Lisbon to 'cash in' on this
trade. The landed aristocracy of Bahia had been horn and bred in independ-
ence. Its members represented the human aspect of the dichotomy existing
between the theory of royal decrees and the practice of enforcing them. This
landed aristocracy financed the Miseric6rdia in the seventeenth century and
monopolised the post of Provedor.
In 1726 Dom Joao V ordered the Count of Sahugosa to verify that the
large tracts of land owned by certain families in the hinterland of Bahia were

Sousa (1617); Francisco de Moura Rolim, local governor with title of captain-
major (1625); Diogo Luis de Oliveira (1632 and 1633); Joao Rodrigues de Vas-
concellos e Sousa, Count of Castelo Melhor (165o); Affonso Furtado de Castro do
Rio de Mendon~a, Viscount of Barbacena (1671, ASCMB, vol. 34, f. 5: he was
sworn in as a brother on 3 July, the day of his election as Provendor, ASCMB,
vol. 2, f. 71 ).
1 Minute of 13 October 1751 subsequently ruled null and void (ASCMB, vol. 15,

f. 54). The Miseric6rdia of Rio de Janeiro sent a petition to Dom Joao V asking
him to allow Gomes Freire de Andrada (Governor, 1733-63) to serve as Provedor
'porq' com o seu activo zello, e rectidao inflexivel fara com q' se paguem as
numerozas dividas q' amesma Santa Caza se devem '. The king passed the request
on to the governor with a covering letter of 6 May 1746 encouraging his acceptance
(ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. 33, f. 142).
II8 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

being properly developed. He named the 'big five' landowners, or their

heirs, as Antonio Guedes de Brito, Domingos Affonso Sertao, Antonio da
Rocha Pitta, Pedro Barbosa Leal and Garcia d' Avila Pereira of the House of
Torre.! He could have added the Silva Pimentel family to this list, because
the marriage of a bastard daughter of Antonio Guedes de Brito to Antonio
da Silva Pimentel had united these two powerful families. 2 It was no
coincidence that these same names occur time and again in the records of the
Misericordia and that the post of Proved or often passed from father to son.
An unwritten condition of the post of Provedor was that the incumbent
should contribute generously to the expenses of the brotherhood. The
electors were mindful of the fortunes to be made from the cultivation of
sugar or the rearing of cattle when choosing a new Provedor. This obliga-
tion was recognised by the Provedors and the majority in the seventeenth
century distinguished themselves by their generosity to the brotherhood.
During their lives they sponsored artistic works and at death they left a
legacy to the Misericordia.
Some few examples will suffice to illustrate this. The pioneer and planta-
tion owner, Antonio da Silva Pimentel (Provedor, 1653), contributed
towards the building of the new church of the Misericordia in the 165os.
Another plantation owner, Francisco Fernandes do Sim (Provedor, 1656-9
and 1661), left 16,ooo cru1.ados to the brotherhood to provide dowries for
eight girls. 3 Manuel de Araujo de Aragao (Provedor, 1685) and the Master
of the Field Pedro Gomes (Provedor, 1686) contributed towards the heavy
costs of constructing a cloister, entrusted to one of the best stone-masons of
Bahia, Manuel Quaresma. The greatest benefactor of the Misericordia was
Joao de Mattos de Aguiar, Provedor in 1684. When he died in 17oo, he left
vast legacies to be administered by the Misericordia, providing for a retire-
ment house, dowries and alms for the poor. The landowners Pedro Barbosa
Leal (Provedor, 1703, 1704) and Domingos Affonso Sertao (Provedor,
1705) were the last Provedors to maintain the seventeenth-century tradition
of supporting the brotherhood with open-handed generosity. Self-interest
characterised the actions of the Provedors in the eighteenth century. This

I King to viceroy, 7 February 1726 (APB, Ordens regias, val. 20, doc. 29 and

accompanying documents).
2 Jaboatao, Catalogo, p. 90, under 'Silva Pimenteis etc na Bahia'.

3 He died in 1664 (ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 91v-97).

Class, Creed and Colour in Administration
was illustrated by Ant6nio da Rocha Pitta,Provedor in 1700. His choice of a
marble staircase as a gift to the Miseric6rdia satisfied his own vanity but did
not greatly benefit the brotherhood. His inability to pay for its installation
was indicative of the decline of the great plantation families of the Reconcavo.
There had been much inter-marriage between the families of the landed
aristocracy of Bahia. Practically all the Provedors of the Miseric6rdia
between 166o and 1750 were related to a greater or lesser degree. Suffice it
to quote the case of Gonc;alo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque. Admitted
to the brotherhood in 1686, he was the son of Bernardo Vieira Ravasco
(Provedor, 1681) and Felippa de Albuquerque, daughter of the sometime
Provedor Lourenc;o Cavalcante e Albuquerque. Gonc;alo Ravasco married
the daughter of the brother Aleixo Paes de Azevedo whose wife, F rancisca de
Vasconcellos, was the daughter of Gaspar de Araujo de G6is, Provedor in
1682. 1 For his part, Gonc;alo Ravasco was Provedor in 1717 and 1720. This
example was not exceptional and there were many similar cases among families
represented on the Mesa and Junta. Among the noble Bahian families
membership of the Miseric6rdia was nothing less than a family tradition.
Towards the turn of the seventeenth century there was a notable change
and this became more apparent as the eighteenth century progressed. The
landowning families were still represented on the Mesa and Junta, but
increasingly rarely did they provide the Provedors and treasurers. The
division of estates and the decline of the sugar industry had reduced
the financial resources of such families, but such was their prestige that
they continued to exert influence. The constructive energy of the post-
restoration period, which had created the great estates of the Reconcavo
and opened up the hinterland, was spent. Ant6nio da Silva Pimentel, the driv-
ing force behind the building of the Miseric6rdia church in the 165os, would
have turned in his grave if he could have seen his son of the same name,
Provedor in 1697 and 1698, leave a paltry 5o$ooo to the Miseric6rdia for the
purchase of bedclothes for the hospital. 2 During the eighteenth century the
Provedors regarded the Miseric6rdia rather as a milch cow for their own
personal profit than as a charitable institution worthy of their favours.J
The decline in importance of the landowning class was a gradual process
1 ASCMB, vol. 2, ff. 264v-265. 2 ASCMB, vol. 42, f. I 55·

3 In a letter of 29 October 1739 the Mesa asked the king to refuse the
petition of Balthazar de Vasconcellos Cavalcante (Provedor, 1723) for a royal
120 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

spread out over more than half a century. Prominent Bahian families did
not sever themselves from all social intercourse, but tended simply to 'opt
out' of public duties. These were to be assumed by business men, many of
whom had come to Bahia as ambitious bachelors, married local girls and
accumulated small fortunes by commerce. But on both sides there was a
period of reluctance. The landowners were unwilling to renounce the post
of Provedor to a class still tainted with semitic stigma in the popular mind.
For their part, the business men still felt socially insecure and were not
sufficiently consolidated as a community. Transition was painful and
accompanied by a plethora of electoral abuses, resignations, expulsions and
repeated interventions by the viceroy in the affairs of the Misericordia.
'Caretaker' Provedors were needed until the business community was
sufficiently established, financially and socially, to occupy executive posts
in the Misericordia. In the years 1710-50 an unusually large number of
high-ranking public officials and ecclesiastical dignitaries served as Provedors,
often under the auspices of the viceroy. 1 Generally speaking, these com-
promise Provedors did little for the brotherhood. Two exceptions were the
precentor of the cathedral, Joao Calmon (Provedor, 1727, 1728) and Canon
Francisco Martins Pereira (Provedor, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734). Men of great
integrity, they restored, to some degree, the prestige of the Misericordia.
They were also practical enough to obtain concessions for the brotherhood,
such as the reduction in the number of masses.
The business men emerged as a social class from this period of transition
and compromise. This process was accompanied by a shift in the distribu-
tion of wealth and by a gradual move from the rural areas to the city.
Business men (homens de neg6cio) first appeared as such in the registers of
admissions to the Misericordia at the turn of the eighteenth century. From
1730 there was a significant increase in the numbers of these accepted as
brothers. The position of the business man was ambiguous and difficult in
the Portuguese overseas empire. He was scorned by the populace as a New
moratorium on a debt of 16,ooo$ooo he owed to the brotherhood, 'porquanto he
bern notorio e sabido a summa decadencia e mizeravel Estado em q' a tern posto seus
devedores, e mayor mente os q' forao Provedores, como foi o suppdo pa se
proverem do Cabedal della' (ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 185v-186v).
1 High Court judges were Provedors in the years 1711-15 and ecclesiastics in

1727-8, 1731-4, 1740, 1744, 1746 and 1754. See appendix 2 for a complete list of
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 121
Christian, yet supported by the Crown as the means of replenishing the
royal coffers. Financial success preceded social acceptance. Two business
men who became Provedors, Andre Marques (1739 and 1749), and Domingos
Lucas de Aguiar (1742, 1746 and 1747), show that the social 'breakthrough'
took place in the 1740s. Andre Marques and Domingos Lucas de Aguiar
had several points in common and possibly showed the pattern of behaviour
of the business community. Both had emigrated to Brazil, Andre Marques
from the commercial city of Oporto, and Domingos Lucas de Aguiar from
a village in the archbishopric of Braga. They had married local girls of
artisan families of some social position for the fathers had both served the
Miseric6rdia as brothers of lower standing. Andre Marques and Domingos
Lucas de Aguiar succeeded financially and were accepted into the Miseri-
c6rdia as brothers of the upper class in 1718 and 1733 respectively. 1 They
achieved sufficient prominence in the business community to represent the
Board of Business Men (Mesa dos Homens de Neg6cio) in discussions on
the plan of the Count of Galveas for a fleet of twenty-four ships to cater for
the west African trade. In 1743 and 1744 both submitted special reports
on a trading company for slaves from the Mina coast. 2 Their success story
was not unique and many more of their kind emigrated from the north of
Portugal to Bahia, married into respectable working-class families, and went
on to achieve considerable wealth.
It was in the office of treasurer that this change was more readily apparent.
As early as 1641 the Miseric6rdia had been compelled to use a legacy in order
to pay its treasurer.J In 1652 the board of guardians had been informed by
the treasurer that he had no money in the brotherhood's coffers and that he
had met the immediate expenses of the hospital from his own pocket and
wished to be reimbursed. In 1682 the Miseric6rdia had implored the
wealthy Pedro Barbosa Leal to serve God and the brotherhood by accepting
this office.4 This he did, but his successors in the treasury were less willing
to place their personal fortune at the disposal of an often dubious administra-
tion. In the eighteenth century it became increasingly common for those

r ASCMB, vol. 3, f. 225v and f. 379v respectively; details of the fathers-in-law

are in vol. 2, ff. 234v-235 and f. 290.
2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 41, docs. 6a and 6b.

3 Minute of 30 June 1641 (ASCMB, vol. 40, f. 142).

4 8 July 1682 (ASCMB, vol. 34, f. 24v).
122 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
elected at the first ballot to refuse, and those who did accept made it evident
that they would sustain no personal loss. Anselmo Dias, treasurer in 1731
after Jose Rodrigues Pinheiro had been excused from office, was elected
unconstitutionally on the express understanding that he would personally
contribute to the Misericordia's expenses. Later, the Mesa expelled him on
the very grounds of his having been wrongfully elected, alleging that he had
flaunted its authority. The truth of the matter was that he had refused to
place his personal fortune at the disposal of the brotherhood and had dis-
puted the authoritarian action of the scribe, Jeronimo Velho de Araujo, who
had dominated the Provedor and was now infringing the privileges of the
treasurer. 1 Anselmo Dias refused the customary method employed by the
Misericordia in reimbursing its treasurers by bags of sugar and insisted on a
cash settlement for the 1,451$650 due to him. 2 Other treasurers were more
demanding, not only on the Misericordia's finances, but on its prestige
by suing the brotherhood publicly for repayment. Caetano Buitrago fell
victim of the tradition of the new treasurer taking on the debts of his pre-
decessor. In this case his predecessor, Domingos Ramos da Cunha, had
been expelled after only two months in office, but had incurred debts of
3,ooo cruzados in this short time. Caetano Buitrago threatened the Miseri-
cordia with legal action. Rather than be discredited the board of guardians
took money from capital to satisfy the debt in 1724. 3 The Mesas in their
financial plight did not limit themselves to the capital to satisfy creditors.
Often they 'borrowed' from the funds of the legacy of Joao de Mattos de
Aguiar.4 Promises to replenish both funds from the first income to be

1 ASCMB, vol. 35, f. 22 recording his election on 4 July 1731. He was expelled

on 10 February 1732, the Mesa admitting in its letter of explusion that 'primeyro foi
VM na nossa mente elleyto Recebedor das esmollas, do que tomasse o balandrao e
juramento de IrD; que somente se lhe clava, nao por outro algum pretexto mas q'
para haver de exercitar o d0 cargo para q' o habilitava o poder suprir aos gastos da
Caza com o seu dinheiro' (ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 13)V-IJ6 and vol. 195, f. 83v).
For Anselmo Dias' explanation see ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 134-5· He was re-
admitted and served as Provedor on three occasions. In 175 I he resigned 'por me
livrar de hiia ocasiao proxima da ruina a minha pessoa, caza e parentes' (ASCMB,
vol. 35, f. 109v). 2 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 176v-177·

J ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 134v-135v.

4 In 1736 Joao Nunes da Cunha (treasurer 1724) received 1,9oo$ooo from
capital in settlement of debts incurred during his year of office (ASCMB, vol. 14,
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 123
received were never fulfilled. The loss of interest on the capital meant
reduction in the social services of the brotherhood. If the board of guardians
had complained in 1712 that it had to sweat blood to repay the 3o,ooo
cru'{_ados due to former treasurers and that brothers refused to hold this
office, how much more did this become the case when sugar prices fell to the
point where nobody would accept payment in sugar, except for the ailing
Miseric6rdia whose debtors were usually plantation owners. In 1744 and
1753 a priest, Hilario dos Santos Fialho, was sworn into office because no
other brother was willing to be treasurer. 1
By using the post of treasurer as a bargaining instrument an ambitious
young businessman could gain a position in the Miseric6rdia administration
which, once achieved, was not easily lost. Ant6nio de Castro, a native of
Oporto who had emigrated to Bahia where he had married, became treasurer
in the year of his election to the brotherhood (1722), and went on to serve
as scribe in 1730, 1734 and 1743. Jose Alvares da Silva, a native of Viana do
Castelo, had also emigrated, married a girl from Cachoeira, and became
treasurer in 1750. Another emigre and business man, Paulo Ribeiro do
Valle, was elected treasurer in 1754. 2 Apart from the characteristic pattern
already noted in Andre Marques and Domingos Lucas de Aguiar, these
three treasurers had in common the fact that previous to election they had
only been members of the brotherhood for a few months- in fact they
counted a total of only four years' service as brothers between them. This
indicates how far the Miseric6rdia had moved from its position as a 'family'
brotherhood based on tradition. It also shows how wealth was ousting
heredity as a criterion of selection for officers. When the motives for
promotion from a brother of lower standing to one of higher standing are
discussed, it will be seen how the financial position of a brother could dictate
f. 231). In 1733 a debt of 645$750 to Belchior dos Reis Duarte (treasurer 1730)
was paid from the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar (vol. 14, ff. 184v-r85)·
1 'obriga os nossos Irmaos Thezoureiros a meterem de suas fazendas muito dr 0 ;
custando ao depois gottas de sangue o seu embol~o pella qual rezam com difficuldade
se acha quem queira servir a tal occupa~am' (ASCMB, vol. p, f. 53 and ff. 59v-6r).
The elections of Hihirio dos Santos Fialho are in ASCMB, vol. 35, f. 74V and ff.
2 For Ant6nio de Castro see ASCMB, vol. 3, f. 257V and vol. 34, f. r6o; Jose

Alvares da Silva, vol. 4, f. 135v and vol. 35, ff. rorv-1o3; Paulo Ribeiro do Valle,
vol. 4, f. 184 and vol. 35, ff. II9-2o.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
his social promotion and that in some cases this promotion coincided with
his election as treasurer.
The acceptance of the business fraternity as a class suitable for public
office was one instance of a general change in the class structure of Bahian
society in the eighteenth century. The prejudices attached to class were
linked to religious prejudice and this, in turn, was often equated to racial
prejudice. The I6I8 Compromisso had followed its predecessor in general
policy, but in one aspect- that of conditions governing the admission of
brothers- it had radically altered the I p6 statutes. The Compromisso of
I 5I 6 had vaguely decreed that candidates for membership of the brotherhood

should be 'of good repute and a pure conscience and leading a virtuous life,
God fearing and the keepers of His commandments, meek and humble in
the service of God and the aforesaid brotherhood'. 1 The I6I8 Compromisso
had revealed the greater social and religious consciousness which had per-
vaded the Portuguese mentality of the sixteenth century. It had stipulated
seven conditions to be met by applicants for membership:
I. Purity of blood, without any taint of Moorish or Jewish origin, both
in the applicant and his wife.
2. Freedom from ill-repute, in word and deed.
3· Of a suitable age and, in the case of a bachelor, over twenty-five
years of age.
4· He should receive no payment from the brotherhood.
5. Owner of a shop, or be of a trade in which such possession was not
customary: no manual labourer would be admitted.
6. Literacy.
7· In sufficiently comfortable circumstances to be able to assist the
brotherhood without personal hardship and without giving rise to
suspicions of embezzlement of funds to which he might have access. 2
In all instances these stipulations were strictly enforced in Bahia and expul-
sion resulted from erroneous declarations made at the time of election to the
Three changes of a social nature merit closer attention. The first is the
division of the brotherhood into two classes, laid down by the 1516 Com-
promisso and maintained by that of 1618. The second is the clause introduced
in 1618 demanding religious purity of blood. The third is a local condition
1 Compromisso of I5I6, chapter 2.
2 Compromisso of 1618, chapter 1, §3.
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration
imposed by the Miseric6rdia of Bahia demanding ethnic (in this case white)
purity of blood.
Although the rp6 Compromisso had catered for roo brothers and that of
r6r8 for 6oo, both had maintained a class division into brothers of maior
('major') or nohre ('noble') standing and those of menor ('minor') or
mecanico ('mechanic') standing. The equal representative power of both
classes had been tipped in favour of the 'nobles' by the r6r8 stipulation that
the scribe and treasurer, as well as the Provedor, be selected only from the
brothers of'major' standing. In Bahia this class distinction was maintained.
But the concept of distinction existing in Bahia differed radically from that
present in Lisbon and a definition of 'major' and 'minor' is necessary.
In colonial Bahia the brothers of higher standing can be divided into two
groups. The first was the landed aristocracy whose wealth and prestige had
been gained from the cultivation of sugar cane or the rearing of cattle.
Among the Provedors of the Miseric6rdia both types of settlers were
represented: the sugar planters were the Silva Pimentels and Rocha Pittas;
the cattle ranchers were Joao Peixoto Viegas, Pedro Barbosa Leal, Domingos
Affonso Sertao, and the Dias d' Avila family of the House of Torre. The
second group may be termed the haute bourgeoisie. Its representatives
enjoyed many of the privileges of the aristocracy, but lacked the social
prestige based on tradition of that class. The brothers of 'major' standing
were professional men in the widest sense of the term - civil servants,
ecclesiastics, inquisitors, military officers and university graduates. It is
necessary to define the term 'business man' as opposed to 'merchant' in the
context of the Miseric6rdia. Essentially the difference was that whereas the
first was dealing in finance, the second was dealing in retail trade. In 1705
Dom Pedro II defined a merchant as follows: 'The word "merchants" is
applicable only to those persons in an open shop who are actually engaged in
measuring, weighing, and selling any kind of merchandise to the people'. 1
The classification adopted by the Miseric6rdia confirmed this distinction.
Whereas a shopkeeper, no matter how prosperous, was accepted as a brother
of lower standing, a business man automatically qualified for the higher
The brothers of minor standing were essentially those practising the
mechanical arts. In Portugal each trade had had its own statutes but this
1 C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age of Brazil, p. 1 10.
!26 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
custom was not followed in Brazil and practically the only group of artisans
who registered their trade were the goldsmiths, who did so in order to pre-
vent falsification. The examinations of artisans, introduced in Portugal in
the sixteenth century, were not enforced in Brazil before the eighteenth
century. In 1701, the city council of Bahia decreed that all the city's artisans
be examined. Payment of an examination fee was waived temporarily after
protests by the artisans, but the council ruled that avoidance of the examina-
tions would be penalised by a fine of 6$ooo and the closure of the offender's
shop. I In the institution of cartas de examinafiiO ('certificates of examina-
tion'), Bahia was following the example of Lisbon, Braga and Madeira.
Examiners were appointed to issue certificates to successful artisans, per-
mitting the opening of a shop and the practice of their craft. In Bahia this
class had been recognised as worthy of municipal representation in the
seventeenth century. In 1641 all the artisans had been convoked in order to
elect twelve mesteres, each representing a trade or group of trades. These
representatives had elected a juq do povo, or people's tribune, to represent
working class interests on the city council. In the next sixty years this
official was to do much good in reviewing the taxes, but the additional power
represented by the appointment of a second people's tribune in 1645 had
been resented by the councillors.2 Although the election of a second tribune
was later discontinued, there was considerable animosity between the
councillors and the people's representative for the rest of the seventeenth
century. This reached its climax in 171 I when the people's tribune incited
the populace of Bahia to demonstrate in the streets against a price increase on
salt and a proposed levy of 10 per cent on imported goods. The king,
disturbed by news of rioting, abolished the posts of people's tribune and the
representatives of the guilds in 1713.3 Future attempts to revive them met
with a stony silence from Lisbon. The 'brothers of lower condition' came
from the more articulate members of this class and may be referred to as the
petite hourgeoisie.
I Minutes of municipal council of 12 November 1701 and 26 November 1701

(AMB, vol. 22, f. 222v and ff. 223v-224).

2 Affonso Ruy, Historia da C&mara, p. 178. For detailed studies of the mesteres

andjuir. do povo in Bahia, see C. R. Boxer, Portuguese Society in the Tropics. The
Mwucipal Councils ofGoa, Macao, Bahia and Luanda, z5z o-z8oo (Wisconsin, 1965)
pp. 73-7, 104-5 and 179-82; Affonso Ruy, op. cit., pp. 173-85.
3 Royal order of 25 February 1713 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 8, doc. 30).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration
The Misericordia was the only Bahian brotherhood to preserve this
mediaeval distinction, and its registers of members offer a unique source for a
study of the class structure of colonial Bahia. Although all Compromissos of
Lisbon had advocated equal numbers of brothers from both classes, it is
highly unlikely that such a numerical equality was ever present in any of the
overseas branches of the Misericordia. There are no figures for the overall
membership of the brotherhood in Bahia at any given date. Fortunately
the registers recording the election of successful candidates to the Misericordia
are complete from 1663. Each entry specified whether the new brother was
of higher or lower standing, but in some cases this detail was omitted or the
relevant part of the page has been destroyed subsequently. A graphical
presentation of the results of an analysis of these entries for the years 1665
to 175 5 is presented in Table I. There are three obvious conclusions to be
drawn. The first is that the number of entrants to the brotherhood varied
considerably from year to year. The second is that there was a predominance
of brothers from the upper class. The third is that the increase and decrease
in membership affected both classes equally.
There are no grounds for thinking that fluctuations in the number of
entrants were caused by cliques, or ranchos, of a family or professional
nature. I The catastrophic fall in the number of admissions in the years
1685-90, the rise in the period 173o-5, and the decline in the 1740s and 1750s,
are explicable by factors external and internal. In 1686 the city had been
ravaged by the peste da hicha or yellow fever. Many applicants, or even
those already elected to the brotherhood, had preferred not to leave the
Reconcavo, where the plague had been less prevalent, to come to the city in
order to take the oath without which they could not be accepted as brothers. 2
The climax in the 1730s and the decline in the following two decades can be
explained by internal factors. The first of these was the successful Provedor-
ship of Canon Francisco Martins Pereira. During his terms of office the

I The only recorded case of interference in the voting rights of brothers was in

1740. A member of the Junta, Manuel de Oliveira Correia, influenced the other
members of the Junta and Mesa to the extent that, of sixty-one candidates for
election as brothers, only one was accepted. The elections were suspended because
the excessive number of voting beans being cast in each ballot was turning the
election into a farce (ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. ro8v-1o9v).
2 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, Historia da America Portuguer_a, livro 7, §45·
I. The admissions of brothers to the Misericordia of Bahia, r66)-I755 00

165 1670


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90, Y1 \ I 1\ / "--IJ I \ y ~ ~
75 / r- ' 1/_ / \ _h_ _J ;::s
60 " \ • /' ' I ...
r--. ~' ' ,.. --\ {l
I . ., ~ t;·
_,.- /
1 .;·- _
/ )'I ]'---"'\ ,\1 r"\. .' .;· \ ,~,./''~-v I ~
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v [/ r- -./ '\ \ / I . . '-./ '\ ' \
,.- '\ \ ,/ '.;,j_ ./ \ / '---1:!::_
30 _/_1. ·v - '- -J \

15, /

MAJOR 49 63 53 58 20 42 39 55 49 28 33 57 47 98 46 48- 34 35
MINOR 13 24 37 39 18 54 53 64 62 30 59 24 27 52 38 51 52 22
UNSPECIFIED I0 - - - - - I I 2 - - I 3 I 2 6--
TOTAL 72 87 90 97 38 96 93 120 Ill 58 92 a2 n 1s1 86 10s 86 57
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration
Miseric6rdia reached the height of its prestige in the eighteenth century,
exemplified by artistic works, such as the panelling of the salao nobre (lit.
'noble room'), the painting of the nave of the church and structural alt£.ra-
tions to its exterior. 1 If the successors of the worthy canon had followed his
example the Miseric6rdia might have avoided decline. Unfortunately these
were not forthcoming and the brotherhood declined to the point when, in
1754, the king sent out a Crown judge to take stock of the Miseric6rdia.
Economic decline implied a previous loss of social prestige. Loss of prestige
in the socially conscious society of Bahia meant lack of membership. A fall in
membership meant lack of financial support by gifts or bequests. The Miseri-
c6rdia was inextricably enclosed within this vicious socio-economic circle.
The registers of the admissions of brothers to the Miseric6rdia provide
information on the place of origin of the brother and his wife, the parentage
on both sides, and the profession of the applicant. A study of the places of
origin in Portugal and the Atlantic islands confirms the conclusions of
Carlos Ott that the vast majority of the Portuguese emigrants to Bahia came
from the provinces of the Douro and the Minho.z Despite official dis-
couragement of foreigners, there was a pot-pourri of nationalities - Italian,
French, German and even brothers of English and Irish descent. Fear of
the Dutch had evidently subsided, for families of Dutch descent, such as the
Guisenrodes, were accepted into the Miseric6rdia. The most significant
fact to emerge from a statistical analysis of the admissions registers for these
years is that there was a considerable difference in the ratio of immigrants
from the two classes. The percentage of immigrants elected brothers of the
upper class was 10 per cent higher than the number of Brazilian born
brothers of the upper class, whereas the ratio of the immigrants elected as
brothers of lower standing to those who had been born in Brazil was 6: 1.
The second fact is that the brothers of higher standing born in Brazil out-
numbered those of the lower class, also born in Brazil, in the ratio of 4:1. 3
These records also provide information on the deployment of the labour
I For a full description of these works see Carlos Ott, A Santa Cas a, pp. 68--75.
2 Carlos Ott based his conclusions on inquisitorial records for the years 1591-2
and burial records of the Misericordia for the late seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, Formafiio e evolufiio etnica da cidade do Salvador (2 vols., Bahia 1955--7),
vol. 2, appendix 2.
3 From 1663 to 1755, 874 brothers of higher standing and 729 of lower standing
are recorded in the admissions' registers of the Misericordia. There is no class
IJO Fidalgos and Philanthropists

force in the same period in Bahia. With regard to the professional brothers
of higher standing it is difficult to reach firm conclusions. This is partly
because of scribal negligence but also because then, as now, the Brazilian
thrived on a multiplicity of different jobs. An official of the Inquisition
combined the duties of this post successfully with commerce and a small
plantation. The trades of the brothers of lower standing are more fre-
quently stated and do not offer the same ambiguity. Of a total of 729
plebeian brothers admitted in the period x66J-I755, the vocations of some
350 are stated. Although these only represent 48 per cent of the total,
the vocations listed may be regarded as indicative of the general deployment
oflabour, because there were no reasons for drastic changes in the conditions
of the artisan within these ninety years. Slight changes occurred in the
eighteenth century with increased numbers of goldsmiths and other workers
in precious metals, drawn to Bahia as one of the official outlets for the gold
from the Minas. The results are what one would expect. The basic needs
of the community were satisfied by shoemakers, tailors, cutlers and smiths.
The building trades were represented by masons, carpenters and decorators.
A minority group were the lesser legal officials who were usually promoted
to be brothers of the upper class. I
During the eighteenth century there was an increasing number of pro-
motions to the upper class of brothers originally admitted as 'minors'. In
the majority of cases these were not of a mechanical trade and it would have
been almost inconceivable for any smith or cobbler to hope for such social
elevation. Joao de Miranda Ribeiro, a carpenter from the bishopric of
Oporto, was admitted to the Misericordia as a brother of' minor' standing in
1717. In the next three decades he was to gain great wealth and was a co-
founder of the Lapa convent. Such was his prestige that his son, Agostinho
de Miranda Ribeiro, was admitted to the Misericordia as a brother of'major'
standing in 1754, but the father remained tied to the lower category by his
trade as a carpenter. 2 Those who did achieve social promotion came from

reference for 27. Details are complete for some 75 per cent of these and are as
follows: 'Major': Brazilian born, 301; immigrants, 368; total, 669 (45 and 55 per
cent), 'Minor': Brazilian born, 83; immigrants, 510; total, 593 (I4 and 86 per cent).
I A partial list of artisans in Bahia and their places of origin is in Carlos Ott,

Formarao e evolurao i!tnica, vol. 1, pp. 46--7 and vol. 2, appendix 6.

2 ASCMB, vol. 3, f. 22ov and vol. 4, f. 182v.
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration IJI

the marginal professions - shopkeepers, minor civil servants, and solicitors

-who had greater opportunities for coming into contact with the upper
classes and of improving their social as well as financial position. In the
final analysis the criterion was social acceptability. This was exemplified by
the two surgeons Constantino de Sousa F erraz and Joao Rodrigues Velloso.
Both were admitted as brothers of 'minor' standing in the eighteenth
century, but whereas the former was promoted to the social category
customary for his profession, the latter remained in the lower class. I
The Miseric6rdia records offer an index of this social change. The reasons
for promotion come under the general titles of public service and economic
improvement. As had been the case in the Middle Ages, the concession of a
royal benefice was accompanied by social promotion for the recipient. In
the late seventeenth century Ant6nio Rodrigues da Costa, admitted as a
'minor', petitioned the Mesa for promotion because he had been ennobled by
royal grace. 2 War also had been a traditional method of gaining social
promotion. The Dutch occupation of 1624-5 had offered the opportunity
for plebeians to achieve representation on the municipal council and to
obtain a higher social standing. The concession of military commissions in
the local militia entitled the holders to certain privileges of the upper class.
They were exempt from all public duties and taxes. In Maranhao the abuse
of these concessions led to complaints by the city council of S. Luis. The
councillors alleged that such appointments could only be made by the city
council, but that some governors had taken this right upon themselves. In
1686 the Governor of Maranhao, Gomes Freire, reformed the criteria for
selection. In 1685 the Miseric6rdia of Tapuytapera, across the bay from
S. Luis, was abolished because of the large number of artisans ennobled by
such commissions.3 In Bahia there were several cases of artisans and minor
officials being promoted to brothers of higher standing in the Miseric6rdia
because of such appointments. 4 A third instance of public service bringing
I They were admitted on 13 June 1716 and 21 March 1717 respectively (ASCMB,

vol. 3, f. 2o6v and f. 219v). Ferraz was promoted on 6 June 1717.

z He had been admitted on 14 November 1666 (ASCMB, vol. 2, f. JO). He was
promoted on 21 June 1676 'pois que procedia e se tratava como homem nobre, e
pelo alvara que offerecia, !he fizera sua Alteza merce do Foro de Cavalheiro Fidalgo
com 1$200 de moradia .. .' (ASCMB, vol. 2, f. 112).
3 Robert Southey, History of Brar.il, vol. 2, p. 633 and vol. J, p. 5.
4 ASCMB, vol. J, ff. 61, 192, 241, 362v and vol. 4, ff. 94v, 158, 185, 356v.
IJ2 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

promotion was among the minor officials of the city council. At no time
was there any official connection between the Miseric6rdia and the munici-
pality. But in the small society of Bahia the municipal councillors belonged
automatically to the Miseric6rdia, the Third Order of St Francis and half
a dozen other brotherhoods. The same people were prominent in the
Miseric6rdia and on the city council. Office in the former recommended the
incumbent for an executive post in the latter. If the councillors enjoyed
social prestige, the municipal office of almotacl, or weights and measures
inspector, carried few benefits and was regarded with misgiving. The occupant
of this post must often have been the butt of vocal disapproval by the coun-
cillors who wished their measures enforced, and possibly the more organic
disapproval of the vendors. Perhaps the social promotion offered by the
Miseric6rdia to the hapless occupant of this post served as a degree of
compensation. 1
The choice of brothers for the posts of Provedor and treasurer has indi-
cated the gradual social acceptance of the business community in the
eighteenth century. Such was the desperate plight of the brotherhood to
find a brother of 'major' standing to occupy the post of treasurer as de-
manded by the Compromisso, that on several occasions Mesas fell back on
the recourse of promoting brothers of 'minor' status whose financial means
enabled them to assist the brotherhood in meeting its creditors. Manuel
Antunes Lima, a collaborator of J oao de Miranda Ribeiro in the construction
of the Lapa Convent, and an engineer by profession, was promoted to the
upper class on the occasion of his election as treasurer in 1732. 2 Manuel
Antunes Lima had already been nominated treasurer in 1729 but had refused
and so had not been promoted, serving on the Junta as a 'minor' for the term
173cr-I. Other brothers, originally admitted to the lower class and later
promoted, who occupied the post of treasurer were Jacinto Barbosa (I 7 I 7),
Sebastiao Dionisio da Costa (1718) and Joao Nunes de Figueredo (1725 and
The feeling of class prejudice was strong in colonial Bahia and the

1 ASCMB, vol. 2, f. 122v.

2 ASCMB, vol. 3, f. 237V and vol. 35, ff. 12-13v, 19-20. He was elected
treasurer on 10 February 1732 and promoted on the same day, following the
expulsion of Anselmo Dias. He was re-elected in July 1732 (vol. 35, ff. 25v-26
and 26v-27V).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 1 33

privilege of belonging to the upper class was highly coveted and, once
achieved, jealously preserved. Members of the upper classes sometimes
refused to serve in the garrison simply because promotion from soldier to
second lieutenant meant passing through the rank of sergeant. One of the
duties of a sergeant was to accompany the serpentinas, or hand-carried
chairs, of his superiors, and the nobles considered this duty out of keeping
with their social position. 1 Often an applicant to the Miseric6rdia, on hearing
that he had been elected as a brother of minor standing, refused to take
the oath. On some occasions this refusal was justified and the candidate
simply bided his time until a more accommodating Mesa would admit him
to the upper class. On others it was not. When an upstart 'barber'
insisted he should be admitted to the upper class in 1636, he was simply
exemplifying the delusions of grandeur entertained by many of his social
position.z Two duties of brothers were intimately linked to class and their
allocation aroused bitter feelings. The first was the decoration of the church
for the feast of the Visitation - a duty limited to brothers of higher standing.
The second was the monthly stint as buyer for the hospital - a duty reserved
for brothers of the lower class. Since the former involved considerable
financial outlay it could well have been used as a lever for social advancement.
The indignation felt by one 'minor' brother, Joao Baptista Carneiro, on
being asked to undertake this task in 1708, was doubtless tinged by the hope
of social promotion. It was to the credit of the Miseric6rdia that it refused
to be blackmailed in this or similar cases and Joao Baptista and his successors
who aspired to social elevation were unceremoniously expelled. 3 The office
of buyer entailed a degree of financial risk, depending on the honesty of the
treasurer in allocating sufficient funds for this purpose, without the com-
pensations of social advancement. Indeed the reverse was the case and
brothers of the upper class underwent expulsion rather than submit to this

1 An additional objection was that they would be 'emparelhados com os negros

que as carregao'. On 23 June 1710 the city councillors of Bahia asked the king to
permit people of proved nobility to pass from the rank of soldier to lieutenant, or
at least be excused the duties of accompanying the serpentinas (AMB, vol. 176,
f. 83)·
2 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 6, cf. ff. 55 and 81; vol. 3, f. 193.
3 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 37·
134 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The casual attitude towards expulsion demands some explanation. The
Compromisso had laid down seven conditions for expulsion which generally
covered disobedience to the orders of the board of guardians and actions
which would bring the name of the brotherhood into disrepute. Apart
from some few occasions of public debauchery, drunkenness and prostitution
of wives and daughters, there were few expulsions from the Misericordia of
Bahia on the second count. Whereas expulsion on the grounds of dis-
crediting the brotherhood was final, that resulting from disobedience or
insubordination was revocable and was often inspired by personal antipathy.
In these cases expulsion by one board of guardians was annulled by the next
and a brother preferred a year or two in the wilderness rather than undertake
tasks below his position.
This outline of Bahian society as portrayed by the Misericordia records
reveals two distinct modes of life. On the one hand was the aristocracy who
owned vast tracts of land in the Reconcavo and the Sertao, and whose
children married within this society. On the other hand was a class of
men who had advanced by personal effort to achieve financial and social
position. The one was rural, the other urban. It was only among the
bourgeoisie that there existed a class struggle. The aristocracy was un-
assailable. There are grounds for thinking that in the first half of the
eighteenth century the distinction between brothers of 'major' and 'minor'
standing was declining in its practical application. In 1718 the Crown
attorney supported the recommendation of the city council to the king for
an increase in the number of girls to be admitted to the Desterro convent.
But he opposed the enforcement of any distinction between girls of the
aristocracy and those of plebeian stock 'because such a distinction was
scandalous in Brazil where a person of the most modest circumstances and
birth puts on the airs of a great nobleman'. I
In the boom town of Vila Rica de Ouro Preto Dom Joao V authorised the
foundation of a Misericordia in 1738 on the condition that there be no class
distinction between brothers. 2 He was following the recommendation of
the municipal council who had reviewed a draft Compromisso in 1736 and
recommended to the king that the preservation· of this distinction was no
longer practicable because many men of good character, suitable to hold
I Documentos historicos, vol. 97, p. 190.
z C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age of Brat.il, p. 136.
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 135
office in the Miseric6rdia, had dedicated themselves to commerce. 1 In the
socially conscious capital of Bahia the distinction may have lasted longer.
It was significant that in 1739 Dom Joao V had to issue a royal order against
laxity in terms of address, threatening heavy punishments for abuse of the
title Senhoria. The necessity of such a decree indicated that no longer was
great importance attached to such matters in the colony. 2 The admissions
registers of brothers to the Miseric6rdia of Bahia no longer referred to class
within the text of the record of entry in the 1730s, although it was maintained
in the title until the end of the century. After I 800 any record of class
disappeared, with some casual exceptions. This lengthy formal preservation
of an outmoded distinction doubtless owed much to tradition and ceremony.
Cases of social promotion after 1750 tended not to be the result of social
betterment so much as a change in personal status such as ordination for the
ministry or military promotion. Similarly, examples of brothers being
expelled on grounds arising from class distinction were rare after this date.
The anomaly of any class distinction was shown in the board of guardians
of 1807, composed entirely of business men.J A process of social change,
which had started in the early eighteenth century, ended in the first decade of
the nineteenth century.
The equating in the popular mind of business man with New Christian
did not deter such families from settling in Bahia. In 1497 all Jews in
Portugal had been forcibly converted to Catholicism. They had been known
as New Christians. Many had continued to practise Jewish rites in secret
1 Augusto de Lima JUnior, A Capitania das Minas Gerais (2nd ed. Rio de

Janeiro, 1943) apud Gilberta Freyre, Sobrados e mucambos (3 vols., Rio de Janeiro-
Sao Paulo 195 I, 2nd ed.) vol. 2, p. 673.
2 This order of 29 January I739 enforced an old law of I 597 on protocol. This

ordered that marriages should preserve the social standing of both parties and that
any marriage contracted without parental permission would result in the loss of any
title held by the husband. Abuse of forms of address carried heavy penalties.
People between the ranks ofjidalgo and cavalheiro faced fines of Ioo$ooo for a first
offence and 2oo$ooo for a second. 'Pessoas de menor qualidade' would be fined
2o$ooo and suffer two years' exile from their place of residence for a first offence
and 4o$ooo with five years' exile to Africa on the second occasion (APB, Ordens
regias, VOl. 35, doc. 107a).
3 The last instance I have found was in the election of the Mesa in I 8 I 6. Class
distinction was preserved among the electors, but the members of the actual Mesa
were simply referred to as 'consultores' (ASCMB, vol. 36, f. 76).
136 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
and had been denounced. Brazil had been a place of refuge for judaizers
escaping the inquisition in Spain and Portugal. Several European travellers
to Bahia in the eighteenth century commented on the numbers of Jews
engaged in trade. If the populace accepted these families with distrust, the
brotherhoods went further in their antipathy and forbade entry. The clause
of the 1618 Compromisso of the Miseric6rdia demanding purity of blood was
common to the Third Orders. After receiving an application the Mesa ap-
pointed one of its members to undertake a special enquiry into the truth of
the statements made by the applicant and to establish his suitability. In addi-
tion to this special enquiry, all the other members of the board of guardians
made general enquiries into his social background and submitted a report to
the Provedor should they hear of any defect. This was the practice in the
Miseric6rdia of Bahia but the archives contain no actual report of this nature.
Possibly the Miseric6rdia followed the custom of the Third Order of the Car-
melites and burned these documents. Fortunately two examples of the manner
in which information was verified and the extent to which this anti-semitic
prejudice was evident do exist in the Book of Secrets of the Miseric6rdia.
The first concerned Francisco Ferreira who was refused entry to the
brotherhood in 1629, ostensibly on the grounds that there was no vacancy.
It was rumoured that the real reason was that he was suspected of being a
New Christian. Considering his honour to be at stake, Francisco Ferreira
re-applied for membership in the following year, stating that any such
accusation was born of malicious intent and that he would submit evidence
to establish his purity ofblood beyond all reasonable doubt. To this end he
produced nine testimonials by people of standing both in Bahia and in his
home town of Almada, on the Tagus. These certified that not only his
father and mother, but also his grandmother, had been Catholics. His most
important witness was the sexagenarian Luis Vaz de Paiva, a citizen of Bahia,
and the official recorder of the Jews and New Christians who had come from
Portugal to settle in Bahia. He swore that the parents of Francisco Ferreira
had not been among these emigrants. This was confirmed by reference to the
lists of Jewish emigres in the possession of another witness. 1 The final out-
come of these enquiries is not mentioned.
1 'Luis Vaz de Paiva, m0 r nesta cide de idade q' disse ser de sesenta annos pouco

mais ou menos, ta a qm o Provedor deu juramto dos Sanctos Evangelhos em q' pos
sua mao, e prometteu dizer verde e do custume dizer nada. E perguntado p1o
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 137
The second case occurred fifty years later and centred on Joanna Leal, a
native of Bahia. The Miseric6rdia was unusual among Bahian brotherhoods
in that admission of a brother automatically included the acceptance of his
wife who enjoyed the same privileges but was subject to the same regulations
as her husband. In 1669 the first husband of Joanna Leal, lieutenant
Francisco Rodrigues de Aguiar, was refused entry to the brotherhood
because of the alleged impurity of blood of his wife. Ten years later her
second husband, the chief officer in the Court of Appeals, Domingos
Rodrigues Correia, met with a similar refusal on the same grounds. The
higher social position of Domingos Rodrigues Correia demanded a fuller
enquiry than had been accorded to his predecessor and the Junta was called
for the first time on this issue. Domingos Rodrigues produced testimonials
testifying to his wife's purity of blood and a signed statement by the scribe
of the Carmelite Order in Bahia, friar Ant6nio da Trindade, that the brother
of Joanna Leal had been accepted into the Order after exhaustive enquiries
had established his purity of blood. Nevertheless, the board of guardians
of the Miseric6rdia rejected the petition on the grounds that Joanna Leal's
purity of blood was not sufficiently proven. Correia, dissatisfied by this
decision, reapplied in March of 168o, supporting his petition by lengthy
testimonials ordered specially from Lisbon. Evidently the case had become
a key issue with the Miseric6rdia for in December of 1679 the Mesa had
written to its counterpart in Lisbon asking for information on the parentage
of Joanna Leal. It was indicative of the importance attached to purity of
blood, that it was only after contact had been established with the Miseri-
c6rdia of Luza, a village near Coimbra, and evidence had been received from
the scribe that the grandparents of Joanna Leal had been members of the
brotherhood in Luza, that Domingos Rodrigues Correia was finally admitted
as a brother of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia. I
contheudo na peti<;ao atras disse: q' conheceo a Ant<> Medes e a sua mulher, os
quais elle t:& sempre os teve por Christaos Velhos, e assy o ouvio dizer nesta terra.
E q' foi elle t& fintador da gente de na<;ao, e q' veio de Portugal fintados della
mta gente, da q' avia nesta cid6 ; sem o supp 6 nem seu pay virem na dita finta, nem
Ia os fintarao pellet& e os mais os terem p Christaos Velhos' (ASCMB, vol. 195,
ff. 3-4v).
I The scribe of the Carmelites confirmed that' o Rdo pe Fr. Mel Leal, Irmao da

sobredita Joanna Leal fora aceito na da Religiao do Carmo pella limpa informa<;ao q'
se tirou de seu nascimto e sanguinide, e ser Christao Velho sem rasa algiia pa q'
138 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
These two examples confirm that prejudice against Jews or New Christians
was present in seventeenth-century Bahia. The publicity given to the case
of Domingos Rodrigues Correia was doubtless responsible for the clause,
present in all the registers of admissions between 1679 and 1685, that any
brother who took for his second wife a woman of Jewish descent would be
expelled from the brotherhood. 1 From 1685 to the turn of the century the
inclusion of this clause became increasingly rare, and from 1700 candidates
for election were simply required to prove their general suitability. Although
the strength of the prejudice may have been reduced, it still remained a
preoccupation in the minds of the members of the boards of guardians when
they came to make the elections. In the first three decades of the eighteenth
century there were rare instances of brothers being expelled for this reason,
but in all cases they were later re-admitted. There was no further expulsion
after 1730. This may have been partly due to a move of the centre of the
New Christian population of Brazil to Rio de Janeiro in the eighteenth
century. A contributory factor may have been the social acceptance of the
business class which has already been discussed. The decreasing mistrust
felt towards the business community brought with it, if not acceptance, at
least greater tolerance towards those of New Christian descent.
In the testimonial of the purity of faith of the grandparents of Joanna Leal,
the scribe of the Miseric6rdia of Luza had stated that they were 'Old
Christians without taint of Moor or mulatto'. This near equation of a non-
Catholic to a person of colour is reminiscent of the attitude of the fifteenth-
and sixteenth-century Portuguese chroniclers who had simply dismissed
those of other faiths and colours as infidels and pagans. In Brazil the native,
be he Indian or Negro, was regarded as inferior, but the extent of miscegena-
tion compelled the authorities to adopt some policy. In this they were far
from uniform and much depended on the nature of the inter-marriage. In
general, the mamelucos and caboclos, offspring of white-Amerindian parent-

necessitasse de escripto algii Apostolico q' nao ouve pella grande limpeza q' se
achou em seu sangue'. The scribe of the Misericordia of Luza stated that the
grandparents were' Christaos Velhos sem rasa de mouro ou mulato' (ASCMB, vol.
195, ff. 12v, 16v-17 and 21-2). Domingos Rodrigues Correia was admitted as a
brother of 'major' standing on 15 April 168o (ASCMB, vol. 2, f. 156).
1 'com declara~o q' casando-se segunda vez com mulher de na<;ao hebrea, seria

logo expulso e excluido da dita Irmandade' (ASCMB, vol. 2, ff. 144v, 263, inter alia).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 139
age, came off rather better in the eyes of the Portuguese authorities than the
mesti;os and mulattos, products of black and white sexual unions. The
reason for the more tolerant attitude to the former was that once the Tupis
had been driven from the urban areas, they no longer troubled the admini-
strative machinery or social structure. Moreover, they were far less common
in Bahia than in Maranhao or the region of Sao Paulo, where the colonists
mated with the local Amerindian women. On the rare occasions in Bahia
when a white person of good social position took an Amerindian as his wife,
the offspring married into good families in the capital. 1 But such cases were
exceptional. Despite a royal decree in 175 5 giving such marriages the royal
blessing and assuring that no loss of social position would result, the
majority of such unions were temporary and unsanctified by the Church.z
The Indian remained in the interior of the Captaincy of Bahia and conse-
quently played no part in the urban life of the capital. The same cannot be
said of Negroes and mulattos who achieved a sufficiently high degree of social
consolidation to found brotherhoods and provide a disrupting element in
urban life by their aspirations.
In theory a Negro was either a freed man or a slave but in practice such a
distinction was often forgotten and a Negro was simply a chattel at the dis-
posal of a white person. Well aware of this disregard, a slave in Lisbon who
had been granted his freedom by a clause of his master's will, took good care
to bring this fact to the notice ofDom Joao V before undertaking a journey
back to Bahia. The king ordered the viceroy to ensure that this new-found
liberty was respected.J The accessibility of the monarch to the coloured
subjects was again shown by the appeal of a Negro slave, Antonio Femandes,
to Dom Joao V, alleging that he had been unjustly tortured. An enquiry
was held and representatives of the Misericordia gave evidence (pp. 256-7).
The Crown was not deaf to these appeals and fully realised the appalling
conditions in which the slaves were brought from Africa and then employed
on the sugar plantations. Numerous decrees were issued to protect the
Negro, such as those aimed at reducing the mortality in the slaving ships
(appropriately enough known as tumheiros or pall-bearers) by lessening the
numbers of slaves crowded below decks, punishment for slave owners found
I Jaboatiio, Catalogo geneal6gico, p. 165, cf. p. 51·
z Alvard of 4 April 1755 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 55, ff. 129-30).
3 King to viceroy, 26 November 1746 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 44, doc. xo).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

guilty of cruelty, as well as measures to ensure that every slave received a

decent burial. Although such decrees bore witness to the good intentions
of the Crown, they were largely ineffective in reality, and the Brazilians
went their own way and exploited the slaves as far as possible.
Although theoretically protecting the Negro in these decrees, there can be
no doubt that the Portuguese authorities practised a policy of racial dis-
crimination.1 When administrative appointments were made, the Crown
stipulated that those selected should be 'all white men free of infected blood'. z
Nor did the attempts of Dom Joao V to achieve closer harmony between the
coloured and white elements in Bahia meet with any more success than his
decrees. In 1733 he ordered the amalgamation of the militia regiments of
Bahia composed of pardos and Negroes with those regiments of white
soldiers, 'and trust that the pardos will serve me as well as white men'.
Within three years the viceroy was obliged to re-establish the coloured
regiments because the white soldiers refused to serve alongside coloured
soldiers.3 No order from a monarch some three thousand miles away could
remove the ingrained prejudice of the white Bahians, already illustrated in
1 For a full discussion of the racial situation in colonial Brazil see C. R. Boxer,
Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, Z4zS-z82S (Oxford, 1963),
pp. 86-121.
z The king stipulated that four appointees to the Treasury in Bahia in 1715 should
be 'todos homens brancos livres de infecta na~o' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 53,
f. 267). In 1712 Dom Joao V asked the Commissioner of the Treasury to report
on the 'limpeza de sangue' of an applicant for the post of Guarda dos Contos
because anybody with a 'stain' could not be accepted in public office (ANRJ,
C6dice 539, vol. 2, f. 71).
3 Decision of the Overseas Council of I) December 1732 communicated to the
viceroy by the king in a letter of 12 January 1733· The viceroy reported that he
had begun to carry out this order in a letter of 13 April 1733 (APB, Ordens regias,
vol. 29, docs. 62 and 62a). In a report of 20 June 1736 the viceroy informed the
king of the necessity to revert to the former situation. Approving this action the
king quoted from this report ' ..• q' de nenhua maneira convem a meu servic;o, que
os mulatos forros se anexem as companhias dos brancos porque estes os nao
querem admitir nem servir com elles por cuja cauza os separarao os Govemadores
vossos antecessores em compas com offes da mesma cor, e assim servirao sempre
sugeitos aos Coroneis da Ordenanc;a com boa satisfac;ao, sem haver as dezordens
que antes se experimentavao e prezentemente se tinhao observado e que da mesma
sorte me serviao os prettos forros, cujo prestimo e fidelidade de buns e outros era
notoria' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 4o, doc. 54).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration
the defence of their bell-tower by the tertiaries of St Francis and in the
refusal by the noble soldiers to accompany their superiors' chairs 'side by side
with the negro bearers'. The scorn felt by white Bahians towards the
coloured peoples, even in positions in which they were on a par with their
white fellows, as in the garrison where pay increases to white soldiers were
not matched by similar increases to coloured soldiers, led the coloured
population either to direct revolt or to establishing representative bodies to
plead their case. 1
In Minas Gerais in the eighteenth century the rebellious tendencies of the
slaves had on more than one occasion caused apprehension among the local
authorities. In 1725 Dom Joao V, fearing that the total white force of
Brazil would not be capable of suppressing such a general revolt, suggested
to the viceroy that only Angolan slaves be sent to the mines as those from
the Mina coast were disruptive elements. Open revolt had only been averted
because the two nations had been unable to agree on the selection of a king
to head both groups. 2 In the early nineteenth century in Bahia slave revolts
of the Rausa and Nago were to occur, but previous outbreaks were easily
put down by the authorities. Flight offered a degree of freedom to the slave.
Groups of slaves known as calhambolas formed quilombos in the interior and
were often joined by freed slaves. Such bodies of unrest challenged the
national security and severe penalties were enforced against offenders -
branding on the shoulder on the first occasion and the cutting off of an ear
on the second. In neither case was there any possibility of appeal.J The
unrealistic manner in which the Crown contemplated the problem was
exemplified by the orders for an attack on a quilombo of x,ooo Negroes at
S. Joao del Rei in 1747. Dom Joao V ordered the white force of 400 to

1 Gregorio da Silva, a pardo with eighteen years' service as an artillery man in the

Bahia garrison, asked Dom Joao V to grant him permission to leave the force
'porque por ser pardo se lhe nao da, nem o Supplicante espera acrescimento algum '.
The matter was referred to the viceroy who approved his retirement in a letter to
the king of 23 March 1747 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 44, doc. 6).
2 King to viceroy, 18 June 1725. In his reply of 23 February 1726 the Count of

Sabugosa reported that Angolans were totally unsuitable for anything but domestic
work and suggested that closer supervision would stop the unrest (APB, Ordens
regias, vol. 20, docs. 105 and 105a).
3 ProvisO.o of 3 March 1741 (ANRJ,C6dice9S2, vol. Jo,f. 264 and accompanying
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
attempt to bring the unruly Negroes to order, not by massacre as had been
the case on previous occasions, but by capture followed by fair trial. The
king hoped this would be an example to others of similar inclination. 1
A fine example of royal idealism perhaps, but unlikely to be heeded by the
colonisers in the mining region.
The urban counterpart of the quilombo was the brotherhood. Many
coloured brotherhoods were established in Bahia in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries - there were some five for mulattos and six for
Negroes dedicated to the Virgin Mary alone- and testified to the social
consolidation achieved by the coloured populace. In some cases the
brotherhood was founded with the object of freeing its members from
bondage: once free, a member contributed to the liberation of his brothers. 2
The majority had wider terms of reference to protect the interests of their
members during life and to give them a decent burial at death. The most
powerful coloured brotherhood of Bahia was that of Our Lady of the
Rosary, the only brotherhood to hold annual elections of a king and queen
which were to intrigue the nineteenth-century artist Maurice Rugendas. In
Bahia the Compromisso of this brotherhood was confirmed in r685. Other
branches of the same dedication, in addition to that in the Pelourinho, were
in the parishes of the Concei<;ao da Praia, Sant' Ana, Sto Ant6nio alem do
Carmo and S. Pedro Velho. In its early years membership was limited to
Angolan Negroes but later it admitted Brazilian Negroes, mulattos and even
white people. It was the initially exclusive nature of the Rosary which
resulted in the foundation of brotherhoods with more flexible terms of
entry. One of these was the Brotherhood of St Anthony of Catagerona,
founded in r699 by a group of creole Negroes and Angolan Negroes. This
brotherhood admitted anybody, irrespective of state or sex, but maintained
the equal representation of Angolans and creoles on its board of
1 After this recommendation in the use of peaceful methods, the aviso continued

'tendo porem entendido vsa que nao he da Real intensao de S. Mage prohibir o
procedimento mais violento, e executivo nos termos em que nao possa ter Iugar
o das prisoes, pela rezistencia, e obstina<;ao dos mesmos negros, os quaes, ou por
hum, ou por outro modo devem experimentar hum castigo exemplar, que sirva de
escarmento aos mais' (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 33, f. 390).
2 Such was the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary and Ransom (N. Sra. do
Rosario e Resgate) in Rio de Janeiro which had to obtain royal permission before a
slave could be freed (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 3, f. 2.02.).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 143
guardians. 1 Such was the profusion of these coloured brotherhoods that any
person of colour, a slave or a freed man, African or Brazilian, could find a
brotherhood to suit his condition.
The ethnic groups of white, Negro and mulatto founded brotherhoods in
this chronological order. Once social consolidation had been achieved the
conditions of entry to the respective brotherhoods were gradually relaxed.
This is well exemplified in the attitudes of the black and white brotherhoods
to Jews and those of other ethnic groups. The Rosary, initially exclusive,
became more tolerant to the extent of admitting white people. Never did its
statutes, or those of any other coloured brotherhood, discriminate against
New Christians. There was a similar move towards greater tolerance
among several of the white brotherhoods. As mulattos achieved social
standing and even administrative positions if they were not of too dusky a
hue, and the Negroes gained their independence in increasing numbers,
the white brotherhoods relaxed their conditions of entry. In fact, the Negro
was well enough provided for by his own brotherhoods and did not need to
apply to a white brotherhood for membership: but this tolerance enabled
the light-skinned mulatto, the hranco da Bahia, to gain entry to a society
previously closed to him.z
The Third Orders and the Miseric6rdia did not follow this tolerant trend.
They were the most privileged of the Bahian brotherhoods and as a result
felt the encroachments on their rights more than the other white brother-
hoods. They preserved their statutory provisions for purity of blood and
the self-imposed condition of whiteness and maintained themselves as ex-
clusive social bodies for the white elite. Not only was entry barred to anyone
of dubious racial origin, but a brother or tertiary who married such a person
was automatically expelled. In this stipulation there was the tacit equating
of racial inferiority and social inferiority. 'A person of infected blood'
(pessoa de sangue infecta) or with a 'defect in the blood' (defeito de sangue)
-.terms applying equally to New Christians and coloured people- was
automatically a 'person of the basest condition' (pessoa de infima condi;ao)
socially. The legacy of this equation has survived to the present day in Brazil.

1 This Compromisso is discussed in detail in Manoel S. Cardozo, 'The lay

brotherhoods of colonial Bahia', in the Catholic Historical Review, vol. 33 (1947),

PP· 12-JO.
z Thales de Azevedo, Ensaios de antropologia social (Bahia, 1959), p. 99·
144 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
This attitude of racial exclusiveness possibly explains the comparative
absence of any references to a racial problem within the Misericordia. In
1679 the petition of a pastry cook, Domingos Rodrigues Lisboa, for mem-
bership was rejected because he was married to a mulatta. Four years later
both he and his wife were admitted, and it would be interesting to know
what change of circumstance brought about this acceptance. 1 The Mesa was
not so charitable in the outright rejection of the petition of Jose Baptista
Lemos in 1713 because he and his wife were pardos. 2
When dealing with colour and anti-semitic prejudices there is the diffi-
culty of 'pinning down' attitudes existing in the minds of the officials who
laid down the law, but which were modified, strengthened, or weakened
in the reality of everyday life. If the prejudice against New Christians in
Bahia declined in the eighteenth century, there was no decline in the anti-
pathy to coloured people who tried to obtain privileges regarded as the right
of white citizens. The Misericordia fought throughout the eighteenth
century against Negro brotherhoods who asked for permission to own
funeral biers for the burial of their members. Although admitting slaves to
the hospital, only girls of pure white parentage were admitted to the retire-
ment house. The Misericordia's preservation of white exclusivism was
linked, in the final analysis, to a question of pride. The Mesa could look
the other way when the seventeenth-century satirical poet, Gregorio de
Mattos, frolicked with the slave girls of the sugar plantations of the Recon-
cavo, or when the illegitimate offspring of a parda and Cristovao Cavalcante
was admitted to the hospital. It acted severely if a decision involving racial
discrimination was forced on it by a brother openly marrying a coloured
Prejudices of class, creed and colour were present in colonial Bahia.
Nobody felt these more strongly than the aristocratic, Catholic and white
brothers of the Misericordia. There is strong evidence that class barriers
were being broken down in the course of the first half of the eighteenth
century. Anti-semitic and racial prejudices lingered on. To be white and of
Old Christian stock implied honesty and integrity. A 'white girl of Old
Christian descent' was, by implication, 'a virtuous girl'. A scribe who was
'white and an Old Christian' was similarly 'a good scribe, sincere and
1 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. nv, and vol. 2, ff. 189-90.
2 'porter color de pardo e sua mulher' (ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 48v).
Class, Creed and Colour in Administration 145
truthful'. Only in 1773 did discrimination against New Christians end
officially in the Portuguese empire. Acting on the advice of the Marquis of
Pombal, Dom Jose I issued a decree on 25 May 1773 ordering that the
distinction between Old Christian and New Christian be abolished. Use of
the term New Christian was prohibited on pain of severe penalties, and so
ended 275 years of religious, bureaucratic and social persecution. The
tolerance shown by the Marquis of Pombal towards the Indians was not
matched by similar decrees favouring the Negro population. The lot of the
slave did not improve. The freedman was regarded as socially inferior and
bureaucratic office remained closed to all but very light mulattos. In their
prejudices the brothers of the Misericordia reflected the prevailing stresses
and strains present in colonial Bahia.
Charity in Bahia


THE social and economic changes which occurred in Bahia in the late
seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries had repercussions on the charit-
able activities of the Misericordia. The Misericordia depended on private
charity for its main source of income. Although the brotherhood fulfilled a
semi-bureaucratic role in providing hospital services, aid for prisoners and
care for foundlings, official sources were singularly unreceptive to pleas
by boards of guardians for financial assistance to meet the cost of these
benefits to the community. Royal protection was little more than nominal.
The municipal council was constantly in debt and unable and unwilling to
make any financial grant to the brotherhood. It was left to the Bahian public
to finance the charitable works of the brotherhood by bequests and gifts.
The archives of the Misericordia provide information on the various
benefactors who constituted this general public and enable an assessment to
be made of the extent to which different social classes reacted to the need for
charity in colonial Bahia.
Wills in the archives of the brotherhood constitute the chief source of
information for such an analysis. A brief description of their content is
necessary because the nature of the clauses limits the conclusions which can
be drawn. A Bahian who wished to make a bequest to the Misericordia
could choose one of three courses of action. First, he could make the
Miseric6rdia his heir. Secondly, he could merely nominate the brotherhood
as his executor, granting a sum of money to the Miseric6rdia to cover the
costs of administration of the will. Thirdly, he could nominate a relation
or even another brotherhood as his heir or executor, ordering that a legacy
be paid to the Miseric6rdia. There was also a choice in the manner in which
Charity in Bahia 147
a donation could be made. The testator could endow the brotherhood with
a substantial sum of money which was to be placed on loan and the interest
of 6t per cent applied to a stipulated end, or he could make a bequest on a
once-and-for-all basis. The decision finally reached by a testator confronted
by these different possibilities governs the extent of the material available in
the records of the Miseric6rdia.
When the Miseric6rdia was heir or executor, a complete copy of the will
was made by the scribe of the brotherhood. The drafting of a will followed
a standard procedure. The will began with a declaration of faith and
biographical details of the testator- place of birth, parentage, civil state and
present place of residence. These opening details were followed by clauses
making arrangements for the funeral and providing for the saying of masses.
The third part of the will was devoted to the granting of legacies to friends,
relations and brotherhoods, and to the manner in which the possessions of
the testator in kind and in cash should be disposed of by the executor. The
scribe made a statement certifying the authenticity of the will and the board
of guardians signified its approval and undertook to fulfil all the clauses. As
heir or executor the Miseric6rdia made an inventory of all the worldly
possessions of the testator. In some few cases the records of financial
settlements oflegacies and debts are still extant. When the Miseric6rdia was
merely the recipient of a bequest administered by a relation of the testator
or by another brotherhood, the information is sparse. The scribe of the
Miseric6rdia did no more than record the name of the testator, the value of
the bequest and the cause to which the money was to be applied.
Both types oflegacy offer certain difficulties. The first difficulty concerns
the validity of wills as documentary evidence. Faced with the awe-inspiring
prospect of the Hereafter and 'in fear of death', the Bahians were unusually
frank in their wills, acknowledging illegitimate offspring, and even admitting
some petty crime which had gone undiscovered at the time. This frankness
was often tempered by delusions of grandeur or simply by exaggeration. It
is difficult to establish the degree of misrepresentation because the physical
extent of an estate and its market value often varied greatly in the interim
between the date of the will and the time when probate was granted. A
single example will illustrate this. Domingos da Silveira, a parishioner of
the Desterro, who had died in x66x, estimated his possessions at 50 head of
cattle, 150 horses, five slaves and several small plots of land in Rio das
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Pedras and Praia do Rio Real. When an inventory was made the 'herd'
was found to consist of six thin cows worth 14$700, a dead cow whose hide
fetched 480 rs., a jade for which no buyer could be found, and two slaves
valued at 70$ooo: debts due to the dead man amounted to 28$ooo. 1 It is
quite possible that the figures quoted in his will were completely accurate.
Smallholders were the constant victims of fortune. No less so were the
great plantation owners and cattle ranchers. Heavy rain often ruined the
sugar and tobacco crops, drought killed oxen and epidemic killed slaves.
From one season to the next the prosperous owner of a plantation or a herd
of cattle could be plunged into penury. The wills recorded by the scribes
of the Misericordia make no reference to such changes of fortune and calcula-
tions based on figures quoted in the wills would be totally misleading.
The second difficulty arises from the question of whether or not the
clauses of a will were fulfilled. A son, after a lifetime spent in the tropics and
loss of contact with kith and kin, often satisfied pangs of conscience by
making a legacy to a mother, brother or sister in a remote village in Portugal.
If they were still alive the money was to be sent to the nearest Misericordia in
Portugal for delivery to these relations. If they were dead the money was to
be retained by the Misericordia of Bahia. Such dispositions were frequent
but rarely was the outcome mentioned. Similarly imprecise were those wills
in which a testator, after making certain legacies, airily granted to the
Misericordia any residue remaining after all legacies and debts had been
settled. Whether the Misericordia received 10$ooo or 10o$ooo was not
stated. A third difficulty concerns those bequests for which the Misericordia
was neither heir nor executor. The name of a testator, the sum of his legacy
and the charitable purpose to which this was to be applied indicate nothing
of the social status or economic position of the donor.
Finally, changes of economic circumstance make valuations of property
totally unrealistic. Inflation and rising costs are inconstant (but ever present)
factors in an essentially agrarian community and estimates of the value of
property over even comparatively short historical periods are impossible.
Nor is inflation uniform in its effects. Different social classes in different
regions are diversely affected. In the eighteenth century in Bahia the viceroy
reported to the Crown that the migration of slaves to the mines had raised
the price of slaves in Bahia to such a degree that the already hard-hit sugar
I ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 59v-62v.
Charity in Bahia
plantation owners faced ruin. The cause of ruin for many of the landed
gentry brought temporary prosperity to some members of the business class
of the city who exploited the demand for slaves. Even within the rural area,
the choice of a sugar plantation or a cattle corral as the means of gaining a
livelihood was something of a gamble. Landowners who possessed sugar
plantations in the 168os and 169os struggled against a fall in demand for this
commodity while their cattle-owning counterparts could view with optimism
the increased market for hides in Europe.
The social structure of Bahia was reflected in the personality of the donors
to the Misericordia. Sugar plantations and cattle ranches had offered the
only means of achieving real wealth in Bahia during the seventeenth century.
The principal donors of the Misericordia came exclusively from the land-
owning class of the Reconcavo and the Sertao. They, and only they, could
afford to endow the brotherhood with legacies sufficiently large to finance
charitable undertakings or the saying of masses from the interest alone.
In the seventeenth century the Misericordia had received IJJ,785$82o in
charitable bequests with recurring obligations: 90,269$ooo of this total
amount (at the most conservative estimate) had been directly attributable
to the landowning class. These legacies had provided a theoretically secure
patrimony to be preserved in its entirety by the boards of guardians of the
brotherhood and offered a constant return on the capital invested.
The sugar nabobs had been, by tradition, brothers of the Misericordia and
tertiaries of St Francis or the Carmelites. At death they had endowed the
brotherhoods of Bahia generously. The following were the more prominent
of these donors to the Misericordia in the seventeenth century. Felippe
Correia, owner of a sugar plantation in Pituba, had been one of the first
Bahians to realise that money could alleviate social hardship as well as
providing masses for the salvation of his soul. In his will of 1650 he had
allocated almost half of his 9,25o$ooo legacy to hospital assistance and
dowries. I On two occasions in the seventeenth century the brotherhood
had found itself the temporary owner of a plantation. Bento de Araujo
Soares, who had died in 1653, had left his sugar plantation in Patatiba to the
Misericordia. In pursuance of the policy that money placed on loan offered
a surer return than the proceeds of the cane crop, the brotherhood had sold

I ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 198-2Iov.

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
this property and placed 5,65o$ooo on loan. 1 The vain Ant6nio de Sa Doria,
who had died in the last days of r662 or on New Year's Day r663, had made
a similar legacy. Married, but without descendants, he had made the
Miseric6rdia the heir to a sugar mill and plantation with forty-one slaves on
the Island of Itaparica. This legacy offers a rare instance of a complete
inventory of a property received by the Miseric6rdia. This inventory, made
by the treasurer of the Miseric6rdia and a public notary, gives details of the
sugar mill down to the smallest repartideira (a copper pan used in the
manufacture of sugar), and describes the slave quarter with its ten tiled
houses and the plantation house in the shade of a young coconut grove. The
estate had consisted of twenty-one acres ofland suitable for sugar cultivation,
3,ooo tobacco plants, twenty fruit-bearing coconut palms, sixteen horses to
work the mill, twenty cows, fourteen calves, two sows and eight suckling
pigs in addition to farm implements such as brush-hooks, saws and axes. 2
The Miseric6rdia had reaped the benefit of the sugar crop in April and then
had sold the entire estate, placing the proceeds of 5,771$730 on loan. The
interest on this capital had been applied to the saying of masses for the souls
of the benefactor and his spouse. One of the last Bahians to make a fortune
in sugar before the slump in the r68os and r69os had been Joao de Mattos.
He had indulged successfully in land speculation. At the time of his death
in r685 he was the owner of extensive sugar plantations in Patatiba and
employed fifty-five slaves.3 The Miseric6rdia had received a legacy of
5,2oo$ooo from this testator and a fortune from his nephew, Joao de Mattos
de Aguiar.
Whereas the sugar plantation owners had usually been the descendants of
families of the lesser nobility who had emigrated to Bahia, the cattle ranchers
had achieved social acceptance by hard work and financial success. Social
acceptance had meant involvement in municipal matters and in the life of the
brotherhoods of Bahia. The Miseric6rdia of Bahia had acknowledged the
prestige of these pioneers by electing them Provedors: Francisco Dias
d'Avila, of the House of Torre; Pedro Barbosa Leal, one of the 'Big Five'
landowners of Bahia in the early eighteenth century; Domingos Affonso
Sertao, named after the region he had explored. Wealth derived from the
raising of cattle and a religious sentiment born of a lifetime in constant
1 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. r8-23. 2 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 70-9·
3 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 239V-244.
Charity in Bahia I)I
contact with the elements, had found a common outlet in the building of
convents and the making of bequests to brotherhoods. The Miseric6rdia of
Bahia had greatly benefited from these benefactors. Mecia Rodrigues, wife
of the founder of the House ofTorre, had made a bequest to the Miseric6rdia
of 3,42o$ooo, a fortune in those early days. In I65o a priest, Francisco de
Araujo, who had inherited cattle ranches in Saubara, had passed this inherit-
ance of four corrals with some I20 head of cattle on to the Miseric6rdia.
The dismay of the brotherhood on finding itself owner of an unwanted
property, whose sale had been forbidden by the testator, must have been
lessened by the receipt of a legacy of 5,ooo$ooo which had accompanied the
donation. Pedro Barbosa Leal, a founder of several townships in the in-
terior, had granted 2,8oo$ooo to the brotherhood in I684 for the saying of
masses. 1 Pride of place among the cattle-owning benefactors of the Miseri-
c6rdia must go to Domingos Fernandes de Freitas. A native of the arch-
bishopric of Braga, he had emigrated to Bahia and by the time of his death
in the I69os was the owner of four cattle ranches on the lands of Francisco
Dias d'Avila in the area of the Sao Francisco River. These ranches com-
prised some 850 head of cattle worth from I$8oo to 2$ooo per head, 270
mares valued at 3$ooo each, 55 stallions worth I o$ooo each, and a small stock
of some 500 goats and sheep worth 300 rs. each. The small labour force
consisted of twelve Negro slaves and seven Indians. After legacies (includ-
ing 4,ooo$ooo to the Miseric6rdia of Braga) had been made, the Miseric6rdia
of Bahia had received I 8,73 3$05 8, to be applied to the saying of masses and
the establishment of dowries. 2
During the eighteenth century merchants and businessmen featured in the
lists of testators to the Miseric6rdia. The legacies made by this class never
rivalled those made by the landowning aristocracy in monetary value. There
were two reasons for this. The first was the shortage of currency in Bahia
in the eighteenth century. The second was the change in the manner of
making bequests. No longer were bequests made with recurring obligations
to be fulfilled by the brotherhood from the interest received on a capital loan.
Instead, the characteristic manner of giving in the eighteenth century con-
sisted of legacies to be directly applied to a specific charitable purpose. The
1 ASCMB, vol. 41, f. 232v.

z The copy of this will in the archives of the Miseric6rdia (ASCMB, vol. 192)
is in extremely bad condition.
F 2
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
major legacy received by the Misericordia from a member of the business
class was that of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar in 1700. His will contained the
following clauses: IOo,ooo crU?_ados for the saying of I I,ooo masses at 200 rs.
each for his soul and those of his parents and grandparents; 16,ooo cT'U'{_ados
to be placed on loan and the interest to finance gifts of 1$ooo to each poor
person leaving the hospital; 8o,ooo crUf_ados to be applied to the building of
a retirement house; IJ4,)00 crU?_ados and 14$406 to be placed on loan and
the interest to finance dowries of Ioo$ooo each. 1
The contents of the will of J oao de Mattos de Aguiar illustrate to the full
the changing attitude towards wealth. The wills of the seventeenth century
had been characterised by details of plantations, house properties and slaves,
couched in somewhat vague terms. The dispositions of the will of Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar were characterised by exact lists of borrowers. No longer
was wealth hoarded in a small box or buried among the roots of the cane
crop. Wealth was being used to finance undertakings - the purchase of
houses, a loan to a plantation owner to buy slaves, or to a humble smith
to enlarge his business. The success story of J oao de Mattos de Aguiar
represented the first break with the economic tradition of the seventeenth
century. It also represented an increasing social conscience which appeared
in the eighteenth century. This replaced the religiosity of the landowners
of the seventeenth century who had left entire fortunes for the purchase of
their salvation by the saying of masses. J oao de Mattos de Aguiar was still
bound by tradition in this respect, providing for u,ooo masses. This
provision was enormous in comparison with the legacies of other testators
but the financial sum involved merely represented a sixth of the total legacy
of this benefactor. A conservative in religious practice, a liberal in financial
outlook, Joao de Mattos de Aguiar's foundation of a retirement house was
symbolic of the break with the tradition of economic stagnation and self-
centred righteousness.
Sugar planters and cattle ranchers, whose legacies had formed the patri-
mony of the Misericordia in the seventeenth century, had been the most
seriously affected by the economic crisis of the 168os and 169os. A series
1 ASCMB, vol. 199· The amounts of the legacies made in his will differ from

the sums received by the treasurer of the Misericordia, sometimes only after
protracted and expensive litigation (see Table III, on p. 170, calculated on vol.
Charity in Bahia
of bad harvests and hard winters in the eighteenth century had made
recovery impossible for all but the most fortunate who had sufficient capital
to sustain these setbacks. The more humble forms of agriculture - the
cultivation of tobacco and manioc - had been affected by the adverse
weather conditions, but to a lesser degree. The cultivation of these two
crops had necessitated only a small capital outlay and the labour force had
rarely exceeded four or five slaves. The Miseric6rdia continued to receive
small legacies from such donors in the eighteenth century. The combination
of barren white wives, high infant mortality, and the severance of all family
ties with Portugal made the brotherhoods the most obvious beneficiaries for
the wills of such smallholders. Legacies of 200$000 or 400$ooo were
received by the Miseric6rdia from this source and provided a small but
constant revenue.
The exploitation of gold and diamonds was a major event in the Brazilian
economy in the first half of the eighteenth century. Bahia was one of the
official outlets for gold (Rio de Janeiro was the other) and it would have been
reasonable to suppose that the Miseric6rdia would have benefited from this
new source of wealth. This was not the case. There was but a single
instance of a substantial legacy to the Miseric6rdia being derived from
speculation in gold. This was the legacy of Manuel Fernandes Costa. A
native of Vila do Conde, a fishing town in the north of Portugal, Manuel
Fernandes had been drawn to Brazil in the hope of gaining enough quick
wealth from the new Potosi rumoured to exist in the hills of Minas Gerais, to
be able to finance a small company in Lisbon. Materialistic ends had brought
him to Brazil, but even the most die-hard materialist possessed a lively fear
of the Hereafter and had premonitions of the small value attached to life in a
gold boom community. The precarious nature of life in Minas Gerais at
this time is dramatically illustrated by an ex-voto in the church of Mont'Serrat
in Bahia (see Plate). This painting was offered by one Agostinho Pereira
da Silva in 1749 to Our Lady of Graces as a token of gratitude for her
protection. Like Manuel Fernandes Costa, Agostinho Pereira had been
drawn to Brazil in search of gold and had commended his body and soul to
Our Lady of Graces before leaving for the mining area. By her intercession
he was saved from snake bites, hunger and thirst, and death at the hands of
bandits. On his return to Portugal he took holy orders in fulfilment of a
vow made to his protector. Manuel Fernandes Costa made a will providing
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
for the salvation of his soul before leaving Bahia in I7IO. Then he left for
the interior with a small party of eleven slaves, six horses, a set of mining
tools, and two additional slaves whom he had been commissioned to take
out to the mines. He did not survive long in Minas Gerais, but the
collection of debts due to him and proceeds from the sale of gold in Lisbon
realised 7,644$263. The Misericordia of Bahia benefited to the tune of
5,6oo$ooo with the obligation of saying two daily masses for his soul. 1
This was the only substantial legacy, directly attributable to the new dis-
coveries, received by the Misericordia of Bahia.
The Misericordia did receive some small legacies from testators in the
mining areas. A Negro, Antonio de Freitas, had amassed 100 oitavas of gold
- probably illicitly - in his lifetime and left it in his will to the proposed
hospital of the mining camp of Trahiras. No hospital was built and the
money was sent to the Misericordia of Bahia for its hospital.~ An inhabitant
of Congonhas de Sahara, Antonio Gomes Oliveira, left a small donation of
Ioo$ooo in 175 I to the Misericordia for the sustenance of prisoners,3 The
gold strikes in the Captaincy of Bahia benefited the Misericordia no more
than had those in Minas Gerais. The only records of legacies from this area
were of Ioo$ooo left for the hospital by Francisco Pires Lima who died in
Jacobina in 1750 and of 8oo$ooo left in the same year by Manuel Valerio de
Nis, a miner of Arassuahy, for dowries.4
The gold and diamonds of Minas Gerais which dazzled the eyes of
European potentates and businessmen enriched the Misericordia of Bahia but
little. An official exit point and a centre for the minting of false coin and for
an illicit trade in gold and diamonds, Bahia should have been the very city
in which the brotherhoods could have expected to replenish their coffers to
overflowing from this source. Yet one of the foremost brotherhoods of
Bahia - the Misericordia - was scarcely affected by this traffic, official and
illicit. There were two reasons for this neglect of the Misericordia in the
wills of the gold miners and diamond prospectors. The first reason was
that the majority of early migrants from Bahia to Minas Gerais possessed no
social standing and could never have aspired to membership of a brotherhood
1 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 171-5. 2 ASCMB. vol. 42, f. 208.
3 ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 21 ;v.
4 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 221v and 215 respectively. I have found no record of the
second legacy being received by the Miseric6rdia.
Charity in Bahia
such as the Miseric6rdia. There were some few exceptions, the supreme
case being Manuel Nunes Viana who was one of the major personalities in
Minas Gerais in the early eighteenth century. I The second reason, of greater
importance, was the raising of the mining encampment of Ouro Preto to the
status of a township in I 7 I I. Born a boom town with all the problems of law
and order, Vila Rica de Ouro Preto rapidly formed its own bourgeoisie and
social hierarchy. Simao Ferreira Machado, a native of Lisbon who had lived
in Minas Gerais and was the first to describe the profane religious festivities
of this region in his Triunfo Eucharistico of I734, referred to the social
standing of the inhabitants of Ouro Preto:
In this town live the chief merchants, whose trade and importance
incomparably exceed the most thriving of the leading merchants of
Portugal. Hither, as to a port, are directed and collected in the Royal
Mint the grandiose amounts of gold from all the Mines. Here dwell
the best educated men, both lay and ecclesiastic. Here is the seat of all
the nobility and the strength of the military. 2
A eulogistic description perhaps but the fact remained that from vagrant
andgarimpeiro, or illicit diamond speculator, there had developed a corporate
cultured society. By I720 there were some twenty brotherhoods in the
mining area. These were not only in Ouro Preto but also in the neighbour-
ing towns of Mariana, Sao Joao del Rei and Sahara, and catered for blacks,
whites and pardos.3 There was no inducement for intending testators in the
mining areas to risk loss by sending their money to Bahia for the saying of
masses or the care of a hospital in a city where they were themselves unknown
and where their generosity would be accorded no posthumous social
The changing personalities of the testators to the Miseric6rdia reflected
these major developments in the Bahian economy in the seventeenth century.
I An outline of the life of Manuel Nunes Viana is in C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age

of Brazil, pp. 364-5.

