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Judgment in Karnataka vs.

Jayalalithaa and others shows that
even the rich and mighty are not
above the law: B.V. Acharya
S. Rajendran Mar 1, 2017

Special Public Prosecutor B.V. Acharya arriving at the Bangalore City Civil Court to attend the Disproportionate
Assets case on June 09, 2005. The Hindu Photo Archives

Senior Advocate, B.V. Acharya, who as Special Public Prosecutor relentlessly led the prosecution for over a
decade in the well-known disproportionate assets case against the late Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Jayalalithaa,
and three others, is a legal luminary who was the Advocate General of Karnataka five times, with his services
having been sought by several Chief Ministers.

An advocate of impeccable integrity in his long career at the bar with practice in all branches of law, the 83-year-
old Acharya is the recipient of several awards, was a member of National Law Commission and had also served
as the Chairman of the Karnataka State Bar Council.
In this interview with S. Rajendran, Karnataka Representative of The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy,
Acharya speaks on the difficulties and the twists and turns in the disproportionate assets case against a Chief
Minister. Excerpts:
It has indeed been a long legal battle in the prosecution of a top political leader (the late Tamil Nadu Chief
Minister, Jayalalithaa, and others) in a case pertaining to possession of disproportionate assets. What
were the kind of pressures that were brought to bear on you and the manner in which you resisted such

Generally, those who are accused in disproportionate assets case are rich and powerful persons with vast
resources. Hence, a public prosecutor conducting such cases will have to withstand temptations, incentives and
other pressures, including threats. In this particular case against Selvi Jayalalithaa and others, I had to face many
difficulties and hardships which I have explained in Chapter XXV of my Autobiography All from Memory published
by Universal Law Publishing.

Suffice it to say after realising that I cannot be persuaded to soft pedal the prosecution case, all efforts were directed
towards forcing me to quit as Special Public Prosecutor (SPP). Towards this end, all efforts were unsuccessful, till
a frivolous criminal complaint was filed against me and the Special Judge ordered investigation against me, even
though by then it was well known that the case was filed only to force me to quit as SPP. This was the last straw
and I decided to quit, but not before the complaint was quashed by the High Court awarding me cost of Rs. 50,000.
On July 12, 2012, I resigned, little realising that on a future date I would have to assume office again to file written
submission before the High Court and argue the case before the Supreme Court.

I wish to emphasise that the well-wishers and supporters of the accused indulged in undesirable and unlawful
activities without the consent of the accused and sometime even without the knowledge of the accused.

When you were appointed as the SPP you were also the State Advocate General and you were compelled
to resign from one post. Why did you choose to continue as the SPP?

I was not the Advocate General of the State [Karnataka] when I was
appointed as the SPP in February 2005. Subsequently, in 2008-09,
I was appointed as Advocate General during President’s Rule in the
State. At that time, none objected to my holding both posts. Again in
August, 2011, when D.V. Sadananda Gowda became the Chief
Minister, I was persuaded to accept the post of Advocate General
and I agreed and assumed office.

A few months later, the State government desired that I may quit as
SPP and continue as Advocate General. The ostensible reason put
forward was that I should not hold two posts. (The government very
well knew when it appointed me as Advocate General in August 2011
that I was already holding the post of SPP since February 2005). I
did not see any conflict of interest in holding both posts. However,
when pressure mounted on me to quit the post of SPP on the above
ground, and had ultimately to opt for one post, in a jiffy I decided to resign as Advocate General and forwarded my
resignation forthwith.

I was appointed as the SPP at the instance of the Supreme Court and on the recommendation of the then Chief
Justice of Karnataka Justice, N.K. Sodhi, who had reposed confidence in me. The post of Advocate General was
offered by the State government and I accepted it on persuasion. Since my appointment as SPP was at the instance
of the higher judiciary, I preferred to continue in the said post, even though the post of Advocate General is a
constitutional post and also a more prestigious one.

Obviously this was a very high profile case registered under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption
Act (PCA). Apart from the main accused being the Chief Minister of a State (although at certain times she
was also a former Chief Minister since the case prolonged for too long), there were also the recent
amendments to the Representation of the People Act by virtue of which a person convicted in a DA case
was ineligible to contest for a period of six years after serving the jail term. How do you compare this case
with the other cases under the PCA? Were there any special features in this case?

