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Clanbook: Blood Brothers includes:

• An example of how you can create a Clanbook with the templates for Victorian
Age from Storytellers Vault.

Vampire ® created by Mark Rein•Hagen

Title of the chapter

Written By: Matthew Dawkins.
Layout and design: Marcos M. Peral Villaverde.
Art by: Christopher Shy and Guy Davis.

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Blood Brothers
Table of Contents
Blood Brothers 5
Story Hooks 9
Sanguinus 11
We bring a special kind of hell to the streets of this
domain. Yes, we do.
— Master Hample, Blood Brother of the Five
Points Circle, New York City
Though their purported origins range from the laboratories of pio-
neering Tzimisce to the chantries of rogue Tremere, the claim with the
greatest veracity places the Blood Brothers as spawning from the gallery
of a Toreador antitribu named Torquemada, who first created the Blood
Brothers as an elaborate artistic exercise. Though the means have been
lost to many, Torquemada still roams and sells his services to Sabbat
requiring deadly, unquestioning servants. Torquemada and his creations
have traveled far from their home in Montevideo, Uruguay, with Blood
Brothers present in large domains from Paris to New York and beyond,
with some even said to represent Ventrue antitribu interests in Beijing.
Servants of the Sabbat, but increasingly rife in Camarilla domains,
the Blood Brothers rise to a rare prominence in these nights. Gang
ascendancy in metropolitan, industrial capitals acts as the perfect cover
for Blood Brother activity, though as often they masquerade as police
officers in the cities with state law enforcement. In London in particular,
it’s said one shift of night bobbies in the Hammersmith region were
supplanted by Blood Brothers, who now run T Division for their Cainite
masters. James Mannerly, the Gangrel Sheriff of London is said to be
cracking down on Blood Brother swarms, but they show an uncanny
ability to blend in with the huddled masses tightly packed into the city.
Though far from common, Sabbat Archbishops looking to solidify
their rule over a domain often retain Blood Brothers to act as enforcers
and terror brigades. Their abilities are little understood, but any vampire
to witness one Blood Brother wrench the limb from another and attach
it to his own torso never forgets the experience.
Despite the stereotype, some Blood Brothers emerge as avant-garde art
experiments, appreciated by the more jaded Toreador and their antitribu
cousins. As part of the World’s Columbian Exhibition based in Chicago
in 1893, a statue garden remained open throughout the night serviced