2 This work was dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary by the Negro brothers

and commemorated the moving of the Eucharist from the Church of Our Lady of
the Rosary to the new church of the Pilar on 24 May 1733· For a description of
this book see Rubens Borba de Moraes, Bihliographia hrasiliana, vol. 2. I have here
followed the translation of C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age of Brazil, pp. 162-3.
3 Fritz Teixeira de Salles, Associafiies religiosas no Cicio do Ouro (Belo Horizonte,
1963), PP· 31-3.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

In the eighteenth century there was a redistribution of wealth. As far as can

be judged from casual references, the majority of testators came from the city,
owning houses in the districts of Sao Bento or the Ajuda as an investment and
engaging in some form of commerce. If they did have landed interests,
these were not mentioned and less frequently was the place of residence one
of the townships of the Reconcavo. The bourgeoisie of the city reacted to
the charitable impulse in a manner no less praiseworthy than had the rural
landowners, but the economic decline of Bahia made their legacies less
The rise of the artisan class has already been apparent in connection with
the social structure of Bahia in the eighteenth century. Greater representa-
tion on the city council and ennoblement as the result of temporary com-
missions in the local garrison were indicative of the social ascent of this class.
The appointment of Manuel Antunes Lima to be treasurer of the Misericordia
indicated that a member of a trade could achieve financial success. This
latter aspect was well documented by the presence of members of the
mechanical trades among testators to the Misericordia. I have chosen the
representatives of four trades - a tinsmith, a saddler, a stonemason and a
wax-chandler - to exemplify this aspect.
The tinsmith was J oao Ribeiro, born of a French father and a Portuguese
mother. In his will of 1674 he had made elaborate provisions for his funeral
procession. This was to be accompanied by six brotherhoods of which he
was a member, and by seven more of which he was not a member, on pay-
ment of a small donation. In addition, the priests of the cathedral and the
chaplain of the Misericordia were to accompany the bier. An inventory of
his possessions showed that his vanity had a solid financial basis. The sale
of four slaves, old brass and tools, realised 566$067- a notable sum for a
mere tinsmith to have accumulated. 1 A saddler, Joao cia Costa, had made
less elaborate funeral provisions in his will of 1677, but his financial position
had been no less secure. He had left to the Misericordia houses of an
estimated value of 9oo$ooo with the sole obligation that a weekly mass
should be said for his soul and that of his wife. 2 The most remarkable
instance of an artisan 'making good' was afforded by Manuel J oao who had
died in r686. A stonemason by calling, he had left his native village of
Salvador de V aladares in the bishopric of Oporto and come to Brazil in
r ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. I22V-I24· 2 ASCMB, vol. 41, f. 1;ov.
Charity in Bahia 157
search of fortune. He had rapidly become integrated in the social life of Bahia
and belonged to some seven brotherhoods. Probate had revealed him as
the owner of eleven slaves, ten houses and assets to the tune of 4,056$340
in debts due to him. I The Misericordia had received 2,8oo$ooo of this sum
for the saying of a daily mass. Finally the wax-chandler, Manuel Baptista
Ferreira, illustrated how a craftsman could achieve financial stability. He
nominated the Misericordia as his heir and executor in a will of 1748. His
possessions included 2oo$ooo of gold, seven slaves (of which one was a
licensed chandler and himself the owner of two slaves), a house in Sao Bento
with 4oo$ooo worth of furniture and personal effects and a chandler's shop
fully equipped with copper pans and ladles. 2
Such 'success stories' must have been few and far between. For every
artisan who succeeded, many died in poverty in the Misericordia hospital,
leaving a small donation to the brotherhood to cover the costs of burial and
masses. The members of the artisan classes never made a large contribution
to the overall revenue of the Misericordia. Nevertheless, the fact that a tin-
smith or stonemason could emulate the lesser gentry in their funerals and in
their legacies showed that humble social standing did not bar the way to
financial success.
The clergy of Brazil fit into no social hierarchy, nor were they always
associated with an urban way of life. I include them here in the belief that,
for every one who did follow the trail of fortune to Minas Gerais, many
hundreds remained in the city of Bahia.3 The popular respect accorded to
those who took the tonsure was often unjustified. Inquisitorial enquiries
and viceroyal correspondence dwelt on the unedifying aspects of a vocation
more materialistic than spiritual - love nests in villages of the Reconcavo
or dubious business dealings in smuggled gold.4 Whether the money which
I ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. rrAv-qv and ff. r6v-2ov.
2 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 2ro-2r2v.
3 In a letter of 18 September 1723 the Count of Sabugosa recommended to the
king the prohibition of 'a passagem dos Religiozos, e clerigos ao Brazil, que para
esse effeito como selhes nega os Passaportes, procudio vir com pras:a de Capellaens
nos Navios mercantes, e tanto que chegao, se encaminhao para as Minas, Certao, e
Ryo de Sao Francisco, vivendo tao escandalozamente em todas estas partes, que
mais parecem infieis, que Catholicos' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 17, doc. 93a).
4 A rousing account of clerical concubinage in Sergipe in 1748 is contained in
APB, Ordens regias, vol. 47, ff. 96-IOO.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
these clerics accumulated was made honestly or not, the fact remained that
the priestly class was notable for its generosity. The archdeacon, Gon~alo
Rodrigues, canon of the cathedral of Bahia for thirty years, left 223$ooo to
the Miseric6rdia in 1648 for the saying of masses. 1 Two eighteenth-century
canons, Manuel Ramos Pacheco and Manuel Ribeiro Penha, made legacies
to the Miseric6rdia of 8oo$ooo and 1,6oo$ooo for prison care and masses
respectively. 7• Parish priests in the city remembered the Miseric6rdia in their
wills and arranged for collections to be taken among their parishioners for
specified charitable purposes provided for by the Miseric6rdia. A priest of
Ilheus, Henrique Luis d'Espendola, who had died in the hospital of Bahia in
1682, had been of the number who had dabbled in small trade. He be-
queathed 4oo$ooo for the saying of masses.3 If sometimes an unusually
generous legacy to a slave girl and her offspring arouses one's scepticism as
to the degree of adherence to the priestly vows, nevertheless, one can only
admire those minor clerics who eked out an existence based on alms of
320 rs. for the saying of masses- a far from lucrative source of income.
Canon or cleric, saint or sodomite, the priests of colonial Bahia contributed
generously to the coffers of the Miseric6rdia.
Finally, there were those unfortunates who died in the hospital of the
Miseric6rdia and who left their small worldly possessions to the brotherhood.
Sickness levelled classes in colonial Brazil. The Miseric6rdia maintained the
only general hospital in the city of Bahia. Destitute priest, impoverished
cobbler and slave were all jostled together in cramped conditions. As death
approached, the scribe of the Miseric6rdia drew up the will of the dying man
and a priest of the Miseric6rdia prayed for his soul. Inevitably at such a
moment the brotherhood appeared to the dying man as the most suitable
executor and heir. The Miseric6rdia was prevented by statute from keeping
legacies in kind and monthly sales were held of clothes and hric-a-hrac left
by the dead. The inventories make interesting reading and a sample may be
quoted. A saintly priest, Joao Lopes, who had died in 1691, had left some
clothes, a book of universal history, a breviary, a copy of the decrees of the
Council of Trent, a Book of Hours, and an ink pot.4 The worldly posses-
1 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. I81-18Jv.
2 They died on 5 July 1720 and 18 May 1728 respectively (ASCMB, vol. 42,
f. H16v and ff. 179V-18o). 3 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 204-207v.
4 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 6ov-61.
Charity in Bahia 159
sions of a common soldier comprised a box containing 34$ooo, a sword, a
gold locket, buckles, a tortoiseshell box and some clothes. A mulatta who
died intestate possessed no more than the clothes she had been wearing on
arrival at the hospital. The hospital also catered for the sick off the
Indiamen and the trading ships from Angola. The bounty-chest of a sailor
of an Indiaman included such luxuries and curiosities as silk counterpanes,
ivory crucifixes, pepper, spices, fine cloths and china. Antonio Ribeiro
Briozo seems to have belonged to rather a different class, that of a small
businessman who was returning from the East with merchandise for sale in
Portugal. His death in the hospital of Bahia in 1702 denied him the oppor-
tunity of dazzling the eyes of relations in a distant Portuguese village with
the riches of the Orient. His possessions included china teacups and saucers,
lacquered boxes, fans, silver braid, crystal rosaries and large quantities of
textiles. The Bahians spent freely to acquire such luxuries. Two peacock
plumes fetched 1$6oo and the Misericordia benefited. 1 In comparison, the
wills of the sailors and merchants from Angola make dull reading - a slave,
or various pieces of gold and silver.
The personalities of donors to the Misericordia changed in the course of
the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the seventeenth century cattle
ranchers and sugar planters had formed the majority of the donors both in
quality and in quantity. The legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar was
indicative of a still embryonic business community, the extent of whose
donations was restricted by economic necessity. Smaller legacies were
provided by tobacco cultivators and manioc growers in the rural areas.
With increasing urbanisation and the social and financial ascent of the small
bourgeoisie, members of the mechanical trades and those gaining their
livelihood as middlemen were among the benefactors of the Misericordia.


The economic and social factors which influenced the type of donor to the
Misericordia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries also determined the
character, form and purpose of bequests made to the brotherhood. Once
again the wills copied in the registers of the Misericordia constitute the
1 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 135-1J8v.
100 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

principal source of information. These have been complemented by a

survey of all legacies received by the brotherhood, conducted by the scribe
in 1754 in response to a royal enquiry, and the account ledgers. These
records provide a fairly complete picture of legacies received by the brother-
hood between 16oo and 1750 and make possible a statistical analysis of the
mechanism of charity. A brief note is necessary on these statistics. In 1700
the Miseric6rdia received the mammoth legacy of 217,092$475 from Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar. This sum completely distorts all tables and graphs
showing the general charitable trends in colonial Bahia and has been omitted
except where stated.
There were two courses open to a testator wishing to make a bequest to
the Miseric6rdia. The possible alternatives were legacies with recurring
obligations to be fulfilled by the brotherhood, and legacies making a donation
once-and-for-all with no further commitment. The choice made by testators
when faced by these alternatives was significant and revealed a gradual
change in the type of donation made to the Miseric6rdia in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries. The first type oflegacy consisted of a donation to
the Miseric6rdia, which the board of guardians then offered on loan at an
interest rate of 6!- per cent. The interest was then applied to the charitable
end specified by the testator in his will. From the time of the earliest records
of the financial affairs of the Miseric6rdia, some half-dozen of which pre-date
the Dutch invasion of Bahia in 1624, up to 1750 the Miseric6rdia received
legacies of this type to a total value of 187,409$454 from u6 testators. 1
If this total is divided up into historical periods of twenty-five years a
gradual pattern emerges:
Years No. testators Value of legacies

Pre-1625 15 13,62o$ooo
1625-1650 20 12,785$632
165o-1675 27 54,747$130
1675-1700 34 p,63J$058
170o-1725 14 41,623$634
1725-1750 6 12,ooo$ooo
116 187,409$454

1 These figures are compiled from ASCMB, vol. 21 I. My table excludes Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar and his legacy.
Charity in Bahia 161

If the period before 1625 is regarded as something of an unknown entity,

the period 1625-50 must be considered as years of restoration after the Dutch
invasion and the destruction of numerous sugar plantations in the Rec6n-
cavo. The years 1650-75 bore the fruit of this period of reconstruction and
represented the period of greatest economic stability in the history of Bahia.
The gradual decline which has already been discussed is shown in the
lessening of the value of legacies in the last quarter of the seventeenth
century. The period of economic transition in the first half of the eighteenth
century is reflected in the decrease in revenue derived by the Misericordia
from this type of legacy. Even more revealing than the figures for the
amounts of money received are those of the number of testators who chose
this type of legacy- a mere twenty in the years 1700-50 compared with
sixty-one in the preceding half century. The decline in monetary values of
this type of legacy may be explained in financial terms but this does not
account for the abrupt change in the manner of giving in the eighteenth
century. A consideration of the other type of legacy will provide an
answer to this problem and will explain how it was that the Misericordia
managed to survive, albeit in increasingly difficult financial circumstances,
until the 'moment of truth' in 1754, when a royal enquiry was held into the
affairs of the brotherhood.
Legacies given to the Misericordia on a once-and-for-all basis placed no
obligation on the brotherhood beyond the immediate allocation of the
bequest. Therefore the figures quoted do not include alms granted to the
brotherhood for accompanying the funeral bier, for attending the burial of a
testator, or for the saying of masses over an extended period. The total
number of legacies granted to the Misericordia on a once-and-for-all basis in
the whole of the seventeenth century did not exceed a score with an approxi-
mate monetary value of r,ooo$ooo. 1 During the half century 1700-50, for
which the records are practically complete, there were some qo references in
the account ledgers to legacies of this type received by the treasurer of the
Misericordia. These legacies amounted to the sum of 24,681$290. The enor-
mous difference between the number of testators making this type of legacy
and those leaving bequests with recurring obligations is sufficient indication
that financial circumstances alone did not determine the manner of giving.
I This figure includes a rough estimate of the proceeds derived from the sale of

houses and slaves where the prices of these are not stated in the inventories.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The changing character of the bequests received by the Miseric6rdia was
due to a combination of economic and social factors. The sums of money
recorded in the ledgers and the calculations made by the accountants of the
Misericordia should not be accepted blindly. They demand interpretation.
The basic fact is that there was a marked decrease in the number of legacies
made to the Miseric6rdia of the type where commitments were met from
interest, and a marked increase in the number oflegacies on a once-and-for-all
basis. Financial reasons provide a partial answer. Lessening opportunities
for accumulating sufficient capital to finance charitable works from the
interest alone might explain the increase in the number oflegacies given on a
single occasion. Such an explanation is not entirely satisfactory because it
does not take into account that testators frequently left comparatively small
sums of money, such as 2.oo$ooo, to the brotherhood with obligations to be
fulfilled annually. Conversely some of the single legacies were of sub-
stantial sums of money of as much as 6oo$ooo.
Reasons of a social nature provide a more satisfactory explanation for the
change. The first reason lies in the different social standing of the donors.
On the one hand was a landed aristocracy, God-fearing and prestige-seeking.
On the other hand was an urban community, secular in outlook, many of
whose members were immigrants who had rubbed shoulders with penury
on their way to financial success. The former gave to the Miseric6rdia out
of a feeling of obligation to their class and sought to enhance their own social
standing by the provisions made in their wills, often dedicated to the saying
of masses. The latter preferred that their money should provide immediate
relief of the social suffering of the community. The second reason concerns
the attitude of mind of the testators towards the Miseric6rdia. The position
of Provedor and membership of the board of guardians had been the pre-
rogative of certain landowning families of the Reconcavo and Sertao in the
seventeenth century. The Miseric6rdia meant far more to these families than
a mere mediaeval brotherhood founded in Lisbon in 1498. It was a club
where they could expect to meet others of the same financial interests and of
the same social standing. The urban bourgeoisie did not appreciate the
wealth of tradition embodied by the Miseric6rdia. They looked at the
brotherhood with harder eyes than the aristocratic plantation owners and
regarded the Miseric6rdia as an administrator of social philanthropy in a
dubiously effective manner. Whereas the landowning class automatically
Charity in Bahia
chose the Misericordia or a Third Order as their executors and heirs, the
bourgeoisie maintained a lively distrust for the brotherhoods and preferred
to nominate a relation or neighbour as their executor.
These two attitudes contributed to the change in the manner of giving.
The Misericordia suffered from this change. It lost the patrimony which,
although it might have been expected to decrease as a result of the economic
decline of the eighteenth century, nevertheless did represent a solid financial
basis. Legacies given without recurring obligations were all too easily
dissipated in meeting the every-day costs of a policy of social philanthropy
which had become too ambitious and bore no relation to the financial
resources of the brotherhood. The burghers of the eighteenth century felt
the charitable impulse no less strongly than had the landowners of the
seventeenth century. They simply attached less importance to posthumous
social accolades such as ceremonial funerals and were more conscious of the
immediate social benefits which wealth could bestow on a community. They
were also less institutionally minded and were reluctant to be involved in the
administrative machinations of a brotherhood which had been a family
tradition for their predecessors.
The form of bequests made to the Misericordia in the seventeenth century
differed from those made in the eighteenth century. The legacies made to
the Misericordia can be divided into the two categories of those given in
kind and those given in cash. The financial policy of the Misericordia up to
the mid-165os had been based on property. Houses within the city limits
had been believed to offer the best form of investment both because of their
security and because of the return on capital. With some few exceptions all
the legacies made to the brotherhood before 166o with recurring obligations
had consisted of houses whose rentals would meet the costs of the saying
of masses or would provide for some charitable purpose. The brotherhood,
in pursuance of this policy, had even acquired properties at public auctions.
The board of guardians of 1652 had been the first to doubt the wisdom of
this form of investment and several properties had been sold to meet the
immediate needs of the hospital. The doubts of later Mesas had been
strengthened by demands from dissatisfied tenants that extensive repairs
should be undertaken because many of the houses were in a derelict state.
The cost of these repairs had left the boards of guardians in doubt no longer.
In 1663 the Mesa had decided to implement fully a royal privilege of 1657
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

granting the brotherhood the right to sell all properties on which no restric-
tion had been placed by the testator. All monies derived from such sales
were to be placed on loan. 1 This decision on policy and the changing
attitude towards the making of bequests had meant that the Miseric6rdia
rarely received legacies of properties after 166o. The only exception of a
property being retained by the Miseric6rdia was the estate of the priest
Francisco de Araujo. A clause of the testator's will had forbidden the sale
of this property. Despite the small return, the Miseric6rdia remained the
owner of this property until the early nineteenth century.
As an executor of legacies the Miseric6rdia often found itself in temporary
custody of a heterogeneous collection of goods. By statutory requirement
these were sold and the proceeds sent to the heirs after the payment of all
debts had been made, except when the testator ordered that the money should
be applied by the Miseric6rdia to some charitable purpose or to the saying
cf masses. There were two exceptions to this rule. The first was when a
slave was left to the Miseric6rdia on the understanding that after working
for a certain time in the service of the brotherhood he should be granted his
freedom. An example of this practice was Cipriano, left to the Miseric6rdia
by Matheus de Araujo in the eighteenth century, who earned two patacas a
week for the brotherhood by the sweat of his brow. The second exception
was gifts in kind to the hospital. In 1668 the Master of the Field, Joao de
Araujo, had ordered his executors to send to Portugal for twelve beds for
the hospital of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia. These had duly arrived, each
complete with a mattress containing about thirty pounds of wool, two sheets,
two pillows and a blanket. 2 Other testators gave bed clothing to the
hospital. In 1664 the lawyer, Jer6nimo de Burgos, had ordered that a
hundred yards of linen be given to the Miseric6rdia every two years by his
executors, and similar amounts were given by other benefactors.3
Legacies in cash became more common after 166o. The increasing practice
uf making legacies on a once-and-for-all basis to the Miseric6rdia meant that
1 Minute of 30 September 1663 (ASCMB, vol. 41, f. 88). Royal privilege of
I I December 1657 (ASCMB, val. 209, f. 48).
2 ASCMB, val. 41, ff. 109v-1 10. Each mattress contained one arroha of wool.

In Brazil the weight of the arroha varied at different times and from region to region,
but was the Portuguese equivalent of the English quarter.
3 ASCMB, val. 41, ff. 97V-98v. The legacy was of 100 varas of linen. The vara
varied regionally but was the approximate equivalent of the yard.
Charity in Bahia
cash offered a more suitable form of donation. Alms to cover the admini-
strative costs of a legacy or to pay funeral expenses were always in money.
On other occasions it was only after the properties had been sold and
legacies and debts settled that the Misericordia received its due. Frequently
the brotherhood was a temporary owner of slaves before these were sold at
the door of the church. Another form of indirect cash legacies were be-
quests of debts to the brotherhood. For example, in 1650, Joao Gons:alves,
the boatman of the landowner Lourens:o Cavalcante, left a debt of 18$190
to be collected by the Misericordia. 1 Frequently, sailors who died in the
hospital left the pay packets due to them to the Misericordia.
The change in the kind of legacy received by the Misericordia was partly
the result of a decision on policy and partly the result of a change in attitude
towards bequests. With the increasing dearth of ready money in the
eighteenth century, the brotherhood must often have had cause to regret
its earlier decision and a half-hearted attempt was made to reintroduce an
investment policy based on property rentals.
The shift in importance in the social structure and changing attitudes
towards bequests played a large role in determining the purpose for which a
donation was given. Examination of the various purposes for which legacies
were left to the Misericordia shows the changing aspirations ofBahian society
in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Wills reveal the spirit of an
epoch by the very nature of their clauses. A characteristic of the seventeenth
century had been religious fervour mingled with a lively fear of the Hereafter.
The main characteristic of the eighteenth century was a preoccupation with
alleviating social distress. An analysis of these two characteristics indicates
the extent to which an increasing tendency toward secularisation was allied
to the social changes already described.
Religious sentiment could be expressed in two forms. The first was by
making elaborate arrangements for the funeral cortege. The second was by
ordering that masses should be said for the soul of the benefactor and his
relations. Funeral corteges embodied a mixture of pious sentiment and
pompous egoism. The testator usually ordered that he should be buried in
the habit of St Francis and that he should be carried to his grave on the bier
of the Misericordia. Small alms were granted to the Third Order and the
Misericordia for both these services. Foreign visitors to Bahia in the
1 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. I9JV-I97·
166 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries commented on the popular religious

fervour which was manifested in processions. Even the staunchly Pro-
testant Mrs Kindersley was constrained to regard this aspect of Bahian life
with a greater degree of favour than she usually accorded to Popery. The
religious fervour of the slave particularly impressed her, especially in public
ceremonies. I If devotion was mingled with a love of ceremony among the
Negroes, no less was religious sentiment tempered by sanctimony among
the white population. This sanctimony took the form of mundane aspira-
tions to a posthumous prestige: 'Religion had not merely to be done;
it had to be seen to be done.' Antonio de Sa Doria, the wealthy seventeenth-
century landowner, had commanded his executor to ensure that his funeral
be conducted 'with all the pomp customary in the funerals of noble people of
substance'. 2 The success of such a spectacle had been measured by the
number of brotherhoods attending the funeral. Often the testator was a
member of one or two of the major brotherhoods- the Misericordia, the
Third Order of St Francis or the Third Order of the Carmelites, and three
or four parochial brotherhoods. These attended the funeral of a brother by
statutory obligation and the donation of a small sum for this service was
customary but voluntary. Other brotherhoods to which the testator did not
belong sent representatives to funerals on payment of a small ~urn to their
coffers. It was here that wealth could buy the ceremonial indicative of social
standing, and ensure the posthumous prestige of the dead man. Antonio
Dias de Ott5es, a brother of the Misericordia and the owner of a sugar
plantation in Jucuruna, had ordered in his will of 1653 that all the priests of
the cathedral chapter, the friars of the Carmelite monastery, and representa-
tives of all the brotherhoods and religious orders of the city and its environs
should attend his funeral. The priests were to receive a candle and the
brotherhoods 4$ooo each for this service.J Other testators often specified
by name as many as twenty brotherhoods to attend their funerals. This love
of ceremony was by no means limited to the upper class. It has already been
seen that the tinsmith Joao Ribeiro made provision for the attendance of some
thirteen brotherhoods at his funeral.

I Mrs Nathaniel Edward Kindersley, Letters from the Island of Teneriffe, Brazil,

the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies (London, 1777), p. 50.
2 'com toda a mais pompa, que se costuma fazer as pessoas nobres e de qualidade'

(ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 37-38v). 3 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 24-9·
Charity in Bahia

The cost of this pomp and piety was considerable. The satirist Greg6rio
de Mattos had chided the extravagance of the Vieira Ravasco family at the
Feast of the I I ,ooo Virgins:
Gastou corn liberal mao
Nesta festa sern cautelas. 1
In the early eighteenth century the French traveller Le Gentil de Ia Barbinais
commented that the Portuguese would be rich but for their weakness for
saints and rnistresses. 2 Even the modest funeral provisions of a small cattle
owner, Domingos da Silveira, cost 47$5 6o in I 66I. 3 The costs of the funeral of
the wealthy Joao de Mattos in I68; carne to a sum in the region of I,ooo$ooo.
This included a donation of 4o$ooo to the Third Order of St Francis for a
habit of the Order, alms to all the clergy and brotherhoods, 30$000 each to
the monastery of St Theresa and the convent of the Desterro for masses, and
provided for the saying of 200 masses at 240 rs. each over his coffin, and a
further 2,000 masses at 200 rs. each as soon as possible after his buriaJ.4
The second manner of showing religious fervour was by catering for the
salvation of the soul by the saying of masses. These masses fell into three
categories - those said over the coffin de corpo presence, those said a week
after death and those for which the brotherhood had a recurring obligation.
The first two categories provided the Miseric6rdia with small alms. Revenues
derived from the third type, known as cape/as de missas, formed the patri-
mony of the brotherhood.
There were various methods of instituting a cape/a de missas and the only
common point was that all such obligations were financed by a bequest whose
capital was placed on loan. The most modest cape/a de missas was for
masses to be said on the four principal festivals of the year. A variation was
for masses to be said on certain saints' days. Other cape/as de missas
ranged from monthly masses to those said daily for the souls of a testator
and his relations. The capital outlay necessary to provide sufficient interest
to finance the saying of a mass daily meant that only the richest members of
Bahian society could afford this luxury. Only fifteen of the I 17 testators to
I Greg6rio de Mattos, Ohras completas, vol. 4, p. 42.
z Le Gentil de la Barbinais, Nouveau Voyage au tour du monde par Monsieur Le
Gentil. Enrichi de plusieurs Plans, Vt1es et Perspectives des principales Villes &
Ports du Perou, Chily, Bresil & de !a Chine etc (3 vols., Paris, 1727), vol. 3, p. 193·
3 ASCMB, vol4I, ff. 59v-62v. 4 ASCMB, vol. 4I, ff. 239v-244.
168 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the Miseric6rdia between about 1610 and 1750 stipulated the saying of a daily
mass in their wills and their names read as a Who's Who of the social elite of
Bahia. The only exception was the stonemason Manuel J oao who died in
1686, to whom reference has already been made. An elite within an elite was
formed by those who could afford two masses daily - Ant6nio de Sa Doria,
Joao de Mattos and Manuel Fernandes Costa were such people. The cattle
owner, Domingos Fernandes de Freitas, went one better by ordering that
three masses should be said daily for his soul. The financial giant of colonial
Bahia, Joao de Mattos de Aguiar, made provision in his will for the saying
of u,ooo masses each year at 200 rs. each for the salvation of his soul and
those of his parents and grandparents. This commitment was financed from
the interest of 2,2oo$ooo on a capital outlay of 4o,ooo$ooo. The obligation
of meeting these commitments weighed heavily on the Miseric6rdia. In-
creased salaries for the priests who said these masses and the loss of the
capital originally donated, led the Miseric6rdia to petition for the reduction
in the number of these masses in the eighteenth century. Only after this had
been granted could the Miseric6rdia contemplate providing for social
services which were less well endowed.
The Miseric6rdia practised social philanthropy by maintaining a hospital,
a retirement house and a 'turning wheel' for foundlings. It also assisted
prisoners and distributed alms to the needy. Only in 1734 did the Miseri-
c6rdia receive a royal contribution towards the cost of the hospital and the
care of foundlings and this amounted to no more than a token contribution
towards the enormous expenditure made by the Miseric6rdia in these two
charitable enterprises. The Miseric6rdia was dependent on the charity of the
Bahian public for the financing of social services.
The changing aspirations of Bahian society and the gradual trend towards
secularisation are reflected in the benefactions received by the Miseric6rdia.
In the seventeenth century the bulk of legacies was directed toward the
s::~ying of masses and any social preoccupation was limited to the granting of
a dowry to a niece of the testator. In the eighteenth century a redistribution
of wealth and the assumption of civic reponsibilities by an urban bourgeoisie
resulted in greater attention being paid to public welfare. This growing
social conscience can be fully documented in the registers of wills and ledgers
of receipts of the brotherhood. A comparison of those legacies with
recurring obligations received by the Miseric6rdia for charitable heads with
Charity in Bahia
legacies for masses will indicate this secular trend and is best represented
graphically (Table II). 1 Legacies to the Misericordia for charitable purposes

II. Legacies left to the Misericordia for the saying of masses or for charitable
purposes, 16oo-I7)0

40,000$000 Charity ------

30,000# 000

I \
I \

'\ \
I \
I \
/r------1 \
10,000$000 /

___ _,. /

Pre- 1625- 1650- 1675- 1700- 1725-

1625 1650 1675 1700 1725 1750
provided a steadily increasing proportion of the number of bequests received
by the brotherhood. Perhaps the greatest confirmation of this swing from
the religious to the secular is that in the seventeenth century there had been
but a single instance of a donation to the Misericordia without a commitment
for the saying of masses. This had been the bequest of Jeronimo de Burgos
in 1664 for 100 yards of linen to be given to the hospital every two years.
1 The actual figures are as follows:
Years Masses Charity
Pre--1625 13,62o$ooo
162)-16)0 12,069$000 716$632
16)o--167) 40,226$730 14,)20$400
167)-1700 38,46;$ooo IJ,J68$o;8
J70o--1725 13,6oo$ooo 27,023$634
1725-17)0 1,6oo$ooo 10,4oo$ooo
These figures do not include the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

In the half-century 17oo-so, eleven of the twenty-one testators made no pro-

vision for the saying of masses in their legacies to the Miseric6rdia. The secular
trend apparent in these legacies with recurring obligations is even more in evi-
dence in the legacies received by the brotherhood on a once-and-for-all basis.
Between 1700 and 1750 the Miseric6rdia received approximately 24,681$290
from legacies of this type, of which only 6oo$ooo was to be applied to masses.
The charitable purposes for which legacies were left to the Miseric6rdia
ranged from the enormous bequest of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar in 1700 for
the building of a retirement house to a small donation by a sailor to buy sheets
for the hospital. The charitable applications oflegacies made to the brother-
hood between 16oo and 1750 with recurring obligations are shown in
Table ill. These include the money collected on the legacy of Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar of 40,015$3oo for the retirement house, 135,470$28o for
dowries and 6,4oo$ooo for alms. The Miseric6rdia also received single alms
III. Legacies left to the Miseric6rdia for charitable purposes, 16oo--1750
Charitable purposes
Years Hospital Foundlings Prisoners house Dowries Alms
1625-1650 316$632 400$000
165o--1675 2,42o$ooo 12,1oo$4oo
1675-1700 1oo$ooo J00$000 u,268$o58 700$000
I70Q--1725 11,207$332 1,ooo$ooo 9,816$302 4o,615$3oo 139,870$280 6,4oo$ooo
1725-1750 5,8oo$ooo 4,4oo$ooo 200$000
19,843$964 5,4oo$ooo 10,316$302 4o,615$3oo 164,638$738 7,1oo$ooo

for charitable works. These were insignificant in the seventeenth century,

but the amounts donated in the half-century 17oo-5o were as follows:
Hospital 10,894$145
Prisoners 3,419$405
Foundlings 1,951$6IO
Visits to the needy 7oo$ooo
Dowries 500$ooo
Poor J6o$040
Unspecified 4,590$470
Both sets of figures must be interpreted because the statistics alone do not
Charity in Bahia 171

explain why, for example, legacies were only made to the Miseric6rdia for
the care of foundlings in the eighteenth century. The hospital of the
Miseric6rdia was the only general hospital of Bahia in the seventeenth and
early eighteenth centuries to offer medical aid to all, irrespective of colour,
class or creed. As such, it had been an obvious charitable object for the
legacies of Bahians from the earliest times. Bahians always adopted an
attitude of strait-laced morality towards white girls, and the granting of
dowries ensured that these girls would not be forced by penury into positions
of dubious respectability. In fact a condition governing the granting of
many dowries was that the recipient should be of good repute. The legacy
ofJoao de Mattos de Aguiar in 1700 for the foundation of a retirement house
and the establishment of thirty-eight dowries of wo$ooo each catered for
such girls quite adequately and later testators directed their legacies to other
charitable purposes. It is curious that prisoners, foundlings and the poor
should only be provided for in the legacies of the later seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. The state of prisoners had always been lamentable and
the discarding of unwanted products of illicit sexual relationships had been
a constant feature of Bahian life. The reason why testators had not given
legacies to alleviate these social problems earlier was simply because the
landowners of the Reconcavo and the Sertao had not come into contact with
these essentially urban problems. An escaped prisoner had always been
assured of hospitality on any sugar plantation and an illegitimate child had
been easily assimilated in an agricultural community. Dom Joao de Len-
castre had rebuilt the city prison during his governorship from 1694 to 1702
and the Count of Sabugosa (Viceroy I 72o-3 5) had induced the Miseric6rdia
to establish a turning wheel for foundlings in 1726. These two facts and
increasing urbanisation possibly explain the increase in the number of dona-
tions for these two charitable purposes.
There was also an increasing tendency in the eighteenth century to spread
the provisions of a will over a wider variety of charitable enterprises. If the
benefactor of the seventeenth century had provided for social philanthropy
at all, he had tended to direct the entire legacy to a single charitable end.
Ant6nio Dias de Ottoes had left I,7oo$400 to the Miseric6rdia exclusively
for dowries, and the cattle magnate Domingos Fernandes de Freitas had
left 10,268$o58 for the same purpose. The only two instances of a legacy
being distributed over more than one charitable head had been Felippe
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Correia (4oo$ooo to the hospital and 4,ooo$ooo for dowries) and Francisco
Fernandes do Sim (9oo$ooo for the hospital and 6,4oo$ooo for dowries).
In the eighteenth century it was customary for testators to spread their
legacies over several charitable heads. In I7IJ Miguel Carvalho Mascaren-
has, a Familiar of the Holy Office, divided his legacy to the Misericordia of
9,134$ooo between masses (3,2oo$ooo), the hospital (6oo$ooo), foundlings
(6oo$ooo), prisoners (I, I 34$ooo), the retirement house (6oo$ooo), dowries
(2,ooo$ooo) and the fabric of the church (I,ooo$ooo). Even the compara-
tively modest legacy of I,2oo$ooo made by Paschoal da Silva Moreira in I7I2
was split equally between the hospital, foundlings and prisoners. 1
Changes in the personalities of testators and in the nature of their bequests
to the Misericordia were allied to the economic and social transformations
which occurred in Bahia of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. On
the one hand was a rural aristocracy whose wealth was invested in real
estate and whose vanity found an outlet in providing for sumptuous funeral
processions and the saying of masses. On the other hand was an urban
bourgeoisie whose wealth had been gained by speculation and commerce.
This social and economic shift in importance was accompanied by increased
secularisation and a greater awareness of social problems. The immediate
results of these changing attitudes towards charity and the brotherhoods
affected the Misericordia primarily in the administrative field. The custom
of giving legacies on a once-and-for-all basis and in cash cast a heavy burden
on the integrity of the Misericordia as an administrator. All too easily could
the monies of a legacy be completely lost or misplaced and the purpose for
which the bequest had been made totally forgotten. The increasing tendency
in the eighteenth century to nominate a person rather than an institution as
executor also meant that the Misericordia was denied even the small alms
given for fulfilling this service. Finally, the growth of an urban population
created its own social problems. The Misericordia attempted without finan-
cial assistance from official sources to meet the needs of this populace by provid-
ing a retirement house, a turning wheel and increased aid to prisoners. In the
following chapters each of the charitable services operated by the Misericordia
will be described in detail, making possible an appreciation of the role played
by the Misericordia in the practice of social philanthropy in colonial Bahia.

1 ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 176.


S o cIA L philanthropy can take two forms. The first consists of a programme
of social rehabilitation spread over a period of months, or even years. The
second is by means of outright relief, financial or in kind. The most suitable
form of assistance varies from case to case and is determined by the social,
physical and economic circumstances of the person in distress. Generally
speaking, social rehabilitation is necessary when the victims of poverty or
misfortune have already reached an advanced state of moral and physical
degeneration. Assistance, usually of an institutional nature, helps them to
regain their former position in society. Outright relief is directed at the
causes of poverty at a stage when medical, financial or domestic assistance
can prevent a person from slipping into endemic poverty or chronic illness.
Such temporary relief can tide a family over the death of the breadwinner,
sudden illness insufficiently serious to merit hospital treatment, the collapse
of a home or the blight of a crop. It takes the form of alms, medical supplies
and clothing.
The Miseric6rdia of Bahia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was
active in both fields. In the practice of social rehabilitation the action of the
Miseric6rdia was without parallel in colonial Bahia. The brotherhood
maintained a hospital, a retirement house and a foundling wheel and its
members visited the prison regularly. The Miseric6rdia also strove to
assist people in modest circumstances by outright alms. Brothers were
supplied with the names of needy citizens by parish priests and these were
visited and assisted in so far as the resources of the brotherhood permitted.
Dowries were granted to girls to enable them to preserve their honour and
contract suitable marriages. In colonial Brazil even a girl of respectable
parentage found difficulty in marrying unless she had a dowry. Without
this aid from the Miseric6rdia there was a very real danger that she would
174 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
slip into a life of prostitution. In the concession of dowries the Miseric6rdia
was contributing on a private level to a national policy. A brief outline of
the set of political and social circumstances which made the granting of
dowries a part of Portuguese colonial policy will help to place in greater
perspective the action of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia in this charitable field.
The concession of dowries had been regarded as politically expedient since
the earliest days of the Portuguese expansion. Portugal, one of the smallest
countries of Europe, had undertaken the task of establishing an overseas
empire whose outposts had extended from Goa to the Mina fort as early as
IjiO, and which were to extend from Nagasaki to Bahia by the mid-sixteenth
century. The outposts founded by the Portuguese had served a dual
purpose: primarily they had been trading posts, secondarily they had been
garrison stations. Continental Portugal had lacked the man-power necessary
to maintain these garrisons at even moderate strength and in the early six-
teenth century Affonso de Albuquerque had repeatedly complained that
fortresses on the Indian coast were under-manned. Both he and his pre-
decessor, Dom Francisco de Almeida, had attempted to remedy this situation
by advocating a 'marriage policy'. Portuguese soldiers and traders had
been offered the command of a fortress or the stewardship of a factory if they
married selected local brides of good social position and undoubted re-
spectability. Financial and mercantile privileges had been offered as further
inducement. Nevertheless, the response had been small for two reasons:
first, because the dowries had been badly administered and not paid promptly;
secondly, because the prospect of some isolated fortress or factory had not
been sufficiently attractive to entice the soldiers and traders away from their
This second factor of a social nature had been decisive in the failure of any
policy seeking to increase the small numbers of Portuguese in the East by
planned marriages. Anthropologist and historian alike have noted the
'assimilating powers' of the Portuguese in their contact with other ethnic
groups. It has often been suggested that this facility was hom of contact
with the Arabs during the Moorish invasions of the Iberian peninsula. The
fact of the matter was that there were few Portuguese women in Asia or
Brazil in the sixteenth century. The sex-starved Portuguese simply took
any woman available, be she a Kaffir girl of East Africa, an Indian girl of
Goa or a Chinese hicha of Macao. In Goa, Albuquerque had attempted to
Dowries 175
curb this enthusiasm by hanging a young nobleman who was having a love-
affair with a Moorish girl. In Macao, the unrestrained libertinage had
brought sharp rebuke from the civil and ecclesiastical authorities. In Brazil,
the early Jesuits had lamented this aspect of the Portuguese colonisation.
Within six months of landing at Bahia in 1549, the Jesuit Manoel da
Nobrega had written to Portugal stressing the urgent need for white women
in Brazil. He had suggested that prostitutes be sent out to the new city where
there was no doubt that they could marry well. Rather optimistically, he
had added that such examples of sanctified unions might induce those at
present living in sin to marry their concubines. 1 There had been nothing
new in this proposal. Similar requests had been made in India and were to be
made in Macao. In all cases the Portuguese Crown had complied by sending
out from Portugal white orphan girls of marriageable age, known as 'orphans
of the king'. These had been too few in numbers to make any real difference.
Many of those who had married had died soon afterwards either in child-
birth or as a result of their inability to adapt themselves to the tropics.
The problem of the lack of white women and the unbridled enthusiasm
of the Portuguese for local girls was common to Portuguese Asia and to
Brazil. But the circumstances were slightly different in the two continents.
Whereas in Asia the Portuguese had never seriously advanced a policy of
imperialism or colonisation which would have brought them into conflict
with local potentates, in Brazil there had been a concerted effort at colonisa-
tion from the outset. This had been readily apparent from the instructions
given to Tome de Sousa which had made provision, not only for the
establishment of Bahia as a seat of government, but for the agricultural
development of the Reconcavo and the encouragement of commerce. In
Asia the Portuguese had usually settled in the immediate vicinities of the
fortresses and trading posts. There had been exceptions such as villages in
Ceylon and on the islands of Goa, or the Provincia do Norte near Bassein, but
these had been rare. In Brazil, there had been an immediate attempt at
colonisation away from the cities. In Asia, the Portuguese was either a
soldier who regarded his stay in Goa as a posting, or a merchant who had
come out to the East to enrich himself as rapidly as possible and then return
to Portugal to enjoy an early retirement. In Brazil, the Portuguese was
1 Manoel da N6brega, Cartas, pp. 79-80. Letter of 9 August 1549 toPe. Mestre

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
often an emigrant from the north of Portugal who hoped that his agricultural
skills or mechanical trade would find a more rewarding outlet in the littoral
regions of Bahia, Pernambuco or Sao Vicente than in the rocky valleys of the
Alto Douro or the mountainous Ttis-os-Montes. The same problems were
common to Asia and Brazil, but the phrasing of them was different.
The Misericordia of Bahia played a valuable role in advancing the national
policy of marriages and in affording some degree of protection to girls who
might otherwise have been unable to marry or whose precarious financial
position would have rendered them susceptible to prostitution. All records
in the Misericordia archives for the sixteenth century were destroyed by the
Dutch, but for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the registers afford a
complete record of bequests made to the brotherhood for the provision of
The dowries for which testators provided in their wills fell into three
categories. First, there were dowries granted by the testator to the daughters
of a relative or of a friend. In such cases the Misericordia was merely the
executor of the will and passed on the dowry to the nominee after the estate
of the testator had been settled. Secondly, there were dowries left to the
Misericordia for immediate distribution to orphan girls without the brother-
hood incurring any further obligation. Thirdly, there were dowries left by
the testator for administration by the Misericordia. These were financed
from the interest on capital placed on loan and were granted annually.
Before discussing the last two types of dowry, I wish to dwell briefly on the
attitudes of mind revealed by the terms of these wills towards the position of
women in colonial Brazil because frequently these attitudes show social,
religious and racial preoccupations.
Wills making legacies for the allocation of dowries have certain features in
common. The testator was usually of the upper class and the main bene-
ficiaries were his nieces. In all cases the concession of a dowry, be it to a
relative or not, depended on the undoubted virtue of the nominee. These
aspects have implications in the wider social context of colonial ideology.
Testators who provided dowries for their relatives were not all of the
landed aristocracy of Bahia. Nevertheless they were sufficiently prominent
in the social life of the city to be very conscious of class distinction. This
preoccupation with social standing is very apparent in the clauses of a will
stipulating the terms for the concession of a dowry. Jorge Ferreira, who
Dowries 177
had died in 1641 leaving 2,45o$ooo to the Miseric6rdia for the saying of
masses, was of the landowning class and had just such a preoccupation. The
owner of a sugar plantation in Sergipe, a provision farm in the Serra, a
smallholding in Rio Vermelho and houses in the city of Bahia, he was not
one to wish that his niece should marry below her station. Thus he had be-
queathed the results of his sixty-three years' labour to his niece, Jer6nima
Ferreira, as a dowry 'so that her husband may be ennobled thereby'. 1
Jorge Ferreira had possessed the ready wealth to guarantee the respected
position of his niece and her future husband in society. Colonel Jose Pires
de Carvalho, a Familiar of the Holy Office, was not so fortunate. He was of
good birth, had married well into the landowning Cavalcante e Albuquerque
family, and was sufficiently prominent in Bahian society to be elected
Provedor of the Miseric6rdia in 1719.2 His wealth was tied up in real
estate and he did not possess the ready cash to provide dowries for his
daughters to marry 'with people of equal social standing'. He proposed to
solve this difficulty by placing his daughters in the Desterro convent and
appealed to the king to authorise this action because there was no vacancy in
the convent. Dom J oao V refused to do this. Sweeping aside all affirma-
tions of alleged nobility and faithful service which might justify the royal
intervention, he commented tartly that if the potential value of the estate
of Jose Pires was so high, there should be no lack of members of the nobility
willing to marry his daughters in the expectation of future benefits. In a
tongue-in-cheek closing phrase Dom J oao V commended such action to
Jose Pires as thereby he would extend the nobility (previously rejected by
the king as insufficient to justify royal assistance) of his own house.3 Dom
Joao V evidently had little time for the upstart nobility of his colonies.
Preoccupation with the maintaining of social prestige and with the
hazards of marrying 'below one's station' led many families of Bahia to send
their daughters to convents in Portugal rather than risk the possibility of
1 'pa que o marido com quem cazar fique mais enobresido' (ASCMB, vol. 40,
ff. 14JV-15J).
2 He had married Theresa de Cavalcante e Albuquerque (ASCMB, vol. 3, f. sov).
3 In a letter to the viceroy of 15 February 1718, Dom Joao V commented,
'convem que sendo a caza deste Coronel tam opulenta caze suas filhas, porque nao
faltarao na esperan!fa dos dotes pessoas de toda a nobreza que lhas procurem
emnobrecendose por este caminho a sua familia, e tambem ajudando a extenderse
mais a sua calidade' (APB, Ordens regia.r, vol. u, doc. 12).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
their contracting socially undesirable marriages in Bahia. Young girls and
boxes of currency were constant features of any fleet from Bahia to Portugal
in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. Dom Joao de
Lencastre (Governor-General, 1694-1702) told the king of the social and
economic evils of this practice. No longer were there any society marriages
in Bahia, and large sums of money were being sent to the convents of
Lisbon, Oporto and Viana to provide for the expenses of these girls. The
governor-general had strongly recommended the total prohibition of this
practice in a letter of 1695, but Dom Pedro II had rejected such a measure on
the grounds of possible inconvenience. 1 It is difficult to account for this
decision by the king when faced by a state of affairs so manifestly prejudicial
to Bahia, except by the fact that pressure was exerted on him by powerful
courtiers. Possibly he still believed that the Desterro convent was adequate
for the needs of those Bahian families who wished to withdraw their daughters
from society. At the time of the foundation of this convent (r677) the
number of places had been limited to fifty so that marriages would not be
prejudiced. This measure had failed because, once the fifty places had been
allocated, the richer families had simply sent their daughters to Portugal.
The increase in population in the forty years following the foundation of the
Desterro, estimated by the municipal council at two-thirds, owed nothing to
the upper class families. As many as eight to ten women of the cream of
Bahian society left Brazil by each fleet. In 1717 the councillors suggested
that the number of places in the Desterro be increased by another fifty since
this would mean that both money and girls would be kept in Bahia. 2
Not only was the practice of sending girls to Portugal prejudicial to the

I 'Dom Joao de Lancastro. Amo. Eu ElRey vos envio mto saudar. Viosse a
vossa Carta de 18 de Junho deste anno, em q' me reprezentais os inconvenientes q'
se seguem as familias desse Estado, com a rezolu~ao que os moradores delle tern
tornado de mandar para este Reynno suas filhas a serem Relligiozas nos Conventos
delle, por estar cheyo o numero dos lugares do dessa cidade, parecendovos justo o
prohibirselhes mandarem suas filhas para esta corte, ou para as Ilhas a serem
Relligiozas, para asy se evitar a falta que ahy ha de cazamentos e de cabedais, pello
muito q' gastao em as recolherem, e sustentarem nos Conventos deste Reynno.
E pareceume dizervos q' este vosso arbitrio nao he admi~ivel por muitas rezoes e
inconvenientes que nelle se conciderarao. Escritta em Lisboa a 19 de Novembro de
1965' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 3, doc. 1o8).
z City council to king, 25 August 1717 (AMB, vol. 176, ff. 119v-no).
Dowries 179
society and economy of Bahia. Frequently the girls themselves were the
victims of parents who compelled their daughters to take the veil against their
will. It was this human aspect rather than the financial and social well-being
of Bahia which induced Dom Joao V to act. In a decree of I March 1732, he
ordered that in future no girl should be sent from Brazil to Portugal without
the royal consent having been previously obtained. Before such permission
would be granted, the viceroy and governors were to hold a full enquiry to
determine all the circumstances of the petition made by a girl wishing to go
to Portugal. In addition to this civil enquiry, there was to be an ecclesiastical
report. The archbishop or bishop was to interview the girl and ensure that
the petition was born of true religious vocation and not of parental intimida-
tion. The penalties for non-observance of this decree were severe. The
captain of a ship found carrying a girl against her will was liable to a fine of
2,ooo cruzados and two months' imprisonment. 1 This measure effectively
curtailed the traffic in girls from Bahia to the convents of Portugal because
the royal consent was granted on few occasions. It could not stop the
traffic in coin from Bahia to Portugal for dowries for nieces and relatives of
testators in Brazil.
There can be no doubt that the principal reason which induced so many
families to send their daughters to Portugal was class prejudice. A secondary
and even subconscious influence may have been the idealism felt by many
Brazilians towards the religious life. Although the respect for the tonsure
was often unjustified and the fro lickings of the nuns of the Desterro brought
viceroyal rebuke, the attitude of the populace to priest or nun was one of
reverence. Testators made special provisions in their wills for descendants
who wished to enter the religious life. A widow of Cotegipe, Isabel da
Costa, had made a will in 1675 allocating dowries of Ioo$ooo to certain girls.
In the event of any male relative wishing to enter the Church all such dowries
1 'Eu E!Rei fa~o saber aos que este meu Alvara virem, que sen do-me prezentes os

motivos, porque no Brasil nao ha mais crescimento de gente em grave prejuizo do

augmento, e povoa~ao daquelle Estado, sendo a principal causa desta falta o grande
excesso, que ha em virem para este Reyno muytas mulheres com o pretexto de
serem Religiosas, violentadas por seus pays, ou mays, constragendolhes as vontades,
que deviao ser livres para elegerem estado, de que resulta faltarem estas mulheres
para os matrimonios, que convem augmentar no Brasil, e elias viverem sempre
desgostosas com a vida que nao queriao tamar .. .' (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 26,
ff. 398-401).
ISO Fidalgos and Philanthropists
were to be suspended for four years and the 4oo$ooo was to cover the costs of
his training. 1 The miner of Arassuahy, Manuel Valerio de Nis, allocated
two dowries of 400$ooo to orphans of a retirement house of either Rio de
Janeiro or Bahia: any girl wishing to become a nun was to receive a further
1oo$ooo. 2 The dowries administered by the Miseric6rdia were intended to
enable young girls to marry. When a girl expressed the wish to enter a
convent, it represented a partial failure in the policy of the brotherhood. On
the rare occasions when this did occur the Mesa advanced the money willingly
and commended the girl for her desire to enter a 'more perfect state'. All
testators insisted on the good repute of their nieces or any other girls who
received their dowries: any dishonour automatically rendered the legacy
Religious feeling may have contributed on a sub-conscious level to the
decision of many families to send their daughters to the convents of Portugal.
The other characteristic of the wills recorded in the registers of the Miseri-
c6rdia-that legaciestorelativeswerefrequentlyconfined to the nieces of the
testator- had a purely physical basis. Barrenness among white women and
infant mortality were frequent in the tropics. On the one hand was the case
of the businessman Gaspar dos Reis Pintowho had been married three times
but was still without offspring. On the other was Luzia Freire, widow of a
brother of the Miseric6rdia, who had produced eight children of whom only
two had survived. In his will of 1643 Gaspar dos Reis Pinto ordered his
executor to sell his plantations in Sergipe and Rio Vermelho and distribute
as many dowries as possible from the proceeds.J For her part Luzia Freire
stipulated in her will of 1685 that monies derived from the sale of her sugar
plantation in Patatiba and her cattle ranches on the S. Francisco river be
applied to the saying of masses for her soul. 4 These purely physical factors
obviously led many testators to send to distant relatives in Portugal the
fruits of a lifetime's labour in the tropics.
Bahians who made legacies to nieces and the daughters of relatives in
Brazil were guided by a different set of reasons. All testators were obsessed
by the possibility of spurious claimants challenging their wills in an attempt
to inherit lands or possessions. The wills of married couples and bachelors
alike often began with the categorical statement that the testators had no
1 ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 24-6. z ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 215.
3 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. I6o-I66v. 4 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 248-5 I.
Dowries 181

offspring 'natural or spurious'. Such was the extent of this fear that many
testators adopted a matrilineal attitude when making their legacies. Two
Bahian bachelors of the early seventeenth century, Francisco Dias Baiiio
and Diogo Fernandes, stipulated that only the daughters of their relatives
could benefit from their wills. In no circumstances was a male relative to
inherit. 1 The philanthropist Felippe Correia, after making numerous
legacies to the Misericordia in his will of 1650, left his plantations in Pituba
to his sister on the condition that in no way was her husband to enjoy part
ownership of these properties. Possibly this condition may have been the
result of personal animosity; if so, there was no reference to it, and Correia
gave as his reason that he wished the property to remain in the Correia
family. 2 Other testators founded trusts to be enjoyed by the distaff side
only. In the event of there being no more female descendants the trust was
to be administered by a brotherhood for charitable purposes.
The attitude towards what might be called the 'legitimacy of the womb'
and even the practice of sending daughters to Portugal may have been
influenced by the multi-racial nature of Bahian society. There was always
the fear that a daughter might have an affair with a coloured man. In this
there was one law for males and quite another for females. It was considered
rather macho, or masculine, for a teenage son of a white family to have a
coloured mistress: if she did conceive, so much the worse for her. On the
other hand, for a white girl to have a coloured amigo, or lover, was tanta-
mout to demanding social ostracism.3 This fear on the part of parents was
rarely expressed but strongly felt. When the lawyer Jeronimo de Burgos
and his wife had established a trust in 1664 for the saying of masses and
charitable purposes, they had stipulated that after the terms of the trust had
been fulfilled any additional income should be given to their heirs provided
that 'they do not marry anyone tainted with the blood of the forbidden
races'. 4 In an age when race and creed were often equated, such a clause
effectively ruled out coloured or New Christian partners.
1 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 23V-2.8v and ff. 28V-JJV.

z ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 198-2.Iov.

3 For a study of attitudes towards mixed marriages in modern Bahia, many of
which coincide with the colonial standpoint, see Donald Pierson, Brancos epretos na
Bahia. Estudo de contacto racial (Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro-Bahia, 194 5), chapter 6.
4 'contanto que nao cazem com gente que tenha algiia ra<;a das prohibidas
(ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 97V-98v).
182 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The attitudes of Bahians towards the distaff side of their families have
shown that many of the conditions attached to legacies were prompted by
racial, religious and social prejudices. Bahia was a multi-racial society and
the coloured population was infinitely larger than the white population.
The enthusiasm felt by the early settlers for the Amerindian girls and
Negresses continued even after there had been an increase in the number
of white women available for marriage. The so-called Minas (probably
Fulahs or Ashantis) were especially favoured because of their good appear-
ance, dignified carriage, and their fame as tresmisses of the culinary skills.
The attitudes shown by testators in their wills towards their coloured slaves
reveal the complexity of the racial issue.
Historians and anthropologists alike have dwelt on the manner in which
the white masters exploited their female slaves. It is undeniable that the
girls of the senr.alas, or slave quarters, were often the concubines of the
masters, the butts for the anger of jealous wives, and the playthings of
adolescent sons. But there was another side to the picture of inter-racial
contact which is usually forgotten. Many slave owners appear to have taken
a genuine interest in the welfare of their slaves. The receipt ledgers of the
Miseric6rdia frequently recorded payments of up to 50$ooo made by a
plantation owner for the cure of a slave in the hospital of the brotherhood.
Joao de Mattos referred in his will, with evident pride, to how he had
arranged the marriage of one of his slave girls and had given her a dowry and
some household possessions. 1 Many slaves were granted their freedom as a
reward for years of faithful service. A wealthy widow, Theodora de G6is,
who died in 1693, granted her slave Luiza her freedom and ordered that a
dowry of roo$ooo, clothing and gold trinkets be given her on marriage.z
This paternal attitude on the part of the white ruling classes towards the
coloured population was not limited to slaves. Many families adopted
coloured children. Pedro Viegas Giraldes and Felippe Correia, both
benefactors of the Miseric6rdia in the seventeenth century, brought up
mulatto children in their homes. 3 The history of the relationships between
masters and slaves, white and black, was not always a chronicle of cruelty
and exploitation. There was often an undercurrent of Christian idealism
1 He died on the last day of February, 1685 (ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 239v-244).
z ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 88-91.
3 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 122v-129 and ff. 198-2rov.
among the authoritarian and domineering plantation owners of colonial
On other occasions the attitude of the white man to his slaves was not
paternal, but uxorious. One slave owner, Pedro Domingues, was consumed
by jealousy at the prospect of his concubine marrying. In his will of 1676
he granted her her freedom, the ownership of his house, and three slaves on
the condition that she should stay single. 1 Other slave owners had had
children by their slave girls and made generous provision for both mother
and child. A smallholder, Diogo Fernandes, left detailed instructions in his
will for the care and education of his son by a Negress: he was to be taught
the Bible and trained as an apprentice in a mechanical trade.z The bachelor
Joseph Lopes, who had established a 'chapel of masses' in the Misericordia
in 1656, also regarded his favourite crioula as more than a mere pe;a de lndias
('piece of the Indies'). He granted the mother and her son and daughter
their freedom. The little girl was to he placed in an honourable home and on
marriage was to receive a dowry of 1oo$ooo and furniture. Evidently the
family of Joseph Lopes had opposed his recognition of paternity, because
he stipulated that his daughter should not be boarded in the house of any
of his relatives. 3 This respect for the Negro slave was based largely on her
role as the mother of the white man's children. The glorification of the wife
in her maternal role still persists in Brazil and although a fickle husband may
indulge in the enchantments of his concubine to the full, he will rarely leave
his wife, simply because she is the 'mother of my son'.
Preoccupations of class, creed and colour were constant factors in the
minds of Bahians of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Anxiety for
the preservation of class status was allied to an obsession with the maintain-
ing of purity of blood. Members of an essentially male-dominated society
were influenced by these two factors into adopting matrilineal attitudes
when making their wills. The position of women in Portuguese colonial
society is usually presented as insignificant. Travellers to colonial Brazil
commented on the seclusion of females. The seclusion of women in colonial
times has been considered by historians as indicative of the insignificant
position they enjoyed, hut it seems likely that the womanhood of colonial
Bahia was a good deal more influential than is generally realised.
I ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 1)4V-140V. z ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 28V-JJV.
3 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 42v-44v.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The attitudes to women and slaves illustrate to the full the almost para-
doxical variety of outlook in colonial Brazil. The apparent contradiction of
a male-dominated society adopting matrilineal attitudes had its counterpart
in the attitude towards the coloured population. On the one hand was the
brutality of the slave ships and slave markets. On the other hand was the
Christian charity shown in the adoption of a coloured orphan, the emancipa-
tion of a slave, or the granting of dowries. A modem visitor to Bahia
referred to the 'Bay of all saints and of all devils'. 1 This would have been
an accurate epigram for Bahia in colonial times when idealism and materialism,
virtue and vice were so closely interwoven.
Dowries for relatives or the illegitimate offspring of slave girls only
involved the Miseric6rdia in its role of executor. The main interest of the
brotherhood lay in legacies which granted dowries to orphans, and nomi-
nated the Miseric6rdia as the administrator of these dowries. Just as
charitable bequests to the Miseric6rdia fell into the two categories of single
legacies and legacies with recurring obligations, so also did dowries. Some
bequests were made for the provision of dowries on a single occasion,
whereas other bequests were in perpetuum. In the latter instance the interest
derived from capital placed on loan financed a certain number of dowries
each year.
Dowries of the first type rarely exceeded ;o$ooo. They were given by
testators unable to afford the large capital outlay necessary to finance an
annual dowry from the interest alone. Even an annual dowry of ;o$ooo
demanded an outlay of 8oo$ooo at the interest rate of 6! per cent, whereas a
single bequest of x;o$ooo could provide three dowries of ;o$ooo for
orphans for a small outlay. This was well illustrated by the legacy of Maria
Lopes Oleira. The wife ofJoao de Valensa Pereira, she had lived apart from
her husband for twelve years and was financially independent with a small
holding of manioc. The sale of her possessions in 16-;8 realised 486$750-
too small a sum to finance even one annual dowry- of which the Miseri-
c6rdia received 282$834 for six dowries of 40$000 and one of 25$ooo.z

1 Gimenez Caballero, Bahia de todos os santos e de todos os demonios (Bahia, 1958),

a variation on Gilberta Freyre's Baia de Todos os Santos e de quase todos os pecados

(Recife, 1926).
z The remaining 17$834 was kept by the Miseric6rdia to cover administrative
costs (ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 151-159V and f. 210).
The legacy was modest, but was enough to enable seven orphan girls to get
married. The number of legacies of this type was small and no more than
half a dozen orphans benefited in the average year. Greater range was
offered by those bequests which instituted a trust for the distribution of
dowries annually. The financial administration of this second type of legacy
was the responsibility of the Miseric6rdia who selected the girls, arranged
their marriage ceremonies and paid their dowries.
The role of the Miseric6rdia as an administrator of dowries had not been
envisaged in the Compromisso of 1516. It had been only in 1618 that statutes
had been drawn up to govern the administration of this type of legacy. The
Miseric6rdia of Bahia followed the Compromisso of Lisbon and candidates
for dowries had to fulfil certain conditions. Any applicant for a dowry
administered by the Miseric6rdia had to present a petition to the Mesa with
the following information: first, the names of her parents, their place of
birth and present residence; secondly, the financial and social circumstances
of her parents; thirdly, the age of the applicant and a statement of the reasons
why she needed a dowry; fourthly, the applicant had to consent to a full
enquiry by the Mesa and agree to honour all the conditions stipulated in the
Compromisso. The Provedor then appointed a panel of brothers not on the
Mesa to verify the truth of the statements contained in the petition, and to
establish that the girl was of good repute. If the report was favourable the
girl's name was placed on a list and votes were cast by the Mesa for the most
The dowries administered by the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon were not limited
to girls from Lisbon, nor even to Portugal. Applications were accepted from
girls in fortresses on the African coast. Such applications had to be accom-
panied by a testimonial of good character from the captain of the fortress or
from the local branch of the Miseric6rdia if this existed. Dowries granted
to such girls had to be re-registered every two years with the Miseric6rdia of
Lisbon. I Each branch of the Miseric6rdia was autonomous. Although the
Miseric6rdia of Goa was recognised as the chief branch in Asia, its dowries
were granted only to local girls. Orphan girls in Malacca or Macao applied
to their own Santas Casas. This was also the case in Brazil. The Miseri-
c6rdia of Bahia was acknowledged as the most important branch, but it did
not offer dowries to girls from other captaincies. Testators leaving legacies
I Compromisso of x6x8, chapter xxix, § 18.
186 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
for dowries to be administered by the Misericordia of Bahia came from the
city or the Reconcavo and intended that girls from these regions should
In the years 162o-1750 nine testators left bequests to the Misericordia in
order that a certain number of dowries could be financed from the interest
on capital. These testators had little in common and I will simply enumerate
them, commenting briefly on their social position, the extent of the legacy
and the number of dowries for which it provided:
I. Joanna Fernandes (1649) was the owner of some houses in the city and
illiterate. She left 4oo$ooo for an annual dowry of 25$ooo, augmented
to 4o$ooo by the Misericordia. I
2. Felippe Correia (1650). The wealthy owner of a sugar plantation in
Pituba, he left 4,ooo$ooo to the Misericordia for dowries. 3,2oo$ooo
was devoted to dowries for daughters of friends and relatives, and the
remaining 8oo$ooo was retained by the Misericordia to provide an
annual dowry of 40$000. 2
3· Antonio Dias de Ottoes (1653). A plantation owner in Jucuruna, he
ordered that the income derived from the plantation (about 1,7oo$4oo
annually) should provide two dowries of 5o$ooo each yearly.3
4· Francisco Fernandes do Sim (1664). The owner of several plantations
in Patatiba and Sto Amaro, he was Provedor of the Misericordia on
several occasions. He left 6,4oo$ooo for eight dowries each year of
40$000 each. 4
5· Isabel da Costa (1688). The owner of a sugar plantation in Cotegipe,
she left 2,ooo$ooo to the Misericordia for dowries. This legacy
remained under litigation.s
6. Domingos Fernandes de Freitas (1688) was the owner of extensive
cattle ranches on the S. Francisco river. The residue of his estate
realised 1o,268$o58 and provided for five dowries each year of
I ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 167-8. 2 ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. 198-21ov.

3 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 24-9. 4 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff, 91v-97.
s ASCMB, vol. 42, ff. 24-6.
6 The copy of his will and the inventory made on 5 August 1696 are in very bad
condition (ASCMB, vol. 192), but the minute books of the brotherhood contain
details of his legacy (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 249V-25ov).

7· Joao de Mattos de Aguiar (1700). The philanthropic leviathan of

colonial Bahia, he left houses and 135,470$280 for thirty-eight dowries
each year of 1oo$ooo each. 1
8. Miguel Carvalho Mascarenhas (1713). A Familiar of the Holy Office
who served the Miseric6rdia as scribe in 1710, he left 2,ooo$ooo for an
annual dowry of 1oo$ooo.
9· Francisco Coque (1722). He left 1,6oo$ooo for one dowry of 1oo$ooo
each year, and 4oo$ooo to the Miseric6rdia for administration. The
brotherhood refused this legacy and only accepted in 1724 when the
administrative fee was raised to 8oo$ooo.2
Thus the Miseric6rdia was the administrator of legacies to a total value of
164,638$738. The interest on this capital provided for forty-five dowries of
1oo$ooo, two dowries of 5o$ooo, and ten dowries of 40$ooo.
These legacies had been left to the Miseric6rdia with certain conditions
made by the testators for their administration. All testators stipulated that
the recipients should be honourable, poor and orphans. The last designation
demands some clarification. Whereas an orphan is usually regarded as a
child who has lost both parents, in present-day Brazil this is not the case. It
is sufficient for a child to have lost one of its parents to qualify as an orphan;
it will be an orfiio de pai or an orfiio de miie, depending on the parent it has
lost. Should it have lost both parents itwill then be referred to as anorflio de
pai e miie. This was also the custom in colonial Brazil and an 'orphan' girl
whose mother or father was still living was considered a proper applicant
for a dowry of the Miseric6rdia. Joanna Fernandes placed a geographical
limitation - that girls receiving her dowries should be either of the city or

1 The amounts mentioned in the copy of the will of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar

(ASCMB, vol. 199) differ from those given in the account ledgers of the brother-
hood, based on the actual receipts, but in both cases the number of dowries is the
2 In 1699 William Dampier met 'one Mr. Cock an English. Merchant, a very civil

Gentleman and of good Repute. He had a Patent to be our English Consul, but
did not care to take upon him any Publick Character, because English. Ships seldom
come hither' (A Voyage to New Holland, p. 53). I have been unable to establish if
he was also the benefactor of the Miseric6rdia, but the scarcity of foreigners in
colonial Bahia makes the presence of two different gentlemen of such similar names
unlikely. For details of his legacy see ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 167 and vol. 14, ff.
188 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the Reconcavo. Joao de Mattos de Aguiar was the only testator to demand
'purity of blood' of the applicants for the dowries of his legacy. He
stipulated that his dowries should be allocated only to 'girls of good repute,
poor, white and of Old Christian parentage'.
The Miseric6rdia laid down further conditions to be satisfied by an
applicant for a dowry. She was to be between fourteen and thirty years of
age, previously unmarried and of financial circumstances sufficiently pre-
carious to place her honour in jeopardy. In the event of her receiving a
dowry, she agreed to register this annually in the Miseric6rdia and to be
married in the church of the brotherhood. If she did not marry within the
six years stipulated by the Compromisso, the dowry automatically lapsed and
was re-allocated by the Mesa. In these conditions the Miseric6rdia of Bahia
was following the Compromisso of Lisbon, but it differed from the parent
body in the manner of selecting those girls most fitted to receive dowries.
The Misericordia of Bahia followed the example of Lisbon in enquiring
fully into the circumstances of an applicant. It was in the process of selection
that Bahia differed from Lisbon. In Lisbon the Provedor proposed three
candidates for each dowry of a set amount, and the board of guardians voted
for the most suitable. Preference was given to girls in the retirement house,
to those whose good looks would make them more susceptible to temptation,
to daughters of brothers, to daughters of people receiving alms from the
brotherhood and finally to girls of the city of Lisbon and its environs. In
Bahia the administration of charity was less impartial and was based on
influential contacts. Until 1725 the dowries available were distributed
among the members of the board of guardians. Each member then allocated
the dowries at his disposal according to his personal whim. Inevitably such
a process meant that the daughters of relatives and friends received all the
dowries. An orphan girl without influential sponsors had no chance of
obtaining a dowry from the Miseric6rdia. The system brought the brother-
hood into disrepute. There were quarrels among the officers as to the number
of dowries each should receive for distribution and the good name of the
Miseric6rdia as an administrator of legacies was called in question.
This situation was remedied by the Mesa of 1725 under the Provedor
Ant6nio Gon~alves da Rocha. Within its first week of office the Mesa
totally reformed the process of allocating dowries. All petitions would in
future receive a number. Slips of paper similarly numbered with the addi-
tional figure of the value of the dowry (I oo$ooo, 5o$ooo or 40$000) were to
be placed in an urn. On I 3 June each year these slips were to be drawn and
matched off with the petitions. An order of precedence was established:
first, girls in the retirement house; secondly, daughters of poor brothers;
thirdly, girls who had been foundlings of the Miseric6rdia. This resolution
of the Mesa was sent to Lisbon for royal approval. 1 After Dam Joao V had
sounded out the opinion of the Count of Sabugosa, who was favourable to
reform, the king approved this decree of tht: Mesa and ordered that it should
not be amended by any future board of guardians. 2
Reforming zeal of this type was looked at askance in colonial Bahia. The
two folios of the minute book (Livro de Ac6rdaos) registering the decree
were surreptitiously removed and the Mesa was obliged to write to Lisbon
for a transcript of the copy sent to the king. Although succeeding Mesas
observed this decree, they did not always respect one of the prime conditions
stipulated by all the testators, namely that the applicant for a dowry should
be poor. The Mesas of 1728-9 and I729-30 granted dowries of roo$ooo to
each of the three daughters of the Master of the Field (Mestre do Campo)
Ant6nio Ferrao Castelo Branco and further dowries to the two daughters of
Paulo Franco and the two daughters of Joseph Moreira. All were brothers
of the Miseric6rdia but in no way could they be regarded as poor. Con-
science-ridden, the Mesa of r 729-30 revoked its own decision and that of its
predecessor and ruled that the dowries had been erroneously conceded.3
This annulment was not by unanimous approval and one member of the
Mesa was expelled for refusing to sign the decree. The most violent reaction
came from the former Provedor of the Miseric6rdia and future Governor of
S. Tome, Ant6nio Ferrao Castelo Branco. He had been sent to Lisbon by
the Count of Sabugosa to report to the king on the mutiny of the garrison of
Bahia. He had taken advantage of this opportunity to take his daughters to
Lisbon to be nuns, presumably relying on the dowries of the Miseric6rdia.4
When the news of the Mesa's decision reached him, he fought the annulment

1 ASCMB, val. I4, ff. I72-I7JV.

z King to viceroy, I8 February 1726 and the reply of the Count of Sabugosa,
7 June 1726 (APB, Ordens rigias, vol. 20, docs. 32 and 32a). The royal approval
was granted by a decree of 22 March 1729 (APB, Ordens rlgias, vol. 24, doc. 42).
3 Decree of 12 March 1730 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 159).
4 APB, Ordens rigias, vol. 23, doc. n6.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
order with the same violence with which he had contested the office of
Provedor ten years earlier. He immediately protested to the Supreme Court
of Appeals in Lisbon. Such was his influence that his appeal was upheld and
all embargoes brought by the Misericordia were rejected.! It was ironical
that it was a decree made to safeguard the interests of the brotherhood -
that a Mesa could not revoke an act passed by its predecessors - which was
the key issue of the successful appeal by Antonio Ferrao Castelo Branco. All
action by the Misericordia of Bahia was in vain and the brotherhood had to
pay the dowries.
The importance of the role played by the Misericordia in the administra-
tion of dowries can be gauged by the number of endowed girls who did get
married. I have chosen the dowries conceded during the years 171o-2o for
detailed analysis. This choice is arbitrary but this decade recommends
itself for several reasons. The documentary evidence is most complete for
this period. The first two books with records of dowries on the legacies of
various testators have been lost and volumes three, four and five cover the
period 1708-24, 1725-34 and 175o-71. The records of dowries on the
legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar are complete for the years 170o-5o, but
some of the bound volumes of this series are in such an appalling condition
because of the effects of ants and humidity that they cannot even be opened.
Moreover, with the exception of the single dowry of wo$ooo of Francisco
Coque in 1722, the Misericordia had received all those legacies providing for
dowries. The legal wrangles surrounding the legacy of Joao de Mattos de
Aguiar had been settled by 1710 and the administration of his dowries was
operating smoothly. Finally, the Misericordia had not yet been severely
affected by its own precarious financial position which was to lead to a
reduction in the number of dowries granted by the brotherhood.
The number of dowries conceded by the Misericordia varied from year
to year for different reasons. Although all dowries were conceded for six
years in the first instance, many were taken up before the six years had
expired. Others were extended for anything from one to three years. Some-
times the Mesa ruled that the concession of a dowry be terminated because
of the changing circumstances of the girl or as a result of additional informa-
tion received by the board of guardians. On some rare occasions a dowry

1 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 161-2.

was suspended because of the desmancho da dotada, or dishonour of the girl. 1
Although the Misericordia possessed a theoretically constant number of
dowries at its disposal, in practice the number varied greatly from year to
year. In the decade 1710-20 the following dowries were granted: Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar, 509; Domingos Fernandes de Freitas, 93; Antonio Dias
de Ottoes, 31; Francisco Fernandes do Sim, 164; Felippe Correia, 15;
Joanna Fernandes, 21.
In addition to the irregular nature of the cycle itself, some Mesas allowed
their generosity to get the better of them and conceded far more dowries
than actually were available. As early as 1653 when the Misericordia had
only had to contend with the legacies of Joanna Fernandes and Felippe
Correia, the Mesa had been faced with social and financial embarrassment
because it had granted dowries in anticipation of the legacies falling due.
Many girls had transferred from one dowry to another and it had been
impossible to observe conditions as to age. 2 The bequest of Antonio Dias
de Ottoes in 1653 had forced the Mesa to rule that in future no dowries should
be granted in anticipation and no dowry could be exchanged for another.
This ruling was not observed. In the eighteenth century several Mesas
over-allocated. Their successors were compelled to annul the dowries they
had themselves granted in the belief that the full number of dowries was
available for distribution.J The evil of this practice was the very real danger
that the scribe would forget to annul a dowry conceded a second time and
that the Misericordia would be morally (and sometimes legally) obliged to
honour two dowries instead of one.
It is difficult to judge the social background of the girls who received
dowries from the Misericordia. They came from a wide social spectrum
ranging from the daughters of a brother of the Misericordia to the illegitimate
offspring of a free N egress. Allegations that the brotherhood reserved
dowries for the convenience of its members were not justified. Certainly if
the daughter of a brother did receive a dowry this was always of 1oo$ooo on
1 A dowry conceded in 1733 was annulled in 1736 'por constar de pessoas

fidedignas q' a dotada Clemencia do Nascimto q' consta deste termo asima se tinha
deshonestada e vivia do estado de meretriz' (ASCMB, vol. II74, f. 132v).
z ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 42.
3 The Mesa of 1710 was guilty of severe over-allocation of dowries. For
examples of girls transferring dowries in the eighteenth century, see ASCMB,
vol. r 173, f. 45 and vol. 14, ff. 192V-I93v.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar. But within the first twenty years
of the administration of this legacy only 9·7 per cent of these dowries were
allocated to the offspring of brothers - a modest proportion considering
that these did enjoy some preference over other applicants. 1 Many of the
recipients had been foundlings in the care of the Misericordia or were given
regular alms by the brotherhood. In other cases the girl was working in the
house of an uncle or brother-in-law because of the death of her own parents.
Dowries enabled such girls to contract decent marriages. After the founding
of the retirement house in 1716 the Misericordia was able to provide pro-
tection for those girls too old to be helped as foundlings, but too young
to be granted dowries. In such cases the concession of a dowry provided
the final point of several years of social assistance afforded by the brother-
The impartiality shown by the Misericordia in selecting girls from all
walks of life is also illustrated by its attitude towards coloured applicants.
J oao de Mattos de Aguiar had been the only testator to stipulate that the
dowries on his legacy be given only to white girls. This condition was
entirely respected by the brotherhood. Indeed instances of a coloured girl
receiving one of the larger dowries of IOo$ooo or 5o$ooo were very rare. It
is quite possible that not very many coloured girls applied to the Miseric6rdia.
The Negro brotherhoods offered some assistance in the form of small
dowries to the daughters of their poorer brothers. There was also less
likelihood of a Negro girl being able to contend with the bureaucratic
problems surrounding a petition to the Miseric6rdia. Finally, the whole
concept of the giving of dowries was based on a wider range of social
stratification than existed among the coloured population of Bahia, and a
Negro would not have demanded that his future wife should be endowed.
Thus, the number of coloured girls who received dowries from the Miseri-
cordia was small: between 1708 and 1725 only nineteen received dowries
and the average was one or two yearly. Although the Misericordia did not
provide many dowries to girls of coloured parentage, it did not discriminate
against them. Some years no coloured girl featured in the records of
dowries granted. In other years there were several and in 1732-3 the Mesa
conceded twenty-seven dowries to coloured girls out of a total of fifty-two
1 Of 914 dowries conceded in these years from this legacy only 89 were given to

daughters of brothers of the Misericordia.

Dowries 1 93

dowries. Such girls were the offspring of freed slaves and usually illegiti-
mate, de pai incerto. The most remarkable instance of illegitimate offspring
receiving dowries concerned the two daughters of Theresa de Jesu who
each received dowries of 4o$ooo in 1712. Perhaps the Mesa was overcome
by the pious ring of the mother's name because it made no comment on the
fact that each girl had a different father! I
The Miseric6rdia did not permit racial prejudice to influence the granting
of dowries, nor did it limit the area of its charity to the city and its immediate
environs. It was only natural that girls from the parishes of the city should
predominate in the lists of those receiving dowries. In the decade I71o-2o,
Mesas granted 833 dowries. The place of origin of 229 of the recipients is
uncertain. Of the remaining 6o4 girls, 398 came from the city and 206
from the Reconcavo and the interior of the Captaincy of Bahia. 2 The
disposition of these 206 girls indicates the area of greatest demographic
density, which was along the coast. The fertile region of the Reconcavo
was heavily populated and the majority of girls came from the townships of
Cachoeira, Maragogipe, Jaguaripe and the villages of Paripe and Piraja.
The importance to the city of Bahia of the wheat-growing area to the south
of the Reconcavo was illustrated by the large number of girls from Camamu
and Cairu who received dowries from the Miseric6rdia. The position of
Itaparica opposite the city, and its importance as a fishing centre, made it
a comparatively heavily populated island, and it was to be expected that
many girls from there should receive dowries from the brotherhood. The
presence of a few girls from the more distant and less populated islands in the
Bay of All Saints, such as the Ilha dos F rades and Madre de Deus, on the
lists of candidates for dowries is more surprising. A few girls came from
Mata de S. J oao and the mining area of the Rio de Contas. All these town-
ships and villages were within the Captaincy of Bahia, and came under the
I ASCMB, vol. I I73, f. 63v and f. 64.
2 These 206 girls came from the following townships or villages: Boipeba, 3;
Cachoeira, 31; Cairn, 12; Camamu, 2I; Caruragipe, I; Cotegipe, 2; Cotenguiba, 2;
Iguape, I; ltaparica, 22; ltaporocas, 2; Ilha dos Frades, 2; ltapicuru, I; Jucuruna, I;
Jaguaripe, I5; River Joannes, r; Madre de Deus, 7; Maragogipe, 2o; Mata de
S. Joao, 4; Patiba, r; Piraja, 4; Paripe, Io; Passe, 8; Patatiba, 4; Paramirim, 3;
Pitinga, 5; Pituba, I; Rio de Contas, 3; Saubara, 3; Sergipe, I I; Rio Vermelho, 2;
ya S. Francisco, 3· These are based on the records of dowries in the Miseric6rdia
archives, vols. I 164, I I65 and I I73·
194 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

general jurisdiction of the municipal council of Bahia and were served by the
Misericordia of Bahia. 1 To the north of Bahia was Sergipe do Conde with
its own city council and Misericordia. Evidently this branch of the brother-
hood referred all petitions for dowries to the capital because there were
references to girls not only from Sergipe itself, but also from Cotinguiba,
nowadays a centre for the extraction of rock salt. Thus the charitable role of
the Misericordia was recognised not only beyond the villages of the Recon-
cavo, but in the backlands of the interior and in more distant Sergipe.z
There were many physical and bureaucratic hazards between the conces-
sion of a dowry and final payment being made to the girl on marriage. Of
the 833 dowries granted in the years 171o-2o, 571 were paid to girls on the
occasion of their getting married and 258 lapsed, either due to the failure on
the part of the girl to re-register annually or because the six years had expired.
The remaining four dowries were paid to girls who wished to go to Portugal
to become nuns. The payment of dowries to girls who wished to take the
veil ran counter to the whole object of this type of charity which was to
enable girls of humble state to contract worthy marriages. Nevertheless, the
phrase tomar estado ('to take state'), used by testators in drawing up their
wills, did have this duality of meaning. Dowries were paid to such girls
once the Misericordia had been assured of a guarantor for the amount of the
dowry and on condition that evidence be submitted to the brotherhood
within two years showing that the girl had carried out her intention and
had entered a convent in Portugal.
The manner in which the girls received their dowries led to certain abuses.
Although the statutes expressly forbade the transfer of dowries, this was
done with the full sanction of the Mesa. Frequently a girl in a village distant
from the capital would nominate an attorney to receive payment of her
dowry. These two factors meant that often the Misericordia officials were
unaware of which girl did have the dowry and whether she was married or
not. A brother was expelled for having exploited this situation and receiving
payment for a girl who had not married.J Another brother, Manuel de Sousa
1 The first branch of the Misericordia to be founded in the Reconcavo was at

Cachoeira in the eighteenth century, but its archive only dates from the nineteenth
2 The Misericordia of Sergipe had been founded in the late sixteenth century.

3 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 120.

Dowries 195
Salgado, showed how somebody of audacity and imagination could profit
from such doubt as to the true holder of a dowry. In 1726 a dowry of
10o$ooo had been granted to Maria de Valansuela. In 1732 a petition was
received by the Mesa, purporting to be from her, saying that she was ill and
incapable of marrying and asking the Misericordia to transfer the dowry
to her sister Francisca. The petition had been authenticated by a public
notary in the city and was accompanied by a document in which Maria
renounced all further right to the dowry. The Mesa authorised the transfer
of the dowry. In May of the following year the Mesa received a letter from
Maria saying that she was on the point of marrying and wished to claim her
dowry of 10o$ooo. She was in perfect health and had been living in the
house of her brother-in-law in Saboara for many years. During these years
she had never come to the city of Bahia and had never drawn up the docu-
ment renouncing all claims to her dowry. It emerged that Manuel de Sousa
Salgado was the culprit. In the hope of gaining a dowry for his own sister
F rancisca he had forged the petition asking for the transfer of the dowry.
Then one night he had gone to a public notary accompanied by two women,
his mother and his sister. His mother signed the document renouncing the
dowry and the notary public witnessed the forged signature. I
The majority of girls receiving dowries from the Misericordia married
within the six years stipulated by the statutes. Even this culminating act
brought the brotherhood into conflict with the ecclesiastical authorities.
The Compromisso ruled that all girls receiving dowries be married in the
church of the Misericordia. The chaplains of the Misericordia did not have
authority to conduct marriage ceremonies. Thus, the marriage service was
conducted by the priest of the girl's parish, in the church of the Misericordia.
The privileged position of the Misericordia had always been a point of
conflict with the clergy. The Mesa resented the intrusion of the parish
priests, considering that they were challenging the exemption of the
brotherhood from all ecclesiastical jurisdiction. No payment was made to
the parish priests for this service so there was no question of the chaplains
of the Misericordia losing their due. It was simply a matter of pride. In
the eighteenth century many appeals were made to Lisbon for the granting
of permission to the principal chaplain of the Misericordia so that he could
I Manuel de Sousa Salgado was expelled in 1733 but re-admitted in 1735 (ASCMB,

vol. 195, ff. 93v-96).

Fidalgos and Philanthropists

conduct the marriage ceremonies, but in vain. 1 Finally the brotherhood

acted against the terms of the Compromisso and permitted girls who had
received dowries to be married in their local parishes. 2 This was an extreme
case of the brotherhood defending its privileges. Although at least one
brother had resigned over this issue when the practice of girls marrying
outside the Miseric6rdia was still new, by the mid-eighteenth century it had
become accepted. 3
In addition to the social implications of the concession of dowries, there
was also the financial aspect. In 1682 the Miseric6rdia had appointed two
brothers, one 'major' and the other 'minor', to be responsible for all
legacies left to the Miseric6rdia for providing dowries from the interest on
capital. In 1700 the enormous legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar was
entrusted to their care and from this date all such legacies were referred to
generally as of the 'deposit of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar'. The legacy of
Joao de Mattos de Aguiar made the treasurers of these bequests more
important than the treasurer of the Miseric6rdia in terms of money at their
disposal. There was an essential difference between the two deposits. The
capital of the Miseric6rdia had been derived from general legacies: once the
conditions of a legacy had been fulfilled, the residue could be used for
the day-to-day expenses of the hospital, prison or turning wheel. All the
legacies of the 'deposit of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar' had been left to
the brotherhood for a specific purpose - the granting of dowries. For the
administration of legacies the Miseric6rdia received a fee depending on the
extent of the legacy, e.g. for the administration of the thirty-three dowries of
Joao de Mattos de Aguiar (excluding the five dowries financed from the
income derived from properties) the Miseric6rdia received the interest on
24,767$294 which amounted to 1,547$790 annually. 4
The administration of dowries was the first charitable service of the
Miseric6rdia to be affected by the disruption of the economic status quo of
Bahia. For their successful administration, dowries depended on a stable

1 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 178-8r and ff. 22o-22rv.

2 ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 155V-156v.
3 Joao Godinho da Maia had been expelled in 1705 for opposing this practice.
He was re-admitted in 1720 because of his 'grande utilidade' to the Miseric6rdia
(ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. J4V-J5)·
4 ASCMB, vol. 199, ff. IOV-I 1 and ff. 14V-16v.
Dowries 197
economy consisting of a steady cycle ofloan and repayment, with a guaranteed
annual income from interest. The whole financial system of Bahia was based
on the needs of the sugar plantation owners. These borrowed money from
the Misericordia in October and November to cover the costs of the cultiva-
tion, reaping and grinding of the sugar cane. Securities of property were
offered for the capital and guarantors were provided for the payment of
interest. All such loans were made on the understanding that, with the
arrival of the fleet and the sale of the crop, they would be repaid with all
interest due. This financial cycle was disrupted in the eighteenth century.
The Misericordia was often obliged to accept payment in sugar, for which
there was no ready market, rather than no payment at all. The Misericordia
was also the victim of a fall in land values in the early eighteenth century.
The securities demanded by the Misericordia on loans usually took the form
of plantations. Although the value of a plantation might have been con-
siderable when accepted as security, by the time that legal wrangles had been
overcome and the Misericordia could claim the property in lieu of payment,
the value would often have decreased. The administration of dowries was
severely affected by this situation.
The Misericordia was compelled to reduce the number of dowries granted
annually. In 1732 the brotherhood cancelled eleven of the dowries ofJoao de
Mattos de Aguiar financed from the interest on the residue of his fortune.
It also reduced from five to four the dowries granted on the income from
property. 1 In 1738 the Misericordia asked the Jesuits in Bahia to decide
whether the brotherhood could alter the terms of clauses made by a testator
so that the number of dowries could be further reduced. The ecclesiastical
and moral issue was the same as that which had governed the reduction in
the number of masses and the Misericordia was referred to the Roman Curia
or its representative in Bahia.2 In the same year the Misericordia tried to
woo new borrowers in the form of other brotherhoods and religious orders
by offering loans at an interest rate of 5 per cent instead of 6! per cent.J
This had little effect and the Mesa tried to restore financial stability by petty
economies. In 1739 the subsidy of 15$ooo paid by the Misericordia to
augment the dowry of 25$ooo given by Joanna Fernandes was stopped.
1 Decree of Mesa of 9 April 1732 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 170V-171v).
z ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 243v-245.
3 Decree of 12 June 1738 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 242v-243v).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The situation deteriorated. In 1739 the Miseric6rdia owed dowries to
some fifty girls who had married but to whom payment of their dowries had
not been made. Law suits and continual protests compelled the brotherhood
to take 1o,ooo cruzados from capital to make good its promises and preserve
its damaged reputation. 1 This could be no more than a temporary measure.
In 1751 the Miseric6rdia wrote to one of its debtors that his refusal to pay
was prejudicing an orphan girl to whom a dowry was due rather than the
brotherhood itself. The Mesa asked that payment of this debt be made
directly to the girl because the brotherhood had no money with which to pay
dowries.2 This was no mere pretence to wring a debt out of a stubborn man.
In the following year the Mesa exhorted its attorney in Sergipe to make a
supreme effort to collect all debts as the Miseric6rdia faced financial ruin.
The wages of employees were nine months overdue; the wet-nurses of the
foundlings had not been paid for eighteen months; large numbers of dowries
were unpaid.l This estimate of the Miseric6rdia's financial position was
accurate. When Simao Gomes Monteiro drew .up the balance sheet for the
Miseric6rdia for the years 1744-54 to satisfy a royal enquiry, it was revealed
that eighty-three dowries to the value of 13,26o$ooo were still unpaid to girls
who had married in the belief that their dowries would be paid. There were
a further 268 dowries which had been granted and which, if claimed by the
girls, would deplete the slender resources of the brotherhood by another
20,84o$ooo. 4
The final blow to the administration of dowries came in 1757. From the
time of the earliest records in the archives of the Miseric6rdia up to 1757, the
interest rate had been 6! per cent for private loans. All legacies of a per-
petual nature were based on this interest rate for the fulfilment of their terms,
be it for the saying of masses or the granting of dowries. By a decree of
17 January 1757, Dom Jose I ordered that the rate of interest be lowered to
5 per cent. The administration of masses was thrown into chaos; the
administration of dowries no less so. The Miseric6rdia tried to honour
the terms of the legacies but this became increasingly difficult. In 1763, the
Provedor Jer6nimo Sodre Pereira proposed to the Mesa that rather than
1 Decree of II October 1739 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 248-249v).
z ASCMB, vol. 53, f. 76v.
3 The Mesa wrote, 'q' na verdade achamos esta Sta. Caza em hua total decadencia'
(ASCMB, vol. 53, f. 97r). 4 ASCMB, vol. 21o, ff. 6ov-62v.
Dowries 1 99
attempt to fulfil the last wishes of a testator by granting the full number of
dowries stipulated in the will, and which the Miseric6rdia was unable to pay,
it would be infinitely better to give no dowries at all. After all, as he
pointed out to a reluctant Mesa, why pay forty or fifty dowries if a further
eighty or ninety remained unpaid? Only thus would much suffering and
financial distress be spared those girls who had married trusting in the pay-
ment of a dowry which was never made.
The Miseric6rdia was in a cleft stick. No longer could loss of capital and
interest be hidden by raids on the coffers of the brotherhood in order to
satisfy the pride of successive Mesas who continued distributing dowries
generously. There were two courses of action: a reduction in the number
of dowries or a reduction in the value of the dowries, e.g. those at wo$ooo
could be reduced to 8o$ooo. In both cases the charge would be levelled
that the brotherhood had failed to comply with the wishes of the testators.
The solution proposed by Jer6nimo Sodre Pereira was ingenious. It saved
the Miseric6rdia from all such accusations. If properly executed it might
even have turned deficit into credit. He suggested that all dowries which
lapsed, because of failure to register on the part of the girl or for other
reasons, should not be re-allocated. In this manner the Miseric6rdia could
recuperate its past losses and, when this had been done, resume the full
allocation of dowries. I
The administration of dowries by the Miseric6rdia exemplifies all that was
good and all that was bad in the brotherhood. Dowries were given to
coloured girls as well as white girls, to girls of the city and to girls of the
surrounding region. By so doing, the Miseric6rdia offered a social service
without parallel in Bahia of the eighteenth century. Many girls who would
otherwise not have married,orwould have been degraded, were able to marry
honourably. By this action the Miseric6rdia was to a small degree respon-
sible for reducing the domestic instability, illegitimacy and prostitution for
which Bahia was notorious. Unfortunately its powers of administration did
not equal its idealism. Loans were placed on poor securities and lost. Legal
disputes made others impossible to collect. Small sums were lost through
the dishonesty of brothers or employees. The Miseric6rdia was affected by
external factors: disruption of the economy; the decrease in the value of

I Decree of 7 June 1763 (ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 165--']I).

