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Race for London event business intensifies

Bahrain ....................BD1.0
Kuwait..................... KD1.0 How to stage a film festival in 49 days
Oman ...................... RO1.0
Qatar ........................ QR10
Saudi Arabia ............ SR10
UAE ........................DHS10
International ........... US $3
Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone Authority New models keep you connected
Where Business Begins
Located at the heart of Dubai’s business Since its inauguration in 1979, the Dubai Dubai World Trade Centre annually hosts
district, the Dubai World Trade Centre World Trade Centre has played a critical over 100 international mega-exhibitions
provides the region’s leading purpose- role in the growth of international trade and conferences, welcoming over 1.2
built complex which offers state- for the Middle East region. From the million visitors and tens of thousands
of-the-art facilities and services for landmark 39-storey Trade Centre of exhibitors from every corner of the
exhibitions, conferences, meetings and Tower to the region’s largest complex globe, to the most acclaimed trade
entertainment events. for events and exhibitions, DWTC has fairs, blockbuster consumer events,
become the epicentre for business world-class concerts and prestigious
tourism in the region. international conferences in Dubai.

This issue
Issue 28 t December 2010-January 2011
A Motivate Publication

Obaid Al Tayer
Group Editor and Managing Partner
Ian Fairservice

Group Senior Editor

Gina Johnson
Group Editor
Catherine Belbin
Concerns over how Abu Dhabi would promote Yas Island for the
other 362 days of the year, beyond the F1 weekend, have now been
Contributing Editor
Dominic Ellis comprehensively dispelled: half of it is shaping up as a vibrant leisure
Editorial Coordinator
centre, hosting concerts and thrill-seekers at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi,
Concessa D’Souza and the other half is a more fluid mix of business and leisure – a place to
come and meet in the on-site hotels or clubs, incentivise staff or clients, or
Art Director
Cris Domdom combine work and play.
Senior Designer
Such is the diversity of the MICE sector that it has a foot in both camps
B Raveendran – and so it’s little wonder that the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority has
Photographers highlighted the industry as a key area for future growth.
Vikram Gawde, Farooq Salik Yas’ all-encompassing offering is an intriguing development as it breaks
down conventional boundaries and illustrates how the ‘leisure business’ and
General Manager Group Sales
Anthony Milne the ‘business of leisure’ are now two sides of the same coin.
Senior Advertisment Manager But is the MICE industry, which is still quite traditional with its distinct
Abraham Koshy sub-categories, ready for such integrated changes? Can roller-coasters and
silver coasters, suits and shorts, concerts and conferences all co-exist in
General Manager – Abu Dhabi
Joe Marritt commercial harmony? It promises to be a fascinating year ahead.
General Manager – Production and Circulation Turn to page 20 to see our lead feature on Yas Island.
S Sasidharan Another destination for whom 2011 will be a pivotal year is London, as
Production Manager all the planning and preparation for the Olympics enters the home straight.
C Sudhakar
We’ve cast our eye over all the business-related developments and
Published by
see how the race for hospitality and event business could be the most
competitive of all.
Our Event Showcase turns the spotlight on the Doha Tribeca Film
Festival, which managed to pull all the impressive staging and event
requirements together in just seven weeks, and our regular contributor
Head Office: PO Box 2331, Dubai, UAE
column shows how you can convert powerpoint files to your iPad, so your
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Motivate Publishing takes care to ensure that all facts published

herein are correct. In the event of any inaccuracy, please contact
the editor. The publisher does not accept responsibility for any error,
omission or claims made in the magazine. Any opinion expressed
is the honest belief of the author based on all available facts.
Comments and facts should not be relied upon by the reader in
taking commercial, legal, financial or other decisions. Articles are
Cover: Cipriani Yas Island is a classy addition to Yas’ thriving events scene.
by their nature general, and specialist advice should always be
consulted before any action is taken.
Printed by IPP, Dubai Please send letters, comments and suggestions to [email protected]
Contents DECEMBER 2010-JANUARY 2011


8 Yas’ event wheels
firmly in motion

10 Flash in marketing attack for

FIFA Club World Cup

12 Regional news

13 International news


20 On the right track

Yas Island is racing
into the MICE arena

26 26 Final run in for 2012 Olympics

Competition for Olympic
hospitality business hots up


18 Event showcase
Behind the scenes of the
Doha Tribeca Film Festival

32 How to guide
Transfer old PowerPoint files
onto your new iPad


34 Exhibitions calendar
Your essential guide to
the coming season


IN BRIEF Yas’ event wheels firmly in motion

Magical time at The Walk
Fred Fogherty is performing two
magic shows every Friday at
Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach,
The Walk between December
10-March 31. Shows start at
4pm and 8pm.
Afternoon prices range from
Dhs225-Dhs350, depending on
whether you book VIP, Category
1 or Category 2 seating, and the
evening meal packages simlarly
range between Dhs540-890
(under 16s cost 100dhs for the
afternoon show, 200dhs in the
Those looking for a magical
start to 2011 can book the
New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner
(Dhs1,800 per head), which
includes a six-course set menu,
half bottle of bubbly and select
beverages as you watch the
90-minute show, followed by
live DJ.

Hotel round-up
tJumeirah Group has signed
a letter of understanding with
Souria Holding to manage
Jumeirah Abraj Souria, a five-
star hotel in the Baramkeh area
of central Damascus. Jumeirah
Abraj Souria will be part of Abraj
Souria, a mixed-use development
covering 300,000sqm that will The roll out of the Yas Islands weekend or just visiting for the Weekends in 2011,” he said.
also contain commercial and Show Weekends – hot on the day can enjoy a range of free Guests buying a weekend
retail components, including a heels of the launch of Ferrari events and activities. package at one of the Yas Island
shopping mall and an office tower. World Abu Dhabi – illustrates Ossama Khoreibi, Chairman hotels receive a complimentary
It is expected to take 4-5 years to Abu Dhabi’s intentions to of Flash Entertainment, said Golden Circle Ticket to that
complete. The 350-room property mould Yas Island into a the weekends primarily target weekend’s concert, providing
will also contain 100 luxury
year-round events venue that GCC visitors and are designed access to the front of Yas Arena,
serviced apartments, along with
a Talise Spa, several restaurants
extends far beyond Formula 1 to encourage repeat visits while and can then unwind in one of
and extensive conference and motor racing. at the same time, bolster the the hotels.
banqueting facilities. NBA Jamfest Abu Dhabi island’s reputation as a venue A ‘convenient and affordable’
basketball event (December for events and entertainment. transport service is available for
tAbu Dhabi International 2-4), the Creamfields John Lickrish,Managing Dubai residents with a range of
Airport Premier Inn – the Abu Dhabi music festival Director of Flash Entertainment, collection and drop off points
airport’s first branded property (December 9) and Guns N said the diverse progamme available throughout the city,
– is due to open in two years’
Roses (December 16) are the was important to attract a and across Yas Island.
time. The AED120m hotel will
be located opposite Terminal 3, acts lined up in December, cross-section of people — Yas Island Show Weekends
and linked to Terminals 1 and and follow concerts by Nelly whether you’re a live music is supported by Aldar, Yas
3 by a retail corridor and will Furtado and Jonas Brothers addict keen to see international Island, Ferrari World, Yas
feature several meeting rooms, in November. superstars or a family looking to Links Abu Dhabi, Yas Hotel,
all-day restaurant and bar, and The entertainment for each enjoy a leisurely day out. Radisson Blu Hotel, Yas Island
coffee shop. Managing Director weekend has been carefully “The best thing is we’re only Rotana, Yas Marina Circuit,
of Premier Inn in the Middle
selected to reflect each headline just getting started; there’s going Park Inn Abu Dhabi and
East, said the hotel will offer
“reasonable pricing, even during
artist and their respective to be even more to come from Crowne Plaza Hotel.
periods of high demand.” audiences. Fans spending the Flash and the Yas Island Show Turn to page 20 for more on Yas Island



