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FPP – Hybrid System for All Even Bets

By Izak Matatya – Copyright © 2008 Let’s Talk Winning

Congratulations on your purchase of my FPP – Hybrid System for All Even Bets. This is a
very strong system, generating consistent profits for you, no matter which even bet game you
apply it to, i.e. Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, or Sic-Bo.

The name FPP derives from the fact that the system uses a combination of flat bets, parlays
and progressions at different times.

Due to its very good and solid bet selection, if the system wins with flat bets, it continues to
use them. When wins are consecutive, it switches to a parlay mode and on a winning streak
a third win completes the run with a profit using a mild progression.

So, we can divide the system into three stages: flat bet mode, parlay mode and progression

Before the bet method, though, it’s worth mentioning its very effective bet selection, which
catches all streaks, chops and 2-chops. This bet selection’s concept was developed in the
former KISS (Keep it Simple and Smart) system for Baccarat, that you can read about at:

We can see here how this concept can be extended to cover all other even bet games.

A streak is defined as two same decisions continuing for a certain period of time with repeats,
i.e. RRRR, BBBBB in Roulette or PPPPP, BBBBB in Baccarat, or DDDD, PPPPP in Craps,
BBBBB, SSSSS in SicBo (Big/Small).

A chop is defined as the alternation of the decisions from one to another, also to continue for
some time, i.e R B R B R B in Roulette or B P B P B P B P…. in Baccarat, or D P D P D P in
Craps, or B S B S B S in Sic-Bo.

A 2-chop is a set of two same decisions alternating for a while, i.e. RR BB RR BB in Roulette
or BB PP BB PP BB PP for Baccarat or DD PP DD PP DD… in Craps, or BB SS BB SS in

If we are able to catch the above patterns and keep betting on them for as long as they
continue, we will be able to form lots of groups with winning streaks, which are close to each
other, which is essential for this system to work properly and you will understand why when
you see its betting method and money management.

The system is applicable to all even money paying games, such as Red/Blacks, High/Lows,
Odd/Evens in Roulette, Player/Banker in Baccarat, Pass-Line, Don’t Pass-Line in Craps and
Small/Big in Sic-Bo.

In this system document, we will provide examples in Roulette and Baccarat, because those
two games differ in the fact that Roulette has zeros to handle and Baccarat has 5% Banker
win commissions. Payouts in Craps for Pass Line and Don’t Pass Lines and in Sic Bo for
Small and Big are pretty much straightforward, as they have no zeros and commissions to
handle. Only a three of a kind (1 1 1 , 2 2 2, … 6 6 6) in Sic-Bo would be a loss, when
you’re betting Big or Small.

You can start using the system at any stage, from the very first bet or the middle of a
Baccarat shoe, or at any time for any other game. And if a run is interrupted by the end of a
shoe, you can surely take it to the next shoe or any other shoe to complete it with a profit.

If there are no scoreboards or if the game is about to begin, your very first bet is anything you
feel like. R or B, H or L, O or E in Roulette, P or B in Baccarat, P or D in Craps, S or B in Sic-
Bo. This is the only time you would make a guess. And if you would like to avoid any
guesses at all, you may want to wait for the first 2 decisions before deciding where to bet.

The system also suggests that if you had only one decision at the begging of a Baccarat
shoe or one spin on a roulette table, you would follow that decision by betting the same.

Provided you have observed two decisions, then the system will bet on the same as last
decision if those two decisions are the same. If the two decisions are different, then the
system will bet on the opposite of the last.

So if the last 2 decisions are BB (black black in roulette or Banker Baker in Baccarat), you
would bet B.

If the last 2 decisions are BR (black red in Roulette) or BP (Banker Player in Baccarat), you
would bet B (Black in Roulette) and B (Banker in Baccarat).

This will ensure you catch all streaks and all chops of decisions with winning bets. The only
time this betting mode will fail, is if you get the 2-chop, which is BB RR in roulette or BB PP in
Baccarat. There is a remedy for that. You will need to observe the last 4 decisions at all
times. Whenever you encounter this 2-chop pattern, you follow it, instead of catching streaks
and chops.

So, if in Roulette a BB RR or RR BB is formed, then you bet BB in the former case and RR in
the latter. As long as the 2-chop pattern continues, you win every bet. You continue to follow
the 2-chop until it breaks, i.e. BB RR BB RR B R.

