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Sneak Peak Edition

Jenni Czech
Melisa Mendini

Studio Lighting for Nude
Comprehensive Basics - 3D Simulations - Set Plans - Exercises - Sexy Imagery

by Dan Hostettler
SEXY WOMEN PHOTOGRAPHY! PROguide supported by Tom G.

ESSENTIALS - Studio Lighting for Nude Photography

featuring Jenni Czech & Melisa Mendini | SNEAK PEAK Edition

by Dan Hostettler |

Copyright 2014 © Dan Hostettler

Concept, Editor & Publisher: Dan Hostettler

Photos Jenni Czech: selected imagery by Tom G. & Dan Hostettler
Photos Melisa Mendini: Dan Hostettler
MakeUp: Aneta Ložková, Antonina Stefanová
Behind the Scenes Photography: Jan Prerovsky
Illustrations 2D: White Lions, IDN & Albert Maier, NZL
Illustrations 3D: Dan Hostettler with Set.A.Light.3D
Co-Editors: Tanja Napier & Ashlee Girdner, USA

BLOG+ by StudioPrague Got a Question?

Dan Hostettler Send an email to: [email protected]
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

Notice of Rights: Please Play Nice

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.
It is not expensive to buy, so please don’t steal from the author by giving copies away.
Instead, recommend to your friends and colleagues. Thank

All mentioned brands and terms in the book should not be regarded as affecting the
validity of any trademark or service mark. All brands and terms are a registered trade-
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Disclaimer General

Disclosure of Material Connection

Some of the links in this book are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and
purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend
products or services I personally use and of which I believe that they will add value to my
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Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


Jenni Czech & Melisa Mendini, Professional Czech Glamour Photo Models
Photos by Dan Hostettler & Tom G.

ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 2

Table of Content
Understanding Light & Lighting 6 Getting The Basics Right 44
Photo Lighting Positions & Directions 7 Color Spaces: RGB vs. sRGB 45
Photo Light Functions 16 RAW vs Jpeg 47
Shadows: Generally Spoken 20 Flash Sync Speed 53
Hard & Soft Light 22 Exposure Triangle in Studio Metering 55
4 Quick Facts to Know about Lighting 25 Metering Lights and Types of Meters 57
The Size of your Light Source 27 Metering Modes 59
“Effective Size“ 29 Get your White Balance Right in Seconds 62
Inverse Square Law: Called Light Fall-Off 30 Setting White Balance with Your Software 63
Light Ratios 36 Xrite Color Checker Passport 66
Catchlights 39 Histogram - Read it Like a Pro 67
“Reading” a Photograph 40
Color Temperature: Introduction 41

Studio Lighting Equipment 70 Beauty Dish 82

Different Flash-Heads: Packs & Monolights 71 „Fast Glam“ 84
Light Modifiers: Introduction 74 Grids, Honeycombs, Egg Crates... 88
Softboxes 75 Disc Reflectors & Reflector Panels 90
Modifiers: Size and Shape Matters 78 Light & Equipment Stands 91
The Softbox’s “Sweet Spot” 79 Support Stuff 95
Triggering Your Flash Heads 101

Showcase 103
One Light Setup #1 - Beginner’s Lighting 104 Challenge Yourself! 243
One Light Setup #2 - Beginner’s Lighting+ 113 How to Build Your First Lighting Setup 244
One Light Setup #3 - Split Lighting 121 It’s Your Turn Now 248
Two Light Setup - Two Side Lighting 129 The Three-Point Lighting Setup 249
Three Light Setup - Simply Beautiful 137 Topless Portrait Series on White 258
Four Light Setup - Beauty Lighting 147 Portray Your Nudes 266
Two Light Setup – Sparkle Lighting A 156 Cover Shot with Melisa Mendini 272
Two Light Setup – Sparkle Lighting B 166 Prepare Light Designs before the Shoot 282
One Light Setup – Back Lighting 174
One Light Setup – Goddess Lighting A 183
One Light Setup – Goddess Lighting B 189 Acknowledgement 284
Four Light Setup - Fashion Lighting 201 About Dan Hostettler 286
Three Light Special – Super Soft Lighting 213 Provide Me With Feedback, Please! 287
Three Light Special – Super Soft Lighting+ 223
Three Light Special – Glamour Lighting 233
ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 3