It is true that this case cannot be compared with any other cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act because
of certain special features. The following are some of the special features of this case:

It is first time when a Chief Minister in office was tried by the Special Judge for the offences under the provisions
of the Prevention of Corruption Act.

A1 had to appear before the Court of Special Judge as Chief Minister of the State to answer the questions under
section 313 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Cr.P.C), after all her attempts to claim exemption were unsuccessful
in view of the specific repeated directions issued by the Supreme Court (in fact, when the trial was going on at
Chennai, the Special Judge granted her exemption and permitted her to answer questions in writing, in absentia).
This conduct of the Special Judge, Chennai, was deprecated by the Supreme Court in the case reported in 2004
(3) SCC page 767. Inter-alia this was one of the reasons which prompted the Supreme Court to transfer the case
outside Tamil Nadu.

In this case when A1 was holding the office of Chief Minister, she had to appear before the Special Judge and
receive the order of conviction and sentence for the offences under the PCA, and had to proceed to the jail straight
from the Court.

This is a unique case where the order of the government removing an SPP (my successor) was challenged (not
by the SPP but) by the accused before the Supreme Court in a writ petition. Surprisingly, the Supreme Court
quashed the Government Order which, in effect, permitted an SPP of the choice of the accused to continue in
office. (Vide (2014) 2 SCC 401).

It is significant to note that the Tamil Nadu government appointed the same SPP to appear before the High Court
in the appeals to be filed by the accused after conviction. However, a three-Judge Bench of the Supreme Court
invalidated the same as per judgment reported in (2015) 6 SCC 158. This led to my appointment as SPP again
enabling me to argue the appeals before the Supreme Court of India.

Another peculiar feature is the accused pleaded before the Supreme Court for continuation of the Presiding Officer
even after superannuation. Though the Supreme Court passed a favourable order, the accused could not have the
judge of their choice, as the learned judge declined to continue in office after superannuation. ((2014) 2 SCC 401)
This led to the appointment of a strict judge (John Michael Cunha, present Judge of the High Court of Karnataka)
known for his impeccable integrity and honesty, who ultimately recorded a well-known historic judgment of
conviction and sentence of four years.
The sifting of available evidence, hostile witnesses and working in tandem with the investigating agencies
and obtaining their support may have been a very difficult exercise. Can you please elaborate on these
difficulties that you faced including the twists and turns in the case?

In this case though when the trial started at Chennai in 1997, A1 was not the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, she
assumed office [again] as Chief Minister in 2002. Thereafter, as many as 76 prosecution witnesses were recalled
at the instance of the accused and they gave evidence denying their previous statements on oath. The Public
Prosecutor appointed by the government headed by A1 did not treat them hostile or cross-examine them.

This is one of the reasons which prompted the Supreme Court to transfer the case to outside of Tamil Nadu. (Case
reported in 2004 (3) SCC page 767). The Supreme Court specifically permitted the newly appointed SPP to recall
these witnesses and cross-examine them, if necessary. Ultimately, when these witnesses were recalled, A1 had
again lost power and all these witnesses once again gave evidence supporting the case of the prosecution.

Whenever A1 was not in power, there was no difficulty for me to get the required assistance from the investigating
agency. However, the difficulty arose once she again came back to power. In May, 2011, she once again assumed
office as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. Thereafter, as SPP I not only did not get the required assistance from the
investigating agency, but the agency itself was almost hostile to the prosecution.

The investigating agency decided to hold further investigation, so as to weaken the prosecution case without my
consent. When I declined to seek adjournment on this ground, the investigating officer directly wrote to the Special
Judge, resulting in threat of contempt action by the Special Judge, which was dropped after an apology by the
investigating officer.

The investigating agency also engaged its own counsel to appear before the High Court relating to this case by-
passing me. However, the High Court held that the investigating agency had no right to engage its own counsel
and also quashed the further investigation conducted by it. These decisions of the High Court were upheld by the
Supreme Court as per its order dated: 30.01.2012 in SlP No.8046/2011 c/w SLP 7099/2012 filed by the DVAC
[Directorate of Vigilance and Anti Corruption], (Tamil Nadu).