So after winning the last 5 bets, you lose on the last R. The 2-chop is broken, but we now
detect a chop (B R) in the last 2 decisions, so we go back to catch all chops and streaks and
bet the opposite of last: B in this case of detected Chop.

Let’s provide a couple of examples, where this becomes crystal clear, Example 1 below for
Roulette and Example 2 for Baccarat:

Example 1:

Spin Number (R/B) Pattern Bet on W/L
1 29 B Follow B W
2 30 R Chop B L
3 29 B Chop B W
4 18 R Chop R W
5 19 R Streak B L
6 29 B Chop R L
7 27 R Chop R W
8 29 B Chop B W
9 14 R Chop R W
10 7 R Streak B L
11 22 B Chop R L
12 12 R Chop R W
13 36 R Streak B L
14 13 B Chop R L
15 10 B 2-2 R L
16 9 R 2-2 R W
17 27 R 2-2 R W
18 32 R Streak B L
19 23 R Streak R W
20 27 R Streak R W
21 21 R Streak R W
22 28 B Chop R L
23 5 R Chop R W
24 28 B Chop B W
25 19 R Chop R W
26 16 R Streak B L
27 18 R Streak R W
28 18 R Streak R W
29 11 B Chop R L
30 15 B 2-2 R L
31 23 R 2-2 R W
32 33 B Chop R L
33 36 R Chop R W
34 5 R Streak B L
35 34 R Streak R W
36 19 R Streak R W
37 33 B Chop R L
38 29 B 2-2 R L
39 18 R 2-2 R W
40 4 B Chop R L
41 5 R Chop R W
42 6 B Chop B W
43 0 G Chop R L
44 20 B Chop No Bet No Bet
45 12 R Chop No Bet No Bet
46 2 B Chop B W
47 23 R Chop R W

Explanation of Example 1:

We come to the roulette table, which is just opening and there are no scoreboards.
The first bet we place is a guess. We bet B (Black) and we win our first spin. The Detected
Pattern column in the Example shows how we should be betting on our next bet. Since it’s
the first decision, the second one follows the same, so we bet B again in spin 2 and we lose.

Now, the last 2 decisions are B R. They are different. The detected pattern is now “Chop”.
So on our next bet, we place a bet opposite of R, that is on B. B comes up in spin 3 and we
win. As we are winning, that means that the Chop pattern is still prevalent. We bet opposite
of last again on R. R comes up and we win in spin 4.

We bet B on spin 5, but now this time R repeats and we lose our bet. The Detected Pattern
calls for a streak, as the last 2 decisions were the same (RR). So we bet R, or the same as
last decision on spin 6. But Black comes and we lose our bet. This means that the streak
did not continue, but we are back in Chop mode. So now we bet the opposite of last, that is,
on R in spin 7. The chop continues and we win our bet.

The chop continues until spin 9 and we win all 3 bets during the chop. In spin 10 it turns into
a streak, but it still does not continue. We’re back to chop again until spin 13.

Since spins 12 and 13 were the same, a Streak pattern is detected. We bet on the same as
last decision, that is on R, but we lose our bet. A chop is called for in spin 14. We bet on R
and we still lose our bet. Now, this becomes interesting, as in the last 4 decisions we see the
formation of a 2-chop, with RR BB in spins 12-15. So the Detected Pattern calls for 2-2.
Following the RR BB, our next bet goes to R, hoping the pattern to continue.

Indeed, an R comes up in spin 16 and we win our bet. Following 2-2, we bet R again in spin
17 and we win that bet, too.

When another R comes up in spin 18, though, the 2-2 pattern breaks. And since the last 2
decisions are now the same (R and R), the Detected Pattern column turns into a streak and
we bet the same as last decision, that is on R for the next bet. The R streak continues for
another 3 decisions and we win them all, since our bet selection follows it automatically.

Similarly, spins 22 to 25 turn into chops and we win those spins as well following the chop

The remaining spins alternate from one pattern to another and the decisions generate some
wins and losses.

Note the zero at spin 43, where you lose your bet. After the zero, you have two options.
Either stop betting for 2 spins, as the simulation shows, so you will have two clear last 2
decisions to either chop or streak. Or simply ignore the zero and continue betting on the
detected patterns as though the zero was never there. It’s totally up to you and won’t make a
difference in the outcome or performance of the system.

Streaks, chops and 2-2’s happen quite a lot in all even chances. To be able to catch them all
and win on them is a great advantage.