200 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
properties; lack of co-operation from the judiciary in law suits brought
against debtors. It was pride which prompted the Mesas to continue
granting dowries for as long as they did, without consideration for hard
financial realities. Although it is easy to condemn the administrative
deficiencies of the brotherhood, the important role played by the Miseri-
c6rdia in the distribution of dowries can only command respect.

BuRIAL is always a problem in a tropical climate. Deterioration is rapid

and the risk of infection is high. Any visitor to modern Bahia who has seen
the bizarre spectacle of a cortege trotting through the streets, in the late
afternoon, coffin bouncing on the carriers' shoulders, is aware of this
problem. Nowadays a law decrees that burial must take place on the same
day as death, before the cemetery closes at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. In
colonial Brazil there were no such laws. Burials were unhygienic and
superficial. In 1832 a commission on public health in Rio reported that on
premature exhumation 'the bones would come out with the ligaments and
membranes still clinging to them, and the soft and rotting tissues would
adhere like mire to the mattocks'. 1
Conditions in colonial Bahia were equally appalling. The monopoly on
all burials in colonial Bahia was held by the Misericordia. This monopoly
frequently brought the Misericordia into conflict with other brotherhoods
and the ecclesiastical authorities. The statutes of the Misericordia stipulated
that each brother should be accompanied to his grave by a ceremonial
cortege of the brotherhood. In addition to this statutory obligation, the
Misericordia operated a variety of funeral services, both for payment and
charitably. In this service the Misericordia was continuing a tradition of
co-operative burial present among the brotherhoods of western Europe
since the early Roman Empire. The legacy of this tradition had been
preserved in the statutes of the mediaeval brotherhoods and in the Com-
promisso of the Misericordia of Lisbon.
In ancient Rome the funerary ceremonies had varied according to the rank
and wealth of the dead person. The scion of a noble family, a successful
1 Gilberte Freyre, The Masters and the Slaves. A Study in the Development of

Brar.ilian Civilisation (English ed., New York, 1946), p. 441, n. 92.

2.02. Fidalgos and Philanthropists
general, or a rich business man could have expected to be buried with all due
pomp and circumstance. The middle and lower classes could not have
expected similar posthumous recognition. Unless they had made provision
for burial during their lives, their bodies had been buried in the 'potter's
field', a cemetery reserved for slaves and poor people. To provide against
this eventuality the middle and lower classes had formed co-operative funeral
associations known as collegia funeraticia. These associations had flourished
in the early Roman Empire, assuring their members a decent burial in the
columbarium of the brotherhood on payment of an annual subscription
during their lives. The early Christians in Rome had formed such a co-
operative society, burying their dead in the catacombs.
This tradition of co-operative burial had continued in western Europe.
The mediaeval brotherhoods of France, Germany and Italy had included a
clause in their statutes concerning the burial of brothers and their families.
These brotherhoods had demanded annual dues of their members. Failure
to pay had often resulted in the loss of privileges. The poorer members of
the community had not even been able to afford the cost of membership of
such associations. It had been these lower classes whose precarious financial
position and squalid living conditions had rendered them most susceptible
to sudden misfortune such as plague and famine. Thus there had been a
pressing need for associations willing to undertake the burial of the poor
without payment. One of the first of such associations had been the
Misericordia of Florence, to which reference has already been made (pp. 3-4),
founded with the express object of burying those who had died suddenly on
the streets. In Portugal the brotherhoods of the thirteenth and fourteenth
centuries had provided for the burial of their members and their families.
Few had contained a clause in their statutes providing for charitable burials.
In this aspect, as in so many others, the Misericordia had represented a
considerable advance on its predecessors. The Compromisso of 1516 had
included detailed instructions for the ceremonial at the funerals of brothers.
Provision had also been made for the saying of masses for the soul of a dead
brother. The Compromisso had also stipulated that a litter should be main-
tained for the funerals of the poor. 1
The brotherhoods of the Portuguese colonial empire followed the statutes
of the parent bodies in Lisbon. The brotherhoods of colonial Bahia had
1 Compromisso of Lisbon of 15 16, chapters 3 and 14-
Burials 203

preserved the traditional clause as to the burial of members. Even the

coloured brotherhoods had followed the example of their white counterparts
and had included this clause in their statutes. The statutes of two brother-
hoods well illustrate the similarity of the clauses dealing with burials. The
first was a white brotherhood, many of whose members would have been
conscious of the European tradition of co-operative burials. The second
was a coloured brotherhood whose members had drawn up statutes closely
modelled on those of the white brotherhoods.
The white Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception had
been founded in 1645 in the parish of that name on the narrow strip of shore
between the cliff and the sea. It had been founded primarily for the propaga-
tion of the doctrine and ceremonial of Catholicism and exerted little influence
in the field of social philanthropy. Its juqes, or presidents of the board of
guardians, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries included several
prominent Bahians such as the Governor of Angola, Francisco de Tavora,
the landowner Ant6nio Guedes de Brito, Francisco Dias d' Avila of the House
of Torre and the Secretary of State, Jose Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque. 1
The coloured brotherhood was that of St Anthony of Catagerona. This
had been founded in 1699 by a group of free and captive Angolans
and creoles. Despite the disparity of social standing between the two
brotherhoods and of the financial resources available to their members,
the similarity of the clause on burials in the respective Compromissos is
The statutes of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Immaculate Concep-
tion ordered that the whole brotherhood should attend the funeral of a
brother, his wife, and his children if they were over ten years of age and still
under parental jurisdiction. Should a brother be too impoverished to
provide for his shroud and grave, the brotherhood undertook to meet these
expenses. At the funeral the priest of the brotherhood was to say ten masses
for the soul of the dead man, and each brother was constrained to say fifteen
Hail Marys and fifteen Our Fathers. Once a year the brotherhood attended
a solemn mass for the souls of former members. These privileges, both
physical and spiritual, were dependent on regular payment of the annual
subscription of one tostiio: failure to pay for three successive years meant the
I Mem6rias e mais papeis pertencentes as lrmandades do ssmo Sacramento e de
N. sm da Concei;iio da Praia (BNRJ, II-33, 26, 13, doc. 35)·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
loss of rights of membership. 1 The statutes of the Negro brotherhood
contained similar clauses and conditions. Attendance at the funeral of a
brother was obligatory and each member was to say a chaplet (a third of the
rosary) for the intention of the deceased. The brotherhood commissioned a
priest to say eight masses for his soul, and once a year the brotherhood
congregated for a solemn mass for all brothers. As had been the case of the
white brotherhood these benefits were conditional and failure to pay the dues
for two years meant the withdrawal of all privileges. 2 The only difference
between the clauses on the burial of brothers was in the ceremonial. The
white brotherhood could afford a more ornate cortege and the saying of
more masses. In this respect even the Brotherhood of the Immaculate
Conception, a parochial brotherhood, could not compare with the urban
brotherhoods such as the Miseric6rdia and the Third Orders. These brother-
hoods placed great importance on the ceremonial perfection of the corteges
of their brothers as indicative of the prestige and financial standing of the
brotherhood. The Miseric6rdia of Bahia even went so far as to appoint a
priest specifically to ensure that there should be no fault in the ceremonial of
the public functions of the brotherhood.
As soon as news was received of the death of a brother, the Provedor was
informed. He convoked the Mesa to make all arrangements for the funeral.
An employee of the brotherhood was dispatched to summmon all the
members by the ringing of a handbell through the streets. All the brothers
were obliged by statute to attend the funeral, wearing their cloaks. Once the
brotherhood had assembled at the Miseric6rdia, the cortege went to the
house of the dead brother and his body was placed on the bier, which was
then carried to the place of burial stipulated in the will of the dead man. The
order of ceremony was laid down in detail in the Compromisso. The cortege
was headed by an employee, known as the homem de a1.ul because of his blue
cloak, ringing a handbell. He was followed by the brother elected monthly
to supervise the funerals, and known as the irmiio da vara, or 'brother of the

1 Compromisso da lrmandade da immaculada e sacratissima Virgem Nossa

Senhora da Concei;iio instituida e confirmada em a praia desta Bahia. Anno

MDCXLV (ANRJ, C6dice 824, vol. x). A tosti'io was worth xoo rs.
z The statutes of this brotherhood are described by Manoel S. Cardozo, 'The
lay brotherhoods of colonial Bahia', in The Catholic Historical Review, vol. 33,
no. x (April 1947), pp. x:z.-Jo.
staff'. He, in turn, was followed by a 'noble' brother bearing the banner of
the brotherhood and flanked by two brothers, one of each class, carrying
large ceremonial candles. Then came the brothers of the Miseric6rdia and
the Provedor with his staff of office. Six members of the board of guardians
carried the bier, and the remaining four bore torches on either side of it.
The composition of the rest of the cortege depended on the importance of
the dead man. The more eminent he had been in the social life of Bahia, the
more brotherhoods, religious orders, priests and poor people there would be
in the cortege. At the rear came another employee of the Miseric6rdia asking
for alms for the charitable works of the brotherhood. Prayers were said
over the grave and each brother had the personal obligation of saying four-
teen Hail Marys and fourteen Our Fathers for the soul of the dead man. On
the following day an office of nine lessons was said in the church of the
Miseric6rdia. Once a year there was a mass attended by the brotherhood
for the souls of all dead brothers and their families. These privileges were
extended to the wives of brothers on condition that they should not be
married again to somebody who was not a brother. They also applied to
children of brothers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five. 1
The clauses of the Compromisso of 1618 for the burial of brothers were
respected by the Miseric6rdia of Bahia. The conditions regarding the wives
of brothers were strictly enforced. The Miseric6rdia of Bahia ruled that a
brother, before marrying, should inform the Mesa of his intention and an
enquiry as to the 'purity of blood' of the prospective bride was held.
Failure to inform the Mesa before marriage meant that the wife forfeited the
privileges of a ceremonial funeral by the brotherhood. 2 In such cases there
was always the suspicion among those not in the brotherhood that the
refusal to grant this favour was founded on the grounds of her being a New
Christian. In some cases this was true, but the Mesas were firm in their
I Compromisso of Lisbon of 1618, chapter 35·
2 A rare instance of this clause being invoked was in September I75I· The
Mesa refused to permit lieutenant Francisco Nunes Ferreira to use the bier reserved
for funerals of brothers and their families for the funeral of his second wife,
Hilaria Francisca Soares. The Mesa also refused the ceremonial cortege attended
by the brotherhood, as was usual in such cases. The scribe insisted that the only
reason for this refusal was that Francisco Nunes Ferreira had not informed the
Mesa before marrying a second time, and that there was no question of any 'defect'
on his part or that of his wife (ASCMB, vol. up, f. 355).
.206 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

refusal to permit anyone of' infected blood' to enjoy the privileges of burial
by the brotherhood. This anti-semitic prejudice often went to extremes. In
1679 Ant6nio de Brito de Sousa had been refused admittance to the brother-
hood, although he was a Knight of the Order of Santiago. He was a
widower and his wife had been a New Christian, but it was not this fact
which had influenced the Mesa. His application had been rejected because,
if he had been admitted, the children of this marriage could have demanded
to be carried to their graves on the bier of the brotherhood, as was their right.
The Mesa refused to countenance such a possibility. 1
The only modification by the Miseric6rdia of Bahia of the clauses of the
Compromisso concerned the saying of masses for a dead brother. The
brotherhood was obliged by statute to say an office of nine lessons for a dead
brother. This had not been observed in Bahia because of the precarious
nature of the brotherhood's finances. In 1704 an improvement in the
financial situation led the Provedor Pedro Barbosa Leal to propose that an
office be said in addition to the ten masses which had been celebrated for the
soul of a dead brother before this date. 2 These masses had been said by the
priests of the brotherhood who received .200 rs. for each mass. In 1723 no
priest could be found to say a mass for this small sum and the rate was in-
creased to 320 rs. 3 In the 1750s the office and masses for each brother cost
the Misericordia u$6oo and over a year this amounted to some 35o$ooo,
excluding the cost of candles lit in the church. Although this only repre-
sented about 2 per cent of the annual expenditure, the Mesa of 1759 ordered
that fifteen masses should be said instead of the office, thus making a total of
twenty-five. 4 This spirit of petty economy, already apparent in the admini-
stration of dowries, did not enhance the reputation of the Misericordia.
The Mesa of 1760 revoked the decision of its predecessor as unworthy of so
illustrious a brotherhood.s During the next decade successive Mesas were
swayed by financial necessity and the preservation of prestige. Mammon

1 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 19.

2 Minute of 15 June 1704 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 74).
3 Minute of 21 February 1723 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 131).
4 The Mesa had consulted the Jesuits in'Bahia on the theological implications of
this change before reaching a decision on 2 September 1759 (ASCMB, vol. 15,
ff. II5-II6v).
s Minute of 23 October 1760 (ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. I25V-I26v).
Compromisso of z5z6 of the Miseric6rdia of Lishon
-{ '1-
~ -~
...:; t:!
:::::: l:q
~ <.,....
(~ ;:..
c~ ~
An ex-voto of the
eie;hteenth centurjf
in the church of
Mont' Serrat, Bahia
Joiio de Mattos de Aguiar, a painting in the Misericordia of Bahia
Francisco Fernandes do Sim, also in the Miseric6rdia of Bahia
The Misericordia of Bahia taking part in the Maundy Thursday procession.
Tiles in the church of the brother/wad in Bahia

The 'procession of the bones'

The funeral cortege of a brother of the Misericordia

Punishment of a Negro at Feira de Santana

A foundling wheel, in the
convent of Sta Clara do
Desterro, Bahia

The Santa Casa da Misericordia

of Bahia in 19S8
Burials 207
finally won the day and the Mesa of 1768 decreed that a total of twenty-five
masses be said at 240 rs. each. This decree was referred to the viceroy,
the second Marquis of Lavradio, for approval and sent to the king for royal
ratification. I
This apparently trifling question of the number of masses is highly signi-
ficant as illustrating the struggle experienced by boards of guardians. On
the one hand they were faced with decreased revenue. On the other they
were the guardians of the prestige of a brotherhood whose name had become
synonymous with high social standing, purity of blood and financial wealth.
It was this consciousness of the reputation of the Misericordia which led
Mesas to deal severely with those who brought the name of the brotherhood
into ill repute on public occasions. Funerals provided an excellent oppor-
tunity for the brotherhood to 'show off': the saying of masses with due
pomp and lavish ceremonial corteges were inducements to potential members.
Frequently the brothers and the paid priests of the brotherhood forgot the
illustrious past of the Misericordia and were negligent in obeying the clauses
as to attendance at funerals and the saying of masses.
The brothers often sought to evade their obligations. The monthly duty
as 'brother of the staff' was unpopular and many brothers were expelled
because of their refusal to hold this post. 2 Others refused to carry the bier.
Not only did such refusals constitute a personal affront to the brother on
duty, but publicly discredited the Misericordia. All brothers were required
to be part of the official cortege. Many refused and joined the crowd of
miscellaneous followers where their presence was all the more apparent
because of their long cloaks. In 1737, so common had this practice become
that the Mesa decreed that in future any brother attending a funeral and not
taking part in the official cortege would be expelled. In the I7JOS some
brothers even went so far as to boycott the funerals entirely.l
The chaplains employed by the Misericordia did little to enhance the
standing of the brotherhood. Relations between the Mesa and the priests of
the choir were always acrimonious. The main reason for this situation was
the exemption of all clerics from civil jurisdiction. Confident in this
immunity, they made outrageous demands as to terms of employment.
I ASCMB, vol. 85, ff. 135-7.
2 ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. 46, 98-1oo, III, II5V-II6v, 117.
3 ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 103 and vol. 14, f. 239·
208 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Although one Mesa in a fit of pique might dismiss the entire choir, the next
was compelled to reinstate the priests if masses were to be said and brothers
buried. Masses and funerals provided the main bones of contention. In
1671 all but one of the chaplains had been dismissed, after they had refused
outright to say masses. 1 An important factor in the decision of 1760 to
revert to saying an office for each brother was the complaint of the clergy
that they had lost alms because of the reduction.z Funerals were the other
source of disagreement. Each priest served spells of duty of two weeks
accompanying the biers and attending the funerals of those people buried by
the Miseric6rdia. The priests were negligent in their duty, claiming payment
for funerals at which they had not officiated, or sending another priest not of
the Miseric6rdia in their place.3 One even sent his nephew who had not
taken the tonsure! Such actions brought the name of the Miseric6rdia into
ill repute. Testators ordered that the masses for their souls should be said
in churches other than the Miseric6rdia and did not give alms as generously
to the brotherhood for accompanying their funerals.
Prestige was of supreme importance to the brotherhoods of Bahia. The
most influential brotherhoods of colonial Bahia in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries were the Miseric6rdia and the Third Orders. Brothers
of the Miseric6rdia were often tertiaries. Membership of the one was a pass-
port to the others and to a position on the city council. Relations between
the Miseric6rdia and the Third Orders were good. The Third Orders did
not attempt to rival the Miseric6rdia in the field of social philanthropy, and
the Miseric6rdia respected their privileges. The only point of disagreement
was over the funerals of those brothers of the Miseric6rdia who were also
tertiaries of St Francis. The issue resulted in discord and even physical
violence between the brothers of the Miseric6rdia and the tertiaries. This
dispute affords the only instance of the Miseric6rdia coming into direct
conflict with another white brotherhood of equal social standing and also
I ASCMB, vol. I95, f. I4.
z ASCMB, vol. I 5, ff. I25v-126v. A choir of a president and six chaplains had
been formally established in I672. By 1683 this had grown to a president, a
sacristan, twelve chaplains and three choir boys. In I683 the number was fixed
at one president, eight chaplains and two choir boys (ASCMB, vol. I4, ff. I I-I2.v).
In I7I7 the entire choir was dismissed because of its refusal to say masses for the
intention of brothers (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. IJ).
3 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. I4JV-I44·
illustrates the susceptibility of the brotherhoods to any infringements of their
The Miseric6rdia and the Third Order of St Francis were required by
statute to bury their members. It had been customary for the brothers of the
Miseric6rdia to carry the body of the dead man on their bier to the chapel
of the Third Order. Here a friar of the Franciscan Order had officiated at
the burial. In 1654 this arrangement had ceased. Both brotherhoods had
suddenly adopted an attitude of unusually stubborn adherence to their
statutes. The Miseric6rdia had stated that only the brothers of the Miseri-
c6rdia should carry the body of a fellow, even if he were also a tertiary. The
Third Order had countered that their members had a similar statutory
obligation to be present at the funeral of any tertiary and a Franciscan friar
should officiate at the graveside. The common object of both brother-
hoods -to honour the dead man by burial with all due reverence- was
It is not clear who did instigate the dispute. There are no records in the
archives of the Third Order to clarify the position of the tertiaries. The
decrees taken by successive Mesas of the Miseric6rdia provide the only
source of information. Ostensibly the dispute had been started by the friars
of the Franciscan Order. They had incited the tertiaries to demonstrate
publicly against the Misericordia. 1 The alacrity with which the Third Order
had leapt to the defence of the friars cast doubts on the true nature of its
role. The Third Order, founded less than twenty years before, had already
become a powerful brotherhood. It drew its members from the same social
classes as did the Misericordia, but did not enjoy the privileges of that
brotherhood. It was inevitable that at some stage it should tilt against the
Miseric6rdia. If this was the case, the Third Order was prudent in its choice
of instruments. The friars were not employees of the Third Order and the
board of guardians could dissociate itself from their opinions and actions if

r A minute of 26 June 1654 recorded: 'pelo dito ProvOr foi proposto q' a todos os
Irmaos era patente a novide com q' os Rev08 pes de S. Franco desta cidade faziao
for<_;a e violencia a esta Santa lrmande nos enterramentos dos lrmaos q' se mandao
enterrar no seu mosteiro, querendo e mandando q' os lrmaos terceiros tirem
da tumba da Irmandee e levem a sepultura o corpo do defunto, q' em sua
vida tendo sido lrmao da Miza o foi tambem terceiro .. .' (ASCMB, vol. 13,
ff. 5D-5 IV).
210 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
necessary. The friars were also exempt from civil jurisdiction, should the
Miseric6rdia wish to seek legal redress.
Whatever the role of the Third Order initially, its members had become
actively involved in the dispute. Several brothers of the Miseric6rdia, who
were also tertiaries, had openly supported the cause of the Third Order.
They had been expelled from the Miseric6rdia. I The Franciscan friars
had over-reached themselves in 1654. On 26 June the Miseric6rdia was
accompanying the funeral of the son of a brother who was not a tertiary.
The friars had attacked the bier of the Miseric6rdia, opened the grille, seized
the corpse, and had carried it away for burial in the cloister of their monastery.
Protests by the Miseric6rdia had been frustrated by the immunity of the
friars. Incensed, the Mesa had decreed that in future the privilege of a
ceremonial funeral, accompanied by the brotherhood of the Miseric6rdia, be
withdrawn from all those brothers who were also tertiaries of St Francis.
No longer would such brothers be carried to their graves on the bier of the
Miseric6rdia reserved for brothers and their families, but on the bier used
for charitable burials of the poor. 2
These were strong measures indeed. The loss of the impressive cortege
and the stigma of being carried on the bier usually used for people who had
died in the hospital or for those who could not afford the alms of the more
expensive bier, did not go unremarked by the Third Order. The friars were
induced to come to terms with the Miseric6rdia in an attempt to save the
honour of the Third Order. Agreement was reached at a meeting between
the Mesa of the Miseric6rdia and the Franciscans, represented by the
Provincial of the Order and the Prelate of the monastery in Bahia. It had
been decided that, pending a decision from Lisbon deciding the issue, two
brothers of the Miseric6rdia and two Franciscan friars should carry the body
from the bier to the grave.
This agreement had been short-lived. In 1655 the Miseric6rdia had
suffered the humiliation of the funeral cortege of a brother being brought to a
halt at the door of the chapel of the Third Order. The way had been barred
by the lawyer, Domingos Ferraz de Sousa, brandishing pistols and other
I On 31 May 1654 three brothers of the Miseric6rdia had been expelled for

openly supporting the claims of the tertiaries at the funeral of the wife of a brother
of the Miseric6rdia, who was a tertiary (ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. 8v--9v).
2 Minute of 2.6 June 1654 (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 5o-5 Iv).
Burials 211

small arms. Chastened, the Miseric6rdia had preserved some semblance of

dignity by simply retiring and had buried the body in the cathedral. I By
the fleet of this year the Miseric6rdia had received a royal decree upholding
its complaint of interference by the friars and tertiaries of St Francis. The
king had ordered that the privileges of the Miseric6rdia in the matter of
burials be respected. 2 This had not been the end of the matter. Nor was the
pious hope of a document entitled 'Proposal much in the service of God Our
Lord', that Christian unity should triumph, fulfilled. This unsigned and
undated document is in the archives of the Desterro convent in Bahia. After
giving both sides of the dispute over burials, it draws a biblical parallel
reminiscent of the sermons of the great Jesuit preacher Ant6nio Vieira. The
burial of Christ was compared to the burial of a tertiary who was also a
brother of the Miseric6rdia. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, 'true
brothers of the most noble Brotherhood of Holy Mercy', had carried the
body of Christ to the tomb, but had allowed Mary Magdalene to anoint the
body. This had simply been an act of respect and veneration. In the same
way, the action of the Franciscan friars in receiving the body of a brother or
tertiary at the graveside, did not detract from the action of the Misericordia
in accompanying the bier. The document ended with an exhortation to Our
Lady of Mercy to lead the erring brothers and tertiaries back to the paths of
Royal decrees and pious exhortations were ineffective. What had started
as a dispute over the role of the Franciscan friars at the burial services,
developed into a conflict between the Third Order and the Miseric6rdia.
The Miseric6rdia stood firm by its decision and refused to allow the friars to
participate in the burial service. This action was supported by an affidavit
of 1698, signed by the Count of Assumar as scribe of the Miseric6rdia of
Lisbon, confirming that such was the practice in the metropolis. 4 The only
I This incident was on 24 June 1655 (ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 10).
2 'Alvar.i pa q' os terceiros de S. Freo nao se entrometao com a Irmande da
Mizeric6rdia em tirar os defuntos da tumba', dated 19 December 1654 (ASCMB,
vol. 207, f. 19).
3 ACDB, Caixa I, pasta 43·
4 Affidavit of 15 February 1698 (ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 124). This had been
requested because of an incident in 1696 involving the friars, tertiaries and the
brothers of the Misericordia. A minute of the Mesa of 17 November 1696 recorded
the decision of the Mesa to adhere to the resolution of 1654 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 47).
212 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
concession made by the Miseric6rdia was to lend to the Third Order the
cloth used to drape the bier of the brotherhood. 1 The Third Order even
appealed to the Bahian judiciary but dropped the case. 2 In the eighteenth
century the cause of the dispute was forgotten and the two brotherhoods
bickered over trivial issues. During the viceroyalty of the Count of Galveas
(1735-49) the Third Order appealed to the king, alleging that the Miseri-
cordia refused burial in the chapel of the Third Order to any brother who
died intestate. Moreover, the tertiaries complained that the Misericordia de-
manded fees for the use of the bier, and refused to allow the tertiaries to carry
it. All these charges were refuted by the Misericordia, but relations remained
strained between the two brotherhoods throughout the colonical period.3
The dispute between the Misericordia and the Third Order of St Francis
had its roots in the privileged position of the Misericordia. The Third Order
could not hope to gain all the privileges conceded to the Misericordia by
successive monarchs. Nor indeed did it need those privileges facilitating the
practice of social philanthropy. The one privilege coveted by the Third
Order concerned funerals. This was the privilege conceding to the Miseri-
cordia the sole right to possess biers for the funerals of its brothers and other
people. This privilege had been granted to the Misericordia on 30 June 1593
by the Cardinal Archduke Albert of Austria as governor of Portugal under
Philip II of Spain. The success of the Misericordia of Lisbon during its first
century of activity had encouraged many imitators. These had copied the
ceremonial of the Misericordia, undertaken burials for payment, and even
adopted the name of 'Misericordia'. The Misericordia itself had suffered
from these spurious imitators and had lost the income derived from burials.
Recognising the importance of the charitable acts of the Misericordia, the
cardinal archduke had ruled that no other brotherhood of the city of Lisbon
should imitate the ceremonial followed by the Misericordia, nor should it
practise those charitable works already undertaken by the Misericordia, nor
I Minute of 14 July !699 (ASCMB, vol. I4, f. sov).
2 In an undated letter of October or November r 702 the Mesa of the Miseric6rdia
thanked the Third Order for not pursuing the dispute over burials and renouncing
its appeal to the Casa da Suplica;iio in Lisbon (ASCMB, vol. p, f. 6v).
3 In September 1742 Dom Joao V asked the Chancellor of the High Court in
Bahia to investigate the allegations of the Third Order (ASCMB, vol. p, ff.
2I4V-219). Disputes over payment continued up to 1765 (ASCMB, vol. 85,
ff. 97V-98v).
Burials 213
should it possess a bier for the funerals of its own members or for hire. A
penalty of excommunication and a fine of x,ooo crll{ados had been levied for
infringement of this privilege. When the privileges of the Misericordia of
Lisbon had been extended to Bahia, the Misericordia had enjoyed the same
monopoly. The Provedor had ordered the publication of this privilege
throughout the city of Bahia in 1627. 1
The Third Order resented this monopoly exercised by the Misericordia.
The financial benefits were small, the social prestige enormous. At the death
of a tertiary, the Third Order had to request permission of the Misericordia
for the use of its bier. All petitions by the Third Order to the Crown for a
similar privilege were referred to the viceroy. The viceroy consulted the
Mesa of the Misericordia and the petitions were rejected. The Third Order
was fully conscious of the opportunity provided by funerals for a display of
the wealth of the brotherhood. In the 1740s it sought to evade the jurisdic-
tion of the prelate and erect a bell tower: the construction was halted by Dom
Joao V in 1743 pending an enquiry. Defending its actions the Third Order
gave as one of its reasons the need for a bell to celebrate the burials of
tertiaries with due solemnity. It cited other brotherhoods with bell towers.
As final justification it referred to the coloured Brotherhood of Our Lady of
the Rosary:
Even the Brotherhood of the niggers of Our Lady of the Rosary
built their own church near to the cathedral of this city. This church
has bells and towers on either side. Perchance it is the intent of Your
Majesty that the tertiaries should be buried with less solemnity than the
blacks of the Rosary.z
This fine display of racial scorn for the 'niggers' of the Brotherhood of the
Rosary did not crush opposition and the construction was halted permanently.
If the tertiaries begrudged a coloured brotherhood a bell tower, how much
more painful to the white elite of the Third Order must have been the fact
that these same 'niggers'had been granted permission by the Misericordia to
1 The only exceptions to this ruling in Lisbon had been the national brotherhoods

of Our Lady of Loreto of the Italians and St Bartholomew of the Germans (BNRJ,
11-33, 24, 45, doc. 24).
z 'E ate a Irmandade dos pretinhos deN. $1'& do Rozario, que sahindose da Se
desta cidade, fizeriio sua Igreja separada, tern nelle sinos, e torres aos !ados. Por
ventura pode ser vontade de VMagde que os Terceyros sejiio sepultados com menos
solemnidade que OS pretos do Rozario' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 41, doc. 9C).
214 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

use a bier for the funerals of their brothers. Nor was the Rosary alone in this
privilege. Three other coloured brotherhoods and two white brotherhoods
also enjoyed this concession from the Misericordia. The conditions govern-
ing the granting of this permission throw light on the relations between the
Misericordia and the lesser brotherhoods of colonial Bahia. They also
present another aspect of the attitude of the Misericordia towards the racial
question, and the increasing role played by the coloured brotherhoods in
eighteenth-century Bahia.
The white brotherhoods of colonial Bahia who used biers for the funerals
of their members were the clerical Brotherhood of St Peter and the Brother-
hood of the Holy Cross of the paid soldiers of the two regiments of the
garrison. The circumstances in which these two brotherhoods gained this
privilege differed. It has already been seen that the relations between the
Misericordia and its paid priests were bad. This acrimony may well have
been born of an infringement of the privileges of the Misericordia in 1656.
In this year the clerics had decided to inaugurate a bier for the funerals of
their brothers. The Misericordia had not been consulted. All protests by
the Mesa had been ignored. The clerics had simply proceeded to carry two
of their dead brothers to the place of burial on their own bier. The fact that
one of these was a brother of the Misericordia had added salt to the Miseri-
cordia's wounds. The only action open to the Misericordia had been the
expulsion of all clerics who were members of the Misericordia. 1 Later
boards of guardians had relented and accepted clerical members, but up to the
mid-168os this had been only on condition that they renounced membership
of the Brotherhood of StPeter. In the eighteenth century this condition was
omitted from the terms of entry and several clerics were accompanied by the
Misericordia to their graves but carried on the bier of their own brotherhood. 2
1 Minute of 22 October 16;6: 'Detriminou o d0 Prov0 r com os Irmaos Concel-

heiros da Meza q' se riscassem todos e quais quer clerigos q' fossem Irmaos desta
S. Irmande e q' se puzesse verba em seus assentos pa nao averem de ser mais
Irmaos; e a razao esta p q' o clero desta cide de seu poder absoluto levatara hum
esquiffe em q' querem enterrar todos os clerigos, como com effeito enterrarao dous
clerigos, e hum deiles Irmao desta S. Caza, sem terem poder pa isto, nem privilegio,
nem hula, e somte se atreverao nisto fiados em serem clerigos, e q' nao sao da
jurisdic;ao secular' ... (ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. xov-11).
2 'com declarac_rao que nao sera Irmao da Irmandade de S. Pedro dos Clerigos

da Santa Se desta cidade, porque sendo sera logo expulso da Santa Misericor-

Whereas the clergy of Bahia had openly flaunted the authority of the
Miseric6rdia, confident in their immunity from legal redress, the soldiers had
adopted a more conventional approach and petitioned the Misericordia for
the right to use a bier for the funerals of the members of their brotherhood.
I have been unable to establish the exact date of the granting of this privilege.
It had become normal practice by 1675, because in this year one Salvador
Rodrigues, a carpenter by trade and a soldier in the regiment of the Master
of the Field Joao Furtado de Mendon~a, had made a will making the Miseri-
cordia his legal executor and heir, and ordering that his body should be
carried to the place of burial on the bier of the brotherhood of the soldiers. I
The conditions surrounding the concession of this privilege led to mis-
understandings between the soldiers and the Misericordia. In 1722 Dom
Joao V asked the Count of Sabugosa to enquire into the complaint by the
soldiers that the Misericordia was infringing their privileges in this respect.
The soldiers alleged that they had always carried their fellows and their
families on their own bier. The Proved or of the Misericordia now refused
to permit this for their families and claimed payment for the use of the bier
of the Misericordia for the funerals of all dependents. The soldiers alleged
that they could not afford the fee of 4$480 for this service. The Misericordia
defended itself against these charges. It showed that the privilege had been
granted for the funerals of soldiers only, and not of their families. Allega-
tions of poverty were unfounded because in such cases the Misericordia
buried people without payment.z In the eighteenth century the Misericordia
was to regret having authorised the use of this bier by the soldiers. At a
time when the costs of the hospital were rising, the income from biers offset

dia'. This was included in all registers admitting clerics from 1675-9 (ASCMB,
vol. 2, ff. 106v, 1r6, 138v, 142v) but omitted in similar elections in 1685 (ASCMB,
vol. 2, ff. 248v-249, 254, 255 and 262). There had been a similar clash between
the Miseric6rdia and clergy in Goa in r6oo, but it appears an amicable settlement
was reached (J. F. Ferreira Martins, Historia da Misericordia de Goa, vol. r, pp. 475-
476 and vol. 2, p. 21). I ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. IJOV-1J2.
z APB, Ordens regias, vol. r6, docs. 19, 19a and 19b. In a letter of I) June 1723,
Dom Joao V asked the Governor of Rio de Janeiro to enquire into a petition by
the soldiers' Brotherhood of the Holy Cross and the sailors' Brotherhood of St
Peter asking royal permission for them to possess their own bier. They alleged the
Misericordia levied exorbitant fees for the hire of its bier (ANRJ, C6dice gS2, vol.
22 ( rst part) f. p).
H 2
216 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the expenditure to some degree. The soldiers received treatment at cheap
rates and they did not contribute to the income derived from biers. 1 Possibly
the soldiers scored the final point. In 1760 the first Marquis of Lavradio died
in Bahia after serving as viceroy for a mere six months. He was a brother of
the Miseric6rdia and had been Provedor of the branches in Elvas and later in
Luanda. The Miseric6rdia of Bahia decided to honour him with masses and
the ceremonial cortege accorded to a brother. The soldiers refused to allow
any participation of the Miseric6rdia and the body was buried in the ossuary
of the Third Order of St Francis.2 Possibly this was a case of the tertiaries
and the soldiers 'ganging up' on the Miseric6rdia from fear that if it did
participate it would steal the limelight.
The brotherhood of the soldiers was the only white brotherhood to
receive official authorisation from the Miseric6rdia for the use of a bier. Thus
it is rather surprising to find that four coloured brotherhoods were accorded
this privilege before 1750. The first coloured brotherhood to enjoy the
privilege of using a bier had been the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Succour
(lrmandade de Nossa Senhora do Amparo) of free and captive mulattos. In
1649 the Miseric6rdia had granted them this privilege on two conditions.
The first had been that only slaves should be carried on this bier: all freed
members of the brotherhood should be buried by the Miseric6rdia. The
second condition had been that permission to use the bier did not imply
possession, and the Miseric6rdia maintained the right to withdraw this
privilege at any time. 3 In 1656 the privilege of the Brotherhood of Our Lady
of Succour had been challenged by the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Guada-
lupe of mulatto slaves. They had claimed that there were no longer any
slaves belonging to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Succour, and that the
privilege of using a bier should be transferred to their brotherhood. The
board of guardians of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Succour had vigor-
ously denied this and produced lists of slave members. Indeed, with the
exception of the three officers (Judge, scribe and treasurer), the remaining
eight members of the board of guardians were all slaves. The Miseric6rdia
had confirmed the privilege of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Succour to
use the bier, and reached a compromise with the Brotherhood of Our Lady
1 ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 49-51. 2 ASCMB, vol. 15, f. II9·
3 The concession had been for the use of an 'esquife raso', in effect little more
than a bare board. Minute of Mesa of 25 July 1649 (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 9-10).
Burials 217

of Guadalupe. The former was to permit the brothers of the latter to use the
bier, which would be carried by two members of each brotherhood. Should
the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Succour fail to comply with the conditions
laid down by the Misericordia and bury freed members, the bier would pass
to their rivals. 1 These two brotherhoods were both small and exerted little
influence in the city. The most powerful coloured brotherhood of Bahia was
the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary. This brotherhood had
branches in most of the parishes but its most vocal group was in the
The Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary also enjoyed the privilege
granted by the Misericordia of using a bier for the funerals of its brothers.
Although the majority of its members were slaves, it was also allowed to
bury its freed brothers. The only restriction imposed by the Misericordia
was that only brothers should be carried on its bier. In 1693 the Misericordia
had established a litter for the funerals of slaves, known as the hangul. A
charge, payable by the masters, had been levied for this service. All licences
granted to coloured brotherhoods had been withdrawn but renewed on
formal application to the Misericordia. z Greater vigilance had been exer-
cised by the Misericordia to ensure that the conditions stipulated in the
privileges were observed. It had been discovered that the Rosary was an
offender in this respect. It was burying people who were not brothers, but
for whom the scribe made false entries in the registers of members. Moreover
it was also charging for the use of its bier. The Misericordia had brought
legal charges against the Rosary. The case had been undefended and in 1694
the Rosary had lost the privilege of using a bier. The plea by the Rosary to
the governor that it had been in possession of the bier had been rejected.
The following year the Misericordia had relented and had granted the right
of using a bier for the funerals of brothers of the Rosary only. The Rosary
had agreed to this condition and renounced all claims to possession of the
bier. 3
I Minute of 18 October 1656 (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 67V-'7IV).

z The licences had been withdrawn on 20 October 1693 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 35).
Authorisation to use biers was granted again to the Guadalupe and the Rosary on
1 July 1695 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 43 and f. 44). Either the Brotherhood of Our Lady
of Succour had lost this privilege or been incorporated into the Guadalupe because
there is no further reference to it.
3 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 15, doc. 16 and accompanying documents.
218 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

In the eighteenth century an increasing number of slaves gained their

freedom. The Negro became a more vocal element in urban society,
although the majority of administrative positions were still barred to all
except those of light hue. The Brotherhood of the Rosary was the mouth-
piece for Negro rights. In 1720 the Rosary addressed a petition to Dam
Joao V for the privilege to possess a tumba de arco: this was a covered bier
and represented an advance on the mere litter, or esquifo, they had been
permitted to use. The challenge to the Miseric6rdia was two-fold: first, for
possession of a bier, a privilege of the Miseric6rdia; secondly, for a covered
bier, whose use had previously been regarded as the exclusive prerogative
of the white population. This petition represented a demand by the leading
coloured brotherhood to the leading white brotherhood for equal privileges.
The Miseric6rdia, to whom the petition was referred by the king, rejected it
outright. The attitude adopted by the Miseric6rdia and the wording of its
rejection reveal the socio-racial prejudice felt by white Bahians towards the
coloured population.
The Miseric6rdia dismissed the petition of the Rosary on four counts.
The first was on grounds of social distinction: only the Miseric6rdia was
permitted to possess covered biers, because of the nobility and distinction of
the people it buried. The petition of the brothers of the Rosary was un-
worthy of further attention 'because they are blacks and of the most servile
of this city since the majority of them are bondsmen'. This is a fine example
of the equating of colour to class, to which reference has already been made.
The second issue concerned the allegations by the Rosary that the soldiers
of the coloured regiment of the garrison, called 'the regiment of Henrique
Dias', served without pay and were brothers of the Rosary. 1 The Rosary
proposed that in the same way as the soldiers of the white regiments had a
bier, so should the coloured soldiers enjoy the same benefits. The Miseri-
x A Bahian by birth, Henrique Dias had spent much of his life in Pernambuco
where he had been active as a guerrilla leader against the Dutch in 1636. He had
returned to Bahia in 1639 and the Count of Torre had conferred on him the title of
Governor-in-Chief of all creoles, Negroes and mulattos in the royal service. He
had returned to Pernambuco, leaving Matheus Fernandes Vieira in charge in Bahia.
Henrique Dias was the only Negro leader to hold the title of Governor. His
successor in this position held the rank of Master of the Field and the commanding
officer of the coloured troops in Bahia was a Captain-Major (APB, Ordens rlgias,
vol. 54, f. 88).
Burials 2.19

c6rdia quashed this allegation. First, the coloured soldiers rarely did guard
duty and when they did they received payment. Secondly, the comparison
between the coloured and white regiments was nothing short of ridiculous.
Whereas the white soldiers, popularly known as lnfantes, gained prestige
and nobility by military service, the soldiers of the regiment of Henrique
Dias were no more than soldiers in name. Thirdly, the Miseric6rdia denied
all rights of ownership of a bier by the Rosary. Finally, the Miseric6rdia
cited its privileges in the matter of burials, concluding that the 'blacks of the
Rosary' should think themselves lucky to be able to use even a rough litter.
The Miseric6rdia was supported by the viceroy and the petition of the
Rosary rejected. 1
The Brotherhood of the Rosary had lost its case for equal privileges, but
it had succeeded in bringing to the notice of the Crown that the burial of
coloured people, especially slaves, was a real problem. The hangue of the
Miseric6rdia was inadequate. This had been recognised by the Miseric6rdia.
After a trial period of a year, licences for burials had been renewed to the
brotherhoods of the Rosary and Guadalupe. In 1736 Dom Joao V auth-
orised the coloured Brotherhood of St Benedict, whose seat was in the
Franciscan monastery, to use a bier for the funerals of its brothers. The
brotherhood had sent a petition direct to the king, representing that the
cost of burial by the Misericordia was beyond the means of its members and
that the brotherhood had been obliged to resort to the practice of abandoning
the bodies of brothers in church porches in the hope that they would receive
a charitable burial. Dom Joao V referred the petition to Bahia. The
Misericordia rejected the petition as prejudicial to its own interests: if slaves
had been left in the porches of churches this was because of the lack of human
feeling of their masters. The Misericordia also gave financial reasons for its
refusal of the petition, listing at great length its charitable commitments and
showing that the income derived from burials helped to defray costs. 2
Despite this strong recommendation by the Misericordia against the con-
cession of a bier to the Brotherhood of St Benedict, Dom J oao V granted

1 The document of the Mesa of the Misericordia was dated 15 February 1722.

The two copies are in APB, Ordens regias, val. 15, doc. x6b-d and ASCMB, vol.
162, ff. 3-5v, both being in an appalling condition.
2 Letter of the Mesa of 25 July 1734 to the High Court judge enquiring into the

petition (ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 143-145V).

220 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
this favour in 1736. There were two conditions: first, that a certificate of
membership of the brotherhood be forwarded to the Miseric6rdia before
the funeral of a brother; secondly, that this privilege only applied to the
funerals of brothers. I Similar petitions were made by other coloured
brotherhoods in the eighteenth century. The Miseric6rdia rejected each
one. The manner in which Dom Joao V failed to support the Miseric6rdia
in the case of the Brotherhood of St Benedict was significant. We will
return to this later (pp. 27o-1) in connection with the hospital of the
Miseric6rdia when there was a similar hardening of attitude on the part of the
Portuguese Crown towards the Miseric6rdia.
The circumstances surrounding the granting of biers to coloured brother-
hoods permit a clearer understanding of the reasons why the Miseric6rdia
denied a similar privilege to the tertiaries of St F rands. The Brotherhoods
of Our Lady of Succour and of Our Lady of Guadalupe had been granted
the use of a bier for the funerals of slave members only. The majority of
the brothers of the Rosary and St Benedict were also slaves. By granting
privileges to these brotherhoods, the Miseric6rdia was relieved of a moral
responsibility to bury all the slaves of Bahia - clearly an impossible task.
The stipulation that all emancipated Negroes and mulattos should be buried
by the Miseric6rdia was dictated by financial considerations since these
would have been in a position to afford the cost of burial using the Miseri-
c6rdia bier. By sharing the moral obligation for the burial of slaves the
Miseric6rdia was providing itself with a line of defence against criticism of
inadequate facilities for the burial of slaves. In short, the Miseric6rdia had
little to lose by granting biers to the coloured brotherhoods, and the number
of priests and soldiers buried annually would not have affected the income of
the Miseric6rdia. This would not have been the case if the Third Order had
also possessed a bier. The brothers of the Miseric6rdia were drawn from
the same social class as those of the Third Order. Many testators ordered
that they should be carried on the bier of the Miseric6rdia and buried in the
habit of St Francis, often in the chapel of the Third Order. Alms were
granted for these services. If the Third Order had possessed a bier the
Miseric6rdia would have received nothing, and the alms for the bier were
often substantial. One seventeenth-century Provedor, Bemardim Fernandes
Barros, had left roo$ooo to the brotherhood for this last act and benefactors
I Royalprovisao of 13 January 1736 (BNRJ, II-JJ, 32, u; index no. r66).
Burials 221
such as Ant6nio Dias de Ottoes and Ant6nio de Sa Doria made similar
bequests. 1 Pride of privilege and economic considerations led the Miseri-
c6rdia to deny vigorously the repeated petitions of the Third Order.
The Miseric6rdia offered complete facilities for funerals and burials. The
brotherhood possessed three covered biers, known as tumbas. The best
bier was reserved for the funerals of brothers. The other two were granted
according to the social and financial position of the person to be buried. One
was for the funerals of brothers whose corteges were not accompanied by the
Miseric6rdia. It was also on hire to people willing to pay the fee of 8$480.
The other bier was for the funerals of those of modest circumstances on
payment of a fee of 4$480. It was also used for charitable funerals of the
poor of the city and suburbs. The Miseric6rdia regarded its biers as symbols
of prestige. They were kept in perfect condition and replaced frequently.
In 173 5 the brotherhood commissioned an embroiderer to make a new
cloth to cover the biers. The cloth was to be of black velvet, fringed with
gold brocade, and with floral decorations also of the best brocade available.
The cost to the Miseric6rdia was 1,ooo$ooo- the total average income
from burials in any year. 2 The Miseric6rdia took less care in the maintenance
of its litters, known as esquifes: these were little more than boards. The
Miseric6rdia possessed three such litters. One, known as the bangu~, was
for the funerals of slaves at a cost of 8oo rs. to their masters, a charge reduced
to 400 rs. in 1695. The other two were first used in 1726 for the funerals of
anjinhos ('little angels'), or babies. Fees of 3$200 and 2$560 were levied for
the use of these litters and they could be hired by anybody, irrespective of
colour or status. The Miseric6rdia buried slaves and children charitably if
the master or the parents were too poor to pay these fees.
Before 1693 the Miseric6rdia had maintained three biers, two of which
were for hire. In 1693 it had inaugurated a litter for the funerals of slaves.
In 1726 two more litters were provided for the funerals of infants. In a
country with a large slave population and notorious for its high infant

I ASCMB, vol. 40, ff. u8-22.

2 Pride dictated this extravagance. Condemning the old cloth as unfit for
further use, the Mesa noted that 'se fazia de todos reparavel nos actos publicos em
q' sahia a Rua, ao q' muito se devia de attender e olhar, tanto por ser credito da
Miz3 quanto por ser lustre da d3 Irmande' (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 217V-218v, cf.
P· 229)·
222 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

mortality rate, it was surprising that the Misericordia should not have
possessed litters for such funerals at a much earlier date. The reason why it
did not cater for the burial of slaves and children earlier than these dates is
not clear. The circumstances which induced the brotherhood to establish
these three litters are similar and throw light on the changing attitudes of the
authorities towards the Misericordia.
Dom Pedro II had been much concerned about the conditions of the
Negro in Brazil. In r684 he had introduced a law to reduce the mortality of
slaves on the crossing from West Africa to Brazil in the slave ships. 1 In
r688 he had ordered the Governor of Rio de Janeiro to investigate all
allegations of cruelty by the masters against their slaves, and to take legal
action against the masters if these allegations were shown to be true. 2 In
r693 he had written to the Chapter of the cathedral of Rio that measures
should be enforced to ensure that the last sacraments were administered to all
slaves on the point of death. It had been brought to the royal attention that
this was not the case, partly because the priests demanded exorbitant fees,
partly because the masters of the slaves refused to call a priest to a dying
slave.J Letters from the king to his governors and archbishops rarely
produced practical results. Nevertheless, they were evidence of strong royal
concern for the living conditions of slaves in Brazil. On 4 October r693,
the Mesa of the Misericordia of Bahia had established the bangue for the
burial of slaves,4 Possibly the brotherhood had hoped to augment its income
from this source. Certainly the charge originally levied of 8oo rs. offered
some profit, although the Mesa had said that it would barely cover the costs
of priests and the slaves to carry the litters. The archbishop had thought
otherwise and instructed his flock to pay no more than 400 rs. for the use of
the bier.s Possibly the Mesa had been moved by pious sentiments to provide
for the burial of slaves. It is more likely that official pressure was exerted on
the Misericordia to bury slaves. If the Mesa failed to comply, the burial
monopoly of the Misericordia would end. The circumstances surrounding

1 Documentos historicos, vol. 79, pp. 379-88.

2 Letter of 20 March r688 (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 4, f. r68).
3 Letter of 17 March r693 (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 6, f. 225).
4 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 33V-34·
s The Mesa had appealed to the king in r695 against this ruling of the arch-
bishop (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 45).
Burials 223

the establishment of a litter for the burial of slaves by the Miseric6rdia of

Rio de Janeiro in May 1694 support this suggestion.
In January of I 694 Dom Pedro had ordered the Governor of Rio to
ensure that all slaves received decent burial. 1 The king had suggested that
he should enlist the help of the abbot of the Carmelites and that approaches
be made to the Miseric6rdia to provide this service. The overtures had been
successful and the Miseric6rdia had agreed in May 1694 to bury all slaves
at a charge of 96o rs. each. Of this sum, 320 rs. were allocated to the saying
of two masses, and the remaining 640 rs. were to cover the cost of expenses
by the Miseric6rdia. This was exorbitant and in January 1695 the king
had told the governor to reach a more reasonable agreement with the
Miseric6rdia,on the basis of the fee of 400 rs. which had been levied in Bahia.
The king had reminded his representative to observe the privileges granted
to other brotherhoods for the use of biers. This broad hint had had the
desired effect. On 25 May 1695 the Governor of Rio had reported to the
king that the Miseric6rdia had agreed to bury slaves for 400 rs. only. 2
There can be no doubt that royal pressure had induced the Miseric6rdia of
Rio to bury slaves and it is more than possible that this had also been the
case in Bahia.
There is a similar degree of coincidence between official suggestion and
Miseric6rdia action in the establishment of the two litters for the burial of
children on 20 June 1726.3 In this year the Miseric6rdia of Bahia inaugurated
a turning wheel for foundlings. There can be no doubt th;;tt the motivator
of the scheme was the Count of Sabugosa. The Mesa was far from unani-
mous in its approval of the motion supporting the foundation. No official
threat could be made in this case because the Compromisso contained no
clause for the care of foundlings. Nevertheless the Miseric6rdia established
the turning wheel without any official financial aid and without any bequest
for this purpose. The Count of Sabugosa did not mince words with those

1 'Vos encomendo muito especialmente a do meio q' se entendeo conveniente

para q' os escravos possao ser enterrados com a decencia de Christaos; sabre o q'
obrareis tudo o q' for necessr<> para q' se nao continue mais tempo algum, hiia
ac~ao tao impropria, e tao contraria a caride q' para com todos, negros e brancos,
deve ser igual'. King to governor 23 January 1694 (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 7,
f. 18). 2 ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 7, f. 148 and vol. 8, f. 7·

a ASCMB, vol. 846, f. 130.

224 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
who did not fall in with his plans and the Misericordia acquiesced meekly.
Whether his proposals extended to litters for burials of children is not
mentioned. Possibly the Mesa itself suggested this service in the hope of
recovering some of the expenses incurred in the care of foundlings.I
By the eighteenth century the Misericordia provided biers and litters for
the funerals of people of all social classes, from the prosperous landowner to
the impoverished slave. The Misericordia was the only Bahian brotherhood
to offer such funeral services to those who were not members of a brother-
hood. Although the priests and soldiers and certain coloured brotherhoods
could bury their own members, they were forbidden to make any charge for
the use of a bier. Only the Misericordia could derive income from burials,
and only the Misericordia (in theory) could undertake charitable burials.
The records of the archives of the Misericordia provide only partial evidence
on the number of burials undertaken by the brotherhood. Burials using the
biers of the Misericordia were registered in the Livros das rumbas, of which
the first (1685-1709), sixth (1735-53) and seventh (1753-8) are extant. All
are in poor condition. The records of slave burials using the bangu~ are
more deficient: the first register covers the years 1741-3, the second 1746--sJ,
the third 1749-53 and the fourth has been lost. No separate record appears
to have been kept for infant burials before 1753. The deficiencies of the
burial registers can be remedied to some degree by reference to the account
ledgers. By using information derived from a variety of sources an estimate
can be made of the number of free people and slaves buried by the Miseri-
cordia and the extent of this action of the Misericordia in relation to the
population of Bahia.
The Misericordia carried some 300 free people annually on its biers to
their graves. The majority of these were white citizens from within the
urban area. With the exception of the priests and soldiers, the Misericordia
maintained a burial monopoly for white people. Thus the burials of white
people recorded in the burial registers indicate the approximate mortality
rate among the white urban population. The registers of the Misericordia

1 In 1656 the Miseric6rdia had authorised the cathedral sacristan to use an

'esquifezinho' he had built for the burial of children under six years old. The
Mesa had ruled that the bier should be kept in the building of the Miseric6rdia and
children over six could only be carried on it to their graves with the permission of
the Mesa (ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. 75-6).
Burials 225

are sufficiently complete to provide total statistics for two periods, r69o-1704
and 1738-p. These are as follows:
No. women No. men Total
Years buried buried white burials

1690-94 407 1,098 1,505

1695-99 444 846 1,290
1700-04 478 738 1,216
1,329 2,682 4,01 I

1738-42 569 805 1,374

1743-47 566 781 1,347
1748-p 427 706 I,I 33

1,562 2,292 3,854

A comparison between the two periods, each of fifteen years, suggests

two facts. First, the mortality rate among the white urban population
remained approximately constant during the period 1690-1750 despite a
population increase. There are two possible reasons for this: first, more
effective sanitary measures for the inspection of all boats from Europe or
Africa arriving at Bahia; secondly, the lesser number of outbreaks of plague
in the eighteenth century. These two factors are inter-related because many
of the epidemics of Bahia had originated in Africa and were transmitted by
the transport of infected slaves. The second fact to emerge is the increase in
the number of white women. In the earlier period 33.1 per cent of the total
white burials were of women. In the later period there was an increase of
7·4 per cent, and 40.5 per cent of the total white burials were of women.
Possible reasons for this significant increase may have been the drain of
manpower to the mining areas in the early eighteenth century, the effective-
ness of a royal decree of 1732 preventing the sending of women to Portugal,
or simply that more families were emigrating to Brazil. Regulations con-
cerning passports for immigrants were frequently not observed. Until
more detailed statistics are available on immigration no definitive conclusions
can be reached on white mortality or on the increase in the white female
population of Bahia in the first half of the eighteenth century.
The lack of statistics bedevils the hope of relating accurately the figures
quoted from the burial registers of the Misericordia to the urban population
of Bahia. The first censuses were ecclesiastical, based on parochial records
226 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

of people of communicable age within each parish. In 1706 an archi-

episcopal estimate for the city of Salvador, consisting of six parishes, calcu-
lated the number of communicants at 21,601. A similar count made in 1755
for the nine urban parishes placed the number of those of communicable
age at 37,543.1 The relationship of these estimates to the total population
of the city cannot be ascertained. They excluded children who had not
reached the age of puberty, adults who had not been baptised, and people
without homes (fogos ). Lay estimates were equally imprecise. A census
of 1757 calculated the urban population at 37,323· Another census two
years later by the engineer Jose Antonio Caldas arrived at the slightly higher
figure of 40,263 for the urban population. His estimate, based on parochial
returns, did not include children under seven years of age, Indians, nuns or
clerics. No reference is made to the proportion of slaves included in these
totals. In 1714 the French engineer Frezier estimated that for every score
of people in the streets of Bahia, nineteen were slaves. 2 Caldas, in 1759,
estimated that every second person in Bahia was a slave. Although Frezier's
estimate was more in the nature of a casual observation, it is likely that the
proportion of black to white did decrease in the eighteenth century because
of the migration of many slaves to the mines. Probably an estimate of the
total population of the urban area at 8o,ooo in 1700, increasing by about
two-fifths during the next half century, would not be too far wrong. About
a quarter of this total population was adult and of fixed address in the city,
and about a half (a conservative estimate for the earlier period) were
coloured. A comparison of the statistics for the white people buried by the
Misericordia with these archiepiscopal estimates would suggest an approxi-
mate mortality coefficient per annum for the adult white urban population
of 25j1,ooo for the earlier period and 14/1,ooo for the later years.3
The Misericordia records for the burial of slaves do not permit even
1 Accioli-Amaral, Memorias historicas, vol. ;, p. 503. Thales de Azevedo
examines the difficulties surrounding demographic statistics in colonial Bahia in his
Povoamento da cidade do Salvador (2nd ed., Sao Paulo, 1955), pp. 184-206. For
the later part of the century see Dauril Alden, 'The Population of Brazil in the
Late Eighteenth Century: a Preliminary Survey', in Hispanic American Historical
Review, vol. 43 (1963), pp. 173-205. 2 Frezier, Relation du voyage, p. 275.

3 These may be compared with mortality estimates for the parish of the Passo
(Bahia) at the end of the century. Thales de Azevedo has deduced mortality
coefficients of 37·2/1,ooo in 1798; 31·3/1,ooo in 1799; 43·3/l,ooo in 18oo. The
Burials 227
approximate calculations for slave mortality. This was notoriously high,
and the average working life of a slave on a plantation did not exceed ten
years. Slaves in domestic service in the city could probably have expected
a longer life span. Many achieved a degree of liberty. The women sold
sweetmeats on the streets or acted as washerwomen or cooks. Some male
slaves were qualified as masons, carpenters or painters and were themselves
employers of slaves. The average number of slaves buried each year by the
Miseric6rdia in the eighteenth century was in the region of 6oo. 1 This
represented only a small proportion of the number of slaves who died
annually, but it must be remembered that the Negro brotherhoods had
assumed responsibility for the burial of their own members, many of whom
were slaves.
The Miseric6rdia also carried children to their burials, from 1726, on two
litters made for this purpose. Here again, there are no natality figures for
the earlier part of the eighteenth century, nor are there figures for the infant
mortality among coloured and white families respectively. 2 Nor are the
registers of the Miseric6rdia any more informative as to the number of infant
burials made annually by the brotherhood. The account ledgers suggest
some eighty to a hundred burials annually in the 1730s. This number
dropped sharply in the next two decades, because of a change of custom in
the burial of the 'angels of Heaven'. Instead of being carried to their graves
on litters, they were carried on tahuleiros, or trays. 3 In 1754 the Miseric6rdia
buried twenty children, and in 1755 only sixteen. 4
The Miseric6rdia collected fees for the use of its biers and litters. It also
buried all classes of the population charitably. No charges were levied for

approximate mortality coefficient for the parish of Sto Ant6nio alem do Carmo was
32·5/1,000 in 1776 and for the parish of theSe 21.3/1,ooo in 1785. These figures
are based on the total population for these parishes (Povoamento, p. 205, n. 225).
I This is based on the accounts ledgers for receipts. Detailed records are only

available for 1709-11 when 1,273 slaves were buried by the Miseric6rdia and
1715-17 when 1,363 slaves were buried. From July 1741 to December 1743 there
were 1,369 burials and in the years 1744-5 there were 1,275 (ASCMB, vol. 846 and
vol. 15, ff. 22v-23).
2 Estimates of infant mortality and natality for the latter part of the century are

in Thales de Azevedo, Povoamento, pp. 204--6. Cf. Gilberto Freyre, The Masters
and the Slaves, p. 382, n. 288 for the early nineteenth century in Pernambuco.
3 BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. 31. 4 ASCMB, vol. 1256.
228 Fidalgos and PhilanthropistJ

such burials, although frequently the Miseric6rdia had to admonish its

priests for demanding payment from the relatives of poor people. The
charitable burials recorded in the registers of the Miseric6rdia were of free
people. These represent some 21 per cent of all funerals using the biers of
the Miseric6rdia. The fact that only a tenth of such burials were of coloured
people indicates the high proportion of' poor whites' in colonial Bahia. The
effect of this charitable action of the Miseric6rdia on the total population
must have been small. Nevertheless that a fifth of the burials undertaken by
the Miseric6rdia were charitable, representing a financial loss to the brother-
hood, awakes respect rather than censure. In the months of May and June
1686, when an outbreak of plague struck the city, the Miseric6rdia made over
200 charitable burials. 1 With regard to the number of slaves buried charit-
ably by the Miseric6rdia in the eighteenth century this was some 5 per cent
of the total number of slaves carried on the hangue of the brotherhood.
Whether this low figure was because the Miseric6rdia tended to ignore poor
slaves, or whether the coloured brotherhoods provided adequately for their
burial, is not known.
The manner of burial depended on the financial resources of the person to
be buried. All those people who could afford to pay the fee for the biers of
the Miseric6rdia could afford coffins. The poor people were buried in
shrouds supplied by the Miseric6rdia for charitable burials. The great fear
of the poor was that their bodies should simply be thrown into an earth
grave. Some went so far to guard against this eventuality as to buy a coffin
with their life savings. Others asked that their bodies should be wrapped
in carpets, hammocks or straw mats. This fear was well founded. The
Miseric6rdia cemetery was little more than such in name. Communal graves
barely below ground level were the burial places for the very poor and
slaves. Luis dos Santos Vilhena severely criticised the superficiality of the
act of interment in the cemetery of the Miseric6rdia towards the end of the
eighteenth century. 2 In the nineteenth century, the English traveller Maria

r ASCMB, vol. up.

z Luiz dos Santos Vilhena, Recopilafiio de noticias soteropolitanas e hrasilicas
contidas em XX cartas, que da cidade do Salvador Bahia de Todos os Santos escreve
hum a outro amigo em Lisboa, debaixo de names alusivos, noticiando-o do estado
daquella cidade, sua capitania, e algumas outras do Brasil (2 vols., Bahia 1922),
vol. r, pp. 154-5.
Burials 229

Graham saw the arm of a Negro sticking out of the sand on the shore of
Recife. The conditions in Bahia a century earlier cannot have been any
better, and the presence of dogs prowling round the city and living off
corpses lent some weight to the fears of the poorer people.
The place of burial depended to a lesser degree on financial position. On
the plantations of the Reconcavo the patriarchal spirit of family cohesion had
led to the custom of burying the dead under the house or chapel. Slaves of
long service with the family were similarly buried, and there was a small
cemetery for other slaves near to the chapel. 1 In the city there was greater
social distinction and greater socio-racial prejudice. The common practice
in colonial Bahia was for all free people to be buried in churches. This was
the practice in the Misericordia for all burials, including those of brothers
who wished to be buried there. The Third Orders of St Francis and the
Carmelites had ossuaries for their members. These aroused the envy of the
Misericordia and in 1775 a stonemason was appointed to convert the old
female ward of the hospital below the sacristy into a place for the burial of
brothers. 2 Citizens of Bahia who were not brothers were carried on the
bier of the Misericordia to be buried in one of the parish churches. This
practice was very unhygienic. In the Misericordia itself people who died in
the hospital were buried in the cloister very near to a water cistern built
under the cloister in 1 702 to supply water to the hospital.
The Misericordia also maintained a cemetery at the Campo da Polvora.
This was in use in the eighteenth century, but whether it had been founded
earlier is not mentioned in the records of the Misericordia. The situation of
this cemetery was heavily censured by Vilhena, because the daily breezes
passed over it before arriving at the city. Moreover, it was too small for the
number of bodies buried, measuring only thirty-two yards by forty-eight
yards with no room for expansion. 3 This cemetery was reserved primarily
for the burial of slaves carried on the bangue of the Misericordia. Many
slaves did not even receive this burial. As late as 1814 the Count of Arcos

1 Gilberta Freyre, The Masters, pp. 439-40.

z Pride dictated this construction: 'Foi proposto pelo dito Irmao Provedor, que
sendo esta lrmandade da Santa Mizeric6rdia tao ilustre, e principal entre todas as
mais desta Cidade, se achava sem hum cemiterio ou carneiro, em que se sepultassem
os corpos dos seus lrmaos defuntos ... '. Minute of 19 March 1775 (ASCMB, vol.
15, f. 2.39). 3 Ant6nio Joaquim Darruizio, Tomhamento, chapter 7·
2JO Fidalgos and Philanthropists

issued a decree that the practice of leaving the bodies of slaves at the doors
of churches must cease. He ordered that the night watchmen be especially
vigilant in arresting any Negro found depositing a body in this manner, and
that the carrier be imprisoned until the cost of a decent burial was paid by
the owner of the dead slave. t The wording of the petition of the Brother-
hood of St Benedict is sufficient evidence that this practice was common in
the previous century. Some owners of dead slaves disposed of their bodies
by binding them to pieces of wood and sending them out on the tide. 2
At the other end of the scale were those owners who went so far as to com-
mission a bier of the Miseric6rdia for the funeral of a slave. Esteem for the
slave was tempered by the vanity of the master. This practice increased in
the eighteenth century and it cannot have been mere chance that the majority
of slaves so honoured were female J3 Some masters even ordered the tumha
hoa at a cost of 8$480 for a favourite. In such cases the Miseric6rdia re-
nounced ethnic pride for financial gain. A male slave to be so honoured was
Chinese with the very Portuguese name of Carlos, buried in the cathedral of
Bahia in 1747. 4
In the rejection of petitions by other brotherhoods for biers, the Miseri-
c6rdia alleged that it would sustain severe financial loss if such petitions were
granted. The ledgers of receipt and expenditure are sufficiently complete
to give a full picture of the income derived by the Miseric6rdia from burials
and the proportion of such income to the total income received by the
1 'Devendo em fim acabar huma vez nesta Capital Costumes barbaros e descon-

hecidos de todos os outros homens; e sendo hum delles o de conduzir de noite, e

abandonar Cadaveres junto as Portas das Igrejas com escandalo da Natureza, e de
tudo o q' ha de mais sagrado na Sociedade humana; Ordeno q' os Capitaes da
Ronda da Cidade, e os Officiaes inferiores Commes das Patrulhas nocturnas vigiem
com a maior attem;ao nas immedia'!oes dos Adros das Igrejas de tal maneira q'
infalivelmte sejao prezos os Conduct6res, depois de ser obrigados a conduzir os
cadaveres q' levavao ate o Iugar q' para esse fim foi destinado pela Meza da Sta Caza
da Mizeric6rdia ... '. Decree of 26 July 1814. (ASCMB, vol. 162, f. 126).
2 Gilberta Freyre, The Masters, p. 441.

3 From r685 to 1709 only two female slaves were carried on the biers of the
Misericordia on payment by their masters. In the period 1735-55 a total of 137
slaves received this treatment, of which eighty were female.
4 This was in March 1747: 'Em 2° do d0 faleceo Carlos china de na'<ao escravo de
Faustino Pires Chaves morador na frega da Se sepultado na da Se na Tumba da
Charide de q' se deu de esmolla 4$480' (ASCMB, vol. 1252, f. 260).
Burials 2JI

brotherhood. The Miseric6rdia charged 4$480 and 8$480 for the use of a
bier. These fees were variable on some rare occasions. 1 In an average year
the Miseric6rdia received I ,ooo$ooo from the hire of biers. The charge for
slave burials had been established initially at 8oo rs., reduced to 400 rs. in
the I69os, and later restored. The average income received annually by the
Miseric6rdia from this source was 2oo$ooo. The bier for the funerals of
infants earned 485$840 in its first year of operation.z This source of income
decreased and in the five years I75o-5, the Miseric6rdia received a total of
only 23o$po for the funerals of children. The allegation by boards of
guardians that the concession of burial privileges to other brotherhoods
would be prejudicial to the Miseric6rdia does not appear to have been justi-
fied. The evidence available only provides an answer with regard to the
extension of this privilege to the Brotherhood of St Benedict in I736. In the
fifteen years I7I6-JI the Miseric6rdia received 3,o89$12o for slave burials.
In the period I736-5 I it received practically the same amount, 2,988$780.
The income derived from funerals and burials was remarkably constant for
each year. The average total annual income of the Miseric6rdia in the first
half of the eighteenth century was in the region of I6,ooo$ooo. The income
from biers and the hangue represented about 8 per cent of this total annual
income.3 The income from the burials of babies after I726 raised this to about
IO per cent. Although comparatively small financially, this income was of
great importance to the Miseric6rdia. Whereas the hospital, prison aid, the
turning wheel and even dowries were liabilities, the money received by the
Miseric6rdia for funerals and burials bore no further commitment and placed
the brotherhood under no obligation.
The income derived by the Miseric6rdia from burials was not total profit.
Upkeep and replacement of the biers and litters was not costly: a new bier
cost 10$o8o in I702 and the hangue cost only 3$520 in I705. 4 The most
expensive item of the bier was the cloth: for the hangue and the bier for

I In the seventeenth century the fee had been about 4$ooo; in the eighteenth

century it varied between 3$620 and 8$480 (BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. JI).
z ASCMB, vol. 846, f. IJO.
3 This was to diminish in the nineteenth century. In the printed account for the
year x814-15, the biers earned 212$560 and the hangue 466$400. The total income
for this year was 24,667$905 (ANRJ, Caixa 129, doc. 32).
4 ASCMB, vol. 85o, f. 227 and f. 25 5v.
232 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
charitable burials even this was not costly, but the vanity of the Mesa led to
extravagance on the drape for the best bier. In 1737 the Mesa spent 8oo$ooo
on a gold-embroidered cloth. When this had to be replaced in 1762 the
board of guardians economised to the extent of omitting the embroidery,
but the bill still came to 4oo$ooo. I The Miseric6rdia provided the funeral
shrouds for those buried charitably, a small but constant expense. The
priests of the parishes where the burial was made received 240 rs., and the
priest of the Miseric6rdia who accompanied the bier received a small fee.
The cost of opening and closing the grave was also borne by the Miseric6rdia
for charitable burials.
The heaviest expenditure was on salaries. The choir, consisting of a
president, master of the chapel and some nine priests, would have to have
been maintained by the Miseric6rdia in any case for the saying of masses and
the religious ceremonies of the brotherhood. The cost of saying masses for
brothers, amounting to some 35o$ooo annually, can similarly be regarded as
a necessary expenditure implied in the conditions of membership of the
Miseric6rdia. The use of a bier demanded few employees. There were
from seven to nine carriers of the biers, known popularly as gatos pingados
('spotted cats'). Their annual wages were r 6$ooo, in addition to which they
received a quarter of manioc flour every ten days, fish oil for their lamps, and
a daily ration of food. These could be promoted to the post of homem de a1_ul,
a general factotum. The annual salary of the homem de a1_ul was 20 $ooo, and
he received a blue cloak of office, six pairs of shoes each year and a daily ration
of food. All the carriers of the biers and the two homens de atul were
accommodated in or near the Miseric6rdia. The hangue had no regular
carriers. Whereas the carriers of the biers had to be white by statute but
were, one suspects, light mulattos, the carriers of the hangue were slaves
employed by the Miseric6rdia. There can be no doubt that the general
expenditure on masses and burials was high: but if certain items are dis-
counted because they constituted the obligations of the Miseric6rdia towards
its brothers, the actual cost of the service of hiring out biers was small in
comparison with the returns.
The burial services of the Miseric6rdia were comprehensive. It provided
burials for its brothers and their families. The Miseric6rdia also buried
charitably those people, free or slave, too poor to afford decent burial. These
I ASCMB, vol. 8)2, f. 67 and vol. 15, ff. I49V-I50.
Burials 233
activities were not practised solely by the Miseric6rdia. The Miseric6rdia
was unique in that it provided a burial service for the general use of the
community, jealously preserving the sole right to charge for the hire of
biers. The effect of this burial monopoly was that although the Miseric6rdia
provided adequately for the burial of white citizens, it did not cater for the
burial of slaves to the same degree. Gilberto Freyre, the Brazilian sociolo-
gist, severely censures the Miseric6rdias and Church for failure in the burial
of slaves. I It must be realised that the Miseric6rdia of Bahia never attempted
to provide burial for the total slave population. The concessions of biers
to the coloured brotherhoods were indicative of the willingness of the
Miseric6rdia to share this burden. The only criticism that can be levelled
was that the Miseric6rdia ought to have delegated total responsibility to the
Negro brotherhoods for the burial of slaves. Any assessment of the action
of the Miseric6rdia in providing a burial service for colonial Bahia must take
into account the contemporary attitude towards burials. In eighteenth-
century Bahia there were no laws dealing with burials. There was only one
cemetery. The roads were in poor condition. Communication was difficult.
Burials under churches or in a cramped cemetery were unhygienic. The
abandonment of bodies under cover of night or the throwing of corpses
into the sea was inhumane. But these were common practices in colonial
Brazil, and the twentieth-century reader must acknowledge this fact, however
distasteful it may be to him. Only then can an appreciation be reached of
the positive and even innovatory role played by the Miseric6rdia in providing
burial services for the populace of Bahia in the eighteenth century.
I Gilberta Freyre, The Masters, p. 44I.

justice and Charity

CRIME was rampant in the Portuguese empire: crimes committed not by

Africans, Indians, Chinese or Amerindians, but by loyal subjects of the
Portuguese Crown. In the sixteenth century the Orient had been a happy
hunting ground for the dishonest and the unscrupulous. The pickings had
been lucrative and easily gained. Brazil had only become an attractive
proposition for criminal activities with the discovery of gold and diamonds
in Minas Gerais in the 169os. The difficulties faced by the Portuguese
authorities in enforcing law and order in Asia and Brazil were virtually
insuperable. The major problem in both cases was the extent of the area to
be policed. On the one hand were the expanses of the Indian Ocean and
South China Sea with an abundance of islands offering safe havens to any
pirate. On the other was a coastline reaching from the jungles of the Amazon
to the plains of Rio Grande do Sul, and an interior much of which had only
been partially explored and defined even in the nineteenth century.
The enforcement of law and order was less effective in Portuguese Asia
than in Portuguese America. This is largely explicable by the different
courses taken by the Portuguese expansion in the two continents. In Asia
an initial phase of military conquest had given way to an era of mercantile
activity. The capture of Goa by Affonso de Albuquerque in 1510 had been
the climax of the first phase. The agreement negotiated by Lionel de Sousa,
leading to the Portuguese settlement at Macao in 1555-7, had represented
the supreme achievement of the second phase. The settlements of Portu-
guese, ranging from Sofala to the Moluccas, had been mainly urban. They
had been composed of a floating population of opportunists who had come
to the Orient in the hope of acquiring wealth quickly and then returning to
Portugal. The Portuguese soldier and chronicler, Diogo do Couto, dis-
illusioned by the nature of the Portuguese empire in Asia, wrote at the end
justice and Charity 2JS
of the sixteenth century: 'They have no intent other than to harvest and
carry off the fruit of this vineyarde very three years. 'I Diogo do Couto
had been referring here to the viceroys' triennial period of office, but his
mordant aphorism was equally applicable to the many Portuguese lured to the
East in search of ready profit.
This spirit of opportunism was present in all ranks of officials from the
viceroy down to the most humble factor. The members of the judiciary
were not immune to the prevailing atmosphere. The ouvidor geral, or chief
justice, was posted to Goa for three years and usually made a fortune before
his return to Portugal. Even the desemhargadores, or High Court judges,
whose longer term of office was intended to give a degree of stability and
continuum to the administration of justice, achieved wealth far in excess of
their salaries within a short space of time. Ill-qualified and badly paid, these
judges were willing accomplices in embezzlement, bribery and perjury.
The principle of 'Dog does not eat dog' characterised the relationship
between judge and criminal in the East. Even without the all-prevailing
dishonesty among the judiciary, it is doubtful if justice could have been
enforced in the Orient. The presence of highly organised crime before the
arrival of the Portuguese and the ease with which wealth in gold could be
obtained were insuperable obstacles to law and order. Moreover the
Portuguese authorities never attempted to establish liaison with local
potentates for law enforcement. Once a criminal passed the immediate
limits of Goa, Macao or the smaller settlements, he was to all intents and
purposes a free man.
In Brazil the stress from the outset had been on colonisation rather than
the establishment of outposts. The hoe had replaced the sword as the
instrument for survival. Small sugar plantations had been established in the
Reconcavo of Bahia before I 549· T orne de Sousa had founded the capital
of Portuguese America, but the City of The Saviour had been in no way a
purely urban settlement. The Regimento given to Tome de Sousa by Dom
Joao III revealed the change of attitude in the royal policy towards the
overseas possessions. These instructions had provided for all aspects
of administration, be they civil, economic, social, military or juridical.
I 'Ja se nao pretende senao levar, e vindimar cada tres anos esta vinha', Diogo

do Couto, 0 so/dado prdtico (ed. Rodrigues Lapa, Lisboa, 1937), p. 79· He severely
criticised the shortcomings of the judiciary, op. cit., 2a parte, cena 3a.
2J6 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Appointments of officials had been made in Lisbon before the departure of

the fleet. These had included the appointment of Dr Pedro Borges as chief
justice of Brazil. He had been accompanied by a private secretary and a
meirinho, or minor court official. Thus the problem of law enforcement in
Brazil had been faced even before the foundation of a capital. Within a
short time the legal machinery was in full operation. The city of Bahia had
been founded to provide an administrative centre for an extra-urban area
whose extent had then still to be defined, but over which the authorities had
assumed juridical responsibility. Colonisation had increased in the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries. Brazilian-hom Portuguese had been sent to
Coimbra to study law and had returned to Bahia to practise their profession.
A body of native-hom Brazilians had come to hold office in the Appeals
Court of Bahia. This had assured a degree of continuity in the administra-
tion of justice which had been totally absent in the Orient.
If, in some respects, Dom Joao III had learnt from the experience of Dom
Manuel I, there had been one aspect in which the royal attitude had remained
unchanged. This had been the function of the new-found territories as
dumping grounds for convicts. Throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries Asia, Africa and Brazil were places of exile for convicts.
Once these exiles, or degredados, reached their destination they received no
assistance from the authorities. Many turned to further crime and were
imprisoned in the local gaols. Here also the civil authorities ignored their
physical welfare and many died of disease and malnutrition in the prisons of
Bahia and Goa. The only organization to provide for the material needs of
prisoners was the Miseric6rdia. In India many prominent Jesuits had
praised this action of the brotherhood. 1 The French traveller, Pyrard de
Laval, himself a prisoner in the gaol of Cochin in r6o8, had had cause to be
thankful for the daily ration of cooked rice and fish distributed by the
brothers of the Miseric6rdia. 2 In Bahia, the brotherhood performed
similar charitable deeds. In this action the Miseric6rdia had been practising
a European tradition of prison aid, whose final act had been the burial of
those condemned to death.
I Silva Rego, Documenta;ao, vol. J, no. 8; vol. 5, no. 36; vol. 9, no. 71.
2 Pyrard de Laval, Voyage de Fran;ois Pyrard de Laval, vol. I, chapter 28,
p. 464. He also commended the charity of the brothers of the Miseric6rdia in the
Goa prison (vol. II, chapter 1, p. 22).
justice and Charity

In fifteenth-century Italy there had been at least one brotherhood in every

city responsible for the removal from the scaffold and burial of the bodies
of criminals hanged by justice. For many brotherhoods the interment had
represented the final charitable act towards prisoners assisted by the brother-
hood during their lives. This assistance had been material and spiritual.
In 1497 the Brotherhood of S. Corona in Milan had appointed one of its
brothers to visit the prison and distribute food. This brotherhood had also
assisted prisoners gaoled for small debts. 1 In Florence, the Brotherhood of
S. Giovanni Decollato had been founded in 1488 to attend to the spiritual
welfare of prisoners condemned to death. On the day of execution the
criminal had been accompanied to the gallows by the entire brotherhood,
chanting penitential psalms. After execution the brothers had carried his
body back to their private cemetery for burial. 2
In Portugal the Miseric6rdia had provided similar assistance for prisoners.
Two brothers from the board of guardians, one of each class, had been
elected annually to supervise this charitable work. They had been known
as the mordomos dos presos, or stewards of the prisoners. They had been
responsible for the cleanliness of the prisons of Lisbon and their duties had
included the distribution of rations to prisoners and arranging for the priests
of the brotherhood to hear confessions in the gaols. On the day of an
execution the brotherhood had accompanied the condemned man to the
scaffold and had buried his body afterwards. In one respect the Miseric6rdia
had progressed beyond the Italian brotherhoods in assisting prisoners. It
provided legal counsel for certain criminals and defended their cases in the
Appeals Court.
Privileges had been granted to the Miseric6rdia to facilitate the administra-
tion of social aid to prisoners. Dom Manuel I had given the brotherhood
the status of a semi-bureaucratic institution to provide for the welfare
of prisoners. The privileges granted to the Miseric6rdia have already
been discussed (pp. 17-19) and will be briefly summarised here. They
fell into two groups - financial and legal. All legal costs were waived
for prisoners defended by the Miseric6rdia, and gratuities could not be
1 G. M. Monti, Le confraternite medievali, vol. I, p. 96. Other brotherhoods
assisting prisoners are described in vol. 1, chapters 5--'7·
2 Ludwig Pastor, The History of the Popes (English trans., 40 vols., London,

I899-1961), vol. 3, p. p.
2J8 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
claimed by officials before presenting cases to the Appeals Court. The
brothers of the Misericordia enjoyed freedom of access to all prisons and
were at liberty to question any criminal. In the city of Lisbon the Miseri-
cordia held the monopoly for the collection of alms for prisoners. The
brotherhood also received a free supply of meat for distribution in the
prisons. The legal privileges of the Misericordia were primarily concerned
with expediting the sluggish course of justice. Criminal judges visited the
prisons weekly to examine cases, the scribe of the Misericordia had the
status of public notary and the stewards of the prisoners had the right to
speak first in any session of the courts.
The Misericordia of Bahia had been granted the use of these privileges
by a royal decree of 1622. Local authorities did not always respect these
privileges. Nevertheless the Misericordia did manage to fulfil the conditions
of the Compromisso providing for the care of prisoners. The problems faced
by the judiciary in Brazil differed from those previously encountered in
Portugal and Asia. A brief survey of the problems faced by the Portuguese
Crown in the maintenance of law and order in Brazil will provide a back-
ground for the action of the Misericordia in the Court of Appeals and prison
of colonial Bahia.
Justice in Bahia was administered at two levels. The first was municipal,
represented by the city council. The second was higher and represented by
the Relafiio, or High Court. The city council was a court of the first
instance with two juires ordindrios, or Justices of the Peace. 1 These were
citizens of social standing and undoubted integrity who were elected
annually. They had no legal training and were scornfully treated by the
trained Crown lawyers. This contempt gave rise to much ill-feeling
between the municipal authorities and the Crown representatives.z In 1696,
the office ofjuiz ordinaria was abolished in Bahia.J From this date the senior
Crown lawyer, known as the jui'{ de fora, or district magistrate, presided over
the city council. The legal powers of the city council were reduced and

1 There was only onejuiz ordinaria in 1550, 1580, 1614, 1683, 1685, 1686, 1688,

1689 and 1690. For a more or less complete list see Affonso Ruy, Historia da
Camara, pp. 347-57.
2 Rivalry between the city council and the judiciary is discussed in C. R. Boxer,
Portuguese Society, pp. 74-5, 86, 144-5 and 148.
3 Affonso Ruy, Historia da Camara, p. 357·
justice and Charity 2 39

municipal affairs were dominated by the judiciary.