Have a break — have a head massage at Pullman

Pullman Dubai Mall of connectivity is going to work.”
the Emirates’ nine meeting Its three main rooms are
rooms occupy 850sqm and modular, and can cater for
span the whole of the fourth up to 300 people. Mosaic 1
floor – but amid the weighty contains a large drop-down
corporate offering is a ‘chill out screen and rooms feature large
space’, complete with 50-inch connectivity panels designed
Sony flatscreen and four Wii to serve delegates’ disparate
handsets, designed to relax and communication needs. The
energise delegates. hotel offers free wireless
Accor Group hopes the use internet, although charges are
of “innovative breaks” within applicable if clients need extra
its upscale Pullman brand – bandwidth.
the first in the Middle East Christophe Landais,
– will steal a march on the Managing Director, Accor
competition. Middle East, said there will be
Presentation-weary no cannibalisation of business
corporates can receive a head with Pullman Jumeirah Lake
or shoulder massage, for Towers, due to open next year.
example, or the chance to Arab and Jumeirah district. banqueting managers to iron “It will be similar in terms
escape on computer games Another novel service is the out problems. of product offering but the
– in short, something a bit presence of a dedicated IT “In Pullman, we decided emphasis on MICE will be less
different from the standard solutions manager, on hand to to take a different approach,” than this one,” he said.
coffee and croissants. resolve any techno glitches. he said. “We have an IT The rapidly-expanding
Only one of the nine rooms, General Manager Laurent Solutions Manager who group aims to manage 50
Firefox, is without natural light Chaudet said the IT doesn’t reports directly to the Events hotels across 10 countries
too, another selling point, since work “in around 50% of Manager and they can sit in on regionally, including around
the eight other rooms offer meetings” and invariably delays your event. Organisers need 10-15 Pullman properties,
expansive views of Burj Al occur as executives turn to to be reassured that all the by 2013.

Kuoni strengthens regional MICE profile with twin buys

The Kuoni Group has the leading organisers and
bought two UAE-based providers of MICE services
companies, Gulf Dunes and regionally and maintains a
Reem Tours & Travel, for an branch operation in Muscat.
undisclosed price, providing Reem Tours & Travel,
it with a stronger foothold established in 2003, is a
in the region’s MICE sector strong leisure provider
and South America. Kuoni mainly for South American
is acquiring the companies in market.
full, in collaboration with a Both companies will
local partner. be incorporated into the
All Gulf Dunes and Reem Kuoni Group’s Destination
Tours & Travel employees Management Arabia/Africa
will be retained, as well as organisation, and their
their brands. Both companies managing director will report
will also remain under the to Yasser Noman, CEO
management of its previous Middle East & north Africa. credentials regionally. one of the UAE’s leading
owner, Gamal Fathy. He said the deals enable The Kuoni Group is destination management
Gulf Dunes, founded in Kuoni to develop further the already home to Desert companies, which was
Dubai in 1995, is one of MICE segment and its DMC Adventures Tourism, acquired in 2008.


Flash in marketing attack for 10-day FIFA Club World Cup
Flash Entertainment has been promotional sidelines.
added to the line-up of national FIFA has teamed up with
supporters for the forthcoming five global Partners – adidas,
FIFA Club World Cup UAE, Coca Cola, Emirates, Sony
which will be held at Zayed and Visa – for the tournament
Sports City and Mohammed and selected one presenting
Bin Zayed Stadium between partner, Toyota.
December 8-18. On the pitch, Mexican club
The company has Pachuca FC will represent
successfully delivered the Abu CONCACAF for the third
Dhabi Tennis Championship, time at the tournament, UEFA
the first Ultimate Fighting Champions FC Internazionale
Championship event in the Milano will hope to continue
Middle East and wakeboarding Europe’s domination
events such as Wakestock. while CONMEBOL
John Lickrish, Flash representatives, Brazil’s SC
Entertainment Managing Internacional, will aim to
Director, said the company replicate its 2006 success when
was perfectly positioned to the team won the title.
provide resources to support The Fifa Club World Cup
their partners. sporting events,” he said. awareness and excitement UAE 2010 brings together
“We’re very pleased to “As a National Supporter around the city in the run-up the club champions from six
be working with the Local we will be looking to create to this prestigious event.” continental confederations:
Organising Committee and engaging fan experiences at Flash joins Marina Mall, Asia, Europe, Africa, North
FIFA to support such a great the Football Village on the Abu Dhabi Media Company, America, South America
tournament which is further Corniche and at the stadiums Abu Dhabi Tourism and Oceania, as well as the
adding to Abu Dhabi’s position on match days. Our aim Authority, Etisalat and winning team from the host
as a world-class host for major is to heighten tournament Mubadala on the national city’s national league.

Hotel JAL Tower Dubai enters MICE fold with Origami look
Planners looking for something Rigaud said: “Our location
beyond the standard meeting on Sheikh Zayed Road
offering will soon be able means we are surrounded by
to book an origami-shaped corporate companies – this is
conference room at Hotel JAL our business, we are here for
Tower Dubai, which is due to them – and our strategy in the
open before the end of the year. immediate future will be to
Located on the ground floor, focus on regional markets.”
the structure makes a bold He added around 250 rooms
visual and corporate statement will open at launch, and the
and ties in with the property’s remainder gradually phased in.
strong Japanese theme. Diners will be treated
The towering 471-room to sushi, Tappan grills and
hotel, conveniently located authentic Japanese specialities
opposite Dubai World in a triple deck of venues
Trade Centre and DIFC, 80sqm and high-speed wireless with private work stations spanning the 49th, 50th and
has also pulled out all the internet, as well as a central and full secretarial services 51st floor, while the classical-
corporate stops on the sixth communal area designed to will also be available and an looking Indo Thai and Al
floor, providing 600sqm of foster networking before and Executive Lounge is located Muhallab Arabic seafood
modular meeting space, seven after meetings. on the 42nd floor. will cater for regional and
boardrooms ranging from 40- A 24-hour business centre General Manager Laurent international tastes.


ExCeL London scoops WTA global meetings award

the growth and development
of our venue portfolio.”
Pointing to positive
feedback to ExCeL London’s
Phase Two expansion, which
was inaugurated earlier
this year, Al Dhaheri stated
that the venue had secured
business well into 2017.
“ExCeL London competes
very effectively with the very
top-tier among conference
and exhibition centres
internationally”, he said.
The award was received
by Humaid Al Dhaheri,
ADNEC’s Director
ExCeL London, the UK Since it was inaugurated Harmal Al Dhaheri, of Finance and Human
venue owned by Abu Dhabi in 2000, ExCeL London Managing Director of Resources, who is also a
National Exhibitions has staged more than 2,800 ADNEC, said: “This latest Member of the ExCeL Board,
Company, was chosen events, attracting more than award follows a number of and David Pegler, ExCeL’s
‘World’s Leading Meetings 5 million visitors from 200 other industry accolades for Managing Director.
and Conference Centre,’ at countries. In 2012, ExCeL ExCeL since it was acquired The World Travel Awards
the World Travel Awards will host seven events during by ADNEC two and a half were held prior to the start of
ceremony recently, beating 11 the 2012 London Olympics years ago, and underscores World Travel Market (WTM),
other short-listed nominees to (see page 29). the effectiveness of the which attracted 5,000
the prestigious title. H.E. Ali Saeed Bin ADNEC board’s strategy for exhibitors from 187 countries.