The above is a brief account of my encounter with the investigating agency as also the twists and turns in the case.
Throughout the proceedings, I had the able assistance of Sandesh J. Chouta (present State Public Prosecutor)
and B.L. Acharya, Advocate, which made my task easier.

How would you assess the impact of the outcome of the case—as a lesson for public servants and political
leaders in particular?

There is a general impression among the public that in the cases under the PCA, it is only the low paid officials
who are convicted and sentenced and that the public servants holding high office (whether they be politicians or
bureaucrats) ultimately go scot free. This case shows that even the rich and mighty are not above the law and that
the law will not allow them to escape from its clutches.
The two judges of the Supreme Court have appreciated the role of the Trial Court judge [Michael Cunha]
and have also commented on the arithmetical errors by the High Court judge [C.R. Kumaraswamy] in the
calculation of the disproportionate assets. Is it not a grave error on the part of the latter?

It is true that the High Court Judge, apart from other errors, committed one fundamental error in totalling, which
alone made a difference of Rs.13.5 crore. He had held that the disproportionate asset held by the accused was
only to the extent of Rs.2,82,36,812, which amounted to 8.1 per cent of the income. As the same is less than 10
per cent the benefit of doubt has to be given to the accused. However, if this one totalling error is corrected and
Rs.13.5 crore is added to the above income determined by the High Court Judge, the total disproportionate asset
comes to Rs.16,32,36,812/- which is about 76.7 per cent. Thus, in this case one totalling error resulted in order of
acquittal instead of conviction.

It has taken 20 years for the case to be disposed of and the guilty to be punished. Will it not be appropriate
for such cases to be disposed of within a specified time frame in the interest of eradicating corruption in
public life?

Though it is desirable that all cases, including cases under the PCA, are disposed of expeditiously, fixing any time
limit in this connection is difficult. There are several enactments where there are provisions fixing time limits.

Section 86 (7) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, is one such provision, which provides that an election
petition challenging the election of a legislator (either MLA, MLC or MP) has to be concluded within a period of six
months from the date of filing of the petition. There is hardly any case which has been so disposed of within the
prescribed period. It has also provided that case of election petition should go on day-to-day basis. This provision
is also rarely followed.

Similar is the provision for day-to-day trial both under the Cr.P.C as well as the PCA. However, they are rarely
followed in practice. Therefore, in my opinion mere prescribing of a time limit will not solve the problem.

The fifth accused in the DA case, T.T.V. Dinakaran, was not prosecuted since you expressed the view that
there was not much evidence against him in the acquisition of some London Hotels utilising the money
acquired by Jayalalithaa (Public Servant). Can you please elaborate on this matter, given the fact that
Dinakaran has been given a new role in the ruling political party after V.K. Sasikala has been convicted and
lodged in prison?

There were two cases which were transferred from Chennai to Bengaluru. One is the case related to
disproportionate assets known as ‘Wealth Case’. The other one was a case of disproportionate asset acquired in
London by purchasing of two hotels, known as ‘London Hotel case’. In the latter case, there were only two accused
viz., Jayalalithaa and T.T.V. Dinakaran.

The prosecution case was that the ill-gotten wealth of A1 was transferred abroad by hawala means and A2
Dinakaran by utilising the said money by forming some shell companies purchased two hotels. Though there was
evidence to show that Dinakaran had purchased these hotels by paying a huge price, there was lack of reliable
evidence to prove that the money belonging to A1 was transferred abroad by hawala means.

Dinakaran being a private individual and not a public servant, the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act
are not attracted for his acquisitions. Further, when Jayalalithaa was Chief Minister in 2002-03 this case was
weakened by further investigation, wherein three Ministers had gone back on their previous statements. The
Special Judge at Bengaluru directed clubbing of these two cases with Sri Dinakaran as A5 and this decision was
challenged before the Supreme Court and the case was pending before the Supreme Court for over 4 years.