The highest Court of Appeals in Brazil was the RelafiiO. The Relafiio
had been established in Bahia in I()o9, suppressed in 1625 because of the
Dutch occupation, and re-established in 16p.1 The senior legal officer was
the chancellor, sent out from Lisbon every three years. During the years
when the Relafiio was not functioning the ouvidor geral headed the judiciary.
The chancellor exercised authority over all areas of Brazil and was second only
to the governor-general or viceroy in power. Judgements in the Court of
Appeals were passed by desemhargadores, many of whom were sent from
Lisbon. The influence exercised by these High Court judges over the city
council and brotherhoods was enormous. Their monopoly of the post of
Provedor of the Miseric6rdia during the early eighteenth century was only
broken by viceroyal intervention. Lesser posts were those of juiz de fora
and corregedor da comarca, both established in 1696. In 1742 ajuiz do crime
was appointed to deal with criminal cases only. The final court of appeal
was the Casa da Suplicafiio in Lisbon. In India, Diogo do Couto had com-
mented bitterly on the arbitrary nature of justice, because the judges had
been confident that the victim would have neither time nor money to appeal
to Lisbon. This was not the case in Brazil. There were frequent appeals
not only to the Casa da Suplicafiio but to the king himself. In the latter case
the king ordered enquiries to be made to ensure that justice was done, even
if the appellant were a Negro or mulatto.
Although civil and criminal courts existed at Bahia, the administration of
justice was often deficient. In Brazil there had not been that same feeling of
opportunism which had characterised the judiciary in the Orient, but there
had been similar complaints of falta de justifa, or lack of justice. It is
difficult to estimate how far these complaints were justified. Certainly the
repeated complaints by the city councillors of Bahia about the failings of the
judges of the High Court can be taken cum grano salis. Complaints against
judges influenced by family ties were often well founded.
The fact that Brazil had been colonized rather than merely occupied had

I It was suppressed by a decree of; April 162;. Pedro Calmon suggests this
was because of the upheaval wrought by the Dutch occupation, Historia da
civilir_afao hrasileira (3rd ed., Sao Paulo, 1937), p. 151. Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta,
Historia da America Portuguer.a, livro ;, $no-n, suggests financial motives to
save expenditure on salaries for the Crown officials.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
had a decisive influence on the administration of justice. On the one hand,
it had meant the acceptance of juridical responsibility for the territory so
vaguely defined by the papal treaty of Tordesillas in I494· On the other
hand, it had meant the creation of a land-owning aristocracy. It had become
traditional for at least one of the sons of such families to return to Portugal
to study law at Coimbra. On finishing his studies, the son would return
to Bahia to practise his profession. His advancement would depend as
much on his family background as on his own ability. In such a closely
inter-married society as Bahia, it was inevitable that every family of social
standing would have some relative in the High Court who could be
relied upon to protect the family interests. In response to numerous
complaints by the municipal council that family ties were perverting the
course of justice, the Crown decreed in 1670 that in future Brazilian-hom
judges could serve only in Portugal and the colonies but not in Brazil.'
Such a law was only partially effective. Many judges sent out from Portugal
married into the families of the land-owning aristocracy after arriving in
One of the most serious murder cases in Portuguese America of the
eighteenth century was nullified because of family ties between certain judges
and the accused. This cause celebre involved one of the leading land-owning
families of colonial Bahia, the Dias d'Avila family of the House of Torre.
Francisco Dias d'Avila, the third of this name, Knight of the Order of
Christ, Familiar of the Holy Office, and Master of the Field of the auxiliaries,
died on 1 April 1750. His premature death caused no surprise as he had
been in ill health for some time. Shortly afterwards his widow, Catharina
Francisca Correia de Aragao, remarried. In 1753 rumours that Francisco
Dias had been poisoned led to an investigation by the criminal judge of
Bahia. Despite medical evidence testifying to the natural death of Francisco
Dias, the goods of his widow and her second husband were confiscated, and
both imprisoned. The evidence of witnesses, mostly slaves, was contra-
dictory and the viceroy referred the case to Lisbon. In 1754 the Overseas
Council ordered a full enquiry, and in 1755 the criminal judge in Bahia
submitted a report directly to Lisbon, by-passing the local High Court.
All the enquiries were in vain. At the first suspicions the accused couple had

I C. R. Boxer, Portuguese Society, pp. 87-8.

justice and Charity
been granted a pass of safe conduct (carta de seguro) by partisan judges of
the High Court in Bahia which had guaranteed their immunity from further
charges. 1
Even in the rare instances when a family had no relative in the judiciary,
it was enough to be of the landed aristocracy to ensure immunity from legal
action. Local officials in some township of the Reconcavo were unwilling to
risk the displeasure of a powerful family by bringing criminal charges against
its members. When Jose Pereira Sodre of a noble Bahian family was
murdered in 1732, his brother complained to the viceroy, stating the names of
the murderers and the motive of the crime. Local evidence varied. A notary
of J aguaripe swore that the dead man had been wounded once in the head,
whereas a doctor of Cachoeira testified to the presence of seventeen wounds.
Despite the evidence, albeit conflicting, the Count of Sabugosa refused to
act because the accused were 'people of distinction'. The brother appealed
to the Crown, enquiries were held, but the murderers were not brought to
justice. 2
Justice in Brazil was also frequently frustrated by the sanctuary offered
by the religious orders to criminals. In Rio de Janeiro the Carmelites and
Benedictines were constant offenders in the eighteenth century, harbouring
escaped slaves, criminals and debtors despite royal orders forbidding this
practice. The friars were also receivers of stolen property and hid contra-
band within the monasteries. The Third Order of St Francis was equally
permissive, allowing vagrants and criminals to sleep in its church and
sacristy. 3 In Bahia the right of sanctuary was similarly abused. In 1713
Dam Joao V ordered the religious orders to expel all criminals and debtors,
and in the 1740s the king threatened the board of guardians of the Third
Order of St Francis with exile to Angola unless they desisted from sheltering
criminals. 4 In addition to sheltering criminals, the monasteries of Bahia also
I Pedro Calmon, Hist6ria da Casa da Torre, pp. 159--60 and the sources there
quoted, to which may be added, APB, Ordens regias, val. 49, ff. 37V-38v and val.
5I 7 ff. 88-90.
2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 29, docs. 6o and 6oa; vol. 30, doc. 63; vol. )2,

docs. IIJ and 113a.

3 ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. I97 ff. 208 and 278; vol. 23, ff. I, 26, 46, 63 and 65;
val. 34, ff. I65-'7·
4 King to viceroy, 4 March I7I3 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 8, doc. 31). The
document threatening deportation is missing from the bound volume of royal
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
provided hiding places for exiles who escaped from their guards while
waiting for ships to take them to Angola. 1 Bahia was one of the outlets for
smuggled gold and the monasteries afforded a safe hiding place until ship-
ment could be arranged. In 1730 the Count of Sabugosa wrote in his own
hand to the Secretary of State in Lisbon so that no third party should be
aware of the contents of his letter, asking for permission to search mona-
steries which he suspected of hiding gold leaf or bars. 2
As a lay brotherhood the Misericordia was subject to civil jurisdiction
and could not offer sanctuary in its administrative buildings. In 1704 it paid
8$ooo to the Prior of St Theresa for the upkeep of a mulatto slave of the
Misericordia who was a fugitive from justice. 3 The only sanctuary the
Misericordia could offer was its church. The practice was not encouraged
by the brotherhood who tried to avoid any civil or ecclesiastical intervention.
Occasionally during the eighteenth century a priest was sheltered in the
church on payment of 160 rs. daily. 4 In 1713 this right of sanctuary was put
to the test. Joseph da Costa Ferreira, a brother of the Misericordia, was
escorting a petty criminal in his official capacity as sergeant of the garrison.
On passing the Misericordia the criminal escaped from his escort, dashed to
the church of the Misericordia and clung to the bolts securing the main door.
Joseph da Costa Ferreira tore him away and placed him securely under
arrest again. For this violation of the right of sanctuary the zealous sergeant
was expelled from the brotherhood by the board of guardians.s
If family ties and the privilege of sanctuary impeded the course of justice

orders, but an index reference gives the substance of this: 'Sabre se passar ordem
aos Ministros e ao Escrivao da Ordem 3a deS. Francisco para que expulsem e nao
consintao homiziados nella, e constando o contrO sejao prezos, e remettidos para
Angola a ordem de S. Mage.' This was probably issued in 1745 (APB, Ordens
regias, vol. 43, index ref. to f. 91).
I BNRJ, II-33, 32, II.
2 He complained of people who possessed gold dust illegally and 'busquem o

segredo dos Conventos donde muytos comissarios e mineyros tern cofres particu-
lares em que sem susto depositao os seus cabedaes tanto em dinheyro como em
creditos, e escripturas ',viceroy to secretary of state, 20 August 1730 (APB, Ordens
rlgias, vol. 26, doc. 47).
3 The expenditure ledger records payment of 8$ooo 'q' deu ao Prior de Santa
Thereza do sustento do mulatto q' hi estava homiziado da Caza' (ASCMB, vol. 85o,
f. 25JV). 4 ASCMB, vol. 86o, f. pv. s ASCMB, vol. 195, f. 46v.
justice and Charity 243
in the urban area, in the large rural areas beyond the littoral region, the
difficulties of maintaining law and order were almost insuperable. Whereas
in the Orient the legal authorities had simply closed the dossier on any
criminal who escaped beyond the cities, in Brazil the jurisdiction of the High
Court of Bahia extended from the Maranhao to Sao Paulo. In the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries the hinterland of Bahia was largely unexplored,
except by cattle ranchers. The discovery of gold and diamonds led to the
establishment of mining camps in the interior. These were far from the arm
of the law and the easy gains attracted many criminals. Even in the 1930s
bandits, or cangaceiros, dominated the interior of the states of Pernambuco
and southern Ceara, without fear of the law. How much more was this the
case in the eighteenth century when there were inadequate communications,
police or transport. The discovery of mineral deposits in the 169os led to a
wave oflawlessness in the interior. For the first time the authorities in Bahia
were faced with the problem of maintaining justice in the interior.
The purely physical problem of maintaining justice over a vast area was
aggravated by the transient nature of the criminal population. A criminal
'working' the mining area moved with ease from one encampment to
another. A cattle rustler had only to drive his charges into another captaincy
to escape all risk of capture. The Crown policy of exiling gypsies to Brazil
contributed to the criminal population. These first appear in documents of
the early eighteenth century. The families deported to Brazil had multiplied
so rapidly that the area provided for them in Bahia in the Bairro da Palma
had become too small and they had overflowed into adjoining parishes. By
1755 they had become a serious problem for the legal authorities. In the
city they traded in horses and slaves as a cover for criminal activities, spoke
their own language which had been forbidden by a law of 1647, and com-
pletely took over certain areas of the city. In the Reconcavo the situation
was no better. They stole horses, held up travellers and were receivers of
stolen goods. Even the tough miners paid for the corralling of their horses
in a locked paddock in Cachoeira, when they came to Bahia. 1 Half-hearted
suggestions by the Count of Arcos in 1757 that gypsy boys be apprenticed to
a trade, the men be enlisted in the garrison, commerce be forbidden, and the
families widely dispersed, were not implemented.z
1 City council to king, 5 July 1755 (AMB, vol. 182, ff. 48--9).
z Viceroy to king, u October 1757 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 59, ff. 122-3).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

The High Court in Bahia was responsible for maintaining justice and
conducting legal enquiries throughout Brazil. A Crown judge was supposed
to make triennial visits to the various captaincies and set up local courts of
enquiry. In practice this was rarely done. In the first twenty-four years
following the re-establishment of a High Court in Bahia in 1652 no judge
visited any of the villages even of the Captaincies of Bahia or Porto Seguro. 1
This negligence was because all expenses for such journeys were borne by the
visiting judges, the travelling was rough and there was considerable risk
to life and limb. Even when payments were made, the results were
Governors and viceroys faced the problems of maintaining law and order
with varying success. Dom Joao de Lencastre (1694-1702) had fought the
problem of taking justice to the backlands by the establishment of townships
in the Reconcavo. Such were Jaguaripe (1697), Cachoeira (1698) and Sao
Francisco (1698). The Count ofSabugosa (172o-35) continued this policy,
raising mining encampments to municipal status with their own Justices of
the Peace and prisons. According to his reports to the Crown, the effects
on the reduction of crime were spectacular. In the diamond encampment of
Jacobina alone there were 532 murders by firearms in the years 171o-2I.
In 1721 the Count of Sabugosa gave Jacobina municipal status. With
justifiable pride he reported to the king in 1725, that in the preceding four
years there had only been two murders in Jacobina, both unpremeditated,
one with a knife and the other with a sword.3
Certainly this policy of establishing municipalities did contribute to the
reduction of crime, but the Count of Sabugosa was exaggerating in his
suggestions that crime would be abolished by this measure. Jacobina con-
tinued as a den of thieves and the High Court in Bahia was no deterrent to
the criminals of the interior. In 1732 the Count of Sabugosa himself
lamented to the king that 'although many criminals have been executed and

I ANRJ, C6dice 540, assento 6o.

2 On 4 February 1662 the Rela<;ao in Bahia decided that in addition to their
salaries the juir_ ordindrio should receive x$ooo daily and his assistants 500 rs. daily as
travelling expenses. This was to be collected from those criminals who were
convicted (ANRJ, C6dice 54o, assento 33).
3 Viceroy to king, 20 January 1725 (APB, Ordens rlgias, vol. 19, doc.
justice and Charity 245
hanged during my term of office as governor of this state, nevertheless such
is the character of men who live in the most remote regions of the interior,
that their freedom and absolute authority make them forgetful of these
examples'. 1
In 1742 an attempt was made to increase the efficiency of the juridical
machinery by dividing the Captaincy of Bahia into two zones. The first was
Bahia do Norte and continued to be administered from Bahia. The second
was Bahia do Sul and was administered by a chief justice resident in Jacobina.
Even with this division of legal responsibilities the southern zone occupied
an area larger than the Iberian Peninsula and included the mining areas of
Rio de Contas and Arassuahy.:z. The legal loophole afforded by the River
S. Francisco which was the border with the Captaincy of Pernambuco was
plugged in 1749 when the legal officers of both captaincies were given
authority over both banks of the river.J
Crimes of all types were committed in colonial Bahia. Premeditated
murder seems to have been infrequent. Robbery with violence and knife
attacks were common. In 1721 the Count of Sabugosa described an attack
by twenty armed men on the house of a wealthy miner. Although the owner
and a slave were beaten up, the thieves' haul only amounted to one box
containing 14,000 cru'{_ados because the miner had deposited the bulk of his
wealth in the monastery of St Theresa.4 Drunken brawls were frequent,
despite half-hearted municipal measures to restrict the distillation and sale of
cacha;a, or rum. In the eighteenth century there was a wave of robberies
from churches, including that of the Misericordia from which some candle-
sticks and gold plate were stolen.s After the discovery of gold and the estab-
lishment of a mint at Bahia in 1694, the making of false coinage flourished.
With the discovery of diamonds, Bahia became the centre for the smuggling
1 'e nao obstante se terem degolado e enforcado muitos, depois que govemo este

Estado, he tal o genio dos homens, que vivem no sertao mays remoto, que a sua
liberdade, e tirania os fas esquesser destes exemplos', viceroy to king, r6 Sep-
tember 1732 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 28, doc. 78).
2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 38, docs. 62, 62a, 62b and 62c.

3 Although a resolution to this effect had been taken in Lisbon on 28 November

1747, the king only informed the viceroy in a letter of 8 August 1749 (APB, Ordens
regias, VOl. 47, f. I 12).
4 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 15, doc. 59·
s ASCMB, vol. 14,f. 94·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

of these jewels. As the distance from the city increased, so also did the
number of crimes increase.
A reading of the minutes of the municipal council and the viceroyal cor-
respondence suggests that the majority of offenders were coloured people.
This may well have been the case simply because of the predominantly
coloured population. Frequently also, a slave was the hired killer for a
white person, or was made the scapegoat for a crime involving a prominent
family. Escaped slaves were a constant source of disorder in the city. They
became drunk and attacked passing citizens for money to buy food or
facilitate their escape to the interior. The law also discriminated against
Negroes. In the eighteenth century laws were issued forbidding a Negro to
wear silk or fine woo 1, even if he were a free man. Nor was he allowed to carry
a sword. This last law was later relaxed for white people of the lower classes,
but not for Negroes. 1 Finally it is well to bear in mind that a coloured person
would meet with less tolerance than a white offender when he was arrested.
Penalties were severe but curiously distributed. Punishments varied
between monetary fines, branding, amputation of an ear, whipping or
prison, and the heavier penalties of exile or execution. Social discrimination
appeared, e.g. only a slave or freed Negro would be whipped: only a person
of some social standing could obtain the privilege of being beheaded rather
than hanged. 2 Minor misdemeanours were harshly punished whereas major
crimes received comparatively light sentences. A petty official of the
Treasury of Bahia who had pilfered public funds was hanged in 1723,
whereas abduction and rape of a minor merited a monetary fine and ten years
exile to Cape Verde.3 Offenders were deported to Angola for vagrancy,

1 An alvard of 24 May 1749 contained the clause: 'Ordeno que nao possao

trazer estas armas aprendizes de officios mecanicos, lacayos, mochillas, marinheiros,

barqueiros, e fragateiros, negros, e outras pessoas de igual, ou inferior condi~ao'
(APB, Ordens regias, vol. 5o, ff. 28-34). In a letter of 30 May 1753 the king asked
the Governor of Rio de Janeiro to give his opinion concerning the petition by the
free pardos of Rio for a relaxation of this law in their favour (ANRJ, C6dice 9S2,
vol. 37, ff. 129 and 131-2).
2 In 1732 Colonel Francisco Dias do Prado, son of a prominent Sao Paulo

family, was sentenced to be hanged for several murders, but 'mostrando nos
ultimos embargos a sua nobreza, passou do Patibullo da forca ao Pillourinho donde
o degularao' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 28, doc. 78).
3 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 17, doc. 73 and vol. 2, doc. 40.
justice and Charity 247
thefts, or the carrying of weapons prohibited by law, and received sentences
similar to criminals convicted of murder. I
The Miseric6rdia assisted the potential victims of this rather arbitrary form
of justice. The stewards of the prisoners of the brotherhood visited the gaol
of Bahia regularly. They drew up lists of those prisoners most deserving of
legal and material assistance. Since it would have been impossible for the
Miseric6rdia to help all the prisoners, certain conditions were stipulated.
First, the prisoner had to be destitute. Secondly, the brotherhood was for-
bidden by statute from helping anyone gaoled for debt, failure to honour
pledges, or who was awaiting deportation. Thirdly, only after having spent
thirty days in gaol could a prisoner qualify for assistance. The names of
prisoners meeting these requirements were entered on a roll kept by the
stewards. These prisoners were then entitled to receive a ration of food,
medical aid and legal counsel from the brotherhood.
The material aid afforded by the Misericordia to criminals was centred on
the prison of Bahia. The conditions in the prison were appalling. A
sentence of imprisonment in the gaol of Bahia was tantamount to a death
sentence. The official attitude towards criminals was that once they were
under lock and key they ceased to exist. The prison of Bahia was a municipal
responsibility. Since the city council was invariably in financial straits,
imaginary or otherwise, no money was allocated either for the fabric of the
prison or for the sustenance of prisoners. In 166o cramped and insanitary
conditions resulted in so much illness among prisoners, that the city council
was compelled to enlarge the prison. 2 By 1681 the prison was in ruins and a
petition was sent to the king asking for permission to levy a tax on fish-oil
for the reconstruction) During the energetic and popular governor-general-
ship of Dom Joao de Lencastre the prison was rebuilt, but within ten years
further repairs were necessary and by 1736 the building was a total ruin.4
This situation was partly due to a division of responsibilities. The
office of gaoler was let out on a contract basis to the alcaide-m6r, an official
responsible for the policing of the city. He nominated the gaoler to the city
council and pledged a sum of money as security. The gaoler collected all

I A selection of these deportees is in C. R. Boxer, Portuguese Society, pp. 197-209.

z Atas da Camara (6 vols., Bahia 1944-5?), vol. 4, pp. 5o-1.
3 Cartas do Senado (3 vols., Bahia 195?-3), vol. 2, pp. 93-5·
4 AMB, vol. 176, f. 18o.
I 2
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

fees payable by prisoners and forwarded these to the alcaide-m6r. Faced

with financial difficulties in the early eighteenth century the city council
exploited this situation. First, the councillors alleged that the alcaide-m6r
was also responsible for the fabric of the prison, because he received
prisoners' fees. 1 When this allegation failed to produce results, the council-
lors resorted to more forceful methods. 'Rigged' charges were brought
against any gaoler nominated by the alcaide-m6r: he was relieved of his
duties and replaced by minor officials of the High Court (meirinhos da
Relafao) who paid no fees to the alcaide-m6r. This was yet another instance
of the increased influence of the Crown authorities over the city council,
which has already been mentioned. The king upheld the complaints of the
alcaide-m6r in 1717 insisting that the councillors accept his nominees for
the post of gaoler. 2 Nevertheless when the post of alcaide-m6r was abolished
both the Count of Sabugosa and the Count of Galveas refused to allow the
city council to use the fees collected from prisoners for repairs to the prison,
and all such fees were received by the High Court.3
The prisoners were the victims of this administrative sniping. The
cramped conditions resulted in epidemics. The sick and dying were
ignored. Sanitation was absent. Rations were inadequate. Legal defence
was not available. The prisoner was at the mercy of the municipal council
and the High Court. The Misericordia was the only brotherhood of Bahia
to assist prisoners. It sought to relieve their discomfort by installing
wooden bunks in the prison in 1706. 4 It may have been responsible for the
establishment of a small ward for the sick within the prison.s The brothers
distributed food regularly. The doctors of the Misericordia visited the
prison, treating prisoners and, where necessary, removing them to the
hospital of the brotherhood. The lawyers of the Misericordia undertook
the legal defence of a prisoner, availing themselves of their privileged position
r AMB, vol. 26, ff. 92v-93v.
2 APB, Ordens regias, vo!. II, doc. 34·
3 In a letter of 5 September 1736 the city council asked the king to permit these
fees to be used for the rebuilding of the prison by the municipality (AMB, vol. 176,
f. r8o). 4 ASCMB, vol. 85o, f. 273v.
s The accounts' ledger for 1750 records expenditure of r2$ooo for 'pinturas nas
enfermarias da cadeia' (ASCMB, vol. 862, f. 109). I have been unable to establish
whether or not this implies that the brotherhood had previously instituted a small
ward in the prison, whose construction had been finished in 1750.
justice and Charity 249
to secure an acquittal. The chaplains of the Miseric6rdia gave spiritual
solace to the condemned.
The Miseric6rdia received no aid, financial or material, from official
sources for the welfare of prisoners. The brotherhood was entirely
dependent on charity. 1 The only major bequest received by the Miseri-
c6rdia for the care of prisoners was of 6,282$302 left by J oao Alves Fontes in
1702. This was to be placed on loan, but it is doubtful if the complete
legacy was ever collected. In 1754 the total patrimony existing for the care
of prisoners was calculated at 3,424$5 oo, giving an annual return of2q$o3 1. z
This was totally inadequate to meet the costs of food and medicine. Other
testators made small legacies on a once-and-for-all basis. Usually the only
instructions accompanying such legacies were that they should be distributed
to the most needy prisoners. This was unsatisfactory because the prisoners
simply squandered the money on drink or gaming. The Miseric6rdia tried
to overcome this by securing a royal privilege ordering that all legacies for
prisoners should be given to the stewards of the prisoners for allocation in
the most suitable manner. This suggestion was first made in 1741. Dom
Joao V was more interested in the exotic birds of Brazil than in prisoners and
the Miseric6rdia received no reply before his death in 1750.3
On some rare occasions bequests were made for specific purposes. It
had been customary for the wealthier citizens of Bahia to provide meals for
the prisoners, either annually or on certain saints' days. After their deaths,
these benefactors left small legacies to the Miseric6rdia so that the provision
of such meals could be continued. Other testators stipulated that their
1 On 14 October 1754 the king ordered the Governor of Rio de Janeiro to

authorise payment by the Treasury of 4oo$ooo annually for three years to the
Miseric6rdia of Rio to provide adequate assistance for prisoners (ANRJ, C6dice
9S2, vol. 37, f. 338).
z In 1754 the following legacies were administered by the Miseric6rdia for the
welfare of prisoners: Joao Alves Fontes (1702), 1,790$5oo; Miguel Carvalho
Mascarenhas (1713) 1,434$ooo; Dr Francisco de Oliveira Porto (1748), 2oo$ooo
(ASCMB, vol. 210, f. 22). By this time the capital derived from the following
legacies made for the same purpose had been lost: Joao Alvares de Azevedo (1692)
3oo$ooo; Paschoal da Silva Moreira ( 1712) 400$ooo; Canon Manuel Ramos Pacheco
(1720) 8oo$ooo; Manuel Coelho Porto (1724) 1,2oo$ooo; Manuel Simoes Lisboa
(1750) mo$ooo. The original legacy by Joao Alves Fontes (1702) of 6,282$302
had been considerably reduced (ASCMB, vol. 211).
3 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 196, 198V-199V., and vol. 53, ff. IIIV-II2V.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

bequests be used for the clothing of prisoners and convicts. Since the
Misericordia lacked the financial resources to provide for all prisoners, there
were many who received no benefit from the brotherhood. These were most
to be pitied. Some bequests were intended for the aid of such prisoners who
were sustained from the 'general ration' and not by the Misericordia.
The material aid provided by the Misericordia consisted of a weekly ration
and medical aid. The Compromisso of 1618 had specified the nature of the
ration. It had consisted of bread on Sundays and Wednesdays, and an
additional allowance on Sundays of a bowl of soup and a piece of meat. 1 In
Bahia the practice was to provide a daily ration for a smaller number of
prisoners. In the year 1700-1 the brotherhood spent 434$020 on feeding
the prisoners on its roll. It lacked the funds to provide for more prisoners
and in the three years 1733-6 more than seventy prisoners died of starvation. 2
The Misericordia freely admitted that it could only provide for fifty prisoners
and that there were a further two hundred prisoners receiving no aid at all.
In 1736 the brotherhood launched an appeal to bring home to the Bahians the
plight of the prisoners. The object was to find 366 Bahians, each willing to
donate a daily ration for the prisoners. The slogan was 'A Christian a day
to keep hunger away'. Initially the appeal faced failure. Then the Count of
Galveas donated twelve meals and the archbishop matched the viceroy's
example. Other citizens contributed smaller amounts and the mortality
among prisoners due to starvation was cut.3 In August 1739 the Misericordia
launched a further appeal. Collecting boxes were circulated round all the
parishes of the city by brothers making door-to-door collections. This was
very successful, the annual receipts from this source sometimes exceeding
2oo$ooo, and averaging 140$ooo.4 Collections were also made in churches
of the Reconcavo for the same purpose, and within the city the Prior of
St Theresa also provided small alms for prisoners.s
The only occasion on which the Misericordia received payment for feeding
prisoners was when these were runaway slaves. Runaway slaves were
common and in the seventeenth century had formed large groups in the
interior. The most famous of these had been at Palmares and had only been

1 Compromisso of Lisbon of I 6 I 8, chapter I I.

2 ASCMB, vol. I), f. JV· 3 ASCMB, vol. )2, f. I96.
4 It exceeded 2oo$ooo for the years I74D-I and I74I-2 (ASCMB, vols. 8)) and
856). s ASCMB, vol. 858, f. ;; and vol. 863, f. 44·
justice and Charity 2.5I

subdued by an organised military attack. Regular search parties were sent

out from Bahia to capture escaped slaves. These slaves were placed in
prison and were fed by the Miseric6rdia. The brotherhood incurred no
financial loss by feeding these slaves. In I703 Dom Pedro II had issued a
decree giving full instructions for measures to be taken with such slaves. If
a slave refused to reveal the name or address of his master, then proclama-
tions were to be published throughout the city of Bahia and the towns of the
Reconcavo. If the master claimed his slave, he was to be liable for all
expenses. If not, then the slave was to be sold and the proceeds were to go
to the Treasury. Should the owner only appear after the sale of a slave,
then the money received was to be paid to him less the expenses of food and
imprisonment. 1 In I7I I the Miseric6rdia was paid the substantial sum of
I p$640 for feeding four slaves in prison for more than two years.z

Material assistance provided by the Miseric6rdia for prisoners also took

the form of medical care. The small rooms of the prison would have been
inadequate for the criminals of urban Bahia alone. The cramped conditions
were aggravated by the influx of criminals from all parts of Brazil and of
convicts en route to their places of exile. Bahia had the only Relafao of Brazil
until I75I when a High Court was established at Rio de Janeiro. 3 Before
this date criminals on serious charges were sent to Bahia and housed in the
prison. In addition, prisoners from the interior of the Captaincy of Bahia
were brought to the city for trial. In I68; major criminals had been trans-
ferred from Pernambuco to Bahia simply because the walls of the Pernam-
buco prison were too insecure.4 Finally there were the large numbers of
exiles waiting for transport to India or Angola. It was small wonder that
epidemics occurred in the prison and that when an Officer of Health was
appointed by the municipality one of his first duties was to check the health
of prisoners.
The doctors of the Miseric6rdia were obliged to visit the prisons once or
twice daily and give assistance to the sick.s Sometimes all that was necessary

I Alvard of; May I70J (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 7, doc. I82).
2 ASCMB, vol. 846, f. 17.
3 Later foundations were in the Maranhao in I812. and Pernambuco in I821
(Pedro Calmon, Historia da civilisafCzO brasileira, p. I 5I).
4 ANRJ, C6dice S4o, assento 78.
s ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 236.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
was a medicament from the apothecary of the Misericordia. On other
occasions a prisoner was moved to the Misericordia hospital. We will
return to this charitable action of the Misericordia in the following chapter
with reference to the hospital of the brotherhood.
The assistance given by the Misericordia to convicts came into a class by
itself. In Lisbon the Misericordia had enjoyed certain privileges to help
those being deported. The duties of the stewards of the prisoners had
included biannual visits to the galleys to secure the release of convicts who
had fulfilled their sentences. 1 Bahia was a wayport for such convicts but the
Misericordia was forbidden by statute from giving assistance to convicts
awaiting deportation. All that the brotherhood could do for these half-
naked wretches was to bury them charitably when they succumbed to the
rigours of the prison. Some exiles were already on the roll of the brother-
hood because the Misericordia of Lisbon had undertaken their defence before
they had been convicted. Frequently convicts had to wait for long periods
in Bahia before deportation. The presence of these in the prison caused
serious overcrowding. The authorities remedied this to some extent by
conscripting able-bodied men for service on the Indiamen which frequently
put in to Bahia with half of the crew sick and unable to continue the voyage. 2
Other convicts were used to replenish the garrisons of S. Tome and outposts
in India. The conscription of these convicts for garrisons in India had the
additional advantage of making it more difficult for them to return to Brazil,
whereas this was frequently the case of convicts deported to Angola.3 With
the decline in the slave trade to the Mina coast in the eighteenth century,
there were few ships from Bahia to S. Tome and Angola. In 1738 there was
the fear of epidemic in the prison of Bahia because of the large number of
convicts awaiting transportation to Angola. The Count of Galveas reduced
this gross overcrowding by sending many of these convicts to the garrisons
of the island ofFernando Noronha and the Rio Grande. 4 Not only convicts
I Compromisso of Lisbon of I6I8, chapter I I.
2 In I725 the ship jesus Maria joseph put into Bahia with only sixty of her crew

capable of continuing the voyage, an average of only two to each gun.· The viceroy
enlisted deportees and jailbirds to make the crew up to 100, the minimum necessary
for the vessel to continue her voyage (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 20, doc. 35).
3 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 28, doc. 59·
4 Resolution of 8 November I738 of the Rela;i'io of Bahia (ANRJ, C6dice S4o,
assento I 37).
justice and Charity
were affected by the lack of ships going to West Africa. In the 1730s the
Bishop of S. Tome waited in Bahia for nine months for a ship. The
Governor-elect of S. Tome, Ant6nio Ferrao Castelo Branco, had to buy a
ship at his own cost in 1740 to take up his appointment. 1
In Bahia no record was kept of the aid given by the Miseric6rdia to
convicts. The brotherhood certainly did act on behalf of convicts because
there are references to disputes between the attorney of the Miseric6rdia and
the scribe in charge of exiles as to the payment to be received by the latter. 2
When a prisoner was condemned to exile, he was often accompanied by his
family. On one occasion the Miseric6rdia paid the passage money of
children so that they could accompany their father to Angola.3
The legal aid given by the Miseric6rdia to prisoners was of supreme
importance. A situation reminiscent of Kafka's The Trial existed. Charges
against a prisoner were vague, no legal counsel was available. The dilatory
legal machinery often meant that a prisoner remained in gaol for months,
and even years, before being brought to trial. One of the actions of Dom
Joao de Lencastre had been to expedite the cases of prisoners in the gaol of
Bahia. Dom Joao V threatened punishment for scribes who ignored the
cases of poor prisoners in favour of those which promised better payment. 4
Despite viceroyal and royal intervention, the machinery of the judiciary
remained sluggish.
The Miseric6rdia of Bahia was the most active branch in Brazil in providing
legal counsel for prisoners. Until 1751 the Rela;iio of Bahia was the only
High Court in Brazil and all major criminals were sent to Bahia for trial. In
I 709 Dom Joao V commended to the Miseric6rdia the legal defence of those
prisoners most likely to be ignored by the scribes of the High Court, and
consequently those most likely to remain in prison without trial. The royal
advice was unnecessary because the Miseric6rdia already provided legal
advice for prisoners admitted to its roll of prisoners.s This aid applied not
only to prisoners admitted by the Miseric6rdia of Bahia but to those sent to
Bahia by other branches of the Miseric6rdia in Brazil.

I APB, Ordens regias, vol. 36, doc. Ia. 2 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 88--9.
3 ASCMB, vol. 85o, f. 287v. The Miseric6rdia also provided clothing for
deportees, many of whom arrived at Bahia half naked.
4 ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. 32, ff. 244-6 and vol. 33, f. 193.
s ASCMB, val. p, f. 4ov.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The procedure was as follows. The Miseric6rdia which had first ad-
mitted a prisoner to its roll forwarded to Bahia a certificate stating that the
prisoner was receiving assistance from the brotherhood. This certificate was
drawn up by the scribe and signed by the board of guardians. Without such
a certificate the prisoners did not benefit from the privileged position of
the brotherhood and were liable for legal costs and subject to fines. 1 This
last privilege - that prisoners on the roll of a Miseric6rdia could not be
sentenced to fines - was of vital importance to the brotherhood because
such sentences condemned the criminal to prison until the fine was paid
(which he was incapable of doing) and meant that the brotherhood had to bear
the costs of sustaining the prisoner. When more evidence was necessary,
the Misericordia of Bahia wrote to the branch concerned which made further
enquiries. Such co-operation between the Misericordia of Bahia and other
branches was reciprocal, other branches collecting debts due to the brother-
hood in Bahia.
The Misericordia maintained a qualified legal staff consisting in the
eighteenth century of two lawyers, one for civil cases and the other for
criminal cases. The most famous of these was Dr Manuel Ribeiro Rocha,
appointed in 1742 as the lawyer for civil cases at an annual salary of 110$ooo.2
He was an ardent abolitionist and in 1758 published a book entitled Ethiope
resgatado, empenhado, sustentado, corregido, instruido e libertado (The
Ethiopian ransomed, indentured, sustained, corrected, educated and liberated).
This advocated the substitution of Negro slavery by a system of indentured
labour.J The lawyers of the Miseric6rdia were assisted by clerks employed
by the brotherhood. The action of the stewards of the prisoners was limited
to presenting the final appeal in the High Court in cases where a criminal
faced the death sentence. This in itself was a privilege, because ordinary
lawyers were forbidden from entering the High Court. In the same way that
the Misericordia chose a Provedor capable of defending the brotherhood
against the municipal and ecclesiastical authorities, so did the brotherhood
choose a person of social standing to be the 'noble' steward of the prisoners.
This position was a stepping stone to the Provedorship and was occupied by
1 Details of cases and of the procedure are in ASCMB, vol. 52, ff. 45v-46, 47,

pv-52 and 91. 2 ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 271v.

3 A brief summary of this important work is in C. R. Boxer, Race Relations,

pp. 111-IJ.
justice and Charity
such prominent Bahians as the Master of the Field J oao Honorato, the land-
owner Domingos Affonso Sertao, the future Governor of S. Tome, Antonio
Ferrao Castelo Branco, and the Secretary of State Jose Pires de Carvalho e
Albuquerque. Should the 'noble' steward for the prisoners not be available,
the board of guardians appointed a brother of equal social standing. When
the steward from the lower class protested against this action in 1709 and
attempted to present the final appeals of a criminal himself, he was expelled
from the brotherhood for insubordination. 1
The cost of all legal expenses was borne by the Misericordia. No be-
quests were received to offset this cost. The account for an average year
was in the region of 12o$ooo but this sum did not include the salaries of the
lawyers and other employees of the Misericordia. The brotherhood was
held in high repute for the efficiency shown by its lawyers in the defence of
criminals and frequently was asked to take on a case for a citizen accused of a
crime on a purely business basis. In such cases the Misericordia received full
payment for its services.
There are no registers in the archives of the Misericordia to indicate the
extent of the legal activities of the brotherhood. The appointment of a
lawyer in the eighteenth century to deal solely with criminal cases suggests
that the Misericordia was increasingly busy in this respect. The brotherhood
took on all deserving cases, be the accused white or black, and it was prob-
ably in the defence of slaves that the action of the brotherhood was most
The slave was a criminal scapegoat. He was frequently the instrument
for the crimes of his master. When captured he received no defence and
was unable to present his case. The master disowned him and the law
condemned him. Reference has already been made to the concern shown
by Dom Joao V in the protection of the slave from exploitation and cruelty.
This preoccupation extended to slaves accused of crimes. In 1710 the
Bishop of Rio de Janeiro complained to the king of the impossibility of a
slave presenting any defence against his master. Dom Joao V authorised

1 A footnote to the expulsion order alleged that his wife had a 'defeito de
sangue'. This was later proved not to be so and he was readmitted (ASCMB, vol.
195, ff. 41 and 44). This contrasts with the attitude of the Mesa of 1630 who had
dismissed a brother because he was married to a Jewess, but had recorded his
expulsion as occasiol).ed by negligence in his duties (vol. 195, f. 5).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
the appointment of a lawyer, whose salary would be paid by the Crown and
whose duties would be limited to the presentation of charges made by slaves
against their masters in the Appeals Court. I
In Bahia the only case on which there is adequate information concerned
the defence of a slave by the Misericordia. His name was Antonio Fernandes
and he was the slave of friar Manuel da Madre de Deus, former Provincial
of the Carmelite Order in Bahia. Antonio Fernandes faced a charge of
murder. Only two facts were certain: first, that one Antonio Guedes and
his slave disappeared in Bahia in 1718; secondly, that shortly afterwards
Antonio Fernandes was sent to Rio by friar Manuel to be sold. While in Rio
it was alleged that Antonio Fernandes had confessed to the double murder,
saying he had acted on his master's orders. The Crown judge in Rio sent
him back to Bahia to stand trial on the charge of murder. The charge was
unsubstantiated. There was no evidence of the crime and the bodies of the
murdered men were not discovered. The witnesses, who claimed to have
heard Antonio Fernandes confess to the crime, failed to recognise him in an
identity parade. The accused pleaded innocence and the Misericordia took
up his defence. Despite the lack of evidence he was sentenced to be tortured.
This sentence was justified by the legal authorities on two dubious grounds.
First, that the accused was a 'base person and a slave'. Secondly, that in
such a serious case mere hearsay was enough evidence to proceed to torture.
One of the judges noted that, in any case, the severity of the punishment
received at the hands of the law would have been no greater than the beatings
Antonio Fernandes suffered from his master. The lawyer of the Misericordia
appealed to the High Court but the appeal was rejected. A second appeal was
also rejected and the lawyer was fined 2o$ooo for his temerity, whereupon
he refused to continue the defence and resigned from his post as lawyer to
the Misericordia. The sentence was carried out and Antonio Fernandes was
tortured with brutal severity. The torture lasted four hours and the victim
became unconscious twice. On each occasion the doctor and surgeon of
the High Court were called to examine the accused to see if the torture could
be continued. Only after he had fainted for the second time did the doctor
and surgeon forbid further punishment on medical grounds, although the
doctor affirmed that there had been no danger of death and the surgeon said
that he had treated worse cases who had been sent to the Misericordia
I Royal order of 5 November 1710 (ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. 18, f. 23).
Justice and Charity
hospital after torture. The stewards of the prisoners of the Misericordia,
who had also been called to assist the accused after each fainting, testified
ambiguously that 'although he (Antonio Fernandes) was mad with the pain
of the torture, nevertheless we cannot be certain if his condition resulted
from the torture alone or was simulated'. Antonio Fernandes appealed to
Dom Joao V, complaining of the 'inhuman tribulations and injustices' he
had suffered. The king ordered a full enquiry in 1722. The Count of
Sabugosa replied that the enquiry had shown that the torture had been
justified and that there was no reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused.
Nevertheless Dom Joao V, possibly aware that Sabugosa himself had been
named unfavourably in the appeal of Fernandes, ordered a second enquiry
to be made in 1723. This was to be conducted by the new Crown judge
being sent to Bahia, Dr Bernardo de Sousa Estrella. The king ordered that
friar Manuel da Madre de Deus be expelled from the captaincy for the dura-
tion of the enquiry because his powerful influence might obstruct the course
of justice. 1
The final charitable act of the Misericordia towards prisoners was to
provide spiritual solace for those condemned to death. On the day sentence
was passed, a priest of the Misericordia confessed the condemned man. On
the following day a mass was held in the prison. On the day of execution
the brotherhood sent a white habit to the prisoner and announced that a
hanging was to be held. A procession formed outside the prison, consisting
of nine chaplains, the stewards of the prisoners and the brothers of the
Misericordia clothed in black. The condemned man was given the crucifix
of the Misericordia to kiss, thereby receiving full indulgence granted by a
papal privilege. At the gallows prayers were chanted and after the hanging
the brotherhood returned to the Miseric6rdia. 2
A curious tradition existed concerning hanging. It was that, if by any
chance the criminal should fall from the gallows and still be alive, no further
punishment could be taken against him if he were covered by the flag of the
Misericordia. In 1715 this tradition caused a public scandal, viceroyal action,
and a sharp reproach for the Misericordia from the king. Two Negroes had
been condemned to death. One had been hanged and the second was
1 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 16, doc. 23 and accompanying documents; vol. 17,

docs. 29a, 37 and 37a.

z Compromisso of 1618 of Lisbon, chapter 36.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
already on the gallows when the cross-bar broke and both bodies fell to the
ground. The brothers of the Miseric6rdia leapt forward and covered the
second criminal, who was still barely alive, with the banner of the brother-
hood. There was a scuffie. The meirinho, or minor court official, believing
that the brothers of the Miseric6rdia were going to carry off the criminal,
drew a dagger and killed him. The populace threatened to lynch the official
for this action and peace was only restored by the senior city councillor who
ordered his arrest. The brothers of the Miseric6rdia trooped to the governor's
palace and publicly demanded that the official be hanged. The Marquis of
Angeja called out the palace guard to disperse the restless populace and
arrest those brothers who refused to go peacefully. They were only released
on the personal appeal of the Provedor to the viceroy. The incident was
reported to Dom Joao V who severely rebuked the brotherhood for inter-
vening in the execution of justice. I
Once a year, on All Saints' Day, the brotherhood congregated for a
solemn procession to the gallows. The brothers collected the bones of all
those who had been hanged in the previous year and took them back to the
Miseric6rdia to be buried in holy ground. These processions sometimes
occasioned disputes between the Miseric6rdia and the local clergy. In the
eighteenth century the gallows were in the parish of St Peter, beyond the
city walls. It had been customary for a priest of the cathedral chapter to
accompany the procession as far as the city gates. Here the procession was
met by the vicar of the parish of St Peter who accompanied it to the gallows.
Both priests received payment for this service, but it was their intervention
in a private ceremony of the Miseric6rdia which led the board of guardians to
protest against this practice. The 'procession of the bones' is depicted on
tiles in the church of the Miseric6rdia, showing the brothers bearing the
three biers behind the banner of the brotherhood (see Plate). The last
occasion on which this procession was held was in 1825. 2
The need for tempering justice with charity has been amply illustrated.
The colonisation of Brazil demanded a higher degree of juridical responsibility
than had been shown by the Portuguese authorities in Asia. The problems

I APB, Ordens regias, vo!. IO, doc. 40.

2 ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 22o-221v; Marieta Alves, A Santa Casa de Misericordia e
sua igreja (Bahia, 1962), p. 8. A description of the order of ceremony is contained
in chapter 37 of the Compromisso of 1618 of Lisbon.
justice and Charity 2)9

of maintaining law and order were different in the two continents. The
attitude of the judiciaries towards criminals of little social standing or few
financial resources was markedly similar. All too frequently the preferment
of a charge was tantamount to the passing of a sentence. Once accused, the
victim of this arbitrary justice was imprisoned and his case delayed. If the
attitude of the juridical authorities was one of disregard, the attitude of the
municipal authorities towards the inmates of its prison was no better. They
were left to die of starvation or of disease.
The action of the Misericordia in assisting prisoners was of the greatest
importance. Prisoners were sustained by the rations distributed by the
brotherhood and the sick received medical treatment. A qualified lawyer
examined charges made against a prisoner and strove to secure his acquittal
if innocent, or at least a fair trial if guilty. The assistance given by the
Misericordia to prisoners demonstrated the semi-bureaucratic function of the
brotherhood. In this instance the Misericordia of Bahia worked to remedy
the shortcomings of a sluggish judiciary and a negligent municipal council,
but received no official support or recognition for its labours. Another
aspect of the bureaucratic role played by the Misericordia was the provision
of hospital services for the community. Here the brotherhood was less
willing to give its services without reimbursement as had been the case with
its aid to prisoners.

The Hospital of Saint Christopher

THE only general hospital in Bahia during the entire colonial period was
administered by the Misericordia. This hospital had been known as the
Hospital of Our Lady of Candles or the Hospital of the City of the Saviour
in the sixteenth century. From the late seventeenth century it was always
called the Hospital of St Christopher. This single hospital provided for an
urban population which had grown from r,ooo settlers in r549 to some
IJo,ooo residents in I755· Although the first governor, Tome de Sousa,
had ordered the construction of the hospital in r 549, his successors fatled to
follow his example in providing hospital services for the city. Governors
and viceroys paid scant attention to the peculiar medical problems of a
community, the majority of whose members had emigrated to Brazil. The
city council was equally remiss. No part of the income derived by the
municipality from heavy taxation was ear-marked for medical aid for the
community. The councillors failed to enforce even the most rudimentary
measures for public hygiene. These two factors - a society composed
of three races from three continents and a disregard for urban sanitation
-contributed to the high incidence of disease within the City of the
Miscegenation in Brazil had involved three races- the Indian, the white
and the Negro- from three different continents. This purely ecological
factor had been important in making Bahia an unusually fertile breeding
ground for disease. This may be explained by two established medical facts.
First, each area has a range of diseases peculiar to that area. Secondly, the
inhabitants of a given area develop resistance to these diseases by constant
contact. A traveller visiting an area for the first time is highly susceptible to
infection during the initial phase of his stay. In proportion to the length
of time he remains in that region he develops an increasingly diminished
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
response to local diseases. Conversely, if the introduction of an alien group
into an area is sufficiently large, then a totally new range of diseases may
be imposed on the indigenous population. This has occurred recently in
Brazil. The construction of a highway from Brasilia to Belem has resulted
in contact being made with tribes previously unknown. Bulldozers have
broken down physical barriers. The workmen following in the wake of
these massive machines have constituted a moving bacteriological frontier of
diseases common to the urban areas of Brazil. The result has been the
decimation of Indian tribes by whooping cough, measles and the common
There had been an analogous occurrence in the sixteenth century in
Brazil. Not two, but three groups of diseases had converged- the
American, the African and the European. The Indian had been the victim
of this initial contact. Thousands had died of smallpox and tuberculosis in
the villages established by the Jesuits. Those who had been enslaved had
died of changes of diet, unaccustomed types of work, or alcoholism. 1 The
retreat of the survivors from the littoral region and from the Jesuit outposts
had only made them all the more susceptible to future contacts. The white
coloniser had brought diseases of European origin, such as smallpox, measles
and influenza. Although syphilis appears to have originated in America,
the dominant transmitter of this and other venereal diseases had been the
European coloniser. Nevertheless the white man had been the most
susceptible to a whole new range of tropical diseases such as malaria, chagas
and yellow fever.
The race least affected by the tri-continental convergence of diseases had
been the Negro. Many of the diseases present in Brazil had also been
present in Africa. Thus the Negro had already developed a degree of
resistance to these diseases and was better equipped to withstand contact
with new strains present in Brazil. Also, many Negroes had already been
exposed to European diseases brought to the west coast of Africa by
Portuguese traders and slavers. When attempting to assess the importance
of the slave as a transmitter of disease, two caveats must be made. First,
contemporary documents such as the viceroyal correspondence must be used
with care, because there was a tendency to blame all disease on the negro
1 For the devastating effect of diseases resulting from these early contacts see

Thales de Azevedo, Povoamento, p. 69 and sources there quoted.

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
bichado ('bug-ridden Negro'). Secondly, loose medical terminology was
often used to describe diseases common among slaves, but which had been
already present in Europe. The most evident example was scurvy, referred
to as mal de Luanda ('evil of Luanda'), but known to sailors centuries before
the first carrying of slaves in bulk. Diseases ascribed to African origin
included leprosy, dysentery, buboes and nematode worms. 1
The heavy mortality rate among slaves had been the result less of medical
factors than of social conditions. The appalling conditions of the slave
ships, hard plantation labour and continual malnutrition reduced the
maximum working life of a slave on a plantation to ten years. Ironically
enough, the enforced contact of the Negro slave and the white man had
benefited both races. The European had gradually developed a resistance to
tropical diseases. The African had developed a similar resistance to Euro-
pean diseases. This did not mean that there had emerged a society immune
to both European and tropical diseases. There was a continual increase
in the numbers of colonists from Europe and slaves from Africa during
the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. These new migrants,
slaves or freedmen, succumbed to the new diseases as easily as had their
predecessors until they too achieved a degree of resistance. Hybridisation
played a major part in overcoming the adverse medical effects of migration.
There was some truth in the adage that Brazil was 'A Hell for Blacks, a
purgatory for Whites, and a paradise for Mulattoes'. 2
The problems of urban sanitation in the tropics are many. Nevertheless
the task of the municipal council of Bahia should have been facilitated by the
geographical situation of the city. Bahia was essentially a healthy city. In
1549, the Jesuit priest Manoel da N6brega had commented on the healthy
position chosen for the new capital. He had extolled the fresh breezes, the
ready supply of fresh water, the uniformity of temperature and the abun-
dance of fresh fruit and game. 3 The natural advantages of Bahia were
described in almost identical terms by the Professor of Greek at Bahia, Lufs
dos Santos Vilhena, in the late eighteenth century.4 Some three hundred

r Such diseases are listed by Gilberto Freyre, The Masters, p. 475, n. 204, and
Thales de Azevedo, Povoamento, p. uS, n. 245.
z Cited by C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age, p. I.
3 Manoel da N6brega, Cartas, p. 89.
4 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. I, p. 16.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
years after the original settlement, the British doctor, Robert Dundas,
reported on the comparative salubrity of Bahia which he ascribed to the
uniformity of temperature and the coof nights. 1 Despite enthusiastic
testimonials from such different witnesses, the fact was that the city of Bahia
was riddled by disease and suffered from severe epidemics in the seventeenth
and early eighteenth centuries.
The responsibility for this situation must be laid to the charge of the city
council and, to a lesser degree, the Crown authorities. The city council
failed to act in three respects. Laws dealing with urban sanitation were not
enforced. There were no inspections of shops, butchers, slaughter houses
and markets. Foodstuffs and medicines imported from Europe were not ex-
amined on arrival in Bahia. Some blame must also be attached to the Crown
authorities. Bahia was not only a terminal port for the slave trade but was
also a wayport for the Indiamen. Royal decrees concerning hygiene and diet
on the slave ships and Indiamen were not implemented. Bahia was swamped
by disease-ridden slaves, soldiers and sailors whenever one of these ships put
into port. The Crown authorities might well have assisted the municipality
in providing a hospital because many of the sick were in the royal service.
The city of Bahia was a filthy place. Those foreign visitors of the seven-
teenth and eighteenth centuries who lavished praise on the monasteries and
churches, decried no less vehemently the insanitary conditions of the city.
A distinction must be made between the upper and lower cities. In 1699 the
English traveller William Dampier described the upper city in glowing
terms. He was most impressed by the strong stone buildings, the broad
paved streets, belvederes and gardens. The lower city was the commercial
area cramped into a narrow strip of land between the sea and the cliff. It
was composed of warehouses, small shops, taverns, brothels and poor houses
huddled together in the narrow and dirty alleys. The upper city was
comparatively healthy only because of its superior position. The munici-
pality provided only the most primitive of sewage systems and no form of
refuse collection. Responsibility for domestic sanitation was left to the
individual householder. The tigres, or barrels of excrement, piled up in the
houses until a slave was finally ordered to carry them down to the waterfront
1 Robert Dundas, M.D., Sketches of Brar_il, including new views on tropical and

European fever (London, 1852), pp. 204---9· Robert Dundas was medical super-
intendent of the British hospital in Bahia for twenty-three years.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
to be emptied. Rubbish was disposed of in the same way or was burnt.
The results of this official negligence can well be imagined. The slave
simply dumped the excrement and the rubbish in one of the less populous
parts of the upper city. The area behind the wall of the Franciscan monastery
and the tops of the paths going to the lower city were the most commonly
chosen places. These paths, or ladeiras, were little more than open drains for
the upper city. Herds of pigs rummaged among the piles of dirt and
rubbish. 1 The alley between the hospital and the retirement house of the
Misericordia became impassable because of the piles of excrement and dead
animals. The odours prejudiced the health of patients in the hospital and
girls in the retirement house. In 1742 the brotherhood suggested to the
municipal council that a gateway be placed across the entrance to the alley. 2
The lower city was the cesspool for the upper city. Heavy rains washed
the piles of rubbish down the steep slopes of the cliff. The alleys of the
lower city became choked and the hot sun caused putrefaction, endangering
the health of people already weakened by malnutrition and poor living
conditions. It was small wonder that the English lady, Maria Graham (later
to be Lady Callcott), during her visit to Bahia in 1821, referred to the 'filthy
lower town' of Bahia.3
The second failure of the municipal council concerned lack of hygiene in
the sale of foodstuffs. The principal causes of infection were meat and
manioc flour. Large herds of cattle were brought to the cattle fair at
Capoame, eight leagues from the city. 4 From here they were driven to the
city where they were kept in corrals for anything up to a week. During this
period they received only water. Frequently the beasts were suffering from
infection before being slaughtered. Additionally, hygiene was absent in
both the slaughter houses and the butchers' shops. Butchers alleged
shortage of supplies in the morning to force up prices. At night they sold
off cheaply meat which had been hanging in the sun all day and become
infested with flies. Profiteering was also common in the sale of manioc flour.

1 In 1739 the city council announced sentences of up to thirty days imprisonment

for owners who allowed their pigs to roam the city (AMB, vol. 30, f. 196).
z ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 273v.
3 Maria Graham, journal of a voyage to Brar_il and residence there during part of
the years 1821, 1822, 1823 (London, 1824), p. 133·
4 Antoni!, Cultura e Opulencia, part 4, chapter 3·
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
This was supplied to Bahia from the townships of Boipeba, Camamu and
Cairu in the south of the Captaincy of Bahia. The supplies were super-
ficially inspected on arrival in the city. Unscrupulous merchants hoarded
supplies until a lean period of the year and then sold the commodity at
extortionate prices. 1 Frequently, the flour as it appeared on the market was
not fit for pigs let alone for human consumption.
The municipal council also failed to examine foodstuffs and medicines
sent from Europe. Wheat flour, butter, cheeses and wines reached Bahia
already in poor condition. Such commodities were rotten when they
reached the markets and were bought by poor families and by masters for
their slaves. When Frezier, the engineer sent by Louis XIV to make hydro-
graphical observations and plans of ports and fortresses in Portuguese and
Spanish America, made his report on Bahia he stressed that it was not a good
port because of the lack of fresh provisions.z Medicines were also imported
from Lisbon. These were not inspected on arrival with sufficient care, nor
were periodic inspections made of the chemists' shops to ensure that old
stock was destroyed.
The responsibility of the Crown centred on the strategic position of
Bahia as a port for slavers and Indiamen. Sanitary conditions on the slave
ships were appalling. Before embarkation in Africa many of the slaves had
already undergone the hardship of a long trek from the interior in chain gangs
known as alimhamhas. On the ships the slaves received meagre rations, or
even nothing at all. The conditions were cramped and the 'heads' inade-
quate. The mortality rate on the six-week crossing from Luanda was high.
Those slaves who did reach Bahia alive were infected, at best with scurvy, at
worst with yellow fever. Cursory medical checks and rapid sale meant that
infected slaves were the carriers of diseases both in the city and in the
plantations of the Reconcavo.
The conditions on the Indiamen were infinitely superior to those on the
slave ships. Nevertheless, inadequate supplies of food and fresh water
resulted in whole crews falling prey to scurvy and dysentery. On arrival at
Bahia many sailors were sent to hospital and their places taken by jail-birds
and convicts hastily pressed into the royal service so that the ship would be
adequately manned. Not only sailors were affected by disease. Many of the
1 Atas da Camara, vol. 3, pp. 13o-4 and p. 197·
2 Frezier, Relation du voyage, part 3, p. 279.
266 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
lndiamen carried soldiers for the garrisons of Africa and India, and these too
frequently remained in Bahia for long periods of convalescence.
I do not wish to give the impression that legislation did not exist to combat
these evils. It did, at both the municipal and Crown levels. In both cases it
was ignored by those concerned. A casual glance at the minutes of the
municipal council for the seventeenth century reveals the frequency with
which laws concerning sanitation and hygiene were issued. This very
frequency was indicative of their ineffectiveness. Laws were passed threaten-
ing severe penalties for failure to dispose of rubbish at the waterfront, or for
failing to keep clean the street outside one's house. Other laws made it
compulsory for butchers to wash their counters. Wine-merchants had to
clean their measuring cans regularly. I The Crown had issued decrees aimed
at reducing slave mortality. In 1664 Dom Affonso VI had ordered slave
traders to provide adequate supplies of food and water, and ensure that the
slaves were not overcrowded in confined spaces. All these laws and decrees
were in vain. They were difficult to enforce. Corrupt officials and family
connections made a mockery of any municipal or royal order.
A single event had jerked Crown authorities and municipal councillors
into more positive action. This had been an outbreak of yellow fever in
Bahia in 1686. We will be returning to this later (pp. 288-9). Suffice it to
say here that such had been the severity of the outbreak that up to 200 people
had died in a single day. The municipal council was compelled to take a firm
stand on urban sanitation and the inspection of foodstuffs. Without doubt
this was in part due to intervention by governors and viceroys who needled
the councillors into action. The first governor-general to act in this respect
was Dom Joao de Lencastre (1694-1702). During his term of office all
remaining traces of yellow fever were extinguished, chemists' shops were
inspected and laws on urban sanitation were enforced. During the eighteenth
century the Count of Sabugosa (Viceroy, 172o-35) continually reminded
the councillors of their obligations to the populace.
The most important appointment to emerge from this pressure was the
election of a Provedor da Saude, or Officer of Health. Although two sanitary
inspectors known as almotaces da limper_a had been elected in 1673 to inspect
the cattle corrals, slaughter houses, and enforce laws dealing with hygiene
I Atas da Crimara, vol. 1, pp. 5-9, 19, 33, 126; vol. 2, pp. 67-<), 103-4, 154--6,

205, 253-4; vol. 3, pp. 241-3. Alfonso Ruy, Historia da Crimara, pp. 137-41.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
and sanitation, these officials had not been effective. 1 No payment had been
made and the only candidates had been 'men of inferior standing'. They
had been negligent in their duties and had lacked the authority to command
the respect of householders or shopkeepers. Penalties had not been enforced
against slaves because of fear of reprisal by their masters against the sanitary
inspectors. In I 694 the city council had asked the Crown to approve the
appointment of an Officer of Health. The incumbent would not possess any
medical training but would be a person of sufficient social standing and
nobility to inspire respect. 2
During the eighteenth century the Officer of Health was a councillor.
His duties included the regular inspection of slaughter houses, shops and
markets. He was accompanied by a doctor appointed by the city council
and from the I7JOS by a surgeon, also a municipal appointee. All medical
inspections were registered, and penalties were levied against offenders.J
Medical inspections were also made of all ships arriving from Africa. On
more than one occasion in the eighteenth century the inspecting team com-
plained of the 'fetid stench' in the holds of slave ships. In severe cases of
infection the ship was quarantined at a place known as the ponta do curra/.4
A closer check was kept on medicines imported from Europe. In 1744
the king ordered that rules for the inspection of chemists' shops in Portugal
be applied to Brazil. These inspections were carried out by commissioners
appointed by the chief physician. These agents examined medicines arriving
on ships and made triennial visits to chemists' shops. Payment was made for
the latter service but not for the former. Evidently the agents were over-
zealous, possibly to compensate for non-payment for visits to ships. Numer-
ous complaints reached the king from chemists of how the agents were

I The minute approving these appointments is dated r6 November 1672; the

first elections were made on 31 January r673 (Atas da Camara, vol. 5, pp. 78-81
and pp. 93-4). On 4 March 1673 the city council asked the king to approve these
posts and the royal approval was granted on 30 March 1675 (AMB, vol. 173, ff.
I 5ov-r ;rv and vol. 176, f. 12v).
2 City council to king, 30 July 1694 (AMB, vol. 174, ff. I24V-I25)·

3 The earliest extant register of these inspections is AMB, vol. pz.

4 AMB, vol. 29, ff. IJ9v-qo. As early as r626 passengers from an infected ship
had been quarantined on the Ilha dos Frades (Atas da Camara, val. r, pp. 39-40).
Thus Vilhena's suggestions for the quarantining of ships in the late eighteenth
century had some historical precedent (Noticias soteropolitanas, val. r, p. r 56).
268 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

insisting on making 'extraordinary visits' to their shops and claiming pay-

ment for these unauthorised inspections. I
The Crown authorities were primarily concerned with safeguarding
Portugal from disease. On hearing of the yellow fever epidemic of r686,
the king had ordered that all ships from Brazil to Portugal should inform the
sanitary authorities in Lisbon of arrival, before anybody disembarked/· Bills
of health were instituted in r691. Known as cartas de saude, they registered
the prevailing state of health in the city of Bahia at the time of departure of
the ship. They were presented to the officer on duty in the tower at Be!em
at the mouth of the Tagus, who would allow the ship to berth or would
order quarantine as was necessary. 3 This information was obviously inade-
quate. In 1694 the king had ordered that the bills of health should have
details of the number of passengers and crew, their state of health, and the
exact nature of any sickness on board. 4 On the suggestion of the municipal
doctor of Bahia this practice was later extended to all ships arriving from
Africa at Bahia and resulted in the inspections already mentioned.s
The Crown also took measures to reduce slave mortality. In 1684 Dom
Pedro II had issued laws aimed at reducing the chronic over-crowding of the
slave ships, which often resulted in actual bodily injury. He had been
particularly concerned with ensuring adequate ventilation and had worked
out regulations for the number of slaves to be carried, based on tonnage and
ventilation. For example: for every two tons, seven slaves could be carried
on decks with portholes, whereas only five could be carried in those parts
without portholes. The ratio of slaves to tonnage increased in proportion
to the height of the decks above sea-level. 6
Neither royal nor municipal measures had any lasting effect. It is true
that Portugal did not suffer from plague in the eighteenth century. Yell ow
I APB, Or dens regias, vol. 42, doc. r 19. For complaints and royal action to stop

abuse see vol. 47, f. 92.

2 King to governor of Rio de Janeiro, 22 April r688 (ANRJ, C6dice 9S2, vol. 4,

f. 210).
3 Secretary of state to governor-general, 19 January I69I (APB, Ordens regias,
vol. 2, doc. 9).
4 King to governor-general, 30 January I694 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 3, doc. 6).
s APB, Ordens regias, vol. 5, docs. 39 and 39a.
6 Law of r8 March r684. On r6 May 1744 Dom Joao V told the viceroy to
ensure that this law was observed (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 41, docs. 52 and pa).
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
fever persisted in Bahia until the 1930s although it never again reached the
epidemic proportions of 1686. Slave ship conditions did not improve. A
single example will suffice to illustrate this. When the slaver N. sr do
Rosario e S. Gonfalo arrived in Bahia in 1724 after the short voyage of
twenty-nine days from Sao Tome, a medical inspection revealed that over
300 slaves had died during the crossing and that the survivors were in need
of hospital treatment. 1 The situation was no better on the Indiamen. Whole
crews were placed in hospital in Bahia after contracting scurvy. Urban
sanitation may have improved during the viceroyalty of the Count of
Sabugosa, but his successors were lax and even opposed certain improve-
ments suggested by the municipal council. 2 The letters of Vilhena written
at the end of the eighteenth century present a sordid picture of disease and
squalor. He severely censured the Misericordia for the unhealthy conditions
of its cemetery for slaves, but he reserved his harshest criticism for the
negligence of the city council.J
Vilhena made no reference to the failure on the part of the city council to
provide any hospital for the city. Nor did the city council provide even
rudimentary medical assistance. The duties of those doctors on the municipal
pay-roll were limited to treating the soldiers of the garrison and certain
public officers. The fact that Vilhena made no reference to this failure of the
municipal authorities is curious in such a severe critic of local government.
The reason was simply that hospital services were not then regarded as a
municipal responsibility. This had also been the case in Spanish America
during the colonial period. The responsibility for social services had been
assumed by the Church and religious orders. In Brazil this responsibility
had devolved upon the brotherhoods. Because of its privileged position
the Misericordia had been the most prominent brotherhood in this respect.
In maintaining public hospitals in cities and townships of Brazil, the Miseri-
cordia had been unique among the brotherhoods of colonial Brazil.
In Bahia the Misericordia was the sole administrator of the hospital. All
expenses were met from the brotherhood's funds. All staff were appointed
by the board of guardians. Successive boards of guardians were tom

1 AMB, vol. 29, ff. IJ9V-I40·

z Disagreements between the Crown officials and the councillors are described
by Affonso Ruy, Historia da Cdmara, pp. I so-2.
3 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, letter 4·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

between vanity in the preservation of this monopoly and the hard financial
reality of insufficient funds. Vanity triumphed. During the eighteenth
century the Misericordia opposed three rival attempts to found hospitals.
The first was in the 1720s. A friar, Bernardo da Concei<fao, asked Dom
Joao V to grant privileges to a hospital he proposed to build at Peneafou.
The request was referred to the Count of Sabugosa who consulted the
Misericordia. The board of guardians of 1724-5 rejected the request on two
grounds: first, testators would endow the new hospital instead of that of the
Misericordia; secondly, royal approval for the new foundation would be
interpreted as a vote of no confidence in the Misericordia. The Mesa pointed
out that no charge was made for the treatment of the sick in the brother-
hood's hospital and that it was totally dependent on charity. 1
The second case of rivalry concerned the Brotherhood of the Holy Body
of Christ. The captains of deep-water ships had approached the board of
guardians of this brotherhood with a proposal for the foundation of a
hospital for sailors. An agreement had been signed in 1714, the seamen
promising to pay dues to the brotherhood calculated on the size of the ship
and its port of departure. This agreement had been approved by the
Marquis of Angeja in 1715 and the brotherhood received the promised dues. 2
No hospital was built and the brotherhood spent the money on its various
private needs. When the brother-hood came to ask for royal confirmation of
their privilege in 1736 both the city council and the Misericordia strongly
opposed any such authorisation. The Misericordia extolled the virtues of its
own hospital and suggested that those funds already collected be handed to
its treasurer. 3
The third threat to the monopoly of the Misericordia came from the vice-
roy. Bahia was a wayport for Indiamen carrying soldiers to Portuguese gar-
risons in Asia. Many of these soldiers contracted scurvy and had to remain in
thehospital in Bahia. Duringthegovernor-generalshipofDom Joaode Len-
castre the soldiers of the garrison of Bahia had mooted the construction of a

1 ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 142.

2 All ships from Lisbon, Oporto, Angola, Costa da Mina and the Atlantic
Islands paid ro$ooo per voyage; smacks paid 5$ooo; each passenger paid 640 rs.
Lower charges were levied for vessels arriving at Bahia from Brazilian ports, e.g.
2$ooo for a smack from Rio de Janeiro (Documentos historicos, vol. 62, pp. 35-8).
3 ASCMB, vol. 52, ff. r62-3.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher

military hospital. This proposal had not been implemented because the only
funds the Crown had been willing to allocate for this purpose had been the
tithes on certain livestock. These tithes had previously been conceded to
the Misericordia. It was indicative of the fickle nature of the royal support
for the Misericordia that Dom Pedro II had been perfectly willing to with-
draw this financial benefit. 1 The question of a military hospital fell into
abeyance. In 1740 the Count of Galv~as provided limited accommodation
in the barracks of the Rosary for sick soldiers from Crown ships, but there
was still great pressure on the Misericordia hospitai.z During the 1740s the
Misericordia adopted a tough line and insisted on more payment for treating
the soldiers of the garrison in its hospital. Dispute over payment to the
Misericordia had dragged on for almost half a century and the attitude of
Crown officials to the 'privileged' brotherhood had soured. In 1750 the
viceroy, the Count of Atouguia, recommended to the king in no uncertain
terms that the claims of the brotherhood be ignored and that a military
hospital be built.J This suggestion was not followed and an uneasy agree-
ment was reached with the Misericordia as to payment. Only after the
College of the Jesuits fell empty in 1759 following the expulsion of the Order
did the city of Bahia have its own military hospital.4
The Misericordia only opposed the foundation of hospitals which would
rival its own. The Jesuits and Franciscans both had wards for sick members
of their respective orders. In 1746 the Prior of the Capuchins was granted
permission to establish a small hospital for sick and convalescent mission-
aries.s The Third Order of St Francis had mooted a hospital for sick
tertiaries in the early eighteenth century but construction was only begun in
1802.6 The Misericordia did not oppose such foundations by the religious
orders. Nor did it oppose the establishment of a leprosery. The hospital of
the Misericordia contained no isolation ward. When the Provedor of the
Brotherhood of St Lazarus approached the city council in 175 5 for financial
I King to governor-general, 16 November 1695 (APB, Ordens regias, vo!. 3,

doc. 94).
z APB, Ordens regias, vo!. 47, f. 194.
3 Viceroy to king, 24 March 1750 (ASCMB, vol. 15, f. 49v).
4 Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa, p. 21 and n. 34-
s APB, Ordens regias, vo!. 43, doc. 35a.
6 Marieta Alves, Hist6ria da VenmiYel Ordem .i" da Penitencia do Serdfico pe
Sao Francisco da CongregafCiO da Bahia (Bahia, 1948), pp. 328-34.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

aid for such a foundation the Misericordia did not oppose this move. The
petition was supported by the city council and the viceroy. 1 In 1762 the
king approved the imposition of a municipal tax known as the Real de S.
Lar.aro and nominated the Provedor of the Misericordia as one of the three
guardians of the funds. 2 The opposition shown by the Misericordia to the
foundation of hospitals by friar Bernardo da Concei<;ao, the Brotherhood
of the Holy Body of Christ, and the viceroy, was not born of stubborn
resistance to all such proposals. The Misericordia was simply safeguarding
its own interests. Whether these interests coincided with those of the
community is debatable.
The hospital of the Misericordia in Bahia failed to evoke those eulogies
lavished on its counterpart in Goa. In 1584 Gabriel Soares had commented
on the smallness of the hospital. He had hastened to point out that this had
been because of the absence of official financial support and not due to any
negligence on the part of the brotherhood. Visitors to Bahia at the close
of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the eighteenth century such
as Froger, Dampier and Frezier dismissed it with no more than a reference.
Mrs Kindersley did not even mention the Misericordia in her Letters. In the
late eighteenth century the caustic Vilhena described the hospital as 'sultry,
small and wholly unsuitable'.3
There were some grounds for such criticism. There can be no doubt
that the Misericordia's order of priorities was wrong. During the seventeenth
century the hospital came a poor second to the church. Boards of guardians
adopted the attitude that ceremonies and religious festivities brought more
prestige to the brotherhood than the cure of the sick. In this attitude the
Mesas were correct. Colonial society followed a scale of values based on
superficial appearances. A well organised funeral or glittering mass brought
1 Petition of city council dated 5 July 1755 (AMB, vol. 182, ff. 49-50), supported

by the viceroy in a letter of 9 October 1757 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 59, f. 127).
The viceroy suggested the imposition of a tax of 20 rs. on each householder, to
meet the cost of construction which would be higher than for a comparable
building in Portugal.
z Royal provisao of 27 March 1762. Taxes were imposed on a sliding scale
depending on the social standing of the householder: plebeians- 20 rs. annually;
householders enjoying the privileges of the nobility- 40 rs. annually; house-
holders with charters of nobility- 8o rs. annually (ASCMB, vol. 208, ff. 1-2).
3 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. 1, p. 98.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher 273
more new members and more bequests to the brotherhood than would have
the medical treatment of all the ragged beggars and half-starved slaves of the
entire Reconcavo. The Miseric6rdia catered for the society of its time. A
proposal for the complete rebuilding of the church was passed in r65J,
within three years of the board of guardians itself having admitted that lack
of funds was prejudicing its hospital services. 1 During the actual period of
construction, involving enormous expenditures, one of the wards of the
hospital was in such a state of ruin that it had to be shored up with props. 2
In the r69os when the Miseric6rdia's financial resources were weakened by
reconstruction of the hospital, an order was placed for a new retablo for the
church at a cost of r,ooo$ooo. 3 In the eighteenth century the hospital came
a poor second to the other activities of the brotherhood in the field of social
philanthropy. Nevertheless, it was the first to be quoted by successive
boards of guardians in their protests to the king against infringements of the
privileges of the Miseric6rdia.
The first hospital of Bahia had been built by Tome de Sousa. This had
undergone many changes, many of which are undocumented. During the
seventeenth century there had been two major reconstructions. The first
had been in r649 when the 'old ward' had been rebeamed through the
generosity of a benefactor.4 In r66r the medical ward had been in a state of
collapse and the Mesa had decided to sell houses received by the brotherhood
under the terms of the legacy of Joao Jer6nimo. The proceeds from this
sale had been applied to repairing the ward.s These repairs had been a
short-term measure. During the next thirty years there had been numerous
references in the account ledgers of payments to stonemasons and carpenters
for work on the wards. In r69o or r69r the Mesa realised that money spent
on such patching jobs was money lost. The old hospital was demolished
and work begun on a totally new hospital.
There are few references in the Miseric6rdia archives to the nature of this

I Minute of I November 1653 (ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 41).

2 'e outrosy se considerou como a enfermaria das chagas deste Hospital esta ja
amea~ando sua ruyna, por estar despejada e co pontoes, e indicando a mesma ruina
as mais'; minute of 13 March r66r (ASCMB, vol. 41, f. 55).
3 Minute of 22 May 1695. The woodcarver, Manuel Pereira, received 5o$ooo
for the plan and 95o$ooo for executing the work (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 41).
4 ASCMB, vol. 13, f. IJ· s ASCMB, vol. 41, f. 55·
2.74 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
reconstruction. Carlos Ott assumes that work began in 1691 but there is no
documentary basis for this supposition. 1 The only certain piece of informa-
tion is an inscription of 1696. This is situated on the comer of the building
formed by the Ladeira da Miseric6rdia and the old Rua Direita, now known
as the Rua da Miseric6rdia. Since this inscription is on the level of the
second floor it is reasonable to assume that at least the outer walls of the new
hospital had been finished by that date. If this was the case, work on the
interior seems to have flagged. This may well have been due to lack of funds.
In 1702 the treasurer of the brotherhood borrowed 1,ooo$ooo from the
treasurer of dowries to meet the cost of a water cistern constructed under the
cloister. 2 In 1703 payments were made for the plastering, whitewashing and
tiling of the hospital so it is safe to assume that the interior decoration was
completed by this date.J The brotherhood then turned its attention to the
building of a chemist's shop, finished in June 1704.4 The hospital was now
in its final state.
The new hospital was built on a narrow plot of land between the Rua
Direita and the edge of the cliff. It was rectangular and its internal dimen-
sions were sixty-nine feet by thirty-five feet.s The longer walls were
bordered on the north by the brotherhood's church and on the south by the
alley leading to the lower city. The east wall faced the street and the west
wall was on the edge of the cliff. The only advantage of the site was that it
was contiguous to the main administrative block of the Miseric6rdia. Other-
wise the site was far from ideal for a hospital. It was situated in the busiest
street of the city. Noise disturbed the patients and these for their part
provided a ready source of infection. The hospital was also subject to the

1 Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa, pp. 53-4.

2 It had been decided to build this in 1701 to reduce the expenditure on slaves
carrying water (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 5~0). The loan was made on 26 July 1702
(vol. 14, f. 64v).
3 In April 1703, 69$900 was paid to the stonemason Belchior Ferreira for
plastering the wards. In May 4$120 was paid to Ignacio Teixeira Rangel for tiles
and whitewash for the hospital (ASCMB, vol. 850, f. 230).
4 In February 1704, 283$2oo was paid for wood and labour on the construction
of the pharmacy. In June further payments totalling 12r$po were made for two
window panes, iron fittings and painting (ASCMB, vol. 850, ff. 239v and 242).
s These were the dimensions given in an inventory made in 1844 and cited by
Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa, n. 378.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher 275
evil-smelling alley leading to the lower city. Most detrimental was the un-
protected situation on the edge of the cliff. The hospital was exposed to the
rain and winds of the winter months and the scorching heat of the summer
There were two wards, the medical ward (enfermaria das chagas) and the
fever ward (enfermaria das fehres). The upper ward came to be known as
the ward of St Christopher because of a statue of this saint placed there. 1
This was the better of the two wards and was later chosen by the Count of
Atouguia as more suitable for the treatment of soldiers. 2 The interior
furnishings were sparse. Each ward had its own altar and masses were said
on Sundays and saints' days. It is unlikely that there were beds for all the
patients, because bequests of beds and bed-linen were made to the brother-
hood. A straw mat brought by the patient on admittance often served as
his bed and his shroud. Conditions were cramped and uncomfortable.
Vilhena's testimony in this respect has already been quoted. In 1813 a
testator left 8,ooo$ooo to the brotherhood to improve the conditions of the
sick, because these were often so bad that the health of a patient deteriorated
rather than improved while undergoing treatment.3 In 1816 the Mesa con-
firmed that this was the case and asked the Crown to authorise a lottery to
provide the funds for a new building. 4 A century earlier the conditions had
been even worse. At that time the Misericordia had treated all the soldiers
of the garrison and visiting ships in addition to the sick of the city and
Reconcavo. Also latrines had only been installed in 1742; previously
excrement had piled up during the day until a slave emptied the barrels in the

I ASCMB, val. 214, f. 35· 2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 55, ff. JOQ--1.
3 Legacy of Francisco Dias Coelho (ASCMB, vol. 42, f. 295v).
4 In its petition of 20 September 1816 the Mesa stated: '0 Hospital da Caridade
da dita Cidade, onde tantos desgra~ados procurao amparo foi situado, talvez, a
mais de 200 annes na crista da montanha fronteira a Bahia, que serve de ancoradouro
da mesma Cidade: todas as enfermarias, dispensa, cozinha, e mais arranjos do dito
Hospital, sao como subterraneos expostos, hiia parte do anna a grandes ardores do
sol, e outra parte a ventanias, e humidades, de sorte, que se pode concluir, que os
individuos, que procurao remedio as suas molestias no Hospital, encontrao o
aumento dellas; acrescendo que o seu espa~o he tao diminuto, que malmente
poderia acomodar metade dos enfermos, que ora tern ••. ' (ANRJ, Caixa 288,
doc. 20). s ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 273v.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Additional hospital accommodation was provided in the eighteenth
century. This consisted of a madhouse for the insane and a ward for women.
The construction of these was only started after the main hospital block
contiguous to the church had been finished in 1703. In both cases advantage
was taken of the slope of the hillside which permitted building below the
level of the church and administrative buildings.
Little is known about the madhouse. Part of the large building pro-
gramme of the brotherhood at the turn of the eighteenth century had included
modifications to the cloister and the construction of a cistern. This cistern
had been completed in 1702 and was directly under the cloister. Because of
the slope of the hill there still remained some space between the cistern and
the edge of the cliff below the level of the cloister. A group of rooms, re-
ferred to as the 'casinhas dos doudos ', were built here and were completed by
I 706. I The carriers of the biers were also accommodated in this part of the

Misericordia. 2 These were the unskilled and unpaid guardians of the insane.
The second addition was the female ward. This was also finished by 1706
and was a development of the work on the cloister and cistern. 3 This ward
was in a very bad position under the sacristy. Not only was it damp because
of its subterranean position but it was totally exposed to the elements, perched
as it was on the very edge of the cliff. Ventilation was bad. There were only
two windows. These were more of a bane than a boon. During the
summer the sun entering the ward through these windows made the interior
so hot and stifling that the sick were compelled to leave the windows open
at night in order to cool the ward. Many developed respiratory ailments as a
result of this. The Provedor himself described it in 1767 as an 'open shed'.
It was a fair judgement of the living conditions in this ward that when a
charnel-house for brothers was mooted in 1767, the female ward was selected
as a suitable place. When the alterations were started the female patients were
moved to better accommodation in the lower part of the retirement house. 4

I Payment of 27$;oo was made to Gabriel Ribeiro in September 1706 for this

work (ASCMB, vol. s;o, f. 274v).

2 In May 1713 payment of 4$o6owas made for the 'conserto da porta da caza dos

homens da tumba e dos doudos' (ASCMB, vol. 8;r, f. 17).

3 In November and December 1706 two jacaranda candlesticks and a chasuble
were bought for the female ward and the oratory in this ward was painted (ASCMB,
vol. 8;o, ff. 275-6). 4 ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 2o;v-2o6v and f. 239·
The Hospital of Saint Christopher 277
In 1712 it appears that another ward was built. This is something of a
mystery. The only reference is payment of 129$ooo in November of that
year to a stonemason and carpenter for work on the 'new ward'. The place
of this ward is not mentioned. During the eighteenth century there were
numerous references to the 'ward for the poor' and the 'ward for incurables'.
Whether these were alternative names for the medical ward and the fever
ward or were alternative names for the new ward, is not clear. The designa-
tion of this ward as the 'new ward' presents a further difficulty. It will be
recalled that the 'old ward' had been rebeamed in 1649 (pp. 94-5). In 1775
when the charnel-house became a reality the proposed site was mentioned as
the 'old ward, formerly for women'. There are two possible explanations.
First, that the ward rebeamed in 1649 was the same as the future charnel-
house. Secondly, that the female ward was referred to in 1775 as the 'old
ward' to differentiate it from the later 'new ward'. These suggest two
conclusions. If the ward of 1649 and the charnel-house were in the same
place this would suggest that the original hospital was off the street and on the
edge of the cliff. There are several objections to this conclusion. Reference
in 1661 to a medical ward (p. 273) implies the presence of another ward for
which there would not have been room on the edge of the cliff. Moreover,
the old church and sacristy had been demolished in 1653 when construction
of the new building had been proposed. The work on the high altar had only
been commissioned in 1670 and this had been built on the site of the former
sacristy. Only in 1674 had work begun on a new wing containing the
administrative offices of the brotherhood in the upper part and the sacristy
in the lower. 1 Thus the female ward could only have come into existence
after the establishment of the sacristy. Finally, there had been the descrip-
tion of the then Rua dos Mercado res made by Gabriel Soares in 1584. He had
referred to the wards of the hospital. 2 The second conclusion, which seems
the more probable, was that a new ward was built in 1712 and known as the
'new ward' to differentiate it from the female ward constructed some six years
earlierwhichwasknownas the'oldward'. By the eighteenthcenturythehos-
pital of the Misericordia consisted of three wards and rooms for the insane.
An important subsidiary of the hospital was the pharmacy. In the seven-
1 A fully documented description of the building of the church and sacristy is

given by Carlos Ott, A Santa Casa, pp. 32-51.

2 Gabriel Soares de Sousa, Notlcia, val. 1, p. 256.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
teenth century each ward had had its own pharmacy but these were amalga-
mated in 1704. At that time this pharmacy was one of the few pharmacies of
colonial Bahia. hs main function was to supply medicine to the hospital
but private citizens could also buy medical supplies. Although some of the
supplies for this pharmacy were bought locally, the majority of the medicines
were ordered from Lisbon. This led to abuse. In 1739 the Mesa discovered
that its chemist in Lisbon was making profits of between two and three
hundred per cent. 1 All risks were home by the supplier against loss by fire,
sea or piracy. 2 The chemist administering the pharmacy in Bahia was an
employee of the Misericordia. The only stipulation concerning his employ-
ment was that he should be an Old Christian.3 Not surprisingly many of the
incumbents were ill-qualified and during the eighteenth century there were
several instances of chemists deserting this post, often taking the proceeds
of any sales with them.
The Misericordia employed a paid medical staff for the hospital. These
ranged from well qualified doctors and surgeons to male nurses who had
been promoted from carrying the funeral biers. The number of doctors and
surgeons working in the wards varied. During the seventeenth century one
doctor and one surgeon had sufficed. In the eighteenth century with an
increasing urban population and more soldiers seeking hospital treatment an
increase in staff was necessary. A second doctor was appointed in 1711 and a
second surgeon in 1732.4 The duties of the medical staff were to visit the
hospital morning and evening, be on call at any hour of the day and night if
summoned to the hospital, and treat the prisoners on the roll of the brother-
hood. Although the appointment of two doctors was successful, that of the
two surgeons was not. Disagreements over duties and diagnoses prejudiced
the health of the patients and the Misericordia reverted to the appointment of
a single surgeon.s
There is little information on the medical background of the doctors and
surgeons holding these appointments. The two exceptions are the doctor

1 ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 254. 2 ASCMB, vol. p, f. 117.