Jumeirah’s first Maldives resort opens in January

Jumeirah Dhevanafushi, an
exclusive all-suite resort and
the Dubai group’s first property
in the Maldives, is scheduled
to open in January and likely
to prove a hit with unwinding
corporates and companies
seeking indulgent water-oriented
incentives. Situated in the Gaafu
Alifu Atoll, 400km south of the
capital city of Malé, the resort is
located in an area surrounded by
unspoiled coral reefs.
Alongside 22 island villas
is an exclusive water village,
the Hermitage Collection, and Sanctuaries, range from architecture. The resort features facilities. The group’s second
containing 16 ocean villas, that 200sqm-600sqm and offer three restaurants and a bar with property under way in the
are separated from the main striking sea views, direct beach a variety of culinary options, Maldives, the five-star deluxe
island, which target discerning access and 24-hour butler as well as a Talise Spa with family resort Jumeirah Vittaveli
travellers wanting to experience service. The design of the imaginatively designed over located in the South Malé
remote luxury. bountiful bedrooms is inspired water treatment rooms and Atoll, is scheduled to open
The villas, named Revives by traditional Maldivian extensive sports and leisure in March.



Region’s largest toy exhibition centre opens

Billed as the Middle East’s
largest toy exhibition
centre, China’s Chenghai
Toy Exhibition Center was
inaugurated in Dubai on
November 28.
The 35,000sqft center,
located at the Business Village
near Clock Tower, will store
over 50,000 toy samples from
110 Chinese factories.
“As China has become the
leader of the toy industry in
the world and Chenghai the
hub of the toy industry in
China, a visit to the center is
equal to a trip to China,” said
Ji Huilin, General Manager of Chinese companies and updated each week and prices “We want to establish
BS International, the trading factories, carry out online on a par with those in China. this centre as a platform
arm of China’s Shantou discussions and acquire “This project aims to create for Chenghai’s toy industry
Chenghai Government. services from both Exhibition awareness and serve as an and provide benefits to both
“Customers can receive Center and China-based information exchange and buyers and toy manufacturers
real time price quotation and companies and factories at the service center in the Middle and thereby reduce the cost
relevant information from same time.” Products will be East,” added Huilin. for all parties.”

Flash Forum lights up Meet you at The Ivy

One of London’s best-
known restaurants
is coming to Dubai,
with the Gulf offshoot
of The Ivy aiming
to recreate the same
standards of food,
ambience and service
when it opens in The
Boulevard, Jumeirah
Emirates Towers,
next spring.
The Ivy Dubai will serve
lunch and dinner and welcome hot white chocolate sauce.
guests who just want a drink It will be the first of
Johannesburg based In 2 provide a multi purpose venue at the bar, accommodating the Caprice Holdings’
Structures – part of the with up to 5,000 capacity on 172 covers and up to 16 guests restaurants to open since the
Gearhouse South Africa Yas Island, for at least the next in the private dining room, announcement in August of
Group of Companies – has three years. The first event making it suitable for high-level a deal that will see Jumeirah
sold one of its Supa (SP) staged in the Flash Forum corporate meets. Restaurants roll out the
Dome structures to Flash took place during the weekend The new restaurant will offer Caprice Holdings’ brands in the
Entertainment. The 8-bay 84 of the final race of the 2010 a brasserie-style menu with a Middle East. It will join sister
metre long by 36 metre wide Formula 1 Championship, selection of The Ivy classics, restaurant, the Rivington
SupaDome structure, known when it was managed by such as its shepherd’s pie and Grill, which opened in
as the Flash Forum, will Beirut club,Skybar. Scandinavian iced berries with December 2008.


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travel for real

Wakeboarding event makes a splash in Qatar

The Pearl-Qatar recently
hosted a daring display of
‘wakeboarding’ in a series of
high-octane events scheduled at
Porto Arabia.
Hosted by The Pearl-Qatar,
sponored by Ronautica Middle
East (RME), Alison Nelson’s
Chocolate Bar and powered
by Red Bull, The Pearl-Qatar
Wakeboarding Day served up a
day of aquatic thrills and spills.
International wakeboarder
Duncan Zuur, renowned for
hits daring tricks, showed off
his skills to the Doha crowd
and led a tutorial covering
‘tricks’ and ‘kickers’ for local
“There are a number of locals
who are interested in the sport
and others who are keen to
try it out,” said Jaume Marcó,
General Manager of Ronautica
Middle East. RME provides
wakeboarding and many other
water activities, such as ‘donuts’
and banana rides, every day
from Porto Arabia.

Early doors for ATM Swim Burj Al Arab

2011 as sales fly high raises more than
Arabian Travel Market has
sold 70% of exhibition space
63.6% during the last three
years, rising to an average
Dhs200,000 for MSF
for its 2011 show and will open 72.6% for companies who
a day early on Monday May 2 have participated for two
next year to accommodate an consecutive years or more.
additional business focus day The dedicated consumer
on the last day. session will be held between
So far confirmed exhibition 3pm-5pm, after the business
space for the 18th ATM, focus on Thursday May 5.
which will be held at Dubai The 2010 show attracted
International Convention & 2,236 exhibitors, occupying
Exhibition Centre between 20,000 square metres, and
May 2-5, stands at around attracted more than The 550 swimmers who took to the water for Wild Wadi
15,000sqm, a 5% increase over 22,000 visitors. Waterpark’s ninth annual Swim Burj Al Arab raised more than
the same marketing period To drive overseas interest, Dh200,000 for Médecins Sans Frontières. The 1km swim
last year. all participants who pre- around the iconic hotel, organised by Wild Wadi Waterpark,
Despite a fragile global register for Arabian Travel the Red Crescent Society and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF),
economic recovery, retention Market 2011 will be eligible raised money for the medical charity which conducts aid work
rates for Arabian Travel for a 10% discount on their globally. This year’s winner, Velimir Stjepanovic from Serbia,
Market have averaged airfare with Emirates. completed the swim in seven minutes 25 seconds.



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Doha Tribeca
Film Festival
The second edition of the Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF) showcased
51 feature films from over 35 countries and attracted a stellar line up of
directors including Abbas Kiarostami, Rachid Bouchareb, François Ozon,
Julian Schnabel and Robert Rodriguez. The Katara cultural village served
as the main hub and among the features of the five-day event was Doha
Talks at the Katara Festival Centre, a series of panels, masterclasses and
industry events aimed at fostering greater collaboration between local and
international delegates. The after party for the Opening Night Gala, held
at The Pearl, attracted more than 1,000 guests.

Event: Doha Tribeca Film Festival – “brown-field” site with no existing

Katara Open Air Theatre facilities. Incorporating all technical
areas including a completely isolated,
Event Management Company: Doha vibration-free platform for the
Film Institute & Tribeca Enterprises projection equipment.

CEO and artistic director: Amanda What worked best?

Palmer, Executive Director of the The people involved from all teams
Doha Film Institute (DFI) involved in the creation of the Open
Air Theatre – Doha Film Institute,
Client brief: To create an amphitheatre Tribeca Film Festival, Al Laith, PRG
venue (the Open Air Theatre) with and CCG – were all united in their
fabulous aesthetics, in keeping with passion, commitment and hard work.
the topography of the immediate The 14-arch design of the structure
environment, accommodating a (by Jeremy Thom) was a unique and
performance stage, a 23-metre cinema striking piece of architecture.
screen and 2000 invited guests.
What would you use again in future
Length of time to organise: events? All elements
seven weeks
Did you have to do any last-minute
Number of employees involved: 76 trouble shooting? If so, what were
the problems and how did you
List of suppliers: Al Laith Events handle them?
Services (structures & seating), Boston Every event has its own surprises
Sound and Light (35mm & digital but for this one it was definitely the
projection), PRG, UK (lighting) & challenge of lifting an 84 metre arch
CCG, Qatar (audio). (the central one) into position, because
it is inherently unstable until landed
The challenges: Designing and and secured. Arches under gravity are
installing clearspan arches over an completely solid but when they are
80-metre-wide audience grandstand. fighting against gravity they behave in
Building from the ground up on a the exact opposite way.