Within the 47 spins in Example 1, there were a total of 26 wins versus 19 losses, meaning
that you could do quite well, even with flat bets using the FPP – Hybrid system.
Now, let’s see an example for Baccarat in Example 2 below. Since there are no zeros, the
detected patterns are a bit more straightforward and there are no sequences of No Bets.

Example 2:

Shoe Hand Decision Detected Bet

Pattern on W/L
1 1 B Follow P L
1 2 B Streak B W
1 3 B Streak B W
1 4 B Streak B W
1 5 P Chop B L
1 6 B Chop B W
1 7 B Streak P L
1 8 B Streak B W
1 9 P Chop B L
1 10 P 2-2 B L
1 11 P Streak B L
1 12 P Streak P W
1 13 P Streak P W
1 14 P Streak P W
1 15 P Streak P W
1 16 B Chop P L
1 17 B 2-2 P L
1 18 P 2-2 P W
1 19 B Chop P L
1 20 B Streak P L
1 21 B Streak B W
1 22 P Chop B L
1 23 P 2-2 B L
1 24 B 2-2 B W
1 25 B 2-2 B W
1 26 B Streak P L
1 27 B Streak B W
1 28 P Chop B L
1 29 B Chop B W
1 30 P Chop P W
1 31 P Streak B L
1 32 P Streak P W
1 33 B Chop P L
1 34 B 2-2 P L
1 35 B Streak P L
1 36 B Streak B W
1 37 P Chop B L
1 38 P 2-2 B L
1 39 B 2-2 B W
1 40 B 2-2 B W
1 41 P 2-2 P W

Let’s say we start betting at the very beginning of the shoe. For the first bet, we make a
guess and bet on P (Player) and a B (Banker) comes up and we lose our bet.

For the second bet, we follow the first decision and bet B. A B comes up and we win our bet.
Since the last 2 hands were B, we detect a Streak pattern and bet on the same as last hand
on B. A B comes up in hand 3 and we win that bet, too.

The streak continues until it breaks at hand 5. The last 2 decisions are now B P. This is a
chop pattern. We bet thus on the opposite of last on B on hand 6 and we win our bet.

We continue to bet on chop at hand 7, but B repeats and we switch to streak mode. We bet
on the last decision B and we win our bet. We continue to bet on streak, until it switches to
chop mode again at hand 9.

When the P decision repeats at hand 10, we would first detect a streak based on the last 2
decisions. However, looking at the last 4 decisions, we detect a 2-2 pattern instead. We
thus start following the 2-2 by betting B after BB PP. However, this pattern is immediately
interrupted by a streak of P’s, which we switch back to the streak mode and we catch that P
streak for over 4 wins in a row until it breaks at hand 16, where we switch to chop mode. The
chop mode, however, does not continue and it turns into a 2-2 pattern, where we follow at
hand 18 and we win the bet.

I hope you’re getting the feel of how the bet selection works by now. If you observe the
column Detect Pattern, you will see that wins are generated when the same pattern remains
prevalent. When patterns keep changing, then a series of losses start occurring. But, there
are more continuous patterns than changes. The only pattern, that could cause consecutive
losses is the 3-chop, i.e. RRR BBB RRR BBB in Roulette or PPP BBB PPP BBB in
Baccarat, in which case, it is best to stop betting after 5-6 consecutive losses. Even if we
don’t, the bet method portion of the system will be able to handle those runs, as you will see
that when we consecutively lose, we bet not more than 1 unit, and not escalate our bets, thus
protecting our bankroll at all times.

This last argument brings us to the actual bet method, where you will see flat betting,
parlaying and progression styles are combined in a most efficient way to generate growing

We bet according to the bet selection described above. The starting bet is 1 unit. If we win
that bet, the run is complete. We cash our 1 unit profit, reset and start a new run.

If we lose our bet, we still bet 1 unit. As a matter of fact, after each losing bet, we bet not
more than 1 unit. We never raise our bets until we start winning.

Say, we start a new run and encounter two losses in a row. Betting 1 unit at a time, we
would be down by -2 units. Then say we win our third bet. Now our net balance for that run
is at -1 unit. After our first win, where we were betting 1 unit, we have 2 chips on the table.
We don’t collect those chips, but let them ride. So now we are in the parlay mode. If we win
the second bet, we will now have 4 chips on the table. If we were at -2 units before our wins,
we would be at +1 at the end of the second win, which we have parlayed. Since we are
positive for that run at +1, we collect our chips, add this run’s profit to our total net balance,
reset back to 1 unit and start a new run.