Where there is light, there is shadow. Where there

are many lights, there’s a mess of shadows –
if you’re approaching it careless...
I’ve created this fully packed guide about photography studio
lighting in order to demonstrate to you all the different aspects in
front of your own eyes – furthermore, I hope this insight will help
to remove one or the other shadow that might yet be clouding your
understanding of this subject at this point.

Essential Lighting Knowledge for Creating Moods

We have been working for months to finally create a very simple message:
it’s plain easy to create appealing and meaningful imagery! After a while,
at least…

Sure enough the main thing is the interplay of lighting, models, styling,
posing and expressions – but for creating a MOOD you first of all need
one light, a sort of modifier and a (nude) model. The rest relies upon your
planning, intuition, inspiration and…KNOWLEDGE.

Impetus for You

Studio lighting is the supreme discipline when it comes to photo light
placement. It easily can take years before one gets things done in a
fluently and visually appealing manner.

Does studio lighting scare you away? Too many lights, light modifiers, gear
and stuff? Are you afraid or at least having a weird feeling in your belly
area? Don’t!

This book delivers the perfect “one size fits all” access: for the newcomers,
the amateurs, the aficionados, even the versed pro – there is always
something new to explore whether it is fresh from scratch or just tidbits...

You might be a natural light shooter, a speedlight champion or just the

happy owner of two simple monolights – that is all perfectly wonderful!
You are entirely safe here. Nobody sees you, nobody judges you.

For this guide I’ve chosen to place lights, create shadows and intentionally
draw lighting directions in a controlled environment, the studio. This
provides you with the very best conditions to understand all the
essentials, the trades and the advanced settings in a comprehensive and
logic manner – spiced up in a very sexy way.

I have also chosen simple backdrops in white and black colors to

demonstrate very clearly how lighting, light fall-off and shadow cast
works. A white background might appear dark or greyish, while on the
other side a black background can suddenly look quite bright.

ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 4


The Big Picture

My concept and art direction here is simple: step by step depicting
and explaining of all the equipment involved, providing you with the
theoretical aspects in more detail and leading you to advanced, yet
simple to understand lighting setups.

The big picture ultimately follows one simple reason: to set you back on
square one later on and let you start over with just one light – at your
home, in your dedicated studio space, wherever you work. Once you have
got the full comprehensive oversight, you will better understand how to
handle a simple One-Light-Setup.

Believe me :-)

Learn While Exploring

Besides the hard facts, theory, infographics and some fun elements,
I absolutely “want to educate you with a celebration of the eyes”; applied
in form of the visual 3D lighting illustrations and the alluring imagery with
Jenni and Melisa.

I’ve already delivered 3D lighting illustrations in my last book “Dramatic

Lighting” (ext. link) and here I will continue to implement this technique in
an advanced way. I truly believe that this visual presentation helps your
exploration and perfectly supports the feel and understanding of the
lighting functions, the flash head placements and furthermore gets you a
complete oversight based on the different point of views.

The extra provided 2D set plans will help you in studio when you start
replicating, tweaking and evolving your own lighting designs – just print
them out!

Jenni, Melisa and I thank YOU

Don’t let yourself be too overwhelmed by all the facts and figures; pick
the areas you are interested in and let yourself be led by exploring the
settings, creations, my ideas and imagery.

Theory is based on century old common knowledge, yet the ground to

start your new excursion is based on my personal trials & errors, my
inspiration and my implementation and execution over the last 15 years.

Jenni, Melisa and I had a wonderful time working hard in creating the
concept and content for this book. Today we are very proud and more
than pleased to let you start your new, delightful journey with
“Essentials. Studio Lighting in Nude Photography”.

The three of us thank you for your interest in our work!

Have a great read!

ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 5


My journey as a photographer begins in the late 80ties of the last century.
A lot of helpful and creative folks have since then accompanied my way - some for a shorter,
some for a longer period.

The book “Essentials. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography” is the preliminary milestone in my
educational, written work.
A lot roots back to my beginnings at the Professional School for Fine Arts and Design in Bern
(Switzerland) where a couple of desperate teachers tried to drum some theoretical stuff into my

The other influential parts that never left my side during my long journey as a photographer and that
I am very thankful for are:

Heinz Rubin & Georges Hinoran - the two have been my patient teachers and masters during my
“academy” schooling. They tirelessly tried to teach me the principles and impact of chemistry, physics
and other kinds of science. Heinz and Georges, both very warm-hearted people, almost failed to ever
get me to understand their teachings.
Now, decades later, I am starting to put all the pieces together – the interaction of these basics,
coupled with the actual work I am crafting today. Thank you guys! Live long and prosper!

Tom G., - a very pleasant and interesting contemporary. Tom is a nude photography aficionado
and the first shooter in the course we produced with Jenni Czech (it has been a workshop setting).
Without his talent, passion and generosity, I would not have the full imagery available for you as it is
presented here in this book now. Thank you very much for your contribution, Tom G!

Jan Prerovsky, living here in Prague just like me and being my friend for a full decade now. Jan
has been creating all the wonderful behind the scenes imagery ever since. Without his push, that
comprehensive insight into my work and world would not have been possible. Jan also makes me
keep my calm (in most situations) and encourages my reflective side every now and then (I am sure
he is not aware of that). Jan does not like to be the center of attention, but he definitely deserves and
needs to be mentioned here! Thank you, my friend!

Jenni Czech & Melisa Mendini – the featured models here in this book. Both of them did a fantastic
job and bravely followed my ideas and work pace. Additionally, they contributed a lot of their own
ideas during the shoots which were a great artistic support!
Only Jenni’s and Melisas’s creativity, beauty and personalities, gave me the chance and inspiration
to create the meaningful and sexy imagery for this project. Their personal touch is what makes this
guide truly outstanding. Thanks for your professionalism, dear ladies!

ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 284


Models, make-up artists, stylists: dozens of you have supported my work, my business and my
progress over the last decade. I thank you all for your hard work, your reliability, your inspirational
impact on me and your patience with me.
Without you, my Sexy Women Photography would just be nothing more than plain Photography…

Tanja Napier & Ashlee Girdner, who are fixing and evolving my concept-texts to a satisfactory,
exciting and informative level of readable pieces. They are also helping me by proof reading and
editing all of my texts. Without Tanja and Ashlee, there would not be any textual cornerstone content
existing, just some babbling.
You know, I am more the visual sort of guy after all ;)

You, the reader. Thank you! My part in this constellation is to do my editorial and artsy photo work
and hopefully create an understandable educational approach for you to enjoy. But without you,
dear reader, this effort would be absolutely worthless.
I truly appreciate your interest in my work, your trust in my expertise and your support for my
products. Without you, my journey would have never gotten this far.

The others. And there are all the others, the others who helped me, stressed me, pushed me, forced
me, drove me insane… - all of you, thank you! You let me grow and run and led me to the point
where I am standing now.

Last but not least: Noema! Noema, this wonderful and incredible wife of mine who shows an
amazing understanding for my nude photography work - just like it were the most natural thing in
the world that a husband could do. But as we all know, this sort of support is far from being natural
for most other women out there.
I guess, this is either a result of her own creative work life or the signs of her incredible love for me -
or maybe and most likely a synergy of both. Noema is successfully performing as a soprano singer in
the world of opera. Thank you, precious!

To all of you: a big and heartfelt THANK YOU!

PS: All equipment I’ve used to create this book was either rented or is owned by me. I surely had
wished for and truly could have used it, but I had no sponsors to support me while I was working
on this project. Well, there is always a next time for some generous folks to back up the efforts of a
hardworking photographer - hint, hint ;)

ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 285

About The Author

DAN HOSTETTLER - Photographer, Author, Solopreneur

Dan Hostettler is a Switzerland born solopreneur, photographer and author. In 1995
he graduated from the Professional School for Fine Arts and Design in Bern as a

During the next 15 years he founded several successful businesses which specialize in the electronic
media world combined with photography.