Other comments: Building the Open Air Theatre was a truly
collaborative effort involving local and international designers,
engineers, experts and technicians and crews. Approximately
1,200 tonnes of steelwork and kit were transported from
Al Laith’s HQ in Dubai, overland via Saudi Arabia in 62
trucks to Doha. The incredibly short lead time for executing
the entire project – just seven weeks from signing off the
design to the venue being completed and ready for Press
Night – was the result of impressive teamwork and close
communications and understanding between all involved,
without which it would not have been achievable.



On the right track
As the newly opened Ferrari World Abu Dhabi attracts leisure visitors in droves,
Yas Island is simultaneously reaching out to the corporate sector and looking to
accelerate into a first-class MICE destination, writes Helga Jensen–Forde.

mpressively slick and with an off- on one of the most exciting seasons in have had many car launches so far, and
track programme as exciting as the living memory, and whose facilities have have had most of the car manufacturers
title-deciding race itself, the 2010 received widespread acclaim? holding events including Bentley, Porsche
Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand For those who cherish the ‘work and Mercedes Benz.”
Prix went perfectly to script. But hard, play hard’ philosophy, Yas Island But for all its glamorous appeal, is Yas
now the hard work starts; filling the Yas is the place to be. “One thing we do Island’s edge-of-city location a drawback?
Marina Circuit when the world’s best offer is entertainment,” says Faisal Al Sahlawi disagrees. “It is very easy to get
drivers and some of the biggest names in Sahlawi, Business Development Officer, here, especially with the new Saadiyat
music are in attendance is one thing, but Yas Marina Circuit. “With the corporate highway,” says Sahlawi, adding that its
promoting it consistently for the other driving experience you can come, “very competitive rates” are comparable
364 days a year is quite another – and work and have fun all at the Yas with other first-class venues.
that’s where the adjacent hotels and their Marina circuit.” With facilities that include the
facilities now come into play. But it’s not just fun in the sun. The Paddock Club and the first floor
On the face of it, Yas Island is circuit’s Events Manager, Peggy Legrand, conference area – transformed into a
tailor-made for meetings, incentives, said it is targeting two events per day 408-station Media Centre during F1
conferences and events. What could be until the end of this year, and 300 week – Sahlawi is bullish about the
more impressive to clients, or employees, conferences for 2011. “Naturally, car future, believing that the venue’s facilities,
than a day out hurtling around a Formula manufacturers are our main customers, sprinkled with Abu Dhabi’s customary
1 track – and not just any track, but one although there isn’t a particular sector ambition, will enable it to compete with
that recently brought the curtain down that we are targeting,” says Sahlawi. “We any other world class venue globally.


industry, one place that has already made

Although the venue has the capacity for up to its mark is The Yas Hotel. Although
5000, team building is one of Ferrari World Abu cutting edge product launches are highly
popular given the hotel’s contemporary
Dhabi’s most obvious attributes. design and impressive technology, so too
are international summits. But the hotel
recognises that favourable impressions
The leitmotif for this ambition thus far hardly surprising corporate interest is now only go so far, particularly as a slew of
has been Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, billed on the rise. new hotels are coming onto the market.
as the world’s largest theme park. It may “We have a number of enquiries One point of difference that Yas Hotel
seem the last place you would associate and bookings from corporate groups has developed is incorporating a spa
with business events – but not now the seeking a ‘supercharged’ conference element to their Conference and Events
commercial roller-coaster is in full flow. experience, particularly as we are entering packages following the opening of ESPA
“Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is a the peak period for the MICE industry,” at The Yas Hotel – which could lead to
completely unique attraction which offers claims Lindquist. a sea-change in the way delegates view
a diverse range of experiences not available Although the venue has the capacity conferences and events.
anywhere else in the world,” explains for corporate groups with numbers of up As for incentives, where could possibly
Troy Lindquist, Director of Sales and to 5000, team building is one of Ferrari have more to offer? With the Yas Marina
Marketing, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. World’s most obvious attributes. Circuit, Ferrari World and neighbouring
“The Park has been designed to appeal to “The nature of the attraction lends 18-hole Yas Links Golf course, incentive
individuals of different ages, interests and itself very well to school activities, award groups are big business.
nationalities, making it the perfect setting ceremonies and team building days,” Patrick Martinez, General Manager of
for a corporate event. It has eight different suggests Lindquist. “The park contains Yas Island Rotana & Centro Yas Island,
function rooms, accommodating 15-250 a number of attractions which can be said with the new attractions opening
guests, and some individual attractions enjoyed as a group. The Pit Wall, for and more events planned, it is expecting
can be booked for corporate events or example, allows you to pitch your decision a better year than 2010.
large parties of 50–1,500 guests.” making and judgment skills against your “MICE Business relies not only on
With its prestigious name and state- colleagues in a realistic racing scenario.” the property’s offering but also on the
of-the-art facilities, which have already While Ferrari World will play an destination itself. In Abu Dhabi, the
attrached global media interest, it is important role in the local MICE increase will be very significant, up to



30%, and this is due to the initiatives The headline attraction for meetings and events with its unique through-track
taken by the Abu Dhabi Tourism design and marina-side location. With 13 entertainment and dining options
Authority to promote the destination along with a total of 1,760 square metres in conference and banqueting space,
for MICE.” including a ballroom, six meeting rooms, four boardrooms, and outdoor terraces,
Hosting important exhibitions such its facilities are second to none.
as GIBTM assists hugely in the overall
Meeting Rooms Area Sqm Banquet Theatre Classroom Reception U Shape
tourism development taking place and
plays a major role in nurturing further Ballroom 504 300 480 225 600 100
growth in this sector. “This segment Ball Room 1 163 100 160 75 200 45
is increasing tremendously and the Ball Room 2 163 100 160 75 200 45
destination is certainly playing a big role
Ball Room 3 163 100 160 75 200 45
in this increase,” he added Clearly, Yas
Meeting Room 1 54 30 30 18 40 14
Island is already much more than a one-
day-a-year venue. Meeting Room 2 52 30 30 18 40 16
But with increased competition, Meeting Room 3 67 40 45 24 60 20
organisers know that they will need to Meeting Room 4 67 40 45 24 60 20
work hard to keep its MICE offering in Meeting Room 5 67 40 45 24 60 20
pole position. Meeting Room 6 67 40 45 45 60 20