3 The minute of the Mesa recording the election of a pharmacist in 1693 noted
that the candidate finally selected was a ' Christao Velho, parte essencial requerida
pelo Compromisso' (ASCMB, vol. 37, f. ;8).
4 ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 95 and ff. r68v-169.
s Minute of 27 March 1757 (ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 89v-91).
The Hospital of Saint Christopher 279
Francisco de Araujo e Azevedo and the surgeon Francisco da Costa Franco,
both prominent in eighteenth-century Bahia. The first was involved in a
disputed election for the post of doctor to the city council. This office fell
vacant in 1742 on the retirement of Dr Joao Alvares de Vasconcellos. The
post was not advertised and the councillors simply elected Dr Joao Nunes
Velho, a doctor of established reputation. Francisco de Araujo e Azevedo
challenged the method of election and was upheld in the Court of Appeals.
The appointment was annulled. When Dr Joao Alvares de Vasconcellos
died in 1745 the city council posted notices in the city inviting applications.
There were only two candidates, Francisco de Araujo e Azevedo and Joao
Nunes Velho. This was simply because the other doctors recognised the
superiority of these two candidates and did not wish to risk their own
reputations. Both candidates fulfilled the conditions governing the appoint-
ment. These were the following: first, that the candidates be approved by
the University of Coimbra; secondly, that they be competent in their pro-
fession; thirdly, that they be Old Christians. The result was decided by the
casting vote of the jui{ de fora as president of the municipal council and J oao
Nunes Velho was elected. Francisco de Araujo e Azevedo challenged the
result. His appeal was based on a royal decree of 158 5. This decree had
ruled that any doctor who was an Old Christian and had received his
medical training at Coimbra should be preferred over any other doctor.
The viceroy upheld this appeal following an enquiry ordered by DomJoao V. 1
In 1749 Francisco de Araujo e Azevedo was elected doctor of the hospital of
the Miseric6rdia. 2 Certainly on this occasion the Mesa could not be accused
of making a poor appointment.
The surgeon Francisco da Costa Franco was no less experienced. He had
served in the ships of the carreira da India, had practised in India, and had
been surgeon of the garrison at Mozambique before coming to Brazil.3 In
1731 he was chosen by the city council as municipal surgeon to inspect ships
arriving in Bahia from Africa. 4 Later it was alleged that he owed this

1 This incident is fully documented in AMB, vol. 30, ff. 319V-32ov and f. 359v

and APB, Ordens regias, vol. 43, doc. 59 and accompanying documents.
z ASCMB, vol. 37, ff. 218 and 225.
3 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 38, doc. 70 and accompanying documents.
4 AMB, vol. 176, f. 171. He had first been nominated for this post in 1729 by the
Count of Sabugosa at the express wish of the city council. In 1733 Dom Joao V
280 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
appointment to his skilful portrayal of a lackey in a comedy organised by the
municipality to celebrate a royal marriage! Nevertheless he could muster the
favourable testimonies of the Count of Galveas and various Provedors of the
Misericordia. He served in the hospital ofthe Misericordia from I 734 to I 7 5I. I
The rest of the staff in the hospital held no such claims to a knowledge of
medicine. The 'barber' (barbeiro) was usually a coloured person with a
rudimentary training in his art. In I727 the Misericordia even apprenticed
the children of one of its slaves to a 'barber', who was himself a slave, to
learn the art of bleeding. In so doing the Misericordia hoped to save the
salary a free man would have demanded. 2 It is possible that the situation
may have improved in the mid-eighteenth century after the city council
instituted examinations for all 'barbers' and midwives as members of the so-
called mechanical trades. 3
The nurses were totally unqualified. During the eighteenth century there
were two male nurses and one female nurse. From I706 these were under
the supervision of a chief nurse.4 The only qualifications demanded by the
brotherhood were that nurses be white and without taint of Jewish blood.
The nurses were frequently illiterate and gave the wrong medicines to patients.
Many of the male nurses had started in the Misericordia service as carriers of the
biers. Their treatment of the sick can be imagined. One was dismissed for
playing cards with the soldiers while patients were dying.S When the brother-
hood appointed a picardo of criminal tendencies in I 722, even the viceroy
was constrained to remind the brotherhood of its obligations to the sick. 6
excused the council from having a municipal surgeon. In 1744, when the post was
re-created, Francisco da Costa Franco was ignored in favour of another candidate.
He appealed to the king but his petition was rejected by the viceroy in 1756 (APB,
Ordens rigias, vol. p, ff. 62-3 and vol. 55, ff. 85-125).
I ASCMB, vol. 37, f. 185 and f. 214.
2 At the end of three years' instruction the barbeiro was to receive payment of

u$ooo for each child (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. I )JV- I 54).
3 The certificate of competence for a barbeiro stated 'que ele possa sangrar,
sarjar, lan~ar venosas e sanguessugas'. The first such rudimentary medical exam-
inations are recorded in AMB, vol. 191.
4 Whereas the annual salary of a nurse in 1706 was 29$2oo, that of the chief nurse
was 45$2oo (ASCMB, vol. 85o, f. 282). s ASCMB, vol. 13, f. 15v.
6 He had been cured of an illness in the hospital and retained as a nurse. The
Count of Sabugosa described him as a 'picador por autonomasia, e nao por offcio'
and ordered his dismissal in 1722 (Documentos historicos, vol. 45, p. 17).
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
The spiritual needs of the sick were provided for by a priest employed by
the Misericordia. He was appropriately called the padre da agonia ('priest of
the agony'). He received free accommodation next to the hospital and was
obliged to attend to the sick by day and by night. He made an inventory
of the clothes and possessions of people entering the hospital. His religious
duties consisted of saying masses in the wards, hearing confessions and
administering the sacraments to the dying.
There are no registers extant in the archives of the brotherhood which
provide information on the identity, place of origin, civil status or colour of
the sick treated in the hospital. Nor is there any register of the number
treated in the hospital and the nature of their ailments. Lack of documentary
evidence rules out a detailed statistical survey of those receiving medical
assistance from the Misericordia, but a general picture can be obtained from
a variety of sources. The Misericordia treated any sick person in its hospital
without prejudice of class, colour or creed. It must be remembered that the
prime purpose of the Misericordia was to assist the poor. Any citizen who
could afford the services of a doctor received medical attention in his own
house. Thus the patients of the Misericordia were what might be termed
nowadays 'second class citizens'. They fell into four groups: first, coloured
people and poor whites; secondly, foreigners; thirdly, the soldiers of the
garrison; fourthly, soldiers and sailors from the Indiamen and other Crown
A large part of the population of colonial Bahia was Negro, mulatto or
mestifo. These coloured people were either slaves or freedmen. The
position of the slave was ambiguous. On the one hand he was the object of
the sadism and cruelty of his master. He worked long hours and received
a meagre ration. On the other hand he represented a financial investment
and consequently he was a symbol of the social prestige of his master. Many
slaves were treated in the Misericordia hospital. Sometimes they had been
abandoned by their masters at the first sign of infirmity or senility. On other
occasions a more benevolent master sent his slave to the hospital to be
treated. This was more common in the eighteenth century when the price
of slaves rose considerably. It was cheaper to pay for medicines than to
replace a good slave.
The position of the slave who had been emancipated was no less ambigu-
ous. The Negro was the butt of a society in which racial inferiority was
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

equated to social inferiority. A slave granted his freedom by a kind master

had no cause to be unduly grateful for his emancipation. Some few did
achieve financial independence by learning a trade. The majority continued
in servile employment or relied on public charity. The freed female slave
was better off than the male in this respect: at least she could turn her culinary
skills to a profitable end. In the burial records of those dying in the hos-
pital there were numerous references to freed pardos. Sometimes there was
a comment which casts light on the way of life of the freedman: a beggar
from door to door; a prisoner in the gaol; a convict from Oporto. The
freedman had no less need of the charity of the Misericordia than the slave.
Few Indians were treated in the hospital. The indigenous population had
retreated from the urban area at an early date and even from the Reconcavo
by the eighteenth century. Moreover, few Indians overcame their distrust
of medicine as practised by the European. Very occasionally the odd Tupi
drifted into the hospital for treatment. More frequently those Indians who
were patients had been brought from Jacobina and Rio de Contas under
arrest to stand trial in Bahia. They succumbed to the conditions of the
prison or the harshness of their punishment and were sent to the hospital of
the Misericordia.
Bahia also contained a large number of 'poor whites'. Brazil was a
country of possibility for colonisers with a trade. A peasant of the Minho
could adapt his agricultural knowledge to the cultivation of tobacco. A
carpenter or stonemason of Lisbon was sought after in colonial Bahia for
work on churches and monasteries. But there were many without a trade.
They had been attracted to Brazil by stories of fortunes to be made in gold.
Brazil was also a place of exile. A convict was left to his own devices after
transportation to Bahia. Vilhena noted that a large part of the population was
accustomed to hunger, partly as a result of their lack of training, partly
because of lethargy and pride. 1 A life of malnutrition and an unhealthy
environment led to diseases of a socio-economic nature. The hospital of
the Misericordia offered the only medical treatment for this 'poor white
Foreigners were not welcome in colonial Brazil. Tales of English
captains finding gold in the Amazon region reduced the Portuguese court to

1 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. 2, p. 927.

The Hospital of Saint Christopher
a state of panic whenever a foreign ship put into a Brazilian port. 1 When a
ship of the English East India Company put into Bahia in I749 for repairs to
a broken mast, the pilots were questioned, the charts examined and witnesses
interrogated, before she was allowed to berth. A High Court judge carried
out an enquiry and the viceroy informed Lisbon of the event. 2 When a
foreigner, one Cornelius, was dying in the fort of St Anthony where he was
imprisoned in I7I9, the viceroy authorised his removal under guard to the
hospital of the Misericordia for treatment; afterwards he was to be replaced
in the fort.J Thus there are few records of foreigners receiving treatment
in the Misericordia: some sailors off a French ship; Spanish sailors; two
natives of Hamburg; even a mad Englishman solemnly recorded as being
I 30 years old!
Any estimate of the number of civilians treated each year in the hospital
can be little more than a guess. The only clues are entries in the account
ledgers. In I700 Joao de Mattos de Aguiar died leaving a sum of I6,ooo
cruzados to the Misericordia. The annual interest on this bequest was soo$ooo
of which the Misericordia received I oo$ooo for administration. The other
4oo$ooo was for poor patients leaving the hospital, each patient receiving
I$ooo.4 In the first year of operation 400 patients received this bounty. 5
In subsequent years the number fell to some I 50 each year. In the quin-
quennium I75o-5 only 455 patients received their I$ooo. 6 Whether this
drop in numbers was due to financial difficulties experienced by the brother-
hood, or was the result of improved urban sanitation, it is impossible to say.
I am tempted towards the latter explanation. In the years I757-63 a register

1 One such case was in 1714, when a vague rumour reached Lisbon concerning

one Captain Bond. While sailing to the Mina coast, he had been driven off course
and had landed on a desolate part of the coast of South America. The natives had
shown him samples of gold. He had reported this discovery to Queen Anne, who
had made concessions of the new lands to her ministers and authorised the equip-
ping of two cargo ships and three frigates to make further exploration. Rumours
reaching Lisbon placed the landfall as somewhere between the Amazon and the
Island of Sta Catharina ! Dom J oao V alerted the governor in Rio and the viceroy
in Bahia to prevent any landing (ANRJ, C6dice 952, vol. 19, ff. 96----7).
2 APB, Ordens regias, val. 46, doc. 24. 3 Documentos historicos, vol. 55, p. 204.
4 ASCMB, vol. 199, ff. JV-4· s ASCMB, vol. 85o, f. 219.
6 Calculated from the account ledgers for these years (ASCMB, vols. 862, 863,
864, 865 and 866).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
of women patients records a total of 179 entries, 1 which suggests that the
earlier calculations for both sexes may be accurate.
The soldiers of the garrison of Bahia were also treated in the hospital of
the Misericordia. The garrison consisted of two infantry regiments known
as the 'old regiment' and the 'new regiment'. There was also an artillery
regiment in the eighteenth century. The garrison was constantly under-
manned. Military service was unpopular and the church offered an easy
option. A cobbler or smith with a family of boys guaranteed their future by
having them ordained. The archbishop co-operated enthusiastically to the
fury of the Count of Sabugosa. 2 The conditions of military service were
hard. Pay was bad. Soldiers deserted at any opportunity. Only the 'old
regiment' had barrack accommodation. Other soldiers were boarded out
in the city. Both infantry regiments had their own surgeon, and the surgeon
of the 'old regiment' also treated the artillerymen. 3 There was no military
hospital and all sick soldiers were sent to the Misericordia for treatment.
The additional numbers placed great pressure on the medical staff of the
Misericordia and on its financial resources. Reference will be made later to
the cost of treatment of these soldiers. Suffice it to say here that payment
was inadequate and delayed. In these circumstances it was not surprising
that the Misericordia should tend to give priority to the civilian patients of
the city and the Reconcavo.· Especially in the knowledge that if a soldier
deserted after being cured (as frequently happened) the brotherhood would
receive no payment for medicines or treatment. Complaints were made
by the soldiers of negligence. The Mesas petitioned the Crown for adequate
payment. Kings and viceroys ignored both complaints and petitions and
relations between the Misericordia and the soldiers deteriorated.
The Count of Atouguia (Viceroy, 1749-5 5) took matters in hand. Within
1 ASCMB, vol. 1043, ff. 2.-2.ov.
2 In a letter of 2.4 July r72.2 to the king, the viceroy complained of how totally
unsuitable candidates were being ordained, the archbishop apparently favouring
'os ignorantes e mal procedidos'. Explaining the lack of soldiers he commented:
'Nao so nesta cide, mas nem ainda em toda a Capia ha pessoa que se possa fazer
soldado, porque o Ferreyro, Sapatro e mais officiaes que se achao com quatro ou
cinco filhos, todos se ordenao e todos acha o Arcebispo que devem ser admittidos'
(APB, Ordens regia.r, vol. r6, doc. 4a).
3 He received an additional monthly stipend of 6$ooo for this by a royal order of
I7J8 (APB, Ordens regia.r, vol. 34, doc. IJ4)·
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
a year of taking office he ordered the reluctant brotherhood to build ten
cubicles in one of the wards for soldiers so that they should not be infected
by contact with the other sick. He also ordered an infantry lieutenant to
visit the hospital each day and ensure that the soldiers were well treated. 1
The viceroy followed up this action by commending to the king in March
1750 the building of a military hospital. Plans had been drawn up and an
estimate made. The Count of Atouguia told the king bluntly that this would
prove cheaper than paying the Misericordia. The chief commissioner of the
Treasury was more cautious in his report. He advised that adequate financial
reimbursement be made to the Misericordia and that the soldiers should
continue to be treated in the hospital. 2 Perhaps the viceroy was embittered
by this report. Certainly he offered the brotherhood no quarter. In 175 r
he totally rejected in the strongest terms a petition by the Misericordia to the
king for more payment.J The king ignored the domineering attitude of his
representative and adopted the only reasonable course. He ordered the
viceroy to reach an agreement with the Misericordia over payment.4 The
Count of Atouguia summoned the commissioner and the Provedor of the
Misericordia, Jose Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, and an agreement was
signed on 19 February 1754. This was disastrous to the brotherhood. The
payment was insufficient. The best ward of the hospital was commandeered
for the use of the garrison.s
Unfortunately the earliest registers of the numbers of infantrymen and
artillerymen treated in the hospital only date from 1757. Thus they can
only serve as a rough guide to the earlier period. In the years 1757-63, the
following numbers of soldiers received treatment:
'Old regiment' (twelve Companies): 595·
'New regiment' (twelve Companies): 678.
Artillery (five Companies): 152.
The number of deaths among these soldiers receiving treatment in the
hospital was astonishingly low: twenty-three out of a total of 1,425. It is
interesting to note that fifteen of these were among soldiers of the 'new
regiment'. This suggests that the barracks did make a significant difference
1 ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 34V-35v. 2 ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 49v-p.

3 Viceroy to king, 3 May 1751 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 47, ff. 187V-188v).
+ King to viceroy, 13 September 1753, copied in ASCMB, vol. 15, f. 70.
s APB, Ordens regias, vol. 55, ff. 307V-3o8v.
286 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
to the numbers of seriously sick. The figures also suggest that the proportion
of minor ailments was constant in the two regiments and that complaints by
the Miseric6rdia of malingering were well founded. I
The soldiers and sailors of the Indiamen and other Crown vessels did not
awake the same antipathy in the Miseric6rdia as their land-based colleagues.
Whereas treatment of the garrison represented a financial loss, the treatment
of the sailors and soldiers in transit represented a gain. The spirited opposi-
tion by the Miseric6rdia to the pretensions of the Brotherhood of the Holy
Body of Christ was born of purely economic considerations. Ridiculously
enough the soldiers of the garrison paid only their paltry daily wage to the
Miseric6rdia. The soldiers and sailors of the Indiamen paid dues calculated
on the numbers carried by each ship, irrespective of whether these were sick
or not. Thus their treatment was extremely profitable to the brotherhood.
The pressure on the hospital was much greater than was the case with the
soldiers of the garrison. But it was concentrated into the few weeks follow-
ing the arrival of the fleet in Bahia.
Conditions on the Indiamen were bad. Sailors were kept at work day and
night. Their clothes were no more than rags. Their rations were small and
lacking in proteins and vitamins. The basic diet consisted of biscuits, half a
pound of salted meat daily, and some water. The biscuits were often rotten.
The meat shrank to some four ounces on cooking. The water was putrid.
In addition, the kitchen clerk and the mate frequently stole rations of
chickens and other foodstuffs put on board for the sick. It was small wonder
that the Count of Galveas commented that 'almost all arrive here more
skeletons than men'.z
These sick were treated in the Miseric6rdia hospital. The pressure on the
hospital staff can be gauged from some few examples of ships arriving at
Bahia riddled with scurvy. In June 1710 the Miseric6rdia faced the problem
of accommodating 300 sick sailors and soldiers from the fleet.3 In 1738 the
medical expenses on the sick of two frigates came to over 5,ooo cru1_ados,
although there is no mention of the numbers treated. 4 In 1748 the ship Bom

I ASCMB, vols. 1040, 1041 and 1042.

z APB, Ordens regias, vo!. 36, doc. 52 and vol. 45, doc. 34·
3 ASCMB, vol. 5z, ff. 39-40.
4 When a third ship arrived the viceroy ordered its sick to be taken to the Rosario
barracks. Noting that the cost of their treatment there was half that incurred in the
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
Jesus de Vila Nova berthed at Bahia after a sixty-day crossing from Lisbon:
twenty-three sailors had died and eighty were sent to hospital. I Victims of
scurvy were not limited to Portuguese ships. In 1728 a ship of the Ostend
Company homeward-bound from Bengal put into Bahia with half her crew
of 110 suffering from scurvy.z
The Count of Galveas was the only viceroy to combat this evil. He tried
to remedy dietary deficiencies by planned victualling. Vegetables and fruit
formed the basis of this diet. Protein was supplied by cooked beans and
fatty meat. Salt meat was reserved for special occasions because it was
suspected of causing intestinal troubles.3 He ordered that ships should carry
supplies sufficient to allow the crews to have two meals daily. Sailors were
also provided with more substantial clothing to protect them from exposure
during the long voyage round the Cape of Good Hope and across the Indian
Ocean.4 No single man could cure such a widespread evil. In 1763 three
ships arrived at Bahia with so many sick that they could not be housed in
the hospital of the Misericordia. Many of the 441 sick were placed in
the forts of the Barbalho and St Anthony, comfortless prisons. Such
was the continual pressure on the hospital that many brothers simply
refused to serve in the wards. They were expelled by the Mesa for lack
of charity. Expulsion was ineffective. Only after intervention by the act-
ing governors threatening to report all defectors to Lisbon as rebels, were
the brothers induced to help in the wards.s This was indicative of the
Miseric6rdia hospital, he suggested to Dom Joao V that this practice be adopted in
future (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 34, doc. 102).
I APB, Ordens regias, vol. 4), doc. 34·
2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 23, doc. 43· In 1724 a French frigate, bound for the

Coromandel coast, put into Bahia for repairs to a broken mast. There were only
fourteen sick with scurvy out of a complement of 250 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 18,
doc. 61).
3 Viceroy to secretary of state, 28 September 1740 (APB, Ordens rtfgias, vol. 36,
doc. 44).
4 In a letter of 22 June 1748 to the Marquis of Aloma, the viceroy observed that
many deaths on board were 'porque o estrago q' fez nestes homens a morte, nao
procedeo tanto das infermidades como da fame que experimentarao na via gem' :
(APB, Ordens rtfgias, vol. 45, doc. 34).
s After the death of the Marquis of Lavradio on 4 July 1760 a triumvirate con-
sisting of the Archbishop-elect Manuel Santa Ignez, the Chancellor Jose Carvalho
de Andrade, and Colonel Gon<_<alo Xavier de Barros Alvim, formed the government.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

extent to which the Crown authorities were dependent on the Miseric6rdia.

The patients treated in the hospital of the Misericordia came from all walks
of life and suffered from a wide variety of diseases. The prevalent diseases in
colonial Bahia fell roughly into three groups: first, the so-called 'tropical
diseases'; secondly, diseases resulting from climatic conditions; thirdly,
diseases of socio-economic origins. It must be realised that such divisions
are arbitrary. Many ailments were the result of general reduction rather than
of any specific cause. Pulmonary infection in a slave was variously attribut-
able to high humidity, exposure to sudden rains and hot sunshine, or cramped
living conditions in water-logged slave quarters.
Certain diseases are more common in tropical than temperate climes. In
colonial Bahia malaria, yellow fever and leprosy prevailed. Lepers were not
admitted by the Miseric6rdia but were treated by the Brotherhood of St
Lazarus, so will not be discussed here. Malaria was common in colonial
Bahia, although disguised as agues and unknown fevers. The low land on
the east side of the city between the Benedictine and Carmelite monasteries
was very swampy. A small river, the Rio das Tripas, ran along the Baixa dos
Sapateiros in the winter months. It dried up in the summer leaving pools
of static water. Vilhena referred to the agues and 'mortal fevers' caused by
this marshland and static water.
There had been an epidemic of yellow fever in Bahia in May and June of
r686. It had originated in Pernambuco where there had been over 2,ooo
victims. The first signs in Bahia had been the deaths of two men after having
eaten in a brothel in the lower city. Plague had enveloped the city. The
contemporary chronicler Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta referred to days when
there were more than 200 deaths. The hospital was full, houses were
crammed with the dying, and the streets were littered with corpses. The
action of the brotherhood in treating patients and burying the dying can be
gauged from the entries in the burial registers. In May r686 the Miseric6rdia
buried a total of 288 people. These included 129 charitable burials, and 6o of
people who had died in the hospital. In the following month the figures
were r86, 73 and 5I respectively. 1 The plague had its hero and heroine.
The hero was the governor, the Marquis of Minas, who visited the sick of
These three signed the letter of 9 February 1763, threatening to report defectors to
the king (ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. rp-2).
1 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, Historia, Livro 7, §35 and ASCMB, vol. 12p.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
the city and sent assistance to the villages of the Reconcavo. The heroine
was the widow, Dona Francisca de Sande, who converted her home into
wards for the sick. The plague only subsided after the populace had
adopted St Francis Xavier as the patron saint of the city. Some cynics
would attribute it to the oncoming of the cooler winter months.
Although the climate of Bahia is fairly uniform with a variation of only
6° C. between summer and winter, there is considerable difference in the
frequency and intensity of rains in the two seasons. Change of season or
heavy rain in summer brought on outbreaks of infections of the pulmonary
and respiratory organs. Colds and catarrhs developed into inflammation of
the lungs, tuberculosis, rheumatic fevers and agues. The burial record of
a patient of the hospital frequently noted that 'he came without speech'
which suggests the presence of pulmonary oedema and secondary cardiac
failures. Sometimes these illnesses reached epidemic proportions. During
November and December of 1742 and the first eight months of 1743 there
were over 5,ooo deaths in Bahia as the result of such illnesses. 1 These
illnesses usually diminished with the cooler winter months of May, June and
The third type of disease resulted from socio-economic causes. Seasonal
change was often allied to conditions of environment. Flooding resulted in
many hovels of the lower city being invaded by swirling waters, carrying
faecal waste, typhoid and dysentery. Inferior living standards increased the
supply of susceptibles. The Count of Sabugosa noted in 1730 that disease
was more prevalent among the lower classes. 2 This was undoubtedly true.
Malnutrition was common in colonial Bahia. Many slaves resorted to earth-
eating to supply mineral deficiencies. Nor was malnutrition limited to the
lower classes. The table of many a plantation owner lacked fresh meat, fish
and vegetables. Slave and master alike suffered from ailments of the
digestive tracts. Strong seasoning of foods with dende oil and peppers had
similarly adverse effects.
Diseases introduced into Bahia by slaves, sailors or colonisers included
measles, smallpox, syphilis and scurvy. Measles affected the rural areas of the
interior severely. In 1750 the Governor of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro,
Gomes Freire de Andrada informed the Count of Atouguia of a rumoured

I APB, Ordens rr!gias, vol. 39, doc. 47· 2 APB, Ordens regias, vol. 26, doc. J8.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
epidemic of measles in Para and Maranhao in which 6o,ooo Indians had died. 1
Smallpox also seems to have moved from the interior to the coastal area. In
the sixteenth century the Jesuit missionary Jose de Anchieta had reported
the deaths of some 3o,ooo Indians in less than three months in the Jesuit
villages. An epidemic of smallpox among the slaves of the Reconcavo in the
years 168o-4 had reduced the number of labourers so drastically as to affect
sugar production severely. In the eighteenth century the disease raged in
the city. Some landowners refused to leave their plantations in the Recon-
cavo to come to the city from fear of catching smallpox. Any criminal sent
from the interior to the gaol in Bahia could regard his imprisonment as a
death sentence because of this disease.
Syphilis was probably the commonest disease of colonial Bahia. It
was the disease of the casa grande ('big house') and the senzala, or slave
quarters: the disease of plantation owner, householder, soldier, priest and
slave. In 1717 the city council wrote to Dom Joao V asking that a French
surgeon should be allowed to stay, despite the royal order to expel all
foreigners from Bahia, simply because he had developed a successful remedy
for the morbo gallico. 2 Many sailors and slaves arriving in Bahia were
suffering from scurvy. It was often referred to as the mal de Luanda ('evil of
Luanda') - a fine example of racial prejudice. In fact the white sailors were
as much the guilty parties as the slaves. Because of the superficial similarity
in the ulcerative signs of scurvy and leprosy, these were frequently confused.
When the city council supported the establishment of a leprosery in 1755,
reference was made to the 'evil of Luanda' as well as leprosy as diseases
introduced into Bahia by slaves. In granting approval Dom Jose I differ-
entiated between the two diseases, pointing out that scurvy was not con-
tagious and was curable. 3
The treatment of patients in the hospital was of the most rudimentary.
The stock remedies for any ill were bleeding and purging. The abuse of
blood-letting in Brazil was even more common than in Europe. During the

I ANRJ, C6dice 84, Livro 12, f. s6v.

2 Letter of 25 August 1717 (AMB, vol. I76, f. I 19). Cf. similar requests by the
city council of Macao for royal authorisation to employ foreign doctors in Arquivos
de Macau, vol. I, no. 1 (1929), p. 21; 3rd series, vol. 2, no. 5 (1964), p. 306; 3rd
series, vol. 2, no. 6 (1964), p. 378.
3 AMB, vol. 182, ff. 49v-5o and ASCMB, vol. 208, ff. 1-2.
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
yellow fever epidemic many of the sick had been totally debilitated by pro-
tracted bleeding. When the future Provedor of the Miseric6rdia, Andre
Marques, was ill with fever and haemorrhoids in 1736, he was bled daily for a
week and almost died as a result. 1 Purgatives featured prominently on any
order for the pharmacy of the Miseric6rdia - 'purgas de batata, purgas de
antim6nio, conservas purgativas, pilulas purgativas '. Although Gabriel
Soares in his Noticia of 1584 had mentioned the therapeutic value of plants
and medicinal herbs to be found in Brazil, most of the medicines used in
colonial Bahia were imported from Portugal. Pharmaceutical lists from
Portugal included elixirs, waters of Melissa, pills containing mercury (for
syphilis), infusions of valerian, electuaries of opium, syrups of all sorts,
ointments, oils of sweet almonds and plasters. 2
The maintenance of a hospital was a considerable drain on the financial
resources of the brotherhood. To a minor degree this was offset by small
charges levied by the Miseric6rdia for medical assistance. On some occasions
a patient was able to contribute financially to the cost of his treatment, but
would have been unable to afford the expense of a doctor in his own home.
The Miseric6rdia charged po rs. for each day of treatment. Costs for the
cure of slaves were met by their masters at the same rate. The annual income
derived was small, rarely exceeding 10o$ooo. The second source of income
was the pharmacy. In addition to supplying the hospital, the chemist also
sold medicines to the public. In the early years of the eighteenth century
the receipts were substantial- 251 $36o in 1720. 3 By mid-century the
larger numbers of pharmacies in Bahia had spoilt the market for the Miseri-
c6rdia. Receipts were 105$uo in 1737: 24$140 in 1738; 221$950 in 1740:
92$56o in 1741: 32$300 in 1742. It is readily apparent that the hospital
services of the Miseric6rdia far from paid for themselves. The brotherhood
relied on private and public funds for most of its income.
The major part of the money spent by the Miseric6rdia on medical services
came from private sources. Whereas prisoners and foundlings had failed to
arouse the sympathy of potential testators in the seventeenth century, the
hospital of the Miseric6rdia had been remembered in numerous wills. In

I APB, Ordens regias, vol. ss, f. 117.

z The two complete lists of orders for the pharmacy of the Miseric6rdia are of
166o and 1739 (ASCMB, vol 13, ff 125-6 and vol. 14, f. 254).
3 ASCMB, vol. 846, f. 84.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

1750 the total of bequests left to the brotherhood to be placed on loan for
financing the hospital was calculated at 15,843$964. 1 In practice the money
available fell far short of this sum. An enquiry of 1754 revealed that only
6,09 5$53 o of such bequests still remained. 2 Most of these legacies were made
for general purposes. Some few were for the purchase of beds or bed linen.
In the eighteenth century the type of bequests changed to legacies without
any administrative commitment. The Misericordia received single bequests
amounting to some 2oo$ooo in an average year to be applied to the hospital.
Public funds provided the second source of income for the Misericordia.
The contribution of the city council towards the expenses of the brotherhood
was negligible. No municipal grant was made for the hospital, and only in
the face of severe opposition were the councillors persuaded to assist the
brotherhood financially in the care of foundlings. The Crown was more
forthcoming. The hospital of the Misericordia catered specifically for men
on the royal service. This semi-bureaucratic function of the brotherhood
was recognised by the Crown and grants were made to the Misericordia to
lessen the financial burden of maintaining the hospital. This Crown aid took
two forms - financial privileges or outright grants, and payment for the
treatment of men on the royal service.
The Misericordia was granted a concession from the tithes collected on
livestock, fowls, eggs, suckling pigs and goats. This tithe was known as the
miunfa dos dqimos. This had been granted originally in 1677 or 1678 and
was renewed by the Crown for six yearly periods until 1703. 3 In this year it
lapsed and was not renewed despite insistent pleas by the brotherhood. The
contractors of the tithe simply kept the qo$ooo formerly collected by the
Misericordia. Dom Joao V stopped this practice in 1709 by ordering that
the contractor pay this sum to the Treasury.4 The Misericordia of Bahia
never regained this favour. The other contribution by the Crown to the
hospital was in 1734. Boards of guardians had been petitioning the Crown
throughout the century for financial aid for the hospital. The brothers had
even threatened to refuse to treat the soldiers of the garrison unless a grant
were forthcoming, or payment increased for their treatment. In 1734 Dom
I ASCMB, vol. 2u. 2 ASCMB, vol. 210, f. 21v.
3 In 1683 the Provedor Joao Peixoto Viegas had asked that this concession be
renewed in perpetuum, but this had not been granted (ASCMB, vol. 207, ff. 21v-22).
4 King to viceroy, 5 July 1709 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 7, doc. 636).
The Hospital of Saint Christopher
Joao v yielded to this insistence and issued an order for 200$ooo to be paid
annually to the brotherhood by the Treasury. 1
The Miseric6rdia was paid for the treatment of sailors and soldiers on
Crown vessels. Payment for members of the Indiamen varied in the course
of the eighteenth century. Until 1712 the cost had been calculated on the
general basis of a contribution by each ship arriving in Bahia, at a rate of
4$000 for each ship and 2$ooo for each smack. In 1712 an additional charge
was levied of 1$ooo on each member of the crew, be he sick or not. 2 This
method of payment was later replaced by one based on the numbers of
soldiers and sailors cured in the hospital. Fees of 320 rs. on days when there
was chicken, and 200 rs. when there was meat, were paid to the brotherhood. J
Payment for the treatment of soldiers of the garrison was on a different scale.
During the seventeenth century 40rs. had been stopped from the pay packet
of each soldier; this had amounted to 120 rs. over three months and had been
known as the mostra. In 1704 Dom Pedro II ordered that these contribu-
tions be stopped and that any soldier, sick in the hospital of the Miseric6rdia,
should only pay to the brotherhood his earnings during the time he was in
hospital. The pay of soldiers was deplorably low. The Miseric6rdia only
received 40 rs. per diem for each soldier, totally inadequate to meet the cost
of food, medicine and medical attention. Only in 1754 was this payment
increased to 200 rs. and the brotherhood rapidly discovered that this too was

It is impossible to produce a balance-sheet for the expenditure made by

the Miseric6rdia on the hospital. The following are mere indications of
expenses incurred, calculated on the average annual costs for the eighteenth
century: pharmacy: soo$ooo; food (including that for prisoners, foundlings,
staff, girls of the retirement house): 3,6oo$ooo; salaries for medical staff:
52o$ooo; bedclothes: so$ooo. If fees for burials, price of slaves and expenses
of upkeep are added, the total expenditure by the Miseric6rdia on the

I King to viceroy, 28 June 1734 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. Jl, doc. 6).
z Minute of Mesa of 26 May 1712. (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. xoov-102).
3 This was established practice by 1738 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 243V-245).
4 The fee of 200 rs. had been settled on 19 February 1754· By September the
Mesa realised this was inadequate and asked the king to increase it to 400 rs. for each
soldier. In 1756 both the commissioner of the Treasury and the viceroy supported
this petition (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 55, ff. Joo-10).
294 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

hospital would probably be in the region of 5,ooo$ooo each year. This was
one-third of the total expenditure made by the brotherhood in any year and
was offset by only a small contribution from the Crown.
By maintaining a hospital the Misericordia made its greatest contribution
to social welfare in colonial Bahia. In a city where sanitation was bad and
disease common the Misericordia alone offered any form of medical attention
to the populace. The brotherhood performed a service which would now be
the responsibility of the city, if not of the state. In the eighteenth century
the responsibility was shirked by the Crown in Lisbon and the municipal
council in Bahia. Thus it was that a lay brotherhood came to play a semi-
bureaucratic role in public life. In this the Misericordia was unique among
the brotherhoods of the Portuguese colonial empire. Not only in Bahia, but
in Luanda, Goa and Macao the Crown and municipal authorities recognised
the importance of the Misericordia and the extent to which they were de-
pendent on the brotherhood in providing social aid for the respective

The Foundling Wheel

FouNDLINGS had always been an essentially urban problem. Municipal

councils, religious orders and charitable brotherhoods had assumed responsi-
bility for the upbringing of babies abandoned by their mothers in alleys or
on doorsteps. The first hospice for such children in Europe had been
founded in Milan in A.D. 787 by a priest called Datheus. This example had
been followed by other European cities- Siena 8J2, Padua IOoo, Montpellier
1070, Einbeck 12oo, Florence 1317, Niirnberg 1331 and Paris 1362. In
Portugal Dona Isabel, the Queen of Dom Diniz, had founded the home for
foundlings in Santarem, known as the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Inno-
cents, in 1321. She had established another hospice for foundlings in Torres
Novas. 1
A peculiarly Mediterranean development of care for foundlings had been
the 'turning wheel'. This was a cylindrical wooden box placed within the
walls of a building. It revolved on a pivot placed through its vertical axis,
and was partitioned in the middle. Originally these turning wheels had
been common in convents. Food, medicines and messages had been placed
in the partition facing the outer part of the wall. The wheel had been turned,
thereby transporting the commodities to the inside without the recluses
either seeing outside or being seen. Occasionally a poor mother had placed
her baby in such a wheel, trusting in the charity of the nuns to rear the child.
The first turning wheel to be established specifically for receiving babies had
been in the Hospital of the Holy Spirit in Rome in I 198. Installation of such
wheels in hospitals had become common practice throughout southern
Europe by the fifteenth century. There had been several methods of notify-
ing those inside of the presence of a baby in the wheel. Usually a bell had
been placed on the outside wall near the wheel and had been rung by the
1 Vitor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa, pp. 2.1-2..

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
mother: more refined had been those wheels where the weight of a child had
automatically operated a bell inside the hospital.
In Portugal all municipal councils had been obliged by law to provide for
the care and upbringing of foundlings. The Hospital of All Saints, founded
by Dom Joao II in Lisbon in 1492, had contained accommodation for such
children. All costs had been met by the municipality. The foundation of
the Misericordia had given Portugal its first lay brotherhood to provide for
all aspects of charity. Dom Manuel, recognising the immediate popularity
of the brotherhood, had granted numerous privileges to the new body. In
some cases, e.g. prison aid, these privileges had resulted in the Misericordia
assuming duties formerly fulfilled by the municipality and other official
organs. This had happened with foundlings. In 1543 Dom Joao III had
made the Misericordia responsible for the care of all foundlings in Lisbon,
with the exception of those housed in the Hospital of All Saints. This had
led to a division of responsibilities between the municipal authorities and the
lay brotherhood.
This division of responsibilities had been strengthened by the handing
over to the Misericordia in 1564 of the administration of the Hospital of All
Saints. Not unnaturally, the city councillors of Lisbon had interpreted this
as releasing them from any further commitments for the care of foundlings.
Disputes had developed between the board of guardians of the Misericordia
and the councillors. These had only been settled by the king who had
insisted that the care of foundlings de facto by the Misericordia had not im-
plied the end of all the legal obligations of the city council. The city council
had been ordered to make an annual financial contribution towards the costs
of maintaining the foundlings. In I 590, when there had been a similar
transfer of administration from the city council to the Misericordia in Oporto,
it had been stipulated that the cost of feeding and clothing the children should
be met by the municipal authorities and not by the brotherhood. I
During the seventeenth century there had been frequent misunderstand-
ings between the Misericordia and the city council as to the precise nature of
their respective responsibilities. The continual grievance of the Miseri-
cordia had been that the contribution by the municipality towards the costs
of the Hospital of All Saints had been insufficient to cover the additional
expenses of providing for foundlings. In 1635 Philip III had placed an
I Alvards of26 May 1590 and 12 June 1592, Vitor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa, p. 396.
The Foundling Wheel
ultimatum before the councillors: either the municipality should meet its
legal obligations and assume full responsibility for all the foundlings of
Lisbon, or it should make an annual grant of 689$360 to the Misericordia for
this purpose. 1 After some argument the city council had finally agreed to
these terms in 1637.2 The brotherhood had soon discovered that this con-
tribution was inadequate and in 1646 had attempted to renounce all further
obligations for the care of foundlings. In 1657 a foundling home had been
founded in Lisbon on the suggestion of the Misericordia and this had con-
siderably reduced the large expenditure made on boarding out foundlings in
private houses.
In the Portuguese overseas empire there was similar confusion, misunder-
standing and acrimony as to who was responsible for the car~ of foundlings.
Whether in Goa, Macao, Luanda or Bahia the city councils were responsible
de jure. But in all cases it was the respective Misericordias who received, fed,
clothed and housed children deserted by their mothers. These Misericordias
were not obliged by statute to provide for foundlings. The rp6 Compro-
misso of Lisbon (followed by many of the overseas branches) had made no
reference to the care of foundlings. Only in the r6r8 reform of the Com-
promisso had there been brief mention of the charitable duties of the Miseri-
cordia towards foundlings, and even then it had been stressed that these
were no more than the obligations of one Christian to his fellows and not an
official function of the brotherhood.J In Goa the locally made Compromisso
of I 595 had provided for the care of foundlings by the Misericordia with
funds given by the city council.4 In Macao in the late eighteenth century the
Misericordia appealed to the Crown for financial aid for the care of found-
lings, a duty assumed by the brotherhood in their Compromisso of r627.s
In Brazil, the Governor of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, Antonio Paes de
Sande, had written to the king in 1693 deploring the lack of charity shown
1 Alvara of 28 March 163 5, 'para que a Camara desta Cidade, em cazo que senao

queira encarregar da cria~ao dos emgeitados, de, e entregue, todos os annos ao

Thesoureiro do Hospital Real de todos os Stos seis centos outenta e nove mil
trezentos e se~enta reis para o dito effeito' (ASCMB, vol. 207, f. 35v).
2 Vitor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa, p. n6.

3 Compromisso of Lisbon of 1618, chapter 33·

4 Compromisso of Goa of 1595, chapter 34, cited in Ferreira Martins, Historia da
Misericordia de Goa, vol. r, pp. 218-56.
s Jose Caetano Soares, Macau e a Assistencia, pp. 282-4 and p. 336.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
towards foundlings. Although Dom Pedro II had reminded the gov-
ernor that foundlings were a municipal responsibility and had suggested
the levying of a tax for this purpose, the matter had fallen into abeyance. 1
Only in 1738 was a foundling home established in Rio. It was financed
by legacies from two benefactors and was administered by the Miseri-
In Bahia there was a division of responsibilities between the city council
and the Misericordia. Both institutions adopted the system of placing
foundlings in private houses, known as coloca;iio familiar. Payment was
made to an ama de Ieite (wet-nurse) over a period of three years to provide
for milk, food and clothing. The extent and effectiveness of the charitable
action of the municipality and the Miseric6rdia respectively illustrates to the
full the semi-bureaucratic role adopted by the brotherhood. This has
already been apparent in the maintenance of a hospital for the city of Bahia
and the Reconcavo. It must be remembered that the municipality was not
legally obliged to provide hospital services for the community. In the case
of foundlings the municipality did have a legal responsibility and any action
by the Misericordia was only necessary as a result of official failure to honour
this obligation.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the city council of Bahia had
made some provision for foundlings. The extent of this charity had been
limited by the funds available. Since the city council had been unable to
meet the costs of roads, public fountains and sanitation, the number of
foundlings housed at municipal expense had been small. The city council
had paid 2$50 quarterly at the end of the seventeenth century to those wet-
nurses who brought up foundlings. In 1699 a Livro de Engeitados, or
register of foundlings, had been started. This had given details of the name,
age, date of baptism and cost of keeping the foundling and is an indication
of the extent to which the municipal authorities did provide for foundlings.
In the years 1699-1726 some 121 foundlings were boarded out with wet-
nurses at the municipal expense. Over half of these died within the three
1 ANRJ, COdice gS2, vol. 6, f. 258.
2 Vivaldo Couracy, 0 Rio de Janeiro no seculo dezessete (2nd ed., Rio de Janeiro,
1965), pp. 227-8. For a rather general and mainly nineteenth-century history,
see Ubaldo Soares, 0 passado her6ico da Casa dos Expostos (Rio de Janeiro,
The Foundling Wheel 299
years during which the city council assumed responsibility for their upkeep.
The total cost to the municipality was 2076$161. 1
The Misericordia had also provided for the care of foundlings during the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This had been no more than an act of
charity and no steward had been appointed to deal with foundlings. The
brotherhood had followed the same practice as the city council - colocafiiO
familiar for three years. There had been one difference: the wet-nurses
hired by the Misericordia had been better paid than those appointed by the
city council. In 1700 the brotherhood paid for the upkeep of a foundling
at the rate of 8o rs. per diem. This had two results which were extremely
prejudicial to the Misericordia. First, the municipal authorities found it
difficult to hire wet-nurses for 2$500 quarterly when the Misericordia paid
2$ooo for a single month. Rather than raising their own fees the city council
tended to leave the care of foundlings to the Misericordia. Secondly, the
higher pay offered by the Misericordia enabled it to contract more consci-
entious wet-nurses. Knowing this, a mother wishing to abandon her
legitimate or illegitimate offspring naturally chose the steps of the hospital
of the brotherhood rather than those of the city council. The earliest extant
register of foundlings in the archives of the Misericordia only dates from
1757· Nevertheless an indication of the extent to which the Misericordia
gradually assumed a municipal obligation is afforded by the ledgers of
expenditure. During the years 17oo-8 the payments made by the Miseri-
cordia for the care of foundlings increased steadily from 385$980 in 1700 to
1015$220 in 1708. 2 In view of the fact that this last figure represented half
of the total payments made by the municipality over twenty-seven years,
there can be no doubt as to the importance of the Misericordia in this field of
social philanthropy.
By 1710 the municipality had, to all intents and purposes, 'opted out' of
its legal responsibilities for the welfare of foundlings. The care of children
abandoned by their mothers had been assumed by the Misericordia. The
municipality made no grant to the brotherhood to meet the ever-increasing
costs of this new commitment. For its part, the Misericordia had no legacies
which could be used for this purpose. Two factors finally induced the board
I AMB, vol. 202; earlier payments to wet-nurses had been registered in the

volumes entitled Registros de pagamentos Jeitos pelo Senado.

2 ASCMB, vol. 85o.
300 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
of guardians of the Miseric6rdia to make a stand against this exploitation by
the municipal authorities.
The first was the loss of the concession of the miun;a dos dftimos. This has
already been discussed (p. 292). Suffice it to recall here that this privilege,
valued at 13o$ooo per annum, lapsed in 1703. It was not renewed despite
repeated petitions by the brotherhood and was finally stopped in 1709 by the
king. The second factor was the loss of the income derived from a butcher's
shop. In colonial Bahia the city council issued licences authorising the
slaughter of cattle by butchers. These butchers operated under contract
with the municipality. In 1629 the city council had conceded to the Miseri-
c6rdia the income for one year from a butcher's shop because of the financial
straits of the brotherhood. 1 This privilege had been extended to permit the
Miseric6rdia to possess its own butcher's shop.z Other bodies enjoying
the same privilege were the ecclesiastical authorities, the archbishop, and the
city council itself. In 1706 the chief justice challenged the legal right of
the Miseric6rdia and the ecclesiastical authorities to possess their private
butchers' shops. The clergy took the case to the Court of Appeals and won.
The Miseric6rdia was less fortunate. Its appeals were rejected and the
brotherhood lost a source of income calculated at 2oo$ooo per annum.3
The board of guardians wrote to the Overseas Council in Lisbon pleading
that the income from the shop defrayed the cost of the care of foundlings
and that the municipality benefited from the transfer of responsibility.4
Another letter was dispatched direct to the king asking for his protection.
The Miseric6rdia in Lisbon was also asked to further the cause of its Bahian
counterpart. The Mesa in Bahia insisted that without the income from the
butcher's shop the cost of the care of foundlings would be too great for the
limited financial resources of the brotherhood.s All appeals were in vain.
1 Minute of city council of 7 April I629 in Atas da Camara, vol. I, pp. I22-3.

z On 26 July I659 the Mesa of the Miseric6rdia signed a contract with Manuel de
Moura to supply meat for 'o ac;:ougue q' esta Santa Caza agora abre'. This shop
was at the comer of the main building of the Miseric6rdia on the Rua Direita
(ASCMB, vol. 13, ff. I IJ-I4)· 3 ASCMB, vol. p, f. 27.
4 'livrando por este caminho ao Senado dos gastos que fazia com os engeitados
que hoje tern tornado asy esta Caza sem ter mais renda que esta consignada para este
gasto'; letter of I6 August I706 (ASCMB, vol. p, f. 26v).
s Miseric6rdia of Bahia to Miseric6rdia of Lisbon, 4 August I 707 (ASCMB, vol.
p, ff. 29-JOV).
The Foundling Wheel J01
In 1708 Dom Joao V ruled that the city councillors of Bahia had not had
sufficient authority to concede such a privilege in the first place. The king
hinted that if he had been consulted, he would probably have confirmed the
privilege. I Relations between the Crown authorities and the city council of
Bahia were strained. In 1696 the Crown had strengthened its hold over the
city council by appointing a Crown lawyer to preside over its meetings. The
butcher's shop provided another opportunity for the Crown to remind the
councillors of their limited jurisdiction. The victim of this bureaucratic
bickering was the Miseric6rdia.
The Miseric6rdia made a stand against this official lack of co-operation.
Successive Mesas cut down drastically on the number of foundlings sup-
ported by the brotherhood. In 1713 only 107$520 was spent on the care of
foundlings and costs for the financial year 1713-14 were only 130$780. 2
This withdrawal by the Miseric6rdia threw the moral and financial onus
on the city council once again. The municipal authorities refused to fulfil
their obligations. There is no sudden increase in the number of foundlings
registered in the municipal register of foundlings. The result was that in the
early eighteenth century there existed no adequate provision for the care of
foundlings in Bahia.
The number of foundlings left on the streets caused a public scandal.
Mothers abandoned their children by night in the dirty streets. Frequently
they were eaten by dogs and other animals which prowled the streets of the
Brazilian capital. On other occasions they simply died of exposure and
hunger. Some mothers left their children in the naves of churches or at the
door of a convent in the hope that a kindly priest or nun would feed and find
a home for them. Other mothers abandoned their children on the shore to
be drowned by the incoming tide.
The large number of foundlings was regarded by the authorities as indi-
cative of the moral torpor of the Bahian populace. Foreign travellers were
unfavourably impressed by this aspect of the city - the extravagance of
dress, the palanquins or chairs carried by slaves, and harlots plying their
trade without fear of censure. In the eighteenth century Bahia could rival
Macao as a city of luxury and vice.J Dom Joao V exhorted archbishop and
I King to chief justice, :z8 March 1708 (AMB, vol. 136, f. 167).
2 ASCMB, vol. 8p.
3 Jose Caetano Soares, Macau e a Assisrencia, pp. 231-21 cites a description of
302 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
viceroy alike to remedy this slur on the national reputation. The king had
lively fears that Bahia would suffer the fate of Sodom. On the night of
19 March 1721 there was a violent electrical storm over Bahia. One lightning
bolt split a stone of the verandah of the Third Order of the Carmelites.
Another struck the window of the house of a judge. On the following day
a minor landslide destroyed some houses in the district of the Pregui~a. I
On hearing of this event Dom Joao V wrote to the archbishop of Bahia
suggesting that the rage of the Almighty be placated by the holding of
devotional exercises in all the churches of Bahia. Penitential processions
were also held. The redemptive value of the latter was dubious. The
viceroy maintained they generated more vice than virtue in the hearts of
Bahians because the men simply lay with the women in the streets after the
procession had ended late at night. His rather impracticable suggestion that
the sexes be divided had met with the realistic reply from the archbishop that
such an act 'would chill their devotion'. 2
In 1726 the archbishop and the viceroy approached the board of guardians
of the Miseric6rdia to suggest that the brotherhood should establish a turn-
ing wheel for foundlings. This move on the part of the viceroy recognized
the importance of the Miseric6rdia in providing social services for Bahia. It
also accorded to the brotherhood the status of a semi-bureaucratic institution.
Pressure was placed on the Count of Sabugosa from three quarters to take
this step. The first was the king who regarded foundlings as so many blots
on the record of the Portuguese colonisation. The second was the city
council whose precarious financial position was well known to the viceroy.
The third was the archbishop concerned with the moral and religious signifi-
cance of foundlings. Finally there was the personal attitude of the viceroy.
The Count of Sabugosa took a keen interest in public affairs. He badgered
Macao by a Portuguese captain which repeats almost word for word contemporary
descriptions of Bahia in the eighteenth century.
I The contemporary Bahian historian Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta expressed the

common fear that these calamities were a divine punishment (Historia, Livro 10,
§ 58--<54)·
2 King to archbishop, 17 January·1722; viceroy to king, 24 July 1722 (APB,
Ordens rlgias, vol. 16, docs. 4 and 4a), cf. Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta: 'Pozeram-se
vias-sacras em todas as parochias, correndo-se frequentemente; exercicios que
ainda hoje se continuam, de sorte que de Ninive peccadora se viu a Bahia Ninive
arrependida' (Historia, Livro 10, § 64).
The Foundling Wheel 303
the councillors on public sanitation, finance and greater diligence in dis-
patching business. The presence of mutilated corpses of babies on the
streets was a constant reminder of the deficiencies of the public order. He
was also more religious than was superficially apparent. When there was a
minor earth tremor on the morning of 4 January 1724, felt in Bahia and the
island of Itaparica, the local astrologists regarded this as a sign of drought.
In his official report the viceroy pooh-poohed such notions. Nevertheless
he described the tremor as lasting 'the length of a Hail Mary' and he ended
by saying that if God did not send water the crops would perish and the
populace would face starvation. 1
The overtures of viceroy and archbishop were not well received by the
Miseric6rdia. The brotherhood had itself been the target of scathing criti-
cism by the Count of Sabugosa. But three years previously the viceroy had
reported to the Crown that the brotherhood's finances were in a deplorable
state because of cliques on the board of guardians and the practice of loaning
money on poor securities. The king had ordered a full enquiry in 1724. 2
Thus the Count of Sabugosa found a good deal of reluctance on the part of
the Mesa to assume responsibility for what was, after all, a municipal obliga-
tion. The Junta and Mesa were convoked on 14 February 1726 to discuss
whether or not the brotherhood should establish a turning wheel for
foundlings. Seven brothers did not attend. The motion was passed by
nineteen votes to seven, a bare two-thirds majority.
It is difficult to understand the motives which led the Miseric6rdia to
accept this additional responsibility. The finances of the brotherhood were
in a precarious state. The administration was severely over-taxed by the
massive legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar received in 1700. One of the
clauses of this legacy had provided for the building of a retirement house to
be governed by the Misericordia. The pressure on the hospital has already
been described. Nevertheless the already harassed Mesa took on a further
responsibility in a field of social aid for which it had no obligation.
Possibly by so doing, the Mesa thought that it would have a good bargain-
ing point for negotiations with the city council over payments for the cure of
1 Viceroy to secretary of state, 12 April 1724 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 18, doc.
2 Viceroy to king, 24 November 1723, and the royal reply of 28 June 1724 (APB,
Ordens regias, vol. 19, doc. 62).
J04 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

soldiers of the garrison. Possibly the Count of Sabugosa placed pressure on

the brotherhood. Possibly the Mesa saw in the turning wheel yet another
means of confirming the Misericordia as the leading brotherhood of colonial
Bahia. Pride had often outweighed financial considerations in the past.
These can be no more than suggestions and only two motives are certain.
The first was the moral issue involved in the care of foundlings. Although
many Bahians chose to ignore the Ten Commandments in their everyday
lives, they were fervent Catholics when faced with moral problems. The
purely physical factor of the death of children because of desertion on the
streets influenced the Mesa and Junta. The over-riding factor resulting in
their extraordinary decision was the very Catholic attitude of seeing each
dead child not as a mutilated body but as a soul who had not yet received the
baptism of the Catholic Church.
The second factor was that certain promises had been made to the Mesa
by the viceroy. The Count of Sabugosa had promised financial aid to the
brotherhood in money and privileges. The report on the decision of the
Mesa and Junta referred to a petition to the king, which the viceroy had
agreed to sponsor. This petition contained four clauses. The first was that
the privileges granted to the Misericordia of Lisbon for the administration
of a turning wheel be extended to Bahia. These were to include those
privileges enjoyed by wet-nurses in the service of the Misericordia of Lisbon.
The Mesa also asked that the butcher's shop be restored to the Misericordia.
The final clause insisted that an annual contribution be made by the Treasury
towards the costs of the foundlings. 1 A detailed examination of these
clauses reveals the extent to which the outcome of the petition depended
more on bureaucratic factors than on its own merits.
In Lisbon the Misericordia had been granted privileges by various kings
to assist the brotherhood in defraying the heavy costs of providing for
foundlings. Philip III had ordered the city council to make an annual
contribution to the brotherhood for this purpose. The greatest single item
of expenditure had been the payments made to the wet-nurses. Low salaries
had been offset by royal privileges. Dom Manuel had ordered that wet-
nurses who had served the Misericordia for three consecutive years should
be exempt from all municipal taxes. The families of these women had also
1 Minute of 14 February 1726 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 145-6); petition to king of

3 March 1726 (ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 112-13)·

The Foundling Wheel
benefited from the royal favour. Decrees of 1654 and 1695 had excused sons
and husbands from service in the militia. 1 Because of these privileges the
Miseric6rdia had found it comparatively easy to engage wet-nurses willing
to serve the brotherhood for low wages in return for these advantages.
The petition resurrected the issue of the butcher's shop. This had re-
verted to the municipality following the royal order of 1708. The first re-
action of the authorities in Lisbon was simply to grant the Miseric6rdia the
income from the butcher's shop as had first been done in 1629. Enquiry
showed that this would be insignificant. During the time in which the dote
de lnglaterra e paz de Holanda (dowry of Queen Catherine of England and
the war indemnity to the United Provinces) was being collected all restric-
tions on the butchering of cattle had been suspended. Permission had been
granted for cattle to be slaughtered outside the licensed butchers' shops. It
was indicative of the bureaucratic confusion prevailing in the Portuguese
colonial empire that this change of circumstance had escaped the notice of
the viceroy, the procurador da Coroa (Crown official responsible for assem-
bling all the information and submitting a report) and the ministers of the
Overseas Council in Lisbon. 2 Another instance of the same confusion was
in 1729. Dom Joao V asked the Count of Sabugosa to enquire why the
Miseric6rdia no longer possessed a butcher's shop. It must have given the
Count of Sabugosa considerable satisfaction to quote the royal order of 1708
with the briefest of covering letters.J A royal donation of 40o$ooo was
made in 1732 to the Miseric6rdia for the hospital and foundlings.4 This was
non-recurring and simply a temporary measure until a report was received
from the viceroy on alternative means. The Count of Sabugosa advised the
king that an annual grant be made to the Miseric6rdia from the income derived
by the municipality from the cattle corrals. He estimated this at some
The final clause of the petition of the Miseric6rdia asked for an annual
grant from the Treasury. This the king refused to concede. Throughout
the enquiries he insisted that the financial and legal responsibility lay with
1 Costa Godolphim, As Misericordias, pp. 75-6.

z Documentos historicos, vol. 90, pp. 133-5, doc. I 10.

J APB, Ordens regias, vol. 25, doc. 22a.
4 Royal approval of 24 January 1732 (Documentos historicos, vol. 90, pp. 243-4).
s Documentos historicos, vol. 91, pp. 23-5, doc. 14.
J06 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

the municipal authorities. Pleas by the city councillors protesting poverty

were ignored, although supported by the viceroy. 1
A decision was taken in I734· The Overseas Council rejected outright
any concession of those privileges enjoyed by the Misericordia in Lisbon.
The refusal was based on the rather curious grounds that the presence of a
privileged person or body in Brazil constituted a threat to the national
security. The other clauses of the decision represented a bureaucratic
compromise. The Treasury was to make an annual contribution of 2oo$ooo
for the hospital. The city council was to match this with a similar contribu-
tion of 2oo$ooo from income received from the cattle corrals and butchers'
No party emerged from this bureaucratic wrangling with credit. The
position of the Count of Sabugosa was ambiguous. On the one hand he had
to placate the Misericordia. On the other he had to support the city council.
In the end he fell between the two. The Misericordia was deceived into
establishing the turning wheel for foundlings by vague promises of official
help. The city council, whose allegations of financial straits the viceroy had
always supported, was finally saddled with a heavy annual contribution.
The king remained adamant in his refusal to accept a municipal responsi-
bility. This refusal was based on purely bureaucratic motives and had no
relation to the financial reality of the case. The city council made some
half-hearted efforts at protest. The councillors stressed the inability of the
municipality to find further funds and that the maintenance of public
works had resulted in heavy debts. They also pleaded that they were still
willing to provide care for foundlings at an annual payment to wet-nurses of
Io$ooo.3 This second allegation was ridiculous because in the ten years
following the establishment of the turning wheel the city council only
provided for seven foundlings.4 Dom Joao V ignored these petitions by
the city councillors and ordered that payment be made to the Misericordia.
1 In a letter of 13 July 1726 the king asked the viceroy how much the municipality

could contribute 'por que segundo a ley, a Camera he que esta obrigada a semel-
hante dispendio' (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 21, doc. 83).
z Royal approval of 9 June 1734 (Documentos historicos, vol. 91, pp. 23-5,
doc. 14).
3 City council to king, 20 October 1734, supported by the viceroy in a letter
of 17 November 1734 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. JI, docs. 6a and 6b).
4 The total cost was 16o$ooo (AMB, vol. 202, ff. 67V--'7I).
The Foundling Wheel 307
Only after repeated complaints by the Misericordia was payment finally made
in June 1740 for the previous five years. 1
The Misericordia made two further attempts to augment this meagre
contribution from official sources. In 1738 a petition was sent to DomJoao V
and the Pope asking that legacies not fulfilled within the time stipulated
by the testator be applied to the Misericordia for the care of foundlings. 2
This petition was unsuccessful. The other attempt was in 1741 and once
again brought the Misericordia into conflict with a municipal authority. The
River Paragua~u ran into the Bay of All Saints some sixteen leagues distant
from the city of Bahia. The town of Cachoeira was situated on this river
and a ferry service operated across the river at this point. In Minas Gerais
the king had sold the privilege of collecting tolls for river passages on a
contract basis. This had proved a lucrative source of income for the
Treasury. The Misericordia asked the king to grant to the brotherhood the
monopoly of all passage rights on the River Paragua<;u to defray the costs
made on foundlings. The Mesa pointed out that the main beneficiaries at
present were 'captive Negroes and freedmen' who received 10 rs. for each
person and a smaller sum for each piece of luggage they ferried across the
river. The king referred the matter to the viceroy who consulted the town
council of Cachoeira. The local councillors strongly opposed the petition of
the Misericordia. They insisted on the freedom of passage to be enjoyed by
all. Many sugar plantation owners used their own craft for the transport of
sugar and foodstuffs and there was no reason why they should pay tolls to
the Misericordia every time they used the river. Moreover, the river pro-
vided a livelihood for many poor people who ferried passengers. The
River Paragua<;u was subject to heavy flooding and thirty boats were kept
constantly ready. The Misericordia would be unable to maintain such a
fleet. Finally the councillors defended their municipal rights. The towns-
folk of Cachoeira had paid for the building of quays, flood barriers and
repairs to houses after the floods. A brotherhood in distant Bahia should not
reap the benefit of these improvements. In the face of such opposition this
petition was also rejected. 3
1 The Misericordia received 1,14o$po (ASCMB, vol. 8)4, f. 48v).
2 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 243v-245.
3 The town council of Cachoeira replied on 16 June 1742 (BNRJ, rr-33, 24, 45,
doc. 1).
308 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The Misericordia was compelled to rely mainly on private charity to
finance the care of foundlings. Foundlings were the least well endowed of all
the charitable services of the Misericordia. During the seventeenth century
no legacy had been left to the brotherhood for this purpose. During the
years 17oo-5 5 the Misericordia only received three legacies to be placed on
loan and the interest used for the care of foundlings. The total value of
these was 1,4oo$ooo. When a report was made in 1754 on the financial
position of the brotherhood it was discovered that only part of one of these
legacies was intact, giving an annual interest of 56$250. 1 The foundation of
the turning wheel aroused some interest and several single legacies were made
for the care of foundlings. These amounted to some 2,5oo$ooo in the years
The care of foundlings is the least documented of the charitable activities
of the Misericordia. Before the foundation of the turning wheel in 1726
such children were helped under the heading of general charity. No record
was kept. Only in 1726 was the first register of foundlings started and both
this register and the second volume have been lost. The third volume
(1757-63) gives a general picture of the number of foundlings, their colour,
ages and possible social backgrounds. The account ledgers give details of
the annual cost to the brotherhood for the care of foundlings. Such figures
must be treated with caution because frequently the Misericordia fell behind
in its payments to wet-nurses. The minute books of the brotherhood con-
tain few references to the care of foundlings. Once the turning wheel had
been established it appears to have functioned smoothly and no modification
was made in the administration. Only when the Misericordia made a
petition to the Crown was there stated the number of foundlings placed in
the turning wheel each year.
The circumstances which led a mother to abandon her child varied from
case to case. The brief descriptions in the registers of foundlings provide a
general indication of the background of those children left in the turning
wheel. Frequently an explanatory note was left tied to the deserted child.

1 The three legacie were of Paschoal da Silva Moreira (1712) 40o$ooo, Miguel

Carvalho Mascarenhas (1713) 6oo$ooo and Bento de Magalhaes (1740) 4oo$ooo

(ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 19o-191V). In 1754 only 9oo$ooo remained of a legacy of
almost 1,8oo$ooo made by Miguel Carvalho Mascarenhas for foundlings and
prisoners (ASCMB, vol. 210, f. 21v).
The Foundling Wheel
On some occasions the child was accompanied by a bundle of clothes. From
such meagre sources it is possible to glean information on the social position
of these children and the reasons for desertion. The majority of mothers
leaving their children in the turning wheel were led to this action by two
series of factors, the one economic and the other social.
A large part of the population of Bahia lived at barely subsistence level.
Many whites preferred to live in poverty rather than engage in manual labour
which they considered only fit for slaves. Coloured people had no such
preoccupations: employment was easy to find but the wages were low. The
addition of a child to such families placed an impossible strain on the meagre
financial resources. After struggling against starvation a mother might well
be induced to place her child in the turning wheel of the Miseric6rdia. The
register of foundlings describes how many children arrived 'sick and naked'
or 'with the flesh stretched over their bones'. Their only clothing was a
shirt or a piece of old linen in holes. Frequently such children needed
hospital treatment before they could be boarded out with a wet-nurse. For
such families the placing of a child in the turning wheel was a temporary
measure. They hoped that better times would enable them to reclaim the
child and bring it up in a normal family life. A small note was left with the
child: this gave its name, date of baptism and even the names of its god-
parents. In this way it could be all the more easily identified when the father
came to reclaim it. Sometimes maternal love overcame economic necessity
and the mother appeared at the Miseric6rdia within a few days of having
left the child. On other occasions the child was reclaimed only a year after
having been left in the turning wheel. In such cases the parents were liable
for all expenses made by the Miseric6rdia while the child had been in the
care of the brotherhood.
Economic factors would also compel a mother who had been deserted by
her husband to place her child in the turning wheel. Bahia was a city with a
transient population. The point of arrival for many immigrants, it was also
the point of departure for the mining area or the cattle ranches of the River
Sao Francisco. Many of the soldiers of the garrison were sent from Portugal
and were liable to be transferred to another posting in one of the other
Portuguese colonies or fortresses. Many of these men married in Bahia,
or lived with a woman in a more or less permanent manner although the
union had not been sanctified by the Catholic Church. Frequently the
JIO Fidalgos and Philanthropists
wives or mistresses were coloured women. Certainly these were more
likely to be abandoned than a white woman. There were several reasons for
this. The shortage of white women placed them at a premium and they
were able to marry someone offering greater stability and security, e.g. a
store keeper or civil servant. The darker the wife or mistress the more
likely was she to be deserted by her husband. It has been suggested that a
Negress might marry a totally unsuitable lower class white man for socio-
racial reasons 'to whiten the race'. 1 There can be no doubt that in colonial
Bahia social acceptance depended on the degree of whiteness of skin. A light
mulata might make a good marriage with a smith, cobbler or stonemason.
The slight racial taint of the girl would be matched by the low social standing
of the white man. The greater the degree of racial differentiation the
greater would be the tension in a mixed marriage. A normal relationship
would be replaced by a master-slave relationship. The negra would be the
lover, cook and housemaid of the white man but never a partner in marriage.
Finally, if the man decided to leave Bahia, socio-economic reasons might
well induce him to desert his wife. If he were a soldier returning to Portugal
he would not wish to undergo the social disadvantages of having a Negress
as a wife. If he went to the mines a family would be a severe hindrance to his
activities. There were several instances of a coloured woman being com-
pelled by poverty to leave her legitimate child in the turning wheel because
her soldier husband had been recalled to Portugal. Sometimes the father
attempted to make amends. In 1754 the captain of a ship handed a sum of
money to the Misericordia in Bahia for the upkeep of a child, whose father
in Lisbon was suffering from pangs of conscience. 2
The child who had been left in the turning wheel as the result of economic
necessity was usually legitimate. The Misericordia served the role of a
foster father until the parents could face the financial burden of bringing up
the child themselves. When social factors dictated the desertion of a child
1 Racial tensions in mixed marriages are discussed by Roger Bastide and

Florestan Fernandes, Brancos e negros em Sao Paulo (2nd ed., Sao Paulo, 1959),
pp. 210-15. A more balanced analysis is in Donald Pierson, Brancos e pretos na
Bahia, pp. 202-18. Much of what he says is equally applicable to the colonial
2 Register of receipt of 72$ooo handed to the treasurer by the captain of a ship

'cuja quantia pagou por incumbencia q' trazia da Corte, e Cide de Lisboa p3
desencargo da consciencia do Pai do dito exposto' (ASCMB, vol. 866, f. 7).
The Foundling Wheel 311
it was usually illegitimate. The turning wheel offered an alternative to
leaving the child on the streets or killing it.
Prostitution was probably no more common in Bahia than in any other
port. The presence of pretty coloured girls in exotic dresses made it more
evident. Many visitors sided with the French traveller Le Gentil de la
Barbinais in condemning the moral laxity of the women of Bahia in the
eighteenth century. 1 Others were clearly intrigued by the legendary dorsal
flexibility of the Bahiana - 'o que e que a Bahiana tern'. Municipal
authorities, viceroys and the king acted to curb the extravagant dress of these
girls. In 1709 a royal decree forbad the wearing of silk or gold trimmings by
slave girls who wandered through the streets at night inciting the men with
their 'lascivious dresses'. z These orders were not strictly enforced and were
re-issued on several occasions in the eighteenth century.J The by-blows of
casual sexual unions between prostitutes and their customers may have
contributed to the number of children left in the turning wheel of the
The illegitimate child was not always the product of lower-class parentage.
Nor was the female partner always coloured. There were scandals among
the noblest families of Bahian society. The honour of the white girl had to
be preserved at all costs. The stigma of dishonour attached to the unmarried
mother was infinitely stronger than the stigma of illegitimacy which would
be borne by the child. If paternal threats and herbal ' remedies' were
ineffective, the birth of the child was kept secret. The foundlings' registers
record numerous cases of white children being left in the foundling wheel.
Although without any form of identification, the clothes and alms left with
the child suggest good parentage. One such trousseau for a girl included:
two new linen chemises, decorated with fine lace and embroidered flowers;
six ordinary chemises; five new nappies, also embroidered; a pair of drawers
as used in India; ribbon; a length of linen edged with lace. Sometimes alms
1 Le Gentil de la Barbinais, Nouveau Voyage, vol. 3, pp. 202-4.
2 Royal order of 23 September 1709 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 7, doc. 616).
3 Later prohibitions were not always on moral grounds. An alvarci of 5 October
1742 was issued against the luxury of Angolan customs (APB, Ordens rlgias, vol.
40, doc. 25a). This was reissued on 24 May 1749, but economic considerations
for the effects on Portuguese exports dictated revisions. In 175 I the wearing of
buttons, lace and veils was authorised provided these were made in Portugal or
Brazil, and were not of foreign manufacture (APB, Ordens rlgias, vol. 50, ff. 28-38).
J12 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

of as much as 5o$ooo were left with the child. Prejudice against the un-
married mother, increasing in proportion to her social position and whiteness,
compelled her to place an illegitimate child in the turning wheel.
On some rare occasions the child may have been the product of conventual
loves. The Desterro convent was notorious in this respect. Many parents
placed their children in this convent rather than run the risk of their making
socially unworthy marriages. These often took the veil. The daughter of
Manuel Gonc;alves Viana, treasurer of the Miseric6rdia in I7I4, was involved
in an affair with a parish priest and was the subject of viceroyal correspond-
ence in 1738. 1 On at least one other occasion in the early eighteenth century
the viceroy intervened in order to avoid a public scandal. A note attached
to a white child left in the turning wheel at 2 o'clock on a July morning in
1758 hinted at the circumstances of his birth:

I pray and beseech any gentleman who will take this child or offer
him shelter under his own roof, for these are deeds practised by men of
noble blood, that at a future date we will seek out this child and pay all
expenses incurred on his behalf. This we swear on the oath of the
confessional. The child is white and his kinsfolk are friars, clerics and
nuns. He is flushed because of the many medicines taken by his
mother to stay his birth. For the love of God I ask that he be named
J oao Baptista.2

The foundling has for long been regarded as one of the less praiseworthy,
but inevitable, by-blows of miscegenation. It has been assumed that in a
multi-racial community there would be a predominance of foundlings of
coloured parentage. This has been attributed to the allegedly higher rate of
illegitimacy and greater economic instability present among the coloured
sectors of such a community. It has also been taken for granted by sociolo-
gists that there would be a higher incidence of foundlings in a multi-racial
I APB, Ordens regias, vol. 34, doc. 97 and accompanying documents. In 1717
Le Gentil de Ia Barbinais commented on the unseemly postures of the actors in a
play he attended at the Desterro, Nouveau Voyage, vol. 3, pp. 207-10.
2 'Rogo e pe<;o a qal qr Snr q' este menino quizer tomar, ou recolher pois sao
couzas q' sucedem aos homens de bern q' em certo tempo se procurara e se pagara o
seu gasto q' houver feito, e dizerseha debayxo da confissao pois he branco, tern
parentes frades, clerigos e freyras, esta vermelho pi as mtas meyzinhas q' tomou sua
may pa haver demora, pe<;o plo amor de Dios q' !he chame Joao Bapta' (ASCMB
vol. I 193, f. 38v).
The Foundling Wheel 31 3
society than in a predominantly white society. The evidence available does
not support these views with reference to colonial Bahia which was the
prototype of a 'mixed' community.
Entries made in the registers of foundlings specified the colour of each
child left in the turning wheel. These registers only date from October
1757, but there are no reasons to suggest that the racial composition of these
foundlings differed markedly from those of an earlier period. In the last
three months of this year twenty-three children were left in the turning
wheel: only four of these were coloured, the remaining nineteen being white.
In 1758, the first year for which there is a complete record, a total of
seventy-nine children were placed in the turning wheel: fifty-five of these
were white and only twenty-four were coloured. 1 Registers for later
years show a similar predominance of white children.
Nor do the figures for the number of foundlings in Bahia bear out the
view that these were any higher in a mixed society than in a white society.
When the turning wheel was founded in Bahia in 1726 the number of
foundlings for which the Miseric6rdia would have to provide yearly was
calculated at fifty.z This later turned out to be totally unrealistic. In its
petition of 174I for the Paragua<;u river privileges, the Mesa alleged that the
brotherhood provided for more than a hundred foundlings in a year. 3 The
Mesa was doubtless guilty of exaggeration to support its case. In the six
months July-December I75 I a total of thirty-seven foundlings were left in
the turning wheel and the 1754 report placed the average annual number at
eighty.4 The number did not increase in the latter part of the century.
Vilhena at the end of the century gave the figures for I796 as seventy-six, for
I797 as ninety-eight and for 1798 as seventy-four.5 In Lisbon in I7I 5 there
were 706 entries into the foundlings home, 698 in 1717, and 717 in 1720.6
When one considers that the population of urban Bahia in 1720 was some
I I 5,ooo and that of Lisbon in the region of 2oo,ooo the coefficient of found-
ling : total population differs enormously between the two capitals. In Bahia
it was o·4/I,ooo whereas in Lisbon it was 3·6/I,ooo. These figures are no

I ASCMB, vol. 1193, ff. 1-pv. z ASCMB, vol. p, ff. 112-13.

J BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. I.
4 ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 88--90 and vol. 210, f. 37·
5 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. 1, p. 126.
6 Vitor Ribeiro, A Santa Casa, p. 398.
314 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

more than an indication. It can be argued that the disproportionately high

figure for Lisbon was because mothers came from the surrounding villages
and left their children in the foundling home in Lisbon. I But this explanation
does not fully answer the question of why there was such a marked difference
between the numbers of foundlings left in Bahia and Lisbon. The low
proportion of black to white foundlings in Bahia and the markedly smaller
number of foundlings in Bahia can be better explained by a set of social
factors unrelated to miscegenation.
Purchase of a female slave gave the master the ownership not only of her
body but of any children she might produce. This was known as the lei da
ventre or 'law of the womb'. Although the capture of slaves in Africa had
resulted in the atomisation of families, once these had settled in Brazil there
was a considerable degree of family cohesion among slaves on the plantations.
A plantation owner often encouraged his slaves to marry. He gained any
offspring as slaves and a family provided a more secure social unit on a
plantation. If an illegitimate child was born, this too became the property
of the master. Thus slavery offered a form of insurance to the child, be he
legitimate or illegitimate. In both cases he was fed and housed in return for
his potential as a future source of income and social prestige for the owner.
Free coloured people did not benefit from this rather dubious form of
protection. They were more at the mercy of external economic factors.
They were not so subject to social prejudices as their white counterparts in a
correspondingly modest position. An illegitimate child did not dishonour
the mother to the same extent as a white woman. Whenever financial means
would permit, the illegitimate child was brought up as one of the family.
A visitor to modern Bahia cannot fail to notice the ease with which coloured
families absorb another child, be he illegitimate or the child of a dead neigh-
bour or relation. Somehow there is always room for yet another child.
The Negro seems to regard the family as a more flexible social unit than
the white man. Financial considerations are not given such prominence,
provided that the family can manage to escape starvation. This attitude
towards the child cannot have been so different in colonial Brazil and may
explain why so few coloured children were placed in the turning wheel.
I In 1780 the Misericordia of Lisbon asked that the cost of caring for these

children be to the respective councils of their towns of origin, Vitor Ribeiro, A

Santa Casa, p. 401.
The Foundling Wheel
The contrast in the overall numbers of foundlings in Bahia and Lisbon
may be partly explained by a peculiarly Brazilian custom. This is the
compadrio. The English equivalent of the compadre is the godfather, but
the compadre plays a more important role in the child's upbringing than does
the godfather. He is not always of the same social standing as the family of
his godchild. In colonial Bahia a slave frequently asked his master to be the
compadre of his child, even if the child were illegitimate. The compadre
provided a dowry for a girl or apprenticed a boy to a trade. In the event of
the death of the parents the compadre adopted the child. Travellers to
colonial Bahia were surprised to find a piccaninny at the table of a noble
family and even bearing the family name.
Adoption also seems to have been common among the better families of
colonial Bahia. Mothers deserted their children at the gateway of some
solar, or mansion, confident in the knowledge that the child would be
brought up in the family. When the mother of two mulatto children died
in the prison of Bahia in r657, the Misericordia took charge of the children.
A brother offered to bring them up and educate them without payment.
Reference has already been made to dowries and legacies left to adopted
children by wealthy Bahians in their wills. Certainly the strong moral ties
of the compadrio and the common practice of adoption provided for many
children who would otherwise have been foundlings.
Once a child had been placed in the turning wheel it was kept in isolation
for a short period to ensure that it had no infectious disease. Then it was
given to a wet-nurse who was responsible for its upbringing for three years.
The wet-nurse was usually a free coloured woman or a widow. The child
remained in her house and every quarter the wet-nurse reported to the
Misericordia. to receive her pay. The lack of direct supervision by the
Misericordia led to a certain amount of abuse. On more than one occasion
the Misericordia was compelled to remove a child from a wet-nurse because
of ill-treatment. The high mortality rate among foundlings may well have
been due to malnutrition and negligence by wet-nurses. In Goa this led the
board of guardians of 1717 to have a certain number of paid wet-nurses living
in the hospital so that a closer check could be kept on the health of the child
but this practice was not followed in Bahia until the nineteenth century. 1

1 Ferreira Martins, Historia da Misericordia de Goa, vol. 2, pp. 348-50.

316 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The precarious financial position of the Misericordia of Bahia often
resulted in the wet-nurses being irregularly paid. In 1752 payments were
eighteen months overdue. 1 Wet-nurses came from the lower classes and
relied on the money paid by the Misericordia in order to live. When this
was not forthcoming the only alternative was to dispose of the child. Some
sold the children in their care- the price of a pardinho in 1758 was 16$ooo. 2
Others placed the child in the turning wheel again. Then they reclaimed the
child and received payment for two children. No check was kept on the
number of children in the care of a wet-nurse at any one time. Sometimes
a mother driven by poverty placed her child in the turning wheel and then
immediately offered herself as its nurse, thereby being paid to look after her
own child. At worst the wet-nurse killed the child. In the late eighteenth
century in Lisbon a wet-nurse was found to have killed thirty-three children
in order to claim payment and the clothes given by the Misericordia with
each foundling. 3 This may well have happened in Bahia to a lesser extent.
The negligence on the part of the wet-nurses may have contributed to the
exceptionally high mortality rate among foundlings. In the last three
months of 1757 twelve of the twenty-three children left in the foundling
wheel died. In 1758 forty-nine foundlings died out of a total of seventy-
nine. Before condemning the Misericordia and the nurses it employed, it
must be realised that many of these children arrived in the turning wheel with
little chance of living. Also the mortality rate in Bahia was highest precisely
among children under five - the age when they were placed in the turning
The responsibility of the Misericordia towards the foundling lasted
for three years. After this period, the brotherhood placed the child in a
suitable home in the city. This was usually successful and the child was
brought up as one of the family. From then on the future of the foundling
depended partly on the social and financial position of the family. A boy
was apprenticed to a trade, helped in a store, or entered the army. A wealthy
family might pay for his training to be a priest. An exceptionally lucky
foundling might find himself heir to a sugar plantation on the death of his
guardian. Girls often worked in private houses in return for their keep.
This was not always satisfactory. Sometimes the Misericordia re-assumed
1 ASCMB, vol. 53, f. 97· 2 ASCMB, vol. 1193, f. z8v.

3 Costa Godolphim, As Misericordias, p. 77·

The Foundling Wheel J17

responsibility for a girl if it was thought that her honour was in danger. 1
She was moved to another family or placed in the retirement house. Priority
was given to girls in the retirement house and foundlings in the granting of
dowries. 2 Frequently the final act of charity by the Misericordia towards a
foundling was the payment of her dowry at marriage.
The cost of maintaining a turning wheel was considerable. The Miseri-
cordia paid 2$ooo each month to a wet-nurse for the care of a foundling:
this amounted to 72$ooo over three years. On only two occasions be-
tween 1735 and 1755 did the annual payment to wet-nurses amount to less
than 1,ooo$ooo, and the average annual expenditure for these years was
1,715$ooo.3 In addition to paying the wet-nurse the Misericordia also
provided medical attention and clothing for foundlings. This deficit was
offset by the annual municipal grant of 2oo$ooo, interest of less than
1oo$ooo on legacies, and single legacies which averaged some 1oo$ooo in any
one year. Thus the Misericordia spent on the care of foundlings in a year a
sum four times in excess of its income allocated for this charitable purpose.
The outlay on foundlings alone represented a large proportion of the overall
expenditure for a year made by the brotherhood. In 1754, the scribe of the
brotherhood calculated the annual expenditure on foundlings at 1,92o$ooo,
out of a total expenditure of 17,)02$180.4
All petitions by the Misericordia to the king or the city council for further
financial aid towards the upkeep of foundlings were ignored. In 1752 the
Mesa wrote to Lisbon that the only remedy for the heavy financial loss
incurred in the care of foundlings was to block up the turning wheel. This
thinly veiled threat ended with the humanitarian appeal that it would be
impossible 'to close our hearts to the sad laments which there will be
throughout this city'.s Appeals of this nature cut little ice in Lisbon. The
1 In 1741 a foundling Josepha was removed from the house of one Natalia Maria

'pello perigo que corre a sua honra a ser exposta desta Santa Caza' (ASCMB, vol.
I I 8o, f. 14).
2 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 172-173v.