In 2001 Dan founded his flagship StudioPrague in Prague, Czech Republic, which as a dedicated
production company has received international recognition for Nude Photography Productions and
High End Workshops.

StudioPrague continues in 2013 with its latest innovation, BLOG+, an online learning environment
dedicated to help train and mentor other photography enthusiasts in Glamour, Boudoir and Nude

Aside from his own creations, Dan has been internationally published and featured among others on
and in GQ Online, The India Times, FashionONE TV, GoodLight Magazine, MUZE Magazine,

Dan’s passion for traveling, cinema and visual adventures translates into a high degree of skill and
creativity. Inspired by the world’s top magazines and brands like Playboy, Maxim, FHM, Vogue and
Victoria’s Secret amongst others, Dan continues his pursuit of being the best in his field.


ESSENTIALS. Studio Lighting for Nude Photography 286
by Dan Hostettler & BLOG+

Studio Lighting for Nude

The perfect “one size fits all” access:

theory, showcases and exercises for

Learn from my personal trials & errors, my

inspiration, my implementation and execu-
tion experience gathered over the last 15
years. Explore my settings, creations, analy-
ses and alluring, stunning imagery.

Fast-track your journey with studio lighting.

Start to implement simple & advanced light-
ing as well as various moods into your fu-
ture shoots NOW.

• 280 pages (incl. extensive theory part to

strengthen your practical work)
• 19 all-inclusive case studies/lighting setups
for 1, 2, 3 & 4 lights
• Challenge Yourself! Dan’s 4 additional
lighting setups for you
• Revelation of all technical parameters used
during these exercises
• Comprehensive 3D lighting setups from
different point of views, incl. 2D set plans
• Over 220 behind the scenes & illustrative
• 150 tasteful nude images in 19 sets and
theory part
• 12 light pattern analyses by Dan
• ...and MUCH MORE!
“Nude Photography 101” FREE Online Course
Get INSIDE Nude Photography!
Join this FREE EXCLUSIVE Nude Photography
Online Course
Nude Photography 101 is a comprehensive and FREE 21-part email course and
ongoing newsletter with photography tips for learning Glamour, Boudoir and Nude

From Dan Hostettler, Professional Nude Photographer and the specialists of


Photography Lighting with Dan Hostettler

Intuitive & Visual Lighting Guide

5 different sets

Images with Playmate Coxy

Lighting setups for 1, 2 & 3 lights

Showing all tech/shoot parameters

Comprehensive 3D lighting setups

from different point of views

Detailed explanation on light directions,

impacts on shadows, light interaction
and location composition

Background story and conceptual light planning

from every single scenario (set)

Deconstructing my light setup set by set

Ideas on creating emotions through lighting

105 pages in total

Over 70 key visuals & descriptions in 3D

Over 30 Behind the Scenes & illustrative images

36 tasteful nude images in 5 sets

5 lighting plans (2D) for your studio

Instant PDF Download

PC, Mac, IProducts & Droids
Creative Impact
by Dan Hostettler & BLOG+

NUDE like

volume I
Fashion-like Model Poses Will Boost
Your Creative Concepts

This in-depth guide will show you

what fashion posing has to offer for
glamour modeling!

Dan has produced this eBook with the

help of the amazingly talented,
sensuous and beautiful model, Vicka
Starr. Vicka is a very experienced
professional art-nude model who
demonstrates a vast variety of poses
in this guide.

With most glamour modeling, posing is often limited and less creatively applied
than in fashion modeling. Mixing the two genres along with freestyle fashion-like
expressions, allows your models to freely switch from one fanciful, emotive and
unique pose to another without restrictions.
Studio Lighting
for Nude Photography
a BLOG+ Original
by Dan Hostettler

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