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“Human Resource Management”

Submitted to: Ms. Erum Batool

Submitted by: Raviha Khalid (LCM-3534)

Ayesha Rasheed (LCM-3498)

Rimsha (LCM-3535)

Rabia Iqbal (LCM-3532)

Class: BBA- V (Section-A)

Date: 2 May 2020

“National University of Modern Languages



The New Recruitment Process

The Hotel Paris s competitive strategy is To use

superior guest service to differentiate the Hotel Paris properties, and to thereby increase the
length of stay and return rate of guests, and thus boost revenues and profitability. HR manager
Lisa Cruz must now formulate functional policies and activities that support this competitive
strategy by eliciting the required employee behaviors and competencies. As a longtime HR
professional, Lisa Cruz was well aware of the importance of effective employee recruitment. If
the Hotel Paris didn’t get enough applicants, it could not be selective about who to hire. And, if it
could not be selective about who to hire, it wasn’t likely that the hotels would enjoy the
customer-oriented employee behaviors that the company s strategy relied on. She was therefore
disappointed to discover that the Hotel Paris was paying virtually no attention to the job of
recruiting prospective employees. Individual hotel managers slapped together help wanted ads
when they had positions to fill, and no one in the chain had any measurable idea of how many
recruits these ads were producing, or which recruiting approaches worked the best (or worked at
all). Lisa knew that it was time to step back and get control of the Hotel Pariss recruitment
function. As they reviewed the details of the Hotel Pariss current recruitment practices, Lisa Cruz
and the firm’s CFO became increasingly concerned. What they found, basically, was that the
recruitment function was unmanaged, totally. The previous HR director had simply allowed the
responsibility for recruiting to remain with each separate hotel, and the hotel managers, not being
human resources professionals, usually took the path of least resistance when a job became
available, such as by placing help wanted ads in their local papers. There was no sense of
direction from the Hotel Paris s headquarters regarding what sorts of applicants the company
preferred, what media and alternative sources of recruits its managers should use, no online
recruiting, and no measurement at all of recruitment process effectiveness. The company ignored
recruitment-source metrics that other firms used effectively, such as number of qualified
applicants per position, percentage of jobs filled from within, the offer to-acceptance ratio,
acceptance by recruiting source, turnover by recruiting source, and selection test results by
recruiting source. It was safe to say that achieving the Hotel Paris strategic aims depended on the
quality of the people that it attracted to and then selected for employment at the firm. What we
want are employees who will put our guests first, who will use initiative to see that our guests are
satisfied, and who will work tirelessly to provide our guests with services that exceed their
expectations said the CFO. Lisa and the CFO both knew this process had to start with better
recruiting. The CFO gave her the green light to design a new recruitment process.


Hotel Paris is a well known hotel. The competitive

strategy of the Hotel Paris is to use superior guest service
to increase the length of stay and return rate of guests.
This is to boost the revenue and profitability of the Hotel
Paris. To implement the company’s strategy, HR
manager Lisa Cruz must work out the functional policies
and activities. The employee’s behaviors and
competencies are important required to support the Hotel
Paris’s competitive strategy. Lisa realizes that the essence of effective employee recruitment.
Strategy of Hotel Paris can be achieved with the right employees in the right workplace.
Unfortunately, Hotel Paris did not have strategic recruitment planning to recruits the employees
due to the irresponsibility of the previous HR manager. Hotel Paris has no idea with the strategic
recruitment planning process, and it has ignored the recruitment source metrics that other firms
used effectively. Therefore, Lisa needs to start with a strategic recruitment plan by recruiting the
skilled or quality of employees. Hotel Paris wants customers oriented employees, who always
put the customers first and initiative to work hard to provide the best services to customers.

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