Boardrooms have fixed boardroom set up.
Boardroom 1 53 14
UAE-based Al Laith Event Services Boardroom 2 50 14
supplied a huge steel stage and roofing Boardroom 3 38 10
system for the Formula 1 Championship Boardroom 4 39 10
Abu Dhabi’s after event concerts
headlined by Kanye West, Linkin Park
Outdoor lawn area
and Prince respectively, and attended by
Palm Garden 2469 700 - - 1000
capacity audiences of 40,000.
Working for event producers Flash, the
company.also designed and built all of the
relevant and related production metalwork
infrastructure needed on site including
an extensive FOH mix area, side screen
supports and wide wings, delay and spot RADISSON BLU HOTEL,
towers, wheelchair access platforms, as ABU DHABI YAS ISLAND
well as all the Mojo barriers and even the The Radisson’s Galaxy Ballroom’s 445
concession stand framework. square meters of banqueting space
Flash promoted the entire “Yasalam” can accommodate larger gatherings,
weekend of F1 connected events in and seven meeting spaces can be
and around the city, which included customised to suit individual needs.
appearances by 64 leading international
Meeting Room Area (Sq Mtrs) Banquet Theatre Classroom U Shape
artists across several venues. The project
was managed for Al Laith by Ross Andromeda 43.95 N/A 40 18 15
Cameron, working closely with Flash Indus 41.80 N/A 40 18 14
Events’ project manager, Jean Carl Saliba. Cetus 42.05 N/A 40 18 14
Jo Marshall, director of Al Laith Event Hercules 36.60 N/A 40 18 14
Services comments, “The big challenge
Fornax 39.21 N/A 40 18 14
was the scale of the project - it involved a
Corvus 56.15 N/A 60 24 18
massive amount of kit, approximately 30
of our top crew and enormous amounts Lyra 17.73 N/A 12 06 NA
of pre-planning, which all paid off with Galaxy 1 145.04 120 144 54 60
an extremely smooth delivery”. Galaxy 2 137.15 120 144 54 60
The 35 metre wide by 30 metre deep Galaxy 3 152.66 120 144 54 60



This four-star deluxe hotel, situated just minutes away
from the Yas Island Marina offers fully equipped and
flexible meeting rooms. A spacious ballroom with a
modern and sophisticated décor, coupled with the very
latest communication technology, makes this the ideal
venue for most events.

Meeting Room Area (Sq Mtrs) Banquet Theatre Classroom Boardroom Reception U Shape
Pearl Ballroom A 17x9 =153 96 156 81 60 140 44
Pearl Ballroom B 17x7=119 96 141 72 54 126 40
Pearl Ballroom C 17x8=136 96 141 72 54 126 40
Pearl Ballroom A,B C 29x17=493 336 448 235 178 402 134
Jade I 10x6=60 32 54 28 20 48 15
Jade II 10x6=60 32 54 28 20 48 15
Jade I & II 13x10=130 70 112 60 46 100 36
Emerald I 8x6=48 26 44 22 15 40 12
Emerald II 8x6=48 26 44 22 16 10 12
Emerald I & II 12x8=96 56 90 46 36 82 28
Sapphire I 8x6=48 26 44 22 16 40 12
Sapphire II 8x6=48 26 44 22 16 40 12
Sapphire I & II 13x8=104 56 94 50 36 84 26


A prime location for business travellers, the
Crowne Plaza Yas Island boasts the resplendent
500 square metre Diyafa Ballroom, which can be
subdivided into four sections and can cater for
various functions simultaneously.

Meeting Rooms Total Area Sqm Banquet Theatre Classroom Boardroom Reception U Shape
Diyafa Ballroom Whole 500 400 540 300 96 600 100
Diyafa Ballroom Section 1 125 80 120 63 30 150 30
Diyafa Ballroom Section2 125 80 120 63 30 150 30
Diyafa Ballroom Section 3 125 80 120 63 30 150 30
Diyafa Ballroom Section 4 125 80 129 63 30 150 30
Boardroom 80 40 40 30 24 80 24
Jamaal 50 20 50 24 15 40 15
Al Waha 50 20 30 24 15 40 15
Sakina 50 20 30 24 15 40 15
Al Dorra 59 20 30 24 15 40 15



stage used is now a standard stage/roof

product available from Al Laith, built
from Serious Stages Space Truss, offering
significant weight loading capacities and
17 metres headroom.
One of the initial criteria for the roof
was to hang a 16 metre wide by 10 deep
Lighthouse R7 LED screen upstage,
weighing just over 11 tonnes.
The stage, positioned just in front
of one of the graceful triform arches of
Ferrari World, included 32 metre wide
wings each side to accommodate two BEATS ON THE BEACH KEEPS wide, made from Space truss, complete
Lighthouse L7 side IMAG screens, plus CITY FANS IN TUNE WITH YAS with a clearspan roof, which served as a
three columns a side of low res Martin popular edutainment zone, filled with a
LC Plus LED, and plentiful lighting, In addition to the Yas Island concerts, Al myriad of simulators, interactive exhibits,
which was integral to the overall stage Laith also supplied an 18 metre Orbit games and F1-related elements for young
production design by Steve Shipman stage erected on the Corniche for “Beats people keen to learn about motorsport and
(who was also the lighting designer). On The Beach”, four free concerts tied into other subjects in a fun environment.
The concept involved an industrial the nearby F1 fanzone area run by Carlo
cityscape look sweeping across the Boutagy. Artists playing here included CIPRIANI ADDS NEW ALLURE
width of the stage, below the spectacular Kelis, Sean Paul, The Beat and a selection FOR HIGH SOCIETY EVENTS
curvature of the Ferrari World building of leading Middle East performers, and
designed by Benoy Architects. The side the events were enjoyed by up to 45,000 Cipriani Yas Island is striking a chord
wings featured areas clad in different people each night. with the UAE capital’s high society with
textured metallic roofing materials which The new Flash Forum structure, located its classy Allure by Cipriani nightclub
complimented the LED screens. about a kilometre down the road from offering two indoor bars, and an outdoor
The cityscape idea was completed Ferrari World, was run as a 1500 capacity lounge terrace with shisha overlooking
with the placement of specific lighting premium lounge/nightclub running 11 the marina.
fixtures including 8-way Moles, p.m. - 4 a.m. for the duration of the F1 Alongside the penthouse nightclub, the
PixelLine LED battens, PARs and LED festivities by the legendary Skybar chic facility contains a signature Italian
moving lights producing a panoramic from Beirut. restaurant, Wine and Bellini Room, Yotto
urban illumination effect. Al Laith supplied all the internal staging Japanese restaurant, cigar lounge, private
Steve Shipman had plenty of room and decking for this international jet member’s yacht club and catering facilities
onstage for his creation that catered for setter’s paradise. Highlights included a for hosting royal events, weddings,
all the headliners, including the striking Friday night ‘secret’ gig by Prince which concerts, public and private occasions.
upstage LED screen, multiple roof helped kick the F1 weekend of knife edge A Private viewing Lounge & Bar
trusses and six trussing pods with fabric car racing, dynamic live performances and spanning two floors appeals to pre-
infills, forming an upstage ceiling. serious socialising off to a rocking start. dinner drinkers or those simply looking
The stage featured large technical Mubadala designed and installed a to unwind. Despite its exclusive aura,
areas both sides for monitors, dimmers four-sided scaffolding structure, 35 metres bookings are open to the public. ■
and power distribution, and was
finished in silver skins to enhance the
metallic environment.
Al Laith’s crew of 30 including a team
of roof specialists started the site build
12 days ahead of the first show, with the
actual stage build commencing further
5 days later. They were joined by six
riggers from UK-based Serious Stages
for the main stage construction, all co-
ordinated on the Yas Island site by Al
Laith’s Ross Cameron and in the office
by Freya Downton.