Blood Brothers
by attendants all uniformly slim, painted arsenic-white, they will obsessively ensure their uniforms are pristine.
and with unblinking eyes. Visitors assumed they played It is easier for everyone to maintain the same clean uni-
these bizarre roles to add an edge to the display, when form than to share the same stains in the same places.
it was in fact a pack of serene Blood Brothers serving To identify each other, they will often tattoo numbers
their twisted mistress. or letters on the backs of their hands, or tie a colored
Nicknames: Freaks, Monstruos, Frankensteins (un- handkerchief around a wrist or neck, not shared by any
common until the late 19th century) other member of the circle.
Appearance: Theoretically, a Blood Brother possess- Haven: Proud proponents of group havens, Freaks
es no feature marking him out as a Blood Brother. Any know that the pack who stays together at all times lasts
mortal might be Embraced into the bloodline or into longer. Even in cases where a Blood Brother is the solo
another clan, and made a Blood Brother. The bloodline bloodline representative in an otherwise non-Blood
does not discriminate by culture or race. However, due to Brother pack, he will advocate for sharing a haven with
Blood Brother tendencies to frequent circles of their his companions. This desire is instinctual, the
own members, and their underlying obsession for Beast compelling the Freak to make this sugges-
conformity within said circles, unique features tion. Despite their monstrosity, many Sabbat
become subdued over time. vampires find the prospect of sharing space
Blood Brothers who maintain the com- with a Blood Brother discomfiting. Even
pany of other Blood Brothers approach hardened Lasombra balk at the idea of
Tzimisce to assist in crafting their their Blood Brother “friends” harvesting
fellow Blood Brothers to match the limbs after the sun rises, and the rest of
other members of the circle, or learn the pack sleeps.
the skill themselves. Unless there’s a Background: Blood Brothers
dominant alpha in the circle, features often emerge from the ranks of
will be aggregated or rounded down, unknowns. This origin is often
until defining looks blend together. consequence over design,
Ultimately, the majority of Blood as the vampires who
Brothers uncannily resemble the make them don’t
other Blood Brothers in their pack. value Freaks so
If no such Freaks exist, they maintain highly that they
their individual appearance. would pluck a
Advancement in their blood- re c o g n i z a b l e
line’s Discipline of Sanguinus adds or import- ant mortal for
strange features to some Blood Embrace into the bloodline. As
Brothers, typically in the form of a result, many Blood Brothers
additional appendages and limbs lack education, and fewer still
gained from their peers, or in some have wealth to their name. Most
cases, no limbs at all where they were unknowns before the Em-
were donated to a circle member. brace, and carry a grudge about
As a result, Freaks favor loose, heavy their anonymity into unlife.
clothing for disguising the presence The question of the Blood
of an additional arm or leg. Brother “Embrace” often comes
Freaks will dress in a manner up among Sabbat who know of
befitting their supposedly mortal the bloodline. Are they Embraced
station. If a circle wishes to operate in the traditional manner; are
as a criminal gang they not only wear they the Sabbat equivalent of
the boots and overalls, but the gang Gargoyles, made from vampires
colors, identifiable headwear, or other of other clans; are they even
such paraphernalia. If, like in the case Cainites? Torquemada’s first
of the Hammersmith Circle, they stalk Blood Brother mutated from
the night as coppers looking for trouble, the form of a horribly tortured

Blood Brothers
successful “art project.” Blood Brother Natures
and Demeanors rarely differ, and tend
toward the monstrous. Monsters, Creep
Shows, Deviants, and Rogues appear
frequently among this bloodline, even
if the mortal Embraced was quite dif-
ferent. The vitae subversion going into
creating one of these vampires appears
to twist the Cainite’s morality as well
as their body.
Disciplines: Fortitude,
Potence, Sanguinus
Weakness: If a
Blood Brother was
Embraced into the
line, they cannot
Embrace in turn. The
mortal they attempt to
change into a vampire
dies. Blood Brothers
created by a mutated Freak
(such as Torquemada’s Brujah
antitribu-turned Blood Brother) can
Freaks feel each other’s pain. When a Freak suffers
a wound penalty, all members of the circle suffer the
same penalty for the next turn. If two Blood Brothers
Brujah antitribu, who could still Embrace and create
suffer wounds, only the greater wound penalty applies.
further Freaks. The progenitor’s childer however, could
Organization: The Freaks organize within their own
not Embrace. Torquemada’s blood ritual to subvert vitae
circles first and foremost. The bond a Blood Brother
into the form of a Freak has been fully completed fewer
shares with his kin is as strong as any vaulderie, with
than a dozen times, but this does mean there are around
a heavy dose of obsession piled on top. Freaks defer
a score of Blood Brothers capable of creating more of
to their Sabbat masters loyally, with a love and respect
their ilk in the traditional manner. The rest are sterile,
other vampires consider sycophantic. At this early point
and maddened for being so.
in their existence, the Blood Brothers harbor an edge
Character Creation: Physical attributes are the
of cynicism despite this fealty. They have never rebelled
primary focus for the majority of Blood Brothers, who
against the Sabbat, for without them they would not
when running as gangs in Five Points district of New
exist, but do occasionally work to subtly undermine
York or docklands mercenaries in London, require
masters they collectively deem incompetent. If a Cainite
Strength and Stamina for their purpose as aggressive
threatens the safety of the circle, the circle comes first.
monsters. Conversely, some Blood Brothers were creat-
Bloodline Prestige: Freaks earn each other’s respect
ed explicitly to be objects of admirable beauty, so these
through acts of heroism in defense of the circle. If a Blood
bizarre Monstruos favor Social attributes, but still pack a
Brother gives up a limb for a fellow Freak, they will give
punch. Talents and Skills share dominance, with Blood
that Blood Brother the first drink of blood during the
Brothers in the same circle often complimenting each
communal slaughter of unlucky mortals following their
other’s abilities. While some focus purely on brutality
mission. A bizarre group of Blood Brother harmonists, who
and intimidation, others excel at the wielding of a knife
sing in perfect unison for the entertainment of the Saint
or sneaking from place to place.
Petersburg Sabbat underground, set a new trend for Freaks
No recorded Freaks existed prior to 1815 C.E.,
who believe prestige should come purely from the respect
though Torquemada may simply be lying about his first
of their masters.
Blood Brothers