Now, let’s see the case, where we are still negative after 2 consecutive wins. This time, let
us assume that we had 5 consecutive losses at the beginning of the run, thus being at -5
units at that point. If we win our 6th bet, we will be at -4. We let our last win ride and win the
second bet. Now we are at -2 units and still negative for the run. What we do is the
following: we take the negative balance of -2 units and add 1 unit to it (2+1 = 3 units) and bet
3 units. This way, our third win will bring us 1 unit ahead. Therefore, if we win again, we will
be at +1 for the run, we reset and start a new run. If we don’t win, we have lost the 3 units
and our net balance for the run will be -5. The run is still going on. We continue betting for
that run. Since we lost our last bet, we now bet, yes, 1 unit. Remember after each loss we
bet only 1 unit.

We continue betting 1 unit, until our first win. After our first win, we parlay our bet. And if we
win the second time, we bet the net balance of the run plus one unit, so our third consecutive
win ends the run with a profit, and we start a new run. If we don’t win our second bet, we
reset back to betting 1 unit, until we start winning again, then parlay and progress until we are
ahead for the run.

The best way to understand this is to provide a full example. Let’s start with Roulette again,
where no commissions are involved in our calculations.

Example 3:

Detected Count Net Per Net

Spin Number (R/B) Pattern Bet on W/L Wins Bet Cash Run Run Units
1 24 B Follow B W 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 16 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 0
3 32 R Streak B L 0 1 -1 -2 0 -1
4 33 B Chop R L 0 1 -1 -3 0 -2
5 9 R Chop R W 1 1 1 -2 0 -1
6 21 R Streak B L 0 2 -2 -4 0 -3
7 35 B Chop R L 0 1 -1 -5 0 -4
8 24 B 2-2 R L 0 1 -1 -6 0 -5
9 14 R 2-2 R W 1 1 1 -5 0 -4
10 5 R 2-2 R W 2 2 2 -3 0 -2
11 24 B 2-2 B W 3 4 4 1 1 2
12 34 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 1
13 20 B Chop B W 1 1 1 0 0 2
14 14 R Chop R W 2 2 2 2 1 4
15 19 R Streak B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 3
16 4 B Chop R L 0 1 -1 -2 0 2
17 30 R Chop R W 1 1 1 -1 0 3
18 0 G Chop B L 0 2 -2 -3 0 1
19 27 R Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -3 0 1
20 15 B Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -3 0 1
21 0 G Chop R L 0 1 -1 -4 0 0
22 11 B Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -4 0 0
23 33 B Streak No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -4 0 0
24 26 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -3 0 1
25 35 B Streak B W 2 2 2 -1 0 3
26 11 B Streak B W 3 2 2 1 1 5
27 15 B Streak B W 1 1 1 1 1 6
28 0 G Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 5
29 20 B Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -1 0 5
30 3 R Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -1 0 5

31 35 B Chop B W 1 1 1 0 0 6
32 35 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -2 0 4
33 25 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -3 0 3
34 6 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -2 0 4
35 35 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -4 0 2
36 2 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -3 0 3
37 26 B Streak B W 2 2 2 -1 0 5
38 7 R Chop B L 0 2 -2 -3 0 3
39 13 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -2 0 4
40 14 R Chop R W 2 2 2 0 0 6
41 26 B Chop B W 3 1 1 1 1 7
42 29 B Streak R L 0 1 -1 -1 0 6
43 5 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -2 0 5
44 8 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -1 0 6
45 26 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -3 0 4
46 4 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -2 0 5
47 9 R Chop B L 0 2 -2 -4 0 3
48 28 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -3 0 4
49 32 R Chop R W 2 2 2 -1 0 6
50 23 R Streak B L 0 2 -2 -3 0 4
51 7 R Streak R W 1 1 1 -2 0 5
52 4 B Chop R L 0 2 -2 -4 0 3
53 10 B 2-2 R L 0 1 -1 -5 0 2
54 1 R 2-2 R W 1 1 1 -4 0 3
55 19 R 2-2 R W 2 2 2 -2 0 5
56 0 G Chop B L 0 3 -3 -5 0 2
57 20 B Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -5 0 2
58 15 B Streak No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -5 0 2
59 22 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -4 0 3
60 20 B Streak B W 2 2 2 -2 0 5
61 31 B Streak B W 3 3 3 1 1 8
62 18 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 7
63 17 B Chop B W 1 1 1 0 0 8
64 20 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -2 0 6
65 33 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -1 0 7
66 6 B Streak B W 2 2 2 1 1 9
67 9 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 8
68 32 R 2-2 B L 0 1 -1 -2 0 7
69 35 B 2-2 B W 1 1 1 -1 0 8
70 12 R Chop B L 0 2 -2 -3 0 6
71 9 R Streak B L 0 1 -1 -4 0 5
72 30 R Streak R W 1 1 1 -3 0 6
73 10 B Chop R L 0 2 -2 -5 0 4
74 15 B 2-2 R L 0 1 -1 -6 0 3
75 17 B Streak R L 0 1 -1 -7 0 2
76 4 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -6 0 3
77 35 B Streak B W 2 2 2 -4 0 5
78 10 B Streak B W 3 5 5 1 1 10
79 13 B Streak B W 1 1 1 1 1 11
80 17 B Streak B W 1 1 1 1 1 12
81 24 B Streak B W 1 1 1 1 1 13
82 19 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 12
83 14 R 2-2 B L 0 1 -1 -2 0 11
84 30 R Streak B L 0 1 -1 -3 0 10