Final run in for


With under 600 days until the ew international visistors make their way to East
London, many choosing to stay in the attraction-
start of the 2012 London Olympic studded west end. But next year, that’s all set to
change with the hosting of the 2012 Olympics and
and Paralympic Games, the eyes the once-neglected side of England’s premier city
of the world are turning towards will be the leisure, sporting and entertainment quarter for years
to come.
London. Stuart Derrick surveys the The 80,000-seater athletics stadium is the main focus, but
the Olympic Park site will also benefit from an aquatic centre,
Olympics’ pre-opening plans and a multi-use arena and media centre. Premiership football clubs
sees how the race for hospitality West Ham and Tottenham are already vying to play in the
stadium after 2012, however, like events planners, we won’t
and event business could be the know its long term use until after the Olympics.
Tracey Halliwell, business tourism director of VisitLondon,
most competitive of all. the capital’s convention and visitor bureau said that while

26 DECEMBER 2010 - JANUARY 2011

the new venues would not be available
for post-Games use until about 2013,
Across the capital, 17 large scale hotel
£11 billion of investment across the city developments and redevelopments are set to
was already having an effect on MICE
infrastructure. “It includes everything
come on stream by 2012, adding around 13,000
from new business venues, hotels, new rooms.
transport as well as more basic offerings
like bars and restaurant openings,” she at the Excel complex in June (see box). Savoy, whose 268 rooms have been
said. “All of these make London an Across the capital, 17 large scale hotel restored to their Edwardian and Art
attractive business destination and the developments and redevelopments are Deco character. Marriott’s restoration of
amount of investment really does reflect a set to come on stream by 2012, adding Gilbert Scott’s St Pancras station hotel is
long-term confidence in a city.” around 13,000 new rooms and swelling due to be complete in May 2011. As well
That confidence is reflected in venues the overall inventory to around 120,000. as 245 rooms, the St Pancras Renaissance
such as London’s first International Works include the £220m will have eight meeting rooms with a
Convention Centre (ICC), which opened redevelopment of the recently opened largest capacity of 550 seated. Across the


London’s first six-star hotel is set to open trading by Summer 2012, and another
350-bed hotel yet to be announced.
in two years in Knightsbridge. The 36-room Rob Ellwood, business tourism officer
Wellsley is being developed by Arab Investments at London Eastside, which markets
the area’s venues says Olympics fever is
at a cost of £36m. catching. “We are starting to have lots of
expressions of interest from companies
city, London’s first six-star hotel is set to venues are also on the up, especially ahead of the Olympics, especially
open in two years in Knightsbridge. The in East London. New arrivals include sponsors and national Olympic
36-room Wellsley is being developed such unusual premises as Forman’s Committees which have to find a venue
by Arab Investments at a cost of £36m. Smokehouse on Fish Island. The venue for six to eight weeks over the Games to
Rooms will cost upwards of £1,000 a is a real life salmon smokery, that was run hospitality, hold press conferences
night with each having a dedicated butler. displaced from the Olympic site and has and so on.”
Such developments reflect a relatively established itself as an event space and The German Olympics team has
buoyant market, says Halliwell. “London art gallery which can host conferences of announced the Museum of Docklands
has seen a definite upturn in enquiries for up to 300 and receptions of up to 600. in London as its base for the Olympics
business events coming in to the capital The area adjacent to the Olympic park and Paralympics. Around 3,000
both pre-Games and post. We’ve seen a is also benefiting from investment ahead people will be hosted at events in the
lot more confirmations of conventions of the Games. Europe’s biggest shopping Georgian warehouse.
in 2010 and 2011 which is very centre Westfield Stratford City is due There are plenty of other venues
encouraging.” to open in September 2011 with 300 on offer. The recently refurbished and
It’s not just hotels that are benefiting stores. The site will include two hotels extended Whitechapel Art Gallery hosts
from the Olympics effect. The capital’s – a 267-bed Premier Inn which will be contemporary exhibitions and provides



a number of event spaces for up to

300. The Chainstore is a restored 19th
century docks building that incorporates
London’s only lighthouse – it can cater
for receptions up to 500 – and for a more
modern event, The View is a 15th floor
suite overlooking the Olympic site and
providing stunning views.
“It’s a great place for visitors and Opening in 2000, Excel London has market. In the past it has been cost
executives to orient themselves to the established itself as the capital’s prohibitive for them to come here.”
surroundings in East London,” says biggest event space and home to such Corporate clients have since included
Ellwood. “We’ve had sponsors, sporting exhibitions as World Travel Market, the Barclays, Nokia World and Cisco, which is
federations and national Olympic International Boat Show and Grand bringing its Cisco Live conference to the
committees use it. It would be a Designs Live. It is also one of the most ICC in January. In 2015 it welcomes the
stunning venue for a broadcaster during flexible, hosting events as diverse as International Orthodontics conference.
the Games, given the backdrop.” 2009’s G20 conference to the exuberant Rees says that the facilities will help
For visitors looking to get up close X-Factor auditions. to build a more international base for
and personal to the Olympics site, View In 2008 the venue was bought by business. At present, around 30 per cent
Tube is a venue built from recycled ADNEC (Abu Dhabi National Exhibition of business is from overseas, but this
shipping containers and sitting on Centre). James Rees, director of could go as high as 40 per cent. As well
the Greenway, a public footpath that conferences and events says the as corporate markets, associations are
runs along the side of the site. Short purchase has allowed ExCeL to returning to the ICC in greater numbers.
of taking one of the bus tours around pursue its aim of becoming a globally “Usually you see a return cycle for
the development, it offers one of the significant player in the conference association events of once in ten years,
best views of the Olympic site and and exhibition market. The plan was but it’s now becoming every five to seven
has a room for about 40 people, plus a furthered in June with the opening years. Partly it is the London factor. When
viewing platform. of ICC London, the capital’s first events come here, organisers see more
Simon Mogford, business international convention centre. delegates, greater sponsorship and their
development director at London The auditorium seats 5,000 with events do better. People want to come
event management agency, First access to 90,000sqm of exhibition to London.”
Protocol, notes a growing interest in space and the venue also has the largest This is ever more the case with the
planning activity around the Olympics. banqueting space in the UK, which can Olympics around the corner. ExCeL will
“Hospitality provider Prestige is taking seat 3,000 diners served from a £5m host seven sports including boxing, judo,
expressions of interest from November kitchen fitted for caterer Leiths. weight lifting and table tennis. It expects
and to secure allocations of tickets they “The plan for the ICC was in place to welcome around 100,000 visitors a day
require 40 per cent payment from April but when the economy got into trouble, and will be the only venue that operates
1 2011. People have to think seriously the opportunity disappeared. With across the Games fortnight.
about accommodation, travel and ADNEC’s backing we were able to Plans are also afoot for a new Starwood
complementary events. If they haven’t
Lobby area, Marina. pursue the policy and build the new Aloft on the ExCeL campus, adding to the
advanced that far, then they will need to centre. ADNEC strengthened ExCeL existing five hotels and 1,500 rooms. The
get moving.” because they have their own venue and 252-room property is only the second Aloft
Although there is a huge amount of understand the business.” hotel in Europe and will have oversized
choice in London in terms of hotels Although ExCeL had won corporate rooms, complete with three metre high
and meetings venues, the capital conferences in the past, clients had to ceilings, walk in showers and multiple
position as a key business destination convert one of the venue’s halls for the electronic gadgets including 42 inch TVs.
and its ease of access means that occasion making it an expensive and Rees says that ExCeL is in a very exciting
demand will be higher than the Beijing time-consuming effort. With the ICC, place as East London becomes the events
Olympics, says Mogford. clients now have an option that makes district of London. “You’ve got ExCeL, the
However, although ticket and more sense. O2 and the Olympics stadium and park.
hospitality providers have block “We can now compete with the best Siemens is building a research park here.
booked properties, plenty of boutique convention centres in the world,” says London is growing East.”
options area available which can mop Rees. “We have been successful with With a 50m high cable car set to straddle
up demand. One example is the Town the association market, but the ICC the Thames at ExCeL by next year, the sky
Hall Hotel in Bethnal Green. Sited in allows us to tap into the corporate really is the limit.