The Camarilla: Look at ‘em. Just look. They ain’t up but they ain’t never struggled like we struggle. They just
to dick in the city. Ain’t got sight of the pavements beneath love the sound of their own voices. Got to wonder how
their danglin’ feet. Ain’t got sight of the scum crawling beneath they’d love the sound of their own screams.
them as they glide on their fucking wings. Tell you what: — Lenny Blue, Priest of the Lambeth Rainbow Circle
we’ll stick some ‘ooks in those wings, and drag ‘em screaming The Independents: Fortunate children, to be born
down to the cobbles. I’ve always wanted a pair of wings. without ties to this master or that, though I understand
— Leonard Green, Ductus of the Lambeth Rainbow their sibling bonds are as strong as our own. I once met a
Circle Giovanni who could have been a Blood Brother. We envy their
The Sabbat: Masters. They turn our heads and we independence, but do not crave it. In the end, they are alone.
march. They pat our heads and we smile. They feed us — Chen Jiumei, Agitator of the Beijing Circle
blood and we laugh. Gargoyles: And they call us “Freaks.” Look at these
— Mrs. Hample, Five Points Circle, New York City cathedral-perching cunts. I had to beat seven shades of
The Anarch Movement: Bunch o’ pocket Punch shit out of a Gargoyle once, and broke my hand with
‘n’ Judy scum, ain’t they? Constantly frigging their fucking every punch. Luckily I had a few spares.
tongues with talk of breaking the chains of the lower classes, — Leo Red, Marshall of the Lambeth Rainbow Circle

A View from Without

The Camarilla: I had heard of them, but I merely The Anarch Movement: Nightmares and fairy
assumed they were disgruntled Brujah. You know how tales friend. If they exist, they’re goddamned Sabbat, and
they all look and act with the same ugly rage? Yes? See, it’s I don’t see any need to treat ‘em different to any other
an easy mistake to make. Either way, there is a standing members of the Sword of Caine.
mandate for their destruction in Paris, I assure you. — R. Brazendale, Esq., Kiasyd in hiding, San Francisco
— Francois Villon, Toreador, Prince of Paris The Independents: Evidence that the children of
The Sabbat: Adorable watchdogs. I would not trust the Aeons are not worthy of this Earth.
one to pop the lid from a jar without breaking it, but — Halim Bey, Followers of Set, Antiquities Dealer
if I want the jar broken? Well, then I call on Leonard, of London
Lenny, Leo, Len, or Lesley. Gargoyles: Poor toys. Broken. Try to fix them but
— Alice, Tzimisce, Archbishop of Ely they keep bleeding. Poor toys.
— Kalkstein, Gargoyle Guardian of Hamburg Chan-
try, Hanseatic Cities