85 31 B Chop R 0 1 -1 -4 0 9
86 11 B 2-2 R L 0 1 -1 -5 0 8
87 35 B Streak R L 0 1 -1 -6 0 7
88 23 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -7 0 6
89 24 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -6 0 7
90 4 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -8 0 5
91 8 B Streak B W 1 1 1 -7 0 6
92 30 R Chop B L 0 2 -2 -9 0 4
93 6 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -8 0 5
94 15 B Streak R L 0 2 -2 -10 0 3
95 30 R Chop B L 0 1 -1 -11 0 2
96 15 B Chop B W 1 1 1 -10 0 3
97 12 R Chop R W 2 2 2 -8 0 5
98 3 R Streak B L 0 9 -9 -17 0 -4
99 30 R Streak R W 1 1 1 -16 0 -3
100 22 B Chop R L 0 2 -2 -18 0 -5
101 18 R Chop R W 1 1 1 -17 0 -4
102 24 B Chop B W 2 2 2 -15 0 -2
103 14 R Chop R W 3 16 16 1 1 14
104 2 B Chop B W 1 1 1 1 1 15
105 23 R Chop R W 1 1 1 1 1 16
106 22 B Chop B W 1 1 1 1 1 17
107 9 R Chop R W 1 1 1 1 1 18
108 30 R Streak B L 0 1 -1 -1 0 17
109 0 G Chop R L 0 1 -1 -2 0 16
110 34 R Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -2 0 16
111 29 B Chop No Bet No Bet 0 0 0 -2 0 16
112 21 R Chop R W 1 1 1 -1 0 17
113 4 B Chop B W 2 2 2 1 1 19
114 1 R Chop R W 1 1 1 1 1 20

Each run in Roulette is aiming for at least 1 unit profit. In the simulation or example, there is
a flag under column Run, which is set to 1, when the run is over. The run is over either when
we are positive for the run or if the maximum bet is reached. The maximum bet is set to a
value that depends either on table’s maximum and/or on the budget you have for your play.
Let’s say the maximum bet value is 75. The run flag will be set to 1 if you reach 75 as the
next bet you need to place. If the next bet you need to place exceeds 75, then you place
only a 75 unit bet and the run is terminated whether you win that bet or not. This is another
way to control your budget.

The simulation spreadsheets provided to you as attachments to this system document use a
maximum bet of 75 units. You are welcome to experiment with different maximum bet
values, by changing the parameter in the spreadsheet. You will find that even a 25 unit
maximum bet will provide profitable.

In Example 3 above, the very first bet we happen to place and win is B. So the run is
immediately over with 1 unit profit. We reset and start a new run and bet 1 unit on our next

We lose our bets on spins 2-4, so our net for run is -3 units as indicated in the appropriate
column. We also have a column called Net Units, which keeps track of our net balance at all
times. You should also definitely keep track of both your balance for a particular run and the
net balance overall.

We win our bet in spin 5. We let our 2 unit ride in spin 6, but we lose that bet So, we’re
back to betting 1 unit in spins 7, 8 until we win our bet in spin 9. Our net for that run is now -5
units. We let our win ride in spin 10. We win and our net balance becomes -3. In order to
come up ahead by 1 unit if we win our next bet, we need to place a 3+1 = 4 unit bet and we
do so in spin 11. We indeed win that bet and the run is over with 1 unit profit, which
increases our overall net to 2 units.