an ornate, refurbished Edwardian town NEW LONDON HOTELS

hall, the property opened in April with
a mix of 98 rooms and apartments. Just 2011 2012
a few miles from the Olympic Park, the Hilton Heathrow T5, Poyle Shangri-La, London Bridge Tower
five-star property combines a modern
designer feel with period touches, such City Inn, Tower of London
as the retention of the council chamber The Regent Palace Hotel,
as an 80-person event space. Regent’s Street
Only 15 minutes from the City’s Premier Inn Stratford crownestate/quadrant.asp
financial hub, the property also includes
Viajante restaurant by award-winning Renaissance Marriott Hotel, 10 Trinity Square, Clerkenwell
chef Nuno Mendes. St. Pancras Chambers, Kings Cross
It is just one of many venues that is
coming on stream to help London plan lonpr-renaissance-london-st-pancras/ Apex Temple Court Hotel
for a Golden future, up to and beyond new-openings
InterContinental, Westminster
2012. ■

GET ON YOUR BIKE! and around 8,000 hire bikes will be from using the bikes unless they register
available from 14,400 docking points. At in advance. However plans are afoot for
Visiting executives who want a travel present visitors to London are prevented docking station to accept card payments.
experience beyond the conventional cab,
bus and tube can now hire one of the
numerable “Boris Bikes” – named after the
cycle-promoting Mayor – which are now
scattered across the capital city.
Since its summer launch, users of
London’s Barclay’s Cycle Hire scheme
have clocked up 1.5 million journeys and
membership has exceeded 100,000.
The scheme works through members
registering to receive an electronic
key which unlocks the secure docking
stations. Following the success of the
scheme’s introduction, Mayor Johnson has
announced an extension of the scheme in
East London.
A string of docking stations and bikes
will be introduced leading to the Olympic
Park, allowing riders to avoid the inevitable
traffic chaos by getting there under their
own steam. When complete, the expanded
scheme will cover 65sqkm of the capital



● Visit Historic Royal Palaces

Enchanted Palace exhibition where
● Relax, unwind and be pampered in the latest London fashion designers have
Radisson Edwardian’s The May Fair created displays against the backdrop of
Hotel, the official hotel of London king’s and queen’s apartments.
Fashion Week.
● Have a makeover in a London Eye
● Try London’s most fashionable tea at capsule courtesy of the Fifties-clad
The Berkley’s Prêt-a-Port-Tea. Fashion Powderpuff girls.
ranges in miniature cake form are served
up on Paul Smith china. QUIRKY SHOPPING
The Spitalfields area offers a plethora of
● Rub shoulders with celebrities by quirky and independent shops as well
taking a bespoke shopping treasure hunt as the Old Spitalfields covered market. A
through world-famous shops such as Sunday itinerary can include a walk through
Harrods, Selfridges, Harvey Nichols the Columbia Road Flower Market in the
and Fortnum & Mason. morning taking in its independently owned
shops and boutiques.
● Hold a meeting and stay at The Lunch at any of the new eateries in the
Wyndham Grand London where Old Spitalfields Market complex, including
specially created fashion rooms have Scarlet Dot, Canteen and St Johns Bread &
been inspired by designers such as Wine. Alternatively, head to Brick Lane for
Vivienne Westwood. an authentic curry.


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See you at the gate

MP0009-IBG LAUNCH-Gulf Business HP V1.indd 1 10/24/10 3:01:58‭ ‬PM


From PowerPoint to iPad

Follow these five steps and your presentations will always be to hand

Transfer PowerPoint to PDF files

This is another option, since PowerPoint
2010 allows you to save your presentation
as a PDF.

View PowerPoint presentations

on iPad via presentation sharing
The lack of Flash support is an obstacle for
many presentations sharing websites that
use Adobe’s technology for multimedia
Export PowerPoint slides as clips will be preserved when displaying support to show the presentation on
pictures the presentation. Fine if you have a static iPad, but there are some sites features
iPad is equipped with a slideshow photo PowerPoint but not very rich media. compatibility for the iPad, such as
viewer, so converting your PowerPoint and
slideshow to pictures is a good way to view Convert PowerPoint presentation is a free web-
it on iPad. The most commonly supported to video formats based platform that offers the new edition
image formats on the new device are .jpg, for Playing it on iPad for PowerPoint presentation sharing
.bmp, .gif, and .png. The following steps I think this is the best way to play service compatible with iPad for sharing
let you save your slideshow as pictures: 1. PowerPoint presentation on iPad. Many PowerPoint presentations.
Open up your PowerPoint slideshow. 2. PowerPoint to video converters provide When you open the URL provided
Export the slides using File > Save As… the smart feature to convert PowerPoint by authorStream on iPad, you can view
3. At the pop-up, select the ‘Save as type”, presentation to iPad supported video formats your presentation normally that has
and choose “*.jpg”. 4. When PowerPoint (.m4v, .mp4, and .mov) that retain all the been converted to the iPad compatible
asks whether you want to export all slides, features of the original PowerPoint files like format. You can also download your
choose “Every Slide”. Then your slides are animations, transitions, audios, and video presentations as video, and view them on
now exported. PowerPoint will tell you clips. PowerPoint 2010 allows you to save iPad – ideal for presentations that do not
where the still pictures have been stored. your presentation as a WMV and this video include videos and audios files that are
By default, they are named “Slide x.JPG”. file can then be converted to an iPad format. larger than 50,000KB. It will retain the
After that, you can transport the pictures This method will display the presentation on animations of the presentation but not
to the Image folder of iPad. The limitation iPad as the same as the original presentation all the audios and videos.
of this solution is that no animations, file, and you can pause the video as you move
no transitions, and no sound and video through it as you would in PowerPoint. Convert your PowerPoint to a
Keynote presentation
Keynote on the Mac allows you to open a
Hands On with the Apple iPad VGA Adapter PowerPoint file which can then be saved
The Apple iPad has a big screen for a portable device, but there are plenty of times when you as an iPad compatible Keynote file and
might want an even bigger display. The official Apple iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter played natively on the iPad. This is the best
lets you do that, piping the iPad’s 1024×768 screen into anything with a VGA port, whether method as it preserves all your animations
it’s a TV, projector, or computer monitor. and content.
The iPad VGA adapter cable costs $29 and can be purchased from Apple retail stores or All these methods can help you play
online. The adapter looks just as you would expect—a bright white cable with a VGA port on your PowerPoint presentation on iPad
one side and an iPad connector on the other. though we’d recommend the second or
Unfortunately, the adapter doesn’t work with all of the iPad’s apps; Apple says the VGA fifth method.
adapter works with Keynote (when playing a slideshow), Videos, YouTube, Photos (when
playing a slideshow of photos), and Safari (when viewing video content from YouTube, Vimeo, Contributed by
FunnyOrDie, and other video sites). The iPad’s speakers are too weak to fill a large room, so John Quinn
you’ll probably also want to pick up a separate cable to connect the iPad’s headphone jack of SatelliteVisual
to your HDTV’s audio input. Communication.



United response
Integration and convenience remain prevalent in the
world of mobiles, cameras, camcorders and laptops.