3 The exceptions were the financial years 1750--1 and 1752-3 (ASCMB, vols.
862 and 864).
4 ASCMB, vol. 21o, f. 37·
5 '0 remedio sera tapar a Roda de Pedra e Cal, ainda q' nao podemos tapar OS
no~os cora~oens aos tristes clam ores q' havedio nesta cidade'; letter of 5 January
1752 to the attorney of the brotherhood in Lisbon (ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 88---90).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Overseas Council continued to ignore petitions for privileges or the granting
of legacies unfulfilled within a stipulated period. 1
The royal enquiry of 1754 into the affairs of the Miseric6rdia provided a
solid basis for the petitions of the brotherhood. The Crown judge Jose de
Affonseca Lemos devoted one chapter of his report to the turning wheel.
He insisted that the care of foundlings was a municipal responsibility. He
stressed that the assumption of this responsibility by the Miseric6rdia without
adequate aid was prejudicing those charitable services for which the brother-
hood had a statutory obligation. The Miseric6rdia had a backlog of
payments to wet-nurses amounting to 2,8oo$ooo. Thus it was not surprising
that the Miseric6rdia had difficulty in finding nurses willing to look after
foundlings. At the time of his report there were a dozen in the hospital
waiting for homes. His proposed solution was an additional grant of
4oo$ooo by the city council. From his probings into the municipal finances
he had discovered a royal privilege of 1665 granting to the municipality a tax
known as the terfas, without the municipality having any legal right to this
source of income. 2 The king asked the councillors of Bahia and the viceroy
to comment on this report. The Count of Arcos acknowledged that the
care of foundlings was a municipal responsibility. He also agreed that the
city council was totally incapable of supporting such a financial burden. He
suggested that the Treasury should make an annual grant of 4oo$ooo to the
Miseric6rdia in addition to the grant of 2oo$ooo made since 1734.3 For their
part the councillors alleged that what small funds they did possess were
swallowed up in public works.4
As had been the case with the hospital these enquiries and reports did not
benefit the brotherhood. The Miseric6rdia received neither privilege nor
money to help it in the care of foundlings.s At the end of the century the
Professor of Greek in Bahia, Lufs dos Santos Vilhena, commented critically
on the administration of the turning wheel. For once, he praised the
1 The Mesa was still trying to obtain these privileges in 17H, but I do not know

the final outcome (ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 139V-140).

z The report was dated Bahia, 16 May 1755 (BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. 10).
3 Viceroyal report of 18 October 1757 (BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. 9).
4 City council to king, 14 December 1757 (AMB, vol. 182, ff. 78-8o).
s In 1757 the commissioner of the Treasury, acting on the king's orders, re-
quested the Miseric6rdia to submit a report on legacies to be applied to the care of
foundlings. This was drawn up but without result (ASCMB, vol. 53, ff. 19o-191V).
The Foundling Wheel
municipality for making an annual grant of 2oo$ooo to the Misericordia for
the care of foundlings. He considered this amount excessive, since the
Misericordia provided for less than a hundred foundlings in any one year.
He censured the brotherhood for inefficiency. 1 How unjustified was this
criticism can be seen from the account ledger of I814-15 when the Miseri-
cordia paid 2,239$760 on the care of ninety-two foundlings. 2 The bitter and
hypercritical attitude of Vilhena well matched the negligence of the city
council and the indifference of the Crown.
The turning wheel contributed towards the financial decline of the
Misericordia in the eighteenth century. The board of guardians of 1726 was
deceived by unfounded promises into establishing a turning wheel. Despite
official lack of co-operation and financial loss, the brotherhood persevered
in providing this charitable service for the city of Bahia. As had been the
case of the hospital the brotherhood was the victim of bureaucratic negligence,
providing a social service for which it was not responsible. The history of
the turning wheel of the Misericordia in Bahia is a history of bureaucratic
self-interest. Spices and gold were dearer to the hearts of Portuguese kings
and their ministers than the spirit of Christian charity which they so openly
1 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. 1, p. 126.
2 ANRJ, Caixa 129, doc. 32.
The Retirement House of the
Most Holy Name ofJesus

PoRTUGUESE women were the most jealously guarded in Europe. A

Portuguese writer of the seventeenth century compared female honour with
an arithmetical calculation: an error was an error, be it by one or by a
thousand. I A virtuous woman only left her house thrice in her lifetime -
for her christening, her marriage and her funeral: such was the moral ideal
for womanhood. 2 In the Portuguese overseas empire the seclusion of the
white woman was, if anything, more severe. Travellers of other European
nations to the Orient or to Brazil never failed to comment on the seclusion
of the Portuguese female, be she wife or daughter. In colonial Bahia the
French engineer F roger remarked that the white women only left their homes
to attend mass on Sundays.J Frezier, also an engineer, who visited Bahia
some eighteen years later in 1714, was intrigued rather than dismayed by the
strict seclusion of the Portuguese female. Although acknowledging the
jealous precautions taken by husbands to guard their wives and daughters,
he slyly commented: ' ... they are almost all of them Libertines, and find
means to impose upon the Watchfulness of their Fathers and Husbands'.
He continued, 'Whether it be the Effect of the Climate, or of our natural
Bent after that which others endeavour to keep from us by Force, there is no
need of any extraordinary Efforts to be admitted to the last Familiarity. '4
F rezier was allowing himself to be carried away by his own romantic hopes
in this assessment of Portuguese womanhood. All the evidence points to a
I 'A honra da mulher comparo eu a conta do algarismo; tanto erra quem errou

em urn, como quem errou em mil', Francisco Manuel de Melo, Carta de guia de
casados (ed. Lisboa, 1959), p. 42.
2 Cited by C. R. Boxer, The Golden Age of Brar_il, p. IJ7·

3 Froger, Relation d'un voyage, p. IJ7·

4 Frezier, A Voyage to the South-Sea, p. 300.
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name of Jesus 321

supreme preoccupation with the honour of a daughter and the fidelity of the
bride. Any lapse on the part of the woman met with death as a matter of
honour. Vilhena stated the case when he said that a senhora will act as such:
any false impression gained by travellers was based on women of pleasure
(mulheres da tarifo) who exist the world over. 1
A convent had been the traditional place of seclusion for the daughters of
upper-class white families. Suitably endowed, these girls had been sent to
convents in Portugal, often against their will. Sexual honour was allied
to social prestige in the minds of the martinets of the Bahian aristocracy.
Marriage to an officer of the garrison would have been as disastrous as the
defloration of the girl. This was especially true since, in the latter case,
some poor noble could be found who would be willing to overlook such a
detail in return for a handsome dowry. The cost of sending a daughter to
Portugal was heavy. During the seventeenth century the leading families
and the city council of Bahia had repeatedly petitioned the king for per-
mission to establish a convent. This had been finally granted and the
Convent of Santa Clara de Nossa Senhora do Desterro had been founded
in 1677.
The Desterro had been founded by the aristocracy for the aristocracy.
Originally there had been places for fifty nuns of the black veil and twenty-
five of the white veil. The latter category was inferior; its members had no
vote and were responsible for the menial labour of the convent. Although
the fifty places of the higher category had been filled rapidly and a waiting
list established, there had been no applicants for the inferior category. In
1688 the city council had sent a second petition to the king asking for his
authorisation to commute these to the higher status but this had been
refused. 2 During the eighteenth century most of the aristocratic families of
Bahia could count at least one daughter in the Desterro, although few went
to the lengths of Colonel Jose Pires de Carvalho who placed all five daughters
in the Desterro.3
The need for social seclusion rather than religious seclusion had led to the
foundation of the Desterro. In addition to the nuns, female relatives and
1 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. 1, pp. 46--7·
2 Accioli-Amaral, Memorias historicas e politicas, vol. 5, pp. 222-3.
3 ACDB, Livro I das entradas e profissiies das religiosas de Santa Clara do
Desterro da cid• da Bahya, entries nos. 89, 96, 104, 108 and 109.
322 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
young girls, known as educandas, were also accepted. There was intense
secular interest in the internal affairs of the convent. Vacancies were closely
scrutinised and on several occasions in the eighteenth century there were
complaints of secular canvassing in the elections of abbesses. Vows of
abstinence and poverty were often forgotten. Each nun was permitted to
have two servants, usually orphan girls, but sometimes slaves. Some nuns
continued business enterprises such as the loan of money or sale of lands.
Rumours of feasts and amorous frolickings within the convent scandalised
the city and occasioned severe reprimands from the Crown.
The foundation of the first convent in Bahia in no way benefited the
citizens. The aristocrats continued to send their daughters to Portugal.
The middle class families found it impossible to secure a place for a daughter
in the Desterro, such was the vigilance of the aristocracy over all entrants.
The financial position of the middle class was never sufficiently solid for a
family to be able to sustain the loss of the breadwinner. The Misericordia
had assisted the widows and dependants in a small degree. On the recom-
mendation of a parish priest or in response to a petition, the stewards in
charge of such visits (mordomos das visitadas) had provided clothes, medicine
and alms. After extensive enquiries the Mesa had provided dowries to girls
of undoubted virtue. The brotherhood lacked the financial means and
accommodation to offer more substantial protection to the daughters of such
needy families.
There had been an increasingly secular feeling in Bahia in the last decades
of the seventeenth century. This had been apparent in the provisions of
wills leaving legacies to the Misericordia. After the initial outburst of civic
enthusiasm, the city council had been remarkably disenchanted with the
Desterro. This had been in part due to the heavy financial burden of the
construction which had been accepted by the municipal authorities when
permission had been granted for the foundation. Public funds would have
been adequate for one religious foundation, but in addition to the Desterro,
work was in progress on the cathedral, the Benedictine monastery and that
of the 'barefooted' Carmelites. In 168o the councillors had protested
strongly against royal authorisation for the building of a hospice for eight
French Capuchins. The councillors had stressed the number of religious
constructions already financed by charity and hinted that these 'deuced
foreigners' might form a fifth column and causeunrest. 1 More latentwas the
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofJesus 323

attitude that there were already enough religious foundations, which contri-
buted little to Bahia hut were supported by the alms of its already overtaxed
citizens. A shortage of money, lack of white women and the increased
recognition of the social problems of urbanisation coincided with this attitude
and resulted in the establishment of the first secular retirement house in
Joao de Mattos de Aguiar, popularly known as Joao de Mattinhos, was
responsible for this foundation. When he died on 26 May 1700 he nominated
the Miseric6rdia as his trustees. From mammoth bequests to the Miseric6rdia
he ordered that 8o,ooo cruzados should be placed on loan and the annual
interest of 5,000 cruzados be applied to the building of a retirement house.
Once the construction had been finished the interest was to be spent on the
upkeep of the fabric and the feeding and clothing of the girls housed there. 2
The choice of site, building details, selection of candidates and administra-
tion was left to the discretion of the board of guardians of the Miseri-
The choice of site aroused great controversy. The issue was whether the
new retirement house should be on the outskirts of the city or in the Rua
Direita next to the Miseric6rdia and backing on to the Ladeira da Miseric6rdia.
The latter involved the purchase and demolition of four houses and the
moving of the Travessa da Miseric6rdia to a more southerly position next to
the mint. Nevertheless the Mesa of 17oo-r decided on the site next to the
hospital for three reasons: economy of labour, ease of administration and
the benefit of those privileges already granted to the brotherhood by the
Crown.3 Royal approval was sought and Dom Pedro II referred the request
to the Chancellor of the High Court in Bahia for his opinion.
Meanwhile a new Mesa under the chief commissioner of the Treasury
Francisco Lamberto had taken office for the year 1701-2. This immediately
reversed the decision of its predecessor and voted for a suburban site. It was
later to be alleged that the Secretary of State, Gon<;alo Ravasco Cavalcante e

1 City council to king, 14 April 168o (AMB, vol. 174, ff. 19-2ov), cf. a similar
protest on 4 August 1756 by the council against the proposed foundation of a
hospice of St Philip Neri (AMB, vol. 31, ff. 190V-191).
2 ASCMB, vol. 199, ff. sv-'7. The Miseric6rdia received soo$ooo from a further

2o,ooo cru;_ados placed on loan to cover the costs of administration (ibid., ff. 7V-8).
3 Minute of Mesa of 22 July 1700 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 54).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Albuquerque, had been responsible for this sudden change of heart by
exerting pressure on the Mesa to buy some of his own land in the Pregui~a.I
Nevertheless the reasons advanced in opposition to a site on the Rua Direita
were entirely valid: the cost of buying houses on the Ladeira only then to
demolish them; the delay in providing alternative accommodation for the
occupants; the difficulty of moving the Travessa; the heavy cost of transport-
ing materials from the wharves on the shore; the impossibility of enlarging
the building; the lack of a good water supply and the effect on the hospital
whose light and ventilation would be severely prejudiced by an adjacent
building. The Mesa advocated a suburban site which offered more space,
a ready water supply, a healthier position and enabled building to be under-
taken more cheaply and quickly. 2 This proposal was supported by the
chancellor, Joao da Rocha Pitta, and received royal approval.J
This decision was not final. The Mesa of 1702-3, also under Francisco
Lamberto, took no further action. Its successor, under the dynamic leader-
ship of Pedro Barbosa Leal, took up the problem within a fortnight of
assuming office. Pedro Barbosa Leal, one of the richest landowners in
Bahia, was determined that building should start during his term of office
and that it should be next to the Miseric6rdia in the Rua Direita. He
appealed to the feeling of pride and honour of the members of the Mesa
and Junta, referring to the 'sumptuous work' which would be the retirement
house, with rooms, cloister and a water cistern - a building worthy of the
girls sheltered there. The image presented was that of the noble Miseric6rdia
dominating the main street of the city. Any delay in protecting orphans and
the needy would prejudice the good name of the brotherhood. This appeal
was supported by a plan for the new retirement house, drawn up by one of
the best architects of the period, Gabriel Ribeiro. This provided for 106
cells, laundry, cloister and offices and offered the possibility of expansion as
far as the mint. The Miseric6rdia would receive all privileges previously
granted and the royal permission could be applied to the new building with-
out amendments. The city council was placated by the fact that the new
building would enhance the Rua Direita and would offer commercial benefits
1 The only reference to this alleged intervention is in a letter of 20 October 1703

from the Mesa in Bahia to the Miseric6rdia in Lisbon (ASCMB, val. p, ff. 9-1 1).
2 Minute of Mesa of 28 July 1701 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 57-58v).

3 Provisilo of 21 May 1702 (ASCMB, val. 207, ff. 27-8).

The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofjesus 325
in the form of shops to be installed on the ground floor of the new building. 1
Having been bullied into submission, the Mesa and Junta approved the
proposal and decided on day labour as being most suitable for the new
building. 2
The city council intervened at this stage and took legal action to forbid
further development of the site. The councillors objected on two grounds.
First, the transfer of the Travessa da Misericordia some fifteen yards to the
south was not satisfactory because at present it provided a link between the
Ladeira on the seaside and the Rua do Tijolo on the other side of the Rua
Direita. Secondly, the grandiose plan for the retirement house meant
encroaching on the Ladeira da Misericordia, thereby narrowing the width
of one of the main arteries between the upper and lower cities. Once again
it was hinted that Gonc;alo Ravasco (a councillor for 1703-4) had exerted
pressure on his fellow councillors. It is impossible to establish whether this
was the case or not. Certainly at a later municipal enquiry over the retire-
ment house, strict impartiality was observed and interested parties were
replaced by those having no connection with the brotherhood.J The
Misericordia appealed directly to Dom Pedro II and all municipal objections
were quashed by a royal order of 2 April 1704.4
The Mesa immediately requested tenders for the new building. Seven
of the leading stonemasons submitted estimates. Among these was Manuel
Quaresma, who had collaborated in the building of the Third Order of
St F rancis.s Such was his reputation that he was commissioned although
his tender was considerably higher than those of his competitors. The
Provedor, Pedro Barbosa Leal, agreed to meet the difference from his own
fortune. 6 The Mesa may also have been influenced in its choice by the fact
that Manuel Quaresma was a member of the board of guardians for the year
1703-4 and had previously served on the Mesa and Junta.! If the Miseri-
1 Minute of 17 July 1703 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 68-7ov).
2 Minute of 31 July 1703 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 71).
3 At an enquiry held on 26 March 1704 to examine objections raised by the
attorney of the city council to the building, both Pedro Barbosa Leal and Miguel
Calmon de Almeida were replaced because they were brothers of the Misericordia
(AMB, vol. 25, ff. 126-128).
4 AMB, vol. q6, ff. 142v-143.
5 Marieta Alves, Hist6ria da Venerrivel Ordem .f', p. 22.
6 Minute of 10 September 1704 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 76v-77v).
J26 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
c6rdia chose its Provedors with discretion, it also elected as brothers crafts-
men whose skills could be placed at the brotherhood's service.
Despite his reputation and record of service, little progress was made on
the retirement house in the next two years. In 1705 the board of guardians
decided to let out the work on a contract basis to Faustino de Almeida and
Jose Gon~alves Pena. 2 The new contractors faced difficulties, many of
which had been envisaged by the board of guardians of 1701-2 in its objec-
tions to a site next to the Miseric6rdia. Work on the hospital would
effectively delay that on the retirement house and meanwhile there was the
problem of where to accommodate the displaced sick. The old issue of the
purchase of houses for demolition was raised again. The city council
objected to the narrowing of the Ladeira and suggested the Miseric6rdia
should buy the houses on the seaside of the Ladeira and demolish them in
order to preserve the width of the street. A compromise was reached.
Gabriel Ribeiro submitted a new plan providing for fifty-eight cells and all
necessary offices. This new building would be connected to the hospital by
a passageway over the Travessa. Should expansion prove necessary this
could be done in the direction of the mint, further storeys could be built on
the hospital and new passages made over the Travessa.l The councillors
were satisfied by the restoration of the former Travessa and agreed to grant
some three feet of the upper end of the Ladeira to the Miseric6rdia so that
the new building would be rectangular. 4
Work on the retirement house took some ten years, and only in 1716 was
it in a fit condition to be inhabited. Apart from the difficulties of changing
contractors, other problems contributed to this delay. The legacy of Joao
de Mattos de Aguiar involved the Miseric6rdia in numerous legal disputes
and lawyers were appointed to deal with these alone. The collection of
I Manuel Quaresma had been admitted to the Miseric6rdia as a brother of minor

standing on 14 April 1683 (ASCMB, vol. 2, f. 188). He served on the Mesa in

1687, 1691, 1699 and 1703 and on the Junta in 1689, 1692, 1694, 1701 and 1704
(ASCMB, vol. 34). He received an advance payment of 40o$ooo (ASCMB, vol.
14, f. 77), hut he either died or fell out with the Mesa because he did not serve on
the Mesa or Junta after 1704, nor was he invited to be one of the technical con-
sultants for the new plans in December 1705 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 79v-81).
z The contract was dated 21 August 1705 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 78v-79).
3 ASCMB, val. 14, ff. 79v-81.
4 Minuteofmunicipalcouncilof14December 1705 (AMB, vol.2;,ff.2)IV-2)4V).
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofJesus 327
interest and capital lent by the testator during his lifetime proved extremely
difficult. Finally, the Miseric6rdia exceeded the limits envisaged by Joao de
Mattos de Aguiar. The building was only finally concluded in 1739 at a
total cost in the region of 13o,ooo cruzados. 1 The number of porcionistas,
or hoarders, never remotely approached expectations and much of the build-
ing was unoccupied.z Opinions as to the final result varied. The Bahian
chronicler Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, who had watched the arduous progress
on the building, numbered the finishing of the retirement house among the
more significant events of the viceroyalty of the Marquis of Angeja.
During the viceroyalty of the marquis (the animator of noble under-
takings, whose enthusiasm stimulated all aspects of government) work
was finished on the retirement house for honourable women. This is a
distinguished building in concept and excellence of design. It is exempt
from the jurisdiction of the Ordinary and is under the authority of the
Casa da Santa Misericordia, next to the seat of the brotherhood whose
church will also serve the retirement house. It is a building of three
storeys with many rooms, cells, bedrooms and windows affording
extensive views over the land and the sea. Its turret can he seen from
far out to sea. In the lower part of the building are large rooms
sufficient in number to serve many people. This whole edifice presents
a nobility of appearance and majesty of execution equal to that of the
largest monastery.a
Other opinions were less favourable. Vilhena, at the end of the century,
commented guardedly that 'the retirement house for girls is adequately
spacious' - praise indeed from this carping critic of the Miseric6rdia. 4
Thus it was surprising that Ant6nio Joaquim Damazio, nineteenth-century
historian of the Miseric6rdia and its meticulous accountant, should have
condemned the retirement house so completely as lacking in architectural
elegance, having inadequate lighting and ventilation, cramped accommodation
and being totally unsuitable for its purpose.s
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name of Jesus was formally
1 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 248-249v and ff. 249V-250v. At the time of opening in
1716 the cost was 105,ooo crur_ados (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. IIJ-15)·
z In r 767 it was proposed that the lower part of the retirement house be converted
into a ward for women because it had remained empty since 1716 (ASCMB, vol. 15,
ff. 204V-207v). 3 Sebastiao da Rocha Pitta, Historia, livro 10, § 14.
4 Vilhena, Noticias soteropolitanas, vol. r, p. 98.
s Damazio, Tombamento, chapter 5·
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
declared open on 29 June I7I6, by the Provedor, the judge of the High
Court Dionisio de Azevedo Arvelos. I Work still remained to be done on
the interior of the retirement house and on the special choir in the church for
the girls, but the building was habitable and there was no point in leaving
it empty. This was the explanation given by the board of guardians for
the premature opening. Two external factors may have influenced their
decision: first, a viceroyal report of I 7 I 5 alleging gross maladministration
by the Misericordia of its finances; secondly, the fact that Dionisio de
Azevedo Arvelos was the fifth successive High Court judge to be elected
Provedor and this had caused some scandalised comment in the city, what-
ever his personal merits. The Marquis of Angeja had also remarked that the
delay in the building of the retirement house should be investigated. 2 Its
opening proved the integrity of the Provedor and the honest administration
of the finances of the Misericordia. There was some ground for the Mesa's
belief that solid achievement would allay suspicion and the enquiry ordered
by the king failed to reveal any 'hidden skeletons'.
The retirement house was primarily intended for young girls of middle
class families who were of marriageable age and whose honour was en-
dangered by the loss of one or both parents. These were accepted as
recolhidas, or recluses, and were granted a dowry on marrying. In his letter
of approval for the establishment of a retirement house, the king had strongly
commended to the Mesa the admittance of two other types of women. The
first group were porcionistas, widows or spinsters of good repute who would
pay for their board and lodging. The second group were wives of men
absent from Bahia on business and who would be placed in the retirement
house during their husbands' absence.J This second suggestion, tantamount
to a command, directly contravened the Compromisso of I6I8 which had
stipulated that in no circumstances was a retirement house administered by
the Misericordia to be used as a depository for women. 4 The board of
guardians had little option but to agree to these suggestions and may even
I ASCMB, vol. !4, ff. IIJ-I5 and f. rrsv.
2 Viceroy to king I2 July I7I 5; Dom Joao V, in a letter of 26 September 1716,

ordered a full enquiry by the Crown judge Joseph de Sa e Mendon!fa (APB, Ordens
rlgias, vol. ro, doc. 63). 3 ASCMB, vol. 207, ff. 27-8.
4 Compromisso of Lisbon of r6I8, chapter 20, § I4· At no time was the retire-
ment house of the Misericordia in Bahia intended for 'mulheres desvalidas e
desviadas que, por imposi!faO das famflias, necessitassem de reclusao para se
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofjesus 329
have welcomed them as providing a pretext for a larger building than that
envisaged for the recluses alone. The first plan of Gabriel Ribeiro had
provided for seventy-six boarders and others out of a total of 106; even the
amended plan catering for fifty-eight women proved excessive. The fact
that the retirement house was regarded from the outset as fulfilling a civic
purpose may explain the wholehearted royal support, viceroyal co-operation,
and the unusual willingness on the part of the city council to compromise.
The Mesa of the Miseric6rdia stipulated certain conditions for acceptance
of all women, be they recluses or boarders. All had to be virtuous, of 0 ld
Christian stock, and white. The last two conditions coincided with the
policy of the Third Orders, and were common to the religious orders and to
the convents of eighteenth-century Bahia. In 1689 the king had intervened
to order the Jesuits to continue to admit coloured pupils (mo;os pardos) to
their school in Bahia. 1 In 1736 the city council complained to the king that
the Benedictines refused to admit 'sons of Brazil' whatever their colour, and
that in the 145 years of the Order's existence on Brazilian soil only a handful
of Brazilians had achieved office. 2 With regard to convents there was a total
ban on the admittance of coloured girls. As late as 1754, at a time when
Bahia could count three convents, the three daughters of a sergeant major of
the garrison requested the royal permission to go to Portugal to be nuns:
although orphans, they had been well brought up and were well endowed,
but had been refused admission to any Bahian convent because they were
'pardas to the second degree'.3
A candidate for the retirement house presented a petition to the board of

regenerarem': nor did the city council make any financial contribution towards its
upkeep as suggested by Affonso Ruy, Historia da Cdmara, p. 198.
1 Royal order of 28 February 1689 (AMB, vol. 136, f. p).
2 City council to king 5 September 1736. The councillors also complained that

this was the practice of the Capuchins who had brought over thirty friars from
Oporto using alms given by the citizens of Bahia (AMB, vol. 176, ff. 178-179v).
For a similar situation in Olinda, see C. R. Boxer, Race Relations, pp. u8-19.
3 'mossas pardas em segundo grao '. In their petition they described the situa-
tion in Bahia, 'e como na da cidade daBa nao tomam nos Convtos della pa religiozas
mossas com manchas de pardas, nao obstante serem as supptes nao mto trigueiras, e
terem sido creadas com toda a estima~ao e abundancia ... ' (APB, Ordens rlgias,
vol. n, ff. 167--72).
330 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
guardians. An enquiry was made to establish her age, virtue and necessity. 1
If favourable the girl was admitted as an encostada, or probationer, until a
vacancy should occur among the recluses. The time spent on probation
depended entirely on the number of recluses leaving to get married. During
this period, which could be anything up to two years, all the costs of food
and clothing were met by a guarantor at the rate of 8o rs. daily. After pro-
motion to full recluse status the girl was supported by the Misericordia for
four years and received a dowry of 10o$ooo on marrying. 2 If she failed to
marry within this period she was returned to the home of her guarantor or
could remain in the retirement house as a boarder.
A boarder also submitted a petition to the Mesa and a similar enquiry was
held. In the case of a boarder the preoccupation of the Mesa was more
financial than moral. Advance payment was demanded, the financial stand-
ing of the guarantor(s) was examined, and the Misericordia reserved the
right to dismiss any boarder if this proved necessary. In 1716 the annual cost
was fixed at 8o$ooo but this was raised to roo$ooo in 1734 in view of the
higher cost of living and 'these hard times' .J
In the selection of girls for the retirement house, the boards of guardians
favoured applications from foundlings and the daughters of the poorer
brothers of the Misericordia. The retirement house provided a place of
refuge for those foundlings who had been supported by the Misericordia
for three years and had then been boarded out with a family, sometimes with
unsatisfactory results. Whereas in Macao the Misericordia had simply
ignored any foundling once it was seven years old, in Bahia the Misericordia
could continue to provide assistance in the form of the retirement house.4

1 These enquiries were destroyed, as were those concerning the admission of

brothers. An indication of the severity of the enquiry can be gained from the case
of one girl who submitted three petitions - two to the Mesa and one to the vicar-
general. The scribe of the Misericordia called for three testimonials from inde-
pendent witnesses before her petition to be an encostada was granted (ASCMB, vol.
n8o, ff. 43v-44).
2 Recolhidas had maximum priority in the allocation of dowries as 'filhas da

Casa' (ASCMB, vol. q, ff. 172-173V and vof. 85, ff. 76v-77V).
3 Minutes of I June 1716 and ro January 1734 (ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. IIJ-I5 and
ff. 191-2).
4 In the decade 174o-5o some twelve foundlings were admitted to the retirement
house (ASCMB, vol. n8o).
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofjesus 331
The retirement house also provided an extension of the social services
offered by the Miseric6rdia to its brothers and their dependents. In the
event of the disruption of home life by the death of a parent or financial mis-
fortune, the Miseric6rdia provided a home for daughters of marriageable age. 1
The number of girls admitted to the retirement house varied from year to
year, depending on the number leaving to be married. It also depended on
the progress of the work on the building and money available. In 1716
eight recluses were admitted: a further one was admitted in 1717 when it was
discovered there was a balance. After final payment on the construction
had been made, the number was increased to eighteen in 1740 and to twenty-
one in 1750 as the result of economies in the method of distributing food. 2
The number of places was always filled. In his report of 175 5 the High
Court judge alleged chronic over-allocation of places with thirty-three
recluses. 3
The number of boarders never came up to the expectations of the king or
board of guardians. In the fifteen years 174o-5 5 (the earliest for which there
are records) only ten boarders entered the retirement house. Three of these
had been placed there during the absence of their husbands and two were
divorced or separated from their husbands. This total lack of response can
only be explained by the demand for white women in colonial Bahia and the
unlikelihood of a white woman remaining single.
Despite the clauses of the Compromisso the Miseric6rdia was forced to
admit women on the orders of the archbishop or viceroy. This offers the
only instance of successful intervention by the civil and ecclesiastical
authorities in the domestic affairs of the brotherhood in Bahia. By its
unquestioning acceptance of the conditions of the royal permission in 1702,
the Mesa severely compromised its independence. The archbishop or
viceroy ordered the seclusion of women on moral grounds on some half-
dozen occasions before 1755· Usually this was when a woman was being
ill-treated or prostituted by her husband and was causing a public scandal.
In such cases the archbishop ordered the removal of the woman from her
home and placed her in the protection of a relative or friend. If this failed,
the Miseric6rdia was ordered to accept her in the retirement house. The
1 ASCMB, val. 14, ff. 248-249v.
2 ASCMB, val. 14, ff. 115, II7V-II8 and 26xv; vol. 15, f. 42.
3 BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. xo, chapter 29.
33 2 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
most unusual case involved one Dona Helena de Lima and her two daughters.
A widow, she had been the concubine of a friar. He induced the archbishop
Sebastiao Monteiro de Vide (Archbishop of Bahia, 1702-22) to order the
seclusion of her two daughters in the Desterro against the will of their
mother. After the death of the archbishop and in the absence of the friar,
Dona Helena successfully petitioned for the release of her daughters. Two
of her relatives informed the viceroy, because they knew of an agreement
between Dona Helena and two men (one in Holy Orders) for the young girls
to become their concubines. This plan was frustrated by the viceroy. As
soon as the girls had left the Desterro and were about to enter the carriages
of their prospective lovers, officers of the law intervened and escorted the girls
to the retirement house. I On several other occasions boarders and divorcees
were kept in the retirement house against their will on the royal command. 2
Although not intended as a prison, life in the retirement house was
extremely austere and the rules severe. In the desire to protect the honour
of the inmates, boards of governors went to extremes in the matter of
seclusion. All visitors had to seek authorisation from the Mesa, and even
close relatives were forbidden to speak to any recluse or boarder without the
permission of the regente, or warden. Even the Provedor could only visit
the retirement house when accompanied by the scribe and other brothers
were only permitted to visit in pairs with due authorisation. 3 All outside
contacts by letters or verbal messages were forbidden. To this end a passage-
way had been built to connect the retirement house with the hospital so that
the girls would have no pretext for going into the Rua Direita. Even the
window-sills were built up so that any view of the street was impossible for
the girls in the retirement house.
There are few records of details of life inside the retirement house. One
of the few records is a document of 1749 with the everyday costs of food and
other domestic items. This document is of sufficient interest to be quoted
in full:

I Viceroy to king 22 October 1723 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 17, doc. ssa).
2 The struggle by Theresa de Jesus Maria to leave the retirement house where
she had been placed against her will by the archbishop in 1751, supported by the
viceroy and king, is described in APB, Ordens regias, vol. 58, ff. 315-440, com-
prising 22 documents.
3 Compromisso of Lisbon of 1618, chapter 20, § 13, 14 and 15.
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofJesus 333

Two pounds of meat for each person, and four for the warden, will be
distributed daily by the steward as is the usual practice.
Two pounds of pork fat for each person monthly.
30 rs. worth of cabbage for all daily.
200 fagots of wood for all monthly.
Three quartos of flour for each person monthly, and six for the warden.
One flask of olive oil on days of abstinence, for all including the
Thirty pints of fish oil monthly for all.
Nine quartos of beans monthly for all.
Three quartilhos of vinegar monthly for all.
One quartilho of oil monthly for the lamp in the oratory.
On days of abstinence 8o rs. of fish daily for each person, and a double
ration for the warden. The servants will receive a ration of fish
costing 40 rs. on such days.
Half a bushel of salt monthly for all.
320 rs. worth of cotton monthly for all.
Bananas to the value of 320 rs. monthly.
Soap to the value of po rs. monthly.
One pound of wax monthly.
Fowls and chickens for the sick will be distributed by the steward on
the orders of the doctor and surgeon.
An allowance of 640 rs. each month will be made for domestic neces-
sities such as brooms and pitchers.
Initially foodstuffs were handed over daily to the warden by two
stewards. This resulted in wastage and the recluses complained of rotten
fish and bad food. In 1749 the system was reformed. Distribution was made
monthly, resulting in substantial financial economies to the Mesa and a better
planned diet for the recluses. 1
The menial duties of the retirement house were done by slaves. This
was in direct opposition to a royal order forbidding such a practice. When
the building of the retirement house had first been mooted, the Governor-
General Dom J oao de Lencastre had written to Dom Pedro II suggesting
that Indian girls be taken from the Jesuit villages and admitted to the retire-
ment house as servants. The king totally rejected this proposal, stating that
the inmates should provide for themselves as was the case in the convents of
Lisbon where even the most noble recluse had no servants.2 This was yet
I ASCMB, val. 15, ff. 23v-24.
2 King to govemor-general6 April 1702 (APB, Ordens regias, vol. 7, doc. I)).
334 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
another instance of the authorities in Lisbon failing to understand the prides
and prejudices of a colonial society based on slavery. After the opening of
the retirement house the Miseric6rdia followed the royal command and
employed few slaves. The recluses and boarders soon revolted, complaining
that they- 'white women as they are' -were being treated as slaves and
being ordered to wash dishes and scale fish! The warden was dismissed and
the board of guardians discreetly increased the number of slaves. 1
The severity of the physical conditions in the retirement house was
accentuated by the harshness of the wardens. The all-male board of
guardians was singularly unsuccessful in its appointees to this position. A
succession of spinsters worked out their own jealousies and frustrations by
ill-treating the girls in their care. One was found guilty of lesbianism and
dismissed, the recluse concerned being jailed for a year. 2 The qualifications
demanded of a warden were that she be white, of Old Christian origin,
suitable age, good repute and possess some social standing. The last proved
to be an embarrassment in one instance. The Mesa appointed Dona Maria
Eulalia VillaLobos da Camara as warden in 1752 and dismissed her in 17)8.3
The Mesa was compelled to reinstate her on the order of the Count of Arcos
(Viceroy 1755-6o) who was a personal friend of Dona Maria.4
In all fairness it must be acknowledged that the task of the warden was
unenviable. On the one hand she had to satisfy the board of guardians and
on the other she had to exert firm control over adult boarders as well as
young recluses. The Mesa elected annually two brothers from the upper
class to serve as the scribe and treasurer of the retirement house. They were
intended to act as liaison officers between the Provedor and the warden, but
failed in this function. Mesas dismissed several wardens who failed to be
sufficiently submissive to their requests. The boarders proved disruptive
elements in the retirement house. They abused the privilege of being
allowed servants and there was a continual flow of slaves in and out of the
retirement house. They also challenged the authority of the warden at
every tum. The Provedor of 1754, Dr Luis da Costa e Faria, was over-
zealous in his desire to reform the retirement house. He forbad slaves not
connected with the Miseric6rdia from entering the retirement house and built
1 Minute of 24 August 1721 (ASCMB, vol. 14, f. 129).

z ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. 122V-12JV.

3 ASCMB, vol. 1180, f. 75· 4 ASCMB, vol. 118o, f. 131.
The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name ofjesus 335
up the window-sills so that the recluses could not converse with their
admirers in the street below. A boarder, whose slaves had been affected by
the ruling, threatened the life of the warden and incited the girls to smash
windows, bars and window-sills. 1
The severity of the retirement house ensured its good repute. At no time
was the honour of the recluses or boarders questioned. The greatest
testimony of this was when the Count of Sabugosa requested the Provedor
to admit his two younger sisters to the retirement house. 2 The only serious
breach of the rules was with regard to messages. In 1721 and 1722 three
priests in the employ of the Misericordia were dismissed for 'prejudicing the
honour and virtue' of the young girls by amorous letters.J In the 1750s
there was considerable coming and going of servants, and women extraneous
to the retirement house used it as a vantage point from which to see pro-
cessions in the Rua Direita and even slept there.
The financial affairs of the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar (which
included the retirement house) were entirely independent of those of the
Misericordia. The cost of building the retirement house amounted to
13o,ooo crutados, a debt finally paid off in 1739· From this date the full
annual interest of 5,ooo crutados was devoted to the maintenance of the fabric
and the care of the recluses. It is impossible to say if the financial crisis
which the Misericordia suffered in the 1740s and 1750s affected the retirement
house. From the increase in the number of recluses in 1740 and 1750 it
would appear not. Nevertheless, letters from the Mesas to debtors show that
difficulty was experienced in enforcing the payment of interest, let alone the
return of capital. In 1754 the annual expenditure on the retirement house
was estimated as follows: feeding, clothing and housing the warden, mistress,
portress, twenty-three recluses and ten slaves cost 2,4oo$ooo; repairs were
calculated at a further 6oo$ooo. 4 Thus the deficit considerably exceeded
the balance, even if the Misericordia succeeded in collecting all the interest
due on the capital, some of which may itself have been lost. Thus the
increase in the number of recluses in 1750 appears more as an act of vanity
than of recognition of the financial situation.
The retirement house of the Misericordia answered a pressing social need
I APB, Ordens regias, vol. 55, ff. 266-93 and vol. 73, doc. 49·
2 Viceroy to Provedor 15 April 1723 (Documentos h.istoricos, vol. 45, p. 70).
3 ASCMB, vol. 195, ff. 64 and 65v. 4 ASCMB, vol. 210, f. 6o.

Fidalgos and Philanthropists
by providing a place of seclusion for girls whose honour was in danger. As
such, it received the support of the Crown and city council. It was typical
of the official attitude towards social welfare that the initiative for such a
foundation should come from an individual and the administration should
be provided by a brotherhood. In fact, the retirement house never fulfilled
the civic function envisaged by the king and councillors. It merely comple-
mented the social services already provided by the Miseric6rdia in the care of
foundlings and distribution of dowries.
The greatest contribution by the retirement house to eighteenth-century
Bahia was its very existence. It was the first occasion on which it had been
publicly recognised that the social problems of Bahia were not limited to
slaves and gypsies. The gradual increase in the importance of a middle class
was accompanied by social difficulties no less severe than those of the lower
classes. It also represented the break with the religious tradition of the
seventeenth century. Although Catholic in administration, the retirement
house was wholly secular in intent. Its example inspired the foundation of
similar institutions for social rather than religious ends. The first of these
was the Retirement House of Our Lady of Solitude (1739) for repentant
prostitutes and young girls. 1 This was followed by the Retirement House
of St Raymond (1753) and several privately organised places for the seclu-
sion of young girls. 2 The Retirement House of the Most Holy Name of
Jesus not only fulfilled a social function but contributed decisively to the
ideology of Bahia in the eighteenth century.
1 Luiz Monteiro da Costa, lgreja e convento de Nossa Senhora da Soledade

(Bahia, 1958).
z Petitions for the founding of retirement houses were sometimes rejected by the
viceroy on the grounds of insufficient financial support (APB, Ordens regias, vol.
58, ff. 563v-565v).

THE death of Dom Joao V on 31 June 1750 marked the end of an era in
Luso-Brazilian history. The quinquennium 175o-5 was an eventful period,
both in the history of the mother nation and in that of her most important
colony. It saw the rise to power of Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Melo, later
to be the Marquis of Pombal. The Minister of State during these years was
the ailing Pedro da Mota, but it was Pombal who dominated all sectors of
the administration from his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs and War.
The new king, Dom Jose I, left all decisions on policy to his capable minister.
Portugal was experiencing a time of economic difficulty. Imports exceeded
exports and the influx of low-priced commodities, especially from Britain,
was adversely affecting home production. An illicit trade in the re-export
of gold from Portugal was flourishing. The system of annual fleets was
proving unsatisfactory. Warehouses in Lisbon were flooded with sugar
and tobacco for short periods of the year, when prices fell. Pombal enacted
a series of measures, replaced lax officials and exercised closer surveillance
over the enforcement of dues in an attempt to remedy this situation. The
greatest single event in Portugal in these years was the great earthquake of
Lisbon on 1 November 1755· This destroyed the centre of the city and was
followed by a tidal wave which completed the destruction of those few
buildings on the waterfront which had escaped the main shock. A few
months later Pedro da Mota died. Pombal was supreme in Portugal and
was to remain so for the next twenty-one years. Portugal had exchanged an
absolute monarchy for a virtual dictatorship.
The years 175o-5 marked a significant stage in the history of Brazil. They
opened with the Treaty of Madrid (1750) between Portugal and Spain. The
pioneering era of the handeiras paulistas in Brazil was drawing to a close and
territorial expansion had reached its most westerly limits. Based on the
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
principle of uti possidetis, the Treaty of Madrid replaced the demarcation line
laid down by the Treaty ofTordesillas (1494) and gave to Brazil a boundary
which has remained substantially the same to the present day. By the 1750s
the gold boom in Minas Gerais had passed and the export of Brazilian gold
was on the decline. The energetic economic measures of the Marquis of
Pombal extended to Brazil. In 1753 he caused the Crown to decree that the
commerce in diamonds would in future be a royal monopoly. In 1755
Pombal founded the state-owned Grao Para Company. This brought him
into conflict with the Jesuits, one of whose main centres of activity was in
Para and Maranhao. Pombal had already faced Jesuit resistance in the
demarcation of frontiers in Paraguay with Spain. In Para the Order
strongly opposed the proposed restrictions on its trading interests. In 175 5
the first Jesuits were expelled from Para for voicing their opposition openly,
the first victims of the struggle between Pombal and the Jesuits which was to
end with the expulsion of the Order from Portugal and Brazil in 1759· In
addition to economic measures, during this period Pombal caused to be
enacted the first of a series of royal decrees aimed at the secularisation and
emancipation of the Amerindian population in Brazil. The first such decree
was promulgated on 4 April 1755. It ruled that a Portuguese who married
an Indian would suffer no loss of social position thereby. Moreover, it
stated that in future the use of the denigratory term cahoclo, or other insulting
epithets applied to Indians or the offspring of such mixed marriages, would
be severely punished.
The Misericordia of Bahia was in a critical condition in the mid-eighteenth
century. It had become increasingly apparent to a succession of boards of
guardians that only the most draconian measures could restore the brother-
hood to its former social eminence and financial stability. No Mesa in the
years 1750-5 had the courage to reveal the critical situation of the Miseri-
cordia to the Bahian public or to risk unpopularity among the brothers
themselves by taking such measures. The difficulty of finding Provedors
was only solved by the intervention of the viceroy and brothers were equally
reluctant to accept the post of treasurer. The third register of copies of
letters written by Mesas between 1749 and 1755 is a chronicle of despair. It
is almost entirely composed of letters to attorneys of the brotherhood, not
only in the Reconcavo, but as far afield as Jacobina and Piau!. These were
exhorted in frenzied terms to do all in their power to enforce the payment of
Conclusion 339
interest due on loans, ensure that securities were adequate on these loans, and
if necessary take legal action against stubborn debtors or urge the sale of
property pledged as security on capital loans which had been lost. Many of
these pleas verged on the hysterical, but there can be no doubt that at this
time the Miseric6rdia was faced with a backlog in the payments of dowries
and the salaries of employees and wet-nurses. It was becoming increasingly
difficult for the brotherhood to maintain its social services. This disastrous
state of affairs did not escape the notice of the viceroy who brought it to the
attention of the king.
By a decree of 17 February 1754 Dom Jose I ordered a full enquiry to be
made into the accounts of the Miseric6rdia for the previous ten years. The
High Court judge Jose de Affonseca Lemos was dispatched to Bahia for this
purpose. At the same time he was to conduct similar investigations into
the financial affairs of the Treasury and municipal council. This was not the
first time that the Misericordia had come under the royal scrutiny. In the
eighteenth century alone there had been several enquiries, but these had been
ineffective. The investigation carried out by Jose de Affonseca Lemos was
characterised by its methodical approach, impartiality, and depth. The
causes of the financial decline of the brotherhood were analysed and recom-
mendations were made to remedy this critical situation. On 8 May 1754 the
judge ordered the board of guardians of the Miseric6rdia to supply him with
a complete inventory of all properties owned or administered by the brother-
hood, the income derived from such properties, and the purposes for which
it was used. The Mesa was also to furnish him with complete records of all
capital assets, the annual returns on this capital and details of instances when
capital had been lost. 1 On 2 June 1754 the Mesa appointed two brothers to
draw up this account. 2 Here the matter rested for almost six months. There
was a change of Mesa. Only after a further letter from the judge and a
forceful reminder from the viceroy was any further attempt made to comply
with the judge's order. On 19 November 1754 Simao Gomes Monteiro,
scribe for the previous year, was nominated by the Mesa to present the
account.3 He completed this by January of the following year. Jose de
Affonseca Lemos checked this against the ledgers of the brotherhood and
made his report on 16 May 1755.4
1 ASCMB, vol. 15, ff. 70V-71. z ASCMB, vol. 15, f. 72.
3 ASCMB, vol. 15, f. 76. 4 BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. 10.
340 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
All aspects of the financial administration of the Misericordia came under
fire in the thirty chapters of this report. Boards of guardians over the
previous ten years were severely censured for mal-administration and
inefficiency. The 'great decadence' of the Misericordia was basically the
result of loans having been made, both from the capital resources of the
brotherhood and the funds of the legacy of Joao de Mattos de Aguiar, on
poor securities. There had been gross negligence in the collection of interest
due on loans, insufficient attention had been paid to the question of placing
capital so as to ensure the maximum returns, and in many cases capital had
simply been lost. All the other financial and administrative failures of the
brotherhood stemmed from this root cause, but four other factors were
listed as having contributed to the decline of the brotherhood.
Jose de Affonseca Lemos criticised boards of guardians for inadequate
supervision over their treasurers. Treasurers had been allowed to make
expenditures, sometimes of large sums as in the case of salaries, without any
specific authorisation from the Mesa. The judge suggested that two items in
particular should be under the direct control of the board of guardians. The
first was the payment of wet-nurses. These were paid without any attempt
being made to verify if they were still looking after a foundling, or indeed if
he were alive. The second was the alms of I $ooo given to each convalescent
leaving the hospital from the legacy ofJoao de Mattos de Aguiar. In neither
case did the treasurer present a list of those to whom payment was made, nor
was he required to furnish receipts acknowledging payment. The judge
reminded the Mesas of their obligation to audit the accounts of each treasurer
at the end of his term of office, which they had failed to do in many cases.
He also noted that several Mesas had contravened the clauses of the Com-
promisso by dipping into capital in order to meet everyday expenses: rarely
had such ' loans' been repaid.
The judge also criticised the low standard of accountancy shown by the
clerks of the Misericordia. Here too there had been lack of proper super-
vision. Clerks had simply 'written off' errors or duplicated entries in the
account ledgers without authorisation from the treasurer, let alone from the
Mesa. In some cases no record had been kept of monies received by the
brotherhood. On other occasions items of expenditure had been entered in
the appropriate ledger, but the treasurer had not presented any receipts con-
firming that the payments had in fact been made. Jose de Affonseca Lemos
Conclusion 341
hinted strongly that such discrepancies in the registers and the total absence of
receipts hid the misappropriation of large sums.
Boards of guardians were found guilty of having been unduly extravagant
with funds given to the Miseric6rdia for charitable purposes. The retirement
house was a case in point. There was chronic overcrowding and this ne-
cessitated the use of funds in addition to the bequest of Joao de Mattos de
Aguiar left to the Miseric6rdia for this purpose. The judge condemned as
extravagant the practice of Provedors giving alms to the staff of the Miseri-
c6rdia and the poor on the occasion of their election to office. He considered
such alms were given 'more from a questing after vain glory than from any
charitable sentiment'. He also criticised the perquisites and pickings, known
as propinas, which were given to the staff and which had amounted to
J,3o6$5oo over the previous ten years. In two instances, the decoration of
the sacristy for the festival of the Visitation and the clothing of children for
the 'procession of the bones', costs had been met from the funds of the
Miseric6rdia when in reality it was the responsibility of the brothers them-
selves to pay for such occasions. A contributory factor which had resulted
in unnecessary expenditure had been the lack of any clear-cut policy on
investments. Whereas one Mesa had invested in property, believing this to
show the best return on capital, another had sold houses in order to place the
capital on loan at an interest rate of 6! per cent.
The final point made by the judge was that the Miseric6rdia was not
receiving adequate financial support from the authorities. Municipal and
Crown grants towards the foundling wheel and the hospital were totally
unrealistic, committing the brotherhood to heavy expenditure on social
services for which it had no statutory obligation, and for which it only had a
small income from private bequests. Jose de Affonseca Lemos expressed the
opinion that official recognition of the privileges enjoyed by the Miseric6rdia
could do much to remedy the economic straits of the brotherhood. A case
in point were some 4o,ooo crurados owing to the Miseric6rdia by debtors,
who were also in debt to the Treasury. The Treasury had frozen their
assets pending legal proceedings, and the Miseric6rdia had been unable to
take steps to enforce payment by invoking privileges permitting the brother-
hood to make the compulsory sale of property pledged to the Miseric6rdia
as security on loans.
The High Court judge made recommendations on each of these issues.
342 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
His major recommendation was that a judge of the High Court in Bahia
should be appointed, together with a private scribe, ~o protect the interests of
the brotherhood in all legal and financial matters. Every three years he was
to conduct a thorough investigation into the accounts of the Misericordia.
He was to institute legal proceedings against any brother found guilty of
gross negligence, misappropriation of funds, or dishonesty. The report also
contained the following more specific suggestions to remedy the financial
crisis of the Misericordia. The maximum loan should be limited to 4,ooo
cru1_ados and all capital and interest should be repaid within ten years. This
ceiling had been suggested because securities usually took the form of slaves
or lands, whose value fluctuated considerably from one year to the next. All
items of expenditure should be approved by the Mesa and all account ledgers
should be examined by the Mesa at the end of the financial year. Treasurers
should be obliged to furnish receipts for payments, or would be personally
responsible for such sums. All money received by the treasurer should be
placed in the coffer of the brotherhood and not kept by the treasurer to meet
current expenses. This coffer should be locked with three keys in the pos-
session of the Provedor, scribe and treasurer. No money should be taken
by the Mesa from capital in order to meet expenses, unless such expenditure
had been specifically authorised by a clause in the will of a testator. All
perquisites to the staff should be abolished. The number of women in the
retirement house should be reduced to eighteen recluses, three officials, four
slaves and a suitable number of paying boarders. A further grant of 400$ooo
annually by the city council towards the cost of foundlings was suggested.
Moreover the report recommended a further municipal grant to be made to
the hospital. This grant should be financed from money at present ear-
marked for perquisites made to the councillors and other municipal officials.
Jose de Affonseca Lemos also recommended that agreement be reached
between the Misericordia and the Treasury to ensure the rapid settlement of
outstanding debts still under litigation. His final suggestion was that the
royal order of 1740, forbidding the election to the Mesa of any brother in debt
to the Misericordia, should be revoked in the hope that they would be shamed
into honouring their obligations to the brotherhood.
This report was submitted to Dom Jose. The king invited comments
from the viceroy and the city council. The Count of Arcos submitted his
comments on the report to the king on 18 October 1757, and these are of
Conclusion 343
considerable interest. 1 Jose de Affonseca Lemos had come to Bahia post-
haste from Lisbon and had conducted a thorough investigation into the
financial circumstances of the Misericordia. But he had lacked detailed
knowledge of the economic situation in Bahia and the special financial needs
of an essentially agricultural economy. Nor had he been in a position to
appreciate the social prejudices present in colonial Bahia. The Count of
Arcos tried to place the report in its financial and social context. One
example will illustrate the differences in attitude between the judge and the
viceroy. Jose de Affonseca Lemos had condemned the perquisites received
by the staff of the Misericordia as a needless extravagance and recommended
they be abolished. The Count of Arcos noted that boards of guardians of
the Misericordia were bound by a clause of the Compromisso to employ only
white people in certain domestic duties. He fully recognised that compliance
with this clause was extremely difficult in Brazil where white people were
unwilling to serve in menial positions. Thus he regarded such perquisites as
essential because unless they could offer such inducements Mesas would find
it well nigh impossible to employ white staff.
On the whole the viceroy supported the recommendations made in the
report on financial issues, but he expressed strong reservations about those
with social implications. Without attempting to whitewash the negligent
conduct of boards of guardians, he pointed out that the task of collecting
interest due on loans had been impeded by the prevailing economic decline
of Bahia. On the major recommendation limiting loans to 4,ooo cru1ados,he
thought this sum totally unrealistic in Bahia where most of the borrowers
were plantation owners or cattle ranchers who needed capital to replace
slaves or stock. Such a sum would be inadequate for this purpose and they
would simply borrow from other brotherhoods or the religious orders
which had no such restriction. This would severely prejudice the social
services of the Misericordia. The viceroy suggested that a maximum loan of
ro,ooo cru1ados would be more in order, depending on the securities offered.
The viceroy had already had enough experience of the Bahian judiciary to
realise the impracticability of the judge's suggestion that the Misericordia
should take legal action against negligent treasurers or recalcitrant debtors.
He recommended that the brotherhood should 'write off' such losses, rather
than waste time and money in protracted legal wranglings which might
1 BNRJ, 11-33, 24, 45, doc. 9·
344 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
prove in vain. He defended the city council on the question of additional
municipal grants to the Miseric6rdia and suggested that the Crown should
contribute 4oo$ooo each year to the brotherhood for the upkeep of found-
The Count of Arcos opposed certain recommendations made by Jose de
Affonseca Lemos on purely social grounds. He firmly rejected the proposed
triennial investigation into the accounts of the Miseric6rdia by a judge of the
High Court. He pointed out that the brotherhood already found consider-
able difficulty in filling the posts ofProvedor and treasurer. Such a measure
would exacerbate this situation because nobody would willingly suffer the
indignity of being subjected to a judicial investigation like a suspected
criminal. The viceroy thought that it would be enough for a judge to attend
the meeting at which the Mesa examined the accounts presented by the
treasurer at the end of the financial year. The Count of Arcos was keenly
aware of the desirability of preserving, and if possible enhancing, the social
prestige of the Miseric6rdia. Thus he considered that the practice of the
newly-elected Provedor distributing alms should be continued
because the gift of such alms is voluntary, and prompted by the public
nature of the gift. Once this exterior aspect ceases, so also will the
action itself. It is readily apparent that not only do the employees of
the Miseric6rdia and the poor of this city benefit from such alms, but
the brotherhood itself is held in greater esteem and the office of
Provedor gains in distinction thereby.
The viceroy agreed that the royal order of 1740 should be revoked.
Whereas the judge had advocated this because of possible financial benefit
to the brotherhood, the viceroy advanced social reasons for such a move. He
ominously predicted that otherwise the administration of the Miseric6rdia
would soon fall into the hands of 'people of a very different social calibre
from those who have governed its affairs up to the present'. The Count of
Arcos insisted strongly that people elected to the office of Provedor be
compelled to accept, or be able to satisfy the viceroy in person that they had
sufficient grounds to be excused. Expulsion from the brotherhood in such
cases was totally ineffective because, as he pointed out, 'those people of
distinction, who are suitable to serve as Provedors, are firmly convinced that
it is they who give honour to the brotherhood by their presence, and they
would suffer no loss of face by leaving it'.
Conclusion 345
The reaction of the city councillors of Bahia was entirely negative, as was
to be expected. They explained their position to the king in a letter of
14 December 1757. The councillors rejected completely the possibility of
any further municipal grant to the Miseric6rdia for the care of foundlings.
They alleged that they were already committed to heavy expenditure on
public works and that the costs of the annual religious festivals and proces-
sions swallowed up any surplus from a small annual income of some
6,ooo$ooo. They also rejected the proposal that money at present allocated
to perquisites for municipal officials should be given to the Miseric6rdia for
the upkeep of the hospital. In this the councillors had their own interests at
stake, but they could quote royal decrees in their defence. Decrees of 1686
and 1709 had authorised the payment of perquisites from municipal funds
to the district judge, criminal judge, scribe of the city council, attorney of the
city council, certain municipal officials as well as to the councillors them-
selves. The city council reminded the king that these perquisites represented
the only payment received by the councillors for their services and afforded
a small degree of compensation for the inconvenience of being brought from
their plantations in the Reconcavo to the city to attend council meetings.
Without such perquisites, many plantation owners would simply refuse to
serve as councillors. 1 On the same date the city council dispatched a letter
to its attorney in Lisbon telling him to study the position of the city council
in the light of the report and to defend its interests to the best of his ability.2
The board of guardians of the Miseric6rdia made a half-hearted attempt
to defend itself, and its predecessors, against the charges of negligence
contained in the report. It pleaded that the economic decline of the brother-
hood merely reflected the prevailing economic situation in the colony. It
noted that expenditure had increased, especially in the treatment of the sick
and care of foundlings, whereas receipts had remained more or less constant.
There can be no doubt that the criticisms contained in the report of Jose de
Affonseca Lemos were fully justified. In the administration of its finances
the Miseric6rdia must stand condemned. It is to the social sphere that we
must tum in order to evaluate the positive role played by the Miseric6rdia
in colonial Bahia and its relationship to other branches of the brotherhood
throughout the Portuguese-speaking world.
The Miseric6rdia was unique among the brotherhoods of colonial Bahia
I AMB, vol. 1 82, ff. 78-8o. 2 AMB, vol. 182, ff. 82-3.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
in enjoying the patronage of the Crown and extensive royal privileges. These
granted certain benefits to the members of the board of guardians during
their year of office and were intended to assist the difficult task of administra-
tion of legacies and the social services of the brotherhood. The Misericordia
was beyond all ecclesiastical jurisdiction, could not be constrained by the
city council to attend municipal function~>, and its representatives held
privileged positions in the Court of Appeals. The Misericordia was answer-
able only to the viceroy or the governor-general as the Crown's representa-
tive in Bahia.
The Misericordia was the only brotherhood in colonial Bahia to provide a
comprehensive range of social services, not only for its members but also
for the community. It maintained the only general hospital in the city to
which anybody was admitted, irrespective of race, social position or religious
beliefs. The Misericordia also provided a funeral service catering for all
classes from the sugar nabob down to the most humble slave. The Miseri-
cordia also fed and clothed prisoners and arranged for the defence of deserv-
ing cases at the brotherhood's expense. Brothers visited the poor regularly,
distributing alms of money and clothing to destitute widows and old
people. The Misericordia administered a large number of dowries and
granted these to suitable girls. In 1716 the Retirement House of the Most
Holy Name of Jesus was opened and ten years later the brotherhood estab-
lished a foundling wheel.
The Misericordia was entirely dependent on private funds for the financing
of these social services. Crown and municipal contributions were negligible.
Citizens of colonial Bahia regarded social philanthropy as part of the Catholic
tradition and contributed generously to the Misericordia. Bequests were
made to the brotherhood on the understanding that the capital would be
placed on loan and the interest so derived would be applied to a specific
charitable purpose. This resulted in some charitable services being less well
endowed than others.
The dependence of the brotherhood on interest derived from loans for the
financing ofits social services led the Misericordia to act as a banking organisa-
tion. This was common practice among the Third Orders and the monastic
orders in Bahia. The monastery of St Theresa was prominent in this
respect and afforded a safe hiding place for fortunes made in sugar and cattle,
as well as by illicit means. It was common practice for a sugar planter to
Conclusion 347
raise a loan to cover the costs of planting and the purchase of slaves or
equipment. This loan was repaid, with interest of 6! per cent in the case of
the Miseric6rdia, when the fleet from Europe arrived in Bahia. It has been
seen that the boards of guardians of the Miseric6rdia lacked the ability to
administer the financial affairs of the brotherhood to the best advantage, but
there is no doubting the importance of the brotherhood within the general
context of the Bahian economy.
In providing social services which were the Crown or municipal responsi-
bility, the Miseric6rdia played a semi-bureaucratic role. This again made it
unique among the other brotherhoods of colonial Bahia. The importance of
the Miseric6rdia in the social field was grudgingly acknowledged by the
Crown and the city council. It would not be too much to say that the
authorities depended on the Miseric6rdia to provide certain public services.
The Crown negotiated with the brotherhood over financial terms for the
treatment of soldiers in the hospital and the city council contributed towards
the upkeep of foundlings by the brotherhood. In both cases the failure on
the part of Mesas to insist on adequate compensation was due to their own
shortcomings because the Miseric6rdia was in a sufficiently strong bargaining
position to demand total reimbursement for the operation of social services
for which the brotherhood had no statutory obligation.
The privileged and semi-bureaucratic position of the Miseric6rdia brought
it into frequent contact with both the ecclesiastical and civil authorities.
Instances of conflict with the ecclesiastical authorities usually arose out of
infringement of privileges granted to the Miseric6rdia. This was also the
case with the city council. Although the Miseric6rdia performed social
services which were the responsibility of the city council and councillors
were invariably brothers of the Miseric6rdia, there was no official connec-
tion between the two bodies. On the whole the Miseric6rdia and the city
council each went their separate ways. On the occasions when the city
council was compelled to recognise the brotherhood, the councillors adopted
a truculent attitude. There was much vacillation on the part of the city
council over the foundation of the retirement house and contributions to the
cost of foundlings were made late and only after complaints by the Miseri-
c6rdia to the Crown. Relations between the Miseric6rdia and the viceroy or
governor-general were based on the fact that he alone could exercise juris-
diction over the brotherhood. Boards of guardians fought shy of official
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
contact and rarely was a governor-general or viceroy elected Provedor. For
his part, the governor-general or viceroy only intervened to protect the good
name of the Misericordia when maladministration threatened to bring the
brotherhood into disrepute. Royal patronage proved to be a fickle ally.
Although the brotherhood had been supported by royal privileges and ready
support initially on the part of kings and queens, this interest had waned.
Requests made by the Misericordia to the Crown were ignored. Petitions
were delayed and referred back to Bahia for more information. On the
matter of treatment of soldiers by the Misericordia the king was quite pre-
pared to sacrifice the interests of the brotherhood and establish a separate
military hospital in Bahia. If, on the whole, the Misericordia maintained
cordial relations with the authorities, they for their part rarely actively co-
operated with the brotherhood.
The Misericordia occupied a prominent position in Bahian society. The
brotherhood counted the more eloquent citizens of Bahia among its mem-
bers. By tradition, the Provedor was of sufficient social and financial
standing to defend the brotherhood against the criticism and intervention of
the city council, archbishop or even the viceroy. Membership of the board
of guardians was hotly disputed. The names of brothers read as a Who's
W"ho, not only of the landed aristocracy and senior civil servants, but also of
the leading artisans. Whereas the Third Order of St Francis favoured
intellectuals, and the Third Order of the Carmelites business men, the
Misericordia showed no such preference in the selection of brothers. In this
lies the importance of the brotherhood as being truly representative of
Bahian society and colonial ideology.
The Misericordia of Bahia was in constant communication with branches
of the brotherhood in Brazil, Africa, the Atlantic Islands and Portugal.
Within Brazil the legal defence of prisoners, collection of debts and the
settlement of legacies called for a high degree of co-operation between
branches. Until 1751 all prisoners accused of capital crimes were sent to
Bahia to stand trial. Their defence fell to the local branch of the brotherhood
and has already been described (p. 254). The collection of bad debts and
the settlement of legacies were impeded by the transient nature of a large
part of the population of colonial Brazil and the difficulty of communications
with the interior. The large network of branches of the Misericordia went
some way to offset these difficulties. Boards of guardians in Bahia maintained
Conclusion 349
a steady flow of correspondence with their counterparts in Pernambuco and
Sergipe, asking them to trace and take legal action against debtors of the
Misericordia of Bahia who were in their captaincies. Letters between the
branch of the brotherhood in Bahia and that in Rio de Janeiro usually con-
cerned the settlement of legacies to be administered by the Misericordia in
Bahia, or for which it was acting as executor.
The position of Bahia made the city a commercial emporium for trade
from Europe and Africa, as well as for exports from Brazil. There was a
constant triangular traffic in people, as well as merchandise, between
Portugal, Brazil and Angola. Soldiers, sailors, merchants, clerics, gypsies
and exiles followed the trail of fortune from Lisbon or Oporto or the Atlantic
Islands to Bahia and from there to the interior of Brazil or across the Atlantic
to S. Tome or Luanda. These frequently fell ill and died in the hospitals of
the Misericordia in Bahia or Luanda. In their wills they made bequests to
friends and relatives in Portugal and the Atlantic Islands, and nominated the
Misericordia as their executor. The Misericordia then contacted the relatives
and forwarded the bequest to them. The Misericordia of Luanda often sent
gold and letters of credit to Bahia, for forwarding to Lisbon, in satisfaction
of the terms of a legacy. The Misericordia of Bahia was in constant contact
with branches in the north of Portugal in its role as executor. In 1685 Joao de
Mattos left substantial bequests to relatives in the parish of S. Juliao de
Moreira in the Lima valley in the Minho. 1 The Misericordia of Bahia sent
the appropriate sum to the branch of the brotherhood in Viana do Castelo,
who in tum passed it on to the branch in the village of Ponte de Lima for
distribution. In 1697 the Misericordia in Bahia sent 8,ooo cru'{_ados to the
branch of the brotherhood in Braga in fulfilment of the terms of the legacy
of Domingos Fernandes de Freitas. 2 The branches of the Misericordia
frequently acted as bureaux to trace missing persons. It was not uncommon
for a son, or even a husband, to leave his family in Portugal or Madeira
and go to Africa or Brazil, promising to return home once he had made his
fortune. Frequently he married and settled in the tropics and severed all
ties with home. On his deathbed he made bequests to relatives, if they were
still alive. In such cases the Misericordia in Bahia wrote to the branch of the
brotherhood nearest to the last known place of residence of these relatives.
The scribe made enquiries and, if the relatives were still alive, furnished proof
1 ASCMB, vol. 41, ff. 239v-244. 2 ASCMB, vol. 14, ff. 48--9.
350 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
of their identity so that they could claim the legacy. More pitiable were
pleas made by a wife or mother, deserted in Lisbon, asking the Misericordias
of Bahia and Luanda to search their burial registers for information on the
whereabouts of a missing husband or son.
The most important branch of the Misericordia was in Lisbon. As such
it was consulted by the brotherhood in Bahia on all major issues. The
Misericordia of Bahia employed an attorney in Lisbon to safeguard its
interests, be they financial, legal or domestic. His duties ranged from the
sale of sugar and the settlement of debts to the purchase of tiles and olive oil.
On all matters of policy the board of guardians in Bahia communicated
directly with its counterpart in Lisbon. The assistance of the parent body
was enlisted in the settlement of the dispute with the Franciscans over
funerals, the granting of privileges and petitions to the Crown.
The Misericordia of Bahia was but one branch of a brotherhood whose
members were to be found throughout the Portuguese-speaking world. The
common origin of the Misericordias in Lisbon had ensured that all branches,
be they in Asia, Africa or Brazil, preserved many common traits. All
branches were governed by the Compromissos of Lisbon made in I 5I 6 and
I6I8. In some cases these were modified to provide for local conditions.
The new sets of statutes drawn up by the branches in Goa and Macao were
modelled on those of the parent body and incorporated many of the same
clauses. The administrative structure of Mesa and Junta was maintained in
all branches, although here again there were local variations in the method
of election and composition of the executive bodies. All branches shared
the privileges granted to the Misericordia of Lisbon and many possessed
additional privileges to deal with local situations. At one time or another
the alleged infringement of these privileges brought all branches into conflict
with the local civil and ecclesiastical authorities. All branches had a common
banner, preserved the same traditions and celebrated the same festivals.
The tradition of a free pardon being granted to any criminal who fell from
the gallows and was covered by the banner of the Misericordia was invoked
in Lisbon, Bahia, Luanda, Goa and Macao with varying degrees of success.
The day of the Visitation was the major festival for all branches and all
celebrated the Maundy Thursday procession and the 'procession of the
bones' on All Saints' Day.
All branches of the Misericordia represented the best of their respective
Conclusion 351
soc1et1es. The Provedor was always a leading member of the community.
Positions on the board of guardians were highly prized. Applications for
membership were scrutinised to ensure 'purity of blood'. Restrictions on
the admission of clerics were common to all branches. Causes of expulsion
were similar. Marriage of a brother with a woman of non-white or New
Christian parentage, or even if she were socially unacceptable, resulted in
his expulsion from the brotherhood. Disobedience or alleged insubordina-
tion remained the most common reasons for expulsion.
All branches of the Miseric6rdia performed similar social services in their
respective communities. In every case the most important service was the
hospital. Not all branches catered for lepers, as did those in Goa and
Macao, and conditions governing admittance varied from branch to branch.
Whereas Goa and Bahia admitted all sick people, the branch in Macao refused
entry to heathen Chinese. Each branch maintained a chemist's shop and this
was available to the general public. The larger branches maintained retire-
ment houses. All cared for prisoners and foundlings, provided dowries,
visited the poor and distributed alms. The extent of these charitable
works depended on the financial resources available and on the demand.
Whereas the ransom of captives was an important part of the charitable
activities of the Miseric6rdia in Goa, there was no need for such assistance in
The more important branches of the Miseric6rdia usually received some
form of financial aid from the Crown towards the cost of the treattnent of
soldiers in the hospitals administered by the brotherhood. There was no
hard and fast rule about this. It depended partly on the special needs of
each branch and partly on the degree of success of their respective representa-
tives in bringing their petitions to the notice of the Crown. One example
will illustrate this. In the early eighteenth century the Miseric6rdia of Bahia
petitioned the Crown for increased financial aid for the hospital. In 171 I the
board of guardians in Bahia wrote to the branches in Luanda and Rio de
Janeiro to ascertain if they received grants from the Crown to offset expendi-
ture made in the treattnent of men on the royal service. Both these branches
were considerably more favoured than that of Bahia in this respect. In
Luanda the Crown made an annual grant of 4oo$ooo to the brotherhood and
paid the salaries of the doctor and surgeon. Moreover each vessel calling at
Luanda paid a set fee to the Miseric6rdia and deductions were made from
352 Fidalgos and Philanthropists

the pay-packets of soldiers and sailors to cover medical expenses. 1 In 1694

the Miseric6rdia of Rio de Janeiro had received an annual grant of 2oo$ooo
for the hospital. This had been increased to 6oo$ooo in 1702. 2 Royal
grants for other charitable purposes were made in an equally haphazard
manner. In 1754 the Miseric6rdia of Rio de Janeiro was allocated 4oo$ooo
annually for three years from Crown funds for the care of prisoners.3
All branches of the Miseric6rdia experienced administrative and financial
crises similar to that in Bahia. In 1725 in Goa the board of guardians com-
plained of the difficulty of filling the posts of Provedor and treasurer. In
1730 the primeira Yisita, or alms given by the newly-elected Provedor, was
abolished because of the shortage of citizens in Goa willing to accept office
with this financial burden. About the same period the bishop of Macao sent
to Lisbon a short list of citizens suitable to serve as Provedors, although
lamenting that there was no one ideally suited for the post. In Goa and
Macao there were frequent instances of electoral 'rigging' and the viceroy
or governor was compelled to intervene. Maladministration of finances
resulted in loss of public confidence in the Miseric6rdia of Goa at the end of
the seventeenth century and in the branches in Luanda, Macao and Bahia in
the eighteenth century. All branches depended on private charity and lent
capital on interest. The terms of such loans varied and whereas the Miseri-
c6rdias of Goa and Macao made loans to their respective city councils and to
the Crown the branch in Bahia did not do so. But in all cases the securities
were inadequate, interest was not collected and capital was lost. Royal
commissions, similar to that ofJ ose de Affonseca Lemos in Bahia, investigated
the financial affairs of the branches of the brotherhood in Goa and Macao.
All branches of the Miseric6rdia preserved the social distinction of
brothers of 'major' standing and brothers of 'minor' standing. This
division was maintained in the Mesa and Junta. These executive bodies
were composed of the most prominent and influential people in the com-
munity, be they plantation owners, merchants, military officers or judges from
the upper class, or goldsmiths, painters, masons, carpenters or store keepers
from the lower class. Thus, to a certain degree, the minutes of the Mesa and
Junta reflect current attitudes and opinions in each community. In them-
1 ASCMB, vol. p, f. pv.
z ANRJ, C6dice 539, vol. 2, f. 24v and C6dice gS2, vol. 13, f. 89.
3 ANRJ, C6dice gS2, vol. 37, f. 338.
Conclusion 353
selves such records might be regarded as slightly suspect because of their
overall institutional bias - hence the reservation. But taken in conjunction
with viceregal or gubernatorial correspondence to the Crown and municipal
resolutions, the records of the various branches of the Miseric6rdia provide a
detailed and accurate picture of their respective societies. In the case of Bahia
the registers of copies of letters from the Crown to its representative and the
minutes of the city council are complete for much of the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. These records permit certain conclusions to be drawn
concerning the structure of government and the nature of society in colonial
The governor-general or viceroy in Bahia was the Crown's supreme
representative in Brazil, but he did not enjoy absolute authority. In all
matters he was supposed to report to the Crown or the Overseas Council,
although the delay involved in such correspondence often led him to act
independently of higher authority. He did not exercise great control over
the governors of the various captaincies who reported directly to the Crown.
Indeed in the eighteenth century Gomes Freire de Andrada in Rio de Janeiro
had jurisdiction over a wider area than the viceroy in Bahia. The viceroy
was frequently the victim of murmurafiio, or backbiting, and complaints by
governors or even city councils could lead to his decisions being modified or
over-ruled by the Crown. The most independent and authoritarian of vice-
roys was the Count of Sabugosa. He often acted in direct defiance of the
wishes of the Crown, as in his defence of the trading rights of the Bahian
merchants with the west coast of Africa. During his long viceregency there
was a feeling of independence in the air and it can only be amatter of surprise
that the final break. from the mother country did not occur until a century later.
The city council was extremely powerful in Bahia. Composed of the
leading figures of the city and the Reconcavo, it was quite prepared to
oppose royal decrees when these ran counter to its own interests. It also
maintained a brake on high-handed action by viceroys or governors and in
extreme cases exercised its prerogative of direct correspondence with the
Crown. Only in 1696 was the authority of the city council diminished by
the appointment of a senior Crown lawyer to preside over its meetings,
resulting in bitter rivalry between the city council and the High Court.
From this date the selection of councillors was made by the viceroy or
governor from the electoral rolls.
354 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
The social structure of Bahia was in the form of a pyramid. At the top
was a small group composed of the nobility of blood, many of whom were
descended from the first colonisers. These formed part of a landed aristo-
cracy of plantation owners. Below these were high-ranking Crown officials,
ecclesiastical dignitaries and the leading citizens of Bahia who enjoyed certain
financial or juridical privileges. The leading artisans and members of the
working guilds formed the next stratum of society. These were followed
by poor whites and people of mixed parentage, and at the very bottom of
the pyramid were the large numbers of slaves.
The concept of a social pyramid grossly oversimplifies the structure of
Bahian society. It does not take into account the delicate inter-play of race
and economic standing in determining a person's social position. It also
suggests a rigid social stratification which was not present in colonial Bahia.
Bahian society was characterised by great internal flexibility. At no time
was this flexibility more in evidence than in the eighteenth century. Social
lines of demarcation between classes became confused. No longer was
prestige counted in terms of noble lineage and the possession of plantations
or ranches. Wealth was beginning to buy many of the attributes of social
equality. A mercantile class gradually emerged and assumed responsibilities
formerly considered the monopoly of the landed aristocracy. Wealth alone
was not the yardstick of social status. These forerunners of a mercantile
patriciate sought public office and the social acceptance this conferred. In
Bahia they achieved this in the 1740s when the Crown recognised their
suitability to serve as city councillors and the brothers of the Misericordia
elected members of the mercantile class to the office of Provedor. This new
sector of the community came to combine many of the functions and values
of the nobility with those of the bourgeoisie.
Within the bourgeoisie itself points of contact between the haute bourgeoisie
and the petite bourgeoisie became ill-defined. The possibility of upward and
downward mobility within the social structure became easier. In the
eighteenth century there were numerous cases of promotion in the Miseri-
cordia of brothers from the lower to the upper class. The reasons varied-
municipal office, a royal benefice, a university degree, ordination to the
ministry, or a commission in the garrison. Of greatest social significance
were those promotions born of financial betterment. As these became more
common, so also was there greater social rivalry and increasing bitterness
Conclusion 355
shown by the established members of the haute bourgeoisie towards such
social upstarts.
Social change was accompanied by increased urbanisation. In the sixteenth
and seventeenth centuries the importance of Bahia had been centred on the
Reconcavo. Here lay the economic wealth of Bahia and here dwelt the great
plantation owners. These visited the city to hold the reins of local govern-
ment or attend some religious celebration. In the eighteenth century interest
was focused on the city itself. This had increased greatly in size during the
seventeenth century, but it was only in the eighteenth century that it ousted
the Reconcavo as the true social and commercial centre of the captaincy.
Many plantation owners moved to the city and left the administration of
their plantations in the hands of an overseer.
Economic change differentiated the seventeenth century from the
eighteenth century. In the seventeenth century sugar and cattle had
afforded the only means of acquiring great wealth. In the eighteenth
century financial speculation and the placing of money on loan offered the
surest returns on capital. This change resulted in a redistribution of wealth,
readily apparent in the changing personalities of the benefactors of the
The eighteenth century was a period of ideological change in Bahia. The
seventeenth century had been an age of traditionalism: traditionalism in
business, in religion and in society. The eighteenth century was a time of
reaction. Financial speculation replaced agriculture as the major source of
income. Personal initiative replaced inherited nobility as a means to social
equality. There was increased secularisation. For the first time in Bahia a
social conscience was born.
In this era of transition one constant remained. This was the racial
prejudice shown by the white population towards Negroes. The white
colonists manifested a pathological preoccupation with 'purity of blood',
both religious and racial. It has been suggested that in the eighteenth
century there may have been a decrease in anti-semitic feeling. It is possible
that people of mixed blood could achieve a minimal degree of social accept-
ance, provided their skin was not too dark. But the Negro remained an
'untouchable' in the eyes of white Bahians. In this attitude they were
supported by the Crown and the municipal authorities who denied bureau-
cratic offices to Negroes.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
This description of government and society in colonial Bahia calls for a
brief comparison with Spanish America. The Crowns of Spain and Portugal
regarded their colonies primarily as sources of revenue for the mother
country, but the Spanish Crown kept a much closer hold on the reins of
government in its colonies than did the Portuguese. The organs of govern-
ment were very similar in the two empires. The difference lay in the degree
of autonomy they possessed. The viceroys of New Spain and of Peru never
enjoyed the independence of action of their counterparts in Brazil. Their
authority was limited by the Council of the Indies and by the local Audiencia,
or High Court. The Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies, to give it its
full name, had been founded in I 524. It exercised wider powers and greater
jurisdiction than the Portuguese Overseas Council founded in I642. The
second restricting influence on the actions of the viceroys was the Audiencia.
This fulfilled the same legal functions as the Brazilian Relafiio, but also
played a more prominent role in local government than its Brazilian counter-
part. The Audiencias of New Spain and Lima represented supreme authority
after the viceroys. They carried out investigations into the conduct of
viceroys at the end of their terms of office. High Courts had been established
throughout Spanish America, whereas until 175 I there was only one Relafiio
in the whole of Brazil. They ensured a higher degree of law enforcement
and were obliged to make triennial inspections throughout their respective
provinces, not only of legal matters but also into the economy, social condi-
tions and local government. Such commissions had a restraining influence
on city councils. By the seventeenth century the city councils had lost their
representative nature and had fallen under the direct control of the High
Court or viceroy. This resulted in the absence of that dynamic eloquence
which so characterised the city council of Bahia which could sway Crown
policy by its fierce outbursts.
The attitudes of the Crowns of Spain and Portugal and of the city councils
in the two empires coincided in one respect. This was in their policy for
social services. There were some rare instances of the Spanish Crown found-
ing a hospital in the New World or taking one under the royal patronage.
Similarly there were occasions, for example the Hospital of San Andres
founded in Lima in I545, when municipal funds were voted for the establish-
ment of a hospital. But, by and large, the provision of social services was
not regarded as the responsibility of the authorities. Brotherhoods of lay
Conclusion 357
men and women made some effort in this direction. The Hospital of the
Immaculate Conception in Mexico City was founded in the sixteenth century
by the Brotherhood of Our Lady. Such private initiative in the founding of
hospitals was entirely local and in the Spanish American empire there was no
chain of hospitals administered by a single brotherhood as was the case
of the Misericordia in Portuguese America. The part played by the Miseri-
c6rdias in Brazil in providing social services was fulfilled by the Church in
Spanish America. The Church performed an infinitely more important
social function in Spanish America than in Brazil. It founded schools,
hospitals, retirement houses and hospices for foundlings in addition to
distributing alms and dowries. Much such charitable action was stimulated
by the personal initiative of local bishops. Juan de Zumarraga, first bishop
and archbishop of Mexico, was prominent in the foundation of hospitals.
Nevertheless it is worth noting that despite the positive role played by the
ecclesiastical authorities in the social field, hospital conditions in Spanish
America were no better than those in Brazil and in neither case were there
ever adequate hospital facilities, even in the cities.
The social structure of colonial Bahia bears comparison with that of New
Spain. Here too there had been a white aristocracy. Initially this had been
formed of the conquistadores, whose military efforts had been rewarded by
charters of nobility, and of colonisers who had been granted encomiendas by
the Crown. This aristocracy remained under the close control of the Crown
and its counterpart never existed in Brazil. There also gradually evolved a
landed aristocracy of sugar plantation owners and cattle ranchers. This was
at its strongest at the end of the seventeenth century and the beginning of the
eighteenth century. As had been the case in Bahia a mining boom threatened
the foundations of this landed aristocracy and it was on the decline in the
nineteenth century. Alongside this landed aristocracy there had developed
in the cities a mercantile class whose members had achieved considerable
wealth. In the early eighteenth century the abolition of the encomienda
system compelled the scions of a primitive but impoverished nobility to
marry into the rich commercial and mining families of the cities. As had
been the case in Bahia, financial wealth began to replace nobility of blood as a
yardstick of social status.
Prejudices of class and colour were remarkably similar in New Spain and
in colonial Bahia. It was inevitable that colonisers, be they Portuguese or
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Spanish, should bring to the new world the legacy of an upbringing which
was Iberian rather than peculiar to one nation or the other. There was a
common preoccupation with 'purity of blood' in the religious context.
In both empires there was an ethnic trichotomy of Negro, white and Indian.
In both cases the Crown made a half-hearted official attempt to remedy the
shortage of white women but the laws of nature dictated miscegenation.
Criteria of social acceptability based on whiteness of skin and Old Christian
parentage were common to New Spain and colonial Bahia. The position of
the Indian in New Spain differed from his Brazilian counterpart but in
general he also got rather a better deal than the Negro. In both cases the
Negro was discriminated against by law and was regarded as morally and
socially degenerate. In New Spain as in colonial Bahia distinctions_ of race
became confused with economic position and religious beliefs in determining
social standing. In both cases it became possible in the eighteenth century
for a light-skinned mulatto to achieve minor bureaucratic office, but it
appears that whereas in New Spain this was the result of tacit acceptance of
racial distinctions, in Brazil it was more the result of the authorities turning a
blind eye on minor racial 'blemishes'. 1
The history of the various branches of the Misericordia not only casts
light on economic and social conditions prevailing in their respective com-
munities, but also contributes to our knowledge of the Portuguese expansion.
It is readily apparent that the dominant feature of the Portuguese empire was
its administrative conservatism. Institutions of government were modelled
on those of the mother country. No new administrative organs were estab-
lished to deal with the local peculiarities of settlements as diverse as Macao
and Bahia. The overseas city councils preserved the same internal organisa-

1 These comparisons are suggested by a reading of the following works: C. H.

Haring, The Spanish Empire in America (New York, 1947: reprinted with cor-
rections and a new bibliography in 1952 and 1957); J. H. Parry, The Spanish
Seaborne Empire (London, 1966); Fran~ois Chevalier, Land and Society in Colonial
Mexico. The Great Hacienda (Berkeley and Los Angeles, I 963: a translation of a
work first published in Paris in 1952 under the title La Formation des grands
domaines au Mexique. Terre et societe aux XVI•-XVll• siecles); C. E. Marshall,
'The Birth of the Mestizo in New Spain', published in the Hispanic American
Historical Review, vol. 19 (1939), pp. 161-84; and the challenging article by
L. N. McAlister entitled 'Social Structure and Social Change in New Spain' in the
Hispanic American Historical Review, vol. 43 (1963), pp. 349--'70.
Conclusion 359
tion and enjoyed the same privileges as their counterparts in Lisbon, Evora
and Oporto. The High Courts of Portuguese Asia, Africa and America
followed the legal codes of Portugal and no attempt was made to accommo-
date these to local legal practices already in existence. The lay brotherhoods,
so characteristic of Portuguese community life, followed the statutes and
shared the privileges of the parent bodies in Lisbon.
This administrative conservatism was of considerable positive importance
in providing an element of stability in a far-flung empire. Social stability
was provided by the different branches of the Misericordia. A Portuguese
in Goa, Macao, Luanda, Bahia or many of the smaller settlements, could join
a brotherhood of which he was already a member in some township of the
Minho or Tras-os-Montes. In the event of his death he could rest assured
that he would be accorded an honourable burial and that the brotherhood
would act as executor for his will. This social stability was accompanied by
the administrative stability provided by the city council. The councillors
were Portuguese with roots in the various communities. They represented
the interests of their fellow countrymen and offered a measure of security
against outside pressures by native monarchs.
From the detailed history of the Misericordia of Bahia and the general
references to the principal branches in Africa and Asia, it is clear that the
Portuguese Crown, local governors or viceroys, and city councils relied
heavily on individual organisations to provide social aid. In Asia and Africa
the Jesuits were prominent in this field. In Brazil their contribution to social
services was less important and the entire responsibility devolved on the
different branches of the Misericordia. In general the Crown adopted the
attitude that the obligations of the authorities were limited to providing an
administrative machinery. Problems of social adaptation had to be over-
come by the individual. The wide deployment of branches of the Miseri-
cordia illustrates to the full the importance of private initiative in the creation
of the Portuguese empire.
The Portuguese empire in Asia remained intact for less than a century
and in Brazil was severely threatened in the early seventeenth century. The
Dutch and English attacks on Portuguese settlements in Asia after 16oo were
major factors contributing to the decline of the Portuguese Asiatic empire.
They had severe repercussions on Portugal itself and also on Brazil. The
actual internal break-up of the Portuguese overseas empire does not seem
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
to have occurred until the end of the seventeenth century, and was most
severely felt during the first half of the eighteenth century. It was no mere
coincidence that the branches of the Miseric6rdia in Bahia, Luanda, Goa and
Macao should all experience financial crises and suffer loss of prestige socially
between 1690 and 1750. In 1757 the branch of the brotherhood in Espirito
Santo wrote to Bahia lamenting its poverty. In its reply the board of guard-
ians of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia offered commiseration, but stated that this
situation was common to all branches of the brotherhood, especially those in
Brazil. 1
The Miseric6rdia of Bahia has overcome these, and similar vicissitudes, to
survive to the present day. The nineteenth century was a period of drastic
reform in all the social services of the brotherhood. The hospital had proved
totally unsuitable because of its limited accommodation and bad position.
Conditions had been aggravated by the establishment of the Faculty of
Medicine in 1816 whose practical instruction was carried out in the hospital.
In 1814 a new site for the hospital was mooted in Toror6, but this project
failed, partly because of lack of royal support. In 1827 the Mesa decided to
acquire a plot of land in Nazare, and work was begun on the new hospital
in the following year. Progress was hampered by numerous delays and
finally came to a standstill. As a result, in 1833 the patients still in the old
hospital of the Miseric6rdia were transferred to the former Jesuit College as a
temporary measure. This had served as a military hospital from the time of
the expulsion of the order up to 1832. The hospital of the Miseric6rdia
was only finished with the aid of funds derived from lotteries and bequests
and was inaugurated in 1893 as the Hospital of St Elisabeth.
Aid for foundlings and facilities providing for recluses in the care of the
brotherhood underwent modifications in the nineteenth century. In 1832
the turning wheel in the old hospital had been moved to the retirement house.
Accommodation for foundlings remained cramped because of additional
numbers and the system of employing wet-nurses proved unsatisfactory. In
1844 some cubicles were built in the retirement house for a small number of
resident wet-nurses sufficient to look after foundlings who had just been
placed in the wheel. In 1847 two rooms were set aside in the old hospital,
one for foundlings of each sex, but this accommodation also proved inade-
quate. This state of affairs was only remedied by an entirely fortuitous
r ASCMB, vol. 53, f. 172.
circumstance. In the 186os the Order of St Vincent de Paul was in financial
straits. It possessed a fine building at the Campo da P6lvora, where the
Order had intended to found a girls' college. The Misericordia bought this
in 186.2 and established a home for foundlings known as the Asylum of Our
Lady of Mercy.
This new foundation was linked to developments in the protection of
recluses. Many sanitary improvements had been made in the retirement
house of the Misericordia in the first half of the nineteenth century. But the
task of administration had proved increasingly difficult. In 1856 the board
of guardians had taken the major step of sending to France for a small
contingent of the Sisters of Mercy. These had duly arrived and had been
invested with the administration of the retirement house and the care of
foundlings. This reform met with bitter opposition from the recluses. In
this they were supported by the local citizenry. In 1858 the recluses came
out in open revolt and the retirement house was stoned by the populace. As
a direct result of this, recluses between the ages of six and sixteen were
transferred to the Asylum of Our Lady of Mercy. Other recluses and
boarders were placed with relatives or found alternative accommodation
and the retirement house ceased to function.
The third major reform in the social services of the brotherhood concerned
burials. In the nineteenth century there was increased official opposition to
the practice of burials in churches and monasteries. In 1805 the Misericordia
decided that no further burials should be made in the cloister of the church,
but in the cemetery formerly reserved for the burial of slaves at the Campo da
Polvora. By the I 83os this cemetery was in a deplorable condition. In 183 5
the Provincial Assembly took in hand the whole question of burials and
cemeteries. It granted the monopoly for the building of cemeteries to a
private company for the next thirty years. This company quickly built a
cemetery at the Campo Santo and this was consecrated on 23 October 1836.
Brotherhoods and Third Orders who had derived income from burial fees
felt their livelihood threatened by this action. On 25 October they lodged
a formal protest with the authorities and then incited the populace to destroy
the new cemetery. The company claimed full compensation and this was
granted by the Provincial Assembly. In 1839 the Provincial Assembly
offered the administration of the Campo Santo to the Misericordia or any
other brotherhood willing to accept this responsibility. The Misericordia
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
agreed and financial terms were settled between the Provincial Assembly and
the brotherhood in r 840. The Misericordia agreed to transfer from the
Campo da Polvora to the new cemetery bones of people buried there and
then to demolish the old cemetery.
The semi-bureaucratic position of the Misericordia in colonial Bahia
became even more evident after the independence of Brazil. In addition to
the above social services, which the Misericordia maintained from its own
funds, the brotherhood administered further institutions for social welfare
on behalf of the Provincial Government or city council. These comprised
the Hospice of S. J oao de Deus for mental cases, a cemetery and hospice
for lazars, and an asylum for beggars. In r864 the Provincial Assembly
passed a resolution approving the establishment of a mental asylum. It was
agreed that it should be administered by the Misericordia. In r869 the
Provincial Assembly bought the mansion of Boa Vista and in 1874 this was
inaugurated and known as the Hospice ofS. J oao de Deus. The Cemetery and
Hospice for Lazars had been inaugurated in 1787 by the governor, Dom
Rodrigo Jose de Meneses. In r85o the cemetery was officially declared a
public cemetery and in 1895 the administration of the hospice passed to the
Misericordia. The Beggars' Asylum had been brought into existence by a
law passed by the Provincial Assembly in r862. In 1873 a further law
decreed that it should be housed in the same building as the hospice for
lepers, and this was enacted in 1876. In r887 the beggars were transferred
to a new building constructed specifically for this purpose in Boa Viagem.
The administration of this building was entrusted to the Misericordia by a
municipal order of 1895. 1
The final change in the affairs of the Misericordia came almost at the end
of the nineteenth century. A new Compromisso, replacing that of r6r8, was
approved by the Mesa and Junta on 31 May r896. This considerably
simplified the Compromisso of r6r8, reducing the number of chapters from
forty-one to eleven. The major differences concerned the election of the
Mesa and Junta, stricter financial measures and the appointment of new

1 The history of the Misericordia of Bahia for the later eighteenth century and

the nineteenth century has yet to be written. The registers for this period are com-
plete and in good condition. This short survey of the brotherhood's activities is
based on the Compromisso of 1896 published in Bahia in the same year, Joaquim
Damazio, Tomhamento, and occasional gleanings from other sources.

officers to deal with the social responsibilities of the brotherhood. The

numerical composition of the Mesa and Junta was maintained, but the social
division into classes was officially abolished. The elections of the Mesa and
the Junta were moved to the first Sunday in December and their terms of
office coincided with the new financial year which started on I January.
Both executive bodies served two years instead of a single year and the
method of voting was altered so that each brother registered his vote for
each position on the Mesa and Junta. A much more rigorous surveillance of
the brotherhood's finances was introduced and a standing committee of
three brothers versed in accountancy was appointed to examine the accounts
of the brotherhood. Mordomos were elected to assume responsibility for
each social service of the brotherhood. The duties of the mordomo de fora
were assumed by a mordomo do contencioso, or steward for litigation, who was
responsible for the defence of prisoners, the execution of wills and the legal
affairs of the brotherhood. Two new stewardships were created. The first
was the mordomo das locafoes, or steward for property, and the second the
mordomo das obras, or steward in charge of works, who was responsible for
the inspection, conservation and building of properties belonging to the
A visitor to modern Bahia will find the Santa Casa da Misericordia on the
same site as the hospital founded in the time of T orne de Sousa. The
brotherhood has undergone administrative changes and has reduced the range
of its social services in the twentieth century. The Compromisso of I 896 has
been replaced by a new set of statutes approved in 1958. This new Compro-
misso did not radically alter the clauses of its predecessor and also consisted
of eleven chapters. The electoral procedure was altered and the Junta was
re-named the Definit6rio. The Mesa and the Definitorio henceforth com-
posed the Junta Deliberativa. The terms of office of the Mesa and the
Definitorio remained biennial, but started on the first Sunday of February
instead of I January. Additional financial measures were introduced and
new clauses dealt in detail with the terms of employment for the staff of the
brotherhood. The stewardships were allocated to members of the board of
guardians and one of these was further charged with the surveillance of the
patrimony of the Misericordia. 1
1 Compromisso of I9)8 published in Bahia by the Imprensa Oficial in the same
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
A general picture of the part played by the Misericordia in providing
social services for the community can be obtained from a synopsis of the
report presented in February 1965 by the then Provedor at the end of his term
of office. Rentals on property constituted the major source of income for the
brotherhood. At that time the Misericordia owned 172 houses and received
rent from some 450 tenants and sub-tenants. This income was supplemented
by legacies, donations and official financial support for social services pro-
vided by the brotherhood. The institutions administered by the brother-
hood had been reduced to the hospital, the foundling home and the cemetery.
The buildings and equipment of the Hospital of St Elisabeth were greatly
improved in the year 1964. A total of 19,986 sick people were treated in the
Ambulat6rio Si!Ya Lima and I,I89 were admitted to the wards as patients.
Clinics were held regularly in the following fields: paediatrics, surgery,
odontology, dermatology, medicine, urology, gynaecology, otorhinolaryn-
gology, ophthalmology, cardiology, protology and orthopaedy. A total of
I,432 operations were performed in the surgical centre during the year.
Annexed to the hospital is the lnternato Ernestina Guimariies founded as a
retirement house for widows, poor women and former prostitutes. Ten
women were housed there in I964. The foundling asylum in the Avenida
Joana Angelica catered for I 78 children in I 964 and had a staff of fifty under
the authority of eight Sisters of St Ann. The Misericordia continues to
administer the Cemetery of the Campo Santo. In I964 a total of r,83o
burials took place there. The report called the attention of the authorities
to the exceptionally high rate of infant mortality in the city. I
The Jesuit missionary Antonio Vieira commented that God gave his
countrymen a small land for their birthplace but all the world in which to die.
In the seventeenth century Portugal lost much of its overseas empire at the
point of the sword. In the nineteenth century Brazil broke away from the
mother country and declared its independence. More recently Portugal's
remaining possessions have been reduced by political circumstances.
Nevertheless the Brotherhood of Our Lady, Mother of God, Virgin Mary of
Mercy, continues to maintain branches in those territories of Africa and Asia
where Portuguese is still spoken. In I967 there were 339 branches of the
brotherhood in continental Portugal alone. There were a further four
I I am indebted to Dr Joao da Costa Pinto Dantas Junior (Provedor, 1963-5),
for giving me a copy of this Relat6rio.
branches on the island of Madeira and eighteen in the Azores. Among the
overseas territories of Portugal there were branches at Luanda (Angola),
Louren~o Marques (Mozambique), Bissau (Portuguese Guinea), S. Tome,
Macao and one in lndia. 1 Perhaps the greatest testimony to the valuable
services performed by the brotherhood is the continuing presence of a large
number of branches in Brazil. In 1967 there were 326 branches in Brazil.z
These enjoy the social prestige and perform those charitable works which
characterised the brotherhood during the colonial era. They preserve the
positive qualities of personal initiative and Catholic charity which were
present in the great Manueline epoch of discovery and expansion.
1 These figures were supplied to me by the Provedor of the Miseric6rdia of

z I am indebted to the Provedor of the Miseric6rdia of Rio de Janeiro, Afranio
Ant6nio da Costa, for information on branches of the brotherhood in Brazil. In
many cases the social services of these branches are limited to the administration of
a hospital. The continuing need for social assistance in other fields is shown by a
note received by a friend of mine in Bahia in 1965. This note had been smuggled
out of a small municipal gaol and read as follows (in trans.): 'Dona-, I ask for the
love of God for alms because we are three prisoners and we are dying of hunger.
Have compassion on us, we who have been without food since yesterday night and
with no coffee at all so far. The prisoner-.' The distinction between food and
coffee provides an interesting insight into the Brazilian way of life.