Story Hooks They’re the Ripper

Embraced or created within the Sabbat, Blood Broth-
The Blood Brothers are far from the normal array of ers find their lives and moralities abruptly changed from
vampires. Some Storytellers may find their strangeness mortal norms to the horrors of blood rites, the butchery
off-putting, but consider their role in the Victorian era. of humans, and the worship of idols such as Caine. Is
Bodysnatchers, public amputations and dissections, close it any wonder that Camarilla vampires suspect Jack the
circles formed of secret society members, and Mary Shel- Ripper may be a member of the Sabbat?
ley’s Frankenstein are all in vogue in this period. While One possibility has a circle of Freaks acting out Saucy
they serve well as hounds for the Sabbat, consider some Jack’s murders. Whether they’re the original killer or
of these uses for the bloodline: merely vampires who took inspiration from his deeds,

Blood Brothers
they see a fine opportunity to murder young mortals, for transport, for the first time since the prevalence of
harvest their organs for drinking and experimentation, highwaymen terrified of venturing out alone.
and then read about their exploits in the morning edition.
Such a practice may seem like quite the game to The Most Secret Society
Blood Brothers impatiently waiting for war. Like idle The Sabbat stereotype the Blood Brothers as dim-wit-
soldiers itching for battle, Freaks who cannot take their ted hounds, but they suffer no weakness or collective
collective anger out on the Camarilla may do so on the derangement making them so. The strength of their vin-
Camarilla’s feeding stock. Just for fun, they do so in as culum renders them more pliable to the Sword of Caine,
grotesque a way as possible, watching Princes and Sheriffs but they can reason, and show cunning when faced with
squirm under kine scrutiny. an adversary. They can also defend their own lives when
the Sabbat attempt to use them as expendable fodder.
Hound of the Moors Such treatment could even drive a Blood Brother
The stories of Sherlock Holmes capture the mortal circle into the arms of the most secret of societies: the
mind, one of the most famous of which is the Hound Camarilla. The weird bloodline with their weirder Dis-
of the Baskervilles. Yet, for a long time mortals have cipline hardly fit into the Masquerade-upholding sect,
debated beasts of the Moors, citing werewolves, black yet as coordinated enforcers and murderers they have
dogs, and big cats escaped from traveling circuses. no equal. An unscrupulous Camarilla Prince of Anarch
What if the Blood Brothers prowled the country- Baron may enlist disaffected Blood Brothers to release
side surrounding a Camarilla domain? As a horrifying information regarding the Sabbat, or even violently turn
gestalt entity, perhaps they fall upon and consume lonely on their former masters, in exchange for a petty domain
wanderers, howl into the night to terrify prey and send isolated from the richer urban areas.
them running over treacherous terrain, or simply act as Such Freaks are few, but after betraying the Sabbat,
a roving guard dog for their Sabbat masters. could expect to find sanctuary in Welsh coal-mining
Mortals may hear the rumors of the Freaks rolling towns, the frontier domains of the United States, or
around in the hills and the valleys, ripping travelers to villages in the Black Forest.
shreds. Increasingly, they turn to the train and the carriage
Gangs of the City
The Blood Brothers’ natural home is within gang
culture. Fundamentally, gang culture has changed little
since the Victorian era. Gangs still wear colors, or distinc-
tive outfits to display affiliation. Gangs still pay off the
police force, or work alongside them in corrupt domains.
Gangs exploit the vulnerable then, just as they do now.
Blood Brothers are compelled to form gangs
among their own number. Once these gangs form,
they often supplant or leech their way into
mortal gangs of similar ambition. By using
mortal affairs as a cover, these Freaks
achieve more than a simple roving band
of Blood Brothers looking for war. These
Freaks gain wealth, influence, and can
maybe exert influence over the fringe
parts of Camarilla domains.
Imagine the scene, as a Camarilla coterie
addresses their gang-member retainers and
herd, pledging their safety for as long as the
kine serve loyally. Then, bursting through the
doors and windows come the rival gang. Except
they wear the same faces, the same smiles, the
same sadistic looks. Maybe they work as one to

Blood Brothers
eliminate the coterie’s mortal servants, or perhaps they offer a deal. If
they are permitted to absorb the coterie’s gang, they will leave the Kindred
alone. These Blood Brothers don’t just want blood; they want power.