The next run is an interesting one. We start by losing our first bet. So our net for the run is
minus 1. Then we win our next bet, bringing our net for the run to 0 at spin 13. Since we let
our chips ride on the table after the first win, we win once more at spin 14 and this time we
cash 3 chips or units as a result of our last 2 wins. Being at -1 before the two wins, our run
now terminates with +2 units profit instead of 1. Remember that the run is over when we
have at least 1 unit profit. 2 is even better than 1. So, our overall net balance jumps to +4
units from +2 at the end of this third run.

The next run involves some zeros. We start this run at spin 15 with 2 losses. We win our
third bet at spin 17. We let our winnings on the table to ride, but we lose our next bet at spin
18 to a zero. Therefore we don’t bet for 2 spins, in order to have 2 decisions to base our next

We start betting again on spin 21 with 1 unit after our loss, but a zero comes up again and we
lose that bet, too.

We wait for another 2 spins (22-23) and we start betting again catching the streak on B’s.
We win our first bet. We let our chips ride for the second win. After the second win at spin
25, we look at our balance for the run and we see it’s -1. So, it was sufficient to bet 2 units
for our third win in spin 26 to come up ahead by 1 unit at the end of the run.

We reset our bets and we bet 1 unit at spin 27, which wins right away and closes another

Let’s see now a run, which takes longer to complete, but nevertheless is completed. This is
the run at spins 82 to 103.

The run starts with 7 consecutive losses (the so called 3-chop pattern), which makes us lose
only 7 units by the end of spin 88 for that run. We win our bet at spin 89, which brings our
net for the run to -6 units.

We let our 2 units ride at spin 90, but we lose that bet. Our net for the run is now -8 units.
After the loss, we are back to betting 1 unit at spin 91. We win that bet at spin 91. We let our
chips ride, but we lose the bet again at spin 92.

Same thing happens in spins 93 and 94: a win and a lose.

Spin 95 also loses until the win in spin 96. We let our 2 units ride and we win the bet in spin
97, too. After this winning parlay, we see by how many units we are down at this run and we
see that we are at -8. So we place a 9 unit bet hoping to win our third bet in a row, but
unfortunately we lose that bet, bringing the net for the run to -17 units at spin 98.

We win our bet at spin 99, but we lose the parlay at spin 100.

We win our bet at spin 101, we win the parlay at spin 102 and we look at our balance for the
run again for our third potential win. We are at -15, so place a 16 unit bet in order to be
ahead by 1 unit should we win and we do at spin 103 and our run is finally over with 1 unit
profit, bringing our overall net to +14 units profit.

The three wins after that are all individual runs.

At the end of the 114 spins of the example, we manage to profit +20 units, which is very good
for a game of negative expectation, having used all features of FPP (flat bet, parlay,

Since the bet selection catches all streaks, chops and 2-2’s, we find there are many
consecutive wins and as you have noticed, any run is surely completed with 3 wins in a row,
additional to other closures with a profit and groups of at least 3 wins come with no delay.

Now, let’s provide an example for Baccarat, so we can see how we incorporate commissions
into our calculations for the net balance of our runs.

Example 4:

Shoe Hand Decision Detected Bet W/L Count Bet Cash Net Per Run Net
Pattern on Wins Run Units
1 1 P Follow P W 1 1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00
1 2 B Chop P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 0.00
1 3 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 -1.00
1 4 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -1.05 0 -0.05
1 5 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 0.85 1 1.85
1 6 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 2.80
1 7 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 3.75
1 8 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 2.75
1 9 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 3.70
1 10 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -2.05 0 1.70
1 11 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -3.05 0 0.70
1 12 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -2.10 0 1.65
1 13 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 -0.10 0 3.65
1 14 P Streak B L 0 2 -2.00 -2.10 0 1.65
1 15 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 -1.10 0 2.65
1 16 B Chop P L 0 2 -2.00 -3.10 0 0.65
1 17 B 2-2 P L 0 1 -1.00 -4.10 0 -0.35
1 18 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -5.10 0 -1.35
1 19 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -4.15 0 -0.40
1 20 P Chop B L 0 2 -2.00 -6.15 0 -2.40
1 21 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -5.20 0 -1.45
1 22 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -7.20 0 -3.45
1 23 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -6.25 0 -2.50
1 24 P Chop B L 0 2 -2.00 -8.25 0 -4.50
1 25 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -7.30 0 -3.55
1 26 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -9.30 0 -5.55
1 27 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -10.30 0 -6.55
1 28 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -9.35 0 -5.60
1 29 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -11.35 0 -7.60
1 30 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -12.35 0 -8.60
1 31 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -13.35 0 -9.60
1 32 B 2-2 B W 1 1 0.95 -12.40 0 -8.65
1 33 B 2-2 B W 2 2 1.90 -10.50 0 -6.75
1 34 P 2-2 P W 3 12 12.00 1.50 1 5.25
1 35 B Chop P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 4.25
1 36 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 3.25
1 37 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -3.00 0 2.25
1 38 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -2.05 0 3.20
1 39 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -4.05 0 1.20
1 40 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -5.05 0 0.20
1 41 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -6.05 0 -0.80
1 42 P Streak B L 0 1 -1.00 -7.05 0 -1.80
1 43 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 -6.05 0 -0.80
1 44 B Chop P L 0 2 -2.00 -8.05 0 -2.80
1 45 B 2-2 P L 0 1 -1.00 -9.05 0 -3.80
1 46 P 2-2 P W 1 1 1.00 -8.05 0 -2.80
1 47 P 2-2 P W 2 2 2.00 -6.05 0 -0.80
1 48 B 2-2 B W 3 8 7.60 1.55 1 6.80
1 49 B 2-2 B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 7.75
1 50 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 6.75
1 51 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 5.75
1 52 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -1.05 0 6.70
1 53 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 0.95 1 8.70
1 54 P Streak B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 7.70
1 55 B Chop P L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 6.70
1 56 P Chop P W 1 1 1.00 -1.00 0 7.70
1 57 B Chop B W 2 2 1.90 0.90 1 9.60
1 58 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 8.60
1 59 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 9.55
1 60 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 1.85 1 11.45
1 61 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 12.40
1 62 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 11.40
1 63 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 12.35
1 64 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 1.95 1 14.35
1 65 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 15.30
1 66 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 14.30
1 67 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 13.30
1 68 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -1.05 0 14.25
1 69 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 0.95 1 16.25
1 70 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 17.20
1 71 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 16.20
2 1 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 17.15
2 2 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 1.85 1 19.05
2 3 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 18.05
2 4 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 19.00
2 5 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 1.95 1 21.00
2 6 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 21.95

2 7 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 20.95
2 8 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 19.95
2 9 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -1.05 0 20.90
2 10 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -3.05 0 18.90
2 11 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -2.10 0 19.85
2 12 P Chop B L 0 2 -2.00 -4.10 0 17.85
2 13 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -5.10 0 16.85
2 14 B 2-2 B W 1 1 0.95 -4.15 0 17.80
2 15 B 2-2 B W 2 2 1.90 -2.25 0 19.70
2 16 B Streak P L 0 4 -4.00 -6.25 0 15.70
2 17 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -7.25 0 14.70
2 18 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -6.30 0 15.65
2 19 B Streak P L 0 2 -2.00 -8.30 0 13.65
2 20 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -9.30 0 12.65
2 21 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -10.30 0 11.65
2 22 P Streak B L 0 1 -1.00 -11.30 0 10.65
2 23 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 -10.30 0 11.65
2 24 P Streak P W 2 2 2.00 -8.30 0 13.65
2 25 B Chop P L 0 10 -10.00 -18.30 0 3.65
2 26 P Chop P W 1 1 1.00 -17.30 0 4.65
2 27 B Chop B W 2 2 1.90 -15.40 0 6.55
2 28 P Chop P W 3 17 17.00 1.60 1 23.55
2 29 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 24.50
2 30 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 23.50
2 31 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 24.45
2 32 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 1.85 1 26.35
2 33 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 25.35
2 34 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 26.30
2 35 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 1.95 1 28.30
2 36 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 29.25
2 37 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 28.25
2 38 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 29.20
2 39 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 1.85 1 31.10
2 40 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 30.10
2 41 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 31.05
2 42 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 1.95 1 33.05
2 43 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 0.95 1 34.00
2 44 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 33.00
2 45 B Streak B W 1 1 0.95 -0.05 0 33.95
2 46 B Streak B W 2 2 1.90 1.85 1 35.85
2 47 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 34.85
2 48 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -2.00 0 33.85
2 49 P Streak B L 0 1 -1.00 -3.00 0 32.85
2 50 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 -2.00 0 33.85
2 51 P Streak P W 2 2 2.00 0.00 0 35.85
2 52 B Chop P L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 34.85
2 53 P Chop P W 1 1 1.00 0.00 0 35.85
2 54 P Streak B L 0 2 -2.00 -2.00 0 33.85
2 55 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 -1.00 0 34.85
2 56 B Chop P L 0 2 -2.00 -3.00 0 32.85
2 57 B 2-2 P L 0 1 -1.00 -4.00 0 31.85
2 58 P 2-2 P W 1 1 1.00 -3.00 0 32.85
2 59 B Chop P L 0 2 -2.00 -5.00 0 30.85
2 60 B Streak P L 0 1 -1.00 -6.00 0 29.85

