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Case 1:18-cv-00681-RJL Document 183 Filed 04/28/20 Page 1 of 30



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March 27, 2020


Honorable Richard J. Leon

United States District Judge
United States District Court for the District of Columbia
333 Constitution Avenue N.W
Washington D.C. 2000 I
Room 1225
Re: Outstanding discovery

Dear Judge Leon,

During the most recent telephonic conference between the parties and in your subsequent

order, dated March 20, 2020, your Honor requested that the parties provide a list of outstanding

document requests, document subpoenas and deposition subpoenas. Defendants' list is set forth

below. In reviewing this list, Defendants believe it would be helpful to keep in mind the core

issues on which Aaron Rich ("Aaron" or "Plaintiff') bears the burden of proof. First, Aaron

must establish that it would be false to state or suggest that Aaron (I) participated in leaking

emails to Wikileaks, (2) received funds in exchange for leaking or participating in leaking emails

to Wikileaks, (3) interfered with "investigations," (4) "knew the hit was coming" and/or warned

Seth that he was in danger and (5) engaged in an altercation with Donna Brazile before Seth

Rich's murder. Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc. v. Hepps, 475 U.S. 767, 768-69 (l 986)(on

matter of public concern, plaintiff cannot recover damages without also showing that the
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statements at issue are false). Second, if Aaron can carry his burden of proving the falsity of the

allegedly defamatory statements to the satisfaction of the trier of fact, he must then prove than

any such statements were made with a degree of fault. Moss v. Stockard, 580 A.2d 1011, 1022

(D.C. 1990)(defamation plaintiff must show statements were false, defamatory and published

with some degree of fault). Defendants maintain that Aaron Rich is (and deliberately made

himself) a public figure who appeared on television, radio and the Internet to promote his false

statements about Defendants. As a result, Aaron must establish that Defendants acted with "with

knowledge" that [their statements were false or with "reckless disregard" of whether or not they

were false. New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254,280, 84 S.Ct. 710, 11 L.Ed.2d 686

(1964). The New York Times v. Sullivan "actual malice'' standard must be proven with "clear

and convincing evidence." Beeton v. D.C., 779 A.2d 918, 920 (D.C. 2001).

In connection with the foregoing, it is important to note Aaron's involvement in leaking

emails to Wikileaks is intertwined with the question of his brother Seth's involvement, not only

because one of the allegedly defamatory statements is that Aaron assisted his brother, but also

because Aaron Rich has maintained it is a baseless conspiracy theory to question the claim of

certain elements of the U.S. intelligence community that the DNC emails at issue were hacked

by Russian military intelligence and transmitted to a shadowy figure known as Guccifer 2.0 and

then communicated them to Wikileaks. If this dominant narrative can be shown to be false or

questionable, it cannot be "reckless" to suggest that Seth Rich was involved in leaking emails,

particularly in light of the well-known statements of Sy Hersh and Ellen Ratner. By the same

token, it cannot be reckless to have relied on statements linking Aaron to Seth Rich or indicating

Aaron played a role in leaking the emails to Wikileaks.

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In addition, for reasons that arc obscure, Plaintiff has chosen to advance a wildly

implausible conspiracy theory -

that Defendant Ed Butowsky conspired with Defendant Matt

Couch to defame Aaron Rich. This conspiracy theory is utterly devoid of any factual

underpinnings, but it means that Mr. Butowsky is potentially liable for statements made by Mr.

Couch and that Mr. Butowsky has an interest, therefore, in defeating Plaintiffs claims of falsity

with respect to Mr. Couch and/or in establishing that Mr. Couch did not make any statements

with reckless disregard of the truth.

I. Defendants' Partv Document Requests.

A. Emails. While Plaintiff is demanding that Defendants' scour all their email

and social media accounts (to what end is unclear), Aaron has not been forthcoming about his

own and Seth's email accounts. There are five email accounts that were not initially disclosed

to us:

Defendants are entitled to complete disclosure of the relevant information from these accounts.

was originally disclosed to Defendants through a response to a

subpoena issued by Plaintiff to eBay for records relating to Seth Conrad Rich. The subpoena is

set fo1th as Ex. I to the Declaration of Eden P. Quainton, dated March 27, 2020 (the "Quainton

Deel.") hereto. eBay's response is set forth as Ex. 2 to the Quainton Deel. This response

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indicates that an eBay account related to Seth Rich was set up with the pseudonym

The response further indicates that

this account was registered after Seth's death, on September 18, 2017. The email Iinked to the


Quainton Deel., Ex. 3. 1 Defendant Butowsky then issued a subpoena to Google for information

relating to the account. Google responded with the information set

forth on Quainton Deel., Ex. 4, showing that the account had been set up

on November 8, 2011 and that its recovery account was set to

protonmail is an end-to-end encrypted email service

used by parties particularly keen to preserve the confidentiality and, some might say, the secrecy

of emai I communications. Moreover, there were two logins to the account during 2018,

indicating that whoever had access to the account was still using it.

Because of the central importance of Seth and Aaron's

1 Kim Dotcom is a crucial witness because he has publicly stated that he communicated with
Seth Rich about the leaking of emails to Wikileaks and that Seth must have worked with
someone "close" to him.
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email communications in this litigation - because Plaintiff insists that any suggestion that there is

a link between these accounts and the leak of DNC emails is a "lie" and a "conspiracy theory"

concocted to further a financial and political agenda- Defendants seek all communications from

or to the

account from December 31, 2015 to the present. Notably, Defendants do not seek emails before

2016 and any emails after Seth's murder would presumably be very limited. Plaintiff

implausibly maintains- or at least his production to date suggests

. Quainton Deel., Ex. 5. This is inherently implausible, but Defendants

need to review all the correspondence during 2016 into and out of this account in order to assess

In addition, Mr. Butowsky's contemplated forensic expert has recently determined that

the account links to another email account also apparently connected

, it is not unreasonable to believe this account

belongs to Aaron and may hold clues to Aaron's involvement in the leaking of emails to

Wikileaks. Defendants have issued subpoenas to /\OL for information relating to this account,

but Aaron must also provide all information in his possession relating to this account. We do not

believe that Aaron provided • to law

enforcement so that they could conduct their own forensic examination.

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D. Outstanding Discovery Requests. Mr. Butowsky has issued a total of five

requests for production.2 Plaintiff has completed his production in response to the first request

for production and is either in the process of responding to or has not responded to the remaining

requests. Each of the parties issued their final requests today. The items requested and the

status of Plaintiff's production is set forth below.

1. All Documents and communications from or relating to the email

accounts from the period

January I, 2016 to the present, including the complete history of all back-up and recovery

accounts used by either of these two accounts during this period3 .

Response: Plaintiff has objected on various grounds to this request but has

stated that he will produce responsive documents on a rolling basis. To date no responsive

documents have been produced.

2. All Documents and communications from or relating to the email

accounts, for the period from January l, 2016 to

December 31, 2016.

Response: Plaintiff has objected on various grounds to this request but has

stated that he will produce responsive documents on a rolling basis. To date no responsive

documents have been produced. Defendants have prepared a list of search tenns they are

willing to serve on Plaintiff.

3. All cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP, Dogecoin,

2 As noted below, Plaintiff has issued five Requests for Production to Mr. Butowsky and four
Requests for Production to Mr. Couch.
3 To the extent there was a typo that indicating Mr. Butowsky was seeking records from 2015,
the request is hereby corrected.
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