“This is a time of public dissections and amputations.
Our power is just a symptom of the times.”

— Chen Jiumei, Blood Brother of Beijing

The Discipline of Sanguinus is among the more bizarre Kindred
powers. Its creation is alternately attributed to the progenitor Blood
Brothers twisted artifice, Torquemada’s skills with vitae manipulation,
and the Blood Brothers’ Tzimisce mentors. All that can truly be agreed
is that Sanguinus is a new invention and terrifying to vampires of all
sects. Though it shares some commonalities with Vicissitude, Sanguinus
focuses on the power of the Blood, and the link between sire, childe,
and packmates who all share portions of the same vitae.
The visceral parts of Sanguinus bring to mind the autopsies and
surgeries held for student viewing in universities and medical schools.
Medical procedures performed publicly are a new phenomenon of the
era, and go a long way to teach mortals and Cainites alike the biological
functions of the kine. Such procedures are said to have informed the
inventor of Sanguinus, as Blood Brothers intent on carrying out its gory
effects know where best to strike to produce a bloody gout, or where
to apply pressure to stop such flow, while also knowing exactly how to
dismantle a corpse as a butcher might de-bone a carcass.
Mortals observing the overt practice of Sanguinus must make Courage
rolls (difficult 4), spend a point of Willpower, or flee the area in nausea.
This Discipline makes any onlookers, including vampires, review their
own bodies in wholly different ways. The rent flesh, blood flow, and
exposed organs is fascinating to a scientist or cold-blooded vampire, and
may even find an audience among some of the jaded kine in the domain.
Note: The power levels of Sanguinus can be found in Vampire: The Mas-
querade 20th Anniversary Edition, pages 463 to 465.

Blood Brothers
Name: Nature: Generation:
Player: Demeanor: Sire:
Chronicle: Concept: Haven:
Physical Social Mental
OOOOO Charisma_________________
OOOOO Perception_______________
OOOOO Manipulation_____________
OOOOO Intelligence_______________
OOOOO Appearance_______________
OOOOO Wits___________________

Talents Skills Knowledges
OOOOO Animal Ken______________
OOOOO Academics________________
OOOOO Crafts___________________
OOOOO Enigmas________________
OOOOO Etiquette_________________
OOOOO Finance__________________
OOOOO Firearms_________________
OOOOO Investigation______________
OOOOO Melee____________________
OOOOO Law_____________________
OOOOO Performance_______________
OOOOO Linguistics________________
OOOOO Ride___________________
OOOOO Medicine_________________
OOOOO Security__________________
OOOOO Occult___________________
OOOOO Stealth___________________
OOOOO Politics___________________
OOOOO Survival__________________
OOOOO Science__________________

Backgrounds Disciplines Virtues
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO Conscience/Conviction OOOOO
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO Self-Control/Instinct______
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO ________________________
OOOOO Courage____________ OOOOO

Merits/Flaws Humanity/Path Health

__________________________ __________________________ Bruised
__________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Hurt -1
__________________________ Injured -1
__________________________ Willpower Wounded -2
__________________________ O O O O O O O O O O Mauled -2
__________________________ Crippled -5
__________________________ Incapacitated
__________________________ Blood Pool Weakness
Other Traits
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO

Name Level
________________________________________ :____________________
Total Spent
________________________________________ Spent on:
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ Derangements
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Blood Bonds/ Vinculi

Bound to Rating Bound to Rating
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Weapon Damage Range Rate Clip Conceal Armor
Expanded Background Mentor
Contacts Resources
Fame Retainers
Herd Status
Influence Other
P ossessions
Gear (Carried) Equipment (Owned)
Feeding Grounds Vehicles

Location H
Apparent Age__________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth__________________________________________________________________________

Coterie Chart
Visuals Character Sketch

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