2 61 P Chop B L 0 1 -1.00 -7.00 0 28.85
2 62 P 2-2 B L 0 1 -1.00 -8.00 0 27.85
2 63 B 2-2 B W 1 1 0.95 -7.05 0 28.80
2 64 P Chop B L 0 2 -2.00 -9.05 0 26.80
2 65 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -8.10 0 27.75
2 66 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 -6.10 0 29.75
2 67 B Chop B W 3 8 7.60 1.50 1 37.35
2 68 P Chop P W 1 1 1.00 1.00 1 38.35
2 69 P Streak B L 0 1 -1.00 -1.00 0 37.35
2 70 P Streak P W 1 1 1.00 0.00 0 38.35
2 71 B Chop P L 0 2 -2.00 -2.00 0 36.35
2 72 B 2-2 P L 0 1 -1.00 -3.00 0 35.35

As you can see, there are two full Baccarat shoes illustrated in Example 4 above.

All wins on Banker bets are calculated to deduct 5% commission, which we take into account
in our net balance for the runs.

The rules do not change for betting 1 full unit after each loss.
After the first win, the parlay turns into betting 2 full units.
And it’s when we calculate the net balance for the run, that we need to round up our bets for
a third win, as it’s not convenient nor possible to bet fractions of units and also we would like
to include the commission in our wins, should the bet be placed on Banker.

An illustration of the above happens at shoe 1, hands 32-34. At hand 31 our net balance is
at -13.35 units after a sequence of wins and losses.

We bet 1 unit at hand 32 and since the win is on a Banker bet, we cash 0.95 units. If our unit
size is $10, so we cash $9.5. Our net balance for the run is now -12.40 units.

We bet 2 units at hand 33 and since this win is also on a Banker bet, we cash 1.90 units and
our balance is now -10.50 units.

In order to come up ahead and also cover a potential commission, we now add 1 unit to
10.50 to 11.50 and round it up to 12 units for our bet at hand 34 (shoe 1). We win this third
bet, which closes the run with 1.5 unit profit.

Please note that a run is complete the moment the net balance for the run is positive even if
it’s not a full unit. We can see samples of those at Shoe 1 Hand 5 (0.85 units), Shoe 1 Hand
6 (095 units), Shoe 2 Hand 43 (0.95 units) etc. This is obviously due to commissions.

You can go through all runs illustrated in Example 4 above and see how the rounding up
occurs for the potential third win, after any two consecutive wins.

For shoe 2, hands 65-67, for instance, we are at -6.10 units at the end of the second win.
We add 1 to 6.10 to get 7.10, then we round it up to 8 units for Shoe 2 Hand 67. The bet
happens to be on Banker. The third win cashes 7.6 units after deducting 5% commission
and we complete that run with 1.5 unit profit.

2 65 B Chop B W 1 1 0.95 -8.10 0 27.75

2 66 P Chop P W 2 2 2.00 -6.10 0 29.75

2 67 B Chop B W 3 8 7.60 1.50 1 37.35

For 2 full shoes, we are able to profit 35.35 units after all commissions. If a shoe has about
70 decisions, this means that we make 1 unit profit in average for each 4 decisions, which is
very profitable.

The bankroll requirements for this system really depends on the maximum bet you set. For a
75 unit maximum bet, you can have a buy-in of 250 units. For a 25 unit maximum bet, you
can be fine with a buy-in of 75 units. A lifetime bankroll of 500 units would be more than
enough to use the system to its full potential.

I hope you liked my FPP – Hybrid System for All Even Bets.
Make the most of it.

Wishing you all the best,

Izak Matatya

Let’s Talk Winning’s
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FPP – Hybrid System for All Even Bets

by Izak Matatya is distributed by

Let’s Talk Winning™

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H4V 1H8, Canada / e-mail: [email protected]

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