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A consumer purchase preference toward toothpaste

brands : Agra City

Dear Respondent,

I am a MBA DUAL (Marketing and supply chain management) of PACIFIC

UNIVERSITY, UDAIPUR. As a part of my study, I am conducting a survey and would be grateful if
you could spare some of your precious time to fill this questionnaire for the same.

1. Consumer Profile:
Name :
Phone number:
i. Age (Years):-
a) 7-18 c) 31-45
b) 19- 30 d) Above 45
ii. Gender:-
a) Male b) Female
iii. Educational Qualifications:-
a) Upto 10+2 c) PG/ Higher education
b) Upto graduation
iv. Occupation:-
a) Student c) Housewife/Homemaker
b) Professional d) Businessman/woman
v. Monthly (Family) Income:-
a) Below 7000 c) 12000 – 20000
b) 7000 – 12000 d) Above 20000
2. Number of times do you brush your teeth per day?
a) Once c) Thrice
b) Twice
3. What is the frequency do you use toothpaste?
a) One c) More than two
b) Two
4. What is your most preferred brand?
a) Colgate d) Meswak
b) Pepsodent e) Anchor
c) Dabur f) Others
5. What number of brand of toothpaste you use so far?
a) Two c) More than three
b) Three
6. Which factor make you to buy toothpaste?
a) Price d) All of the above
b) Availability e) Others
c) Packaging
7. What factor makes you most preference of toothpaste?
a) Brand c) Flavour
b) Quality d) Other
8. Which attribute is most preferable to you for selecting toothpaste?
a) Healthy tooth& gums
b) Long lasting freshness
c) Prevention of tooth decay
d) Whiteness
e) Use of natural hubs
9. By whom are you influenced during purchase toothpaste?
a) Friends d) Spouse
b) Kids e) Self
c) Parents
10. By which mode of promotion are you get attached?
a) Advertisement c) Banner
b) Celebrity d) Others
11. Which promotional tools make to buy toothpaste?
a) Gift d) Price off
b) Discount e) Others
c) Extra Quantity
12. For which reason you switch to other brand?
a) Impact of packaging
b) Price rise of current brand
c) Scheme of brands
d) Advertisement impact
e) Consumer brand is not available
f) To try new option
g) Influence by others
13. Approximately how much do you spend on toothpaste in a month?
14. In what way do you prefer buying toothpaste?
a) Separately
b) Box set

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