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1. Title of article : Code Switching Phenomenon in English Language Classrooms at the Tertiary
2. Authors : Shalini Argellan, Lubna Ali Mohammed, and Nithiyaroobi Krishnansamy
3. Source : International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), Volume 3, Issue 1,
Pages 35-42, 2019 eISSN: 2590-3748
A. Summary of the content
a. Purpose of Study: This study attempts to illustrate how lecturers’ and students’ practice code switching
in the Malaysian tertiary atmosphere. This study was designed using a quantitative method. A convenient
purposive sampling was used for this study which involves both international and local students in a class.
b. Participants: Teacher and Students in the classroom.
c. Method:
 Research design
A quantitative method was selected as the research design for this study.
 Setting
The study took place at Lincoln University College, Malaysia, intensified in a context of
language use like Lincoln University College that not only has local Malaysian students but also
International students are attending classes.
 Sample
The sampling frame refers to a master list of the population which is used to make a random
sample from which data is collected (Sekaran, 2003; Zikmund, 2000).
 Data collection (Questionnaire)
Students were reminded that their reaction to the surveys ought to be found on the lecture that
they had quite recently gone to.

d. Hypothesis: In the Malaysian multi-cultural society, code switching is a common and hotly-debated
subject in language research. In line with this view, code switching is greatly described as the alternation
between two codes (two languages) human beings who share those specific codes (Skiba, 1997).
Consequently, the present study endeavors to scrutinize both lecturers’ and students’ code switching in
English teaching classroom at the tertiary level in the Malaysian context. In other words, this study
attempts to illustrate how lecturers’ and students’ practice code switching in the Malaysian tertiary
atmosphere. Moreover, the examination attempts to reveal insight into how understudies see their English
teacher's code-exchanging rehearses as a compelling correspondence system in helping their
comprehension amid exercises.
e. Conclusion: The point of convergence of the investigation was to clarify how understudies and
speakers in a multilingual/multicultural setting of dialect use code exchanging as a strategy in instructing
and learning in a private college at Selangor, Malaysia. The information was gathered with the
quantitative methodology. The results demonstrate that code exchanging is utilized by educators and
understudies to work various highlights in the ESL classroom. English dialect students adapt best when
their necessities are met (Ovando and Carols, 2012). The adaptability of the educator in the classroom as
far as code-exchanging can guarantee that dialect proficiency happens. Furthermore, it is imperative to be
socially mindful and touchy. Supporting code-exchanging in the classroom as an instrument to obtain a
second dialect enables instructors to upsurge those "open to instruction minutes" in understudies.
Moreover, it advances viable and positive condition in the classroom by permitting understudies to look
at and adapt new words, expressions or terms while feeling that their earlier learning in their first
language is significant and that it is a period of them that can help them to be fruitful in various regions. It
was additionally discovered that code exchanging by the educators is utilized essentially to encourage and
oblige understudies' understanding and cognizance of target dialect. It is additionally used to constrict
understudies' learning tensions. By and large, results uncovered that code exchanging is utilized by
understudies as learning methodology and considering a way to deal with adjustingfor their lucidity for
the addresses passed on by their instructors..
B. Discussion
From the perspective of understudies' regarding code exchanging, it is trusted that the incessant utilization
of code exchanging by means of speakers amid classroom educating and learning urges understudies to
take part in learning and meet their wants on understanding the substance and stream of the subject
instructed. These envelope expanding the incorporation, investment, comprehension of understudies in
the instructing and learning process, making less formal connections between interlocutors, passing on
thoughts all the more effectively, achieving exercises and, adding to an "open to instruction" educational
asset (Creese and Blackledge, 2010). Then again, Garcia (2008) exhibited how being versatile in the
classroom and empowering code changing to happen can assist the understudies with gaining ground in
learning their second dialect. It is seen that the code-exchanging marvel has become exceptionally
convenient for educators and understudies from assorted societies. Likewise, English dialect understudies
adapt best when their necessities are met (Ovando and Carols, 2012). The flexibility of the teacher in the
classroom as ways code-exchanging can reinforce that the dialect capability occurs. Furthermore, it is
quintessential to be socially touchy and careful. Supporting code exchanging as a strategy to instruct and
gain proficiency with a second dialect enables instructors to construct these "breakthrough moments" in
the understudies. Besides, it can enhance a superb situation in the classroom.
C. Further research
a. The same research can be done on different participants.
b. The same experiment in different language.

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