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Region X

Province of Bukidnon
Municipality of Manolo Fortich
Northern Bukidnon Community College
Kihare, Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon


I. Objectives
At the end of 30 minute class, 80% of the pupils are expected to:
Cognitive: Identify the steps in making a kite
Affective: Appreciate the art works
Psychomotor: Make a kite
II. Subject Matter
III. Learning Resources
IV. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Preliminaries  Prayer - Prayer
 Greetings - Greetings
 Checking of Attendance - Say present if the name is called
2. Motivation  The teacher will ask the - The pupils will raise their hand if
pupils to guess the following they want to answer.
picture that post on board.
- Kite
- Saranggola
- Tabanog

3. Introduction of  Introduces the learning

Learning Objective objectives to the students
4. Discussion Demonstrate to the class the  .
procedure making a kite.
1. Prepare your materials-
such as plastic bag, 
string, two sticks,  .
scissors and ribbon.
2. Tie the frame - Take the
two sticks, they can be
garden stakes, dowels,
straight twigs, simple
skewers tapes together
and tie them together
with a piece of string. The  .
cross stick should be tied
about one third of the
way along the main stick
3. Tying the frame knot
-Wrap the string around
the back of the main stick
and cross the string
across the front of the
cross stick. Then wrap
the ends of the string
back around the back of
the main stick and make
a single knot. Then wrap  .
each end of the string
one around either side of
the front of the cross stick
and back again around
the back of the main  .
4. Cut the sail and tie to the
frame - Cut the garbage
bag to fit the frame of the
kite. Tie the ends of the
sail to the wood frame.
No need to use glue or  .
tape. Just keep the knots
tight! 
5. Attach the flying String -
First, tie a piece of string
from one side of the
cross stick to the other,
leaving slack to form a
triangle like shown in the
photo. Then, tie the end
of a BIG BALL of string to
the bottom portion of the
main stick, loop under the
slack cross string and tie
a simple knot at the
intersection of the two
6. Make a ribbon balance -
Tie lovely ribbons to the
end of the kite in order to
help balance it. You can
even attach a small
weight, like a washer, if
the ribbons don't seem
hefty enough for your
7. The hardest step fine
wind and fly.
5. Enhancement The teacher will roam around - The pupils will make their own
the classroom to answer the kite.
questions of the pupils. Also to
help the pupils if they are having
a problem in making.
6. Assessment The kite should fly in the air in at - The pupils will try to float there
least 3 seconds in the air.
7. Evaluation and  Checking of the answer and - Asks question
summary of the rationalization
lesson  Display their art works

Prepared by:
Cataluña, Namayca Vea V

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