Appendix 1


Dom Manuel I, I495-IP,I.

Dom Joao III, IP,I-57·
Dom Sebastiao, I 557--78.
Cardinal Dom Henrique, 1578-80.
Dom Felippe I (II of Spain), I58<>-98.
Dom Felippe II (III of Spain), I598-1621.
Dom Felippe III (IV of Spain), I621-40.
Dom Joao IV, I64o-56.
Dom Affonso VI, I656-67 (deposed). Died I68J.
Dom Pedro II, Prince-Regent, 1667-83. King, I68J-I7o6.
Dom Joao V, I706-5o.
Dom Jose I, I750-'77·


I5 49- I 760
Tome de Sousa, I549-53·
Dom Duarte da Costa, I55J-8.
Mem de Sa, IS58-72.
Luis de Brito de Almeida, I 573-8.
Louren~o da Veiga, 1578-81. Died, June I58I.
Interim government of the city council and chief justice, I 581-3.
Manuel Telles Barreto, 1583-'7· Died, March I587.
Interim government of the bishop, chief justice and chief commissioner of the
Treasury, I587-9I.
Dom Francisco de Sousa, I59I-I6o2.
Diogo Botelho, I60J-'7·
Dom Diogo de Meneses, I6o8-I2.
Gaspar de Sousa, I6IJ-I7.
Dom Lu!s de Sousa, I617-2I.
Diogo de Mendon~a Furtado, I621-4.
Dutch occupation of Bahia, I624-5.
370 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Dom Francisco de Moura Rolim, 1625-7 (title of captain-major only).
Diogo Lufs de Oliveira, 1627-35.
Pedro da Silva, 1635-9.
Dom Fernando Mascarenhas, Count of T6rre, 1639·
Dom Vasco Mascarenhas, 1st Count of 6bidos, 1639-40·
Dom Jorge Mascarenhas, Marquis ofMontalvao, 164o-1 (1st viceroy).
Interim illegal government of the bishop, chief commissioner of the Treasury and
Master of the Field Luis Barbalho Bezerra, 1641-2.
Ant6nio Telles da Silva, 1642-7.
Ant6nio Telles de Meneses, Count ofVilla-Pouca de Aguiar, 1647-50.
Joao Rodrigues de Vasconcellos e Sousa, Count of Castelo Melhor, 165o-4.
Dom Jer6nimo de Atafde, 6th Count of Atouguia, 1654-7.
Francisco Barreto de Meneses, 1657-63.
Dom Vasco Mascarenhas, 1st Count of 6bidos, 1663-7 (2nd viceroy).
Alexandre de Sousa Freire, 1667-71.
Dom Affonso Furtado de Castro do Rio de Mendon~a, Viscount of Barbacena,
1671-5. Died, November 1675.
Interim government of the Chancellor of the High Court, Master of the Field
Alvaro de Azevedo and Ant6nio Guedes de Brito, 1675-8.
Roque da Costa Barreto, 1678-82.
Ant6nio de Sousa de Meneses, 1682-4.
Dom Ant6nio Luis de Sousa Tello de Meneses, 2nd Marquis of Minas, 1684-7.
Mathias da Cunha, 1687-8. Died, October 1688.
Interim government of the Archbishop Dom Fr. Manuel da Resurrei~o and
Chancellor of the High Court, Manuel Carneiro de Sa, 1688-90.
Ant6nio Luis Gon~alves da Camara Coutinho, 169o-4.
Dom Joao de Lencastre, 1694-1702.
Dom Rodrigo da Costa, 1702-5.
Lufs Cesar de Meneses, 1705-10.
Dom Louren~o de Almeida, 171o-11.
Pedro de Vasconcellos e Sousa, 3rd Count of Castelo Melhor, 1711-14.
Dom Pedro de Noronha, Count of Villa Verde and Marquis of Angeja, 1714-18
(3rd viceroy).
Dom Sancho de Faroe Sousa, Count ofVimieiro, 1718-19. Died, October 1719.
Interim ·government of the Archbishop, Dom Sebastiao Monteiro da Vide,
Chancellor of the High Court, Caetano de Brito de Figueredo, and the Master of
the Field Joao de Araujo e Azevedo, 1719-20.
Vasco Fernandes Cesar de Meneses, Count ofSabugosa, 172o-35 (4th viceroy).
Andre de Mello e Castro, Count of Galveas, 1735-49 (5th viceroy).
Dom Luis Pedro Peregrino de Carvalho Meneses de Atafde, 1oth Count of
Atouguia, 1749-55 (6th viceroy).
Interim government of the Archbishop, Dom Jose Botelho de Mattos, Chancellor
Appendix z 37 1
of the High Court, Manuel Ant6nio da Cunha Sotto Maior, and Colonel
Louren<;o Monteiro, 1755.
Dom Marcos de Noronha e Brito, 6th Count of Arcos, 1755-60 (7th viceroy).
Dom Ant6nio de Almeida Soares e Portugal, first Marquis of Lavradio, 1760
(8th viceroy).
Appendix 2


OF BAHIA, 1560-1755
The earliest extant electoral registers in the archives of the Miseric6rdia only date
from I667. Names of Provedors before this date have been included in this list
for the sake of completeness, but should be regarded as tentative in the absence of
conclusive evidence as to their terms of office. Dates refer to the annual terms of
office, e.g. I667 indicates the term of office from 3 July I667 to 2 July I668.
I ;6os. Mem de Sa, Governor-General of Brazil.
I 572. Dom Pedro Lei tao, bishop of Bahia.
I ;87. Crist6vao de Barros, chief commissioner of the Treasury.
I6I3. Henrique Moniz Telles.
I6q. Francisco de Barros.
I6I7. Dom Luis de Sousa, Governor-General of Brazil.
I62I. Manuel Pinto da Rocha, High Court judge.
I622. Sebastiao Parvi de Brito.
I62;. Dom Francisco de Moura Rolim, Captain-Major.
I627. Manuel Ferreira de Figueredo, chief commissioner of the Treasury.
I628. Belchior Brandao.
I629. Dom Vasco Mascarenhas, Master of the Field (later to be Governor-General
of Brazil).
I632. Diogo Luis de Oliveira, Governor-General of Brazil.
I633· Diogo Lufs de Oliveira, re-elected.
I636. Bernardim Fernandes Barros.
1637. Diogo de Aragao Pereira.
I642. Joao Alvares de Affonseca.
I643· Sebastiao Parvi de Britto.
I644· Felippe de Moura de Albuquerque, Captain.
I646. Joao Alvares de Affonseca.
I648. Francisco Gil de Araujo.
I649· Pedro Garcia de Aragao.
I6;o. Joao Rodrigues de Vasconcellos e Sousa, Count of Castelo Melhor,
Governor-General of Brazil.
I6p. Balthazar de Aragao de Araujo.
I6p. Sebastiao Parvi de Brito.
Appendix 2 373
1653. Ant6nio da Silva Pimentel.
1655. Lourenc;o de Brito Correia.
1656. Francisco Fernandes do Sim, Captain.
1657. Francisco Fernandes do Sim, re-elected.
1658. Francisco Fernandes do Sim, re-elected.
1659. Francisco Fernandes do Sim, re-elected.
x66o. Pedro Gomes.
1661. Francisco Fernandes do Sim, Captain.
1662. Ant6nio Guedes de Brito.
1663. Felippe de Moura de Albuquerque.
1664. Lourenc;o de Brito Correia.
1665. Crist6vao de Burgos, chief justice for criminal cases in the High Court.
1666. Ant6nio Guedes de Brito.
1667. Pedro Gomes, Lieutenant-General.
1668. Cosme de Sa Peixoto.
1669. Francisco Gil de Araujo.
1670. Ant6nio de Brito de Castro, Lieutenant.
1671. Affonso Furtado de Castro do Rio de Mendonc;a, Viscount of Barbacena,
Governor-General of Brazil.
1672. Crist6vao da Cunha de Sa Sottomaior.
1673. Crist6vao da Cunha de Sa Sottomaior, re-elected.
1674. Joao de Aguiar Villas Boas.
1675. Joao de G6is de Araujo, High Court judge.
1676. Pedro Camello Pereira de Aragao, Colonel.
1677. Domingos Garcia de Aragao.
1678. Ant6nio Ferreira de Sousa.
1679. Lourenc;o Barbosa da Franca.
x68o. Ant6nio de Aragao Pereira, died 21 July x68o. Doiningos Garcia de
Aragao elected.
1681. Bernardo Vieira Ravasco, Secretary of State for Brazil.
1682. Gaspar de Araujo de G6is.
1683. Joao Peixoto Viegas.
1684. Joao de Mattos de Aguiar.
1685. Manuel de Araujo de Aragao.
1686. Pedro Gomes, Master of the Field.
1687. Manuel Pereira de G6is.
1688. Francisco Dias d'Avila, Colonel.
1689. Francisco Dias d'Avila re-elected after both Pedro Garcia Pimentel and
Jer6nimo Pereira Sodre had refused office.
1690. Ant6nio Ferreira de Sousa.
1691. Pedro Garcia Pimentel elected after Jer6nimo Pereira Sodre refused office.
1692. Domingos Soares da Franca.
374 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
I693· Pedro de Unhao Castelo Branco, High Court judge.
I694· Joao Alves Fontes.
I695· Ant6nio Maciel Teixeira.
I696. Ant6nio Rodrigues Banha, High Court judge.
I697· Ant6nio Guedes de Brito, died before taking office. Colonel Ant6nio da
Silva Pimentel, elected 7 October I697·
I698. Ant6nio da Silva Pimentel, re-elected.
I699· Sebastiao de Araujo de G6is.
I700. Ant6nio da Rocha Pitta.
I70I. Francisco Lamberto, chief commissioner of the Treasury.
I702. Francisco Lamberto, re-elected.
I703. Pedro Barbosa Leal, Colonel.
I704. Pedro Barbosa Leal, re-elected.
I705. Domingos Affonso Sertao.
I706. Alexandre de Sousa Freire, Master of the Field.
I707. Alexandre de Sousa Freire, re-elected.
I708. Manuel de Araujo de Aragao, Colonel, died in office. Alexandre de Sousa
Freire, elected 27 January I709.
I709. Pedro Fernandes Aranha.
I7IO. Pedro Fernandes Aranha, re-elected.
I7I I. Joao de Sa Sottomaior, chief justice for criminal cases in the High Court.
I7I2. Joao de Sa Sottomaior, re-elected.
I7I3· Joao de Sa Sottomaior, re-elected.
I7I4· Joseph de Sa e Mendonc;a, High Court judge.
I7I5· Dionisio de Azevedo Arvelos, High Court judge.
I7I6. Jose de Araujo Rocha.
I7I7. Gonc;alo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Secretary of State for Brazil.
I7I8. Ant6nio Ferrao Castelo Branco, Lieutenant-General.
I7I9· Jose Pires de Carvalho.
I72o. Gon<;alo Ravasco Cavalcante e Albuquerque.
I72I. Manuel Ramos Parente, Sergeant Major.
I722. Ant6nio Ferreira Lisboa.
I723. Balthazar de Vasconcellos Cavalcante.
I724. Ant6nio Rodrigues Lima, Canon.
I725. Ant6nio Gon<;alves da Rocha, Captain.
I726. Francisco Lopes Villas Boas, Master of the Field.
I727. Joao Calmon, Rev., cathedral precentor.
I728. Joao Calmon, re-elected.
I729. Cosme Rolim de Moura.
I730. Miguel de Passos Dias.
I 73 1. Francisco Martins Pereira, Canon and Chancellor of the Ecclesiastical Court.
I733· Francisco Martins Pereira, re-elected.
Appendix 2 375
1734· Francisco Martins Pereira, re-elected.
1735· Simiio de Affonseca Pitta.
1736. Francisco de Oliveira Porto.
1737· Anselmo Dias, Alcaide-m6r.
1738. Anselmo Dias, re-elected.
1739· Andre Marques, Captain.
1740. Ant6nio Rodrigues Lima, Rev.
1741. Jeronimo Velho de Araujo, Captain; he resigned on 28 June 1742, and
Ant6nio Rodrigues Lima was elected.
1742. Domingos Lucas de Aguiar.
1743· Cust6dio da Silva Guimariies.
1744· Ant6nio Gom;alves Pereira, Archdeacon.
1745. Salvador Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque.
1746. Salvador Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, re-elected after viceroyal
intervention. He died on 28 August 1746, and the Archdeacon Ant6nio
Gonlialves Pereira was elected. He resigned on 24 December 1746 and
Domingos Lucas de Aguiar was elected on 8 January 1747·
1747. Domingos Lucas de Aguiar, re-elected.
1748. Ant6nio Alvares Silva, Colonel.
I749· Andre Marques, Captain.
1750. Domingos Borges de Barros, Captain.
175 I. Anselmo Dias. He resigned on 21 September 1751 and Domingos Borges de
Barros was re-elected.
1752· Pedro Moniz Barreto de Vasconcellos, Sergeant-Major.
I753· Jose Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, Secretary of State for Brazil.
1754. Lufs da Costae Faria, Rev. He resigned on 9 October and Domingos
Borges de Barros was elected on the orders of the viceroy.

Appendix 3


i. I55o-I640
Before the restoration of the Portuguese monarchy in I64o coins of several foreign
nations circulated openly in Brazil, although their use was forbidden officially.
During the early period of colonisation wages were frequently paid in merchandise
because of the lack of an official currency. A royal provisao of I 568 authorised the
circulation of the following coins:

I Real to circulate at a reduced value of I-I! Real
3 Reis to circulate at a reduced value of 3 Reis
5 Reis to circulate at a reduced value of! Real
xo Reis to circulate at a reduced value of I Real

ii. REIGNS OF DOM JOAO IV (164o-56), DOM AFFONSO VI (1656--67) AND THE
During this period there were several changes in the value of coins circulating in
Portugal and Brazil.

GOLD DomJoao IV Dom Affonso VI

4 Cnq_ados (Moeda) 3$ooo Reis 3$500 Reis
2 Crur.ados (i Moeda) I$5oo Reis I$750 Reis
I Crur.ado (t Moeda) 750 Reis 875 Reis
Moeda 4$ooo Reis (I663; 12-§- per cent increase)
iMoeda 2$ooo Reis (I663; 12! per cent increase)
! Maeda 1$ooo Reis (I663; 12-§- per cent increase)

Portuguese and Spanish coins in circulation in Brazil were withdrawn from circula-
tion and counter-marked with new values in monetary offices established for this
purpose in Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Vicente and Maranhao.
Appendix3 377
Basic value 1643-52 I66J 1679
(2S% increase) (2s% increase)
S Reales (Sp.) 4So Reis 6oo Reis 640 Reis
I Crur_ado 400 Reis 500 Reis
4 Reales (Sp.) 2.40 Reis 300 Reis 320 Reis
i Crur.ado 2.00 Reis 2.50 Reis
I Tostiio Ioo Reis circulated in Brazil 2.00 Reis
(I642 minting) at I6o Reis
I Tostiio Ioo Reis x;o Reis
2.Reales (Sp.) I2.0 Reis I5o Reis x6o Reis
I Tostiio Ioo Reis 125 Reis
4 Vintens So Reis xoo Reis
3 Vintens 6o Reis circulated in Brazil Ioo Reis
(I642 minting) at So Rlis
i Tostiio 50 Reis So Reis
-! Tostiio 50 Reis 75 Reis
I Real (Sp.) 6o Reis 75 Reis So Reis
2.Vintens 40 Reis 6o Reis
I Vintem 2.0 Reis
Io Reis Io Reis

5 Reis
3 Reis
It Reale Meio


The prevalence of the practice of 'clipping' compelled the authorities to withdraw
coins from circulation and impress them with milled edges. This measure proved
ineffective because the values of the milled coins by weight now exceeded their
face values, e.g. a piece of 2 Patacas, with a face value of 640 Reis, was worth 750
Reis by weight. This difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic values of coins
encouraged their export to Portugal from Brazil. A decree ordering that milled
coins should circulate at values based on their weights, and not at their face values,
proved unworkable in practice. As a final solution colonial mints were established
at Bahia (I694), Rio de Janeiro (I699) and Recife (I7oo). Coins minted in Brazil
were valued at xo per cent less than their counterparts minted in Portugal, and were
consequently known as 'weak currency' in distinction to the national 'strong
currency'. Although forbidden, the 'strong currency' continued to circulate in
378 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
(struck in Portugal)
Moeda 4$4oo Reis Moeda 4$ooo Reis
t Moeda 2$2oo Reis !Moeda 2$ooo Riis
! Moeda I$Ioo Reis !Moeda I$ooo Riis

(struck in Brazil)
Moeda 4$8oo Reis (Rio) Moeda 4$ooo Reis}Rio,
t Moeda 2$400 Reis (Rio) !Moeda 2$ooo Riis Bahia,
! Moeda I$2oo Reis (Rio) !Moeda I $ooo Riis Recife

(struck in Portugal)
Crur.ado 400 Reis 4 Vintens 8o Riis
I 2 Vintens 240 Reis 3 Vintens 6o Reis
2 Tostoes 200 Reis !- Tostao ;o Reis
6 Vintens I 20 Reis 2 Vintens 40Riis
Tostiio Ioo Reis Vintem 20 Riis

(struck in Brazil)
2 Patacas 640 Reis (Bahia, Rio, Recife) 4 Vintens 8o Riis (Bahia, Rio, Recife)
1 Pataca 320 Reis (Bahia, Rio, Recife) 2 Vintens 40 Riis (Bahia, Rio, Recife)
-!Pataca 160 Riis (Bahia, Rio, Recife) Vintem 20 Riis (Bahia, Rio, Recife)

(struck in Portugal)
20 Riis 10 Riis ; Riis 3 Riis r! Reale Meio
The circulation of Angolan copper coinage in Brazil was authorised by royal
decrees of I7o2 and I704.

iv. REIGN OF DOM JOAO V (I706-50)

The mints which had been established at Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Recife had been
closed after sufficient coinage had been minted. The mints at Rio and Bahia had
started to operate again in 1703 and I7I4 respectively. In I724 a mint was also
established in Vila Rica and functioned for ten years. Both systems of currency,
the 'weak' and the 'strong', continued to circulate in Brazil. Gold coins of the
national ('strong') currency, minted at 1$6oo Riis the oitava, circulated in Brazil
at 20 per cent above this value, whereas gold coins of the colonial(' weak') currency,
minted at 1$760 Reis the oitava circulated at this value. Less silver coinage was
minted during this reign.
Appendix 3 379
(struck in Portugal)
Dobriio ( 5 M oedas) 24$ooo Reis !Moeda 2$4oo Reis
Dobra (8 Escudos) 12$8oo Reis Escudo 1$6oo Reis
Dobra 12$ooo Reis ! Moeda 1$zoo Reis
Dobra (4 Escudos) t Escudo 8oo Reis
(Pe~a) 6$4oo Reis Cru1_ado Novo 48o Reis
Moeda 4$8oo Reis t Escudo (Crur_ado) 400 Reis
Dobra (2 Escudos)
(f Pe~a)

(struck in Brazil)
Dobrao 24$ooo Reis (Vila Rica)
Dobra 12$8oo Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)
Dobra 12$ooo Reis (Vila Rica)
Dobra 6$400 Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)
Dobra 3$200 Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)
Escudo I$6oo Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)
! Escudo 8oo Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)
! Escudo 400 Reis (Rio, Bahia, Vila Rica)

(struck in Portugal) (struck in Brazil)
Crur_ado 480 Reis 2 Patacas 640 Reis (Rio)
I 2 Vintens 240 Reis I Pataca 320 Reis (Rio)
6 Vintens I 20 Reis ! Pataca I6o Reis (Rio)
TostO.o Ioo Reis
3 Vintens 6o Reis
t TostO.o 50 Reis
Vintem 20 Reis

(struck in Portugal) (struck in Brazil)
Vintem 20 Reis Vintem 20 Reis (Bahia, rarely)
Io Reis 10 Reis (Bahia, rarely)

During this reign the Lisbon mint produced gold coins of 4$ooo Reis, 2$ooo Reis
and I$ooo Reis, silver coins of 640 Reis, 320 Reis, I6o Reis and 8o Reis, and copper
coins of 20 Reis, IoReis and 5 Reis for the State of Maranhao. It also minted copper
coins of 40 Reis and 20 Reis for circulation in Minas Gerais only.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

b. THE PRICE OF LABOUR, 1680-17 50

It is not possible to construct a cost-of-living index for the colonial period because
of lack of information on the prices of basic commodities at specific times. The
following table is intended merely as a general indication of the level of wages
between 168o and 1750, as represented by wages paid to employees of the Miseri-
cordia. It will be noted that in some cases, e.g. lawyers and doctors, the salaries
varied according to the numbers employed concurrently.
168o 169o 1700 1710 1720 17JO 1740 1750
'Barber' 2o$oo 2o$ooo
Carrier of
the biers I6$oo>o----------+ 2o$oo 2o$ooo
Chief cook 29$200
Choirboy 16$0~------------~ 16$ooo
(basic wages)
of choir 8o$ooo----------+ (1735)Ioo$ooo--+ wo$ooo
of choir 6o$ooo--------+ (1735) 75$ooo--+ 75$ooo
Priest 40$oo (1735) 5o$ooa--+ 5o$ooo
Doctor -(1))o$ooa--+(2)4o$o (2)4o$ooo
azul' (basic) 16$ooo ) 2o$ooo 2o$ooo
L ( ) $ ( ) $ $ {crime: 50$ooo--+I3o$oo0--+ 13o$ooo
awyer 2 3° ooo--+ 1 7° OOO--+80 ooa--+ civil: 4o$ooa--+no$ooa--+ no$ooo
Nurse 16$ooo--+29$2o 29$020
Chief nurse 45$2oo- 45$200
Organist 2o$oo 35$oo 5o$ooo
Porter 2o$ooo-- 2o$ooo
Surgeon - (1)5o$ooo----+--+65$ooo--+(2)5o$ooo--+ (1)73$ooo
Appendix 4


Weights and measures used in Lisbon differed considerably from those used in
Brazil and even within Brazil itself there were marked distinctions between regions
at different periods. Measures of capacity used in Lisbon were considerably less
than their Brazilian counterparts and in Brazil the Canada was variously given as
1'375 litres, 2·66 litres and 4·18o litres.


Quintal 58·982 kilos ( = 4 Arrohas). Corresponds to the English

Arroha 14'745 kilos ( = 32 Arrareis). Corresponds to the English
Amite/ or Lihra o·46o8o kilos ( = 2 Marcos). Corresponds to the English
Marco o·23040 kilos ( = 8 011fas).
OTifa 28·8oo grammes ( = 8 Oitavas). Corresponds to the English
Oitava 3·6oo grammes ( = 4 Quilates). Approximately 2 English
Qui/ate o·9oo grammes.


Alqueire 36·27 litres. Approximately 1 English bushel (8

l Alqueire I8·135 litres. Approximately 2 English pecks (4
! Alqueire (Quarta) 9·o7litres. Approximately 1 English peck (2 gallons).
! Alqueire (Meia Quarta) 4'535 litres. Corresponds to the English gallon.
Selamin I'I41itres. Corresponds to the English quart (2. pints).
Fidalgos and Philanthropists


Tone! 848 litres ( = 2 Pipas Comuns).

Pipa Comum 424 litres ( = 300 Canadas in Lisbon).
Pipa de Conta 480 litres ( = r8o Canadas in Rio de Janeiro). About 2
Almude 31·944 litres ( = 12 Canadas). Approximately 7 English
Canada or Medida 2·662 litres in Rio de Janeiro ( = 4 Quartilhos).
Quartilho o·665 litres.


Legua Varies between 5, 55 5 metres and 6,6oo metres.

Braya 2·2o metres ( = 2 Varas). Corresponds to the English fathom.
Vara r·ro metres. Corresponds to the English yard.
CoY ado o·66 metres ( = 2 Pes or 3 Palmos).
Fe o·33 metres. Corresponds to the English foot.
Palma o·22 metres. Corresponds to the English span.
Polegada o·o275 metres. Corresponds to the English inch.

Alhergaria: a hostelry.
Alcaide: (I) a military governor; (2) official responsible for maintaining public law
and order in a municipality.
Almotad: weights and measures inspector.
Almotacl da limper_a: sanitary inspector.
Alvarci: royal decree.
Ama de Ieite: wet-nurse.
Bandeirante: pioneer or explorer.
Bangue: bier used for the funerals of slaves.
Caatinga: scrubland.
Cahoclo: (I) cross-breed of white and Amerindian parentage; (2) derogatory term
for a low class of person; (3) Indio manso (q.v.)
Calhamhola: group of runaway slaves.
Cdmara: municipal council.
Cape/a de missas: a set number of masses to be said at regular intervals.
Capitania: captaincy (area of territory).
Carreira da India: the sea passage to India.
Carta de examintZfiio: certificate of proficiency in a trade.
Carta regia: a royal letter.
Casa da Suplica;ao: Supreme Court of Appeals.
Casagrande: house of the owner of a sugar plantation.
Christao Novo: converted or crypto-Jew.
Christao Velho: Catholic.
ColoctZfiiO familiar: the boarding out of an orphan with a family.
Compadre: approximate equivalent of English god-father: explained on p. 3I 5.
Compromisso: statutes of a brotherhood.
Corregedor: (I) civil governor; (2) judge.
Corregedor da comarca: district judge.
Degredado: exile.
Desemhargador: judge of the High Court.
Donatario: land owner with jurisdiction over a capitania in Brazil.
Educanda: young girl accepted for instruction in a convent without taking the
Engenho: sugar mill; a plantation, by extension.
Escrivao: scribe.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists

Esquife: a litter for funerals.

Far_enda: (1) property, usually land; (2) Treasury.
Fidalgo: nobleman.
Fogo: hearth; a home, by extension.
Garimpeiro: illicit diamond prospector.
Homem de ar_ul: 'blue man', an employee of the Misericordia.
Indio manso: domesticated Indian.
lrmao de maior condiflio or lrmao nobre: brother of higher standing in the Miseri-
lrmao de menor condiflio: brother of lower standing in the Misericordia.
juir_ de fora: district magistrate.
Juir_ do povo: tribune of the people.
Juir_ ordinaria: justice of the peace.
Junta: a secondary board of guardians of the Misericordia.
Ladeira: alley or steep path.
Laudemio: transfer fee on the sale of property.
Lingua geral: a Tupi dialect spoken by half-breeds and Europeans without any
grammatical knowledge of the language.
Lundu: dance of African origin.
Mal de Luanda: scurvy.
Mameluco: cross-breed of white and Amerindian parentage.
Mao de obra: lit: 'working hand', and so a slave.
M ascavado: sugar in the unrefined state.
Meirinho: minor court official.
Mesa: board of guardians of the Misericordia.
Mesteres: representatives of a trade or group of trades.
Mestifo: half-breed of Negro-white or Amerindian-white parentage.
Mestre do Campo: colonel of an infantry regiment.
Miunfa: tithe, paid in kind.
Mordomo: steward, or brother of the Misericordia with specific duties.
Orfas del Rei: orphan girls of marriageable age sent from Lisbon to the Orient to be
married at the Crown's expense.
Ouvidor da comarca: district judge.
Ouvidor geral: senior Crown judge in a Relutiio.
Palanquim: chair or litter carried on the shoulders of slaves.
Pardo: mulattos and their children.
Pau-a-pique: wattle-and-daub.
Pefa de lndias: standard measurement for classification of slaves.
Peste da bicha: yellow fever.
Poderosos do Sertao: powerful, and often tyrannical, landowners in the Sertao.
Porcionista: boarder or lodger.
Procurador: person with powers of attorney.

Procurador da Coroa: Crown official responsible for making the preliminary report
on investigations ordered by the king.
Provedor: (I) general term for a bureaucratic office; (2) President of the board of
guardians of the Miseric6rdia.
Provedor-m6r da Far.enda: chief commissioner of the Treasury.
Provisiio: Crown decree.
Quilombo: community of runaway slaves.
Quinto: royal fifth.
Recolhida: recluse.
Reconcavo: fertile coastal plain around the Bay of All Saints.
Regimento: (I) brief or set of instructions; (2) statutes followed by an association of
artisans and approved by the city council or the Crown.
Rela;iio: High Court of Appeals.
Repartideira: small copper pan used in the manufacture of sugar.
Ro;a: small-holding.
Senhor de engenho: owner of a sugar mill; by extension, the owner of a sugar planta-
Sen1_ala: slave quarters.
Serpentina: same as a palanquim (q.v.).
Sertiio: semi-barren plateau in the interior of Brazil.
Sesmaria: concession of land.
Tabuleiro: litter used for the funerals of small children.
Ter;o: infantry regiment.
Tumba: bier.
Tumbeiro: (I) carrier of the bier; (2) slave-ship.
Vereador: municipal councillor.

(a) Archives of the Santa Casada Miseric6rdia in Bahia
(Abbreviation: ASCMB)
The archives of the brotherhood in Bahia were totally destroyed during the Dutch
occupation (1624-5) and many of the codices for the first half of the seventeenth
century have been lost. More recent losses include the first register of copies of
letters sent by the Mesa and the first register of admissions of brothers, removed
from the archives in 1897 to be copied, both of which were consulted by Damazio
in 1862. The most important loss is that of the second book of minutes of the
Mesa covering the period 1675-80. The majority of the documents are in good
condition and quite readable, but a few series have been practically destroyed by
damp, corrosive ink, insects, and careless handling. In some cases, such as the first
book of minutes of the Mesa, copies of badly damaged documents were made by
later scribes and inserted in place of the originals which were destroyed. Both these
copies and those made in the late nineteenth century contain many errors and must
be used with extreme caution.
The codices and documents for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have
been generally classified and bound. An attempt has been made to restore some of
the more important documents. During binding some folios have been placed in
the wrong order and others have been mislaid. This has resulted in discrepancies
between the present numeration and the original numeration. The extent of these
discrepancies can easily be verified because the majority of the folios were num-
bered and signed by the scribes. There is no printed catalogue for the archives.
The only guide to the contents is a general manuscript index of the titles of the
bound volumes made in 1940, which divides the archives into eight sections. This
division has been preserved in the bibliography for ease of reference. The first
number in each entry corresponds to the number of the bound volume in the arch-
ives. All references in footnotes are to these numbers to save needless repetition
of the full titles of volumes consulted. This bibliography represents a complete
catalogue of pre-1755 documents in these archives.

I. General administration
2. Livro 2° de termos dos irmaos, I663-95 (copy available). The first volume
of this series was lost when it was removed from the archives in I 897 to be
3· Livro 3° de termos dos irmaos, 1696-1733 (copy available).
4· Livro 4° de termos dos irmaos, 1733-72.
13. Livro 1° de ac6rdaos da Mesa, 1645-74 (copy available).
14. Livro 3° de ac6rdaos da Mesa e Junta, r68I-I745· The second volume in
this series is missing.
15. Livro 4° de ac6rdaos da Mesa e Junta, 1745-91.
16. Livro 5° de ac6rdaos da Mesa e Junta, I79I-I8J4·
34· Livro 2° das elei~oes das Mesas e Juntas, 1667-1726. The first volume of this
series is missing.
35· Livro 3° das elei~oes das Mesas e Juntas, 1727-91.
37· Livro 4° de termos dos capelaes e serventmirios desta Casa, 1683-1765. The
first three volumes of this series are missing.
40. Livro 1° do tombo, 1629-52 (copy available). This includes copies of
earlier land leases prior to the Dutch occupation.
41. Livro 2° do tombo, 1652-85 (copy available).
42. Livro 3° do tombo, 1686-1829.
44· Livro 2° de escrituras, 1681-1750. The first volume of this series is missing.
45· Livro 3° de escrituras, 1750-62.
52. Livro 2° do copiador, 1702-49· The first volume of this series is missing.
53· Livro 3° do copiador, 1749-57.
85. Livro 1° do registro, 1760-76.
r6o. Livro das demandas da Santa Casa, 1747-83.
r62. Livro de ordens dos governadores desta provincia dirigidas a Santa Casa,
192. Treslado do testamento e inventario dos hens do Capitao Domingos
Fernandes de Freitas, 1688-1702.
I93· Treslado do testamento e inventario dos hens de Manuel Rodrigues da Silva,
194. Treslado do testamento e inventario dos hens do Capitao Ant6nio da Cunha
e Andrade, 1742-4.
I95· Livro dos segredos, I679-1809. Contains copies of some earlier documents
dating from 1629.
I99· Livro das disposi~oes das verbas do testamento do defunto Joao de Mattos
de Aguiar, 1700.
206. Livro das provisoes regias que concedem privih~gios a Casa da Miseric6rdia
da cidade de Lisboa. Copy of I 720.
207. Livro das provisoes dos privilegios concedidos a Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia
de Lisboa e a esta da Bahia. Copy of I8JO.
208. Livro das provisoes e cartas de Sua Majestade, 1762-65.
209. Livro das provisoes e privilegios concedidos aSanta Casa da Miseric6rdia de
Lisboa dos quais uza e goza esta Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia da Bahia por
especial provisao de Sua Majestade.
J88 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
210. Conta dos patrimonios e rendimento que administra a Casa da Santa
Misericordia da Bahia, 1754.
211. Livro das instituti<;5es, 1623-1773·
212. Livro de conta do benfeitor Joao de Mattos de Aguiar com seus devedores.
213. Livro de inventario da fazenda de Saubara, 1714-6o.
214. Livro de todas as cousas pertencentes aigreja e sacristia, 1714-1813.
216. Inventario das cousas pertencentes a Francisco Pereira Ferraz, 171 5·
217. Testamento de Pedro Vaz Coutinho, 1747·

2. Accountancy
307. Livro de razao e clever e haver de todo dinheiro que esta a juros e se deu
daqui por diante da consigna<;ao da Casa, 1688-1756 (copy available).
309. Livro 2° da consigna<;ao da Casa, 1716-50. The first volume of this series is
in very bad condition.
310. Livro 3° da consigna<;ao da Casa, 1726-1807.
311. Livro 1° de juros da consigna<;ao do cofre, 1702-34.
511. Livro de juros e foros da consigna<;ao da Casa, 1726-90.
556. Livro de clever e ha de haver dos juros que esta Santa Casa tern como
legatoria de varios defuntos, 1704-35·
748. Livro da consigna<;ao da Casa, 1735-1823.
772. Livro das terras foreiras aMisericordia com as contas dos foreiros respetivos,
778. Registro de juros, 1745-50.
843· Livro de receita e despesa, 1647-53.
844. Livro de receita e despesa, 1669-83.
845. Livro de receita, 1684-1708.
846. Livro de receita, 1709-36.
847. Livro de receita, 1693-4 and 1712-15.
848. Livro de despesa, 1674-81.
849. Livro de despesa, 1683-1700.
850. Livro de despesa, 1700---9·
8p. Livro de despesa, 1693-4 and 1712-14.
8p. Livro de receita e despesa, 1736-8.
853. Livro de receita e despesa, 1737-8.
854. Livro de receita e despesa, 1739-40.
855. Livro de receita e despesa, 174o-1.
856. Livro de receita e despesa, 1741-2.
857. Livro de receita e despesa, 1742-3.
858. Livro de receita e despesa, 1743-4.
859. Livro de receita e despesa, 1746-7.
860. Livro de receita e despesa, 1747--9·
861. Livro de receita e despesa, 1748--9.
862. Livro de receita e despesa, 175o-1.
863. Livro de receita e despesa, 17)1-2.
864. Livro de receita e despesa, 1752-3·
865. Livro de receita e despesa, 1753-4·
866. Livro de receita e despesa, 1754-5.
867. Livro de receita e despesa, 175 5-6.
868. Livro de receita e despesa, 1756--7.
869. Livro de receita e despesa, 1757-8.
870. Livro de receita e despesa, 1759-60.
1014. Livro de receita de dinheiro de principaes, 1723-57 (copy available).
1017. Livro de despesa de dinheiro de principaes, 1723-'70.
1019. Livro de receita e despesa do dinheiro de principaes pertencentes ao cofre,
1020. Livro de receita do dinheiro de principaes pertencentes ao cofre, 1731-'72.
1022. Livro de despesa de principaes pertencentes ao cofre, 1731-89.
1360. Livro de comas de juros de diversos devedores antigos, 1671-1772.
q66. Livro de receita e despesa da consigna~ao de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,

3· Hospital
1040. Livro de entradas dos soldados do ter~o velho da guami~o no hospital,
1041. Livro de entradas dos artilheiros no hospital, 1757-81.
1042. Livro de entradas dos soldados do ter~o novo no hospital, 1757-69.
1043. Livro de entradas de mulheres no hospital, 1757-76.

4· Dowries, recluses and foundlings

n64. Livro 1° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,
n6;. Livro 2° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,
1166. Livro 3° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,
u67. Livro 4° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,
n68. Livro 5° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de Joao de Mattos de Aguiar,
1748-;8. All the registers of dowries made on this legacy are in an appalling
condition and extremely difficult to read.
I 173· Livro 3° dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de varios testadores, 1708-24·
The first two volumes of this series are missing.
39° Fidalgos and Philanthropists
I I74· Livro 40 dos termos e quita~oes dos dotes de varios testadores, I725-34·
1175. Indice cronol6gica de todas as dotadas da Casa, I75<>-7I.
I I8o. Livro 2° dos termos das recolhidas, I74o-59. The first volume of this series
is missing.
1193· Livro 3° dos expostos, I757-63. The first two volumes of this series are

5· Cemetery and hurials

12.51. Livro 1° das tumbas, I685-I709.
up. Livro 6° das tumbas, I735-53· Volumes 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this series are
12.53. Livro ~ das tumbas, 1753-8.
12.56. Livro do esquife dos anjos (livres e escravos), 1753-82.
1257. Livro 1° do bangue, 1741-3.
1258. Livro 2o do bangue, I746-9·
1259. Livro 3° do bangue, 1749-53· The fourth volume of this series is missing.
1336. Livro mestre das contas antigas das institui~oes, 1662-1773.

6. Chapel and masses

1339· Livro das quita~oes das missas, 1725-35.
IJ4I· Livro das quita~oes das missas e mais despesas que se fazem na Irmandade
dos Santos Cosme e Damiao, 1687-1804.

7· School Eloi Guimaraes

1343· Diret6rio da colegiada da Santa Casa, I829.
1354. Borrador dos livros das contas de institui~oes diversas feitas ate 1759,
contendo particularmente as contas das institui~oes de missas pelas alunas de
diversos benfeitores da Santa Casa, I623-1759·

8. Hospice Sao Joao de Deus

The two volumes consulted from this section, vols. I36o and I366, have been
wrongly catalogued and should be in the second section comprised of the accounts'
ledgers of the brotherhood (q.v.).

(b) Public archives of the State of Bahia

(Abbreviation: APB)
A printed catalogue of the contents of these archives is available under the title of
Resenha de manuscritos e documentos outros da sec;ao hist6rica do Arquivo Puhlico do
Bihliography 39 1
Estado da Bahia (Bahia, 1950). Although forming a useful guide to the material
available this catalogue has been rendered obsolete to some degree by the adoption
of a new classification of the manuscripts and documents.
Livros de ordens regias. These codices contain copies of the correspondence
between the court at Lisbon and the governor-general or viceroy in Bahia.
The complete collection consists of 120 volumes covering the colonial period.
The documents are in good condition. I have consulted Vols. 1-73 for the
period 1648-1760. The volumes for the years 1648-1727 are listed, with
subject and onomastic indices, in the Anais do Arquivo Puhlico da Bahia,
Vols. 31 and 32 (Bahia, 1949 and 1952). These catalogues contain several
omissions and errors. The catalogue starts at Vol. 2 of the Ordens regias,
because the first volume has been lost. This can cause confusion because the
bound volumes are numbered from Vol. 1. In all references I have followed
the numbers of the bound volumes and not those listed in the Anais. Thus
my volume 19 will correspond to volume 20 listed in the Anais. A new
catalogue is in course of preparation and it is to be hoped that this will remove
any possibilities of confusion.
Cartas do Governo a Sua Majestade, 1664-1780 (Vol. IJJ).
Cartas do Governo a varias autoridades, I6IJ-6J (Vol. 14)).
Cartas do Govemo a varias autoridades, 1657-66 (Vol. 146).
Cartas do Governo a varias autoridades, 1697-1704 (Vol. 147).

(c) Municipal archives of Salvador, Bahia

(Abbreviation: AMB)
Although no printed catalogue of the contents of these archives was available at
the time of my visit in 1964-5, a manuscript catalogue lists the general titles of the
bound volumes. The documents have been classified and bound and are in
reasonable condition. Copies have been made of some series and these are especi-
ally valuable, despite faulty transcriptions, in cases where the originals have been
lost. The city council of Salvador has done valuable service in publishing several
series of documents under the general title Documentos hist6ricos do Arquivo
Municipal. The most important of these are the minutes of the city council for the
years 162}-1700 and the correspondence of the city council to the Crown between
1640 and 1692 (see Printed Sources). The following unpublished collections have
been consulted for the present study. The figures in brackets refer to the number
of the bound volume in the archives:
Atas da Camara, 169o-1702. This has been partly published. Original documents
(Vol. 22) with copies (Vols. 23-4).
Atas da Camara, 1702-8. A copy made in 1801 because the original has been lost
(Vol. 25).
Atas da Camara, 1708-u. A copy (Vol. 26).
39 2 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Atas da Camara, 1716-18. Original documents (Vol. 27) with copy (Vol. 28).
Atas da Camara, 1718-Jr· Original documents (Vol. 29).
Atas da Camara, 1731-;o. Original documents (Vol. 30).
Cartas do Senado a Sua Majestade, 164o--86. Copy of 1805 because the original
has been lost (Vol. 173). This series of documents has been partly published
but my references are to the manuscript collections and not to the printed
Cartas do Senado a Sua Majestade, 1678-96. Original documents (Vol. 174). A
copy is available for documents of the period 1686-96 (Vol. 175).
Cartas do Senado a Sua Majestade, r696-1741. Original documents (Vol. 176).
A copy is available for documents of the period 1696-1715 (Vol. 177) and
1715-41 (Vol. 178).
Cartas do Senado a Sua Majestade, 1742-1822. Original documents (Vol. 182).
Provisoes reais, 1641-80. Original documents (Vol. 135) and copies (Vol. 134).
Provisoes reais, r68o--1712. Original documents (Vol. 136).
Provisoes reais, 1744-61. Original documents (Vol. 137).
Cartas de ecclesiasticos, r68;-r8o4 (Vol. 188).
Cartas de examinac;oes de oficiais, I69o--1712 (Vol. 189).
Cartas de examinac;oes de oficiais, 1713-25 (Vol. 190).
Cartas de examinac;oes de oficiais, 1741-'70 (Vol. 191).
Livro de engeitados, 1699-1736 (Vol. 202).
Livro de ac6rdaos, 1711-r828 (Vol. 203).
Livro de condenac;oes por bern da saude publica, 1750-73 (Vol. 522).

(d) Archives of the convent of Santa Clara do Desterro, Salvador, Bahia

(Abbreviation: ACDB)
There is no catalogue, either printed or manuscript, of the contents of these
archives. Although a few of the collections of documents are in bound volumes,
for the most part the archives consist of loose folios. These have been classified
and placed in folders with a general indication of the contents. Only the following
documents were consulted for the present work, but there can be no doubt that
these manuscript collections merit a more detailed study:
Livro r0 das entradas e profissoes das religiosas de Santa Clara do Desterro da
cidade da Bahia.
Caixa r, pastas 6, 7, 8, 9, ro, n, 33, 34, 35 and 36. These deal with decrees con-
cerning girls admitted as educandas and privileges for the possession of
servants within the convent during the period 1679-1750.
Caixa r, pasta 43· A document entitled 'Proposta mto do servic;o de Deus N.S.'
dealing with the dispute between the Miseric6rdia and the Franciscans over
Bibliography 393
(e) Documents in private collections in Salvador
Compromisso da lrmandade do SSmo Sacramento da Santa Se Cathedral desta
Cidade da Bahia, I746. This interesting Compromisso is in the possession of
the Bahian historian, Dona Marieta Alves, to whom I am indebted for her
kindness in showing me this document during my stay in Bahia in I964-;.


(a) The National Archives (Abbreviation: ANRJ)
Correspondencia dos Governadores do Rio de Janeiro com diversas autoridades,
I7I8-63 (C6dice 84). The following volumes were consulted: Vol. ;
(I733-6), Vol. 9 (I738--9), Vol. II (I743--9) and Vol. 12 (I749-63). An index
of the I 5 volumes comprising this series is available in the Puhlica;oes do
Arquivo Nacional, Vol. 8.
Registro e indice de ordens regias existentes no Arquivo da Junta da Fazenda da
Bahia, I568-I799 (C6dice 539). This series comprises four volumes: Vol. I
(I584-I769), Vol. 2(I568-I772), Vol. 3 (I66I-I78I) and Vol. 4(I6o6-I799).
Copia do Livro de Assentamentos da Rela~o da Bahia, I6)8-I764 (C6dice 540).
Compromisso da lrmandade da immaculada e sacratissima Virgem Nossa Senhora
da Concei<_rao instituida e confirmada em a praia desta Bahia. Anno MDCXLV
(C6dice 824, Vol. I).
Cartas regias, provisoes, alvaras e avisos, I662-I82I (C6dice 952). The majority
of the documents in the ;o volumes of this collection are letters from the
Crown to the governor of Rio de Janeiro and, after I763, to the viceroy of
Brazil. Volumes I-J7, covering the period I662-I754, were consulted. An
index is available in the Publicafiies do Arquivo Nacional, Vol. I (Rio de
Janeiro, 1922).
Mesa do Desembargo do Pa<_ro, I8o8-28 (Caixas 2D-I3I). The documents in
caixas I29 and IJO were consulted. These deal with brotherhoods and
charitable associations in Bahia, Alagoas, Ceara, Goi<is and Espfrito Santo.
Mesa da Consciencia e Ordens (Caixa 288). Although consisting mainly of
nineteenth-century documents on brotherhoods and the Miseric6rdia, there
are numerous references to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

(b) The National Library (Abbreviation: BNRJ)

All the documents consulted were in the manuscript section of the library.
I I-33, 24, 45· A series of documents of the eighteenth century concerning the
Miseric6rdia of Bahia. Several of the letters from the Crown to the viceroy
are not in the Ordens regias collection of the APB.
11-33,32, I2. A royal provisao of IJ January I736 permitting the Brotherhood of
St Benedict of Salvador to possess a bier.
394 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
11-33, 24, 43· A royal letter of ro June 1716 to the viceroy referring to his pro-
posals for the building of a military hospital in Bahia.

This is not a bibliography of Portugal and Brazil for the period r 550-175 5, nor is it
an exhaustive check-list of books and articles written about the various branches
of the Misericordia. It is a list of the full titles of books and articles which have
been found relevant to the present work and to which reference has been made.
I have added short descriptive and critical notes on works included as primary
sources because the titles of many books on Portuguese and Brazilian history give
no indication of the true nature of their contents. The titles of books are given
here in exactly the same form as they appear on the title-pages, which accounts for
minor variations of orthography and accentuation. In those cases where the place
of publication is given as 'Bahia', this should be taken as referring to the city of

AccroLI-AMARAL, Memorias historicas e politicas da Provincia da Bahia do Coronel
Ignacio Accioli de Cerqueira e Silva. Annotador Dr. Brat do Amaral (6 vols.,
Bahia, 1919-40).
The earlier volumes are especially useful for the colonial period, containing
copies of documents in the Bahian archives. The whole series is rather
haphazardly arranged and is marred by the lack of an index.
Aetas do IV Congresso das Miseric6rdias (3 vols., Lisboa, 1959).
The first volume contains historical articles on various branches of the
Misericordia and the second provides much interesting information on the
hospital services of the brotherhood in the twentieth century.
ALvEs, MARIETA, Hist6ria da Venerdvel Ordem .f' da Penicencia do Serdfico P•. Sao
Francisco da Congrega;ao da Bahia (Bahia, 1948).
Mainly an architectural and artistic survey of the buildings of the Third
Order, but useful for the extensive citation of eighteenth-century documents
in the arclrives of the Order.
Anais do Arquivo Publico da Bahia (37 vols., Bahia, 1917--62, in progress: the
earlier volumes were entitled Annaes do Arquivo Publico e do Museu do
Estado da Bahia).
This series publishes documents of archives in the State of Bahia. Volumes
31 (1949) and 32 (1952) contain catalogues of the Ordens rigias, but must be
used with caution because of errors.
Anais da Bihlioteca Nacional (79 vols., Rio de Janeiro, r876-r964, in progress) ..
The years for which the volumes are announced do not always correspond
Bibliography 395
with the dates of publication, e.g. Vol. 77 (I957) was published in I964,
whereas Vol. 78 (I958) was published in I963 and Vol. 79 (I959) in I96I.
Vol. 68 (I949) contains a catalogue of documents on Bahia existing in the
National Library.
Anais do Primeiro Congresso de Hist6ria da Bahia (5 vols., Bahia, I95o-I).
The second volume was of great relevance to this study.
ANTONIL, ANDRE JoXo (pseudonym of Giovanni Antonio Andreoni, S.J.).
Cultura e Opulencia do Brasil, por suas Drogas, e Minas, com Yarias noticias
curiosas do modo de far.er o Assucar; plantar e heneficiaro Tahaco; tirar Ouro das
Minas e descuhrir as da Prata (Lisboa, I711).
Effectively suppressed by the Portuguese Crown for a century, this book
constitutes an excellent survey of the major factors in the economy of colonial
Brazil- sugar, tobacco, cattle and gold. Essential reading for the social
historian as well as the economist.
Arquivos de Macau (6 vols., Macau, I 929-"64, in progress: I st series, 3 vols., I 929-"3 I ;
2nd series, I vol., I94I-2; 3rd series, 2 vols., I964).
Useful publication of local archives, including the Compromisso of the
Miseric6rdia of Macao of I627.
Atas da Camara (6 vols., Bahia, I944-5?).
The principal source of information on municipal legislation during the
colonial period, these minutes of the city council of Salvador have been
published by the Prefecture in the series Documentos hist6ricos do Arquivo
Municipal. The volumes cover the following years: Vol. I, I625-4I; Vol. 2,
I64I-9; Vol. 3, I649-59; Vol. 4, I659-"69; Vol. 5, I66sr-84; Vol. 6, 1684-I700.
AZEVEDO, THALES DE, Provoamento da cidade do Salvador (2nd ed. Sao Paulo, I955)·
Based on the Bahian archives, this study treats in detail the social and
economic problems of colonial Bahia.
BASTO, MAGALHAES, Hist6ria da Santa Casa da Miseric6rdia do Porto (Porto,
A well-documented study of this branch of the Miseric6rdia, but also
analyses the circumstances of the foundation of the brotherhood in Lisbon.
BoxER, C. R., The Golden Age of Brat_il, z69S-z7SO. Growing Pains of a Colonial
Society (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1962).
Based on documents in the archives of Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and
Belo Horizonte, in addition to extensive published sources, this work is
essential reading for anyone interested in colonial Brazil.
-,Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 14ZS-z82S (Oxford, I963).
A comparative study of the racial situation in different parts of the Portu-
guese empire, including Brazil. This work gives the lie to the much publicised
policy of racial tolerance shown by the Portuguese in their contacts with
other races.
- , Portuguese Society in the Tropics. The Municipal Councils of Goa, Macao,
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Bahia, and Luanda, z5zo-z8oo (Madison and Milwaukee, 1965).
A study in institutional history which reveals much of the social structure
of the Portuguese empire and the administrative conflicts between the city
councils and local authorities.
BRASIO, PE.ANT6Nro, 'As Miseric6rdias de Angola', in Studia, vol. 4 (Lisboa, 1959,
published by the Centro de Estudos Hist6ricos Ultramarinos), pp. 1o6--49.
A monograph on the branches of the brotherhood in Luanda and Massan-
CAIO PRADO JUNIOR, Forma9ao do Brasil contemporaneo. ColOnia (7th ed., Sao
Paulo, 1963).
An excellent general work, marred only by the lack of an index. It is now
available in an English translation.
CALDAS, JosE ANT6Nio, Noticia geral de toda esta capitania da Bahia desde o seu
descohrimento auf o presente ano de z7S9 (Bahia, 1951, in a facsimile edition).
A detailed survey of colonial Bahia with numerous diagrams and statistics
by this Bahia-born engineer.
CALM ON, PEDRO, Historia do Brasil, z5 oo-z8oo (3 vols., 3rd ed., Sao Paulo-Rio de
Janeiro, 1939-43).
The first 2 volumes give a good general picture of the colonial period in
CALMON, PEDRO, Hist6ria social do Brasil. z0 Tomo. Espirito da sociedade colonial
(3rd ed., Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro, 1941).
Based primarily on printed sources, this is more a narrative than an analytical
history, providing a general interpretation of the colonial period.
CALMON, PEDRO, Hist6ria da civilizafCiO hrasileira (5th ed., Sao Paulo-Rio de
Janeiro, 1945).
Rather a disjointed account but covers all aspects of colonial society.
CALMON, PEDRO, Hist6ria da fundafCiO da Bahia (Bahia, 1949: Publica~5es do
Museu do Estado- N. 9).
A very general essay on the subject.
CALMON, PEDRO, Hist6ria da Casada Torre. Uma dinastia de pioneiros (2nd ed.,
Rio de Janeiro, 1958).
A well-documented account of one of the leading Bahian families.
CARDIM, FERNAO, S.J., Tratados da terrae gente do Brasil. lntrodufi5es e notas de
Baptista Caetano, Capistrano de Ahreu e Rodolpho Garcia (Rio de Janeiro,
Contains interesting details and statistics for the colonial period, as seen by
a contemporary historian.
CARDOZO, MANOEL S. 'The lay brotherhoods of colonial Bahia', in The Catholic
Historical Review, Vol. 33, No. I (April 1947), pp. 12-30.
A general description of these brotherhoods with a detailed analysis of the
statutes of the coloured Brotherhood of St Anthony of Catagerona.
Bibliography 397
CARNEIRO, EDISON, Ladinos e crioulos. Estudos sabre 0 negro no Brasil (Rio de
Janeiro, 1964).
A series of essays, including one on the brotherhoods of the Rosary.
Cartas do senado (3 vols., Bahia 195?-3).
Published by the Prefecture of Salvador in the series Documentos hist6ricos
do Arquivo Municipal. These volumes consist of correspondence from the
city council to the Crown and cover the following years: Vol. r, 1640-73;
Vol. 2, 1673-84; Vol. 3, 1684--92.
CASTRO E ALMEIDA, EDUARDO DE, Inventario dos documentos relativos ao Brasil
existentes no Archivo de Marinha e Ultramar de Lisboa (8 vols., Rio de Janeiro,
1913-36: reprinted from the Anais da Biblioteca Nacional, vols. 31, 32, 34,
36, 37, 39, 46 and ;o).
The first volume deals with documents relative to Bahia in the period
Compromisso da Santa Casa da Misericordia da Bahia, approvado na sessao da
junta de 31 de maio de 1896 (Bahia, 1896).
Compromisso da Santa Casa de Misericordia da Bahia, aprovado em sessao de 28 de
marfO de zg58 (Bahia, 1958).
CoRREIA, F. DASILVA, Estudos sabre a hist6ria da Assisdncia. Origens eformafiiO
das Miseric6rdias portuguesas (Lisboa, 1944).
A survey of charity from antiquity to the sixteenth century. Correia closely
follows the thesis of Magalhaes Bas to (q. v.) on the origins of the brotherhood,
and corrects Costa Godolphim (q.v.) on the dates of foundation of some
DAMAZIO, ANT6NIO JoAQUIM, Tombamento dos bens immoveis da Santa Casa da
Misericordia da Bahia em z862 (Bahia, 186;).
An indispensable record using documents which have since been lost.
DAMPIER, WILLIAM, A Voyage to New Holland &c. In the year, z6gg. Wherein
are described the Canary-Islands, the Isles of Mayo and St. ]ago. The Bay of
All Saints, with the Forts and Town of Bahia in Brasil (London, 1703).
Dampier visited Bahia in 1699 and described in detail the city, its society,
economy and the flora and fauna of the surrounding region.
Documentos historicos da Bibliotheca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (120 vols., Rio de
de Janeiro, 1928-, in progress).
An immense collection of published documents whose value is diminished
by the lack of indices to most of the volumes. Vols. 13, 14, 35, 37 and 38
contain documents relevant to the foundation of Bahia; Vols. 33, 34, ;6-8, 62,
64-8, 78-8o, 86-8 and 89--90 will be found useful for material on the seven-
teenth century; Vols. 40-55, 59-63, 68-78, 84, 90-2 and 95-8 contain docu-
ments on the eighteenth century in Bahia. These volumes contain royal
letters,patentes,provisoes, a/varas and viceroyal correspondence to the Crown
and other authorities.
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Documentos relativos a M em de Sa, Governador Geral do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 1906;
a reprint from Vol. 27 of the Anais da Biblioteca Nacional).
Interesting for Mem de Sa's own assessment of his achievements during
his term of office.
FERREIRA, FELIX, A Santa Casada Misericordia Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro, 1898).
A heavily institutional history of the branch of the brotherhood in Rio de
Janeiro with detailed analyses of administrative changes in the Miseric6rdia of
Lisbon in the sixteenth century.
FERREIRA MARTINS, J. F., Historia da Misericordia de Goa (zS2o-zgzo) (3 vols.,
Nova Goa, 19Io-I4).
Despite the dates contained in the title Ferreira Martins forces the thesis
that Affonso de Albuquerque was the founder of the branch in Goa. An
entirely institutional history with an incoherent narrative and lists of Prove-
dors, regulations and copies of statutes. Primarily useful for the citation of
documents. No bibliography or index.
FREYRE, GILBERTO, Casa-Grande & senr_ala. FormafaO da fomllia brasileira sob o
regime de economia patriarcal (uth Brazilian ed., 2 vols., Rio de Janeiro,
- , The Masters and the Slaves. A Study in the Development of Brazilian Civilit_a-
tion (xst Eng. lang. ed., New York, 1946).
A translation by Samuel Putnam from the 4th ed. of Casa-Grande & Senr_ala.
- , Sobrados e mucambos. Decadencia do patriarcado rural e desenvolvimento do
urbano (3 vols., 2nd ed., Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paulo, 1951).
-,The Mansions and the Shanties. The Making ofModern Brat_il (Eng. trans. by
Harriet de Onfs; New York, 1963).
Both these works by Gilberto Freyre provide an excellent general back-
ground to the relationships between the ruling class and slaves in colonial
Brazil. The treatment is inter-disciplinary, but with a heavy anthropological
FREZIER, AMEDEE FRANt,;:Ois, Relation du voyage de Ia mer du Sud aux cotes du
Chily et du Perou,fait pendant les armies Z:Jl2, Z:JZJ & 1:714 (Paris, 1716).
- , A Voyage to the South-Sea and along the Coasts of Chili and Peru in the years
Z:JZ2, Z:JZJ and 1:714 (London, 1717: a translation of the above).
FROGER, F., Relation d'un voyage fait en z6g5, z6g6 & 1697 aux Cotes d'Afrique,
Detroit de Magellan, Bret_il, Cayenne & Isles Antilles (Paris, 1698).
-,A Relation of a Voyage Made in the Years z6g5, z6g6, 1697 on the Coasts of
Africa, Streights of Magellan, Brasil, Cayenna, and the Antilles (London, 1698:
a translation of the above).
The accounts of both Frezier and Froger contain interesting descriptions of
Bahia in the colonial period.
GAMA BARRos, HENRIQUE DA, Historia da administrafaO publica em Portugal nos
seculos XI/ a XV (n vols., 2nd ed., Lisboa, 1945-54).
Bibliography 399
The fifth volume is especially useful for the economic situation in Portugal
in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.
GoDOLPHIM, CosTA, As Misericordia.s (Lisboa, I897).
The first part comprises a general study of the Miseric6rdia of Lisbon. The
second part consists of a list of branches with brief notes. Some of the dates of
foundation given by Costa Godolphim have been corrected by Correia (q.v.).
No index.
Historia da colonir.Clfao portuguesa do Bra'{il. DirecfO.o de Malheiro Dia.s (3 vols.,
Porto, I92I-4)·
The third volume is useful for Bahia during the early years.
Historia de Portugal. Edifao monumental comemorativa do 8° centendrio da fundafao
da nacionalidade (7 vols. of text and one index volume, Barcelos, 1928-37).
The series is edited by Damiao Peres. The fourth volume contains a section
on social assistance in Portugal as represented by hospitals, leper houses, inns
and the Miseric6rdias.
]ABOATA.o, FR. ANT6NIO DE SANTA MARIA, Catalogo genealogico da.s principaes
familias que procederam de Alhuquerques, e Cavalcantes em Pernamhuco, e
CaramurTls na Bahia (Bahia, 1950: reprinted from Vols. 1-4 (I945-8) of the
Revista do lnstituto Geneal6gico da Bahia).
Despite several errors, this remains an invaluable guide to the landed
aristocracy of colonial Bahia.
LALLEMAND, LtoN, Histoire de Ia charite (4 vols., Paris, 1902-12).
The third and fourth volumes give a useful general survey of charity from
the tenth century.
LANDINI, Pucmo, lstoria dell'Oraton"o e della Venerahile Arciconfraternita di Santa
Maria della Misericordia della citta di Firenr_e (Firenze, 1843).
The first part describes the foundation and administration of the brother-
LAVAL, FRAN~OIS PYRARD DE, Voyage de FratZfois Pyrard de Laval, contenant sa
navegation aux lndes Orientales, Maldives, Moluques, Bresil (2 vols., 3rd ed.,
Paris, 1619).
-,The Voyage of Fratlfois Pyrard of Laval to the Ea.st Indies, the Maldives, the
Molucca.s and Braril (2 vols., London, 1887--90; a translation of the above by
Albert Gray for the Hakluyt Society).
Contains descriptions of the hospitals of Goa and the charitable works of
that branch of the Miseric6rdia in addition to a brief description of Bahia in
the early seventeenth century.
LEITE, SERAFIM, S.J., Historia da Compankia de Jesus no Brasil (10 vols., Rio de
Janeiro-Lisboa, 1938-50).
A fully documented study with complete bibliography and an excellent
index. The second and fifth volumes are of interest for the Miseric6rdias of
Bahia and Rio de Janeiro.
400 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
- , Artes e oflcios dos Jesuitas no Brasil ( z S49-176o ), (Rio de J aneiro-Lisboa, I 953).
Contains much interesting material on the r6le of the Jesuits in instituting
lay brotherhoods for coloured and white people.
Livrodotomho daprefeitura municipal da cidadedoSalvador. z0 volume(Bahia, I95J).
Publishes documents of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, mainly on
land rentals.
Livro velho do tomho do mosteiro de Sao Bento da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, I945)·
A carefully edited and well produced volume of documents of the seven-
teenth and eighteenth centuries, many of which concern the Misericordia.
MARTIN SAINT-LEoN, ETIENNE, Histoire des corporations de metiers depuis leurs
originesjusqu'a leur suppression en Z79Z (4th ed., Paris, I94I).
Provides points of comparison with the study of Franz-Paul Langhans
(q.v.) on the social charity undertaken by brotherhoods formed of artisans.
MoNTI, G. M., Le confraternite medievali dell' Alta e Media ltalia (2 vols., Venezia,
Chapters 4-'7 of the first volume are especially relevant to the present study.
NoBREGA, MANOEL DA, Cartas do Brasil (zS4g-zS6o) (Rio de Janeiro, I9JI).
Contains interesting descriptions of the problems faced by the early settlers
in Bahia.
OLIVEIRA, EDUARDO FREIRE DE, Elementos para a historia do municipio de Lishoa
(I7 vols. of text, Lisboa, r885-I911 and 2 index volumes, Lisboa, I942-
An indispensable guide to the early administration of the city of Lisbon,
with numerous references to the Misericordia.
OTT, CARLos, Forma;iio e evolu;iio etnica da cidade do Salvador (2 vols., Bahia,
A thoroughly documented work with statistical analyses of immigrants
and artisans.
-,A Santa Casa de Misericordia da cidade do Salvador (Rio de Janeiro, I96o;
published in the series Puhlicaffies da Diretoria do Patrimonio Historico e
Artlstico Nacional, No. 2I).
An exhaustive study of the artistic and architectural aspects of the Miseri-
cordia. The second part consists of documents which contain much of
importance for the social historian.
PROBER, KURT, Catdlogo das moedas hrasileiras (Sao Paulo, 1966).
A detailed historical exposition of the complexities of Brazilian currency,
with useful illustrations of the coins described. Written by a trained numisma-
tist it is highly technical and corrects Sombra (q.v.) on several points.
RIBEIRO, VITOR MAxiMIANO, A Santa Casada Misericordia de Lishoa (suhsidios
para a sua historia) Z498-z8g8 (Historia e memorias da Academia Real das
Sciencias de Lishoa, nova serie, 2a classe, tomo 9, parte 2, Lisboa, I902).
Although this remains the basic work on the subject, it leaves much to be
Bibliography 401
desired. Useful for an extensive bibliography on branches of the Miseric6rdia
in Portugal.
RocHA PITTA, SEBASTIAO DA, Historia da America Portuguer_a desde o anno de mile
quinhentos do seu descobrimento ate o de mile setecentos e vinte e quatro (2nd ed.,
Lisboa, 188o).
Second edition of a book first published in Lisbon in 1730. The author
belonged to a leading family of colonial Bahia and his work is valuable as it
provides an insight into contemporary attitudes towards events in eighteenth-
century Bahia.
RuY, A.FFoNso, Hist6ria politica e administrativa da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1949).
- , Historia da Camara Municipal da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1953).
Both these detailed works rely heavily on unpublished archival sources,
but no references to the precise nature of these sources are made in the foot-
notes. Both volumes suffer from the lack of an index.
SALLES, FRITZ TEIXEIRA DE, Associa;oes religiosas no Ciclo do Ouro (Belo Hori-
zonte, 1963; the first volume in a series published by the Centro de Estudos
A well-balanced study of the brotherhoods of Minas Gerais in the eighteenth
century based on the analysis of their Compromissos. The relations between
the different brotherhoods and racial prejudices are well documented.
SALVADOR, VICENTE (RoDRIGUES PALHA) Do, Hist6ria do Brasil, zSoo-1627.
Revista por Capistrano de Abreu e Rodolfo Garcia (4th ed., Sao Paulo, 1954).
An early history of Brazil containing some interesting references to the
Miseric6rdia of Bahia.
SAMPAIO, THEODORO, Historia dafundafiiO da cidade do Salvador (Bahia, 1949).
Published posthumously, this work contains several errors, and the
conclusions have been modified by the subsequent publication of further
volumes of the Documentos historicos (q.v.).
SANTOS FILHO, LYCURGO, Uma comunidade rural do Brasil antigo. (Aspectos
da vida patriarcal no Sertao da Bahia nos seculos XVIII e XIX) (Sao Paulo,
A fascinating narrative of a cattle-ranching family in the interior of the
Captaincy of Bahia, told in considerable detail and well illustrated. Evokes
interesting points of comparison with the history of the sugar plantation
aristocracy of Bahia described by Wanderley Pinho (q.v.).
SILVA RtGo, ANT6NIO DA, Hist6ria das Missoes do Padroado Portugues do Oriente.
India, zSoo-zS42 (Lisboa, 1949).
A missionary history but contains much of more general interest.
- , Documenta;iio para a hist6ria das Missoes do Padroado Portugues do Oriente.
India (12 vols., Lisboa, 1947-58).
Covering the period I499-1582, these volumes contain numerous refer-
ences to the branches of the Miseric6rdia in Africa and Asia.
402 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
SIMONSEN, RoBERTO C., Historia eco110mica do Brasil (z5oofz82o) (4th ed., Sao
Paulo, 1962).
First published in 1937, this work remains the best general economic
history of Brazil.
SoARES, JosE: CAETANO, Macau e a Assistencia (Programa medico-social) (Lisboa,
The only history of the Miseric6rdia of Macao, but poorly documented,
and with little on the period before 1700.
SoMBRA, SEVERINO, Historia monetaria do Brasil colonial. Repertorio cronologico
com introdUfao, notas e carta monetdria. Edifao revista e aumentada (Rio de
Janeiro, 1938).
A good general work, but should be used in conjunction with the more
detailed study by Prober (q.v.).
SousA, GABRIEL SoARES DE, Notlcia do Brasil. lntrodufO.O, comentdrios e notas
pelo Professor Pirajd da Silva (2 vols., 8th ed., Sao Paulo, 1949).
Contains one of the earliest descriptions of the Miseric6rdia of Bahia in the
late sixteenth century.
SousA CAMPOS, ERNESTO DE, 'Santa Casa de Miseric6rdia da Bahia. Origem e
aspectos de seu funcionamento', in the Revista do lnstituto Geogrdfico e
Historico da Bahia, Vol. 69 (Bahia, 1943), pp. 213-52.
A compilation of references to the Miseric6rdia of Bahia culled from various
sources, especially Damazio (q.v.) and Vilhena (q.v.).
VERGER, PIERRE, Bahia and the West Coast Trade (zS49-Z8Sz) (lbadan, 1964).
An excellent monograph.
VIANNA FILHo, Lurz, 0 negro na Bahia (Rio de Janeiro-Sao Paulo, 1946).
A good general study, in part superseded by the work of Pierre Verger
VIEIRA, ANT6NIO, S.J., Cartas do Padre Antonio Vieira (3 vols., Coimbra, 1925-8),
edited by J. Lucio de Azevedo.
- , Ohras (4 vols., Lisboa, 1940), edited by Hemani Cidade, with a biographical
A reading of the letters and the sermons of this great missionary is essential
for an understanding of the social problems present in seventeenth-century
V ILHENA, Lurz DOS SANTOS, RecopilOfO.O de noticias soteropolitanas e hrasilicas
contidas em XX cartas, que da cidade do Salvador Bahia de Todos os Santos
escreve hum a outro amigo em Lishoa, dehaixo de nomes alusivos, noticiando-
o do estado daqueOa cidade, sua capitania, e algumas outras do Brasil. Anno-
tadas por Braz do Amaral (2 vols., Bahia, 1922).
This detailed account of all aspects of Bahian life was written by the
Professor of Greek at Bahia at the end of the eighteenth century, and is
required reading for any student of Bahian history.
Bibliography 403
VIOLLET, PAUL, Histoire des institutions politiques et administratives de la France
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The third volume is particularly relevant for the European background to
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W ANDERLEY DE ARAt'lm PINHO, J os:E, Hist6ria de um engenlzo do Reconcavo.
Matoim-Novo-Cahoto-Freguer.ia. z552-Z944 (Rio de Janeiro, I946).
A well-documented account of a sugar plantation family, many of whose
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W1ZN1TZER, ARNOLD, Jews in Colonial Bra'{_il (New York, 1960).
The basic treatment of the subject.
ZucCHI, MARIA, 'The Misericordia of Florence', in The Dublin Review, No. 229,
Vol. 114 (1894) pp. 333-45.
Corrects Landini (q.v.) on several points and gives details of the administra-
tion of the brotherhood, based on private archives. Numbers 487-502 of
The Dublin Review were entitled The Wiseman Review.


ALBUQUERQUE, AFFONSO DE, Cartas (7 vols., Lisboa, 1884-1935).
ALMEIDA, FoRTUNATO DE, Historia da igreja em Portugal (4 vols., Coimbra,
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CALMON, PEDRO, Hist6ria da literatura bahiana (Bahia, 1949).
CHEVALIER, FRAN90IS, Land and Society in Colonial Mexico. The Great Hacienda
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DuBY, G., La societe aux XI• et XII• siecles dans la region maconnaise (Paris, I95J).
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I9o8), PP· 7-P·
FRYER, JoHN, A new account of East India and Persia being nine years' travels,
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GIRAM, Jolo RoDRIGUEs, S.J., Carta anua da Vice-Provincia do]apiio do Anode
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G6Is,DAMIAO DE, Cr6nica doFeliclssimoReiD.Manuel(4 vols., Coimbra, 1949-55).
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KINDERSLEY, Mrs, Letters from the Island ofTeneriffe, Brar_il, the Cape ofGood Hope,
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LAMEGO, ALBERTO, A Academia Brar_ileira dos Renascidos. Suafunda;iio e trahalhos
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LANGHANS, FRANZ-PAUL (DE ALMEIDA), As corpora;oes dos oftcios mecanicos-
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LAWRENCE, A. W., Trade Castles and Forts of West Africa (London, 1963).
LoPES, FERNAo, Cr6nica de D. Joiio I (2 vols., Porto, 1945, 1949).
MARSHALL, C. E.,' The Birth of the Mestizo in New Spain', in the Hispanic American
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MARTINS, MARIO, S.J., Peregrina;oes e livros de milagres na nossa /dade Media
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MATos, GREGORIO DE, Ohras completas (6 vols., Rio de Janeiro, 1923-33), edited
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MoRAES, RuBENS BoRBA DE, Bihliographia hrasiliana. A bibliographical essay on
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Amsterdam-Rio de Janeiro, 1959).
NUNES, DuARTE, 'N otfcia da funda<;:ao da Santa Casada Misericordia', in Revista do
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PARRY, J. H., The Spanish Seaborne Empire (London, 1966).
PIERSON, DoNALD, Brancos e pretos na Bahia. Estudo de contacto racial (Sao
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PINA, Rui DE, Cr6nica de El-Rei D. Joiio II (Coimbra, 1950).
PIRENNE, HENRI, Mediaeval Cities: their origins and the revival of trade (Princeton,
RozMITAL, LEo OF, The travels of Leo of Rozmital through Germany, Flanders,
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SANTOS FILHO, LYCURGO, Hist6ria da medicina no Brasil (2 vols., Sao Paulo,
SCHURZ, WILLIAM LYTLE, The Manila Galleon (New York, 1959; first published
SMITH, RoBERT C., Arquitectura colonial (Bahia, 1955).
SoARES, UBALDO, A escravatura na Misericordia. Suhstdios (Rio de Janeiro, 1958).
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ZuRARA, GoMEs EANNES DE, Cronica da tomada de Ceuta por El Rei D. Joao I
(Lisboa, I 9 I 5).

