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Spiritual Awakening is the initiation of the soul within the body so that one can see everything

from a higher and wider perspective.

Consciousness is an extremely complicated part of human life. It is the state of awareness to

the environment, thoughts, feelings and actions. It is the source of all the material manifestation. In fact
all inventions and artistic creations are just consciousness taking its form in the material world. As a
father of modern philosophy, Rene Descartes addressed the idea of consciousness by answering the
question of how it is possible for an idea that is within our body, can become a physical thing. He
explained it with his philosophy called Cartesian Dualism; the res cogitans (the realm of thoughts) as a
consciousness which resides within the immaterial domain and res extensa (the realm of extension) as a
consciousness residing in the material domain. He suggested that the interaction of these two (2)
domains occurs in the brain. Meanwhile, a 17 th century philosopher named John Locke is one of the first
to talk about consciousness. He said that our identity is tied to our consciousness, which he essentially
defined as what passes through a man’s mind or memories. He refuted the idea of Rene Descartes that
our consciousness is tied to our physical body, as he believed that it can survive even after the physical
body dies and thus can be transferred from one soul to another.

On a personal note, consciousness is the collection of all ideas emanating from the teachings of
our ancestors, religions, schools, cultures and media. This is basically the reactionary effect of how we
perceive our experiences. However, it can also be viewed as the source. It is the key components in
forming an individual belief system. Every person is a source of individual unique expression of
consciousness. Thus, the attitude of a man towards other persons, place or things is a product of his
belief system manifested from his consciousness. It is the penultimate source of all that we think, see,
hear, feel and experience. As such, it also the source of all fears, hatred, blame, shame, guilt, grief and
other controlling beliefs that create havoc in our daily life.

first from the consciousness of the creator. it first The virtual guideline on what to think, feel
or do.

The mental aspect of a human being operates under a subconscious mind, more than ninety
percent of

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