In the circumstances, on studying the case, I felt that it is not possible to secure conviction in the London Hotel case
and sought leave of the Court to withdraw the same. Though the trial court refused permission, the High Court
granted permission and accordingly the prosecution in London Hotel case was withdrawn. Had it not been so
withdrawn, even today both the cases would have remained incomplete. It would have taken some more years to
complete the trial in two clubbed cases. The power to withdraw is exclusively with the SPP who has to take only
the permission of the Court. However, in this case I had also taken concurrence of the Government of Tamil Nadu
then in office.

Are there adequate and accessible public institutions to enable the common people fight corruption? Do
you see an increase in the role for such institutions and your suggestions to make them effective?

In my opinion, public institutions or individuals will not be in a position to prosecute successfully public servants.
They can only assist the investigating agencies in the matter.

There seems to be a sense of optimism after the judgment, but there is also pessimism that it will be
business-as-usual in government quarters, which is the hub of corruption. As a veteran at the bar, can you
offer your suggestions that could effectively empower citizens to fight corruption as envisioned by Justice
Amitava Roy in the final paragraphs of the judgment?

Certainly the citizens can play an important role in fighting corruption. However, such efforts will be rendered futile
if we do not have officers of integrity to investigate the cases. In the present case, Nallama Naidu, an officer of the
rank of Superintendent of Police [Tamil Nadu], conducted a thorough and exhaustive investigation resulting in
conviction. No praise is too high for his sincere efforts. It is also important that the Judges who try the cases under
the PCA should be men of impeccable integrity, having sound general knowledge and, not the least, they should
be good in arithmetic.

There are reports that efforts are on to transfer V.K. Sasikala to a prison in Tamil Nadu? What are your
views on these reported efforts?

As far as I am aware, there is no such proposal before the Government of Karnataka. Even if, in the normal
circumstances, there could be transfer of a prisoner from one State to another (with the concurrence of both States),
in this particular case, it may not be possible to effect such a transfer without the specific orders of the Supreme
Court in view of the fact that the case was transferred from Tamil Nadu to Karnataka by the Supreme Court on
specific grounds, and it is unlikely that the apex court will pass any such orders of transfer [of the prisoner/s].

The judgment noted that as the late Chief Minister Jayalalithaa had expired, “appeals against her have
abated”. Could you please elaborate?

Section 394 of the Cr.P.C provides for abatement of appeals on the death of the accused. The Supreme Court has
held that this provision contained in section 394 Cr.P.C is not strictly applicable to the appeals filed before the
Supreme Court, after obtaining the leave under Article 136 of the Constitution of India. However, it has been
clarified that for the sake of uniformity, the Supreme Court may adopt principles underlining the Section.
In Civil Law, an appeal does not abate even on the death of an accused after arguments are concluded and the
case is posted for judgment (vide Order XXII Rule 6 C.P.C). In the present case, the arguments have been
concluded on 07.06.2016 and the judgment in the appeal was reserved. Therefore, in such an event whether the
appeal has abated on the death of Accused 1 is a moot point. I am yet to give a detailed opinion to the Government
of Karnataka on this aspect.

Related Links:

Resources: Supreme Court judgment which upheld the Trial Court judgment [PDF 2.15
Source: Supreme Court of India

Resources: High Court of Karnataka judgment acquiting Jayalalithaa and others [PDF
Source: High Court of Karnataka

Resources: Trial Court Judgment convicting Jayalalithaa and others [PDF 3.49 MB]
Source: Special Court for Trial of Criminal Cases Against Jayalalithaa and others

Bhattacharya, S, 2014. "The Conviction of a Chief Minister", The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public Policy,
September 27.

(S. Rajendran is Resident Representative, Karnataka, The Hindu Centre for Politics and Public
Policy, based in Bengaluru. Until recently he was Resident Editor/ Associate Editor, The Hindu,

In a journalistic career of over 35 years with The Hindu in Karnataka, he has extensively reported
on and analysed various facets of life in the State. He holds a Master’s degree from the Bangalore
University. The Government of Karnataka, in recognition of his services, presented him the
Rajyotsava Award — the highest honour in the State — in 2010.)

E-mail: [email protected]

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