Abyssinia, 24 in, 37, 38, 45, 46; early Portuguese

Academy of History, Royal, 76 settlement in, 45-6; visited by Amerigo
Academy of the Forgotten, 75-6 Vespucci, 45; landing of Tome de
Academy of the Re-born, 76-7 Sousa in, 47
Acapulco galleon, 3 5 Almada, 136
Adoption, common in Salvador, 182, 315 Almeida, Faustino de, p6
Alfonseca Lemos, Ant6nio Jose de: report Almeida, Dom Francisco de, 25; mixed-
on Miseric6rdia of Salvador by, 101, marriage policy, 174
114n., 318, 339-45; on municipal Almeida, Dom Louren~o de, 70
council, 114n., 318 Almeirim, 6
Alfonso IV, KingDom, 7, 14 Almotad(s), elected by Misericordia, 35; in
Alfonso VI, KingDom, concern for slaves, 266 Salvador, 132
Alfonso Henriques, KingDom, 9, 11, 14 Almotact!(s) da limpeza, appointed in Salva-
Agriculture : difficulties of, in medieval dor, 266-7
Europe, 1-2; in Portugal, 7; in Bahia, Alms : distributed by corporations of arti-
65-8, 69, 148, 152-3 ; lack of royal sans, 2 ; by brotherhoods, 3 ; for ran-
interest in, 70. See also Cattle ; Manioc; som of captives, 11 ; abuse in application
Sugar industry; Tobacco of, 13. See also Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Aguiar, Domingos Lucas de, 109, 121, 123 Alto Douro, hostelries in, 8
Aguiar, J oao de Mattos de, see Mattos de Alvares Cabral, Pedro, 37, 44,45
Aguiar, Joao de Alvares Correia (Caramuru), Diogo, 45-6
Albergaria(s), see Hostelries Alvares da Silva, Jose, 123
Albergaria de Payo Delgado, 8 Alvares de Azevedo, Joao, 249n.
Albergaria de Rocamador, 8-9 Alvares de Vasconcellos, Joao, 279
Albergaria dos Mirleus, 8 Alves Fontes, Joao, 249, 249n.
Albert, Cardinal Archduke, 212 Alvor, Count of, 27
Albuquerque, Alfonso de : capture of Goa, Amadeus III, Count of Maurienne and Sa-
25, 46, 234; mixed-marriage policy, 25- voy,14
26, 174-5 Amazon, River 44, 282
Albuquerque, F elippa de, see Cavalcante e Arnbaca, 36
Albuquerque, Felippa de Amboina, see Misericordia, Santa Casada
Albuquerque, Fernao de, 28-9 Amerindians : deployment in Brazil of, 44-5 ;
Albuquerque, Mathias de, 29 co-operate with French pirates, 37, 45,
Alcaide-Mor, 82, 247-8 46 ; conversion of, 39 ; collaborate in
Alcoba~a, 10 building of Salvador, 48; championed
Alenquer, 18 by Antonio Vieira, S.J., 74; treatises on,
Alexander VIII, Pope, 103 71 ; music of, 77; susceptible to disease,
Algarve, reconquest of, 7 ; plague in, 7 261, 290; in prison, 282; in hospital,
Alimbamba(s), 265 282 ; distrust of European medical treat-
Aljubarrota, battle of, 7 ment, 282; in Jesuit villages, 77, 261,
All Saints, Bay of: physical description of, 290, 333; miscegenation with, 45-
43; origin of name, 45; French pirates 46, 138--9; Portuguese Crown policy
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
towards, 138-9, 145, 338; secularisation, 47, 48; labour deployment in Salvador
of, 338; as slaves, rp, 261, 333; num- of, I 30 ; delusions of grandeur enter-
bers in Salvador of, ;o ; not included in tained by, 133; donors to the Miseri-
census, :u.6 ; build hospital accommoda- cordia, 156-7. See also Misericordia,
tion in Rio de Janeiro, 40; in New Santa Casada, class distinctions
Spain, 358; 'tame Indians', ;o Ashantis, 182
Amsterdam, 55 Assumar, Count of, 2II
Anchieta, S.J.. Jose de, 40, 7I, 290 Adantic Islands, emigration to Brazil from,
Andreoni, S.J., Giovanni Antonio, see An- ;o, 6o, I29; sugar-cane cultivation, 52.
toni!, S.J., Andre Joao See also Madeira, Azores
Angeja (Dom Pedro de Noronha), Count of Atouguia (Dom Luis Pedro Peregrina de
Villa Verde and Marquis of, 270, 327 ; Carvalho Meneses de Atalde), Count of,
and Misericordia of Salvador, II I, 258, and Misericordia of Salvador, 109, 271,
328 275. 284-5
Angola : conquest of, 36, 65 ; garrisons of, Audiencia, jurisdiction in Spanish America of,
36; slave trade with Brazil, p, 55, 59, 356
68, II7, 252; pattern of trade with Avila, Garcia d', 6o, 89
Brazil and Portugal, 59, 349 ; deporta- Avila Pereira, Garcia d', uS
tion of convicts to, 236, 252; Dutch in, Aviz, John of, 7
55, 56. See also Misericordia, Santa Azevedo Arvelos, Dionisio de, III, 328
Casa da, Luanda, Massangano ; Luanda ; Azores, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Slaves and Slavery ; Bantu
Antoni!, S.J., Andre Joao, 6o; quoted 6I, 62 Bahia : various meanings of the term, 48 n. ;
Antunes Lima, Manuel, I32, I 56 captaincy of, 46 ; gold strikes in, 70,
Arabia, 33 I 54; drought in, 6;, 66, 67, 69, 148 ;
ArassU.ahy, 70, 154,245 climate of, 66-7, 81, I48, 289; smallpox
Araujo, Francisco de, 90, 164 in, 65, 289, 290; Backlands of, 44;
Araujo, Francisco Gil de, 95 townships founded in the Reconcavo of,
Araujo, Joao de, I64 244. See also Salvador, city of; Re-
Araujo, Matheus de, I64 concavo ; Slaves and slavery ; Catde ;
Araujo de Aragao, Manuel de, uS Catde ranchers ; Sugar planters ; Sugar
Araujo de G6is, Gaspar de, II9 industry
Araujo de G6is, Jorge de, 88 Bandeirantes, 6o, 337
Araujo e Azevedo, Francisco de, 279 Bangu~, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da, Sal-
Araujo Soares, Bento de, 149 vador, burial of slaves
Arcos (Dom Marcos de Noronha e Brito), 6th Bantu slaves, compared with Sudanese, p,
Count of, 334; treatment of gypsy prob- 68, I4I n.
lem, 243 ; his recommendations on Baptista Carneiro, J oao, I 33
royal enquiry into Misericordia of Baptista Ferreira, Manuel, I ; 7
Salvador, 318, 342-4 Baptista Lemos, Jose, 144
Arcos (Dom Marcos de Noronha e Brito), 8th Barbados, unrefined sugar of, 59· See also
Count of, 229 West Indies
Aristocracy, landed, in Bahia, see Land- Barheiro(s), examinations of, 280
owners, latifundian Barbosa, Jacinto, I 32
Artisans : corporations in medieval Europe Barbosa Leal, Pedro : holds office in the
of, 2-3 ; in Portugal, 12, I 9 ; shortage Misericordia, uS, 12I, u;, I 5o, 2.06, 324,
in East of, 25, 27 ; representation on 325; legacy by, Ip; landowner, uS;
municipal council, 126, I ;6; examina- founder of townships, 1p
tions of, 126, 280 ; registration of, 126 ; Barbuda, Francisco de, 88
privileged by commissions, 13 1, 156 ; Barreto, Francisco, 86
financial prosperity achieved by, 63 Barreto, Roque da Costa, see Costa Barreto,
156-7; on the fleet of Tome de Sousa, Roque da
Barros, Cristovao de, 87 Brotherhoods--contd.
Barros, Joao de, quoted, 24 ; donatory, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Salvador, 2I6--17,
38 220
Bassein, I75. See also Misericordia, Santa Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,
Casada Salvador, 203, 204
Bay of All Saints, see All Saints, Bay of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception,
Beira Alta, 8 Sintra, I3
Beja, I2 Our Lady of Loreto, Lisbon, 2I 3 n.
Belem, 268 Our Lady of Mercy, Florence: foundation
Belem do Para, 26I. See also Misericordia, of, 3 ; class distinctions in, 4 ; govern-
Santa Casa da ing body of, 4 ; alleged influence on
Benedictines, see St Benedict, Order of Misericordia of Lisbon, I4; undertakes
Bengal, 287. See also Misericordia, Santa burials, 4, 202
Casada Our Lady of Mercy, Lisbon, 13, I5
Benin, Gulf of, I I7. See also Angola; Our Lady of the Rosary, Salvador, I42,
Slaves and slavery 143, 2I3, 2I7-I9, 220
Bissau, see A1iseric6rdia, Santa Casa da Our Lady of the Rosary and Ransom, Rio
Black Death, 5 de Janeiro, I42 n.
Boipeba, 265 Our Lady of Succour, Salvador, 94, 2I6--
Bom jesus de Villa Nova, 286--7 2I7, 220
Bond, Captain, 283 n. St Anthony of the Barra, Salvador, 64
Borges, Pedro, 47, 236 St Anthony of Catagerona, Salvador, 142-
Borges de Barros, Domingos, I09-IO I43, 203, 204
Borsi, Piero, 3 St Bartholomew, Lisbon, 2I 3 n.
Braga, 8, I 1. See also Misericordia, Santa St Benedict, Salvador, 2I9-20, 230
Casada S. Corona, Milan, 237
Brande, Cornelius van den, 57 S. Giovanni Decollato, Florence, 3, 237
Brandy, sugar cane, export of, 59; restric- St Lazarus, Salvador, 27I-2, 288
tions on distillation of, 24 5 St Leonard, Viterbo, 3
Brasilia, 26I StPeter, Rio de Janeiro, 2I) n.
Brazil: discovery of, 37; early colonisation St Peter, Salvador, 2I4
of, 37-9, 45-6; donatory system in, 38- The Chapel of the Cathedral, Salvador, 103
39, 46; Portuguese Crown attitude to- The Holy Body of Christ, Salvador, 270,
wards, 37, 38, 39, 235, 236, 256; coloni- 272, 286
sation of, compared and contrasted with The Holy Cross, Rio de Janeiro, 2I 5 n.
Portuguese in Orient, I7)-6, 234-6, The Holy Cross, Salvador, 214, 215-16
239-40, 243 ; as place of exile, 2 36, 282; The Most Holy Sacrament, Salvador, 96
under the Dutch domination, 55-7; The Worthy Men, Beja, 12.-I3
difficulty of law enforcement in, 2 39-44; Brotherhoods, lay: in Italy, 3-5, 202, 237;
foundation of townships in, 39-40, 244; in Portugal, 12-I3, 202; in Spanish
development of the interior of, 6o America, 356--7
Brazil fleets: irregularity of, 6;, 337; delayed, Buboes, 262
67, 68; currency on, I78, I79; women Buitrago, Caetano, I 22
on, I78-9 Bungo, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Brazil wood, see Dye woods Burgos, Jeronimo de, 164, I69, I8I
Brito, Antonio de, I09
Brito de Sousa, Antonio de, 206 Caatinga, 44, 6o
Brotherhoods Cahoclo : term explained, I 38-9 ; use of term
Our Lady, Mexico City, 357 banned, 338; Portuguese Crown atti-
Our Lady, Mother of God, Virgin Mary of tude towards, I38-9
Mercy, Lisbon et a!., see Misericordia, Cabral, Pedro Alvares, see Alvares Cabral,
Santa Casa da Pedro
410 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Cachafa, see Brandy, sugar cane Carvalho e Melo, Jose Sebastiao de, see Pom-
Cachoeira: centre of the tobacco industry, bal, Marquis of
61 ; raised to township, 244 ; miners Carvalho Mascarenhas, Miguel, 172, 187,
leave horses at, 243 ; river port, 44, 307; 249 n., 308 n.
municipal council's rejection of Miseri- Casa da SuplicacafiiO (Supreme Court of
cordia's petition, 307; dowries for girls Appeals), 75, 190, 239
from, 193· See also Misericordia, Santa Castelo Branco, Ant6nio Fenao, Provedor of
Casada the Misericordia, II2; rebuked by Joao V,
Caetano, Marcello, 12 II2; reports on mutiny of ganison, II2,
Cairo, visited by Pero de Covilha, 24 189; involved in dowry scandal, 189-90;
Caini, 193, 265 Governor of Sao Tome, 112, 253, 255
Caldas, II, 82n. Castelo Melhor Qoao Rodrigues de Vascon-
Caldas, Jose Ant6nio, 77, n6 cellos e Sousa), Count of, Provedor of
Calhambola(s), 141 the Misericordia, 9 I, 94, II 6 n.
Calicut, 25. See also Misericordia, Santa Castro, Ant6nio de, 123
Casada Castro, Diogo de, 47
Calmon,Joao, 104,120 Castro, Francisco de, 88
Calmon, Pedro, So-1, 82 Castro, Dom Martim Alfonso de, 28
Calmon de Almeida, Miguel, 325 n. Catherine of Braganza, Queen of England, 65,
Camamu, 193, 265 305
Cambay, King of, 46 Cattle : raising in Bahia, 6o ; killed by
Cambembe, 36 drought, 65, I48 ; precarious livelihood,
Cananeia, Bay of, 38 I48, 149; on sugar plantations, 54, 6o,
Cangaceiros, 243 67, 150; lack of hygiene in slaughter of,
Cannanore, 25. See also Misericordia, 264 ; as pledges for loans, 63 ; licences
Santa Casa da for slaughter of, 305
Cape/as de missas, 167-8. See also Miseri- Cattle ranchers in Bahia : compared and con-
cordia, Santa Casa da, Salvador, legacies trasted with sugar planters, 61 ; threat-
for the saying of masses ened by expropriation of lands, 62, I I 7 ;
Capofune, 6o, 264 religious fervour, I so-I ; Provedors of
Capuchin Friars, in Salvador, 271, 322, the Misericordia, II8, uo, I25, I 5o, I62;
329n. legacies to the Misericordia by, I 18, I49,
Caramuru, see Alvares Coneia, Diogo I so-1, I 59; affected by economic crisis,
Cardim, S.J., Fernao, so, 71 7I, 152.-3; mobile life of, 6I, 69; abuse
Cardoso de Banos, Ant6nio, 47 of power in the Backlands by, 62 ; on
Carmelite Order: in Salvador, so, 51, p, 58, municipal council, 62-3 ; independence
87; insistence on 'purity of blood', 137; of spirit of, II7; in New Spain, 357
in Rio, 223 ; harbour criminals, 241 Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Crist6vao, I44
Carmelites, Third Order of, in Salvador ; Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Felippa de, II9
refusal to admit New Christians, 136, Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Gon<talo Ravasco :
143; refusal to admit coloured person, lineage of, II 2, II 9 ; Provedor of the
143; landed aristocracy members of, 63, Misericordia, II2, II9; alleged self-
149; businessmen members of, 348; interest over siting of retirement house,
ossuary of, 229 ; not privileged by 105, 324, 325 ; municipal councillor,
Crown, 93 325 ; intervention in election of abbess
Carneiro, Dom Belchior, 34 of Desteno, II 3 ; expelled from Third
Carta(s) de examinafiio, 126. See also Arti- Order of the Carmelites, II 3 n.
sans Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Louren,.o, II9, I65
Carta(s) de saude, 268 Cavalcante e Albuquerque, Theresa de, I77n.
Carta(s) de seguro, 2.41 Ceara : Dutch in, 57; cattle ranchers in, 6o ;
Carvalho e Albuquerque, Jose Pires de, see cangaceiros in, 243
Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, Jose Ceballos, Don Pedro de, 78
Index 411
Ceuta, 7, 24 dor, I43-4, 329; in Jesuit College, 329;
Ceylon, 28, I75 in convents, 329; in garrison, I 33 n.;
Chagas disease, 26 I I41, 2I8-I9; in militia, I40; Portu-
Charles II, King of England, 53, 65 guese Crown policy of, 140, 246, 355,
Chaul, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da 3 57-8 ; present in wills, 181 ; allied to
China : trade in co-operation with Portu- class prejudice, 138, 143, I44, 28I-2; in
guese, 25 ; treatment of sick in, 34 execution of justice, 246, 256; in New
Chinese goods in Salvador, I 59 Spain, 357-8. See also Miscegenation;
Chinese slave in Salvador, 230 Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Cistercians, 1o Compadrio, term explained, 3 I 5
Class distinctions and class discrimination in Compagnia Maggiore di Santa Maria del Bi-
Salvador, 124-35; in the garrison, I33; gallo (Florence), 4
in the Convent of the Desterro, 134, Concei~ao, Fr Bernardo da, 270, 272
321 ; in execution of justice, 246; in Confraternities, see Brotherhoods
burials, 2I 8, 229 ; in the granting of Constantinople, 2
dowries, I 76-7 ; inducement to send Contracts and contractors in Brazil, 37, 307
girls to Portugal, I 77-8 ; allied to sexual Contreiras, Fr Miguel, 15-16
honour, I8I, 3II-121 32I. See also Convicts and deportees : in building of Salva-
Misericordia, Santa Casa da dor, 47; sent to Brazil, 236, 282; to
Clement XII, Pope, I04 Asia, 236 ; to Angola, 236, 2j2 ; as
Clergy: popular respect for, I79-8o; gold sailors, 2j2, 265 ; conscripted to re-
smugglers, 157; in Minas Gerais, I 57; plenish garrisons, 2j2; in prison of
non-adherence to vow of celibacy, 157, Salvador, 25 I, 2j2, 253 ; crimes of, 246-
I58, 332, 335; forbidden to hold office 247 ; suggested commutation of sen-
in brotherhoods, I09; brotherhood of, tences of, 85. See also Misericordia,
2I4; relations with Misericordia of Santa Casa da
Salvador, I02-3, I95-6, 2I41 258; hold Coque, Francisco, I87, I9o
office in the Misericordia, 94, 104, Io9, Coromandel coast, 33
120, 123, 127-8; employees of the Corregedor da comarca, 239
Misericordia, 94, I95-6, 207-8, 28I; Correia, Felippe, 94, I49, I7I-2, 18I, I82,
brothers of the Misericordia, I25, 214; I86, I9I
donors to the Misericordia, 90, r 58-9, Correia de Aragao, Catharina F rancisca, 240
I64; not included in census, 226; em- Costa, Dom Duarte da, 85
ployees of Misericordia of Lisbon, 22 ; Costa, Isabel da, I 79, I 86
clash with Misericordia of Goa, 214 n. ; Costa, Joiio da, I 56
oppose Affonso de Albuquerque's marri- Costa, Sebastiao Dionisio da, I 32
age policy, 26 Costa Barreto, Roque da, 41
Cochin, 25. See also Misericordia, Santa Costae Faria, Luis da, Io9, 334
Casada Costa Ferreira, Joseph da, 242
Cock, Mr, I87n. Costa Franco, Francisco da, 279-80
Coelho, Duarte, 39 Council of the Indies, 356
Coelho de Sousa, Joao, 73 Council of Trent, I02
Coelho Porto, Manuel, 249 n. Couto, Diogo do, quoted, 235; mentioned,
Coimbra, 8, 9, Io, II, I4, 16, 17, I 37; Uni- 27n., 239
versity of, 240, 279· See also Miseri- Covilha, Pero de, 24
cordia, Santa Casa da Crime: in Asia, 234-5; in Bahia, 24o-6; pre-
Collegia funeraticia, 202 dominance of coloured offenders, 246 ;
Coloca;ao familiar, 298, 299 penalties for, 246-7
Colombo, 28, 33· See also Misericordia, Santa Cruz, O.P., Fr Gaspar da, 34n.
Casada Cubas, Bras, 39
Colour prejudice and discrimination: in Culto metrico, see Pires de Carvalho e Albu-
brotherhoods and Third Orders of Salva- querque, Jose
412 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Currency, shortage of, in Salvador, 69--70, 32, 33, 175-6; currency for sent to
98, 10~, 178, 323 Portugal from Brazil, I78 ; class distinc-
tions in legacies for, 176-7 ; for slave
Dahomey, 68. See also Slaves and slavery girls, I 82-3. See also Misericordia,
Damao, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da Santa Casa da
Damazio, Ant6nio Joaquim, So, 88n., 327 Duarte, Dom, 13
Dampier, William, quoted, 58, 66, 187n.; Dundas, Robert, 263
mentioned, 63, 65, 263, 272 Dutch : trading companies, 55 ; invasion of
Datheus, 295 Brazil, 55-7; occupation of Salvador,
Defeito de sangue, see Colour prejudice and 56-7, 87-8, 239; families in Salvador,
discrimination ; Religious prejudice and I29; in west African ports, 55, 56;
discrimination destroy archives of Misericordia, Salva-
Desembargadores (High Court judges) : veni- dor, So, 88; Ant6nio Vieira's sermons
ality in Portuguese India of, 235 ; in on relief of Salvador from, 73-4 ; attacks
Relapio of Salvador, 239-40; rivalry on Portuguese settlements in Orient, 28,
with municipal council, 238-9, 248, 353; 33, 359; war indemnity to, 65, 305
Provedors of the Misericordia, 111-12, Dye woods, 37, p, 59; Portuguese Crown
120n., 239> 328 monopoly of, 38
Desterro, Convent of the, see Poor Clares Dysentery, 48, 83, 262, 265, 289
Diamonds : export from Brazil of, 78, 153,
154; discovery of, 70; smuggling of, East India Company, Dutch, ;;
70, 154, 245; Crown monopoly of, 338 East India Company, English, 283
Dias, Anselmo, 97, I05, 108, 110, I22 East India Company, Ostend, 287
Dias, Bartholomeu, 24 East Indiamen, Portuguese : put into Salva-
Dias, Henrique, 218-I9 dor with sick aboard, I 59, 263, 265-6,
Dias, Luis, 47 269, 270-1, 286-8, 293; diet on, 265,
Dias Baiao, Francisco, 18 I 287; quality of sailors on, 8, 252, 265
Dias d'Avila family, 62, 118, I25 Educanda, term explained, 322
Dias d'Avila, Francisco (2nd), 150, I5I Einbeck, 295
Dias d'Avila, Francisco (3rd), 110, 203, 24o- Emigration : from Portugal to Brazil, 50, 6o-
241 6I, 129, 225; from Atlantic Islands, ;o,
Dias de Novais, Paulo, 36 6o, I 29 ; bachelors predominate in, 50,
Dias de Ottoes, Ant6nio, 95, 166, I7I, 186, 120, I2I, 123; of Jews from Spain and
191, 221 Portugal to Holland, 55 ; of Jews to
Dias do Prado, Francisco, 246 n. Brazil, 136
Diniz, KingDom, 7, 8, I2; as philanthropist, Encomienda(s), 357
9, 1I ; European contacts of, 14 ; pro- Encostada, term explained, 330
tector of agriculture, 67 England, exports to Portugal from, 337
Diseases in Bahia : pattern of, 26o-2, 288- English : ships on the Brazilian coast, 282-3 ;
290; slaves as carriers of, 225, 26I-2, consul in Salvador, 187n.; residents in
265, 289-90. See also East Indiamen ; Salvador, I29, 283; intervention in the
Slaves and slavery ; Misericordia, Santa River Plate, 78 ; attacks on Portuguese
Casa da, Salvador, hospitals in Orient, 359
Diu, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da English Alliance, 78
'Dog does not eat dog' attitude in Portuguese Ergotism, 10
India, 235 Espendola, Henrique Luis d', 158
Domingues, Pedro, I83 Espirito Santo, see Misericordia, Santa Casada
Donatories in Brazil, 38-9, 46 Estatistica da Bahia, see Oliveira Mendes,
Dorth, Jan van, ;6 Manuel de
Dote de lnglaterra e paz de Holanda, 65, 305 Estatistica de Lisboa, 16
Douro, 8, I29 Ethiope resgatado, etc., see Ribeiro Rocha,
Dowries : as Portuguese Crown policy, 25-6, Manuel
Index 413

Evora, 6, 8, 9, II, I4, I6, 359· See also Freire de Andrada, Gomes, 78, 289, 353
Miseric6rdia, Santa Casa da Freitas, Ant6nio de, I 54
French: pirates in Bay of All Saints, 37-8,
Factories (trading posts), Portuguese, 24, 25, 45-6; Capuchins in Salvador, 322 ;
28, 32, 3), 38, I74 Sisters of Mercy in Salvador, 36I ;
Fado, 78 surgeon in Salvador, 290; in Seven
Falta de justifa, 239 Years War, 78
Famine: in western Europe, I; in Portugal, Freyre, Gilberta, 233
6, 7 ; in Para!ba, 67 Frezier, Amedee Fran~ois, 226, 265, 272;
Fanado, 70 quoted, 320
Fernandes, Ant6nio, I39, 256-7 Friars, see St F rands, Order of; Capuchin
Fernandes, Diogo, I8I, I83 friars ; St Benedict, Order of; Carme-
Fernandes, Gon~alo, I6 lite Order
Fernandes, Joanna, 94, I86, I87, I9I, I97 Frager, F., 272, 320
Fernandes Barros, Bernardim, 220 Frois, S.J., Luis, 35
Fernandes Costa, Manuel, I)3-4, I68 Fulahs, I82
Fernandes de Freitas, Domingos, I5J, I68, Funerals: by brotherhoods in Portugal, I3,
I7I, I86. I9I, 349 202; in Roman Empire, 201-2; by
Fernandes de Tavora, Estevao, 8I, 83 brotherhoods in Salvador, 203-4, 209-
Fernandes do Sim, Francisco, n8, I86, I9I 2I 3, 2I4-20 ; social prestige attached to,
Fernandes Vieira, Matheus, 2I8n. I6)-6, 204, 205, 2I3, 272; extravagance
Fernando Noronha, Island of, 2)2 of, I67. See also Miseric6rdia, Santa
Ferraz de Sousa, Domingos, 2IO Casa da, Salvador
Ferreira, Felix, 22, 40 Furtado de Castro do Rio de Mendon~a (Vis-
Ferreira, Francisco, 136 count of Barbacena), Alfonso, n6n.
Ferreira, Jer6nima, I77 Furtado de Mendon9a, Joao, 2I)
Ferreira, Jorge, 89, 92, 94, I76-7
Ferreira de Mattos, Jose, II3-I4 Galveas (Dom Andre de Mello e Castro),
Ferreira Machado, Simao, quoted, I)) Count of, 27I, 280, 286, 287; relations
Fialho, Hilario dos Santos, 123 with Miseric6rdia, I09, 250; economic
Fifths, on gold, 70 reports by, 64, 66; and slave trade, 68,
Flanders, 37 121
Fleets, see Brazil fleets Gama, Vasco da, 25
Florence, 3, 4, I4, 295 Gama de Andrade, Simao da, 89
Flour, see Manioc Garimpeiro, I 55
Fort Jesus, 25, 36 Garrisons, Portuguese : undermanned in
Forts and fortresses, Portuguese : on Indian India, I74; manned by convicts, 2)2;
Ocean, 25, 28, p, I74; in Salvador, 46, in Angola, 36; in Sao Tome, ;8;
;8, 283, 287 soldiers of treated by Miseric6rdia :
Foundlings: hospices in western Europe for, Angola, 36-7; Mozambique, 35; Salva-
295 ; alleged product of miscengenation, dor, 2I6, 26;-6, 27o-I, 275, 284-6, 292-
3I2-I4; responsibility in Portuguese 293,347; Salvador: treated by municipal
Empire for, 296-8. See also Miseric6rdia, medical staff, 269, 284; unpopularity of
Santa Casa da service in, 284; barracks of, 27I, 284,
Frades, Ilha dos, 43, I93, 267n. 285 ; military hospital for, 27o-I, 285,
Francis I, King of France, 46 36o; brotherhoods of, Salvador, 2I4,
Francis Xavier, St, see Xavier, (St) Francis 2Ij-I6; Rio de Janeiro, 2I) n.; tem-
Franciscans, see St F rands, Order of porary marriages by soldiers of, 309-IO;
Franco, Paulo, I89 mutiny of Salvador garrison, I 12, I 89 ;
Freire, Gomes, I3I undermanned, 58; conscnpuon of
Freire, Luzia, I So gypsies suggested, 243 ; pay of, 293 ;
Freire, Thome, 27 class distinctions in, I 33 ; colour dis-
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
crimination in, I33 n., I4I, 2I8-I9; Guedes de Brito, Ant6nio, II8, 203
composition of, p, 284, 285 ; coloured Guimaraes 9, ' '
regiment of Henrique Dias in, 2I8-I9 Guinea, 18, 55 ; slave trade from, 24 n., 5o,
Goa: capture of, 25, 46, 234; commercial 59
importance of, 23, 2 5, 29 ; defence of, Guisenrode family, I29
28 ; adultery prevalent at, 33 ; Rela;ao Gypsies in Brazil, 243
of, 235, 239; lack of white women at,
25-6, I74-5 ; colonisation of, compared Haulthain, Colonel, 57
with Salvador, II7, 175; hospitals of, Hausa, 141
29-32 ; visited by Pyrard de Laval, 29, Heeren XIX, 55, 57
33, p, 87. See also Misericordia, Santa Henrique Dias, Regiment of, 2I8-I9
Casada Heyn, Piet, 56
Goch, Michie! van, 57 Hides, exported from Bahia, 59, 6o. See also
Godinho da Maia, Joao, I96n. Cattle
Goiana, 57 Historia da America Portugue{a, see Rocha
Goias, 6o, 78 Pitta, Sebastiao da
G6is, Theodora de, I82 Historia militar do Brasil, see Mirales, Jose
Gold: exports from Brazil, 78, I30, In, I 54, de
338; discovery in Minas Gerais, 70; Holland, 55· See Dutch
strikes in Bahia, 70, I 54 ; routes to min- Honorato, J oao, 255
ing areas, 44 ; repercussions on Bahian Hormuz, 25, 28, 29. See also Misericordia,
economy, 67-8, 70, 78, III; royal Santa Casa da
fifths on, 70; smuggled, 70, I 54, I 57, Hospitallers, Order of, I I
242 ; re-exported from Portugal, 337; Hospitals : of corporations of artisans, 2, 12;
African, 24, 59, I 59 ; Portuguese as in Portugal, 8-9, II-12, I3; reformed in
carriers of Chinese, 25; legacies to Miseri- Portugal, II-12, IJ-I4, I6-I7. See also
cordia of Salvador derived from mining Misericordia, Santa Casa da
areas, I 53-4; precarious existence in Hospitals
mining areas, I 53-4 ; difficulty of law All Saints (Goa), 29
enforcement in mining areas, 234, 243- All Saints (Lisbon), I4, 22, 84, 296
245; townships in mining areas, 154, Our Lady of Candles (Salvador), 85,
15 5 ; decline of Brazilian gold, 338 260
Goldsmiths, 126, 130 Our Lady of Mercy (Goa), 29
Gomes, Pedro, I 12, II 8 Royal Hospital of the Holy Spirit (Goa),
Gomes Monteiro, Simao, I98, 339 29, 84
Gomes Oliveira, Ant6nio, I 54 St Christopher (Salvador), 260 f.
Gon~alves, Joao, 165 St Elisabeth (Salvador), 360, 364
Gon~lves da Camara Coutinho, Ant6nio St Mary of the Innocents (Santarem), 295
Luis, 75 San Andres (Lima), 356
Gon~alves da Rocha, Ant6nio, 188 The Holy Spirit (Rome), 295
Gon~lves de Mattos, Pedro, 9I, 92 The Immaculate Conception (Mexico
Gon~alves Pena, Jose, 326 City), 357
Gon~lves Pereira, Ant6nio, 109 The Poor (Goa), 29
Gon~alves Viana, Manuel, 3I2 Hostelries, 8-9, I o, I I
Good Hope, Cape of, 24
Governors in Brazil, relations with governor- Igarassu, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
general or viceroy, 50, 78, 353 Ilheus, I 58. See also Misericordia, Santa
Graham (Lady Callcott), Maria, 228-9, 264 Casada
Grao Para trading company, 338 India, Portuguese colonisation of, 25-6, 174-
Guanabara, Bay of, 38, 40 175, 234-5
Guedes, Ant6nio, 256 Indiamen, see East Indiamen
Guedes de Brito family, 62 Indians of Brazil, see Amerindians
Indios mansos, 50 emigration to Brazil, I 36 ; prominent in
Influenza and pulmonary ills, in Salvador, Salvador, so, 52, I35-6. See also New
26I, 288, 289 Christians ; Religious prejudice and
Innocent VIII, Pope, I4 discrimination
Inquisition, not established in Brazil, 50, 5::1. Joanes, River, 6o
Interest rates in Salvador, 70, Io6, I97, I98 Joao I, KingDom, see John of Aviz
Isabel, Queen of Portugal, n, 295 Joao II, King Dom, 7, II ; anti-plague
Italy: brotherhoods in, 3-5 ; links with measures, 6; hospital reform, 13-14,
Portugal, I4-I 5 296 ; r6le in discoveries, 24, 25
Itamaraci, 38, 57· See also Misericordia, Joao III, King Dom, 6, 102; initiates settle-
Santa Casa da ment of Brazil, 38-9, 45-7, 52; attitude
Itapagipe, 89 to overseas possessions, 235-6
Itaparica, Island of, 43, 46, 57, I93 Joao IV, KingDom, orders relief ofltaparica,
I tapoan, 6o, 89 57; borrows from Misericordia of G6a, :r.8
Ivory, 55, 59, I59 Joao V, KingDom, 64, 67, 69, 78, 102, no,
II3, II4, 177, 218, 248, 270, 279, 283 n.,
Jaboatiio, O.S.F., Fr Ant6nio de S. Maria, 290; concern for slaves, 139-40, 141-2,
77 211)-20, 25 5-'7; fear of slave revolt, 141 ;
Jacobina, 69, I 54; gold strike at, 70; status threatens expropriation of latifundia, 6:r.,
of township, 244 ; notorious for crimes, 117; administrative policy of, Io8 ;
244; chief justice resident at, 245 Maecenas of arts, 76 ; abolishes jui;. do
Jacques, Crist6vao, 37-8 povo in Salvador, 126 ; recognises suita-
Jaffna, 33· See also Miserit:Ordia, Santa Casada bility of business class for municipal
Jaguaripe, I93, 24I, 244 service, 64 ; policy on race relations,
Japan, Portuguese carriers for trade, 25 140; interest in natural history, 108,
Jer6nimo, Joao, 273 249 ; restricts passage of girls from
Jesuits, edifying r6le in Portuguese expansion, Brazil to Portugal, 179; shocked by
:r.6; on fleet of Tome de Sousa, 47; as amorality of Salvador, 301-2; order on
intermediaries for ransom of captives, laxity in terms of address, 13 5 ; dis-
33 ; persecuted in Oporto, 76 ; expelled regard for Bahian economy, 70; his
from Brazil, 77, 338 ; missionary villages death as end of an era, 337 ; opposes
of, 77, 26I, 290, 333; trading interests in Bahian slave-trade monopoly, II7;
Para and Maranhao, 338; administrators relations with coloured brotherhoods,
of Royal Hospital of the Holy Spirit in 2I9-20 ; intervention in Third Order of
G6a, 29 ; r6le in foundation of Miseri- St Francis, Salvador, II3-14, 213, 241;
cordias, 36, 40, 4I, 8I, 82; collaborate relations with Misericordia, Salvador,
with Misericordias in medical assistance, 101, 107, 108, IIO, III-12, 189, 2I5,
4I ; relations with Misericordias : in 2I9-20, 249, 253, 257, 258, 292-3, 30o-
G6a, 29, 33, 236; in Mozambique, 35; 30I, 305-6, 307; authorises foundation
in Salvador, 89, 9o-2, I97; Jesuit Col- of a Misericordia at Vila Rica de Ouro
lege of St Antiio, Lisbon, 9I-2; Jesuit P~to, 134
College, Salvador, 49, so, 51, 52, 58, 71, Joao, Manuel, 156-7, 168
77, 87, 271 ; as military hospital, 271, John of Aviz, 7
36o ; admittance of coloured pupils to, Jose I, KingDom, 337, 342; prohibits use of
329. See also Anchieta, Jose de; Car- term New Christian, 145; encourages
dim, Fernao; N6brega, Manoel da; white-Amerindian marriages, 139, 338;
Vieira, Ant6nio orders transfer of Brazilian capital, 79 ;
Jesu, Theresa de, 193 alters interest rate on loans, 198 ; ap-
Jesus Maria, Theresa de, 332n. proves establishment of a leprosery in
jesus Maria joseph, 25::1. n. Salvador, 290; orders enquiry into
Jews, expelled from Castile, 6; emigration Misericordia, Treasury and municipal
from Spain and Portugal to Holland, 55 ; council of Salvador, 114, 339
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Juan I, King of Castile, 7 Lencastre, Dom Joao de, 75, 270; CIVIC
]ui:r_ de fora, 100, 238, 239, 279 interests of, 58, I7I, 247, 266; founds
j uiz do crime, 2 39 townships, 244 ; report to king on girls
]uiz do povo, 11.6 being sent to Portugal, I78; interven-
juiz ordinaria, 238 tion in judiciary, 253; advocates use of
Justice : effectiveness in the Orient and Brazil Amerindian girls as servants, 333
compared, 234-6, 243; right of appeal LeiJa, 8I
to Crown, I 39, 257 ; physical difficulty Leonor, Queen of Portugal, as a philanthro-
of enforcing law in Brazil, 234, 243, 244- pist, I I-I 2 ; role in foundation of the
245; influenced by powerful families, Misericordia, I, Ij-I6
Ioo, 239-4I ; hearsay evidence accepted, Leproseries: in Portugal, 8, 9-10, I3; in
256; use of judicial torture, 256-7; Salvador, 27I-2, 288, 290. See also
dilatory administration of, I7, IOO, 253 ; Misericordia, Santa Casa da, Goa, Ma-
creation of townships improves effective- cao
ness, 244. See also Relariio Leprosy: in Portugal, 9; in Salvador, 262,
288 ; confused with scurvy, 290
Kaffir girls, 26, 34 Levant, decline of, 25
Kilwa, 25, 35 Lichthart, Jan Corneliszoon, )7
Kindersley, Mrs Nathaniel Edward, I66, 272 Lima, 356
Lima, Helena de, 332
La Barbinais, Le Gentil de, I67, 3II Limoeiro prison, Lisbon, I 7
La Pelerine, 38 Linschoten, J. H. van, 33
Lafoes, 9 Lisbon: population of, 3I3; plague in, 6;
Lamberto, Francisco, 323, 324 Castilian siege of, 7; earthquake, 337;
Land values, fall in Bahia of, I97 imports from England, 337; position in
Landowners, latifundian, in Bahia : nature triangular trade with Brazil and Angola,
of, 6I-2, 117, I34, 354, 357; prominent 59, "7, 349· See also Misericordia,
in local government, 62-3 ; prominent Santa Casa da ; Hospitals
in brotherhoods and Third Orders, 63, Lopes, Fernao, 7
I I7-I8, I2) ; donors to the Miseric6rdia, Lopes, Joao, I ;8
II7-I8, I49-p, I62-3; intermarried, Lopes, Joseph, I 83
63, II9; influence on justice, Ioo, 239- Lopes Oleira, Maria, I84
24I ; religious belief of, I p, I62, I65-8; Louren<;o Marques, see Misericordia, Santa
decline of, IIo-II, II9-20; compared Casado
with New Spain, 3 57· See also Cattle Luanda: foundation of, 36; slave trade, )I,
ranchers ; Sugar planters 59; triangular trade with Brazil and
Lapa convent, Salvador, 130, I32 Portugal, 59· See also Misericordia,
Laudemio, term explained, 90 Santa Casa da ; Angola
Lavradio (Dom Antonio de Almeida Soares Lundu, 78
e Portugal), IS! Marquis of, 2I6 Luza, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Lavradio (Dom Luis Antonio de Almeida
Portugal), 2nd Marquis of, 207 Macao, Portuguese settlement at, 2 5, 234 ;
Leal, Joanna, I37, I38 care of foundlings at, 297 ; shortage of
Leather, see Hides white women at, I75 ; vice at, JOI. See
Legal discrimination: against Negroes, 246; also Misericordia, Santa Casa da
against slave, 246, 255-6, 3 II Madeira, ; 2. See also Misericordia, Santa
'Legitimacy of the womb' attitude in colonial Casada
Bahia, I8o-I Madre de Deus, Island of, 43, I93
Lei da ventre, term explained, 3I4 Madre de Deus, Fr Manuel da, 256-7
Leiria, 11, 12 Mafalda, I4
Leitao, Dom Pedro, 94 Mafia, 35
Leite, S.J., Serafim, 40n., So Magalhaes, Bento de, 308 n.
Mahim, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da Melo e Castro, Francisco de, 34
Mal de Luanda, see Scurvy Mendonc;a Furtado, Diogo de, 56
Malabar, 2.4 Meneses, Dom Aleixo de, 2.7, :>.8, 32.
Malacca, 2.5, :>.S. See also Misericordia Meneses, Dam Rodrigo Jose de, 362
Santa Casa da Merchants and businessmen : prejudice
Malaria, :>.6I, :>.SS against, in Portuguese world, I 20 ;
Mameluco(s), term explained, and Ponuguese semitic stigma of, I 2o-I, I 35 ; achieve
Crown policy towards, 13S-9 financial consolidation in Salvador, 63-4 ;
Mangalore, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da social acceptance of, 64, uo, I2I ; hold
Manila, 106. See also Misericordia, Santa Casa office in the Misericordia, I2I-4, I35,
Ja 354; donors to the Misericordia, Ip-2,
Manioc, 67, I 53, :>.64-5 I 59, I62-3; brotherhood of, 64;
Mannar, see Misericordia, Santa Casa Ja prominent in the Third Order of the
Manuel I, King Dam, 6, 25, :>.6, 45, 46, 2.36; Carmelites, 348 ; on municipal council,
undertakes hospital reform in Portugal, 64 ; relations with sugar planters, 69-'70 ;
I4, I6-I7; title adopted by, 37; en- Board of Business Men, I2I ; term
couragement of sugar industry, 5:>. ; dis- 'merchant' defined by Dam Pedro II,
interest in Brazil, 37; role in foundation 125; in Vila Rica de Ouro Prete, IJ4-5,
of Misericordia, I, I6-I7; grants privi- 155; in New Spain, 357
leges to Misericordia, I7-I9, 99, 2.37-S, Mestiros, Portuguese Crown policy towards,
2.96,304 I39
Maos de ohra, 67. See also Slaves and slavery Mexico City, 357
Maragogipe, I93 Milan, 3, 29 5
Maranhao, 57, 6o, 69, 2.43; measles epidemic Military service, see Garrisons ; Soldiers
in, 2.90; Jesuits in, 33S Militia, at Salvador, I31, 14o-I
Mare, Island of, 43 Mina (Eimina), S. Jorge da, 24
Mariana, I 55 Mina women, qualities of, 182
Marques, Andre, I:>.I, 123, 2.9I Minas (Dom Ant6nio Luis de Sousa Tello de
Martins Pereira, Francisco, 104, uo, 12.7, Meneses), 2nd Marquis of, 288
12.9 Minas Gerais, 6o, 69,78; discovery of gold in,
Mascarenhas, Dom Fr Simao, 36 70, 7S, 234; slaves in, 67-8, 14I-2, 148;
Mascarenhas Pacheco Pereira Coelho de Melo, emigration from Bahia to, 154-5 ; town-
Jose, 76-7 ships in, 15 5 ; precarious life in, 15 3-4 ;
Massangano, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da clergy in, I 57; crime prevalent in, 234,
Mato Grosso, 6o, 78 243 ; tolls on river passages in, 307 ; end
Mattos, Greg6rio de, I44 ; biographical of gold boom in, 33S ; routes to, 44
sketch, 74-5 ; quoted, I67 Minho, s, I29
Mattos, Joao de, 63, I so, I67, I6S, IS:>., 349 Mining and miners : townships in Minas
Mattos de Aguiar, Joao de, biographical Gerais, 15 5 ; townships in Bahia, 15 4,
sketch of, 63-4; philanthropist, 98, I IS, 2.44 ; encampments, 15 4 ; mobility of
I50, Ip, I6o, I70, I87, ISS, I92., :>.S3, miners, 69 ; outbid planters for slaves,
323, 32.7; provision for the saying of 67-8; leave horses at Cachoeira, 243
masses, Io4, xp, 168; legacy adminis- Mint at Salvador, 5S, 69, 245, 323, 324, p6
tered by the Misericordia, I:>.:>., I9o, I96, Mirales, Jose de, 77
I97, 303, 32.6-7, 335, 340 Miranda Ribeiro, Agostinho de, 130
Mauritsstad, 57 Miranda Ribeiro, Joao de, 130, IJ2
Measles, 26I, 289-90 Miscegenation : in India, 25-6, 174-5 ;
Medici, Cosimo de, 4 Ponuguese policy of, IJ8-9; with
Medicines, imported into Brazil, :>.63, :>.67-8, Amerindian, 45-6, 13S-9; with Ne-
278, 29I gresses, 138-9, 182, 183, 309-IO;
Melo, Dom Francisco Manuel de, quoted, medical aspects of, 26o-2 ; foundling
J2.0n. alleged product of, JI2-I4
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Misericordia, Santa Casa da, branches of: Misericordia, Santa Casa da--contd.
Africa, 36--7, 365 ; Far East, 34-5, 365 ; Jaffna, 33
Brazil, 39-4I, 365 ; India, 27-34, 365 Lisbon: foundation, 1, I4-I7; royal
Amboina, 35 privileges, I7-I9, 99, 237-8, 304-5, 350;
Azores, 365 class distinction, I, 20; Compromissos, I,
Bassein, 34 16, I\)-22, 96, I24-5, 350; alJeged
Be!em do Para, 40 Italian influence in foundation, I4-I 5 ;
Bengal, 34n. elections, 20, 2I ; duties of Mesa, 2I-2;
Bissau, 365 executor of wills, I 8, 28 ; relations with
Braga, I 51, 349 municipal council, IS, I9, 296--7; rela-
Bungo, 35 tions with judiciary, I8-I9; relations
Cachoeira, I94n. with other branches of the Misericordia,
Calicut, 34n. 9I, 93, 349, 350; autonomy from ecclesi-
Cannanore, 34 astical authorities, 82 ; administers
Chaul, 33 hospital, 22, 84, 296 ; care for found-
Cochin, 33, 236 lings, 296--7, 304-5, 313-14, 316; aid
Coimbra, 17 for prisoners, I7-I8, 2I-2, 237; expul-
Colombo, 33 sion, 2.0-1; mordomos, 21-2; accom-
Damao, 34n. panying and burial of condemned, 20,
Diu, 33,35 237; official functions, 20
Esplrito Santo, 40, 300 Louren~o Marques, 365. See also Mozam-
Evora, 19 bique
Goa: foundation, 27; Compromissos, 27, Luanda, 365 ; foundation, 36 ; member-
116, 297, 350; royal privileges, 27; ship, 36 ; hospital, 36, 349, 35I-2 ;
membership numbers, 27; class distinc- Crown financial aid, 36, 351-2; aid for
tion, 27 ; expulsion, 27 ; threatened prisoners, 36 ; care for foundlings, 297 ;
with excommunication, 27; 'rigged' preference on sale of slaves, 36 ; rela-
elections, 27, 352 ; loans to official tions with other branches of the Miseri-
bodies by, 28-9, 352; relations with cordia, 33. 36--7. 349. 351; decline, 36,
Crown, 28, 32, 294 ; relations with 300; relations with municipal council, 297
municipal council, 28, 29, p, 297, 352 ; Luza, I37
relations with viceroys or governors, 27, Macao, 294, 365 ; foundation, 34 ; hospital,
28, 29, 32, Io7, 116-I7, 352; relations 34; Compromisso, 34, 35, 116, 350;
with the Jesuits, 29-32, 33 ; relations royal privileges, 34-5 ; 'rigged' elec-
with archbishop, 27, 28, 32; relations tions, 35, 3 p. ; loans on poor securities,
with ecclesiastical authorities, 27, 29 ; 35; care for foundlings, 34, 297, 330;
relations with other branches of the orphanage, 34; leper house, 34, 351;
Misericordia, 33; dispute with clergy, dowries, 34 ; finances Japan voyages, 35 ;
2I4 n. ; decline of, 300; hospitals ad- relations with municipal council, 297,
ministered by, 29-32, 84, 351; leper 352 ; relations with governor-general,
house, 29,351 ; retirement houses, 32-3; 34, 352 ; difficulty of filJing executive
care for foundlings, 297, 3I 5 ; ransom of posts, 352; relations with other bran-
captives, 33, 351; orfas del Rei, 32; ches of the Misericordia, 33 ; religious
loans on poor securities, Io7, 352; discrimination, 34
difficulty of filling executive posts, 352; Madeira, 23, 365
executor of wilJs, 28, 33 ; aid for prison- Mahim,34n.
ers, 33; colour discrimination, 32, 33; Malacca, 33
religious discrimination, 32 Mangalore, 34 n.
Hormuz, 34 Manila, 34n., 35
IgarassU., 4I Mannar, 34
Illieus, 40 Massangano, 36--7
Itamaraci, 40 Mombasa, 36
Miseric6rdia, Santa Casa da-contd. Misericordia, Santa Casa da-contd.
Mozambique, 35· See also Lourens:o Mar- posts, to8, 109, 121-3, 338, 344; land-
ques owners as Provedors, 63, II7-20, 125,
Muscat, 34 n. I 50, 162; business class holding office,
Nagasaki, 35 121-4, 135, 354
Negapattinam, 34n. Relations with the Portguese Crown, xoo,
Olinda, 40, 349 107, xoS, no, 111~12, 146, 189,211,215,
Oporto, 16, 19, 296 219-20, 249. 253. 257-S, 271, 294. 300-
Paralba, 40 301, 307, 317~18, 323, 324, J25, 32S~9,
Ponte de Lima, 349 332, 333, 347-S; subject of royal enquiries,
Porto Segura, 40 IOo-I, 114, 129, 31S, p8n., 339-45;
Rio de Janeiro : foundation, 40; burial of Crown financial aid, 84, S7, t6S, 271,
slaves, 22 3 ; care for foundlings, 29S ; 292~3, 300, 305~6, 341, 346, 347, J)I;
hospital, 3)1-2; aid for prisoners, 352; relations with Jesuits, S9, 90-2, 197;
Crown financial aid, 351-2 ; relations relations with municipal council, IOI-2,
with governor, 223; governor as Pro- 132, 294, 298~301, 324~5, 326, 329, 347;
vedor mooted, 117 n. ; relations with municipal aid, 146, 292, 306--7, 317, 341,
Misericordia of Salvador, 349, 351 342, 344, 345, 346; relations with
Salvador : foundation, So-6 ; Compro- viceroys or governors-general, 107, IOS,
missos, 96, 97-S, 104,362-3; royal privi- 109-10, III, 120, 171, 189, 207, 216,
leges,93-4,99-103, 163-4,212-13,237- 219,222-4,239. 258, 271,275, 283, 2.84-
23S, 249, 252, 254, 345-6; infringement 285, 302-6, 318, 32S, 329, 331~2, 333,
of privileges, 99-103, 2oS-12, 214, 215- 334, 338, 342~4, 347-S; relations with
216, 217-xS, 341, 347; Papal privileges, other brotherhoods and Third Orders,
103-4, 257; archives destroyed by 93~4, 144, >.o8-21, 270, 2.S6; relations
Dutch, So, SS ; official functions, 105, with judiciary, 99-101 ; relations with
133, 25S, 341 ; described by Gabriel ecclesiastical authorities and clergy, I02-
Soares de Sousa, S7 ; membership num- I03, 125, 195-6, 214, 25S, 302-3, 331,
bers, SS, 127--9 ; irmiio de maior condifiio, 346, 347; relations with other branches
term defined, 20, 125 ; irmiio de menor of the Misericordia, 91, 93, 148,
condifiio, term defined, 20, 125-6; irmiio 253~4, 34S~5o, 35 '• 36o; relations
da vara, 204, 207; homem de azul, 204, with religious orders, 89, 90, 209-
232; class distinctions, 104, 106, 12.4- 212.
, 3 5, 144, 25 4-5, 363 ; expulsion of Colour prejudice and discrimination, 125,
brothers, 122, 133-4, 135, 13S, 194, 143~4, tSS,>.t8, 232,2S0,329,334, 343;
195 n., 207,210,214,242,255,287; pro- religious prejudice and discrimination,
fessions of brothers, I 29-30 ; place of 124, 136~8, 144, t88, 205-6, 278, >.So,
origin of brothers, 129 ; election of 329, 334; legal staff, 254, 25 5~6; medi-
Mesa, procedure, 105-6, 363; 'rigged' cal staff, 94, 278~8o; clergy, 94, 195-6,
elections, 97, to6--IO, 111-12, 342; 207~S, 2Sr ; propinas, 341, 342, 343;
junta, 97, 104-5, 137, 363; junta De- status and obligations of the Provedor,
liberativa, 363 ; Definit6rio, 363 ; mor- 109~10, 111-12, 116, IIS, 341, 344
domo das ohras, 363; mordomo das treasurer, 121~4, 340, 342, 344
locaf5es, 363; mordomo do contencioso, Financial policy, 90, 92-3, 9S, 149-50, 163-
363; mordomo de fora, 363; mordomo(s) 165, 197, 341; maladministration and mis-
dos presos, too, 103,237,247,252, 254~5; appropriation of funds, 106--7, I 14, I22-
mordomo(s) das visitadas, 322; viceroys I23,I9S,I99~2oo,274,34D-2; property-
or governors-general as Provedors, S6, owner, 88, 89, 90, 149-50, 163~4, 341,
8S, 91, 94, 116--17; High Court judges as 364; involvement in law-suits, 90-2,
Provedors, 111-12, uon., 239, 328; 100-2, 19S, JOD-I, 339, 341 ; affected
ecclesiastics as Provedors, 94, 104, 109, by Bahian economic situation, 9S, xo6,
I w, I 20 n. ; difficulty of filling executive IID-II, 123, 146, 151, 159-72, 196--200,
420 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Misericordia, Santa Casa da-contd. Misericordia, Santa Casa da-contd.
343, 34 ~ ; social background of bene- acceptance, 329-30; recluses, 328, 329-
factors, n8-I9, I49-59; form of 330; boarders, 328, 330, 33I, 334, 335 ;
legacies, I63-5 ; financial extent of fees, 330; slaves employed, 333-4, 334-
legacies, I49, I6o-I, I69-70; legacies 335; revolt, 334-5; staff, 334, 335;
for the saying of masses, 88-9, 90, 103- numbers of inhabitants, 324, 326, 32.9,
Io4, I07, uo, I49, ISo-I, Ip, I 54, I~6- JJI, 335, 34I, 342; used as hospital
I57, I 58, I62, I67-70, I72; legacies for ward, 276 ; foundling wheel trans-
charitable purposes, 94, IOJ, n8-I9, ferred to, 36o. See also Relations with
I49, I p-2, I 54, I 58, I64, I68-72, I86- the Portuguese Crown ; Relations with
I87, 249-50, 2.75, 29I-2, JOB, JI7, 323; municipal council ; Relations with vice-
character oflegacies, I~~3 roys; etc.
Church, 86, 87, 94-5, 102., IOJ, n8, 12.9, Funerals and burials, 20I-33; of brothers
I33, I72., I9~> 2.2.9, 2.4~, 272, 2.73, 2.77; and their families, 204-6, 229 ; symbols
charnel-house, 2.2.9, 2.76, 2.77; ceme- of prestige, I 65-6, 207, 208 ; privileges
teries : for lazars, 362. ; Campo da challenged, 2.08-20; facilities for, 22I-
P6lvora, 228, 2.2.9, 2.69, 362.; Campo 222; of slaves, 217, 2I9, 220, 22I, 222-3,
Santo, 36I-2., 364; Beggars' Asylum, 224, 226-7; of children, 223-4, 227 ;
362 ; Hospice for Lazars, 362 ; Hospice of soldiers, 2I 5-I6; charitable, 2.27-8,
of S. Joao de Deus, 362. ; Asylum of Our 288 ; numbers of, 224-5, 227, 288 ; of
Lady of Mercy, 36I, 364; lntemato condemned, 257, 258; staff employed,
Emestina Guimariies, 364; pharmacy, 232; financial aspects of, 93, I65--{),
274, 2.77-8, 2.9I, 2.93; water cistern, 22.9, 2.I5-I6, 2I9, 22o-I, 222, 2JQ-2
2.74,2.76 Prison aid, 234-59; for convicts, 252-3 ;
Hospitals and medical care, 2.6o-94 ; medical aid, 247, 248, 251-2; legal
foundation, SI-6; St Christopher: assistance, 94, 247, 248-9, 253-7;
structure, 94-~, 2.73-7 ; bad conditions, rations distributed, 247, 248, 249-51;
264, 274-5, 2.76; cost of maintenance, feeding slaves, 25o-I ; accompanying
269-70, 29I-4; madhouse, 2.76; treat- condemned, 86, 257-8. See also Royal
ment of soldiers, 2.16, 2.65-6, 2.7o-I, 2.75, privileges
2.84-8, 2.92.-3, 347; treatment of sailors, Dowries, I73-200; selection for, I88-9;
I 59, 265, 2.70, 2.86-8, 293; treatment of conditions for candidates, I87-8, I9o-I ;
civilians, 28I-4; treatment of slaves, numbers of, I86-7, I91, 193-4, I97;
I82, 269, 28I ; treatment of Amerindians, for prospective nuns, I 94 ; for coloured
282 ; poor quality of care, 94, 28o, 29o- girls, I92.-3 ; places of origin of appli-
29I; alms for convalescents, I~2, 283; cants, I 93-4 ; priorities in allocation of,
diseases treated, 288-90 ; St Elisabeth, 189, 191-2, 317; maladministration of,
275, 36o, 364 94, I88, 189-90, I91, I94-5, I98-9. See
Foundling wheel and care for foundlings, also Religious prejudice ; Colour pre-
295-3I9; establishment of foundling judice ; Relations with Portuguese
wheel, 98, 302-7, 36o; cost of main- Crown ; Relations with viceroys ; etc.
tenance, 299-30I, 305-8, JI7-I9; num- Santos, 39
bers, JIJ, JI9; wet-nurses, 298, 299, Sao Luis de Maranhao, 41
304-5, JI5-I6, JI7, JIB, 339, 340, 36o; Sao Paulo, 40
after-care, 3I6-17; mortality rate, 3I5- Sao Tome, 34,365
JI6; colour of foundlings, JI3; Sao Tome de Meliapor, 33
Asylum of Our Lady of Mercy, 36I, Sena, 34n.
364 Se~pe,4o, I94,349
Retirement house, 32.o-36; construction, Tapuytapera, abolishes class distinction, IJI
I05, 323-8; cost of building and main- Tarapur, 34n.
tenance, 323, 327, 335; living condi- Tidor, 35
tions, 264, 32.7, 332-4; conditions of Viana do Castelo, 349
Index 421

Misericordia, Santa Casa da--contd. Muncipal councils--contd.

Vila Rica de Ouro Prl!to, abolishes class staff of, 2.67, 268, 2.79-So, 2.84 ; comedies
distinction, I 34-5 organised by, 77, 2.79-80 ; artisans repre-
Miun;a dos di{imos, 2.7I, 2.92., 300 sented on, 126 ; judicial function of,
Modinha,78 2.38-39; care for foundlings by, 2.98-
Moluccas, 2.5, 35 300, 305-6 ; taxation by, 65-6, 272, 3I 8 ;
Mombasa, 2.5, 2.8, 35-6. See also Miseri- plan for slave trade with east Africa, 68 ;
cordia, Santa Casa da representation to Crown to close gold
Moniz Barreto, Diogo, 8I, 82., 83, 84 mines, 67 ; attitude to foundation of
Monomotapa, 35, 86 convents and monasteries, 32.I, 32.2-3 ;
Monopoly contracts in Brazil : on dye woods, encourages establishment of leprosery,
37, 38; on diamonds, 338 2.7I-2; restricts distillation of brandy,
Monteiro de Vide, Sebastiao, 332. 2.45 ; concern with economic situation,
Montpellier, 2.95 65-6, 67; relations with viceroy or
Mont'Serrat, Church of, I 53 governor-general, 266, 269, 302-6, 353;
Moreira, Joseph, I89 relations with Crown, 65-6, 30I, 353·
Morgade, Gon~alo de, 90 See also Misericordia, Santa Casa da,
Mota, Pedro da, 337 Salvador
Moura Rolim, Dom Francisco de, 88, u6n. Muscat, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Mozambique, 2.5, 35, 2.79· See also Miseri- Music, in Salvador, 77-8
cordia, Santa Casada Muxima, 36
Mulattos : Portuguese Crown policy to-
wards, I38-9, 358; social rise of, I39, Nagasaki, 23, 25. See also Misericordia,
I43, 358; brotherhoods of, I42.-3; in Santa Casa da
New Spain, 358. See also Colour pre- Nago, I4I
judice and discrimination Nascimento, Clemencia do, I9I n.
Municipal councils : in Portugal, impose Nassau-Siegen, Johan Maurits van, 57
sumptuary laws, 6 ; establish leper Negapattinam, see Misericordia, Santa
houses, 9 ; legally responsible for care Casada
of foundlings, 2.96--7 ; in Portuguese Negroes : legal discrimination against, 246 ;
empire, 2.69, 358-9; in Spanish America, social inferiority of, I38, I43, I44-5, 2.I8,
2.69, 356 28I-2; brotherhoods of, I42-3, I44,
Cachoeira, 307 ISS, 2I6-2o; music of, 78. See also
Coimbra, I7 Bantu slaves ; Colour prejudice and
Goa, 2.8, 2.9, 32., 2.97, 352., 359 discrimination ; Slaves and slavery
Lisbon, 9, I8, I9, 2.96--7, 359 Nematode worms, 262
Luanda, 2.97, 359 New Christians : term explained, I 35 ; emi-
Macao,2.97,352.,359 gration from Spain and Portugal to
Oporto, I6, 2.96, 359 Holland, 55 ; emigration to Brazil, 136 ;
Rio de Janeiro, II4 prominent in Salvador, so, p, IJ5-6,
Salvador, monopolised by landed aristo- IJ8; as contractors in Brazil, 37; in
cracy, 62.-3, 66; reluctance to serve on, Rio de Janeiro, IJ8. See also Religious
64, no-n; mercantile class serving on, prejudice and discrimination
64, 354; 'rigged' elections, II4; royal New Spain, society and administration com-
enquiry into, II4, 339 ; alleged im- pared and contrasted with those of
pecuniosity of, II4, 306, 345 ; valuation Portuguese America, 2.69, 356-8
of sugar by, IOI ; perquisites of, 342, Ngola, King of Mbundu kingdom, 36
345 ; responsibility for prison, 247-8 ; Niger, River, 24
inaugurates examinations of artisans, 126, Nis, Manuel Valerio de, I 54, I8o
28o; rivalry with Rela;iio, 238-9, 248, Nobiliarquia paulista, see Taques, Pedro
30I, 353 ; measures concerned with N6brega, S.J., Manoel da, 47, 7I, 8I, 82, 85,
urban sanitation, 2.6o, 263---9 ; medical I75, 2.62; quoted, 48, So
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Noronha, Ferniio de, 37 Paes de Azevedo, Aleixo, 119
Nossa S"" do Rosario e S. Gon;alo, 2.69 Paes de Sande, Ant6nio, 297
Notlcia do Brasil, see Soares de Sousa, Palmares, >-so-x
Gabriel Pampilbosa, 8
Noticia geral desta capitania da Bahia, see Papal bulls, 13-14, 17, r8, 50
Caldas, Jose Ant6nio Para, 2.9o, 338
Novo Orhe Serafico Brasileiro, see Jaboatiio, Paragua¢, River, 38, 44, 307,313
O.S.F., Fr Ant6nio deS. Maria Paragua¢, Catharina de, 45
Nun, Cape, 2.4 Paraguay, 338
Nunes da Cunha, Joao, 12.2n. Paraiba, 57, 6o, 67. See also Misericordia,
Nunes de Figueredo, Joao, 132. Santa Casa da
Nunes Ferreira, Francisco, 205 n. Paripe, 193
Nunes Velbo, Joao, 2.79 Paris, 2.95
Nunes Viana, Manuel, 155 Passports, 157n., 2.2.5
Nuns: in Salvador, 226, 321-2; dowries for Patatiba, 63
intending, 179-So, 194; passage of girls Patta,35
from Brazil to Portugal to be, 177-81, Pe~anba, Manuel, 14
194, pr, 322, 329. See also Poor Clares Pederneira, 10
Niirnberg, 2.95 Pedro I, KingDom, 13, 14
Pedro II, KingDom, defines term 'merchant',
Oficiais mecanicos, term explained, 2o, 12.5. 125; concern for slaves, 139-40, 2.2.2-3,
See also Misericordia, Santa Casa da, 2.5 I, >.68 ; relations with Misericordia of
irmiio de menor condi;iio Salvador, roo, 2.71, 293, 323, 325, 333;
Ogilby, John, quoted, 53-4 protection for Misericordias, 41
Old Christian, 138, 144-5, 278, 279· See also Pegu,33
Misericordia, Santa Casa da, Salvador, Peru, 56, 3 56
religious prejudice and discrimination ; Peixoto Viegas, Joao, 12.5, 2.92.n.
Religious prejudice and discrimination Pemba, 35
Olinda, 57· See also Misericordia, Santa Pepper, 28, 159, 2.89
Casada Pereira, Galeote, 34 n.
Olive oil, 59, 333 Pereira, Nuno, 28
Oliveira, Diogo Luis de, 71, 91, 94, II6n. Pereira Coutinho, Francisco, 46, 47, 83
Oliveira Correia, Manuel de, 12.7n. Pereira da Silva, Agostinho, I 53
Oliveira Mendes, Manuel de, 77 Pereira Sodre, Jose, 2.41
Oliveira Porto, Francisco de, 2.49n. Pernambuco : captaincy of, 39; galla-
Oporto, 8, 9, II, r6, 76, 296, 359· See also Portuguese trading rivalry, 37, 38;
Misericordia, Santa Casa da sugar cultivation, 39, p, 6o, II I ; de-
Ordena;oes A./fonsinas, I 3 fence of, 65 ; drought in, 67 ; Dutch
Orfiis del Rei, 32., 175 invasions of, 55, 57; cangaceiros in, 243 ;
Orphanages: at Macao, 34, 35; at Salvador, handeirantes in, 6o; boundary with
So, 187. See Orfiis del Rei Bahia of, 44,245
Ostend East India Company, 287 Persian Gulf, 24, 25
Ott, Carlos, So, Sr, 129, 274 Peste da hicha, see Yellow fever
Ouro Preto, see Vila Rica de Ouro Preto Pharmacies: at Alcoba~, Io; at Salvador,
Ouvidor da comarca, roo inspections of, 265, >.66, 267-8 ; of
Ouvidor geral: at Goa, 23 5 ; at Salvador, Misericordia, 274, 277-8, 291, 293
239 Philip I, King of Portugal (II of Spain), 99
Overseas Council ( Conselho Ultramarino), 99, Philip III, King of Portugal (IV of Spain),
356 99.296-7
Phlebotomy, excessive practice of, 32, 290-1
Padre da agonia, 281 Piaui, 6o, 69
Padua, 295 Pinto de Freitas, Gon~lo, 88, 89
Index 42 3
Piraja, 193 25-6; Africa, 35-6; Brazil, 37-9;
Pirates: French and Breton 45, 46; Dutch, administration of overseas empire, 108,
H 234-6, 358-9; decline of overseas
Piratininga, Plateau of, 38 empire, 359-Gc
Pires de Carvalho, Jose, 177, 321 Portuguese: scorn for manual labour, 282,
Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, Jose, 77, 309; weakness for mistresses and saints,
203, 255, 285 167; alleged 'assimilating powers' of,
Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque, Salvador, 26, 175 ; chronic xenophobia, 129, 282-
109 283, 290, 322-3; excessive practice of
Pires Lima, Francisco, 154 phlebotomy, 32, 29o--1 ; entertain delu-
Plague : in western Europe, 1 ; in Florence, sions of grandeur, 133, 134, 147
4; Portugal, 5-6,7; Salvador, 225, 228, Praia do Rio Real, 148
268 Prester John, 24
Plate, River, 38,78 Price fluctuations: of property, 92-3, 342;
Poderosos do sertiio, 62 of slaves, 68, 148, 342; of cattle, 148; of
Pombal (Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Melo), sugar, 64-5, 66; of manioc flour, 67,
Marquis of: dictator of Portugal, 337; 264-5; prevalentinanagrarianeconomy,
establishes trading companies, 338 ; offi- 148-9; sugar plantations, 102
cially ends religious discrimination, 145; Principe, Island of, 17, 51
promises social equality for Amerindians, Prisons : Lisbon, 17; Cochin, 236; Pernam-
139, 145, 338; organises Crown dia- buco, 251; Salvador, 49, 58, 171, 247-8,
mond monopoly, 338; anti-Jesuit, 76---7, 2So-3, 290
338 ; invokes English Alliance, 78 Prison aid, by brotherhoods in Italy, 3, 237;
Ponta do Padriio, 46 in Portugal, 13. See also Misericordia,
Ponte, House of, see Guedes de Brito Santa Casa da
Ponte de Lima, 63. See also Misericordia, Privileges : of municipal council of Salvador,
Santa Casa da 318, 34 5 ; of Cistercians at Alcoba91, 1o ;
Poor Clares at Salvador: convent of, 134,177, offered by Alfonso de Albuquerque to
332; foundation, 58, 178, 321; secular encourage marriages, 25-6, 174; of
intervention in, II3, 322 ; amorous re- holders of commissions in militia, 131 ;
putation of, 179, 312, 322; viceroyal of soldiers' brotherhood in Salvador, 2.15.
intervention in, 179, 312, 322; class See also Misericordia, Santa Casa da
distinctions in, 134, 321 Prostitution: in Macao, 34; in Salvador, 301,
'Poor whites', 228, 282 311, 336
Population : western Europe, 1 ; Portugal, Provedor, term explained, 82
affected by overseas colonisation, 7 ; Provedor da Saude, :>.66---f
Lisbon, 313; Salvador, 47, so, 178, 225- Provincia do Norte, 175
226, 26o, 309, 313 Pulmonary infections, :>.88, 2.89
Porto Segura, 44, 45, 46. See also Miseri- Pureta de sangue, term explained, 12.4-5•
cordia, Santa Casa da See also Misericordia, Santa Casa da ;
Portugal: emigration to Brazil from, 5o,6o-1, Colour prejudice and discrimination ;
129, 136, 229; plague in, 5-6, 7 j de- Religious prejudice and discrimination
population of, 7 ; famine in, 6 ; Spanish Purgatives,290,291
invasions of, 7, 78 ; social philanthropy Pyrard de Laval, Fran~ois, 2.9, 33, 43, 87,236;
in, 8-13 ; agriculture in, 7; corpora- description of Salvador by, 51-2
tions of artisans in, u, 19; lay brother-
hoods in, 12-13, 202 ; monastic orders Quarantine of ships: at Lisbon, :>.68; at Salva-
in, 1o-n ; military orders in, n ; eco- dor, :>.67
nomic interest in trade with west Africa Quaresma, Manuel, n8, 32.5-6
and Brazil, 59, 6o, 61, II7; trade with Quilomhos, in Minas Gerais, 141-2; in Bahia,
England, 337; diplomatic relations with 2.5Q--I
France, 37; overseas expansion: Asia, Quintos, see Fifths
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
Race relations, see Miscegenation ; Colour America, 358. See also Misericordia,
prejudice and discrimination Santa Casa da, Goa, Macao, Salvador
Ramos, Maria, 94 Retirement houses
Ramos Pacheco, Manuel, I 58, 249n. Mary Magdalene (Goa), 32-3
Rangel, Francisco, 34 Our Lady of the Mountain (Goa), 32
Ransom of captives, II, 33, 351 Our Lady of Solitude (Salvador), 336
Real de Siio La{aro, 272 St Raymond (Salvador), 336
Recife, 57, 75 The Most Holy Name of Jesus (Salvador),
Reconcavo, of Bahia : sesmarias granted in, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da, Salvador
38, 39, 46, 6I, 83; topography of, 44; Ribatejo, I 8
Amerindians in, 44 ; visited by Ves- Ribeiro, Gabriel, 324, 326, 329
pucci, 45 ; ravaged by Dutch, 57; Ribeiro, Joao, I 56, I66
gypsies in, 243; yellow fever in, I27; Ribeiro Briozo, Ant6nio, I 59
shift in importance from Reooncavo to Ribeiro do Valle, Paulo, n3
city, III; centre of sugar-cane cultiva- Ribeiro Penha, Manuel, I 58
tion,39.44,46,52-4,59-6o,6I; cultiva- Ribeiro Rocha, Manuel, 254
tion of tobacco, 44, 6I. See also Bahia; Rio das Pedras, I47-8
All Saints, Bay of; Salvador, city of Rio de Contas, 70, 245
Red Sea, 24, 25 Rio de Janeiro : defence of, 65 ; centre of New
Regimento : of corporations of artisans, 12 ; Christian population, I 38 ; transfer of
of Tome de Sousa, 39, 47, 235-6 capital to, 79 ; ousts Salvador in impor-
Reis Duarte, Belchior dos, Inn. tance, 78 ; outlet for gold and diamonds,
Reis Pinto, Gaspar dos, I8o 78, I 53 ; Relafilo of, 78, 251 ; Religious
RelafiiO (High Court) : at Goa, 235 ; at Rio Orders at, n3, 223, 24I; Third Orders
de Janeiro, 78, 25I ; at Salvador, 58, 78; at, u3, 24I. See also Misericordia,
jurisdiction of, 78, 243,244, 251; rivalry Santa Casa da ; Municipal councils
with municipal council, 238-9, 248, 30I, Rio Grande do Norte, 57, 6o
353; family ties in, 24o-I; administra- Rio Grande do Sui, 78, 252
tive structure of, 239 ; compared with Rocha Pitta family, 125
Spanish Audiencia, 356; in Portuguese Rocha Pitta, Ant6nio da, no, u8-I9
empire, 359 Rocha Pitta, Joao da, 324
Religious observance and fervour : character- Rocha Pitta, Sebastiiio da, 288 ; biographical
ises brotherhoods and corporations in sketch, 76; quoted, 63-4, 302n., 327
Europe, 2, n, I3; in Salvador com- Rodrigues, Gon93lo, I 58
pared with East Indies, 52 ; of landed Rodrigues, Joao, I6
aristocracy, I5o-I, I 52; outward display Rodrigues, Mecia, 89, I 51
of, I65-8, 204, 207; of slave, I66 Rodrigues, Salvador, 2I5
Religious Orders : in Portugal, social Rodrigues Correia, Domingos, I05 n., I37,
philanthropy by, 8, Io-II ; in Brazil, I38
establish houses in Salvador, so, 58 ; Rodrigues da Costa, Ant6nio, I3I
harbour criminals, 24I-2; social services Rodrigues de Aguiar, Francisco, I37
by, 84; in Spanish America, 269. See Rodrigues Lima, Ant6nio, 109
also Jesuits; Orders of St Francis, of St Rodrigues Lisboa, Domingos, I44
Benedict, etc. Rodrigues Pinheiro, Jose, 122
Religious prejudice and discrimination : in Rodrigues Ronca, Joao, I6
convents, 329 ; in religious orders, I 37, Rodrigues Velloso, Joao, I3I
329 ; in Third Orders and brotherhoods, Rolim de Moura, Cosme, I07
I36, I43, 329; in clauses oflegacies, I8I, Rome, I04, 20I-2, 295
I 88 ; in official administrative appoint- Royal Academy of History, 76
ments, I40 ; against mercantile class, Rozmital, Leo of, 5
I2o-I, I35> I38; ended officially in Rugendas, Maurice, I42
Portuguese empire, I45; in Spanish Rum, 59,245
Sa, Estacio de, 40 of, 325 ; relations with the Misericordia,
Sa, Felippa de, 91 208-u; demands 'purity of blood',
Sa, Francisco de, 91 136, 143; in Rio de Janeiro, harbour
Sa, Mem de, 8:., 86, 91-:., 94, II6n. criminals, 241 ; dispute with friars, 113
Sa Doria, Ant6nio de, 150, 166, 168, :.:.1 StJames, 8
Sa e Benavides, Salvador Correia de, 75, 92 StMary of Rocamadour, Order of, 1o-1 1
Sa e Mendon!J<l, Joseph de, 3:.8 n. StPeter, basilica of, Rome, 104
Sahara, 155 St Philip Neri, Order of, 323n.
Sabugosa (Vasco F emandes Cesar de Meneses), St Theresa, monastery of, 242, 245, 250, 346
Count of: founds townships, 244 ; St Vincent de Paul, Order of, 361
founds theatre, 77; encourages arts, 75- Salitre, River, 73
76 ; defends Bahian business com- Salt, riot over price increase in, 126
munity, II7; relations with Miseri- Salvador, city of: foundation of, 47-50, 83,
cordia of Goa, 107, 117 ; relations with 235-6; name defined, 48 n.; Dampier's
Misericordia of Salvador, 107-8, 171, description of, 58, 263; Pyrard de
189, :119, 223-4, 257, 270, 302-6, 335; Laval's description of, 51-2; popula-
relations with the municipal council, tion of, 47, so, 178,225-6,260,309,313;
Salvador, 266, 269, 302-3 ; authori- mortality rate of, 153, 180, 224-7, 315-
tarian, 353; and execution of justice, 241, 316; prison of, 49, 58, 171, 247-8, 250-
244, 257; reports on Bahian economy, 253, 290; presence of 'poor whites',
66, 102; complains of lack of co-opera- 228, 282; Dutch invasion of, 56--7, 87-
tion from archbishop, 284 ; measures to 88, 239; mint at, j8, 69, 245, 323, 324,
discover smuggled gold, 242 ; sisters of, p6; Faculty of Medicine at, 300;
335 healthy position of, 47-8, 262-3 ; lack
Sacramento, Colonia do, 58,78 of hygiene at, 228-9, 200, 263-9, 274;
Sailors : low quality of Portuguese, 8 ; con- garrison of, see Garrisons ; unpopu-
victs as, 252, 265 ; brotherhood of, in larity of military service at, 284; short-
Rio, 215 n. ; pay fines to hospital, Salva- age of currency at, 69-70, 98, 102, 178,
dor, 81, 84; carriers of disease, 289, 290; 323; militia in, 131, 140-1; patron
hospital proposed in Salvador for, 270; saint of, 67; school of military engin-
treated by Misericordia, Salvador, 159, eering at, 77 ; High Court at, see
265' 270, 286-8, 293 Relatao; taxation at, 6;-6, 126, 247, 272
St Antao, Jesuit College of, 91-2; Order of, 318; Jesuit College at, see Jesuits;
10 literary academies at, 75-7 ; theatre at,
St Benedict, Order of: in Salvador, 50, 51, 77; counterfeiting of coins at, 154, 245;
p, 58, 87, 322; as landowners, 89, 90; centre of diamond and gold smuggling,
refusal to admit Brazilian-born, 329 ; 70, 154, 242, 245; lcprosery at, 271-2,
in Rio de Janeiro, criminal activities of, 288, 290; centre of New Christian
241 population, so, p, 135-6, 138; seclu-
St Dominic, 3; Order of, in Salvador, 58 sion of white women at, 183, 320-1;
St Francis, 3; Order of, in Salvador, 50, 51, foreign residents at, 129, 187n., 263,
p, 58, 89, 271 ; relations with Third 290 ; earth tremor at, 66, 303 ; lotteries
Order, 113, 209-11, 213; chronicle of in, 275, 300; prostitution in, 301, 311,
Order, 77; in Rio, II3 336; processions at, 67, 102-3, 258,302,
St Francis, Third Order of, 3; in Salvador, 335 ; dogs roam at night in, 229, 301 ;
membership of, 63, 149, 220, 348; lack bishopric instituted, jO; raised to metro-
of royal patronage, 93 ; 'rigged' elec- politanate, 58 ; electrical storm at, 302 ;
tions in, 113-14 ; relations with friars, position in triangular trade with Africa
see above; Crown intervention in, 113- and Portugal, 59, 117, 349; secular
114, 213, 241 ; hospital of, 271 ; bell- feeling at, 168-70, 322, 336, 355; way-
tower of, 113, 141, 213; ossuary of, port for East Indiamen, see East India-
229; harbour criminals, 241 ; building men; cemeteries at, 228, 229, 269, 361-
42.6 Fidalgos and Philanthropists
362, 364 ; civic pride after restoration, Sena, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da
88, 94-5; forts at, 46, 58, 283, 287; Senegal, River, 24
windlass at, p-2; shortage of white Senl.oria, abuse of title, I 35
women at, 175, 178n., 310, 323, 331; Stn{ala (slave quarters), 61-2, I so
yellow fever at, 127, 266, 268-9, 288-9; Sergipe, 57· See also Misericordia, Santa
European visitors to, 43, sx-z, ss, 63, Casada
6s,66,87,166,167,zz6,z28-9,236,263, Serra do Espinha~, 44
264, 265, 272, 3ox, JII, 320. See also Sertao : topography of, 44 ; development of,
Misericordia, Santa Casa da ; Municipal 6o, II7-x8; justice in, 244-5
councils ; Religious Orders ; Colour Sertao, Domingos Alfonso, II8, 125, xso, 255
prejudice and discrimination ; Religious Sesmarias (concessions of land), 38, 39, 46, 6x,
prejudice and discrimination ; Brother- 83
hoods; etc. Seven Years War, 78
Salvador, O.S.F., Fr Vicente do, 71 Siena, 295
Salvador de Valadares, 156 Silks, 25, 59, 159
Sampaio, Theodora, So Silva, Gregorio da, 141 n.
Sancho I, KingDom, II, 67 Silva, Pedro da, 91
Sancruary, right of, 241-2 Silva Alva, Pedro da, 27
Sande, Francisca de, 289 Silva Moreira, Paschoal da, 172, 249 n., 308 n.
Santa Catharina, 77, 78 Silva Pimentel family, 125
Santa Clara do Desterro, Convent of, see Silva Pimental, Antonio da (father), 95, n8
Poor Clares II9
Santarem, 7, 9, n, 14, 16, 295 Silva Pimental, Antonio da (son), II9
Santiago de Compostela, 8 Silveira, Domingos da, 147-8, 167
Santos, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da Silver, Peruvian, 56; Japanese, 25; cur-
Sao Francisco, River, 44, 6o, 73 rency at Bahia, 69
Sao Francisco do Conde, 244 Simoes S.J., Garcia, 36
Sao Joao, Fr Macirio de, 95 Simoes Lisboa, Manuel, 249 n.
Sao Joao del Rei, 141-2, xss Sintra, 6, x3
Sao Jorge da Mina (Elmina), 24 Sisters of Mercy, French, 361
Siio Juliao de Moreira, 349 Slaves and slavery, Amerindian, xp, 261, 333
Sao Luis de Maranhao, 131. See also Mi- Slaves and slavery, Chinese, 230
sericordia, Santa Casa da Slaves and slavery, Negro: essential in Bahia,
Sao Paulo, 86 59, 61, 67-8; trade with Angola, 51, ss,
Sao Paulo, captaincy of, 78. See also Mi- 59, 68, II7, 252; with Guinea, 24n., so,
sericordia, Santa Casa da 59; with Principe, 51; with Sao Tome,
Sao Roque, Cape of, 45 so, 252-3, 269; plan of Count of Gal-
Sao Sebastiao, city of, see Rio de Janeiro v&s for, 121; with east Mrican ports
Sao Tome, sugar in, 52; slave trade to Brazil proposed, 68 ; relative merits of Sudan-
from, so, 252-3, 269; garrison of, 58; ese and Banru, p, 68, 141 n.; musical
convicts sent to, 17; Dutch traders at, tradition of, 77-8 ; numbers in Bahia,
H; Antonio Ferrao Castelo Branco, so, 226 ; shortage in Bahia, 67-8 ;
Governor of, xu, 253, 255. See also mortality rate, 226-7, 262 ; tribal
Misericordia, Santa Casa da distinctions among, p, 68,141 ; religious
Sao Tome de Meliapor, see Misericordia, fervour of, x66; rebellious in Minas
Santa Casa da Gerais, 141-2; revolts in Bahia, 141 ;
Sao Vicente, 38, 44, 6o; sugar-cane cultiva- life on sugar plantations, 54, 61-2, 74,
tion in, 39, p 262, 314; brotherhoods in Salvador, 94,
Schoppe, Sigismund von, 57 142-3, 203, 204, 213, 216--20, 230 j in
Schouten, Albert and Willem, 56 Rio de Janeiro, 142 n. ; runaway slaves,
Scurvy,262, 265,269,270,286-7,289,290 141-2, 246, 25o-x ; sexual appeal of
Segovia, 15 slave girls, 311 ; dowries for slave girls,
182-3 ; legal defence of, 255-7; legal Sousa, Tome de: brief as governor-general
discrimination against, 246, 255-6, 311 ; of Bra2.il, 39, 47, 175, 235-6; fleet of,
burial of, 94, 2.03, 204, 213-14, 216-20, 47; founder of Salvador, 47-50, 83-4,
2.2.1-3, 22.4, 226-7, 228-30; as financial 26o, 273
investment and symbols of social pres- Sousa Campos, Ernesto de, So
tige, 281, 314; as pledges for loans, 63, Sousa de Meneses, Ant6nio de, 75
342 ; price in Salvador of, 68 ; cemetery Sousa Estrella, Bernardo de, 257
for slaves in Salvador, 229, 269, 361; Sousa Fe=, Constantino de, 131
migration to Minas Gerais from Bahia, Sousa Salgado, Manuel de, 194-5
67-8, 148 ; defended by Ant6nio Vieira, Sousa-a-Velha, u
74; treated in hospital of the Miseri- Soveral, Dom Francisco do, 36
cordia, x82, 269, 281 ; left to the Miseri- Spain : invasion of Portugal, 78 ; of Colonia
cordia as legacies, 89, 164, 165 ; appeals do Sacramento, 78
to Crown by, 139, 257; royal concern, Spanish America, social and administrative
for, 139-40, 141-2, 219-20, 222-3, 251 structure compared with Portuguese,
255-7, 266, 268; epidemics among, 65, 269,356-8
67, 148, 290; attitude to female slave, Spice trade, East Indian, 24, 25
182-3; punishment of, 141, 246, 256-7; Sudanese slaves, compared with Bantu, 51,
cohesion of slave families, 314 ; ambigu- 68, 141 n.
ous position of freed slave, 139, 281-2, Sugar and sugar industry : in Pernambuco,
314 ; scapegoat for crimes, 246, 255 ; 39, 52, 6o, 111; in Sao Vicente, 39, 52,
in convents and retirement house of 6o; in Madeira and Sao Tome, 52; in
Salvador, 322, 333-4; emancipation of, West Indies, compared with Bahia, 59,
143, 182, 218; carriers of diseases, 225, 64-5, 7o-1; in Reconcavo of Bahia, 39,
261-2, 263, 265, 289-90; slave-breeding 44, 46, 57, 61 ; difficulties of, 65-8, 70,
in West Indies, 71 148-9; technical aspect of refining, n-
Slave ships : conditions on, 262, 265, 2~ ; 54, 59; dependent on slaves, 59, 61,
quarantined at Salvador, 267; inspec- 67-8 ; affected by mineral discoveries,
tions of, at Salvador, 265, 2.67, 268, 279 ; 67-8, 70, 78, I 11, 148-9; cattle em-
Crown measures concerning, 139, 222, ployed in, 54, 6o, 67, 150; industry pro-
266,268 tected by Crown, 101 ; sugar mills
Smallpox, 65, 261, 289, 290 destroyed by Dutch, 57 ; number and
Smuggling: of gold and diamonds, 70, 154, output of sugar mills, 52-3, 57, 67 ;
157, 242, 245; of tobacco, 61 transportation of sugar, 44, 6o, 67, 307 ;
Soares, Hihiria F rancisca, 2.05 n. scarcity of, 66; high quality of Bahian
Soares, Lopo, 27 sugar, 59, 65, 66; valuation of sugar
Soares de Sousa, Gabriel, biographical sketch crop, 101 ; price of, 65, 66, 69; tax on,
of, 73; quoted, 87; mentioned, 85, 272, 65; sugar as form of currency, 98, 110,
277,291 12.2, 123 ; crop as security for loans, 63,
Social welfare, Portuguese Crown policy on, Io6, 197; secondary products, 59;
13-14, 84, 269; Spanish Crown policy inventory of a plantation, 150; fall in
on,356-7 prices of plantations, 102 ; decline in
Socotra, Island of, 25 demand for Bahian sugar, 64-5
Sodre Pereira, Jer6nimo, 198---9 Sugar planters : prestige of, 62 ; compared
Sofala, 24, 25 and contrasted with cattle ranchers, 6I ;
Soldiers : as civilian administrators, 38 ; on on municipal council, 62, 66; influence
fleet of Tome de Sousa, 47; dearth in at court, 62 ; prominent in brotherhoods,
East of, 25, 174 ; sexual alliances by, 26, 63, 149 ; Provedors of the Misericordia,
32, 174-5, 309-IO. See also Garrisons u8, 12.0, 125; benefactors of the
Sousa, Lionel de, 234 Misericordia, us, 149-50, 159; re-
Sousa, Luis de, u6n. lations with mercantile class, 69-70 ;
Sousa, Martim Affonso de, 38, 39 petition Crown for delay in depar-
Fidalgos and Philanthropists
ture of fleet, 67 ; interfere in course of Trinitarians, Order of, Io-II, 15
justice, Ioo, 239-4I ; decline in prestige Triunfo Eucharistico, see Ferreira Machado,
of, III, II9-2o; in New Spain, 357· Simao
See also Landowners, latifundian Tumbeiro, term explained, 139
Surgeons: atMacao,290n.; at Salvador, I3I, Tupi Indians, distinction between Tupinam-
267,278,279-80,284,290 bas and Tupiniquins, 44· See also Amer-
Swahili coast, 35-6 indians
Syphilis, 26I, 289,290, 29I 'Turning wheel' described, 295-6. See also
Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Tagus, River, 6, 268 Typhoid, 289
Tapuya(s), 44-5
Tapuytapera, see Misericordia, Santa Casa da Unhao Castelo Branco, Pedro de, II2
Taques, Pedro, 77 Union of Utrecht, 55
Tarapur, see Misericordia, Santa Casada
Tatuapara, 6o Vahia Monteiro, Luis, IIJ
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste, 29, 32 Valadares, Jorge de, 47, 83
Tavora, Francisco de, 203 Valansuela, Maria de, I95
Taxes and taxation, in Portugal, 6; in Bahia Valdes, Diogo Flores, 40
by donatories, 38 ; Crown prerogative Valencia, I 5
on export taxes, 38 ; in Salvador : for Valensa Pereira, Joao de 184
leprosery, 272; on fish-oil, 247; on Vasconcellos, F rancisca de, II 9
sugar, 6; ; on tobacco, 6; ; proposed on Vasconcellos Cavalcante, Balthazar de, 67,
imported goods, 126 ; complaints to n9n.
Crown on excess of, 6;-6 Vaz de Caminha, Pedro, 44
Teixeira, Dom Marcos, 56 Vaz de Paiva, Luis, 136
Templars, II Velho de Araujo, Jeronimo, 109, 122
Ter;as, privilege of, 318 Venice, 2, 3
Theatre at Salvador, 77 Vespucci, Amerigo, 37,45
Third Orders, see St Francis, Third Order of; Viana do Castelo, I78. See also Misericor-
Carmelites, Third Order of dia, Santa Casa da
Tidor, see Misericordia, Santa Casada Vicente, Gil, 8
Tithes, 27I, 292, 300 Viceroys : in Portuguese India, opportunism
Tobacco in Bahia: fame of, 6I; tax on, 6;; of, 235 ; in Brazil, extent of authority,
cultivation of, 44, 6o-I, 66, I 53 ; trade, ;o, 78, 353, 356; in Spanish America,
55, 59, 6I, 337; smuggled, 6I 356
Toledo y Osorio, Don Fadrique de, ;6, 87 Viegas Giraldes, Pedro, 90, I82
Torre, House of, see Dias d'Avila family Vieira, S.J., Antonio, 41, 73-4, II2, 2II, 364
Torres, Mathias, Io8 Vieira Ravasco family, 167
Torres Novas, 295 Vieira Ravasco, Bernardo, 93, I12, II9
Torres Vedras, II Vila do Conde, 153
Torture, judicial, 256-7 Vila Rica de Ouro Preto, I 55. See also
Trahiras, I 54 Misericordia, Santa Casa da
Treasury: at Goa, 28,32.33; at Salvador, 47, Vilhena, Luis dos Santos, 228, 229, 262,
49, 5I ; subject of royal enquiry, II4- 267n., 269, 272, 27), 282, 288, 3I3, 3I8-
II 5, 339 ; relations with Misericordia, 3 I9, 32I' 327
34I, 342; privilege of ordering com- Villa Lobos da Camara, Maria Eulalia, 334
pulsory sale of properties, Ioo. See also Villa-Pouca de Aguiar (Antonio Telles de
Misericordia, Santa Casa da, Crown fi- Meneses), Count of, 57
nancial aid Vitoria, 40
Treaty of Madrid, 337-8
Treaty of Tordesillas, 37, 240, 338 West India Company, Dutch, 55
Trindade, Fr Antonio da, I37 West Indies, 64-5, 7o-1
Wet-nurses: at Macao, 34; at Salvador, 298, Luso-Brazilian white women, 183, 31.o-
299, 3o6, 315-16,317,318,339,340, 36o; 31.1.; increase in number of white, in
at Goa, 315; at Lisbon, 316; privileges Salvador, 1.1.5; barrenness of white, 153,
of, 304-5 r8o; attitudes towards white, in Salva-
Whale oil, 59 dor, 171, 176-8r, 183-4; attitude to
Willekens, Jacob, 56 coloured, 309-10; attitude to slave, r8z-
Wills, clauses of, 146-8 ; reveal social atti- I83; honour of, 171, r87, 3II, 321
tudes, 165, 176-8r
Women: alleged amorality of Indo-Portu- Xavier, S.J., (St) Francis, 41, 67, 289
guese, 33 ; shortage of white, in Portu-
guese Asia, r 74-5 ; shortage of white, in
Spanish America, 3 58 ; shortage of Yellow fever, !27, 26r, 266, 268-9, 1.88-9
white, in Salvador, 175, 178 n., 310, 323,
331 ; prohibited from leaving Brazil, 179, Zanzibar, 35
1.1.5 ; many sent to convents in Portugal, Zumarraga, Juan de, 357
177-81, 194, 321, 322, 329; seclusion of Zurara, Gomes Eannes de, 7

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