Motorola doubles up
Motorola’s two latest smartphone models, Flipout
and Defy, further pile on the lifestyle gadgetry and
merge the business and leisure boundaries.
Flipout’s palm and purse-friendly square
pivot design opens up to reveal a five-row QWERTY
keypad, while the slim Defy features a 3.7-inch high-
resolution screen, 5-megapixel camera and is scratch and Wider view from Sony
water resistant. Sony’s new PMW-F3
camcorder is designed for
TV, commercials, music
Always connected with Lifebook promos and budget features
Light and featuring trendy twist-to-touch tablet screens, the new Lifebook T730 and TH7000 and aims to bring digital
models from Fujitsu score well on their aesthetic appeal and connectivity. The T series models shooting to a wider audience.
are packed with all features for on-the-go execs, including embedded 3G/UMTS, WLAN and It complements the F35 and
Bluetooth and optional built-in GPS, which can pinpoint the notebook’s recently announced SRW-
exact location globally. 9000PL models.
The tablet PCs are also fast, featuring the latest The new PMW-F3
powerful 2010 Intel® Core™ Processor Family, camcorder is based on Sony’s
combined with optional SSD hard disk drives XDCAM EX workflow
and ample memory to run even the most-complex and uses Sony’s SxS™
applications. ExpressCard-based recording
Thieves should also beware of the media format.
pervasive emphasis on connectivity – both Its Super 35mm CMOS
systems offer a subscription-based Advanced imager delivers shallow depth
Theft Protection which enables a lost or stolen of field, with high sensitivity
notebook to be remotely locked, data to be and low noise levels.
erased, and the machine’s current location to The camcorder offers a
be identified. wide range of image creation
options, as well as the ability
Focus on functions to inter-cut PMW-F3
Samsung’s NX100 features an i-Function button which allows users to scroll through manual footage with content shot on
settings, and a focus ring which can be used to easily change parameters for each setting. Sony’s F35 or SRW-9000PL
It enables photographers to hop between shutter speed, cameras through the use of an
aperture, EV, WB, and ISO – which has been raised to HD-SDI dual-link output for
a maximum of 6400 for action shots – more easily and external recording.
quickly. The camera provides a ‘Smart Filter’ whereby, in Sony plans to introduce
playback mode, users can apply seven different effects to a compatible SR Memory
the picture, and the NX100 supports HD movie recording Portable Recorder for the
at 720P and a ‘Sound Picture’ mode that can record audio PMW-F3 camcorder. Two
when a photo is taken. configurations of the PMW-
The NX100 will come equipped with a range of lenses F3 will be available (PMW-
and accessories including a compact zoom 20-50mm lens, which will be followed by a small F3L body only and PMW-
and light 20mm wide angle Pancake lens. Two additional specialist lenses will be available in F3K with PL lens kit) with
the first half of 2011 – a 60mm Macro lens and 18-200mm Super Zoom lens – and three first deliveries scheduled
more lenses will be introduced by the second half of 2011, (16mm, 85mm, and 16-80mm). for January.



December 2010 Organisers: M.I.C.E Arabia
Exhibitions and Conferences
Motor Show 2010
Dec 1-4, 2010 Oman Construction Summit 2011
Venue: Oman International Exhibition Jan 30-02 Feb 2011
Centre, Muscat Venue: Grand Hyatt Muscat, Oman
Organisers: Omanexpo LLC Organisers: IQPC

EPEX Expo Autumn Fair 2011

Dec 2-3, 2010 Jan 26-03 Feb 2011
Venue: Madinat Arena, Dubai Venue: Bahrain International
Organisers: Eton Events Ltd Exhibition & Convention Centre
Organisers: Arabian Exhibition
Emirates Airline Dubai Management WLL
Rugby Sevens 2010
Dec 2-4, 2010
February 2011
Sportex Middle East 2010 Chinese Commodity Fair
Venue: The Sevens
Organisers: Promoseven Sports Dec 12-14, 2010 Dec 13-16, 2010 Bride Abu Dhabi 2011
Marketing Venue: Dubai International Venue: Expo Centre Sharjah Feb 2-5, 2011
Convention and Exhibition Centre Organisers: Expo Centre Sharjah Venue: Abu Dhabi National
Electrix Power 2010 Organisers: International Expo Exhibition Centre
Consultants The National Fair for SME 2010 Organisers: IIR
Dec 4-7, 2010
Venue: Cairo International Dec 16-19, 2010
Convention Centre, Cairo ESTATEX Venue: Abu Dhabi National Gulf International Industry Fair
Organisers: Egytec Engineering Dec 12-15, 2010 Exhibition Centre Feb 8-10, 2011
Company Venue: Dhahran International Organisers: Al Hader Exhibitions Venue: Bahrain International
Exhibition Centre, Dhahran & Conferences Exhibition & Convention Centre
Riyadh Motor Show 2010 Organisers: Dhahran International Organisers: Al Hilal Conferences
Exhibition Company January 2011 & Exhibitions
Dec 5-9, 2010
Venue: Riyadh Exhibition Centre Health & Wellness
Organiser: Riyadh Exhibition Abu Dhabi Aerospace Summit Food & Hospitality Expo 2011
Dec 12-15, 2010 Bahrain Expo 2011 Feb 08-10, 2011
Venue: Abu Dhabi National Jan 12-14, 2011 Venue: Bahrain International
Middle East Natural and Organic Exhibtion Centre Venue: Bahrain International Exhibition & Convention Centre
Organisers: Streamline Marketing Exhibition & Convention Centre Organisers: Bahrain Exhibition
Products Expo 2010
Communications Organisers: Bahrain Exhibition & Convention Authority
Dec 6-8 & Convention Authority
Venue: Dubai International
Convention and Exhibition Centre Dubai International Film Festival Brazil Trade Show 2011
Dec 12-19, 2010 Intersec trade fair and conference Jan 12, 2011
Organiser: Global Links
Venue: Dubai Media City January 16 - 18, 2011 Venue: Riyadh International
MEBA – Middle East Business Organisers: Dubai International Venue: Dubai International Convention & Exhibition
Film Festival Convention and Exhibition Centre Center- RICEC
Organisers: Epoc Messe Organisers: International Fairs &
Dec 7-9, 2010
Venue: Airport Expo, Dubai, United MMS-Media & Marketing Show Exhibitions
2010 Steel Fab 2011
Arab Emirates
Organisers: Fairs and Exhibitions Dec 13-15, 2010 Jan 17-20, 2011 World Future Energy Summit 2011
Venue: Dubai International Venue: Expo Centre Sharjah, United Jan 17-19, 2011
Convention and Exhibition Centre Arab Emirates Venue: Abu Dhabi National
Abu Dhabi International Motorshow
Organisers: Domus Communications Organisers: Expo-Centre Sharjah Exhibition Centre
Dec 7-11, 2010
Arab Health Organiser: Reed Exhibitions
Venue: Abu Dhabi National
Exhibition Centre IFJA & IWCF –- The International Jan 24-27, 2011
Organisers: Reed Exhibitions Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Venue: Dubai International Tawdheef Recruitment Show 2011
FZC LLC Fair and International Watch & Convention and Exhibition Centre Jan 25-27, 2011
Clock Fair Organisers: IIR Middle East Venue: Abu Dhabi National
Saudi International Boat Show Dec 13-15, 2010 Exhibition Centre
Venue: Dubai International ArabPlast 2011 Organisers: Turret Middle East
Dec 8-11, 2010
Venue: Al Furusya Marina & Yacht
Convention & Exhibition Centre Jan 08-11, 2010
Organisers: Al Fajer Information Venue: Dubai International Bahrain International Garden Show
Club, Jeddah
& Services Convention and Exhibition Centre Feb 25-27, 2011
Organiser: Dubai World Trade Centre
Organisers: Al Fajer Information Venue: Bahrain International
25th International Autumn Trade & Services Exhibition & Convention Centre
Cityscape Riyadh
Fair (IATF) 2010 Organisers: Bahrain Exhibition
Dec 12-14, 2010 The Agencies and Franchise Trading
Dec 13-15, 2010 & Convention Authority
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel, Riyadh
Venue: Dubai International Exhibition
Organisers: IIR Middle East
Convention and Exhibition Centre Jan 16-19, 2011
Organisers: Al Fajer Information Venue: Jeddah International
and Services Exhibition Center


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